THE EVENING, DISPATCH DECEMBER 23," 1912 ' ACS YWfct l I il It ! I . 1 . 1 r " CHANGE fN'A. ci- ijcfiCDUtjEiji f 7fceeiive , January j5th . W&s -A.dJ4L.,tr&Ia,Qiv4Jri.tJoT(liboro, Ri6hinofad, NorfcJkWashfngtoatraho" New Yorke r!! leave Wilmington at 6:45 p. m" instead 'of' 7;, 00 p. 'm., as formerly." " ; :' " - . A. C. L. train No' 50 from Chadbourn, Conway, Florence, Charleston, Savan-' nah, Jacksonville, .Tampa, etc., will ar-i rive Wilmington 12:20 a. m., instead 12:30 a' m. as fomerly. C5. H. WHITE. General Passenger Agent, de 23 tf f ForXmas' photographs , qf the fain rapherlBrr Javertise'mehtl j a- V, . f ' i near ins nvim ;wwni i. . .' i-t r'Sing ati Everjr Perfofmanc at the ? Delightful Grand Today. vAvertlse-; ment. ' - - . - ' It t - jguy a' Regal. 3hoei iQU know, what you are . getting. Geo'. S. Nevens, 121 Market street. -Advertisement , , fri mon - -7 i Subscribe to The Evening vDlsptteJ. CHRIST-MA .3 TheinfFime iorToys ; Geo. p G&ylord is prepara ttt lke ce of your wanti, ve have a very large and well selected stock of Christmas goods. You can find toys of almost any kind and price that you want. We have all sort's cf toilet articles, manicure sets, comb and brust trays, and Christmas presents. We havea nice lirSpf Christmas house-slippers and a nice assortment of hosiery. Men's and ladies" gloves in all- styles and prices. Muffleij?, t: andkerchiefs, gents' furnishings, silk hose in fancy boxes, laces an4 decorations, ornaments, baby carriages and doll carriages. Trunks, velocipedes and anything that you can call for in' the Christmas goods line. We are making a special effort to sell out our ladies' coat suits and for this reason will offer pur $23 suits for $15, our $12.50 suits for $9.00, our $20 suits lor $14.50. Ladies' long black cloaks worth. $5.00, I will sell for $3.98. We have a nice assortment also of ladies' and mens' bath robes at a speciall) low price. Cow-boy and Indian Suits for boys. . We have just re ceived a nicelihe of new Beaver hats. We have lots of goods and we want "to sell them and the price is right. Get your stamp books filled out and get your premium for a Christmas present. I want to redeem f ive Hun dred stamp books between now and Christmas. At Geo Jd. Gayiord's Big Store GEO. O. GAOBpfprop. Health M Hygiene Ashevijle Citizen. T 4 Nothing-; so 'fijarks the chatty: of the. American -people 'as theenor- l.mous demand for the little JRedCross Stam, that annual" messenger of, hope to tho'ianda tf the sick' and suffering poor. By itself the stamp does not 'represent "much" In monetaTy : valu. rnnninf into the millions makes os sible a fund that sheds - sunshine - in countless bomes. It was a happy idea which launched the RediCross stamp into the cahnnelB of national chaHty, and fts mission ' has gradually ' ex tended' until it' Caches, almost every hook and corner of the country, v Under 'existing 1 arrangements , ' the proceeds from the sales of the stamps I are divided between local . charities J and the natfonal Hed Cross Society, so. that those who purchase them are directly aiding the various charitable organizations of their immediate Isec-tipn. The Red Cross stamp is, on sale in many pf the Asheville stores and at 1 L . l -1 - 1 J - la: ill ' ' J iae ppsioince, ana atienuon is cawtsu to ; Inexpensive yet most effective form" of charity, in that' the proceeds ! from i thi sale of Hlie Red Cross stamps will be used 'o aid the isick ana xoeiieve the deserving poor. V In previous years the most ejEEec Ivq nrArV Vina hoAn nconmnHahpfl Viv Of "the little Christmas mes I senger which only posts one cent. We have not statistics at hand to give the exact amounts which have fceeh received from the Red Cross stamps, "but it is 'known that thousands of sui- terers have been relieved and the jives of many others have been saved. Urgent appeals are now being made to Christmas shoppers who are send ing gifts to all parts of the country, The expenditure of one cent for a Red Cross stamp, which is placed on 1 the BACK of the letter, is not a great gift in itself, but added to the thous ands of other Red Cross seals passing through the mails, your stamp is just as effective in the relief of the sick .and sufferings as anybody else's CITY .AUYwOFtff (ES SP0NSIBL? Typhoid fPea'thi jpa HoDtfillfrfifilegli1 ' ' gence. . Ottawa Ont. recently has bad an epidemla-pf 'typhoid-iever, -with .over 1,200 cases and .72. de'athhs TesulUng therefrom:'? ABd nowpcomes" the inter esting and important information that the City: Attorney of Ottawa has', in formed' the city sCouncil that he city fs iiable for the Ipss andnamages "to the typhoid yfterrs, pijtbe ground that the city was negligent In properly prctecung;tne pUDUe ater' suppiy, The claims now filed amount to ovef $500,000, and they are -not all in yet ThA'fvlnlrtTi nf fhP P.itvAttnrnev of Ottawa, holding that the city is "liable fpr the damages caused by its .permit ting the pollution of the puhlicrwater supply, may come as a surprise to many who are'n&t familiar 'with the trend of ; legal decisions in matters afr fecting, the' public health:: Th opin ion; however, is in line Tvlth a tlecision given not very long ago- by the Su preme "Court of Minnesota, in-which it wa? held that when a: municipality unoertaKen tp'iurnisn us ciuzens wun a water supply and the people are de pendent upon that supply, and when the water supply is polluted and made dangerous by the failure of the public officials to property protect the same, then the city may be held liable for the loss and damage jclacused by the sickness and deaths caused by disease due to the contaminated water supply. The- condition that confronts the city Of Ottawa, while ' new and unusual as affecting municipal- responsibilities for the proper perfofmance of a public function, is yet one that, clearly marks a forward step In . public sanitation. Nothing can be clearer than1 the re- spohsibility now resting uponbpth the civiccdnscience- and the. civic -treasury of a city to leave nothing undone in the way of safeguarding thp health of its' people as affected by and' through the' competent' and intelligent Admin istration of the public service.. In other words, it means that city' officials will find that it will pay t spend money to prevent typhoid rather than pay for the damage caused by inexcusable indifference and neglect of public duty. For Xmas photographs of the faul ty re-union phone Buck, the photog rapher, 1674. Advertisement. sat mon Do your feet trouble you? Try the 4 "New Shoe," Geo. S. Nevens, m market, S. Advertisement ; fri-mon "The Cod of Gold" Great Dramatic Film, Grand Theatre Today. Advertisement. It Xmas Shot3 and Slippers at Peter son & Rulfs. Open until 10 p. nu Ad: I vertisement. thur fri mon 47th series N. C. Home Building Association January 4, 1913, 118 Prin cess street. Advertisement, sat mon thurs sat f - IN PASSING- Look At Our Shapes .Thet Are Cf tifelEGT,, And of Guaranteed Quality Make youif gifts this year of tb practical, sensible kind something thaf you yourself would appreciate OF SHOES ' rv : : Z7t JL'-Smith,j It -D. Christian, ? R ,M. Brown f Miss ,K.' Murphy is the steno grapher, and L. R. Hart, record clerk. Mr, JS.' Westbrook is chief ,of the Suspense Bareau .while, in the Loss and Damage" Department fire G. . W- Shepard; C. E. HaskettN.' T., Max well, "A. 6. Eakin, 'P. -A.-yTayior, S. P. Raines: Overcharge, W. J. f Mathis, B M, Jones, W. J. Chatham, P., J. Baschon; P. F. Morris, A, I. .Gunter, J, B, Hunt, E. "T: Mahone, 'L.-?G. Cook; C. T. Ciint"A. O. Osborne, &. J. Hart, HA. IfurevJr., P, M. Riv enbark. - The stenographer is It. V. Lacq and E. C. -Marshburn is record fclefk. " Y'A ; --In the 'Rate Bureau are William Op per," "J: S. Sailings and W. J. Gir ds, while in 'charge of iigposltion and wire, "tracing are " J1. "A.1 Sailings and It. JF. Purvis . OtherJ departments are. as -follows: Records H. " L. Taylor, ' J. M. Le- Moyne," B. ' R Weathersbee, G. C Mofitford.' s . , - ' Mail J. F, McDuffle, R. B. Hodges Jileg W. S. Moore, chief; J. Bra dy,JU C. Muegge and Jessle Bryan. The -route ; agents are Messrs. J. A Hugke, - R. K F. McCann. and J, Brooks Livingston. MffiilA Get the Useful Combined with the Ornamental. 'Herfe'yu3tva Few Suggestions Out of Oiir Immense Stock: ' Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Pajamas and Night Shirts, Under wear of-any description, Kno4aJid Stetson Hats, Neckwear in fancy boxes, Cpmbination Sets of Tie "and Socks to match, Kid Gloves for men and bdys, Combination' Suspender - Sets,- Boys' Rain Coats, Silk Sacks in ail colors, Suit Cases and HandBags, Boys' Suits, Men's Suits, Negligee. Shirts for men and hoys. Silk and WpoI Mufflers. ; And numergftit other-article that are useful gifts. Any goods bought now : wo will reserve for-you. .I.M. 1 ': . i. !. ...".. , t - - 1 - - Solky & Co. ; .pne Price Clothiers and Furnishers : Pio'ne 617 - i V" i - Masonic Buflding. restore open at night from now until Christmas -n , , , , , If... lIBB A serious epidemic occurred in a town in this state a little over a year ago in which hundreds of cases of ty phoid occurred and a number of deaths resulted. Some one was responsible The State Board of Health called at tention to the polluted water early in the course of ytha -epidemic, but the authorities in charge were so slow in taking prompt and prpper aetion that the ' epidemic continued to " grow. . No one seemed to think of fixing the re sponsibility, but it Houbtless could have been fixed and damages secured had some one taken steps as in Ottawa. It will not be long before municipal authorities, . health authorities and water works authorities are' held strictly accountable ' for needless deaths from typhoid and other prevent able diseases, and then will come an age of health work. Every case of typhoid comes from some tother cases of typhoid. There is no such thing as spontaneous develop ment of typhoid fever germs. It is only when cases of typhoid are not properly safeguarded that the disease spreads. Some one is responsible for eavery case of typhoid,' and the sooner we begin fixing the responsibility the better. Typhoid is contracted pnl y means of the mouth. We drink water or milk polluted with typhoid germs or eat food contaminated with typhoid fecal matter from fingers and flies, and ty phoid oilows. HANDSOME BOOKLET Men's Holeproof Sox, 6 Pairs $1,50 I Ladies' Holeproof Hosiery, 6 Pairs $2.00 and $3.00. Boys' and Misses' Holeproof Hose, 6 Pairs $2.00. . ' ; LADIES' ' ME3NS' ' ' Felt House SuMri O) $1.25 House Slippers $1.25 and $1.50. . and4$1.5QA' . 1 " r '-V . - - , t r . ' " V -J Our store will befbjpen early and late during the nol!c??7? ani ife yoi-f xourieous and intelli gent attention at all times. E -J30 South Front St " - i i ti. vi PhoQe 800. COM Coast Line Clerks Prepare for Christ 1 : mas in Original Manner. The boys of the. Freight Claim De partment' of the A. C. L. have issued a handsome booklet, appropriate to the Christmas season, done up in holi: day attire, to be presented to' their friends. The booklet contains .-the fol lowing names, embracing the entire organization of the department: A. H. Shepard, freight claim agent; V H. Thomas, secretary; W. R. Taylor, chief Clerk; Spurgepn Baxley, steno grapher. : - ' Mr. W. J. Swails is chief of the Loss and Damage Bureau, while, in his department are EL D. . HaiVey, W. D. Weathersbee, W. E. Davis, T. P. taylor, T: D. Meafes, Jr., J. L. Ven able, E. T. Swann, R. A. Parker;' Miss L. J, Melyin, stenographer, and Mr. J. C. Slocumb, record clerk. Mr. R. T. Sinclair is chief of the Oyefcharge Bureau, while the men in his department are Messrs. A. . M. King, P. A. Mauney, E. B. Moss, A. Miserable Put in Fine Shape Prescription called Ml-O-NA Making Thousands of almost ..Marvelous Cures. ; ;: ., '-, Don't he careless an upset stoVoach often leads to obstinate indigestion and when you have the ODDortunify'to sro'to R.'R. Bellamy this very day and get for only 5 O cehts the prescription of a real stomach specialist you are unwise if you neglect to dp sb -' . . . - Jvii-o-jN a stomach Tablets -will stop distress 'after eating:; fermentation, sras. soprhess, beavin0ss," ahdf &11 taiseryor money pack, - v - If IS also guaranteed to end any case of. Chronic Indigestion; Gastritis or Dyspepsia and other ailments such as Headache Dizziness-, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sallow Skin, Pimples, or any condition caused by an upset stom . Ultimate Vlptory, ,r The pugilist who in bis day AH comers meets with tumid , scorn Himself at last is put away In bouts with old Jphn . Barley-corn. . -- -v . ; .'Judge, i . A new shoe for housekeeper and nurses; . open until 10 p. m. Geo. S. Nevens, 121 Market street Advertisement " . fri mon "The (Sod pf Gold" .. Great Dramatic Film, "Grand Theatre Today. Advertisement. It, Xmas Shoes and Slippers at Peter son & Rulfs. -' Open until 10 p.'m! Ad vertisement. ! ,: thur "fri inon "Firfelt" Slippers, all colors. Boy Ian & Hancock. Advertisement. .3t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Meeting Stockholders of City and Suburban Building Association is call ed for Monday, Dec. 30th, at 6 o'clock p. m., at Room 414 Southern Building. By order, of the president. Ii. J. CARTER, Advertisement Secretary. 18 33 25 29 . Little Cash Shoe Store, Around the. Comer, Two Steps Up But they Save you Money. REGAL SHOES Holiday Goods GEO. S, NEVENS 121 -MARKET STREETi Three New Reels Dafly, Afternoon and Night 5 cents hi CMUS5 THXATRB RCUTT :-! -? Aft Next Week; --,' f;,f -;: FOUR PICKERTS, -Ur. - -MONDAY NIGHT ; Y '" : , " "ST. elmo" : . ' 1 102030 Cents. Seats, for Monday night on sale Sat urday at Plummer's. Usual Free cour tesy to the ladies, de 20 St U Y YOUR SHOES Y US SbleAg ;ents For the Famous W. L. Douglas STANDARD QUALITY STORE :. tt. x . : 603 N. FOURTH ST. Wilmington, N. C. NQTICE OF APPLICATION FOR . PARDON. Notice is hereby ven that D. W. Willis, convicted at the January Term 1912 of the Superior Court of New Hanover County on the charge of sell ing Intoxicating Jiquors, and sentenced. to 9. term of(eijt- (8) months on the rpads of New . - ilanover County,, will make application to the Governor for a conditional pardon. All persons de siring to object to,, the application are invited to send' their- protest o His Excellency: ' - : , . " Dated - this 10th day of December. M SOLD AT Canvas Leggings, Silk Hosiery, Polishing Sets, Slti'mber Slippers," ' ? ' Men's Slippers, Budoir Slippers, J Overgaitors, Rubber Boots, t v' Hunting Boots, -Carpet Slippers. Shoe Trees, .r": SHOES Every kind, from baby to grandmother. Purchases can be made now and delivered Christmas :'r: " Eve. :- ' SQldlflQN'S SMQE SI ORE SEE OUR G IFT WINDOW It will help you to decide. PECK & HOLLOW Everything in Hardware. Ladies' Tailored GOS, COATS, JJITS ;1 Whep it is possible to selecasitJie plitteni and quality of fMa s terial the Style, with our Guarantee of Perfect Fit and a perfectly Tailored Garment, why not save ihe; diff efance and get what you want - right here at home. v I '?f-:f-X''x 'v Measures taken at your -homei,r.4fr -you. 'Wisbsllfe :i--;&f-. Large and Assorted full piece patterns to select from in Dlag6nals, Tibets, Serges, Whipcords, Mannish Mixtures. . 7 HE IMPERIAL SHORT EVP G CO. 813 1-2 North 4th, St. Phone 1186 W .riil'ii'i 1 1 ii i?,' f j-ini ; i (- , . : . ! UJm M Thorpe Q-fGonassany, The lipiricS:K ttom PennsylvanlaCrude ;:No :Carbon. Try it and be convincea. Q Phone 873. WfS&F Wamington, N. C. 53 Sufisqbe'wr llieeiiiiig Dispatch. I 1912. v ' .. ,.. de 10 2w, ' ; . D. W, WILLIS, Only 35c per Month ach, . I -... e , ft t

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