':'."' -V' ' '. , . - ....... . . . ' . . r. V ' .... ... . . ... r- .. , .... . . .......... ... , .... - . ' ' . . . m - sj C7-; , THE WEATHER. j 4 ; Fair tonight and-Tuesday. Colder Tuesday.T Fresh -west wiuds. 7 ? 5. 1914. 1 PRICE THREE CENTS, Russians Become Strongly En trenched and Furious , Battle is Raging. t KAISER GOES BACK TO FRONT Allies Claim to be Gaining in West. Whidi Berlin State- ' i A a. u. Jb. all came ment Disputes 7 RumorT with contributions HONOR ROLL.' 4 , . ; r ' ' The Dispatch's 'empty stock- mg : iunr: stands within six . dol- T lars of reaching -" four hundred. That. Is'a Mg record, the fund,' . was given a big boost the past forty-eight 4 hours by a . number . of people. The ; Marine Engi : neers' Association lof . v Wilmine-' ton, the employes of the' gas and 4 electrical department ) of the- Tidewater Power " Company and Purchasing; Department, of the , A. C. L. all came nobly forward CLEARY;iVlGL BE;; FREED SAY'. FRIENDS TOLD OF BY A a l ' ' That Cruiser Has Been Sunk. v London, Dec. 21. The great battle In West Warsaw remains to be fought out, judging from indications in recent dispatches from Berlin and Petrograd. i It appears today to the British observ ers that the German contention that , General von Hindenburg scored ?a V notable success over the ' Russians 1 bust be qualified. A par rail el case is ' found in the recent claims of a crush- lag Russian victory, near Lodz, which t- subsequently proved premature and i exaggerated. General nmuenDurg s army has ad- vanced steadily toward the Polish : capital, but the Russians, in falling Aiack, appear to have taken new posi- tfons in strong entrenchments and al though the invaders are within two or. three days' march of Warsaw there is good reason to believe much hard fighting must take place before it can be determined whether this latest German attempt will be successful. Along the Southern frontier of East ; Prussia the . Rnsslans claim to have tie upper tianMrturflier' &uthTiri Southern Poland and Oalicia, the lead:: ,ers of the 'Am&9i?t6t The Coast Line employes have all been especially big hearted. Messrs. J. H. Rehder, & Co. did the big - thing with a . contribu- tion of toysK and Master Edward, Mosely Fonville also donated toys. . ' - . The cash contributions at ' 2 o'clock this afternoon stood as follows: Previously acknowledged $359.91 Bullets . Constantly - About Ears of the Men. Whiz - COLD AND -DAMP Soldiers Suffer rWdre! Fromach Than Anything Else Vivid Description Given of This Wanner of Fighting. Mosely Pittman" Cash .... Cash . . . Master Edward Fonville Mrsf i. J A Friend ....... Cash, Helen Devane Charles Devane -' Purchasing Dept., A- C rf cash , :!. ... J Little Miss JElene McGirt 1 A; Friend . ' ( Master ' Thomas': Lucien ? Bishop Little Miss.. . Nathalie B?&nop .,. . ,:. . . . . Cash . . ...... . . Master Robert Caldwell - -i? CahtWelI, faJr. . ; . ;tMaHne:?JSneers. Asso- y ciatitfn ;- -kt T'Wilmingon MrsjW; Ht Sprunt cia. That mfeafiiB the Jong siege jot Cra- cow has oeen raisea ana u me Ger man advance is continued it may sim ilarly relieve the Austrian garrison of Przemysl. Rumored Cruiser Sunk. Persistent rumors are current tttat a German cruiser has been sunk off I the Scotland coast. It is also rumor ; ed that two British destroyers have arrived at Lieth badly damaged. ? There is no official confirmation. French Statement. I Paris, Dec. 21. The official com ; munication this afternoon follows: "The day of December 20th brought aothing of importance in Belgium, if exceptions are made of some progress t in the region of Lombaertzyde and St. Georges and at present southeast of the Inn of Korteker, which is south east of Bizschoote, occupation of some houses in Wartelem, South of Ziliebeke. and bombardment by the enemy of Ypres Hospital. Between Lys and Atsne we have occupied the . forest near Route, between Noulettes and Souehez, and we also took posses- sion of all the first line German : trenches between this highway and the first houses of Notre Dame fle Lorette South Lys. The enemy has bombarded Arras. Our heavy artillery s'lenced repeated occassions of the artillery of enemy to the north of .Car "oy which is to the east of Albert. This artillerv also demolished the ; German trenches and eent head , over heels two cannon of battery es tablished at Horn, southeast of Car- uoy. "On heavy artillery also secured a "istinct advantage on Aisne and in ; 'De section of Rheims. In Cham- Pasne, in the region of Prosnes, Per 'hes and Beausejour, as well as Ar V Sonne, we made along the entire front appreciable advancees. This is par ticularly so to the. Northeast of Be aausejour, where we won and occupied lwelve hundred vnrria nf the. enemy's tenches, in the Forest of LaGrurio: we blew up four mined saps and es tablished ourselves in the position ofuuub.y-; ( yataoshrdluetaoishrldutaoi thns made. Between Argenne and I(JUse there has been progress along ealltront, particularly in the region "l varennes, where Brook of Cheppes nas been left five hundreds yards' in ; our rear and in the region of ;Ger- i .Urt liethincourt. On the rigtitvbank I Vl the Meuse we have gained ground 3 aL UCroupe. At present two .kilo- 'uetre northwest Brabant and in the ureSt of rnnionvniro Vlnallv nn thft ' . Larklns Gas and Electric , Dept., Tidewater Power Ckf... Cash Master Everett Huggins Master George Huggins Master Henry Huggins Boy Scouts ... . . - Total ........ .$394.76 A. AO 1.00 . .50 .25 .50 1.00 .25 .25 5.20 .25 1.00 1.50 : ' " .25 .25 1.00 -v 1.00 ' 5.00 5.00 50 .25 : 5.60 1.00 .50 .50 .50 1,40 eiKhts of the Meuse we havie mad6 flight progress in the f orest of Des naevliers, Coyon. to the northeast fort of Pet Holding Germans at Bay.';' rgrad, Dec. 21. The Russian still holding at bay . the '"fees are u,dn column which is seeking , to the Zzura river, at Sochactzw, aavance 011 Warsaw, , thirty ror three days the German y 01 about two hundred thousan has been -endeavoring to cross the river, ar i throw back the Russians, holding .he right bank. Sochaczew, continues to be the German objective in the attempt to reach Warsaw. The Russian forces, on the right bank of Bzura are heavT ilv entrenched. Their artillery is- so placed that it commands the river to! its junction with the Vistula, eighteen miles north. Southward the Russian line extended to Opoczno, tweney-five miles east of Piotrkow, which recent line extends to Opoczno, twenty-five east of Sczerczow, where the Kus sians first opposed the Germans' ex treme right. It is pointed out that the Russians have . thus assumed sitions on their third line of defense, The Rusians for the present appa rently are attempting nothing more than to retard the enemy and aeieat attemnts at flanking movements. : - . The Russian Dress is convinced that formation of a Scandlna vian triple alliance may be announced t Anv time, as result or tne comer ence last week between Kings Haak- on, Gustave ana vuristiau. German Statement. Berlin, Dec, 21 . Th , German of ficial statement today pays .'bat the Frencix attacks at NieuportT yestraav were f?puisedJ . ; "RetWeen 'Richebourg L'Avou and the Labassee canal wei attacked the positions of the Angio-maian troops. stormed and captured, tneir ueucuw, and dislodged them with heavy insse.s. The trenches lost to the ene my December 18tb, near wotre uamea De'Lorette, naveoeea rwi-m:- :' Emperor wpam 4 w ' rm m illness and has returned to 1 . --.,-.. 1. A rt. fha the front. Benin aavicps eu .f that he has turnearwesiwttiju. If that is, 'so oatue ; cpmmiuu Emperor finds are- far f less speciauu- lar than those prevailing. in the, east, because;' withthe exceptionTfif thejaV Iies offensive on 'thetiorth of the r battle' linelittle But siege; warre Is being : recorded. , That is ti cofftcial-communications. Neur .Veieri arriving inibndon ,r, Berlin i expressed the "opin ion that ' the Gerinans Ht?iw London Dec. 21. Miseries of lifrj in the trenches are vividly - pictured In a stoiy, written, by an English sol dier, who is on the Belgian frontier, He enlisted as a private but later -was raised to an officer. Thus - het has naa an opportunity to see tne .waw from different angles. His story fol lows: - Uvisn't the danger that affects one In the trenches, but the hardships of cold and damp. Bullets from snip ersthe Germans have lots of these out night and day whiz about your eara ' continually, and occasiinally shrapnel makes one tuck one's head down," but one gets si used to the firing that although it may sound in credible it soon becomes far less noticeable than city traffic, for - in stance. : ' . t . .At night sometimes an outburst ot artillery or. a wild rattle of the musketry at an imaginary nigTft at tack weakens.- one itlki sore1, -frozen and iuU;str6'hg language, from fit VkjA VhltrX mtLiply-; Concern IKefiseTVes with steak puddings amr huge fires at home The cold is really horrible. One hever ceases shivering. At night the soles of one's boots freezes and. one is awakened by icy feet and forced to get up and stamp till the blood consents to circulate once more. Daylight brings some respite but the whole time one is forced to muffle to the eyes, and such things as Clac lava helmets, thick gloves, comfort ers, cardigans and wooly waistcoats cannot be too numerous. I can scarcely button my coat over my numerous raiment and still I perish. '.'Washing' and shaving are practi cally impossible. Officers and men leave the trenches like miners coin ing up from a pit, but somehow that does not worry us. The idea of wash- lng'Jn such cold is too awful, for it la impossible to restore the circula tion -by exercise in a narrow crowd ecf trench and in the dug-outs there Is just room to lie down. They are now beginning to serve out coal and coke iust in time. There would liave been wholesale frostbits otherwise. .jThe water m tne machine guns freezes and they have to be nursed back to action in front of fires. Rifles, e-et ' frostbitten and sometimes are - - . - ruptured by the sudden shock conse duent of being fired. This is rather L welcome, however, for the wood from aV derelict rifle burns beautifully. ; -The water t bottles freeze,- too, and hare to be thawed out. water is nuisance. ' It has to be fetched by. -i . x I ....:-v ; - - r - I .. 1 f , . - ..m uir. " I I - . - -(- - - -IT- ' ' . i -. -. . ..... s - . : t ' J 4 - 1 - -1. J .: . " r ' UP:.. . 1 t 1 - Many More Contributions Received FmaJ Tbuthes :Now: Being Placed to Big Work A Christmas For All ' - -V; , .... (';.;! 1 f New York; DecV 21. That Willia m V. deary, the Havestraw politic-: ian, who is now oh trial for the murder of his 18-year-old ' son-in-law,. Eugene Newman, will be acquitted on his -plea of the unwritten -law, is;; the firm conviction of his friends. The attitude of nis daugnter-m.asseri- ing her willingness to testify in behalf of her father, the man wnp Kiuea ner Doy-flUSDana, gieany; laturs vicai ? 'mauvco iui . 4..v.w belfeve. . . . . - AWFUL CONDITION WHhfc -Tiirnr 1 ntiit t AID lo Hundreds of Thousands Wounded Soldiers Litter Northern France night by, fatigue parties from farms t and r villages in tne rear, a process which take3 sometimes two or three hours, : y Its is extraordinary how ingenious the vmen are in contriving things for their; comfort They cut little fire plap'es in the side of the trench; line Ui'entv with tin from ammunition .boxes, and top them neatly wnn Chimneys madee of buliy-oeei tins. Tiiey' build elaborate rifle racks, and mikethemselyes snug cubbyholes to sleep in, roofing them with material frim nearby ruined farmhouses, piled bV$ ; with earth. ;hft' food is plentiful and .. good. TKrti Wvine- need is for milk and f ruitp Plenty of tobacco and cigar eitesVare to be had., .There is a .danfth -of thines toread. and it - is COnBldered rank treason to' light, a fire with a piece of newspaper. : ??rhe trenches stretch .in 'a vpracti- cully uuui un;ix 1111c - vuv the' feast frontier, not in groups of,4so latedTifle pits, but. in what are really ariesjof ' small towns , linked togbthr eVr bnWrow communicative trench ed each battalion occupying its own iittiet'town, ; which -may, be anything ff6m-halt; a mile to. two -miles long. andi a hundred? yards ir, so aeepr London, Dec. 21 .The throwing of 50P.00O wounded French soldiers and thousands of Belgian and French rc f ugees into northern France has led tn a terrible, condition there. Mr. Har ry Floyd, wife of a widely known English artist, who has returned hera temporarily from service in French hospitals, declares. Suspension of in dustries and the difficulty' in obtain ing supplies frprn abroad has made the problem of sustaining life 'a serious' one, she says: "Hotels and other buildings have been taken by the government for hos pitals in all the towns and villages of northern France and adequate furni ture has been provided for most of j these," said Mrs. Floyd, "But the cry ing need is surgical instruments an aesthetics, antiseptics and all storts pf hospital supplies; and ; clothing for invalids brought from the, battlefield wearing only the tatters of uniforms. t "At "Linoges, which is not a .large place, 10,000 .wounded and 40,000 re fugees arrived in a single aay .111- uc tober. villa head f!reMacross v Within striking-distance of the four hundred mark stands The Dispatch's "empty stocking" fund today the fund that is going to mean so much tDtHe poor children of Wilmington 'r Just' one illustration: The commitltee of larJies ,went forth this ff mornings tyfcti almost one thousand pairs of stockings, almost one thousand undershirts, one hundred and fifty, .dollies and one hundred and fifty horns, besides candies, nuts, fruit and : other things. Every child must have a couple of pairs of stocky. ings and two undershirts, among other things, for the winter;t: i; Little Mary and little Jennie have also got to have enough doth ft .' " 1 .1 ' 1' ' m. ri: 1 - to maKe tnem mce ares a piece, inc &yispaiui uo - amount of other clothing on hand that will he equally distnbut- ? ed, including even caps; and shoes, and a lot of the prettiest : ; kind of toys. - Every girl is going to have a good looking doll, ; besides several other things, and every boy is going to nave a . . . . . : .. c 1 e -jrj I horn and toys. 1 hanks to the generosity or several menus 1: ; there are alsoome big toys that will go torth, to gladden the . ; hearts of the children. . . Messrs. J. H. Rehder & Co. did the big and generous thing this morning, when that up-to-date establishment sent a large j case of toys. .. " ' Many cash contributions have also been received since . 4 Saturday afternoon. 2 o'clock. The Wilmington branch of the f g Marine Engineers did the clever thing in the shape of a dpna-j tion, whUethkemployes ofe gas a of tiiedewaterer thing m Tombirbhight the wotk ot maicmg-agtne paocages .wui, commence, tne fund closing tomorrow, aiid if you know, of any names of any poor children, please send them to The Dispatch office at once, giving ages and addresses. The Dispatch needs the use of several more automobiles for Christmas Eve morning. This is necessary to facilitateJthe4 work. ' '.SWiWiiJ-, If you have an outo won't you notify The Disptach office. Several friends have already offered their's, but sevenilmore areneeded. 'l1X&iK&Qv MUS GO Bffll to mw mm Declined to Return Fire Satur day to Avoid, - ' 4-... :..,v; . v , This ' ' r-- : THIS IS THE REPORT . FOUND DEAD IN OWN HOTEL Troy Man Stabbed to Death In Room This Morning. Made by American Consuljat? Mexico City to State 13epartment;Carranza Troops Active. f'f ' Washington, Dec. : 21 .-Cohsul Sil liman; of - Mexico City, today trans mitted a message sent) briaytorena, the Vjlla cemmander - a(;?4 Naco,' ; to In many of the government i provisional president uuuerrez, stat hospitals it has-been necessary to pu.. jng his intention of moving -Ills forces the beds so close ' together there is away f romthe Americanrr Sat not even a pkssageway between them- urdkv he said his forces ref Used to and the patients must be moveed oyer! retuni the firet to avoid sfioottng inta each other, i At Ameihs,' Calais and American territory. . Disorders . are other towns near the fighting line con-j feared at Manzanillo, where ' the Gu ditiona are muca tne same. ... , - tierrez forces art threatened., by- at- "I was at Houigate for many weeks tacit of the assisting there in a hospital which ac- tary Bryan 'id' he wasfwithout ad- coinmodated . 450 patients.' - We' ex- vices .- of vthe,f reported "disorders in hausted our antiseptics.; At times we Mexico ; City or Vera 'Cruz4r-j- y were without either. ' I eyen . saw Supreme States Court of United Decides Harry Thaw's Fate. REVERSES LOWER 1 J FEDERAL COURT Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 21, William J. Troy, aged fifty, proprietor ot sev eral hotels, was found stabbed to death today in a room of the hotel The police were apprised of his death by an unidentified woman, , who an nounced over the' telephone: "Our old friend Troy' is dead. He had been stabbed in his own hotel. Better come oyer and look at him" The - police worked on the theory that robbery - prompted the crime, but the suicide theory was notbahdond. This Means Murderer of White Will Be Carried Back to the Empire Statetat Last. uS .Zeppelih r ng Ty i: -t,:Sm is a wild labyrinth pf .-lntene frry:regard with ap r . ' ': ' w.tithA y.Annelin nurses rewashing old dressings ; beq r-Qr V pun' W A R RI Tt& '--: misft there were no' bandages to use T-T' Z- ,.triMJS:: on wouhdsr. All the anti-tetanic serum ; .. ,v TO BEKILLED was eauiausted: anoKu: no .v9vlP - - -w -m.m-'sx'r oDtain more m.2, ",l UPittsburgh, PaCDe21After em, iMtiaa hna' ThiUIStM. Great -OTl-T . - . ..... ' .. : . i . tain this has peenexiiausiea.' r. .unScratchedtrotf aurpber;of liai forWd export this ;.fflf sian-colorsoseph Kanilhlski desert f actures, and: the iuted States is, the. and cae to America as' ar stow Uiiijr jiuui vo, u vui ;" "v,j,v -.-- ,-; 1 ' n m'1 ,Si. .'Wnii.ii raTitalH 1 wj. This He met death three' days "after ' , .j- v yrf - - " "T serum:i;especlaUy;necessary. as e a c ch aiid as; killed - - . - : - i.th 7.nneiinitnnhfiB. Aue-outs ior smu. - iia.uiii-1 juuvu. juj. iuwvm v za ctMgv:.whP.if heTeiL flndiwag-rur-1 mnea . tiuu k , . ,b ; r An Ann '"and- Other I ( " : . , A . ' ft?ii- - ' 1 lot nndpr tnna of coak. I attacks ''x4' iiA'- sr ;cik' 'Hjw (Coutim)6Q on.Fage josnu v - 'iwnuuuea i," - -s . . - s , d English ;cities:f9iia:sre;: , -w; , "c'.-'-A.- . V r '.iwf V " WELL KNOWN NEW BERN YOUNG LADY DEAD - ;.Vv Special to The Dispatch- - ; ! New Bern, N. C, Dec. 21 Mhs. Ernest M. Green, - wife . '-' of Assistant United States District Attorney -E. M. Green, died here late last night,-; fol lowing ' an attack 'of diabetes. ; Mrs. Green before marriage was Miss Grace Jordan, of Macon, Ga. . JAP. EMPEROR. v MAKES DONATION tTokioi,Dec.21 v-trThe iEmpero and Empress, according' to announcement today have . donated about fifteen hundred ' dollars i to the Salvation Aray.V.That is theifirstf time,: it is stated, imperial precognition has . been given the organization, s Washington, Ded 21. The United ve, Supreme Court today. reversed the Je ' . cision of the lower oourt on the; ; adition of Harry Thaw, murderei! of 'A Standford White ahd who ; escapea .f . . into New Hampshire, breaking from the asylum in - Matteawan. This ,f . . means that ThftWncatf be carried bacjc ; -: ; to New. York. .: The ; court did' not - ; pass upon the allegation of Thaw-be ing sane or insah&t .holding such had no business in the; habeas corpus pro-- vy. ceedings." -. ., fiClt-, ,, This case was one long drawn out ' j and , has - been . hard fought. it jwas argued - just a while ago : before T the s. ; . Supreme Court. .'Tnawis now in New" Hampshire.' ' ;-:'" . 1.J'6'?:'-ii'.;' Thaw first escaped ,to Canada,' but . was ordered from there by tben Jnv j; . migration antJboritieV; HeTwentinto': New Hampstiirehere; hewaa ar-;;: :;s rested and . the . i Governbr; v of; New(j,r York made reqiiiiiU4;upon therGov-.' emor ,oftthat StatfSf tor him.; Tha v 4 Chief .'BxeiputiveiofKewHamp s granted the rquesfbW the JFederat , , District Court Aeld:up ; carrying k out, v the . mandate., ' '.-the; decision, today .; reversesthe loweedefal .Court and leaves the way (clear f or 1 Harry .Thaw; 4 v to be carried back:? to. New Yorkj 7 .a.illSSl5lf pllllil; fer- - ! i-i- ' r:t: whi ;'4-.s : -"' : ', v"-1 "-I - " m j . r ' ft 4 -1 ,

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