rV :WQB TWO r 1 , i r - x Quality AssoxiMent Our Special $2.50 Window DispIayWUI . . undoubtedly be attractive to ypiirbpth.m:. - Price and value. ; FREE DELIVERY TO AIL PplY ARtSL ' post ' , CARL I JtRUNCK :jj i V . -5 "" 128-139 SoOth Ffbht Str&6t. - . stvie . . rfD Ti - Y7T leraf Remgfrators Used b$ fiJ: S. Govern- ntnfc; in the Best Homes, i Clubs, Hospitals and Res-) taurants. . 4 ' Come in and lei us tell you why xt is more eco nomical in the use of ice,', why it keeps milk, butter and other food in perfect condition. "NORTH STAR" REFRIGERATORS J A LITTLE CHEAPER. AH Styles for House, Glub, Restauran, uteher. On Show Now. We will be pleased to have you call and examine them or write for catalogue and price list." -- ? - N. Jacobi Hardware Co. Sales Agents. 10 and 12 So. Front St. Grimm i r liTiTiTTTirnlrTiTnrnr MJlllJiyJlllll Wo REMOVAL NOTICE Dl On account of their former store being torn i down have fitted up a handsome show room at No, 204 South Front street and will hereafter carry on their business at the new location. Plumbing that please is their Motto. Same telephone number 1132. Everything in the plumbing line on hand all the time. No. 204 South Front Street BEAVER-.-BDARD' Takes the Place of Lath, Plaster and Wall Paper for the walls and ceilings of every type of tievf of 'reriiodeled building. HydroCarbonite is the best, roof paint v&rcan get. v , WE SELL rr. - ; " i3 1 Ganiwell Lumber Gdsmpanty Dbtributing Agents Phone No. 10. , Front and Meares Sts. Our Wife mm IS ON ' - - V .1 . A look at our windows will, convince-you that our otock or White Canvas and Nubucks PUMPS atid;OXFORD3 Was yeitttorp'iEbnletei 111 'TOE SHOESTOftEi&IEAb iiteJShei lift rj' sm , Wall Piter Rock al Laths, Pipe, Etc.- 2 - a-. - : Phone 7S9. iOtders Retfuliyj Socmtedgi 'ii. V.- . .::jz.-::x?'-..- : .New' 6tMayl0rhelyeatlieT condiuons are by. jio Tneans favorable for; thejdisplajof Bering: styles rffe; quent : rains and - a thflly atinospnerfe if e '4pl6l t fiWCaIhe inost1 igaker desire r'tologso&f but the vbaderf al X faeinr 'creations' the ?feenius of tfiv fashiol desin has -wroiightfOT thB , use - of their faff patrons and- the delight of -the latterS"' admirers- Yeti Rafter all.rthere ai'e many - opportunities v ;, to observe and ttidjr;:these paey., xreations either iii the models shown' at the more exclii sive shops and retailers, or upon the persons r of? the'' ; fathionshl "women who Congregate at ' various pttbiid and social fuhctlonBr ; : "Dresi:,draped-andr gowns with? pfetty short- tuntcirof laceT oY einthljidr eryj orgracefuify draped skirts siMii latthg panier Tefferts; Hfe ttheeffie3f agreeable' r- and - interesting inoxletts see& f ; Lawhs 'and -aoft musiins ywith large or sntall' rpatterned . design either cbaventfonaf 1; or ' floral,' seek general- abnrdbatidn." Lace, embroid ''irjf afidnibrbideMd tullerof net ar$ mpfoyed ar rlmnringsi the Tijpen neck at " times -V brMnieted: with an up standing ' Medici coiiar bi lace, net; f' soft illnsioii tulle completing1 the ap locate afld! ctiifming effect. ' r " Very pretty bid -time creations, par ticularly quaint Jh design striped ahd fiqwered,. mostly of the Louis eiz2 and Dlrctoire periods! form delicious little Tesls or loosely fitting 'waist coats . that ; wilt be particularly pleas ing with the hew tailor-made suits of plaih, woolen goods in grays of differ ent shades, especially muraille, mas tic, or grissouris. Green in mahy pretty shades, dark or light, Persian. Empire, cabbage, lettuce, tilleuil, or apple, combined at times with black brown, make novel costumes when the colors are properly arranged and duly proportioned. The three-tiered or ruffled skirt, which is one of the leading novelties of the season, will have many follow ers when women choose . their sum mer frocks. This' model looks best in the supple satin or " silk, preferably sllkahd the crepe 'effects, will be good also. This skirt, with three vol ants of equal length but widely differ 4 ent width, makes a very dashing dress for either a stout or . a slim woman. The first volat. coming, from the waist band is quite' "full, the second less so, and the third, which begin; below or at the knee, ony allows one enough space to, step In. So 'ttie fleshy woman can conceal .her large ness with the ruffle nearfrg waist, and, by eontrast with that about the feet, succeed in looking very gradu ated or slim indeed as to size The aim of some of the designers seems to be to make the figure large and round about the hips, and td has i the outline "febme to almost nothing at the knees. Some dresses just fin ished show that result, and as thei effect Ms considered quite successful it is quite probable that this innova tion wiir 'eventually- Wing about change in the ' present ! silhouette the straight up and down figure, When th6 matter of' lineris consii ered, the Important question of mak ing th mbst of per8 : beatty esolv6s itself into : the right crossing bf lines The skirt is an excellen exploiting this idea, for it shdws drap ery in every possible variation bf the crossed line. One of the most notice "able " and artistic trimmings ,: is shown ih an overskirt of thltton;' whiih Is' ap plied in crossed lines bver'a founda1' tion" bf charmeuse. Straight , widths bf the ehiffon ai-e attached, to the back pf the skirt, then crossed and curved around the hips and, after be 4 ing crossed In front; the. ehds disap pear beneath the girdle. :: . On the bodice the - crossed lines have unlimited possibilities. The front fastening affords great oppor tunity for ringing the changes on the first idea. The utplice effects lend themselves to many different wsiys of giving a eroBBed-line effect. Long, straight revers are added to the fronts and if of k cbhtrastihg cblor wiil7em-: phasize the- fastiibfiable line - Plplngfif, hbftnds of Bulgarian embroidery, bead ingk frills pf lace and any application of color will give accent to the gobl idea. . ; On. the crossed fronts of the major ity "6f blouses a. pheided ItHmming i is" generally tbe rule. ; There will be -a row of buttons onone side, a. row-'of either 'simulated button-holes lor bound buttonholes bafalieinglon 1 the other J erne. . . niuuuu veivei' Uiiu ue. passea through ; slots dbwh"; one 'side, " whlfe an . entirely " different decbratioh V cltt" be carried -'out on V the oposite J side. Then, again, aTband. bf hand embroid ery win form a side deboration down one edge of the Jront1 with a bnk space ;' 'dnthe" bthfer; side; thief e are just fe"W.of the variatiohft bt a very important Wea ) in iecoration'that "haS been recoghized iii (ail ages in the fleTd'of;aH: .: ;- ;-:v When thi itreat qUes-Ubh "Sh'd ird cljme'up; of f cbnstderaitpn thbre; ll SMeMedT'eph bressediihSs. rhe - sttft ribbon; AfteV iJelhg -wbiimtf ' " aroimthe waist, ;i3 curved and crbsled-it 'ahpfee;:rthat1 is ihneed of this' fible of bblbr. The timic Is anbther: part bt the costume h' cn be ; tiBBd . is ah effective placev f or I the crossingii of tliKsvi the examples Vare;'every where noticeable and a leniency; Is the chief tharactef stic,; which1 promises the r right and becoming crossing of lines for all A wo. men - . k. - .-; ;--v'.f. : im?- ' r- -j Tailored suits have" bolero orVeton Jackets and broad girdles of a con- stihgcdl6r"Buttbnare in evidence': mi"-" thbStfvbf "rcelalfii Ivbfyi toftdise shelf "or i enamel - are: most favored. : '( ' " ' -f-' Striped materials' vare pBxtefisively used for : streTet1cctumes." A- Paqutii 'model of gray, and brown ribbed ma terial: has i ; modified,; bolero jaeket, with revers,1" collar and cuffs of brown and white checkered silk.1 11 1 Neckwekr, guimpes, c ' girdles; hos iery and gloves, parasols and : shoe are airpainted from the dye ibts of the far East.' The woman' who lfvei brilliant plumage will have no difficul ty in satisfying her. taste this season 'Artistic" pleats,; Isearf - draperies! and sash girdles aim to consign the small waist . to the past and preserve' the graceful-natural lines in the figure. Silk is: more popular than evefr' but the weaves having rough " surfaces like crepe de chine, crepon and. tus sore are particularly lovely. Rep and silk tnoire are preferred - to liberty and taffeta silk. ' : - Brocades and silk damasks are us 3d extensively by the couturiers to fash ion evening and afternoon costume? Small, discreet : patterns are super seded by bold designs which resem ble those used for the damask 'cur tains and? furniture, bf gtahdmbther'a time. ; Cotton crepon iil be much used during the summer. The manufac turers have succeeded In bbtaihlng wonderful colorings and weaves in .this fabric. Evening- wraps are developed of "corded silk, chiffon : or heavily beaded net or chiffon. The handsomest mod els are draped about "the knees and fastened over at the side with a sin In ttte Superior Court; f, " vs. - .-V.;.V-V - ':J'7- -,..f . The defendant' above named wm. rase notice that an action entitled as .above the hpen T-rnnmptiwil : tn the SilDetiOf COUtt Of Hew Hanover- County, said action being for divorce on-statutory grounas; ana ine saia defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear-tf the i tennror . tne Superior .Court, of said County to-be held on the 26th day tf;May, 1913 i at thevCottrt fTaiioa of Cnnntr in . Wllmineton. N. C, and ADRwer or demur id the complaint in said action, -or ; tne piamun: ,wunvpiy to the Colitt for the , relief . demanded in eald complaint, .. ' ' ... . ' Clerk of the Superior Court. -This the llta . day of- Api-U ,1913,: ap?' 12 oatv 4w sat , '' gle buttbn or brnament. FLORENCE FAIRBANKS. "Poverty may be a blessing in dis guise." "No doubt," replied Miss Cayenne, but it is such a small blessing and such a7 big disguise.' Washington Star. : We Tomld? tearets If Constipated, .Bilious, .Headachy, Stomach Sour. Get a 10 Cent Box of CascarctsTake One Tonight. You men and women who can't get feeling right who have headache. coated tongue, foul taste and fou breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bil ious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache and feel worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, oc merely forcing passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This is important. Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the" sour, undigested and fer mentihg food and foul gases; take the excess bile from Ihe liver and car ry out of the system all the constipat ed waste matter ; aid poison in the ihte'stfnes and bowejts. A" tJascafetohight will straighten you ouVbV'WoriIni:-4a"i0 cent box from. keep your stomach'" swe$t; liver and bowels reg utar ; 'luadlTfead blear ' for ' mbhhs. . Don't IgMM vcffl4ffi-' "fogy . fov .4? Ifiaf bts because Ihey taste gobd-d good never gripe or sicken. '- State of North Carolina, v.f ; v . , .... Motv " Mannvor I "AHTlCV. -i f JTi 2 rft State ior North : Carolina i Hanover . County, JNew ' - r : v h Superior Court -. John, E., Wood ani.roie Emma J. Wood, . 'VS.- ' ; . Cieero Dixon 'aad-wife BettieIMxon, W. W. Dixon and wife Hester Ann Dixon, Hay wood Newkirk ana wife Phyllis KewKirr, Isaae .JSixon - and wife JUucy Nixon, fearan Boney, JinUPfw uiron ana wire .......... DlxeUi,- Ji . ; Dixon and wife , . . . t .;. . v Dixon. and L. D, Dixon and wife .......... Bien" "" ' s- . This Is an acUon brought by the. Plain- tiffs to remove a tloud on the title of the nlflintffFa t tbfi .trart -ef Innrl In therCOUn- tv rtt Now Tfsnnwr nwnml hv the nlninBffs. and known as the-Jackson Wood' land conveyed, by - Jackson Wood to .Wright Dixon ana by Wright Dixon wmveyeu Dae to Jackson Wood, by -way of mortgage. . to secure tne payment or Three tnousana uoi lars. and if appearing that the defendants Andrew Dixon and wife, J. J. Diron and wife and u. D. Dixon and wire are non res idents of -the state, are oroper and neces- ter due diligence be found in the State, this is. therefore to notify the said defendants, Andrew Dixon and wife, J. J. Dixon and wife and. Li-J. Dixon nnd wife to be.ahd appear before the. Superior Court of New HanoTer Count?, at the term to be held thereof on -the 2Gth day of May, 1913,. and answer or demur to the complaint now on file, or Judgment will.be granted accord ing to the prayer thereof. This 25th day of April,. 1913. r .. - . W. N. HARRISS.: TJlerk of "Superior "Courts of New Hanover county. . ap 186 law 4w sat. '. jo the ctty of' Wilmington od Monday, the, iath day or May, iui? ac is o ciock. m.. iue following reap estate; situate in said city s l." A lot at the. southwestern intersection bf Wood and Fanning streets, fronting thirty three ;feet -on Wood street, and 97 1-2 feet - on Fanning.: street : being part rot lot ltiBlock 271. .v-;--.'..-... ft.rX.pi 2. A lor at -the southeastern Intersection of Wright and. Sixteenth streets fronting 66 feet on Wright street," and 91 1-2 n Six teenth vstreet, oeing parts oi; lots-1-, ana- Block J529. f'jdi :.:., .1. a lot m the western ., nne or jsay street, beglnniBg 132 feet south .of Miller street, tnence -west i-j ieec r neace soutlk33-feet,itheBe.ast-44J! 1-2 feet, thence- north ; 33 - feet J being part- of ilot; 3, Rlxlr HA."-rs-..--ti .' ' I 4, . A lot in the southern Jlne or Harnett i mm street, beginning. 66 feet east M.rtru iiicutc casi a Tw-t tv, fjt to, oeginning, parts of i W J5. .. A lot at, the northwestern i n 1 xtrA -.. ,! -oit in Intnl.- ,. 1 ui; nwu n.1114 xiiii;r stroptv f.. "WtloJ feet on Wood street and s. ''""''ur 3 ; - A Ufc tun 11X11 I Ct, of Bayafld, Charlotte Str,x-(S SI roof atJ feet and 4' inches on CharlotrV. 72 1-2 feet on Bav tTt ' 1 -Salesjubject to the confirm ..h Court. Z- - f um matlon of u IMVi illU Xty- JLJX. t-vaiuiissi,.' ap 17 30 dy. hi LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF irORECIiOSCftl! SALE. ;. - Notice is hereby iven tnac ine undersigni ed; mortgagee, under and .by virtue, of ; . the power or sftle contained la a certain mort gage, executed by Hammon.d Cowan to the undersigned on July . 6th, 1912, and record ed in Book 69 t page 130, Eeeords of New HanoYer County will sell Jo the highest bidder -for .cash at the' court House- uoor it New . Hapenrer County n: the 26th ;day or May, 1913, at "12 o'cioc m. tnetoiipwing described -let-of iand in the CityJtrf , .WiI-; mington bounded as. follows : . . ... ; .v iv?ii: Beginning in - the western line of Tehtk Street 156. feet; south wardiy rom tbe souOsi er Hue of Qbeen Street at the southeastei n rttr of a lot, pnn versa; dv is. oii iiuooar" to Stephen Hlehsmitn Dy ueea recoraea w i COOK-"iHjK " ax .page jtecorus ,i xcw nTiAT Ortimi-r- nnd j-nnn thenoe west- wardiy and parallel with Queen street 1653 Tenth street 31 feet ; thence eastwardly and parallel with Queen street one hundred and sixty five. (1651 feet to the western line, of 4Tpnth. Btrt' thpnc northwardly along the Western lino, -of-; Tenth., street, 31 reet tor the. begtohing,-. Same betng part or juoc am Bloqk ,67 according o tae fflcial plan of the Citv of wnrainelou.- : . -Thia ale -to -be made subject to a first mortgage ot about two. Hundred and twenty five dollar In favor Of th WOrth Carolina I Holfle Building "ASPciatioR. . . . , . s ap 23,30. dy. y,: -. -, t 2 liprtgagee. .-si. the NOTICE OF ELECTION FOB SCHOOL BONDS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Notice is. hereby eiven tnat Dursuant to Chapter 4rf4, bf Public Local Laws of 1911, and pursuant to a request of the Board of Educatkm of New Hanover COuhty, and an order 01 the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, entered the .24th day of March, A. D., 1913, there will, be an election held, in ail the precincts of New Hanover County on the 27th day of May. 1913, between the hours of sunrise and sunset on said day for the purpose of hav ing the voters of said county pass upon the question "Shall New Hanover County issue its coupon bonds not to exceed the sum of $175,000 and levy a -special tax for. public school, improvements in said Coun ty . In pursuance t said Act. a new registra tion has been ordered for all the precinets of said county, and all parties, voting in said election will be required to register anew oerore dome so. All auaiined voters desiring to cast their votes In favor of said bonds will note a ballot with the following words printed or written thereon : "For PHblic School Bonds." All qualified voters who desire to vote against said bonds will vote a ballot with the . following' words rinted or written thereon: "Against Pub c School Bonds." In the event a majority of the qualified voters of said county vot ing at saia election cast their votes in favor of said bonds, then five per cent bonds will be sold and issued in an amount not to ex ceed $175,000j and a special tax levied to ay tne interest thereon, and create a sink ng' fund to retire the bonos when they be come due. Under the terms of the Statute the pro ceeds from- the sale of said bonds after paying for-the expenses of the election, shall be applied and expended by the Board of Education, in its discretion, for the purchase of sites and the construction and repair of permanent School bouses, and equipping the same for school purposes, in such localities in the said County of New Hanover, as the said Board of Education may select for the accommodation of the children of said county; and also to reim burse the nnhlic.apfannl fund nf said mnn- ty for; the amount alrvauj expended since tne nrst , or June, 1910 tn building school nouses, etc. The registration books for the purpose or itetnstration snair De open at tne respec tive polling places in said County on the 24th day of April, 1913, at 0 o'clock A. M., and closed on.the 17th aay of May, A. D., 1913, at sun?, -t, and the said registrars will remain at tne poiuntr places on the Satur days during said period from 9 o'cTOck A.. m. until sunset, xor tne purpose or registerr ing all panties who desire to register and are qualified for registration, and on other days than Saturdays voters may .register when and where it is convenient. For the purpose. of holding said, election the follow ing registrars and poll-holders are appoint ed:, . Wilmington Township. 1st Ward: 1st Precinct Barclins Store, No. .818 North 4th street Registrar W. H. Bardin and W. H. Cox andW. McD. Evans Poll-holders. . 2nd Precinct Engine House, 4th and Campbell, Registrar George W. Branca and W. H. Howe and .William Sheehan, Sr. Poll-holders. ttkd WArd-Cottrt House, Registrar W. W. Hodges and T. E Sprunt and W. J. Mere dith Poll-holders. 3rd Watv 5iblem Lodge, Registrar A. O. Hanklns and Brooke French and John Hall Poll-holders. 4th Ward Oldham's Old Store, Regis trar W. P Oldham and W. P Emerson and J. M, Stevenson Poli-holders. .. 5th Ward 1st Precinct. Market House. 5th and Castle, Registrar D. S. Revel le and J...J.. Loughlin jindTJi. K. Nash Poll-holders. "-.:"' - : ; .Snrd :P,recinct-Engine House, tfth and Cas tle. Registrar jB. W. Irvine and W. M. Creasy .and U-J. -Fergus Pbli-holders. Cape J1 ear Township Bitter' Blacksmith Shop Registrar W. Hv Shearin. and iWir fl. Cooper; tnd Ci E. Kerr Poll-holders -; . , . . Harnett Towftshlp. . Delcado: Barber ShopRegistrar F. C. Brartch and D. G. James and H. C. Blake Poll-Jiolders. ... - ... ; Seven MUe Popt : Township Rouse Reg istrar G. T. Shepard and Gerrltt Walker and C H.. Alexander Poll-holders. Sea Gate': Rogers' Store Registrar Rev . A. C. Cfcafin and O. W, Westbrook and Z. A. Sneeden Poll-holders.. Masonboro Townships Piner's Store, Whiskey .Creek Registrar J. A. Farrow and G. W. Bishop and J. A. Htttes - Poll-bAldera. u . . ...... 4 -i r ;FMleral Polnnt Township. ':-T?'.3. Burnett's Farm Registrar . T. J. Burne.ttaBd J A. : Biddie and H. B. Wil liams , Poll- holders. v-,By order 'of tbe Board Of Commissions or ew Hanover Couoty . . V'Wita lOth.djiv of Anril.-1n1ft .- h ?:' - - ; M S. .W1LLARD. Chuirtnnn r JottN HAAR, Clerk, ap 21 thi-6 ma 2. : - Extra Heavy FOJtECLOy,ALE.- ..; , By virtue of the power of sale contained In ft 'certain deed of mortgage made by A. C-iChaffin . and wife Annie O Chaffin to George 1L' Rogers, regtstered in book 67, page 293, of the records of New Hanover county, the undersigned mortgagee will J proceed to sell to the highest bidder at pub ic, auction for cash onMonday, May 19tn, 913. at twelve o'clock iM at the front door f.taetCouTt House "of New HanoVer Coun ty -la Wilmington, N. C the folldwingde t crlbed property, to-mtj - - -Beginning at a stake inithe southern line di the Old Greenville Road and J." E. Sines' western line and. running thence south 28 degrees and 15' minutes - west . 200, feet; thehco north -6S . degrees ?, west ' 185 .-. feet; thence . Jdorth. 28. degree and 15 minutes east 200 feet, to the said Old Greenville Road, thence along the said Oldr Gteen vine fidad 185 feet to the point of begln ntng,. also k right of wAy bver 15 feet ad Joining said place, being one -half of avenue adjoining salcf land. ' f - x -v. .. GEOrtQE ROGERS, . .r. v '" -;-. - -Mortgagee.'' Li CtiAYTON I3RANT, Attorney. . i 4p 18 30d.-, :- ;,v--:Ly-rk :r' V ' .'' "COMMISSIONERS' SALE. "": , In pursuance, of a. 'decree of t he Superior fouft -at -Aorll ' Term IftlS in thi nf Susie D. Beadar. &t aK.vs. -AnUie T. Rogers et aj.. tnpi unaersignea, uommissioners ap pointed by iifla ecreej will sell at pubblie auction fot.Jtaslr at -Hthe Oourt House Door SHINGLES ! CypreM and Juniper Alt Sizes, Larg 8toCk rV, Jost ppfned Kiln Containing z 240 ;, rMme, Cement, Etc Roger Iilonre's Sons 6 Co WALL PAPER STORE, 134 MARI From , iOcts ; per. Boll up, to $100 per Roll You dont hare to orderfrom ookft; w6 hare Ihem in 6toke, i4 Mar. 50c SILK HOSE High Spliced Heels Long Legs Some thing new "the first shown in Wil-mington. s&nmirjdDrj's smuse si ore WHOLESALEDETAIL If So Please Tell Us Where Perhaps, , somewhere, there are manufacturers who make things better than those we know, if so, they have kept out of sight. We keep our eyes wide open our success depends on our bringing to you the 'best the world produces. Have you seen theSpring and Summer offerings in Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes? A full line of Hats and Furnishing Goods. JEliPt-Pavis Co. .-'Phone (573. , .Next to the Bijou. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Arrivals and Departures bf Trains at Wilmington, Effective Jan. 5th, 1913. Time Not Guaranteed. DEPARTURES No. 90 1 1:40 A. M. No. 61. :8 Ai WS. No. 4. 1 6:50 A. M. No. 49. 1:30 A. M. V 53. i:45 A. M. No. 85. 8:1S P. M. 3:25 P. M. No. 59. I i:39 P. M. No. 42. 6:45 P. M. No. 67. 1 7:39 P. M. TO AND FROM (ioldaboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Eastern North Carolina points. Connects t Goldsborc with Southern By. and Norfolk Soatherh R. R. (No. 91 Leaves Norfolk !3:20 and Richmand !4:10.p, m.) . Chadbourn, Conway, 'FiorenBe, Charleston, 8a vannah Jacksonville, Tampa, Ft. Myers, Oolombia and Asheville, Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Colombia, open to receive passengers at Wilmtngton at and after 10:00 p. Jmd may be oc cupied until J: 00 a. m. Jacksonville, ' New Bern and intermediate Stations. . Goldsboro, Bichmond,' Norfolk and Washing ton Pullman Parlor Cars between Wilming ton and Norfolk, connecting at Rocky Mount with New York trains with Tollman Service. Solid trains between Wilmington and Mt. Airy via Fayetteville and Sanford. jam. Conway v Florence, unarieston, Savannah, AV Florida Points, Columbia, Ashe ville and the West. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington Sfld Cofaaabia. Jacksonville, Stations. Hew Bern and intermediate Fayetteville stations. Sanford and intermediate Sta- Qoldsbofo, R'chmond, Norfolk, Washington and New York, Pullman Broiler, Buffet Sleeping Cars between Wilmington; and Washington, Connecting with New York trains, with Pullman and Pining . Car Service. - PuH man Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. ' . Chadbourm, tians. Conway and intermediate Sta- ARRIVM8. No. 91. a1:15 A. M. NO. 50. 12:20 A. M. No. 65. It:25 P. M. No. 49. 1:15 P. M. No. 51 1:05 P. M. No. 54. 1:40 P. M. No. 63. 12:50 P. M. I 10:15 A. M. No. 41. 1l:M A. M. No. 58. 19:15 A. M. Daily. I Daily; except Sunday. -For folders, refervationa, rate of fares, ete caD 'phone .160. a Daily except Mondty W. J. CBAIO. Passenger Traffic Mana gw. wiLmin GTPN. N, C T. ti. WHITE. General Passenger Agent SUBURBAN SCHEDULE. In Effect May 1st, 1913. Winter Pj Wrighteville, yrightsville Beach and Intermediate Pdihts. EAST BOUND. : -WEST BOUND Lave Wil-J Leave Wil- J Leave Wil- Leave -Win-1 Leave mingtori mington1 mington - ter Park Wrights- f or . for for ' for ville for ; Winter Wrights- Wrights- Wllming- Wilming- ' Park vllle ' ville Beacti -'ton ton 6:55 " 6:55 M ' 6:55 " 7:35 " 7:25 " I .i...v...:..s.i sto? 7:55 " ! S:0t) " 8:00 y" , S:42 " 8:30 " 18:00 " !8:00 ".. ;!8:00 " 9:07 " !8:55 " 8:30 ' " 8:S0 8:30 M : 9:37 " 9:25 " I 19:30- !9:3t) " :. It;. !10:12 !10:00 " ! lOrpO" 10:00 lOsOO H:07 " 10:55 " I 11:30 " S. 11: 30 11: 30 ' S 12: 37 P. M. 12 : 25 P. M.i 1:00 P.-M. 1:00 P.;m. ' 1:00 P. M.1 2:07 " 1:55 " zl:30 "v zl:30 " ; zl:30 4 I z2:37 " z2:25 " 2:00 v v 2:00 V4 :00 " 3:07 2:65 " 2:30 M 2:30 4 " ; 2i30 " 3:37 " 3:25 " ; 3:00 " 3:00 " 3:00 " 4:07 " 3:55 " 3:30 " 3:30 , 3:30 " 4:37 " "4:25 " 4:00 " 4:00 " '4:00 " 5:07 4:55 " 4:30 M - .4:30 f 4:30 " 5:37 " 5:25 " I . 5:00 5:00 5:00 6:07 " 5:55 " I 5:30 " r .5:30 J 5:30 " 6:47 " 6:35 " 6:10 " 6:10- 6:10 " 7:12 7': 00 " 1 6:40 " . - 6:40. V -6:40 " 7:42 " 7:30 " 7:10 " t ; 7:10 ? v....;..... 8:07 " 7:55 " 8:30. . 8:30 V ,8:30 -9:37 " 9:25 " i lOrOOJ 'H 10:00 10:00? ' il:0t " 10:55 " i .11:15 "lll:iy 'v j 11:57 11:45 ! Leave ville Beach for Wil- 7:45 'is':45 ;; 10:45 12:15 P-y' 1:J? - Z'2:l -2:45 3:i ;; 3:4o 4:4o 'M -5:45 (i Hi 6:50 ( 7:20 'J 10:4a Cars Marked Do not run on Sundays. , .Cars Marked; IRunSundays onlr. -u, .Cars Marked z Riin Saturdays only '.. FREIGHT SCHEDULE Ci ' Oaifv'ExceDt Siinddv. Leavfi 9th'nii1 nmturrt RtrAPta A : 1W nnrl-3?30 P.-M. I Freight Depot Open from 8:30 to 9:30 AIM. and from 2:30 to 3:30 P- 1 .'ty

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