1 fr i 1 1.' ' 1 t: I..- i ' It .-: ,' 1 V , : " PAGE TWO l! : ! M "" i ' " ' ' - - . - ...... t - vv.i,." - i rxr criir tim ri.. .JEFPNEVER WAS - a- J' 1 J.'"' SAT, MOW, AfcJ& " A ,- j- .v.:.;- t : . OB GOLF JBOXING BASEBAIX Basketball T. M. PRIBGEN, NATIONAL LEAGUE ) Club : Won. New York 52 Chicago TT52 St. Louis 51 Boston 44 Cincinnati 44 Philadelphia 41 Pittsburgh .39 Brooklyn 37 Lost. 35 41 44 45 48 49 49 49 Pet. .598 .559 .537 .494 1 .478 .456 .443 .430 Results Yesterday. At Boston 2; St. Louis 0. At Philadelphia 8; Chicago 1. At Brooklyn 9; Pittsburgh 3. Ai Nw York 3 ; Cincinnati 4. D AMERICAN LEAGUE Club: Won. Philadelphia 59 Boston: ' , - 53 Washington 51 Detroit 49 St. Louis 45 Chicago 44 New York 42 Cleveland 30 Lost. . 33 41 42 47 48 '48 52 66 Pet. .641 .564 ..549 .510 .484 .478 .447 .313 Results Yesterday. At Cleveland 2; New York 7. At Chicago 1; Boston 5. At Detroit 1; Washington 3. At St. Louis 7; Philadelphia 9. FEDERAL LEAGUE ) Club: Won. Chicago 54 Brooklyn 46 Indianapolis 48 Baltimore rrrr. .49 Buffalo 44 Kansas City 43 Pittsburgh 39 St. Louis 39 Lost. 39 40 41 49 45 52 49 55 Pet. .581 .535 .539 .500 .494 .453 .448 .415 Results Yesterday. At Pittsburgh 2; Chicago 1. At Brooklyn 0; Indianapolis 4. At Buffalo 5; St. Louis 2. At Baltimore 9; Kansas City 7. RESULTS YESTERDAY ; North Carolina League. At Charlotte 3; Asheville 4. At Durham 4; Winston-Salem 3. At Raleigh 4; Greensboro 8. Virginia League. At Richmond 10; Norfolk 0. 2nd: Richmond 1; Norfolk 7. At Roanoke 6; Petersburg 3. At Portsmouth 4; Newport News 5. Southern League. At Atlanta 3; Birmingham 0. At New Orleans 4; Chattanooga 2. At Montgomery 7; Memphis 10. At Mobile 4; Nashville 6. - .South Atlantic League. At Augusta 7; Columbus 4. At Charleston 3 ; Jacksonville 1. At Columbia 5; Macon 1. At Savannah 3; Albany 2. American Association. '0. At Milwaukee 8; Columbus 7. At Kansas City 3; Cleveland 6. ;t:f At St. Paul 5; Indianapolis 6. "At Minneapolis 5; Louisville 2. -Ii.-:yf .; , r. . r ; .;." -; ' International League. 'Yi ; At Montreal 10; Newark 3. ; ;f At Rochester 1 ; Baltimore 7. Am '-J- At Buffalo 3; Providence 7. rAt "Toronto j ; Jersey ,t City 4, - r - I S -.-.A. stress'. Fiv.e ana en cent store sells r ,, -ice ; coia juoca 5)vpia ,in ; Dotues; . Try. ;f ;JugDert-"Hure; t aot vof JtSm uyalKresftl Six nd Ten ; Cnt tre. Ad- c a anaoutn-iouna.. 7 RACING FISHING SWIMMING 0ir Games Sport Editor niiNons standing) SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Club: Won. Lost. Pcfc .583 .559 .551 .526 .510 .480 .421 .427 Mobile 60 43 45 48 46 51 53 55 59 New Orleans 57 Birmingham 59 Atlanta 51 Chattanooga 53 Nashville ,...49 Montgomery 40 Memphis 44 SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. It Club: Won. Lost. Pet. Charleston .32 14 .611 Albany 22 16 .579 Augusta 20 16' .556 Columbus 19 18 .514 Savannah 19 19 .500 Macon 16 20 .444 Columbia 16 22 .421 Jacksonville .14 23 .378 VIRGINIA LEAGUE. Club: Won. Lost. Pet. Norfolk . .v . .17 10 .630 Roanoke 16 9 .640 Richmond 16 13-. .552 Newport News 14 15 .48 Petersburg 13 18 .419 Portsmouth 10 18 .357 NORTH CAROLINA LEAGUE. Club: Won. Lost. Pet. Durham 61 33 .607 , Charlotte ..49 36 .576 Winston-Salem ..."...45 37 .549 Raleigh 38 48 .442 Asheville 36 49 .424 Greensboro 33 50 .398 BUNTS President Wilson might explain the psychology governing the games of the Grant's and the Clubs. When one wins both do, likewise, when one los es the other does. Something will likely be decided in New York next Tuesday, to Friday, when' the O'Day bunch scraps four times with the McGrawites. McGraw was routed In the sixth yesterday for jawing at the umpire. The next inning CIncy chased around two runs, tying the score, and in the eighth batted in another, winning.AU of which goes to show that silence has its place, even in baseball. , The Cubs were defeated by the Phil lies, Tincup, the Injun, holding them to G hits. Eddie Burns caught. Cheney, Smith and Mack pitched for the Cubs, allowing nine hits. Dode Paskert and Beals Becker bumped two on the nos for homers, each scoring a man. The Yankees keep on winning, in spite of public opinion and a record. Chance concluded a string of five wins from, the Naps yesterday. The Bed Sox had a -crimp put in their stride by the White Sox, which, no doubt, caused a smile on the leath ery face of Connie Mack. . Eddie Collins, whom McGraw says is the greatest ail player, tripled, winning the game for. the Athletics. Maiden What sort of hat did Gene vieve Gotham "wear? . .'. ' . Man A almple thing Just .a . gar denia in front and a gol-darn-yer be hind Judge. . - t - . Baconi'Somthlng f&eemfflo ie th matter.vwith ,the. Ship of Stafe 1 A . it. . . t ... ..... '. . .. "1 C ""1 O tM vv - . -v ; UUI 1 BASEBALL CHATTER The Montreal Royals : have been playing a much better brand of ball since Dan Mowley took charge of the team. Lee Magee of the Cardinals Is hav ing the best season in stick work he has. had since coming into the Na tional league. If the Pirates had gone on strike and taken with them their brother Feds, how happy the Pittsburgh fans would be today. Fred Clause, a brother of Bert Clause, the southpaw pitcher with De troit last season, has ben added to the New Haven club's roster. Fred Trautman, a pitcher on the Ap- pleton team of the Wisconsin-Illinois league, has pitched 46 consecutive in nings of shut-put baseball. First Baseman Hoblitzel's hunting and base running have been a big factor in the sensational climb of the Boston Red Sox up the pennant lad der. Jake Boultes, one time Boston Braves, is playing a star game at third base and also with the war club, for the Bridgeport team of the Eastern association. Clemson college boasts of a pitcher who can twirl equally well with either hand. Woh-"how well" this ambidex trous fellow can pitcher with either hand. r Mbnte Cross, who is now officiat ing as an umpire in the Federal league is laid up in a Philadelphia hospital as a result of stopping a batted ball with his ankle. A peculiar thing about the Cleve land Naps is their ability to dig up fellows who can hit. But no matter how strong these fellows are with the willow the Napa never get anywhere. In blanking the Pirates three times straight the Braves have established a .season's record. So far this sea son's record. So far this season no other major league team has shut out the same opponents three times in a row. . St. Joseph, Denver, Sioux City and Lincoln are staging a great race for the Western league pennant. The four teams have been jammed to gether so closely at times that a pos tage stamp would cover the whole bunch. Larry ChappeU has notified the White Sox management that it will be impossible for him to play this season. . Chappell has been laid up since last March with a severe at tack, of blood .poisoning. , ; Nearly all arrangements have been completed for the all-star baseball tour to the Pacific coast this fall. The tour wfll start from Cincinnati on Oc tober 18th. The team fill go by way of Omaha, Denver.and Salt Lake City, reaching, San Francisco November 1st. . BOXING NOTES. Joe Rivers says he is anxious to meet the winner of the Leach Cross- Johnny Tillman bout. Joe only recent ly passed up a chance to meet Cross. Charley White, the Chicago light weight who has made 125,000 in the ring, figures he will add several thou sands more to Ws pile before he re tires from the game. Willie Bitchie; former champion lightweight, has Teturned from Eng land with;? the tidy sum of $29,500 .in bis kick, this being his share of the returns" from the bout with Freddie Welsh. ' - ' . East xNorthfield, Mass., August 1-r-The general conference of Christian Workers, one of. the series of summer religious assembles founded here by the late pwlght' L.. -Moody, opened to day and will continue Xorc the next two weeks. A large number of well known Qivines, evangeusiB, .missionaries ana educators will take part in the pro - irnmi - ' , i t i. wum,icb ai HAVE YOU USED GO WAN'S FOR PNEUMONIA, COLDS, CROUP, PAIN OR FEVER? If not, Your Friend has. Ask Him. ENOUGH SAID. Comlakey Day at Dubuque. Dubuque, , ia., August 1 This was "Comiskey Day" in Dubuque, when half the men, women and children of the city turned out to do honor to Charles Comiskey, owner of the Chi cago club of the American league and one of the most prominent figures in organized baseball. Mr. Comiskey began his baseball career in Dubuque and has ever since retained an inter est in the city and its affairs. The particular occasion for today's demon stration in his honor was the raising of a 100-foot flagpole which he presented to the new Dubuque Municipal Athlet ic park. Subscribe to The1 Evening Disptch. There . Is more -Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronouuebd it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional diBease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hrlls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitu tional euro on the market. It is taken internally la doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It actB directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for . any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hail's family Pills for constipation. State cf North Carolina. County of New Hanover. By virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed, executed by Benjamin Wortharu and wife Hannah Wortnam, to Minerva Hamilton on the 3rd day of January 1913, which mortgage deed was duly transferred and assignea by said Minerva Hamilton to Lee Greer for value, said mortgage aeea being recorded tn Book 71j page l.!(5. In the office of the Kegistcr of Heeds of New Hanover County, default having been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned will sell ai public auction to the highest bidder for eaau flt the Court House door of , New Hanover County, in the City of Wilming ton, on Monday, the 4th day of August, 1914, at noon, the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at the eastern line of Tenth street one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet -northwardly from the northern line of Castle street ; running thence north wardly with the eastern line of Tenth street alxty-six (BO) feet; thence, eastwardly and parallel with Castle street one hun dred and sixty-live (ICR) feet; thence southwardly and parallel with Tenth street sixty-six (5) feet; thence westward ly and parallel with Castle street one hun dred and sixty-ttvo (1(55) feet to the be ginning, being the western half of lot No. 4, Block Wi, and being the same lot of land conveyed by J. W. Telfair and wife to A. G. Kicaud and conveyed by A. G. K lea ud to Benjamin Wortnam. M1NEKVA HAMILTON, Mortgagee. LEE GKEER, Transferee. jy 23 SO dys. YORK AND .4 etown, 3. G. ...NEW YORK. TO WIXMINGTON "1M"U" -ueroxee jrnaayj; July 17th WILmNGTOX TO 01H)B08TOWN '-neroKee.... Monday,, Jnly 20tb L mington to incvr iohk 1 2tlf??n ? wavajjoe. ..Saturday, July Wth u,5r -? '-"eroKee..,. Saturday, Jury 2Stn i , - icb Kvaranteen -. to ana - zrom ywuui m jNorta andSauth Carolina. To NEW Georg 3 IgjTNH -CH UI The Universal Time Saver it r IME is monevT' It realization of results, in the pursuit of business or happiness. The telephone increases the value of every minute. It adds to every man's" efficiency. Successful business today depends upon the utilized minutes. t The telephone enables the business man to Crowd the working day with actual results accomplished. He covers a lot of ground, in a short time, at the smallest possible expense. ? The Bell Telephone system is the time saver of the nation. Every day, 26,000,000 Bell telephone talks repre sent an estimated saving of $4,000,000 in time and energy to the American people. . When You Telephone, Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE A N D TELEGRAPH C OMP ANY THE FOARD HARDWARE 29 South . .Come in and see the simplest, sweetest running Gas oline Engine you ever saw. . Up to now, 10 A. M. it has been running 20 hours without stopping, on less than 2 gallons of gasoline. Anybody that uses power ought to be interested. . A really wonderful labor saver. 4 , I M I II I, Will 1 I II I Mt M llllll II Hill. j-,tiMllli.BIMIIIii fl Fl n HAVE YOU TRIED SKEET-A-SIDE Mosquitoes and Sand Flies cannot endure it, only pre paration of its kind that is pleasant in odor and is posi tively guaranteed. Price 15 cents. Delivered anywhere in city and sold by most grocery stores. PAYNE DRUG CO. HARRY E. PAYNE. PHONE 520. WILMINGTON GRAIN & PROVISION CO. Subscribe to ( Jhei is more than that it is the it STORE Front Street. L. L. HANBY 5TH AND RED CROSS STS The Winning Horse Is generally the animal that la best looked after and receives the great est care. Do you know that you ought to be almost as careful about the feed of your horse as you are of your own food? He does good work for you and needs supporting in re turn. Get him . the most nourishing and the most pleasing feed that you can, aua the dumb beast will be grate ful. At ,our store you will get he best for little money. PHONE 641. Eveniiig Dispatch In a pair of our Ladies Tan Oxfords and Pumps Special 3) Hewlett & Price 24 North Front DR. L. C. ALLEN OSTEOPATH 47-448 TRUST BUILDING Office Honrit Office 'Phone B70-W 9 to 1: S to 0. Residence Fhone 1478-J ATLANTIC COAST LINE Bulletin of Special Excursion Faro. -ifHOM- WILMINGTON NEW YORK 26M PHILADELPHIA ?2.80 BALTIMORE 18.00 WASHINGTON 1600 On sale daily until September 30, limited returning October 31.. WAYNESVILLE LAKE JUNALUS- KA, N. C. $12 68 On Sale August 1, 2, 3 and 4, limited returning August 16. On sale August 5, 6. 7 and 8, limited returning August 26. . On sale August 13, 14, 15 and 11 limited returning August 28. MONTEAGLE & SEWANEE, TENN 2053 On sale August 3, 7 and 14, limited returning September 5. KANSAS CITY, MO, $422J On sale August 1, 2 and 3, limited return August 15. MERIDIAN, MISS 22p On sale August 10, 11 and 1-', Hfflit' ed returning August 15. MUSKOGEE, OKL 44'J On sale August 16, 17 and 18, limit ed rsturning August 31. DETROIT, MICH $29 On sale August 27, 28 and 29, H1' ed returning Sept. 15. RICHMOND, VA $0JJ On sale September 6 and 1, liD1,te returning September 16. ATLANTA, GA '13 . On sale October 13 aud 14. 1 mlte returning October 24. . '5 6" NEW uRLEANS, LA d On sale October 17 and is. linllte returning October 31. Proportionately low round trip fare above pof-ats om other points on the Atlantic Coast Line. Summer Excursion Tlcketr are cale to many Mountain, LaXe, ahore and Pleasure Resorts. For schedules, reservations and particulars desired, 'phone 160, or Ply tO nf ATLANTIC COAST Lf J 8 r