S 1 l, ,,i WEATHER FORECAST. Generally fair tonight and Friday. FltlEDITIOIJ Moderate variable vlijds. VOL. XXIIf Na;250.; JHE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. . EPTEMRFR 1: 1916 ; . .PRIGEICENIB:: - 'S GOG'i i; Mi. IV: mm TIE! I TEN Business Men Appeal, Btft With I it tie HopCf to Union Z Leaders Today 1 : RIOTING GROWING TO GREAT PROPORTIONS fars Being Attacked From Roof Tops Two Thousand! Police Can t Prevent Vio rn c in Center of City- -Strike Call Probably 'Will be Issued Tomorrow. w York. Sept. 21. Seventy-five business men. organized as a commit tee is trying today to persuade labor leaders to refrain fronT'dec'.arlng a general strike in sympathy with the street railway employes, of whom, it. m.. . . , ,T , . , , , Field Marshal von Mackensen's ad- is asserted, there ale 11.000 on alvance thr0ugh the Rumanian prov- striko. This is the last day of grace of Dobrudja, where his com- "ivrn bv labor unions to the mayor! Mned German - Bulgarian - Turkish and the volunteer mediators to settle the dispute with the Interborough Ra pid Transit Company and the New York Railways Company. If today's conference fails to find a plan of set tlement, labor leaders expect to issue j call tomorrow for a general sym- pathetic strike to begin Monday. ThejhaYily reinforcI. TWv state. citizens committee had little hope of ...... i a m-j. ml success. Rioting continues nightly despite the fact that 2,000 police were concen trated in the center of the city last night to protect the "L" and cross town surface lines. Strike sympathi zers bombarded cars with missiles. In ' ....... t one case several hundred strikers at- Ucked a csr in CentrafPark. west, . j-- - "A hi! were beaten off only after a battle . pith the police. - . - . Repeatedly during the early hours today Sixth and Third Avenue "L" trains were assailed by strike sym pathizers on roof tops. Twenty-two snch attacks were reported by the poliie within a few hours. Car win dows were smashed under showers of brick and bottles and several passen gers were injured. JAIL STRUNG-UP u 1 r a 1 "" 1 Murderer or Aged Couple bets Mobs Vengeance in Spite of Sheriff Olath?. Kan.. Sept. 21. Bert Dud charged with the murder of Hen Mullpr. an aged hermit, and wife takn from the Johnson county ft! early today and hanged to a tele Phone poic. The mob came to Olathe j motor cars. sunDosedlv from near: HI where Muller had lived. ' ' 1 r 1 r,,,7 ane" reIusea to Kive up our nie mob overpowered him. A iirn ail 'wni uurrii mice ja MEN OUT KANSAS Several shots were fired utrt UJ one was injured. N6 HEALTH Lumberton Man Dies ' After Shooting Himself With Pistol V ' Luiiiberton, Sept. 21 Suicide on, ccount of hi health last night caused the 'loath of Mr. R. L. N. Stephen of Luiubertou, aged about 57 years. ' Rlr Stephens was formerly em pl(,ytd as a salesman in a store. here, ut was forced to give up his work on ctounr of tailing health. . ea f l came as a result of a 38-cal-Pistol ball entering behind the gllt ar. Death came in thirty. min: Th p deceased is survived by a wife, 0 'hildrpn Mr n-rfAr1 Stnhens. CAUSED SUICIDE lH Mrs. e. H, Hartley, of Lumberton, 3 a hi other, Mr. J. 0. Stephen, of - - " ' l HT1IV RuninrjiA BEEN CHECKED Von Matkensns , Combined -Forces Have eVKollKt loaHdlt BOTH SIDES AfiMff THiSjLATlST TURN Reports Conflicting About Battle in The Fiorina, Dis trict German Attack -X Repulsed in West forces have been driving for the rail way from C6nstania to interior Rus sia has been checked, according to accounts from both sides. Bucharest yesterday announced a check for von lackenseit's "a'rm'y on the line of defense taken by the Ru- i mians and Russians., who have heen ment by the Sna war office, under yesterday's date concedeSf the stub bornness of their resistance", reporting that the entente army wks. still hold ing their strongly fortified positions. Reports regarding the' fighting in the Fiorina district, In Northwest Ma cedonia, ar conflicting. Accounts from the entente ' sources asserted that the Bulgarians " are "going oaclf .x . 011 erDia.n territory ana are prepar- ing .tor. the- defease or Monastir. , 5. -Sofia,' hbwever,'JnnotmceN'a turn ia the. fighting: in. favor of the Bulgarian forces, .declaring, that counter-attacks resulted in repulse of the Serbian and allied troops with heavy losses. . Further east in the mountainous country, along, the SerbianTorder, the engagement is heavy all along the line. On the far western end of the line the allies are making progress, but are apparently inflicting no seri ous damage in'tne forward thrust in either the Vardar or Struma region. The defeat of the Germans in their counter-attacks along the Somme front was reported last night by Paris, and has been followed by comparative quiet, judging from today's official n port, which says the Germans did not renew their attack during the night. . A 1 1 - A. 1 J tJaa weainer nas Deen reponea uur- ing the last few days and apparently the Anglo-French forced are awaiting lts abatement. Alter a lapse 01 ten uaj jtvuvity has been -resumed by the French in the Verdun region,, attacking being made on both banks of the Meuse. On the eastern front Petrograd an nounces an offensive movement by the Germans-in Volhynia, south of Kcvel, but declares all attacks on the Russian line have been repulsed, sev- . j , nr,i,.,i erai nunurea ueiuiaua icmg oivmu ! during the fighting. , In the Carpa- tuia - n8 the Russians report an ad vance near Panther Mountain, while a position on the heights was cap- In a further report today on Dcb- rudja it is reported that the Russians and Rumanians not only beat off all attacks but. in several cases turned o ntheir . assailants and delivered counter-attacks'- " In the Greek situation peace re-mfllnft- iincerfain. ; A new factor in , - - I the situation appears, today in a- re- port tnat a revolution nas oroneu yuy on the Greek Isle bf Crete, the home of former Premier Venizelos, where it is reported a provisional , govern ment .has. been set up. .TO ESTABLISH - ENDOWMENT FUND Greensboro, Sep't. 21 As a result of the educational; Bdards of1 Eastern and Western conferences the North Car olina Methodists have decided, to in dorse the? movement- to establish an endowment fund ? of ; $150,000 for the Greensboro College fir Women. The money is to be used for improvement to the college buildings. Another edow'mnt for j the chair of English islbeihg '' raised by the alumae association and it has been, an nounced that, over three j fifths- of the amount intended - to be ; raised had been subscribed, the alumae associa tion have also agreed to cooperate, in the raising of the150,000 endowment fund. 1 IlIxxMmw v inter a SII i SOIDIEJS EATJNG HASTY XQKCH Here are soldiers from French, In do-Chinay ho are fighting under the French colors at Salonica, eating a hasty lunch. In the background - are French and British officers. The picture gives some idea of the cosmopol itan, appearance of Salonica. .French, British. Serbian. Russian, Italian, Montenegrin and now Chinese, trops are" represented -in the army of the Allie s in Macedonia. - TippiM; !FBATEy MEN j. - ' - " . ', i- ..' v... " -.1. : ftorfc Cameron Mbmfon livered Brilliant Address on State and National Issues Warsaw, Sept. 21 The Democratic campaign was opened in Duplin coun ty Tuesday by Hon. Cameron Mor rison, of Chai lotte, lavyer, orator, presidential elector for the State, and familiarly known as ne of the best campaign speakers of North Carolina, in a brilliant address 011 State and National .issues, to a large and appre ciative audience that filled the court room at Kenansville. This was the first time that Mr. Morrison had been to Kenansville and the people were delighted with him, for he is making an effective speech for Democracy. Mr. Morrison reviewed the record of the Democratic party in the State in comparison with the Republican party, while in power. He reviewed try, has recently contributed an arti-the-record of the Republican party, 1 cle, "The Role of ghemistry in the and paid his respects to Marion But ler, the chief leader of thera -all; and declared that they were the same oldJ crowd. His review of the Democratic part yin the State during the last six teen years, a record of progress, pros, parity, and achievement, won the ad miration of all his hearers. He handles the National issues as one who ' knows the facts, and his eulogy, of Woodrow Wilson will never be forgotten by those who lieard it, for it was indeed a mastei-piece.V Hi speech v was characterized as the most logical and convincing ever delivered 'in ;this county. He 'has won vo.tes for Democracy in Duplin, and .stimulated Democrats to action. Mr. - Morrison spoke in the opera house1 at Warsaw Tuesday night, and was, enthusiastically received by men and' ladies . who came out to hear him. Declares Republican Party - Trying to Trick the Wom y v , Now on Tour Rocte' .Springs, Wyo., Sept. 21 Will iam Jennings Bryan started today on his second vday touV of Wyoming in supportjof "President Wilson and the DembcratJticket. Mr. Bryan, speak ing hefllast night, " appealed for re electlon"of Wilson on the ground that Wilson has kept the United States out ,t-ar. r Bryan declared the Re publican pariy has been unscrupulous in tits ) methods 5 cqnrning votes of the - woifn: tiin suff rage States J-He warned the -Dempcratic-women to be ware..piv? nejuQiicap jiric.ry.-; xjt kiSilS Wrious Or ganizations" atU versity. of North Carolina Te In Members Chapel Hill, Sept. 21. Thirty-four new members have been initiated into the various fraternal, chapters Of or ganizations represented here and many visitors 'from all over the States and from other colleges were present to take part in the Initiation exer cises. " ' ' Many different fraternal . organiza tions are represented here and almost all have initiated new members since this year's session started. Those that have been taken into the various chapters come from all sections of the State. Dr. Chas.' Holmes Herty, head of the university department of , chemis- Industrial Development of the South, tp .the Manufacturers' Record. The article has been widely read and the author - has received many congratu lations. . . . There are two other articles in the same issue by Carolina professors. Prof. Francis P. Venable contributes "What the Chemist-1 Means to the Manufacturer." vand Prof. Joseph" Hyde Pratt writes on "Utilizing Our Raw Material at Home." Reports - Indicate That' Ameri can "Tobacco Company Will -Move Factory Durham, .Sept. 21. Reports have reached here'' that the American To bacco' Company intend moving one of its New York factories to this place. The -report stated that the action was taken on account of the unwillingness of the company to submit to the de mands of the 8,000 cigarette workers. It is also understood' that another of the company's New York plants is to be moved tp Richmpnd, Va. - In the 6vent that' the company does move -its plant here it will mean an increase byjgeveral thousand of the population or Durnam. A. late bulletin' states that the com pany has already started packing the machinery . andv unless the demands of the cigarette ' makers are ,.called off the shipments tvill start- to Richmond and to Durham.; , " l -.i .; TOBACCO PLANT DOVER HIGH SCHOOL OPENED " , i Many Pullman CarsFoi- Camp Glenn Troops V New Bern Sept. 21 The Dover High school opened yesterday with the largest enrollment in the history of that institutipn and with prospects for. the most successful - term ; that has ever been enjoyed. Prof. . Mc Lean, the superintendent, has spent much of his vacation time preparing for the present term . and his , efforts have been awarded with success. The faculty of the school' gaye a recption to the public last night and this was thoroughly enjoyed. -A num ber' of interesting speeches were;made and the citizens promised the school officials to give them their help ; In any and every possible way. - Dover is one of "the banner 'school sections of the county and - great things are expected from that ? sec tion. . - - - Never before in the history of New Bern has there been as many Pull man cars on the' local railroad yards as there are at present and these are attracting considerable attention." . Three roads, the A. C. L., Southern and Seaboard" are" to handle the, troop trains from Camp Glenn after the Norfolk . Southern Railway,. CpiOBany has finished their , part . of . the ; haul and each one of these roads is furn ishing the Pullman cars . which, will be used. ' -' The cars which the Southern Rail way Company furnisfie'd ' were ; all on the local 1 yards . yesterday ' ' afternoon I and in. readiness for' service. The A. C. L. had not ' placed' air of its. Cars here this morning -.andAthe Seaboard ls holding , their's at Raleigh until the yard here has been cleared. , , . -..- , Altogether . there are " betweenf orty and fifty Pullman's : lined : up here, and this number will be increased this. afternoon. ," ' : The cotton picking season, is in'pro gress . in this section and - thousands cof negroes; are being given work in the fields ' and are . making good : wages. However, the : farmers declare P. that they are not able to secure suffipient help to get the fleecy staple from the fields' as fast as they would like to do. v- iMany negroes have recently cgohe from this section to the North and this is accountable for the fact that - there is a sort of labor shortage in- and around New Bern. . v ,j- .. . V- GREEK- REVOLT REPORTED.' . ' ' , Paris" (Via London), Sept: 2JU -A revolution on the Greek Isle of Crete is reported in a dispatch from Athens. The revolutionists are reported . to -: have proclaimed . a provisional g6vernment. " . - , 5 Af . . ; Reichstag Evidently in For a - Hot Discussion of The . Subject LEAD TO DOWN FALtOFTIRPrrZ Flenewal of The Discussion Brought About by Disclos ures ; in ; Letters -Says v' Reichstag Misled Berlin, Wednesday, Sept: 20, (Via London, Thursday, Sept. 21) Renew al of the discussion in the Reichstag of the submarine tesuearid-the con troversy which lead td the retirement of Admiral von. Tirpitz as minister of the navy appears to be inevitable in consequence of the publication yester day explaining the breach between I Minister yon Bothmann Hollweg and the admiraltv. t'was claimed in these letters that Admiral yoa Tirpitz has misled, the Reichstag in regard to the number of available submarines and the possibili ty of a submarine campaign. . r May Call For Supplies for the Thousands of Homeless in - China AVashingtpn, " Sept, 21. American .J;fie4:-bs$;4Dfficia consideration to. the " State 1 Depart--. ment dispatch stating that nearly a million Chinese are homeless and thousands are destitute, as result of the flooding of 7,000 square miles by overflowing of the Hwai river, in the Anhui province, China, two months ago. The American consul at Naning reported that the autumn crop was destroyed. The Red Cross is said to be considering issuing an appeal, for funds, with which to send supplies to liic Buueicia, The flooded area is about the same inundated in 1899, with the loss of nearly a million lives. A project for reclamation work was made impos sible by the European war. 4V. TROOPERS CAl STAY WITH OTHER REGIMENTS San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 21. The request of 300 members of the Second New York Infantry to remain on .bor der duty, after being ordered home, resulted today in an announcement by Major-General Funston that these guardsmen who wished to stay could transfer to other regiments. , Three Pennsylvania regiihents will soon be released, on -"arrival of a sim ilar number of North Carolina regi ments. Civic Organizations of Dur ham Will Tour Durham and Surrounding Counties. .Durham, - Sept. 21.-At a recent "meeting of the Rotary the4 Chamber of - Commerce, the Tpbacco Board of Trade and Merchants Assp Ciation it wds decided that a ''booster" trip should be made throughout Dur ham county and the surrounding coun ties in the. interest of the furtherance of Durham as a tobacco marketing f place. , The party will be composed of a' number of automobiles that will stopt for 15 minutes at a number of places j where literature' will be distributed j that will tend to show that Durham's I hnarket pays exceedingly high .prices for tobacco. 1 ; - The Saturday trip was preceded by one today in which - several peo ple went out on a scout trip and will map out their plans for' the short speeches and- for- the route that' the main party will take on Saturday, I v AMERICAN RED GROSS WORRIED BOOSTER TRIP Wants to See A "Great Driv-. tjf'i: ing Force of Patriotic ; I . .Sentiment . ' THATILL PROVIDE :M POWER, HE SAYS Also Declares Protective Tariff Is Necessary to Meet After V The War Situation -In 5 Indiana Today Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 21 Charles Evans Hughes, in a speech here today, outlined his policy by declaring he wanted to see in the United States "a great driving force of patriotic sentiment' which would furnish the emotive power for progress. I want American rights . protected throughout the' world," he isaid. 1 ' df sire aee a great driving force of ! patriotic sentiment, which will give us the motive power of progress. We cannot haveprogress unless we havo that patriotism and love ": of country v to enable-us to get up steam to sup ply the nergy and, there, , that we may have that I say. American rights must be, protected " thoughout th ' world, with respect to American i lives,' property, and commerce," and with respect to all nations of the world." , , - .' V ., ': He declared that a protective tariff was absolutely necesary to "meet Eu ropean competition after the war and protect , against Mt. - l - I Intends to Push Prosecution of Blackmailers Wtih . .Vigor Washington, Sept, 21 Conferences of Federal agents, who have been in vestigating the so-called ' ''blackmaif ing" syndicate, were commenced at the department of justice today. The department practically has decided, to institute its first campaign of prose cution against the alleged blackmail ers of Mrs. Klipper, of Philadelphia, in the Federal coWt at New1 York. The , defendants in the case will be , removed immediately to New York for trial, which is expected to begin in a month.' ' The case of other allog ed blackmailers are expected to also bP set for trial. : . 5 V s Advertising is as old as . hitman nature and that's tak ing us back a mighty long i time. Even since thev crea- ; ; tion ' of the universe," prpci- . dence has' provided ; us vithf, warnings, or applied .to. mod- I ern Ideas, we can term these warnings as advertising re- : .' vealing through certain clouds -S. and winds: the approach of storms and other atmospheric v disturbances. These warnin- ings of nature' are to Influence us if rain the first thoughts . that enters , our mind r is n l umbrella,' raincoat- or .'to seek "i shelter.: Advertising. . in its 'l concrete form Is nothing more rjl or Jess "than influencing the mind. .There are many minds j right here in Wilmington yon " can ' . influence " through . good : advertising and we stand ready to render you assistance and service. v Confer. 176 nmiT nnifin irTrn U Ul I 1 U VI I IU 111 , I t-l SUCK CROOKS Nature Advertising ': if i 1 ;F Si ' i'V'' m -V Pi?l5iv J ?- WB0&:i

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