I I, 1 3 I: J I f 5 . if 1 - i IV 8: 8 4 1 t i.T,:w U .b '. Uf I . ' -: v . .. ' v '. .- v " - - ' - - . .. , ..., , i io . - . .... . 7. , , 1 " i i frfe- x a vrr at- THAT WiWM&m- ( EFF J OVST TH6U6HT Ot 4 SCHeN. To CtfGRjCOfAG "THii TOoD SCRCITN !n evRope, now OP NEAT AND YOO cut tr - - - -CD HVS r v THEN CUT TKOi Sf'rt four, pieces mTo QtARTGRJS. AMD WHfVTJ TOUR, R.eiULT7 TlwO HUNDRt .'4U -HAve UT(V 7 ANt CUT v MOUl CUT irtot four, pieces op Me act. jAHKT HAve You Got ' if I . J 1 I w.'fc.-i- .-k '-v.-v if i. - - j v.v... v. - r . r . - 9 j GOLF fiOXING BASEBALL r ' Basketball POR T. M. PRID6EN, Spert Editsr RACING FISHING SWIMMING Other Games NATIONAL LEAGUE ) Boston, 80 55 .593 New York 76 61 .555 Chicago- 75 64 .539 St. Louis 73' 66 .525 Philadelphia 67 73 .479 Brooklyn 64 75 .460 Pittsburgh 62 76 .449 Cincinnati : 56 83 .403 BUNTS Results Yesterday. At New York 0; Chicago 5. At Boston 8; Pittsburgh 2. At Philadelphia 4; St. Louis 5. At Brooklyn 5; Cincinnati 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE Clubs; 4 j ..Won. . Lost. Pet. Philadelphia .91 49 .650 Boston 85 54 .512 Detroit 75 63 .525 Washington 73 67 .521 Chicago 67 75 .472 St. Louis 65 75 .464 New York 63 77 .450 Cleveland 45 96 .319 Barring miracles, which may be ex pected as much as anything else, the Braves, after gaining another full game on the Giants yesterday, may reasonably be doped the pennant winners. Collins, Murphy, Baker and Mcln nis, oKthe Athletics, are among the first seven run-getters in the Ameri can League. Manager Bill Hinchman, of the Co lumbus club, who was recently pur chased by, the Piraes, Is the high man in American Association batting. Bill James, of the Braves, andi Doak, the Cardinals' crack pitcher, are running neck and neck for the National League pitching honors. Benny Kauff, of the Indianapolia team, continues to lead the Federal League in batting by a good margin over Steve Evans, of Brooklyn. Outfielder Tutwiler, who goes to the Red Sox from the Providence tack until he went plum' out of sight i fast fompanj as a member of the OA CPU A I I PHATTFR facrea of 4and. The basie unit of (training, then twelve years in active Inhabitants of which hold the laud, i reserve, every Cossack supplying h:sj not as individuals, but as a commun- j own uniform and horse. In wartime lty. Every te households elect one ! they furnish the Russian government of their number to represent them in I with infantry to the number of 13,- the Village Assembly and the assem bly raises taxes, elects judges, man ages the communal cultivation and has charge of the schools. In these communities there is a larger propor tion of schools . ihan throughout the rest of Russia and j popular education , stands higher. Agriculture supplies their needs and leaves a surplus, while more money is. made by cattle and horse breeding and the renting of their mineral lands to strangers. The Cos sacks enjoy certain special privileges 500; cavalry, 111,250 horses and men, and artillery, 236 guns, 170,695 horse3 and 181,367 men. Asheville Gazette-News. Jnst ten-years ago today, Septem ber 18th, 1904, William Jennings Bry an, now visiting in Asheville, deliver ed the opening address in the Demo cratic National campaign. He spoke to thousands upon thousands in the coliseum at Denver and his great speech was reported in full all over "I Never Closed My Eyes Last Night " How often have you been forced to say these very words. You evidently have never . tried SMALL SIZES In Ladies SIippers 1 to 3 $3.00 to $4.00 Special 97c. Hewlett & Price 24 North Front Tutt's Pills under the avalanche of swats. The Cubs 'seemed to be in the pink of condition, while the Giants appear ed off in every department except fielding. They made only one error. Cheney let them down with three hits, upon which they were not able to circulate extensively on the paths. Results Yesterday. At Cleveland 3; Philadelphia 14. At Detroit 3; Boston 5. 2nd: Detroit 0; Boston 5. At Chicago 9; Washington 1. 2nd: Chicago 7; Washington 4. At St. Louis-New York, rain. The Windy City gang garnered 10 safeties, five of which, coupled with Matty's wild pitch and Meyers' wild throw, let in five runs in the first in ning. One of the initial frame, swats was a triple and another a double. O'Toole was then called upon to officiate. FEDERAL LEAGUE :" The Braves had easy going with the Pirates, allowing them two runs in the first inning, and shutting them out afterward. RESULTS YESTERDAY. Clubs: Won. Lost. Pet. Indianapolis 80 60 .571 Chicago 78 61 .561 Baltimore 72 63 .533 Baltimore ,.70 66 .515 Brooklyn 70 66 .515 Kansas City 65' 74 .467 St. Louis ..60 78 .435 Pittsburgh . 54 80 .403 Results Yesterday. At Pittsburgh 3; St. Louis 10. At Brooklyn 1; Kansas City 0. At Buffalo 1; Indianapolis 4. At Baltimore 1; Chicago 0. 8; International League. At Newark 9; Baltimore 1. At Providence 9; Jersey City (10 innings.) At .Rochester 3; Buffalo 3; (called end ninth, darkness.) At Montreal 6; Toronto 15. " 2nd: Montreal 2; Toronto 2; (called end ninth, darkness.) Detroit Tigers According to unomwai averages the Giants have it on the Braves in batting, v but the Stallings clan has a shade on the McGrawites in field ing. It looks as though Fritz Maisel will succeed Clyde Milan as king of the base stealers, as the Yankee infielder is now leading boh the American and National Leagues in sack pilfering. Charley Clancy is making quite a record as a minor league pilot. In the four years he has managed the Winston-Salem North Carolina Lea gue team Clancy has won three pennants. The Brooklyn Superbas have won 12 out of the 18 games played with the Bostoa Braves. As bus three games remain to be played between the two teams the season s series goes to the Superbas FOOTBALL NOTES. Meeting of Indiana Phys'rcians . Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 23. A Jarge attendance marked the opening here today of the annual convention of the .Indiana State Medical Association. Fifty women physicians are included v among .the deelgates. The .sessions Minnesota has a promising line man 4n Meyers, who played on the freshman team last year. W: Earl Sprackling, the former Ail-American quarter, will assist Coach Robinson with the Brown squad this year. It is said that the full quota of 62, 000 seats in the Yale Bowl wfll be ready for the Harvard-Yale game this year.' '. "Ike" Eichenlaub, the All-Western fullback of last season, is back at Notre Dame, weighing 200 pounds He carries his weight easily and is one of,jthe fastest of the big men on the gridiron. I 'j ... -will continue through the remainder American Association. At Louisville 5; Indlanapolts n." 2nd: Louisville 4; Indianapolis 0; (5 innings, darkness.) At Milwaukee 3; Minneapolis 1. . i rkausas uiy-si. . rail, ram. j The Cossacks. At ColuinbusCleveland (postponed Baltimore Evening Sun. v allium urana circuit races.) Our idea of a Cossack is generally 'a rather soiled, fierce-appearing indi- with the FIGHTERS. J viaual in aHowing costume, who I rides about in a Wild West how d, . . " i leaning from his saddle to nif.k im x lumuiei ivi v:v,arey, Ol JjQS AngeieS, , V ------ -r desires to stage a clash between be ' 'haeiefs 'oft the ground. With Attell and Johnny Kilbane. I the Russian army so much to the fore ' . in front oaee headlined. f nrth Jim Johnson, the colored heavv. ' i . show mm. L 11 "L!?; .5la!?".ticnlara concerning them, may be of ing In his recent bout with" Sam Lang ford at Boston. y Georges Carpentier, the French champion nor doing .military duty in iance, is driving -an officer's auto lt''-.Vi- ijf i, 4 of the week. Many , eminent physi- ' . :, clans . and surgeons will "take part in jifAttoe program, which provides for num- ''Mtrous lectures, demonstrations and .clinics, j.- .J''. V - 4 V '' " 7- v . . i. . ' Subcribe t0 The Evenln8 Dl6PL. and is not la much danger. the United States. Judge Alton B. granted them by trte Russian govern- Parker, of New York, was then the ment, in return fcr which they give candidate of the Democratic party military service. This service is Ior resident, u is aiso mteresi.na; made obligatory among them. They j to ncte a aecaae ago toaay an spend the years of from 18 to 21 in announcement was made to the ef fect that Senator Arthur Fue Gor man, of Maryland, now deceased, would be assistant campaign manager for Judge Parker. These political relics were brought out this morning by a group of visitors at Grove Paik Inn where Mr. Bryan is a guest for a few days. During his stay in Ashe ville the Secretary ofv State has al ready met a number jof visitors who are here attending the annual meet ing of the National Association oc Fire Commissioners at the Inn and others. which gently regulate your system and stir your liver to action. Sugar coated or plain at your druggist. Frank Loughrey and Jim Coffey have signed up w'th Al Lippe fcr a tour of Avstralia. Beautiful Teeth V .JJ . i uu may auu years io your life if your teeth are in condi tion to properly masticate your food. Thon consider the added satisfaction of good appear- lance that nice even teeth brin?. If your teeth are irregular, broken and dark I can make them like new and use painless methods. Satisfaction guaranteed. POPULAR PRICES Dr. Edward Greene Garrell Building. Cor. Princess and Second Sti. Phone 894-J. Reference American National Bank. Z& I1 I SCHEDULE STR. WILMINGTON. Will Leave' Daily for Southport and Fort Caswell at 9:3a A. M. Will Leave Southport at 2:30 P. M. Arriving at 5:06 P. M. se 14 lm J. B. fox: THE NEW DRUG STORE We give you the best Fountain service in the city. - We serve the best Ice Cream South of Washington City. We sell Norris ex quisite candies, fresh by express, twice a week. We give you prompt and courteous service always. Prescription work our specialty We want your patronage. WOODALL & SHEPPARD PHONES 131 AND 132. "IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH" (IRDKi; In tlio Supplier Court of .Now Hanover Ouuty. Willard Bunting vs. liraee Howard Hunting. ' It appearing from the attidavit or Willard Hunting in tbis action that (ir.ni- H'Winl Hunting, tho Upfondant therein ;i n n i sitter due diligence Ite found in N v lliunnvr Couttty unit eaunot lie found in the Stiite and it appearing tliat a :iiisc uf .-irtion exists in favor of the plaint ill a.nii-i II.p defendant ior Divorce on 1 lie gnuunls uf JVtrnicatioii anl Adultery. It is therefore ordered that no! ice o! tins action be published on-e a wc-k l"r six weeks in The livening Dispatch. :i nf,s" paper published in .New Hanover futility, .N. C. sett lug forth the t it I -c - o Hie .nticn till- purpose of the same together itl'a brief recital of the subject matter i Illt! same and requiring the defendant '" alr pear at the next term ol the Superior I'ourt of .New Hanover t'onnty to he l'''"" at the t'ourt House on (lie Jiiili l.iv "I October. i'JJ4 and answer neinnr t" complaint of the plaint ill' or the rellel ftfrcin ,vtil be granted. This Mb day September. 3!n I. w. .. hai:i;iss. t'lerk Superior Court. ae y law liw wwl. interest. ' Cossack is "derived from a Turkish word meaning "advanentrer," and the Cossack popTiTation of Russia something over two and a half mil- that they would have no relations "ons oi t men and women. Further-1 with" th nnti, oa .'-tju. ... - I -- i.LnFJ VJA-V V VI4JI Ok - Uiw -1. ui popuiatron own. 146,500,000 ' ttnetly unfriendlj bisli. President Gilmore, of the Federal League, who has announced that un less the challenge to play a three- cornered wcrrld's series he has sent to tire major leagues be taken up, the team winning the pennant In his lea gue will claim the world's champion ship. The National Commission ac cepts Gilmore's challenge as merely Completing the record of Gilmore's campaign to receivfe official recogni tion of his organisation as --being of major league calibre. , It Is recalled that when the challenge "was received President Johnson of the American isithe White Sox, vigorously isserted HAVE YOU TRIED IDE Mosquitoes and Sand Flies cannot, endure it, only pre paration of its kind that Is pleasant in odor and is posi hyely guaranteed. . - Price . :. . . ........ i 15 cents. Delivered anywhere in city and sold by most grocery stores. CO PHONE 520. HARRY;E. EAYNE; v STH AND RED CRUSS STS REGAL SHOES GENT3' FURNISHINGS GOLF OXFORDS RUBBER 80LE3 8TREET OXFORD8....3.5J to 58 GEO. S. NEVENS PhxifrftSS 1Z1 Market t To NEW YORK AND Georgetown, S C NEXT TORE TO WII.MlNOTON Steamship Cherokee l-'riday. s c'; -.' j Steamship Savuhoe Friday. '' " WltMINOTON TO OFOKfiETOWN Steaiusbip I'berokee .Monday. -M'1 -.B .Steamship Anvalioe .Monday. - WILMINGTON TO NEW YOBK Steamship .vato' Saturday. Set -rJ teaiusliip t:iierokee Saturday. itoiii steamer carry passengers. xaroajftr Bills ot Lading and lMZ0lt tlirotiga rates, guarantet-d to ana points in north and Soutb Caroiin. & C. J. BBCKKK, Arent, wimwi