. , . - - - ;- v -r. -5 - -V ' -.. . ' is " . - --j-. .... ' 1 4 - " - ' , '-. " , - '' i x , V"- ' - '7 ASSOCIATED PRZS3 NEWS. ; ; , ti : 3 veati izn.-,- " Generally fair tonight and -Wednes day. Not much change In tempera ture! LIght variable winds." - ' ' A'-A Carried by .the -Evening Dltpstch," Together with , Extensive e? eel it Correspondence " f X VOLUME :E1 GHTEEN- OTLMINGTONrN. ;C; TUESDAY; AUGUST ;6, 1912 ; PRICE THREE CEIITS 6 IJbuDli Ijllu 3 a is i b 5' Kill BULL HIS i! iii Hi ill OF I Negro Question Stilt o Live , 1" "j-""' V "r -i'' " o "i Wild Demonstration, Lasting Over an Hour, Took Place When- Roosevelt Reached the "Convention' Hail,; -This Afternoon Mrs. RooseyelV Also Shouted For Southern Men Declare With a Southern Man as. the 'Vice Presidential .Nominee, the New Par ty Will Break the Solid South Roosevelt Laya Down ,the I ssues I n Twelve Sections, - ' ' , ' ', Chicago, IB., ,Aug..6 The second day of the Progressive National - Con vention openedwith a'well defined y . ....... i- fight over the negro , question.1;; The negro fight rivaled ifi interest, Colonel Roosevelt's ".Confession V of ' Faith" speech. SomeTof the delegates 'declared tbe Southern negroes elimination frfom J participation m ,tne,rormaUon of the new partyW become the par Wunt , issue. The Eastern negroes Joined their Southern brothers in denouncing things done by the Credentials - Com mittee in an all-night session. - -The negroes, were excited throughout the committee - session. Mississippi - the last contest considered, was -decided against the Negroes, as were the pre vious contests,: - The National commit tee had voted to . tinseat -the negroes. Several of the negroes in tho - ousted delegrion .were among the delegates to the Chicago cenyentiouT who stood by Roosevelt, anc averted to-attend the first Progressiregatherlngr These hom., . i,-i..-r: sw "lily white", Progressive - party in 'the. South. The negro question had the del egates in an uproar " -today. v'Colonel. Roosevelt to whom An . appeal ..was made by his disappointed followers j announced he would stand by his pre-, . . . :1J luUMjr staiea ,1.yiews'-"' V found several warm . defenders among the white delegates. Roosevelt' is em phatically in wanting the-'Progressiv'e party in. the South to be;' in hands 'of the whites. The Credentials' Commit tee report which will . precipitate ; lively fight on the . convention " floor, was scheduled for late-fcoday,; after Roosevelt's address to the delegation;. Poosevelt Up' Early. Roosevelt today, arose . early His I ' 1 ' - . .... XA rooms wpra ti irtitlby tne great massoi peupi. the Colonel : sent . word he ''would t see none until aft,er his speech before. the J convention. John Mitchell expected to talk wjth the Delegates Slow in Arrivi The dfilppatpa- -wore clntfr thPir e0nD v 11-1, o1"1 ia filling up. -At" 1HB0. two ,hundredUess of the Old Parties; The Rlght-of . : ' ' Ui,. Tantito tn-RnlftVThe Courts aad UtneSRTPR vera nn iha flnnr - At' 1 I? h.i. the New York delegation "entered! be hind a brass' band, playing ', f'Everyr body's Doin It" 1 By.'noon the delegates, hegan swarming in ; many" delegates were accompanied by' bands. '' For a time the air' was blue -witb -conflicting tunes. The - women - delegates v. were again the center of; Interest. i;Te:mpor ary Chairman Beveridge reached the stage at noon. Ten minutes' later: the delegates' sections were filled ; Permanent. Organization- ; As the convention assembled It' was announced thattemporary organization would be made, permanent . ; Beveridge continued to preside, The perfection of the permanent organization was de ferred until afterRooseveirs speech -Convention Called -to Order. , .The convention, was called to order One at 12:S5 o'clock. After Senator 'Bev: eridge rapped for pmer Rev.Spetz of tered a prayer. audience. an- plauded - the brevity of the priest's praj'er - 1 - - r ' ' Ho . Appears. . ; Roosevelt arrived at the coliseum 4t he appeared thpUtfprm.r The u.'U ,- Colonel - waved, his- hand in deknowl nTrTT ' Tpnto the jaiU Search today for Harry t.V- j w , Rt!A . minor! rnn Hir TVi Or1-wrrn T- O . JV4MVU UW " . A Ala UV1UUC1 1 . ' , ' . ' ! M . .. .u .; - . , v . 'Ihalnof nmcnnnfail- In virlnne :nnt'Jm -. kT' T Cl- ;T " stration, .bowing to the right and left. T.t. - j . , e,Tk , , Yith a broad g.rm. he waved greetings . v. , ; "li. , - to his friends .on the stage and floor. " J .hjuu.u.wuui cneerin until the ratters rang,' wav- ing. flags in a riot of colors..The band. playing away at the tar away end of ine na, piayea away, Dut scarcely, a strain or music couia De neara above the din. "We want Teddy," chanted the delegates, r Others gaVe the call of the Bull Moose. Still others sang,: but the great majority just yelled.-, In" the, miast or tne am an ukianoma aeiegate tore the State standard from its place and Btarted up the center aisle. v In a minute tne aisies were nuea.wua nys-i- tencai -crowns or snrieking men anapftnama hav been ordered to-' Nlc women. Minnesota wung- in behind 1 supplement the force of blue Oklahoma and, as, the crowd ( dragged Ijackets'now..; In'-Mahagua", - guarding through the. aisle, Washington, Yir f :wvwww..? .J .... J dozen'.otlier States "poured into '4h9ijuanJDelBur; was rderedTtP Panama tnrog. iiaM.erBr8tanaaras,'nassrnaT8tto and red bandanas wereflung lip oyer l the delegates heads,' , Somebody threw I itoose veit . reu auuaua .wiiiuiCT viiir?x i and standing r on the - platform' he' lod the .mob iii a series of cheers, waving j the 'handkerchief.. - ' . - , , v 1 1 - J The Colonel Dee-lighted. v The Colonel wore his ever 5broaden inff CTin. burning firat .-.to: one direction; land then another, acknowledging, the y i greetings showered upon him. ;:One of rjtheotoneiytors.'.iciithe stage 'iiiiHn fTi a rtornrmstriif inn wad General Jolm:. H. McDowell, head of the Ten nessee division, United Confederate Veterans.' '','. "i 1 While the dehionstration -was at its i height Mrs. ; Roosevelt,: .cladT in black, appeared. in a. box to left ot piattorm She carried a red bandana nanaKeiri chief, waving it' A way up in the, band .gallery, the. musicians stric up, on; ward Christian Soldiers" The words Of a hynin rose in confused murmurs. ootn lianas ana tea uiv iusi"6. -vuauir ing.the words' himself j.s vT" ) i ; ' i Yells-Tpr- a" Southern Man Two Alabama delegates, . 3. C. Hoi lings worth, who served in Xee's Army, ana jonn xa-. ween,.wiio louguLwuu auim.wmyoo,,; bwkuu, Illinois reeiment. marched arm-in-arm kvL aiv a South- erh Deinocfat for ,Yice ' President and! UW IW WW uiuuyi iu. ; j r r ' , ; - - 7 -T we will breas tne sona suuiu, uiey told the Cplonel Demonstration Over An ...i i ww The chairman, rapped va nly for or der. At 5-,40;the demonstration had continued about an; hour;andT was still j In progress..- ' ' The Keynote Speech.. f m.vUWuW u?.?..rr ' Mr -PnoBPvPlfii' BDefechV. strikes a i. U-'i.4o fii"roro Mirtnort - JLCjUUkO .fVMW" vBi.. -rr ' subdivisions, namely. The Courts and .Vuc A .vy" , Xw . : the' People; Constructive Control: of the Trusts 'Rights of he Wage-Wdric. er. -The , Farmer ;Thef Tariff r The High Cost of living"; Currency; Con servation; Alaska ; and International Affairs '-"."The twofold parties," 'he sald' are husks", with no .real soul - !within wuhi'n ' IPither. divided onv.artinciai lines. bossridden' ap4 privilege-con- trolled,' each a. JumoJ? of incongruous J elements, andeither daring to speak out wisely'and fearlessly -what should I besaid on the vital issues ot tne aay. As opposed - to this incongruity, and insincerity of action he asserted that the National Progressive' platform' will be "a contract with the' people," .with definite and "concrete -provisions to be carried out" if the . pec-pW' ratify the . . (Continued ,vn fifth. Pa - .j z t.-.it. norttr I r lava nnwfi-i f-nsv nnnra rn rn-fiipiT iiifii ' n h n w.iKrf I i .uvi w w , u w -t -r , l&Dorite, is . ;, - . - ' . iV M l,- t..-. timii cnnon - Tm;. Thft suthnHr.ed caitai i.$25,000ivwith n t 1 i Ulan OI Dame w ue' w6bu.wj.; iuc uort juugu. rnuioiu cuuiui, vi ; i nw-1 --,- . - -i . Colonel, if - - . ; K - fMtli r?nrt Worthv vW Prpa- $10,000 paid in by t.'P.;Walker W.A. "3 ''-I . - - ' -v-s. . . - Walter. D. - B - Lilkous- and Roberts Mr, rparhine I CUSSes ,tnos:prxui;iyica ..v-,,. , , , v V . - . ' -' fv tsVOeach ;Eqrs : jdf inrca CoiiIgss they Feel Certain They Will be Killed ,On the Street Search For Two Mur; derera at l-arge v Continues Con- gressman Martin W. Littleton Sought to Defend Police Lieutenant Becker. New York, Aug, t. Death threats have been repeatedly sent "Bald Jack" Rose,. 'Bridgie"- Webber, and .Harry Valloh,w who' made confessions showing the alleged police-gamblers raft, alli ance; "The prisoners are-to a state" of terrori f earing their livesma be tskep. 1 - . -'.. ' 5'.. i,ne-gamoiers expect to De Kiea if IU reported that the prisoners 'Wera intimidated : by emissarLes' smuggled -HorcwitS ' and, Louis , . . ; s the couiitryfi The authorities aro.ajtix. , . i - - --'v v l . ; ious to -capture Sam. Schcpps,', who, 1 , -. r" Ji'- Rose says; paid tho gunmen, money. -to Ki - ' - f i f Littleton Sought as Counsel . ; RepresentatiVo MartiniW. Wttletaa; has been - k todefend Chas. Becker, th'' flprllSftf1 poiiTjlenant -Piftv tllousand dollars' defense tund is being by- Becier.g frIcnas II HASTEN TO UlCilRAGUA Washirigton-Aug. 6. Marines frpm (Americans 'and Hieir property, , .The' comer' j ustin: uow sieaiujoK uw pu mtarkr35(T marines for Corinto. - rf - --:QUiet Today a "Managua. . Tvlanagua: Nicaragua, Aug. 6'. Mana, gua - quiet toaay, put, unoer 'military guards- General Chamerro is 'recruit tng the Government forces: ; President Diaz deposed several officials, replace SLEEP. WALKER . ; : . PLUUGED TO DEATH New .York, Aug. 6. Walking In his sleep, - junus Koseniem, a mercnant, jelimbed along the window ledge of hial third story-pearpom, lost: nis rooting, plunged to tne pavement ana was in- stantly : killed RICH HERL1 IT DB AUK - - .... coffee: add m Harrisonburg Va., Aug. - 6. Gedrge Confederate, ':and a wealthy. hermit,r di laRt. nleht after drinkinK coffee 1 f - ... ........ Hip hodsekeeper and two laborers are aiu aepwniBj' "i. II HEAD THE EA6LES Cleveland. ,0.. -vAur. 6. Frank E Herrine. Grand Worthy. President. of 1 tia . VftoriM hl Trinrninsr 'diRrniiraeftd I v ..J..w-, . - a ,. ; - FIRE AT CULPEPER Virginia Town Had a $20,000 Fire This -" Vs ": ' " Morning. ' lJ J " , Culpeper,Va.rJ Aug.f 6.Fire today burned two stores and a mill, The business "section, for a while, - was threatened. After .three hours o'fflre fighting, the blaze was extinguished. The7 damage 1 is twenty, thousand dol lars. v: A ',-. ' . Tafts; Arrive to Attend Funeral. ; Cincinnati, e , Aug. 6. The Presi dent and MrSi Taft arrived from Wash-1 Ington this morning to attend the fun eral of John; W. Herron, her father, who jdied yesterday,"; The .funeral will be held .this afternoon, jt Souvenir Dance Tonight, AlilERICAII HERR1II6 VILLflBT AGA1I1 A - . rtf0 - - - - - " ' - s , - " r, ? -1-, ""jr t ; " - ti ' r' r A',, w ' - , -'' " ' , ' - " X '- , 'X - 5 - . :. t ' t V-.' v...r.......w. ...'... ., , :: ..!. v.- '.. "V- ,V 'x- v :f - i . - " r Irs. i i - rC. - i 4, rNew York, Augi"4.-tdie Sherman an actress, will be a witness at the coroner inquest on Aug? 0.6 into the ieath - of Herman Rosenthal,' the . gam- bier who ;was assassinatedv' Miss 'Sher man' was j&ining s at-the HOteJ Metro- pole with" PolicemanlFilef when the murder. occurred in -front of "the hotel, File-was off duty lat the ttme: She andv File ran t"o the street -at thg sound vof "the shots; File later was suspended failure to make greater effort toy capture Prominent Vestern I? CTiubllcan ;Thinke "-JHla' Party Shoal.Nominate Him For 'tGoverndiCooeatne -Recrds . Fr August Sinashwd !-i''RalelBlw v Caoital CltY td Wage a Campaign , Against Rats." I sA.r $A Dispatek' News .ureaU, Raleigh, 3 C.", Augf6. 1912. ) Clarence Call d Wilkesboro, 'at bnq time xne of the most prominent o( the Republican piliticians and always a, fighter, is of the Opinion , that the, of Asheville, should be nominated - by jthe Republicans for Governor.-. He is lo the further : opin ion that ;Dri Cyrui Thompson; of Ons- low, should be mmed for - Secretary of State, a position ? he held -in ; the fusion days. --: It jas suggested to- Mr. Call that maybe Jr. Thompson would j , the third nty. but. the -Wilkes statesman demued- The Republi can party. makes the third that Dr: Thompaon as joiled,- he entering that party by way of the Populist route. It; is : not -known Mho the Republicans v Friends of Corplration Commission l er W. TLee ,pf . yaynesville; will be glad i to know thai he :has o far. rec overed fronuthe njuries he .received in -a runaway accfient sir"" weeksago as to be able tot raurn . to Raleigh.- He Is, walking; with thl aid of a. stick and v . - .. . - . i- . - - ?. ,.,.T,, - fractious xcolt tilta his buggys orexn Capt W,' "S. LUeberry," superinten dent of the Soldijrs Home, and'se! eral other vete'rarJ left today for Win ston-Salem to ajtend the' reunion Some. of the old pldiers left yester day. A "dozen wll attends from "this place. . A' :' u i . New Eterprises. A charter was ibued to the French Broad Handle Co. Jof Barnard; Madi son county, the obbcts of thekcorpora- tiptt' being ,td ma e handles, ; spokes 1 and :otherwck)denimplementa;anij'tc) . . .. ... . . The ? Southerns fines .6 Improvement Cai.of? Southern Pines- was - charter; ed to j develop rdl and sell Teal es tate. The autholzecV capital as .?2&, 000,: with 12,500 jubscribed foribyRt E.' Wiley, Joha. Huntress, -John Powell, - Paul CI rk' J. 'C. -Heitman and Frederick B loomed A third rchai is for the Byrd c 'f mn- Lievei, tiarnet - cdnnty , Tne ' . fcrporation will - con lerchandise -business. The ? authorized I capital . is $25,000 with $2,S00 -sulfcribed ior by - J. C Byrd, S. M. B: d, E. L. ; House and L. L. Hudson. - '".. Mayi ':k , !) ..'.t' - eip Some. " - - .The :Wake; Uty. 'Commissioners have received requfst ffom.the-su perintendent, tne ,Jortn Carolina of ' Greensboro - for Children's Hoi .financial assistpc? in-taking, care of ipfitriftinrrPTi t RtCv i x on charges of neglect of. duty for his the assassins. PiilllS TODAY Missouri - Voters Holding 7 State-Wide Prtmary--FWer Democratsf and Three -Republicans After -Gubernatorial Honor Mavy. vote, .eeing, foiled In fi.ansaa, -.1 1 Bt'ixwfsV AuW. 6. Missouri voters kfe'today casting1 ballots "in "the .Statej wide 'primary: ?Five4'tiemocrats: and hfee Republicans a'f;ef sebking th guoernatoriai nominauon. utner state oncersare being" nominated l ' 'Primaries Irt Kansas Topeka; Kansas, - Aug. ' 6. A- heavy vote Is, being polled, in the . State wide primary here. ?;Botbi parties name can didates for United States Senator, .Con gress and a full State ticket. , 'A Mysterious Case" Great Film Success at the Delightful Grand Today. " - r 1- x s'y-- ' i . ', A O ' t - w bu i Auyru:.1usuiuuuii.v- ijic-.iciwu endorse the plan. v ; for thp rpniiPRt..'R .hRpi on' t.bp.faAt.;K" .' ' i - - '- '' - - - prr t f , i r rr ? f thta county-'in. the home. The board desig Ctiimanlsrtaiid :" Attorney eaiwItHifot looTc! ihRHhe matter and report; back, - Cool Weather in Rareign. . - :A11. records .for, 'August ' in -Raleigh weather .were1 1 broken Sunday and yesterday uwTien the thermometer teg istered tas loW asv 56 degrees Fire's burned in - many homes and the - air J was decidedly of the fall variety. Ths there sre:i children- from; Wake, local weather . observer stated thatjaiMj Mayor. Arnold's 'addresses; were tne low temperatures wouia. couunuai ior a wetJH. vi uu uaje, ; aiib aicmg' temperature' for. this section Isj78 deCTeesi" whereas the average for Sun- flnv was fiO " - "ST l" - ' :. : - Campaign Against ; Rats. .. tf The Raleigh- Associated Charities has , offered prizes to be awarded ,to persons, bringing -in the largest num- bes of rats. -T. first prize Is ?S, the ceeamgs againsi iue mm. ub jruuus second. $6 ind the . third $2. Asde; er man, C. CVSoles was notinvolved. sfroyerV of, chicken the' f wharf? rat which' was'hrought here' from- Norfolk H. Howell, referee m panitruptcy. ine with '.the completion 'of tne Norfolk case was Instituted by three Wllmin'g-. Southefn,4s said,not-to have an equil ton firms, W. E. Springer & Co., J.; W. and as a. resuU .poultry-raising in" Ka Brooks" andT M. Rosenman. An un leigh has become unprofitable:; . profitable strawberry .year-is said to t X To ;i-ay;Corner-stone, v be the cause of the" failure. The ,fol The4 Officers o the; JNorth Carolina lowing notice': lias been mailed: ;. , rand Lodge; of Masons will be ; here .'To, the "creditors ot'C? M." Soles, .of this afternoon Jlo lay thecorne'r-stone Taboffa' the county bf Columbus, put of the Y. M'C C; A. buildingr:: The ;ex trict aforesaid; a "bankrupt;.' .'- ' J, erfci'ses' will be held at the -building 1 --"Notice is hereby, given "o the ?fth and In the " Capitol " -Square. ". Hon. day of-August - A: D., 1912,; the saH Locke Craig of Asheville.WiU deliver C M Soles was,- adjudicated DanK the address. The exerciseaWill begin rupt; and that the first meeting of his at 5 "o'clock. v-'"",",J'''-t.,o creditors will be held at. the court - Blaze at Residence. ; ir house" uV Whitevllle on the sixteenth W!rerOTiginating,fronr. a defective day-of August, A: D.,' 1912, at 5 o'clock flue, damaged the "residence pf Mrs, C. In, the afternoon,--at; which time the F. LodgeT on" -Halifax- street, several said creditors may attend, prove their hundred dollars- today. The residence claims, appoint' a trustee, examine the Is just across the street from the State bankrupt, and transact such other bus Museum and Agricultural Building and inesa as. may properly come before TWO floors - pualu ui.. iut. ,iSBiuBui.Ci ut Chief Justice Walter Clark;: .The loss is fully covered "by" insurance,""-' - Declares it : Must be Acted Upon; and ; Wants "American Ships to be Free of ? Canar Toits . Louisiana Senator VThiRks Treaty WitH -'Great Britain ' Does Not AppIy' -' -"-V i Washington, . Aug. 6 The Panama Canal bill was considered in the Senate today Senator ' Brandegee declared he would keep ' the bill before the' Senate : continuously, for final atetion. Senator Thornton of Louisiana, Democrat,-de-clared the United States had the un doubted right," under the British treaty. to exempt 'American coastwise trade from payment. of tolls. 'Senator1 Jones, of Washington, k. advocated remission of tolls of American ship's.' - II CHARTERED TODAY Special to The Dispatch.- - , Raleigh, N ' C, Aug. J.--A . charter was issued today to the Sterile Process Creosoting Company, of Wilmington, the object being to tr.eat.wopd timber and other material fused in? construe tion of railways, buildings etc, with "a chemical proces .to " preserve- them. The company, begins,, with twenty five thousand -dollars stock, all subscribed by ;At B. Skelding, rThos. - W- Pritchard and H. M., Chase. . ' 16 APPLE CROP OU AVAY ;.Albipn, N. "T., Aug." 6,-Orcharjl twn- ers ; tnrougnoui ? we -j.uiv iiwnc i of"thergest apple .-yields .this yr.verv; harvested.; -The Baldwto croP heaviest, -The, fruj .is ot cepwonai quality. - ; y . SEEKS EfIDORSEf.lE!IT . OF ROOSEVELT PARTY '- Washington, Aug.. 6. Mrs.' M. -W. Littleton, sponsor of the movement for the United States to , buy ; aid main tain G Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home, in - Virginia, today telegraphed Theodore Roosevelt at Chicago, asking I the' Progressive Party Convention ' to KlilGHTS OF PYTHIAS ' Denver,' Colo, 7 Aug. 6.; The twenty seventh session "i ' of the Knights " of pythias dpened ; todayJ A ; thousand members ate here, many accompanied Dyv their families... Governor Shafroth features of today s program ; - 11 ' r - C. M. SOLES BANKRUPT Hearing Was - Conducted Yesterday , j In, This City , C. Soles,, individuaUy, of the -firm of C M. Soles & Co., of Mt Tabor, was tleclarea bankrupt yesteraay m -pro- The matter was heard' before George i caiu , iivvj."p. - . "GE0:H. HOWELL, 'Referee in Bankruptcy RECORD COIEIITIOI To Delaware Delegation - He Declared, Government, Must; be Taken Out of T.the Hands of. the Trusts arid Put In -' Hands ' of uThos1- theN People Canr -Trust-GovernorHeld Several Con s J ferences Today.''.- - .-':Vv ' Trenton,'-N. : J.; Aug. : 6. Governor Wilson today came from Seagirt oh his weekly trip on State business , Riding ) i through 'the 'country, in. an automdbile Mr;f Wilson attracted "crowds of farin -ers along the route. A "week's aecum- l .. ulatlOn of State matters" awaited the ""'f Governor's attention- Governor Wilson , returns to Seagirt tonight to meet Gov,' ' . ernor. Marshall who- attends the noti k -li ficajtionTberemorilesxtomorrow : We want "to take the Government ' out of .the hands ot the" trnsta and put ; it in the hands of those we; can trust:" I Thia -was Governor Wilson's first cam paign v utterance Hodajr, addressing , a ( delegation' of v Delaware Democrats," headed ; by; 'National 5 Comrnitteeman.' Saulesb'ury;"" -''What .W' are ;tr7ing to -do'J said Wtfsofc cis to offer the peor . pie of ,the; United i States the right to" say what they; want done ' with5 heir Government and 'their" 6w"ri affalrsj!' y GovernoriP'NeaT, of Alabama ' called upon -Wilson,; ahiiduncing s he would take the-stump in the' N&r them "States and "said h - had ;'arrangd "already--to speak several tiiiies'fn ICew' York State, . General Murray ' VandiverV chairman of ' the Democratic "State 'committee of Maryland, " and WilliaAf .Gabel. Bruce, Head "of . the r Wilson ' ' 'Association'- of ' Maryland, i conferred with the Gqver-1 nor today: 1 : . V ' :-. -' . Investigatrng t CornmHtee,; JSlay , 'File t Ther ImyestigathitOTO EO--"-'-' pointed byfJudge Fr4k;CaHe:tooofc , into conditions, at the- paroana Beach convict fcamp:sTweli a,s i ;ojtliett camps, made atrip-ecagryesterday: situated" ottthe vFedetal.lPoint toad. ' " It .will "be rememeted. that the pris-' . onersxwho were'.f coftfined; therein, were; Wmoved "to the county jail Siin- jy damorjalng by "order of Judge Carter, until conditions -la the cage. 3iad; been Intprbved:-'u"-i; V,'"?-': - ''T I' 'Aa .will Jj&C remembered, "the com- . mittee' is coinpoBed' of r. .R HBella'j . ' my,A Dr, John Thames , and ' Mr,- J.' - A. -Taylor.--. Of couTse.th'e metobers made " no statements to their observations, orj ideas, preliminary to the '.filing of theiisformal-' report.1 pr;t,Thams ' ,: stated that ihey will hold ; a meeting this , afternoon, j r It -is probablei that : the r formal --.-report .may be draftfel -then, altnough-.lt iaay. be decided to wait a day or-two Ab soon; asthe report la completed and flled with 'the r; clerk Of J courfV.lt. will, be published ' for the 'information f of i;he public; .r "j. Dr. Thames stated that the Comfnir . tee i had no 'objection-- toHhe cotfnty .'; commissioners ; taking ' the, prisoners . v to the roads and; working thenf dur ing the' day, on the , Condition that they would be returned t to the jall in y the afternoon. However, as It l such -; a" .long distance ' to the camp It !s hardly probable tlfe prisoners will be plated at .work on ;'the roads again, until the improvements are, made,' as suggested In the report of-the county . . commissioners' meeting 'held yester- ' day afternoon. .-'rf - :"r : Early' this, afternoon Sheriff S. P." ; Cowan 'stated 'that "the 2Z. prisoners quartered in the county jail since Sun- r day after" removal' from the Carolina . . Beach rroad cage; have" been taken to ; the county 'rock quarryj east 'bf tho city: - The removal' "Was" made by or- ' der of the" s'peciar committee appointy; ed. by Judge' Frank Carter, Axy inqulro into conditions' at the' cage, and in the various conyict camps. It is presumed that the convicts ' "win' be' used .as la- . borers at the rock : quarry" until the ' -contemplated 'improved changes hae ' been:' made at-" the : Carolina Beach :," camp. As istated elsewhere in today's paper; the special committee will hold a meeting this afternoon: at which v ; timer their report may be , made pub- -' lie - : '-4 : -.-;- r, ' -'i - - - - j - - i ' Funeral ? Date 'Set. : Toklo, JapanAug. 6! The funeral of-. the 5 late Emperor Mutsuhito will : be held September - 13th. the interment- ' being at Memdria. . ' 1 ' Died 'From a Mosquito Bite. T , Philadelphia Pa.; Aug.t 6. Mrs. 'Al-' r bert Hartmoh died today; as the result of being bitten by a mosquitorecently i.