THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH,: WEDNESDAY , AFTERNOON, SEPT EMBER 6,tJ.916... PAGE EIGHT n: it 1 STREET v MEN FINEO IN COURT Participants in Affray With Deadly Weapons Tried Before Recorder The case of E. E. Page and Rodgers, White, charged with ing engaged in an affray with a Iy weapon some days , ago and J. A. hav-dead- the case of "J. A. Rodgers, white.1 charged with ' having' committed an v assault with a deadly weapon, attracted more than ordinary interest this morning in the Recorder's court. " ; : The case of Page and Rodgers was tried Tuesday and Rodgers .was found noF guilty. Judgment was not passed on ; Page at that time and he was summoned to appear at the hear ing against Rodgers this morning. Recorder Empie took up . both cases together and tried them at the same time. In the testimony it was brought out 'that Rodgers, who is a non-union .man, assaulted A. W. Mercer, a con ductor, and a union man, both of whom are employed by the Tidewater Power Company, when they were pre paring to make their return run from the end of the Carolina Place line on Wrightsboro avenue. Rodgers inflicted two wounds on Mercer's head with' an iron rod and was grappled by the conductor, who stated during the trial that he was only endeavoring to protect himself. When reaching the junction of the car line at Front and Princess streets Rodger&Ht is alleged, told a group of union men that if they attempted to harm him that he would give them the same dose that Mercer received. Page, at this, struck him on the bridge of the nose and broke several bones therein. It was not clearly brought out in the trial that the trouble was caused by Rodgers not being a union man but such was intimated several times. In the decision of Recorder Empie bcth Page and Rodgers were found guilty and both were required to pay a fine of $25 and costs. The case against J. R. Kennedy, deputy Internal revenue collector, a deadly weapon, was continued until deadly weapon, was continued until Thursday.. Other cases tried were " Monroe RicharSson, colored, charged with violating the tax ordinance.. He was adjudged not guiltv. Willie Delias, colored, charged with larceny, was also adjudged not guilty. RABBIT'S EYE FOR GIRL. Surgeons Will Operate Upon a Little Eskimo Girl. Portland, Ore., Sept. 6. New York's best surgeons will endeavor to restore the sight of Melba, a seven-year-old Eskimo girl, who was found deserted in an iglee by Dr. L. H. French, United States government physician in Alaska. The cornea of a rabbit will be grafted upon one affected eye and a cataract removed from the other. In charge of Mrs. Corinne Call, a government teacher, the child ar rived Th Portland recently. Mrs. Call says the Eskimos left Melba in the "Ice uhnt, hoping she would ;die. She has been totally blind for five years The trouble is diagnosed as an eruption of the cornea. How do you-r employers stand on the question of preparedness? They're for it, all right. They sleep all day at the office so they can dance at night. Exchange. CLARENCE JX. PUGH Ur. Pu0h,'of Elizabeth City, Is a prominent and well known lawyer of Elizabeth Cjty. He Is a candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction on the Republican ticket. it -CJertificates Depos ALL KIND OF CRAFT BEING BUILT THERE (Continued from Page Six.) . ron . There was considerable fresh naint visible in splashes, more on the German officially sunk Warspit than? elsewhere, but what that meant in the way of damage was Greek to the out sider. Two facts impressed an Am-. Ci lau . . bUC inwmov " " 1 o i-nror cVifna OTOrtllTDll atiflTlt tfTI Vft9T8 younger than the commanders of ships of the same class in the American navy, and the number and variety and, adaptability of the supply craft, the navy's commissary department. The only thing approaching leisure discovered was on some of the de- stroyers. These sea scouts work in shifts. Four days on active duty (a very active duty) four days in port ready to start at the drop of the hat, and four days : outf iting with more or less shore leave, is their program. Some information and scraps of gos- sip of the battle came out in the course of talk. One Item was that Admiral Beatty went through the fight on the bridge and did not take the protection Q ' of any of the armored places which p builders make for shelter in battle, q and he was under heavy fire. Another, 'p. -that when the Marlborough was hit by 'to a torpedo, and all believed that she! had only a minute or two to live, her commanders issued two orders . One i was to Close the watertight doors that she might float as long as-possible,and I the other to fire all guns at utmost! speed where there was a reasonable target. He wanted her to put in as many blows as she could at the last moment, thinking with all others on board that the hist moment had struck. There leaked out a seeming concensus of opinion that a certain high officer 4s considered just, without bowels of mercy for carelessness or slackers,! and yet men like to serve under him. Then an incidental reminiscence by a surgeon on one of the ships which had the good luck to escape being hit. He was below of course, waiting for the wounded, and playing the hardest part of that can be experienced on a ship in action. Even harder than the engineers and stokers in the depths, who work without seeing or knowing what goes on above, and how goes the battle, because he was neither work ing nor seeing. The great guns were rocking the ship and none below knew whether it was victory or all to the bottom. One of his men was absorb ed in a novel, paper covered and fray ed. Probably where heroic Algernon leaps overboard and resourses blush ing Madeline from the jaws of the shark. "I thought, he will never turn over the page," said the young sur geon, a Canadian. "I admit I thought it was a bluff. He did turn the page, and kept on reading and turning them) over. I was thinking about home and mother." On this big ship, as on all the cruis ers and destroyers, there was one strong reminder of their work. About !all the smaller guns were stacked shells lining the sides like Nanking plates on the walls of a porcelain col lector, and shells in boxes, and in baskets. "Shells, and more shells," apparently is the motto of he navy, as it is of the army." Health and Hygiene RED CROSS SEALS NOW BEING PRINTED. : Three Hundred Million Bigger, Better, Prettier Seals to Be Distributed -This Year. j Red Cross Christmas Seals for 1916 ' are now being printed in Cincinnati by the millions. The design for this year t is said to be more Attractive and of a better quality as to workmanship, ( i paper, adhesive qualities and color' j than any seal of recent years . It i shows in the center panel a Santa Clause in red on a green background ( with a pack on his back bearing a red cross. The lettering, "A Merry Christ mas" and "A Happy New Year," is carried vertically up and down the sides of the seal, while the date and me woras, American Ked Cross, are at the bottom. Mr. Cleland of New i York City designed the seal. The plans for the Red Cross seal.; campaign this year are the most ex- tensive they have ever been. Three hundred million seals wilr be distribut ed and it is expected that 100,000,000 seals or 1.000,000 worth will be sold.1 Last year 80,000,000 seal's were sold. I isorth Carolina's part in last year's j sale was 802,252 which was a per) capita sale of . 393. As the standard sale set for all states is one seal per j capita, North Carolina's sale must be ' more than doubled next year If she' would reach the standard. For the past two years she has held fifth place in her group of seventeen states, which group is based altogether on population. of Draw I nonnnoonnnnnrnnnnc; Profit L Id j LI D J Dispatck - D D D D D U.' M LJ D LJ D D D D D LJ Q LJ Q : fj A Whether you need help; want to rent a room, flat or house, sell a farm, want a situation; lost or found anything; the quickest and surest way of reach ing just the people you want is through ". . ." The Wilmington Dispatch Business Local Ads" Costs little; bring results. Read daily by thousands of people. A tele phone call will bring our Business Local ad man , to your door. Use for Results Read for Profit. U D D D j a D D D D D D D D oonooooonoonnooorjannonoonnnannnnnnnoninnnnnmonnnnu BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's mes sengers. They will call for your "ads" In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further Information as to "ads," calf 176 but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph. GOOD AND FRESH MEATS, FRUITS, Vegetables, Chickens and Eggs is Our business. Why not get the best quality and prices? Fresh Shrimps every day. Phone 72. Bat son's Meat Market. 9-6-tf. ( FOR RENT DESK ROOM, USE OF phone, machine, light, heat, etc., in one of best located offices in Murchi son Building. Address "Desk" vox : 415. 9-6-3t. I i APPLES, APPLES, ONIONS, CAB- bage, Irish Potatoes, Lemons and everything in the Produce line. 1 Bear Produce and Merchandise Co.,' ; phone 323. Wilmington, N. C. 9-6-tf 126-128 PRINCESS St. (GARRELL ' Building) 19-21-23 North Second St. i Every three minutes an electric car passes the Garrell Building, wouldn't one or both of those nice stores be a " good place for your business? Let F. A. Lord, Agent, show them to yon. 8-20-eod-tf VIRGINIA PEPPIM APPLES, POTA- toes onions, all size, oranges, limes and lemons. Bear Produce and Merchandise Co., phone 323. WILMINGTON LAW SCHOOL 4TH Year starts September 11th. Evening classes. Two year course. Degrees conferred. Catalogue on application. - H. Edmund Rodgers, Dean, 5 Garrell Building. 9-3-10-17-3t-j , DON'T YOU WANT MORE f'LOOR space for your business? The Gar rell building can offer you a large store with connecting show rooms and warehouse. F. A. Lord, Agent. 7-26-tf. CALL ON L. L. SHEPARD FOR Fancy Native Meats of all klnd3; also a full line of Fancy. Groceries and the prices are right. Beef from 15 to 25 cents pound: steaks stew! beef, 12 1-2 cents; veal and mutton, 15 to 30 cents; porkchops 30 cents, ' Phone 1186.817 North Fourth street, ., l. L. Shepard , proprietor. 8-22-tf - i - " ' v- 4- FOR RENT TWO THREE-ROOM ; housekeeping Apartments at H6 -North Third street. Location cen-1 tral, occupancy immediate. Inquire at above address. 9-2-7t 1 Interest from date, when left ninety sing Biisiness Business ' 'Local ' YOUR OPPORTUNITY: ONE OF THE j most practical subjects of study to- I day is Short-hand. Good positions 1 absolutely guaranteed all who cora- J plete a course of Short-hand and ; Typewriting at Motte's School of j Short-hand and Typewriting. $50.00 pays for entire course, payable $5.00 i monthly. Day and night lessons.. 18 years experience teaching and writ- ing Short-hand. Leon L. Motte, Court I Stenographer, 105 Church street, 'Phone 737-W. ; 9-5-tf WANTED RELIABLE WHITE ' nurse. Apply In person No. 11 ! Wrightsville avenue. '.Must be. able ' to give good references.- - -9-6-3t-j. FOR SALE ONE GOOD WORK Horse. Apply G. H. Hutaff. 9-5-7 t-j LOST SMALL CROSS WITH "Mamie" engraved on inside. . Flow ers on other side. Finder please re turn to 715 South Third street. 9-5-2t IS YOUR AUTOMOBILE WORKING satisfactory tf not, call and see the Dixie Auto Repair Shop. We guarantee satisfaction. Fourth and Campbell streets. 9-6-lt. WANTED WASHING AT 916 North Second street. 9-6-lt-j. NINETY-TWO PER CENT. OF THE insurable live stock in Wilmington is insured against death "from any cause, at any place, at any time" in The Western Live Stock Insurance Co. Only company represented in this section, largest in the world. If yours is not covered, wouldn't it be a good idea to do so at once? Jas. M. Stevenson, Agent. Phones 979 or 2027-J. 515 Murchison Bank Building. 9-3-6-9 ' ANTIQUES I PAY SPOT CASH FOR old diamond pane corner cupboards, high post beds, brass andirons, can dle sticks and fenders, jewelry, China, .bureaus, side boards, tables, sofa3, chairs, desks, mirror frames, feather beds, etc. Will' call any where within a radius of 200 miles of Wilmington. Write me what you . have. J. K. Beard, Wilmington, N. C. ' 7-29-lm. FOR RENT 206 NORTH SECOND street, six ; rooms and bath,- second floor. Rooms .southern exposure. Finest and one of largest porches in city facing south, and west. Not a more convenient location in city. No car fares to pay. Two minutes walk from any down town businesses. Phone Chas. A. Price 648-J, or your real estate agent. $30 000 monthly; Occupancy Oct. 1st. . -; 9-3-3t NOTICE AUTO OWNERS H;XEIN Is back on the Job with W. B. lan der. We .are prepared ; to handle your radiator and fendef repairs at Raidator Hospital, 8 South Second street. . . f,' The Bank j f to . m f I 1 ,M 1 -1 J U a a a D :D V a D p ;a d D D D n u D D B D D D D a n U a a a D D D D n a D D D D D D D D n ATTENTION, COUNTRY PEOPLE! This is an opportunity for you to make money. Gathering up all the rags end junk you can and ship to me. I pay the highest prices for brlss, copper, zinc, lead. All kinds of job ber, automoDila tires, mixed rags, etc. Note address. H, Stein, 14 South Second street. Phone 306. Wil mington, N. C. 7-25-tf FOR SALE GOOD ENGINEERING transit. Address TM:, Care Dis patch. 9-5-3t-J : 1 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN - to cut beef and sell groceries. Please state wages expected and give ref-j erence in first letter. Address Box 225, Burgaw. N. C. 9-5-7t-j -; WANTED A HORSE, WAGON AND harness. Will feed and care for horse and pay inaddition a reasona I ble amount for, his use. Apply, to H, Neuwirth, 813 North 4th street. 9-5-7t-j - FOR RENT STORE CORNER 4TH and Nixon streets. 25x30 feet. Con veniences. Reasonable rent. Apply, to Bishop B. Pridgen, Owner No. 1125 North 4th street or'G'eoige B. Applewhite, Agent, 210 Princess street. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY OPENS SEP tember 18th. Young men and bos carefully taught under a teacher , 6? long experience. Individual instruc tion. Number of pupils limited. W. Catlett, Principal, 117 Orange St. 9-3-5-7-3t-j UNREDEEMED ONE GIBSON MAN dolin, actual value $34.00. Unre deemed price $14.75 at Uncle Charles' Pawn Shop. Phene 642.;v -9-4-tf K; nI " CAROLINA BUILDING AND LOAN Association will continue to hold open its new series during this week. Get your stock any day .at 123 Princess street. L. W. Moore,' Secretary. .1 SPECIAL FOR 15 DAYS COM M ENC-j - ing SeptAlst -will attach best Rubber "" Heels 35cf best -Oak Leather Hir Soles, sewed 65c. The Rapid Shoe Rapair Co. 209 N; Front. Phone 929. 2 Doors from Bijou 9-4-5-j j I HAVE.FOR SALE LOTS OF FRESH,- ; country eggs only ;;35c per dozen; vPorto Rica1 sweet potatoes 30c peck. ' ; Phone . ; 1910, : -Edrs Grocery,., Fourth aMl CastleVstreets. 9-6-lt-j T MPECK Pine, ViJak : aii3 Dry Slals -Telephone 841.''' Prompt Delivery "Local Ads" Ad OSIAR days or longer; Convenient for funds temporarily idle Bank and;.Xm at Front and Market Streets HALL'S DRUG STORE Jl. Is a Good Place to 4 Trade at. You Get' fair Prices and ' Courteous Treatment. llll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllti:lillll!llllllllllill!lllllilllllllll!ll I J- B. McCABE & I H Cer tified Public Accoun- ' ; taiits.V-v r.;. : f - Jtcon tiS Mnrehboii Bank Bide. E . PhoBi 909. ..- WtLMINOTON. N. O. ! I iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii it in ti mil if i ii tin ti in mi i ii ' A The Murchison Capital and Surplus Resources ' - - C - - - Moving Soon? This Bank stands ; ready to furnish customers eyerw best possible service. H. C. M 'QUE EN, President. J. W. YATES. V. President C. 8. GRAINGER, Cashier. W.'S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier. J. V. GRAINGER, V. President. ' M. F. ALLKN, Asst. Cashier. J. V. GRAINGER, JR., Aas't Cashier. L.'' And protect your property by using our Shingles or Rubber Roofing. All grades of Shingles, and 1, 2, and 3 ply Rubber Roofing. W. B. Thorpe 6 Company Builders' Supplies and Coal. We want our friends to open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us, we pay 4 per cent Interest compounded quarter ly. No account too small for us. DIRECTORS:. H. F. Wilder, President; T. E. Sprunt, V. President4, R. Bradley, Cashier; W. M. Cumming, R G. Grady, W. H. Brown, Second and --"I. rT O jt O mow A Savingis Bank Where the highest character of banking is conducted, where years of experience and .conservative management has built a bank of strength and where the people fiind welcome and courteous ser vice at all times appeals to those who desire safety, first. Such is j the record of this institution. S1.00 or more '.will start an OLD AND ' :v-.- " Corner Front and ; GJo STORAGE Cotton Stored Cash Advanced I.B.Cooper 6 Co. Wilmington, N. C. Gas Cabinet Range w Service of Quality Beauty of Design Will Finish Your Kitchen e water Power Co. 217-223 Princess Street. Phone 28. National Bank . $1,650,000.00 l - - - L $8,000,000.00 facility and C. D. Weeks. Princess Streets. account. STRONG- Princess Streets. : ; Tid I c C c 0 I 0 1 c fl t: 4 ;1 n a n d I a P n t c h 3 a 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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