s u si - iv a ' n-Tii mm 1 vm m l m it ' mwm i n n r- m-m m n m wm maw mm ' i Am m m mm mm mm m-u m m m mm. m b t mil', i a t iitraii II II II II II ll , IIII II III III III III II I - . . I ii D LL yu yy liuiiauiL British and French Striking Against the Picked Ger man Troops BATTLE RAGING ON THE ENTIRE LINE Rumanians and Bulgarians are in Violent Battle, While Pe trograd Claims Gains For The Russians - Heavy Fighting in The Kovel Sec tor. (By Associated Press.) The battle of the Somme has now reached its highest pitch of violence. Against picked German trcs the French and British are strikhr; blow after blow at what appears to be a supreme effort to force their way through the German lines. London to day announces further gains at t"--. points nortrfof -the sector of 12 1-2 miles over which the British advanced yesterday. The Germans are defend ing their carefully organized positions with desperate resistapce and fight ing among the ruins of the villages and over devastated farm land is un precedentedly severe, with heavy loss es en both sides. J Last night the Germans launched a vigorous counter-attack, which the French, the war office reports, beat off with heavy losses to the attackers The battle is carried on under mist dis advantageous weather conditions. Since the beginning of the Somme of fensive, 29 villages ,haye. bee? captur u! by the Allies. " In Eastern Rumania the first clash has occurred between the Bulgarians, who have invaded Dobrudja, and the Russians, who went in from Bessa rabia to assist the Rumanians. An official Bulgarian account of the invasion says that on the first day hte Rumanians were driven back, leaving hundreds of dead on the field and two villages near the front. The heaviest fighting on the eastern front is now under way in the sector southwest of Kovel. The Russian war ofl ice announces that in this sector more than 4,500 prisoners were taken from Thursday to Saturday. In the Carpathians the . Russian troops are sill pressing : rward to the Bulgar ian frontier. Petrograd reports the c. nture of seve:al more mountain heights. In the Caucasus the Russian com munication says violent fighting is in progress. STOR WARMNING. Washington, D. C, Sept. 5th, 1916. Observer, Wilmington, N. C. Hoist northeast storm warning nine thirty a. m. Savannah to Cape Hatter as. Disturbance developed off the Geor gia coast and will probably move northward attended by strong shifting winds reaching gale force off North Carolina coast. BOWIE. Mr. Merchant Shoppers are what you need. The more people you can get in your store the big ger the increase in your busi ness. Solicit their business by using The Dispatch's ad vertising columns. Thous ands of Wilmingtonians read it every afternoon. Appeal to them through our columns and they'll respond. Read for Profit. Use for Results. Ask central to connect you with Pkone 176 SERIES WILL SHOW T Braves Open Crucial Test in Race For National- League Flag. (By Associated Press.) Boston, Sept. 5. T-he Braves, lead ing the National Leagues-today hegan Ithe first of two series which will go far towards determining whether Phil: adelphia, Brooklyn or Boston will gain the ultimate honors. The present champions, fresh, from a string of five victories from Brook lyn came here today for a five-day series with Philadelphia, which is now tied with Brooklyn for" second place and bareiy more than a point behind Boston. Immediately after these con tests Boston must meet Brooklyn here r four 1 games and by the end of that series it is thought will find the j league winner clearly indicated. AMERICAN ONE OF CHIEF WITNESSES (By Associated Press.) QItidv Auctrnlio Sant AVq Iter jB. Griffin, the Chicago architect who (is Director of Construction and De- J sign for the new Australian capital at Canberra, is one of the principal witnesses , in the inquiry which the government is making into the charges that the Department of Home Affairs n.J&VUte-i JSWte of pub lic ruiwis ana "ineptitude Jtne builds ing of the capital. W. O. Archiball, the former Minister for Home Affairs, who instigated the charges directed against King O'Mal- iley, the present minister, and Mr. J Griffin, testified that when Mr. Griffin took charge' at CVanberra he had claimed sole control of the capital public works and that the American threatened a lawsuit (in 1914) if he was interfered with in what he con sidered his . prerogatives under his contract with the Australian eovern- fment. 'Mr. Archibald testified that he J gave the American to understand that Ithe Minister of Home Affairs was "boss," but that the architect would have a "square deal." He denied that jhe had ever referred to Mr. Griffin as "Yankee bounder" but declared he had caused friction by "rubbing depart mental officers the wrong way." When Mr. Griffin took the stand , he said that he was appointed to car ry out his own design for the capital and he felt if the plan were mutilate ed it would reflect on his reputation. Mr. Griffin said: "Ten per cent of 'my time has been devoted to the con 'structive effective work contemplated in the agreement and 90 per cent has been frittered away in defensive J operations." The only reason he could !give why the officers of the depart ' ment showed hostility toward him was that they believed they were com petent themselves to carry out every thing connected with the capital. Mr. Griffin said that since his re cent reappointment as Director of De sign and Construction by M"r. O'Mal ley his rights had been "recognized and Mr. O'Malley has issued instruc tions that no matters at the capital should be initiated without reference to him. WARSAW SCHOOLS HAVE FINE OPENING (Special to The Dispatch). Warsaw, Sept. 5-; The schools of Warsaw township opened Monday with good enrollment at each. Prof. B. C. Siske, of Troy, N. C, is x principal. Miss Ruth Moore, of Burgaw, is high school assistant; Miss Reba L. Mea- ! dcrs, of Williamsburg, Ky., is teay 9r of languages and domestic scieo e. Miss Edna Hammon, or Mau " vn, Va.; Fannie Best and Margart .$rl en nedy, of Warsaw, and Sadie , joyd Smith, of Rockingham, have charge of the intermediate and primary work,, while Miss Mattie Hines. of Warsaw has charge of the music department, in the Warsaw school. Miss Herring, of Mount Olive, is principal, and Miss Mary White Carroll, is assistant at the Lanefield school, and Mrs. Bruce, Carl" ton is teaching the school at Pierce ville. - ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barden again have charge of the dormitory in con nection with the Warsaw , school, and the out-of-town teachers are boarding with them. ' PEII WINNERS will mm THE SHINE Type of Each Boat Must Settle The Matter, Says United " States MAKES REPLY TO ALLIES' PROTEST Not to View All Submersi bles as Warships Some Other Foreign Countries Will Do So (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 5. To the pro posal of the entente allies that neutrals accept the principle that all subma rines are vessels of war, the United States has dispatched a reply which is understood, to hold to the principle that the characteristics of each indi vidual submarine must govern the case. At the same time advices to some of the diplomats here today announce that Norway, Sweden and Denmark had forbidden a harbor to merchant submarines on the ground that they were "indistinguishable from war craft. The memorandum from Paris was sent all neutral powers. The reply oi the United States, officials state, was also in the form of a memorandum and not a formal note. The Allies, in their note, contended that it is difficult, if not impossible for warships to dis tinguish between an armed and un armed submarine. The American re ply is understood to have pointed out that it is equally difficult to distinguish between sailing merchant vessels, which have masked batteries. JAP. GOLD TO BUY BRITISH BONDS (By Associated Press,) "Tdkio, Sept. 5. The Japanese gov ernment has officially announced that with its gold specie reserve on de posit in American banks it will pur chase British exchequer bonds to the amolunt of 100,000,000 yen or about $50,000,000. The term is one year and the rate of interest six per cent. It "is understood here that the Brit ish government will use the gold in payment for .munitions of war pur chased in the United States. It is understood that the Japanese specie will be transferred to the Brit ish government by degrees as neces sity 'arises. The advantages of this investment are said to be manifold. In the first place, by convertingsgovern ment .specie which cannot derive greater progt than 1 1-2 per cent in terest in the United States, into the 6 per eent. British exchequer notes Japan will be able to realize a net gain of 4 1-2 per cent interest per am num. , Seconly, in case the Japanese government is confronted with need of specie in America the British govefntnent will purchase the exche quer notes from the Japanes and furn ish the required amount. Thirdly, the Japanese government will ose nothing from the disparity of the pro portionate rate between the British currency (pounds) and the American currency dollars) in paying the price of , the British exchequer notes in American specie, which difference is to be borne by the British government according to the agreement. CLEARING DECKS Senate Expects to Finish by Thursday and House Ready Now to Quit . Washington, Sept. 5. Under an agreement to take a final vote before adjournment tonight the Senate con tinued 'work today on the emergency revenue bill. Its passage virtually will Welar the way for adjournment of fcongress ' ' probably not later than Thursday, as i is the last big meas ure on the administration's program. 'Adjournment at 6 p. m. Wednesday is provided for in the joint resolution already prepared by the Democratic leaders and its presentation to the House' for passage today only wait ed word that the Senate would fin ish it! work by that time. : Only two proposals : remain to be disposed of today before final action 6tt the' revenue measure itself. One wouid jbreate a tariff commission and the . other would embody the Webb bill to permit the, formation of Ameri 4 collective selling agencies abroad. CONGRESS RAPIDLY HUGHES ON HIS WAY TOiKENTUGKY Invades That 5tate After Ten nessee and Then Goes to Maine. - (By Associated Press.) Nashville, Tenn.; Sept. 5. Charles Evans Hughes left' Nashville early to day for Lexington, Ky., where he is to deliver a speech this afternoon. The nominee was due to reach Louisville at 8 o'clock, where a 30-minute stop and a brief rear-platform speech were on the program. He will leave Lexington tonight and will spend all day tomorrow en route for Maine. WAS SENT TO JAIL AT HIS OWN REQUEST (By Associated Press.) Auckland, N. Z., Cept. 5. Maximil ian Ballin, the brother of the great German shipping magnate who is pre sident of the Hamburg-American Line has been sent to jail for three months at his own request. "Maximilian Bal lan," says the Auckland Weekly News, "has been in New Zealand for many years. He worked as a bookkeeper and received remittance from his brother. After the outbreak of war the remittance money stopped, and, being a foreigner, he could not get the class of work he was capable of doing. He gradually drifted, became ill, and after being unemployed for a considerable time, he went to the police station and asked to be arrest ed. The court said the sentence was pot punishment but charity to a man who was helpless to look after him self in the community. WOULD ELIMINATE THE WORD "OBEY" (By Associated Press.) Chfcago, 111., Sept. 5. The commis sion of seven bishops, seven pastors and seven laymen of the Protestant Episcopal church, appointed to revise the, ritual of theebweh as determin ed to eliminate the word "obey" from the marriage ceremony, it was learned here today. The commission will re port to the general conference of "the church in St. Louis October 11. Radical changes are proposed in the Ten Commandments and the burial and baptismal services. The Tenth Commandment,as an example, is short ened to: "Thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neighbor's." HEAVY WHEAT BUYING SENDS PRICES UP (By Associated Press.) Chicago, 111., Sept. 5. News of heavy buying on the part of some of the large houses on the exchange forced the value of wheat shares high er today, in some cases the advances amounting to 6 1-2 cents a bushel. The September delivery touched $1.51 1-2 as against $1.45 at the close on Saturday. Atlhough settlement of the railway strike was partly re sponsible attention was chief center ed on the statement of an expert. SLIGHT INCREASE IN THE PLAGUE (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 5. A slight in crease i nthe epidemic of infantile paralysis was observed1, during the 24 hours ending at 10 o'clock today. There were forty-th.-ee new cases, three more than yesterday, and twenty-one deaths, an increase of five. DURHAM TOBACCO MARKET MAKES RECORD (By Associated Press.) Durham, N. C, Sept. 5. The tobac co market opened here today with sales of 125,000 pounds at a record price of more than 20 cents a pound or double the average of last season. TREATY FOR PURCHASE REPORTED FAVORABLY (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept 5. The treaty for the purchase of the Danish West In dies for $25,000,000 was ordered fav orably reported to the Senate today by the foreign relations committee by an unanimous vote of the Senators present. Berlin, Sept. 5. In a small country newspaper In Wurttemberg appears an official notice ordering the peasants to remove any old clothing from the scarecrows in the field. It has been found that .escaping prisoners of war ha va exchanged clothes with the scarecrows. . Mr. Howard A. Hanby, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanby, who was president of the Senior Class of tha Wilmington High School last term, left this jnorning to enter Wake For est College. , - BACK HOME WITH FIRE OF BATTLE IN HIS BREAST Wilson Delighted at Reception Given Him by People and Ready For Fray NOW CONSIDERS CAMPAIGN ON Greeted by Immense Crowds out Declines Discuss Poli tics This Time Leaves Washington Friday (By Associated Press.) Huntington, W. Va., Sept. 5, (On Board the President's Special) Pre- i sident Wilson was returning to Wash- ington today enthusiastic over the re ception accorded him in Kentucky, jWest Virginia and Virginia yesterday. I He is due to arrive at the capital at 2 o'clock this afternoon and will re main there until Friday, when h,e goes to Atlantic City to address the National American Woman's Suffrage , Association. Then he will motor , to i Long Branch and does not expect to ! return to Washington for more than ja month . J With the present session of con Igress practically over the President j considers the campaign on from his I standpoint. Last nig(h$ he passed, j through the territory in which Hughes j speaks today. At Lexington a cf8wd i of several thousand persons, with a j band, cheered him continuously until ; his train pulled out. Today the President continued to refuse to make political speeches on his present trip. After his Atlantic City speech the President has no engagement before Sept. 20, when he goes to St. Louis. j During his stay at London, however, he will see many delegations and write several political leaders. And Other Stocks Shot Up ward On Stock Market at Today's Opening ; (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 5. United States Steel made a new high record at the opening of today's strong market, 10,000 shares changing hands at 98 to 98 1-2. The maximum figure is equivalent to 100 1-4 allowing for the regular and extra dividends' of 2 1-4 points, which came off the stock when it sold extra-dividend last Friday. The previous high record of Steel; was 98 3-8 made last Friday. Mercantile Marine, preferred, also made a new high record today at 111; likewise Kelly-Springfield Tire at 81 7-8. The entire market expressed re lief of speculative concern over set tlement of the railroad controversy, gains in other shares, rails excepted, being from 1 to 2 points. ALA. CONGRESSMAN NOW HEADS COMMITTEE (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 5. Representa tive S. H. Dent, Jr., of Montgomery, Ala., was today elected chairman of the House military affairs committee, succeeding Representative Hay, of Virginia, who has resigned to become judge of the Federal ottrt of "claims. Mr. Hay's resignation takes effect Sep tember 30. ' ' Mr. Dent, who was nominated by Representative Kitchin, is the next in rank on the committee. V TO EXAMINE THE FLOATING POPULATION (By Associated Press.) London, Eng., Sept. 5. Steps are now being taken by the recruiting au thorities to examine the floating pop ulation of London in lodging houses and elsewhere for the purpose of End ing shirkers from army service, - Calls are being made at private houses for the same purpose. " The shirkers are said to form a small minority; but there are believed to be enough of them in London alone to make up an army corps. t . Investigated Cause of DeathThe coroner's jury that assembled at the Court -House Tuesday morning at 10 a'clock to- investigate the drowning of Joe Nixon, colored that occurred c .-v i Friday morning at the Clyde- Line Warf, after hearing the witnesses 1 in the case found ? that Nixon met his death by drowning, caused, by the in secure fastening of a gangplank STEEtilANE DISTi. s AT Amendments Adopted to Rev enue Bill Would Protect American Shippers (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 5. An amend ment to the revenue bill, now in the Senate, authorizing the President dur ing a war in which the United States is not engaged, to withhold clearance from all vessels discrimination against American shippers, and to withhold privileges from ships of nations not according such privileges to American shippers was adopted. An amendment of Senator Phelan. of California, was adopted authorizing the President, by proclamatiory to deny use of the mails, express, tele graph, wireless or cable facilities to citizens of nations which do not' ac cord to Americans all the facilities of commerce, "Including the unham pered traffic in the mails." This amendment was declared, was aimed particularly at British inter ference with American mail. STANDARD BASKET AND CONTAINER LAW SIGNED Washington, D. C, Sept. 5. Stand ards for climax baskets for grapes," other fruits and vegetables, and other types of baskets and containers used for small fruits, berries and vegetables in interstate commerce are fixed by an a.c.t aVmrivAil hv the President An- Uust 31, 1916. The low beormes efr fective -November 1, 1917. The effect of the act will be to rej quire the "use of the standards in man ufacturing, sale, or shipment for all interstate cimmerce, whether the con tainers are filled or unfilled. A large part if the traffic in fruits and. vege tables enters interstate cimmerce. The law relates only to the containers and will not affect local regulations in regard to heaped measure or other method of filling. A special .exemp tion from the operations of the law is made for all containers manufactured, sold, or shipped, when intended for export to foreign countries, and when such containers accord with the speci fications of the foreign purchasers, or comply with the laws of the country to which the shipments is destined. Standards of three capacities are fixed for Climax x baskets two, four and 12 quarts, dry measure. These containers, often known as "grape baskets," have relatively narrow, flat bottoms, rounded at each end, and thin sides flaring slightly from the perpendicular. The handle is hooped over at the middle from side to sidle. In addition to fixing the capacities of these standard baskets of this type the law also prescribes their dimen sions. The other standards are for "bask ets or other containers for small fruits, berries and vegetables." They are to have capacities only of one half pint, one pint, one quart, or mul tiples of one quart, dry measure. Such containers may be of any shape so long as their capacities accurately accord with the . standard require ments. The examination and test of con tainers' toy determine whether they comply with the provisions of the act are made duties of the Department of Agriculture and the Secretary of Agri culture is empowered to establish and promulgate rules and regulations al lowing such reasonable tolerances and variations as may be found necessary. Penalties are provided by the act for the manufacture of climax baskets, J and containers for small fruits, ber ries, and vegetables not in accord with the standards. It Is provided, however, "that no dealer shall be pros ecuted under the provisions of this act when he can establish a guaranty sign ed , by the manufacturer, wholesaler, jobber or other party residing within the United Statesfrom whom such cli- Lmax baskets, baskets or other con tainers, as defined by. the act, were purchased, to the effect that said cli max ( baskets, baskets or other con tainers are correct within the mean ing of this act. Said guaranty, to af ford protection, shall contain the name and address of the party or parties making the sale of - climax baskets, baskets or other containers, to such dealer, and in such case said party or parties shall be amenable to the prose cutions, fines, ; and. other penalties , which; would attack in due course to the dealer under the provisions of this act." 1 LEGISLATION GREAT BRITAIN Amendments to Revenue ;BiH Would Hit Back at Great Britain for "Black List i ALSO FOR INTERFERENCE WITH U. S. MAILS .7 ' Armed to Bring England td Her Senses r Adoption, ItJ Is Said,' -Would- Lead to a Commercial War Diplo mats Would Lodge Strong Protest. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 5. Drastic amendments to the revenue bill, strik ing 'at the Allies' "blacklist" . and British interference with American mails was adopted today by the Sen ate and created consternation among the -diplomatic representatives of tha Allies. ' In Allied quarters it is declared that the enactment of the amendments into law would constitute nothing Iessi than a non-intercourse act, preliminary to commercial warfare of far reaching effect. Until the retaliatory amende ments become law with the President's", Signature the Allies will technically) have nothing to protest about, but there are assurances that representa tions will be made if the amenmenta stay in the bill. ' In as much as the government has! decided on a course of legislation to meet the restrictions on commerce. wnicn diplomatic correspondence has been unable to remove, ifris eenerallr expected that the amendments" will , ?e PUtJhrough The administration leaders"1 who . bad , direct connection with the government's fornref policy, made no attempt to stop their adop tion. , ' , v i STORM WARNING ON ; SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST (By Associated Press). Washington, Sept. 5. Storm . warn ing signals were ordered up by the weather bureau today on the South Atlantic coast from Savannah to Cape Hatteras. - A disturbance is reported as being developing off the Georgia coast and probably will move northward, at tended by. strong shifting ' winds, reaching gale force on the North Caro lina coast. . CHARLOTTE PHYSICIAN . GIVEN THREE YEARS (By Associated Press.) Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 5,Dr. J. W. Sommers, a physician of some prom-; inence here, who was convicted on the criminal charge Saturday of per forming an illegal operation on Miss Annie Jones, of Greensboro, N. C., causing here death at a local hospital on June 26, was sentenced today ' to 3 years in the State penitentiary. EACH HAS CONSUMED HALF TON OF BREAD (By Associated t Press.) Paris, Sept. 5. Each soldier in the French army has consumed a half ton of bread since the beginning of the war, according to the Army Bulletin. ; ; It has required seventy-five million yards of stuff to clothe the army. : The cost of feeding the men hag ' been figured-at forty cents per day. It costs almost, as much, to clothe them when they are at the front, while those at the rear are clad at an average cost of eight cents per day. . '..-'.. Y'..y J- ' - . r BOUQUET FOR DISPATCH The Dispatch appreciates the ; following from last week's Issue of the .Hamlet 'Messenger, the bright, . newsy weekly -published at Hamlet by Mr. W. H. Llndsey one of ' the State's best newspa per men: ' . "Mr W. R. Surls, oTVWilming ton, N. C, was in Hamlet Wed; nesday in the Interest of The Dis- ; patch, of Wilmington. This paper is published every week day af- ternoon and Sunday morning : and Is a bright, newsy, well edit 3d eight-page seven column paper with 8 comic; section "'on Sunday, and only five dollars a year. The ' paper merits a wide circulation and only needs to be known to ' be appreciated." , ' . .

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