THE EVENING DISPATCH. MAY 5; 1913 Yhere "ts It sfeeniSi Some- evlddncf -1 ! ! 5 ; '-' i ri"'- i 1 1,. 1 1 r -If1.':-,' V - 4 m I- 4 1: 4 ' Stvle ; f ':- y''iv&f M :t Window Display undoubtedly be attractiy&to yqfeQtl Price and value. Our Special "iff. -it- FREE DELIVERY TO ALL POINTS, BY PARCEL - i F. STRUNCK & dO. I likewise potatoes and jhubaiwcThu iaci is aHHOuncecr in farmer jamie-v Un -No.;'30;4if ; "one ; agrees -with Maeterlinck" ato the .Intelligence f4WtiWc6::e ; 4fid.feenfBeMfHnesi"df fibbers the births of our.childreitetfe&itt 10FS eirmeca Used by U. S: Govern ment; in trie Best Homes, Clubs, Hospitals and Res taurants :, :: Come in and let us tell you why it is more eco nomical in the use of ice, why it keeps milk, butter and other food in perfect condition. "NORTH STAR" REFRIGERATORS f i,y A: LITTLE CHEAPER, ; All Styles for House, Club, Restaurant, Butcher. On Show Now. We Will be pleased to have you call and examine them -or write for catalogue and price list. : N. Jacobi Hardware Co. Salek AgemV; " r ' 10 and 12 So. Front St. prove popular. A law. permitting the festenS: tof Wrtlrras passed, tbtrt twili noFb 'i4Ci lot! eewral 'tatttha? Bt Ahe afciew?BtflI persist lif Ibiettif bonlwiUafiit aitlbg;i on tneTiarw.- Here is a letter to tne fetate?Bird bt tHMfi which- shows' eobimahjjrs people eel about their Bai6ip'rl'; , ' ''-f4iie ha recently presented, me with a fine boy; and we want , him registered. ..Please inform me how ahd-where-this pan rlT8 done."?; f " Tat letter is :frdrii WprudefitfitheT. He recognizes that State registration of birtttfthfc meM'birthVill for all Um&' seMer such qdestians legiU- Imacy, right to attend, to work in fac tories to marry, to pay taxes, to vote, t6"h6ld office', to Obtain "life Insutarice, entfcP inttf-contra'Cts, as-well "to fix ;respdnsibiltty for crime, misde meanors', jury service, military service, ! Umpoincetbtthe ihimamaasaancfc the -cook.;, an ;the case ,0 asparagus EtiAlpidtifeiiiwnichli rawMsitigtliatioif; saottiar?f befformedtv pfldrl tbvzk& coolihoperaUons. Whether it wiii' tfef bettir: tosiSof bforinitliek-lettuce and.Viemat0fc IMn ; radilbeiiat the tfcfcle! 1 br iithe rkitcbin will cpnj'bnihdvMualtMC The society for the prevention of cruelty to vegetables; may 4howeverf deema girded fprlorltotteip4c to the demands of true humanity. Tfiis humanitarian aSletfveg etabie aVethltlza tne'aSpect of first importance td poet and philoso pher, is. given no attention whatever byijhe" gidgs' materialists 6f the: tfnit Btags'ijetmntof '; Agrictiltnre. They, arr interested' SSte"iy fh the sor did cbmmecikfcoibinties of ; the w etc. Kf-fact, wg shall sbbn learn that tteatmeflt whtoii1 it atpear; are official records of births are'Jfist ' as Important as official records of mar - While' the State-wide vital statistics law does not go into effect until July 1st, yet there is a provision in this law Which permits the registering of births" tbfat occurred prior to that date, if desired,' free of rcharge. lt&hy fond parents Will ' doubtless avail them selves ," of "this opportunity. Did it ever occur to you that when we once' begin the' registration of all births and deaths, a great many crimes against hew born' Infants will be prevented, because a doctor's cer tificate of' the cause of death will be required before burial can be made? Triis has proven to be the case "else where, and it will doubtless also prove true in this State, , Ulfth and death' recdrds from one of the best methods of studying so ciological problems we shall ever have. They will doubtless help us solye such problems as the negro prob lem better and 'faster than could be otherwise done. NOTICE REMOVAL UHi Blumbing Co. On account of their former store Being torn down have fitted up a handsome show room at No. 204 South Front street and will Hereafter carry on flieir business at the new location. Plumbing that please' is their Motto. Same telephone number 1 1 32. Everythipgjn trie ; plurhbmg line oil hand all the time. ..,4.""". T ',. Vr; r - No. 204 South Front Street. BEARER BOARD Takes the Place of Lath, Plaster and Wall Paper for the walls' and ceilings of every type of new or remodeled building. , . - , Hydro-Carbonite is the best roof paint you can get. : ! - WE SELL IT. - - Ganiwell Lumber (Company Phone No. 10. Front and Meares Sts. STONEWALL JACKSON. mm IS ON A look at our windows' will convince you that our Stock of ' . White Canvas and Nubucks PUMPSand OXFORDS; was never io ccanplete ; f to match. 1 1 nosiery I; 6 BAiGOCK w Wafr'Plaslert Rtf Shmglei; Uths, Pipe Eta : h. ' . . '::--v . ' ri New York World. Fifty years ago tonight there fell mortally wounded4 at Chancellorsville one of the great captains of the English-speaking races. Lee, who called Stonewall Jackson his strong right arm, once said that he would have won Gettysburg if Jackson Bad been there.' Be that as it may, the almost Uninterrupted vic tories of the Army of Northern Vir ginia ended when Jackson passed away. Chancellorsville marked the nood-tiae or tne Confederate arms. Two months later came Gettysburg, and from thence on to. Appomattox Lee's forces, despite all their mar veitous courage and tenacity, were never again Invincible. Jackson's place In military history is unique. Most great reputations were made by long years of service his career was compressed into a scanty twenty-two months, from that day in July, 1861, when Lee pointed to him "standing like a stone wall at- Bull Run, to the early May day; la 1863 - when he marked his corps around the front of Hooker's army, smashed in its right flank and gave the Confederacy its most brilliant vir tory, only to fall under the fire of his own men A terrible partnership wvlb that bc; tween the Cavalier and the Puritan; between -Lee, who embodied the chiv alry -of Virginia, and Jackson, who was a direct spiritual descendant of the men that fought with Cromwell at Neseby. In all crises the two men seemed to fight with a single brain and a single purpose, destitute aliEe of the.jealousy and intrigue that1 all but wrecked the Army of the Po tomac. 1. Jackson presents a strange, appeal ing figure on the pages of history, He was as gentle and gracious as Lee, as silent and taciturn as- Grants as daring and audacious as Stuart " Sheridan, as relentless 49 Sherman, and with it all there was an intenaUy of religious fervor that belonged to the seventeenth century rather thraH the nineteenth; The war to him was & holy war. He went to battle with a prayer on his lips, and he - went from j. battle to 'give thanks to God who had crowned his army with vie tory-1 v - .-- Appealing from his native sod In forma pauperis to God, "vbay bare thine arm stretch forth thy rod, Amen I " v That 0 Stonewall's way. men thebnllets that' stfock him down he regarded as providentially di- rected - by- a definite Divhfe ptrrpose There Js no -more roendaeious phrase thattutat f -la--b6rn soMierj" but Her wassffman 'Who-was beyond qnestiw a : bora soIdieT-a sbldier o:ihSted 1 yrkri who wa dazzled lt6rSieT4 by ambition-; noTf glory, wlto foufeht crr-pHneidte- and princiule raione and ;wnose military genius was elemental Peace td his ? Sshe..5 A united ftiiaUoitVeaa be -rbftd! that ?b considerable. Strange to say, the ef feet of chloroforming flowers is, .to hasten-- their blodming . and increase its i quantity. appears that lilacs, azaleas, itc.Tiriay be hurried into full flower something like a month ahead of time, by the" use of aSesthetibs, Thfk lorclne' 'treatment' has ' been fii commercial use ' tri' Gehiahy- and fTance fora cohsiderable period, al though it ts not yet practiced to aby- eiteht ih'thig cbuntry; rTfce mtide of application ii simple. ;ln aii air tight rbbrd contaifithg the plants the aflesetlchg giniply allowed to evap bratb. ! The hottfer thef weather the less of it is required to produce the desired rul ChldrbfbFitf is v much inote '-effective than ether. Prof. Stuart of the Vermont experiment station - &as fbund that ' the yield of rhubarb Is Increased by anesthetic treatment of the plants. No figures e given as to the cost of the meth This is the substance of the facts set forth in the bulletin above re ferred to. From the commercial point of view; there is evidently much still to be learnew The ef fect of the treatment upon the per fume of the flgtwer, on its vitality af ter picking, tt-,the vitality of the plant Itself, aid a few tf the practi cal questions beside those of cost which must be answered before the American fiorfstiand truck-gardener can safely jadopi this almost ultra scientific development of modern agriculture' 1 The- Reality of Rabies. tJnreasdningi panic over the so called epideniics of hydrophobia wh'idi feenr with more or less regu latity; in cne bbrough after another Is? of coutsb, to be regretted and dis-cbutaged- in evefy safe way. But it is" a distinctly unsafe way to dis credit then! byidenytiig the" reality of hydrophobia. There ' is nb" reasona ble' doubt that dogs do occasionally gb "mad, and fhat their bitb under these cireumstances1 is liable to pro duce ttte disease rabies In man; - i ; If there wefe no reasonably sure core, c. more accurately,- preventive. for stfch infection (in the form of the sdcalled Pasteur treatment) it would perhaps be good public policy to deny the existence of the infection. But as there -is such a cu re which in the vast majority of cases has proved effective it seems- almost criminal to discourage resort to the Pasteur institute of persons bitten by sus pected dogs. The so-called pseudo- hydrophobia r-lhat is. Imaginary hydrophobia, produced by fear which the skeptics seem to think is far more to be dreaded than the dis ease -itself is a complaint of very doubtful reality, and certainly of ex treme rarity. New York World. The Bankers Service to the Country. Bankers do not claim that they are in business for philanthropy or tlielr health. They do not deny that they desire to make ail the money that they legitimately can, to pay good dividends to their' stockholders, and strength'en their institutions by add ing' to their surplus. ; tint ho stud ehi of finance can rise from a study of what the bankers, not only of New York, but of Chicago and other lar"ge cities, -did In the recent crisis, With but feeling ' that the batiks' bf the codnry- alrb 'officered' ahd hlkilagd by wrsV.H !rbvel-lfeirdebr,: 'eirtfe'ptionably able ' Slid -patriotic men. :Nb: better public- service tin be' te'ndered" by bihk 'tfflfcetsV affd dirbctors' thari W kebp thb tdacfeihery 6f domrherce go- mg atrdf'to mafntain strong ana- sdl v ettt thb -institutions tfpoir' whibh the Bredlt. the husifrefes, f he1' etaplbymeirt; nd the iitink of the" people ; depend; Weekly. ':; "' :"v-s' - - Noiseless Cair WheeL If' the' inventor of thb nblselbs's gtin ariWbdyelse-wbiitd try his" eAfus"'-m jflit'lt-cay hitf .efottwoid1 wide ipv pffecfatioTd. ;': - :" -ryi r-j Dotft fbtgt Special Sale 'Tuesday 1L-. -. J." 1 7 V My RellQries for the Live Ones OLESALt KLI AIL Oriental, embroideries of every kind are invaluable now: They are cut up to make collars and cuffs and girdles for smart coats and gowns.' 'The. hind? some collars illustrated - here ; are t -dt Chinese; embroidery -and; are ?mostr ef fective with their soft and i mellowed colors. r They were cut; from a manda rin's robe. -' f: - ; - ' Speaks For Her Mother North Carolina Lady Writes Interest ing Letter Regarding ; Her Mother's Experience. Taylorsville, N. C. In an interest letter from this place, Mrs. Stella M Bowman writes as follows: "My lVI other was weak and run down, and was in bed for nine weeks. She was not able to do any of her work. Some lady told her about Cardui, the woman's tonic She decided to try it, and after taking three -bottles, was able to do all of. her household work. You may publish this letter if you wish, as it would be a great pleasure for me to know that' I have been; of help to some suffering woman.'' The best way to relieve womanly troubles, pains, headache, backache, etc., is . to help nature by taking Cardui. Cardui has not only been found of great assistance in relieving the moet serious cases of womanly trouble, Jbut strength- building tonic, for weak, tired, nervous women. Cardui is successful, because it is composed of ingredients that act ef fectively on the womanly constitution, and build up health and strength in 'a natural manner. It is strictly a worn an s medicine prepared exclusively for women. Fifty years' success in relieving aches and pains of other weak and ail ing women, is a good reason to believe that Cardui should help you, too. N. B. Write to: ladies Advisory Dept., Chattanooga', Tenn., for Special Instructions on your case and 64-page book, "Home-Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper. A - s Where isr: isan&where, tnere are imanuiacturers who make thlrigl better than those we know, if so, they hnve keprbiits We keep our eyes wide open-1 our success depends on our bringing td you the best the world produces. Have you senirtrte Spring and Summer offerings in Stein-BTbcK Bmart Clothes ; A f ull Ibtfe of H&ts:and Furnishing Goods. HeeWavisCo. to the Bijou. Arrivals and pejsarturea of :Tralns at. Wlljnlngton, Effective Jan. 5th, 1913. Time Not Guaranteed. DEPARTURES . TO AND FSOM ftRIVALS. Uoldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Eastern . North Carolina pdinti Connects at Goldsborc mm qi NO. TO With Soatbern By. and Norfolk South R. .', I 3:40 A. 14. R. (No. 91 leaves Norfolk 13:20 and a1 -15 A- M- Richmand !4sl0 p. m.) t"r: m i; ChadbonrBt, Conway, Florence, Charles tow, Sa- wQ kq WO. 0.1. vannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, t. Myers, ' 1 olumliia ' and Asherille, Pullman Sleeping t1,,,A . ,, l:S5A. ft3. Cart betwei Wilmington and Colsmbia, l-i.:U A. M. r - - i. open to reeeive passengera. at Wilmington at and after 10 :00 p. 3nd may- be om- copied until 7:00 a. m. ij ci No. 64. i ' No- 65- ! 5:50 A. M. Jacksonville, New Bern and - intermediate 16:25 P. M. Stations. ajiJ 4 Ctoldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Washing- jsjo 49 TQ W. ' ton -Pullman Parlor Oars between Wilming- 'u 1:30 A. M. ... tea and Norfolk, connecting at Rqeky Mount ' with Nw York tiina:viti Pullman Service. . Ho 53. ' . , . I No. 52. mmijti a ii- Solid trains-between Wilmington and Mt. Airy an P M ".45 A. M. visr Fayettevffle and Sanford. . .uo r. m. . . ... Chadbourn..: Conway. - Florence, Charleston, , Jn 55 Savannah, AH Florida Points, Columbia, Ashe- No. 54. a.4co"M villa and the Wert. Pullmaix. Sleeping Cara 1:40 P.M. , ' btw.een Wilmington aad Columbia. NcToC Jackaoiville, New Berii nd intermeaiatiB n'f. 325 'Pi M. Statiotm " ! , - - 12:50 P. M. No 8ft" Fayetlevitte, Saniord a6d iatermedict Sta- . 6?' .. I 1:31 B, M. Btatiopg. " 1 10:15 A. M. b . . t ... Goldsboro, R-'chmond, Norfolk, "Washington and New "York, Pullmnii BroilerJ Buffet Bleeping . f. s-t fib 42. :' Cars between, .Wilmington and Washington, . '" eonpecting with New York traina, with m,m . u 6:45 P. M. PuffinaSKl Dining Car Service. Pnll- "It:!! A. M. man. Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and "' " Norfolk. ;: .' - . ; : No. :'B7m" ChadlTourB, Cbnwa aad mtermedit Sta- No. 58. 17:3QP.M. I8:15A.M. DaUy. I Daily except Sunday. rl DaUy etcept Monday For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc., call 'phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, ! ; T. L WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. l General Passenger Ace&t .-- WTLMTNGTON, N. & IN THE AFTERNOON You are almost certain to get a favorable reply when you ask your friend "WILL YOU HAVE SOME THING ;rO ff . lrtcilyuirlfer. Ice Cream and Fountain Drinks all Flavor. . . : . -You can safely : send yotcr childVen' to our ' fountain and fee! 'assured that- thejr will re lc!vt bnliPttip purd nest 5 The Payne Drug Co Phone520. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE. ' Irt Effect May 1st, 19J3. Winter Park, ; Wngbrsvilie Wrights Beach and Intermediate. Points. - EAST BOUNp, ... WESTBOUND. Leave Wil-jXeave Wil- Leave Wil- Leave Win Leave Leave mington mington mington ter Park -Wrights- Wn'shts- for for ; for for ville for ville Pach Winter Wrights- Wrights- Wilming- Wilming- for WH- Park ville , ville Beach pn ;:tbn mington "6 : 3a A. M. 673(fA. M. "6730ATM. 6T25"ATMr 6:15 A! M.i TT. . . . - fi:55 " 6:55 V; 7:35 " 7:25 " 1 . .....L.. ipl 8:07 " 7:55 " j7:45A.M. 8:00 " - 8f0O " ' L.. I 8:42 " 8:30 " ! !8:00 " !8:00 " !8:00 J !5:07 " 18:55 " ' !8:45 " 8:30 " 8:3Cf V 8:30 " 9:S7 " 9:25 " 9:15 " !9:30 " !3:3;d " !10:12 " !10:00 " 10:00 " 10:00 " 10:00 " 11:07 " 10:55 " 10:45 " 11:30 " 11:30 " 11:30 " 12:3? P. 12:25 P. M. 12: 15 P. M. 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:07 " 1:55 " 1:45 " 21:30 " 1:30 " zl:30 " z2:27 " :2f5 " z2:15 " 2:00..".- 2:00. 2:0a .". J 3:07 " 2:55' " 2:45 " 2:30 "' 2:30 " 2:30 "rJ 3:37 " 3:25 " 3:15 " 2:00 " 2:00 " 3:00 " 4;07 " 3:55 " 3:45 " 3:30 " 3:30 " 3:30 4:37 " 4:25 " 4:1T, " 4:00 " 4:00 4:00. V. 5:07 " 4:55 " 4:45 " 4:3,0 " 4:30 " 4:30 ". 537 " 5:25 " 5:15 " 5:00 " 5:00 " 5:00 " -6:07 " 5:55 " 5:45 " 5:30 " 5:30 " fcSO " 6:47'" 6:35 " G:25 " 6:10 " 0:10 " 6:10- " J 7:12 " 1:00 " 6:30 " 6:40 " 6:40 " 6:40 " 7:42 " 1:30 " ":20 " 7:10 " 7:10 " ... 8 8:07 r"" 7:55 " 8:30 " 8:30 " 8:30 " I 9;37 " 9:25 " 9:15 10:00 " 10:00 " 10:00," 111:07 " 10:55 " 10:45 ' 11:15 " U:X5 " ..w-; 11:57 " 11:45 " Cars Marked Do not run on Sunday s' . ' , -. Cars, Marked 1 Run Sundays only. Cars Marked z Run Saturdays only. . ; : ' ' FREIGHT SCHEDULE. ' Daily Except Sunday.' Leave 9th and Orange Streets 9: SO A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Freight Depot Open from 8,:3Q tp tiiZO A. M. and from 2:30 to 3: 0 P. M. M0imi are .sure to needLIght Weight .Clothing and .Underwear. It will pay you to call ' and i purchase .your wants 1 from- ?f " : - 20 South Front St f(Wasnnnlberedaaiohg her 8tms.,: i : Olittitary Drug Store." in

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