1!M f 1 V. A 1 1 f ! v PAGE TWO "" -r ."-H ; y THE EVENING DISPATCH;: M ARCt MUTT IS TRYING TO BlffcE TO . . . . m a v A. - n : - -v- - - - fc- " " - ' " ' ' - i I II mi i m i i i- 1 ' " ' 11 " ' ' - 1 '" - , . . - I- - - r- I, I, i -i - ' .-'a:firi,""r gri-. . J-'-'-.' ;- l .. . ,. .,; - ; t,:. .,, -,. -v',;.' . v . . THE EVENING DISPATCH. MAkCH 25, 1914. wmMmmm ::r .'rW - - - . FISHER feUSNe; RiiT TTHiMfcvMiAR.6 "Y f I "r. j tfr UbF HG BOUGHT I " i t (A DUO Of-""' R.VQ.HT TIL I s MMsaC?.. At &. NOTHING H fVO; MN l A JOLU ANNOYING feUTfe "-c K-LOOK IT. T Suppose we MUST PUT UP WITH 1MM UH AT A&G You DoNG Mow OH, I'M ROCKING OOLU TO AW, Ay. go GOLF BOXING BASEBALL Basketball 0 T. M. PRIDGEN, Sport Editor RACING FISHING SWIMMING Other Games A PARTING SHOT. BIG GAME BILLED TODAY MACKMEN VS. ORIOLES W. E. Brandt, of the Record, who was here two weeks ago. The ladies in the party are Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Wychoff, Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Wm. G. Weart, with her little son, the mascot of the Athletics, a Fayetteville this morning ' sprightly lad, as will be seen by the fast and furious" A. & Y. j fans at Sunset this afternoon. The players here are: Pitchers, Plank, Bush, Wyckoff, Brown, Durn- Tlie Athletics arrived this morn ing in low of Skipper Ira Thomas, and will kick "up the dust of Sunset Park this afternoon with the Baltimore Oiioles. who arrived from the gay burs of over the line. A tremendous crowd will be on hand to see the fray. The business and other line-up ofiing, Shawkey, Pennock; infielders, the Phil-Ame:s include John Shibe, i Mclnnis, Collins, Barry, Baker, Koph; son of the Athletic's big man, Von j catchers, Capt. Thomas, Schang, Ohl, the business manager; William j Lapp; outfielders, Murphy, Strunck, G. Weart. of the Philadelphia Tele- j Oldring. graph; Spick Hall, of the Times ;J The Orioles arrived this morning, James Gantz, sporting editor of the j and will be seen here in the same Press; Emory Tifton, son of a mil-! lineup of several days ago. Both lionaire Philadelphia contractor, fol-J leave the city tonight, the Athletics lowing the Athletics for his health; j bound for Raleigh, where they will John Green, an all-round good fellow play their second game on North and lastly, but in no wise leastly, 1 Carolina soil, Wilmington having tho our old phriend and Phillie phraser, 1 distinction of having the first. BUNTS . The Feds will know just how it feels to play baseball Monday, April 13th, when the season opens. Friday c' next week is when the Feds will have Killifer brought into court, and attempt to lash him to an injunction. BASEBALL CHATTER. Alexander and ilaislip administered a shut-out to the Raleigh Carolina Leaguers yesterday. The score was 7 to o. Magee and Lobert rapped out a. coupic Oi tripples. "Rube" Marquard has been doing some fine flinging for the Giants on the spring trip. Pitcher Nap Rucker, the Brooklyn star, attributes his fine early-season condition to handball, which he play ed regularly all winter. First Baseman Wiliams, of the Yanks, received a gold watch from his friends in Galveston, which is his home town, when the Yankees play ed there recently. j A pitcher named Cotton, hailing j from Iowa, paid his own expenses to ! the Senators' camp to be given a try Connie .Mack will not be in Wil- j QUt by Manager Griffith. mington uuiay, ne nuvmg gone uum Outfielder Chappell has proved to to rmiaueipma to ue wun nis uaujiu b th heaviest hitter among the ter, who was operated upon for ap-j white Sox in the games on the Pa- peiuiicius scvbiai ua.yt tt&u. cific coast. I Newark is to have continuous base- The Phils were not able to play in j ball now that the Long Branch team Durham Monday, because of wet j of the New York and New Jersey grounds, therefore they went straight league has Deen transferred there, to Ilaleish. Think of the fun Bill I Molly Hollwitz, understudy ofr Shettsline, chief of the Glenolden, j Viv gaierj is showing considerable Pa., fire department, would have had ; big league stuff at first base for ta TURKISH BLEND CIGARETTES A Distinctive Turkish Blend Newspaper Reporter ' Seems to Be Sore About Something. It would suit Wilmington fans about as well if the Phila. Times kept its brilliant dope artist, H. Perry Lewis, home when the Phils come to Wilmington to train next year. The following is the article from The Times: "Are the Phils in Condition? "This is about the easiest question we have yet considered. They are not. Baseball players cannot be in shape working two days and then sit ting around a hotel watching the rain drops fall and listen to the wintry winds whistling around deserted cor ners the third day. It can't be done without sunshine and lots of it, and that is just what the Phils have not had since they filtered into "Wilming ton some four weeks ago. "There is comfort in the news that with the exception of a few teams that have trained far south, the other major league clubs are about in the same condition. It has been a severe season in all parts of the country .and few of the managers have been able i jj jJJg TO FIGHT FEDS iu give men wcu an j niiug, iiivc tuu- tinuous work. Perhaps the Quakers have had more than their share of bad weather, but the others have not escaped. "Wilmington Started Wrong. "As we remarked in a previous ef fort, Wilmington got away to a bad start as a training camp. For five days rain, snow and sleet, together Baker Announces Vigorous Defense "fcr.KiHifer ' The following frVm!' We' Philadel phia Press will be interesting: "President Baker, of the Phillies, when seen at his office yesterday af ternoon in the new Stock Exchange with a field that was unfit for any- Building, spoke ofthe Seaton and Kil- D Trmde Mark Better Walls and is USE Beaver Board instead of lath aad plaster. It never .cracks; needs no repairs, does away with unsanitary wall paper; is easily and quickly put up at any time of year; suits any kind of building. Let us show you how it looks. I BEAVER BOAR BEST FOR BEACH WORK. CANTWELL LUMBER CO. Phone 10. Front and Meares Streets. Wilmington, N. C. r LoulS T. Moore. Piatt W. Davis - "M "TENACITY" L I K E" Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glasr Davis-Moore Paint Co. 24 Market St. r a r P ASS" ! thing but water polo, made the ef forts at practice a roaring joke. Then followed a period of fair weather that caused much joy on the part of the Phil athletes and the town boosters and led the scribes to a path of op timism. But the sunny south stuff was of short duration, and the lat ter part of the stay in Wilmington was as dark, cold and desolate as the forepart. "As. a result, the men have not been able to get in shape thus far, and Dooin started north with a crowd of athletes who need about three weeks in a real sunny clime. The stay at Wilmington benefited the men, but it ,did not put them on edge to start a five months' campaign. "Men Are Overweight lifer cases 4n a wav tbrt shows the Philadelphia club is only, .beginning to marshal its forces for the great le gal battle with , the Federal League, which now seems imminent. "Mr. Baker said: " 'The attempt of the Chicago Fed eral League club to. enjoin Killifer from perfoiming his contract -with us did not find us unprepared. Although they selected adistant jurisdiction in which to begin their suit, they found themselves before one of the strong-J est courts in' the country, which will unquestionably see the justice of our position and may be lelied upon to re buke all efforts to tempt players to jump .contracts. " 'The attempt- to obtain a prelimi- ! nary injunction and so lead the pub- QUALITY COUNTS GASOLINE KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS and OIL SOAP CAPE FEAR OIL CO. PHONE 873. could b-j have remained to witness the big fire. Dooin has sent Cy Marshall home. Not to stay mercy, no! but to cure a severe cold. A report has it that Joe Jackson, Chicago Cubs. Manager Charley Dooin of the Phil lies will carry four catchers besides himself this season. But even with art mnnnv tia nlrctrme tVio PViila pflnnnt i i j.i i m. .... . "j u,"'uwi'u -" reu uy me nosuie auuuae or. a afford to lose Killifer to the Feds. tain local faction. Evidently With Konetchy at first , Viox at second, Wagner at short and Mowrey - A A ... lviobi oi me men are overweignt lic to supPose that the Federal; and many weigh more than they did Ledgue had won first blood was an wfien they arrived. It must be re- eort tuat failed as it deserved to rnembered that the wise manager al- This is all that we care to say .w,a mt um team overweigni at mis At tne preaent time as we.do not wish season, Decause tne men will go stale l'to discuSs in the newspapers a case when the real hot weather sets in if j that is pending in the courts. I may they start too Tine.' But he does ex-'j however, that we are represented Ui0 ucutuiueu iu tt on somr by competent counsel, who will pre oi me excess winter avoiaupois dur ing the sojourn south. "The stay at Wilmington was mar- cer- the sent our case aggressively when the time set Tor the hearing has come.' " "George Wharton Pepper, assisted Dy aamuei m. uiemeui, jr., nave the sta;- outfielder for the Naps, is j at third the Pittsburgh pirates will dickeiiiiR with the Feds for a three-j begin this geason with what looks t0 year contract for $65,000. The same be.the strongest infield in the Na- report has it that Joe is the man do- j ing all the talking, and that he is a great publicity lover. Le:;t we forget, there are also some : nck-a-jack amateur baseball games on t.:i. Yesterday afternoon the Y. M. C. A. Preps defeated the Carolina Ilights team by the close score of 21 to S. The game was at Carolina Heights. The Prep battery: Roberts and Johnson: for the Heights: Hazel hurst and King.- His Record Drive. Fir.t Golfer Dubb is bragging about setting a fine 20-yard drive this morning. Second Golfer Yes, I saw it; he flaying the 135-yard hole. Bos 1 ranscript. "i rharpe nf thp tpp-nl fortunes of the enthusiastic boomers of the town ex- J Philadelphia club. ywcieu tne visiung newspapermen to 'Aob-orl ahnnt Hon fnn cHiintinn boost no matter what happened. The I Mp Baker answered: tional League. Infielder Joe Judge, who is show ing such speed with the Boston Red I Sox, is only 20 years old. He jumped from the amateur ranks to the big show in one leap. Connie Mack's Philadelphia cham pions are playing in tiptop form this early in the season and other Ameri can League managers are beginning to sit up and take notice. The Mack men are a hard outfi to beat. The Chinese ball players who re cently landed, in San Francisco have mapped out a seven months' tour, in the course of which they will play in all parts of the UnfEed States and wind up with a few games in Cuba. The absence of Johnny Bates fr6m the Cincinnati lineup may cripple the i Reds. John is kept at his home in ' Steubenvilie by the. serious illness or Absolutely Necessary. his wife. It probably will be several "So, you've been to a fortune teller weeks before he wil be able to rejoin ..w,v, U1iu6u, uu you really , his team Deiieve in tate? against Seaton and hold him to his contract. We do not know exactly truth, thereby bringing down on their heads a double handful of bitter in- "OMlou uiyiwhere he is at the- present time, as it local Daners and almost rPKultPri tn I . . . . ' the typewriter brigade being run out of camp. "Will Train on the Road. v..,.. tcr. WITH THE BOXERS. "Sure, ma'am, and what else would we walk wid?"-Baltimore American. Subscribe to The Evening Dispatch. 35 cents the month. looks as if our friends were keeping him under cover. As soon, however, as it is possible, with entire fairness tr nil nnrtloa tn tost thA niipstinn in "But the attitude of the Wilmington I t ' . . . , . . . . . A 6 the couits we intend to do so with, fans figure about as much as the . T t . . nt. . i vigor. If a contract is not a contract price of electric fans in Alaska. They' va .Qt tn . , u ,j. i. , . i we want to know it. couldn't help the weather, but never- theless the fact remains that the Phils have not had a chance to train prop erly, which is the bitter truth we are I Promoter Tom O'Rourke, of New trying to ease to our readers. ; York, has signed Ad Wolgast for "There remains 22 days before the three bouts at his club, opening of the National League sea-j Dick Nelson, the Dane, came to life son. If the weatherman gives them in London the oth,er night and knock any kind of an opportunity the Phils ' ed out Jack Goldswain in 12 rounds, will try to make up the lost ground. ' The Australian game has been so for if ever a bunch of. men were de-'soft for Ed McGoorty that Jimmy termind -to overcome obstacles it is Claby has decided to try his luck in me cian or Doom this season. " i the Antipodes. Jimmy sails for "down yonder" early next month. American Fence -BR' f 'T T-'fT T t f " r'Hirvr rrrr TTff Combine the Fence and the Hop and g"et p the Dollars AmericanBoIlarg i Large Wires made of Hard Stiff Steel. Galvanizing the Best. Hinged Joints and Tension Curve Keep the Fence in Perfect Position for ALL TIME. Best Fence Lasts Longest. Get the Genuine "Ameri can" from N. JAC0B1 HARDWARE COMPANY WILMINGTON, N. C. Easter Egg Dye Have just arrived. We can supply you with eight different colors. Don't for get. "PASS Calico Papers" Containing transfers of the famous Mutt and Jeff Series If you ctn't Tell U3 Tell-a-phone, 24 S. ELVINGTON'S Princess at Second Street, (Garrell Building.) LADIES Cokiial. Pimps Not Skin Deep. Miss Catt She has a novel com Seems to be a hitch somewhere in the proposed bout between Champion Willie Ritchie and Jimmy Duffy of miss xsipp Yes, but the novelty is Lockport. Ritchie claims to know apt to wear off. Judge. j nothing about the match. THE FOARD HARDWARE 29 SOUTH FRONT STREET STORE FISHING TACKLE FISHING TACKLE That's Fit for Fishing From Abbey & Imbries' New York. For the biggest Drum ciught before or on October 15th and weighed at my store, I will give a Spring Butt Green Heart Rod, a free Spool Reel and a a Abbey & Imbrie special line. Drum must be caught by a customer with rod and reel. L. L. HANBY Patent and Gun- m etal Hewlett & Price 24 North Front. 5