y. ., : -( v.. i . . -, - , : ; .... r . - - , 1 ", . ' - - . A i - " ' -v '''''-' " " " v . - r - ' , . -;.'-. . ". - - f 1 5.-' i ' ' 1 1 " a:' : fwEATHER FORECAST, fl ; TTy- ' .K.. ; - .;;'.'. ' 1 " ; .V ' , r-'.V r - i i PRICE 5 CENTS THE IVORLD BALL SERIES TO BEGIN BOTH SIDES THEY -VOL. XXI. NO. 256. - Wm m,, , " "" ' : ' ':f ' ' ' ' ' "v v" ''?" " '" , ; WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEI ffDAff AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 27,1 9 Y6: V ;: 111 I I LIL" 1LT U H Ifl lyiviv ruut rLr akl rM MKUUl LALL5 A5 600,000 IHREATENTa, .- fl ' ' ' ff ' -.W p ram on ui BiiiHi;,ini inUll.'fL , ? ? If Continue to Push jthe Germans Back on the Somme Front and Gain Much Ground. THOUSANDS OF PRISONERS TAKEN Bucharest Announces Victory of Rumanians Over Von Mackensen's Forces Con stantine Reported to Have Consented to Greece's En trance Into War. No rest is being given the Germans bv the victorious Franco-British for- ces on the Somme front. The Brit - ish capture of Theipal fell clone on the capture of Combles and it w..i fol lowpd by a new stroke by the French south of the Somme, where they .cap tured Vermanzovillers and captured a wood east of the town. The forces on the British front to- day announce the. capture of between j 3.000 and 4,000 Germans on Monday and Tuesday. Unofficial figures show that the average number taken by the French during the Somme campaign, have amounted to 60,000 prisoners, with 190 square miles of territory and 44 villages. Official reports from Bucharest say that the Rumanians won a ' decisive victory over Field Marshal von iMac kensen at tue:batt)s last week of Do brudja. The Rumanians and! their al lies, it is declared; broke, th- resis tance of the Teutonic armies, near the Black Sea, and drove them .back in disorder. Greece appears on the verge of en tering the war on the side of the al lies. King Constantine being reported to have consentedted . British Advance London, Sept. 27. The, British ad vanced on the Somme front last night, the war office announced to day. Great success was won in the direction of Eaucourt Labacye. Too Much Conflict of Author ity Injures the Railroads, They Claim. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 27. Con gressional legislation in regard to railroads, which would make the Fed eral court subordinate to that of the States, was askedTiTaTresolution adopt pd today by the Savings Banks Asso ciation of the American Bankers As 1NGS BANKS WANT ACTION sociation of America now in annual ; iween me two wuuueB. otitC uc convention here partment officials hope he will be able The resolution declares that the rail roads ahve been imposed upon and that traffic has been arrested on ac count of the "costly- conflicts" be tween the various States in the rul ings of the railways. Congress is asked in the resolution, to hear the committee from the sec tion before any railrdad legislation is Passed . J- F. Calf est, of Louisville, was fhosen president; J. Elwood Cox, of High Point, N. C, vice-president; and Jerome Thrawls, of New York, "secre tary . SENATOR MARTINE IS AGAIN THE NOMINEE Trenton, N. J., Sept. 27. Senator Martine yesterday. won "the Democrat ic nomination for United States Sena tor by a safe majority over District Attorney Wescott. . : ' v. ' The vote for the Republican nomi nation is a close" race: between, Joseph f,vlinhuysen and Franklin Murphy. i ' ' 4; ' ' mv:;.;;-.... : GREEK TROOPS JOIN IN ' REVOLT. r 1 ' Paris, -Septjf, 27--i-Fbur thou- Rand Greek: troops r have joined the revolutionists, according to a wireless dlBpatcTi xfrom Athens. . t v . 4. 4. 1W D W THDIfEH 1 s-J-. JH-- Labor Leaders laim .Quarter of Million Men H ave Quit Work. NOT MUH EVIDENCE OF ttttSftt IS SAID Only Twenty-tWO Unions Failed Ratify Strike Move, Declare Leaders. THE STRIKERS' ARMY. ' -4 ' New York, Sept. 27. Union workmen, to the number of 125,- 60. went on a strike today in 4 sympathy with the striking trac- ion employes, according to fi- i gures given out at a meeting of the representatives of the labor unions. ! : f New York, Sept. '27.. The general stride of f he labor' unions was sup jposed to be effective today and al though' labor leaders claimed 250,000-! workmen, haidpolfded to tbe call therfe was little r evidence that the strike was in progress. - Labor Union leaders report that but 22 unions had failed to respond to the strike call. The only report at police headquarters was that 25 men of the painters' union had refused to re turn to ,work . Attests to the estimated number of the strikers was confused by the fact that 100,000 Jewish workmen will re main idle over -Thursday and Friday, in celebration of the Jewish New Year. No disorders have been re ported thus far. 1 . EXPECTED EXPLAIN Mexican Ambassador Leaves Washington After Confer ring With Lansing. Washington, Sept. 27. The Mexi can Ambassador, now on his way to Mexico City, is expected by persons here to be able to give General Car ranza a clear understanding of the American view of the differences be- "a Al A. 4.! V Din A y. to, as it will be necessary II the con ference is to come to a full understand ing of all issues that is being handled bv the 'joint commission. The am- bassador left Washington quietly yes-' terday afternoon, after calling on Sec reary Lansing, saying-Gen. Carranza had requested his presence in Mexico City,. ' ' - Secretary Lansing said today that he had no knowledge of the purpose of the Ambassador's trip, but that he ex pected him back in Washington in two or three weeks. PLACED BOMB TROOP TRAIN Berlin, (Via Sayrflle), Sept. 27. Indirect ' reports from Transylvania say -that disgruntled soldiers set off a bomb under a' train loaded with 400 Rumanian officers and that only 7 escaped uninjured. , An investigation was made, the dis patch adds, and the Rumanian military authorities 'ordered two non-commissioned officers and four soldiers shot. The only resultshowever, was the re fusal of the entire regiment to obey orders.' '. ' ' . . '- TERRY TO DIE IN CHAIR IN DECEMBER i i i , ii i. i in . ' . . ' Greensboro, Sept . 27-j-3-:A. Terry, convicted yesterday- of. the murder of J.Ri Stewart was today sentenced to T GARRANZA be electrocuted 'Deoeniber 18th,, These men. members of the New York Police Department's motor-cycle squad, have been rendering ex cellent service during the traction strike. Each police station in the more important sections of th city affected by the strike has a quota of these men ready for instant .call. They are known as the "Flying Squa dron." In anticipation of the "symathetic strike" threatened by union leaders of about 600,-000 workers In New York City, additional policemen have been placed in all precincts. -" DEMOCRATS BADLY PUZZLED Leaders in Durham Wonder v Where So Many Votes ; pame from Monday. Durham. Sept. 27. By rushing mnj to the noils Mondav afternoon.vfriends of W. H. Young put their candidate in the lead over E. L. Tillery in the race for the Democratic nomination for the office cf clerk of the Superior court by a majority of 43, according to official figures made public Tuesday. Just where the "3.247 votes came from the Democratic leaders' are still at a loss to know. Never before in the history of the county has the vot ing been so heavy and some are of the opinion that failure to use the strict primary laws let down the bars to many Republicans. The Chamber of Commerce meets this week to take steps toward the forming of a company that will build.. -I A A t. nrrtr. Sr c-irrr fnm fnill ! nir " , "7 to six rooms. This step is to be tak-j en on accountsof the great scarcity of houses how in the city. When corn- plete" the houses will rent from $12 to $20 per month.' The "September civil term of Su perior court opened here yesterday with Judge Frank Daniels presiding. The entire first day was taken up with divorce cases .and appeals sent up froni justice of the peace courts. WILSON AND EABURY , IN CONFERENCE TODAY Long Branch, . Sept . 27. Samuel Seabufy, Democratic nominee for gov- ernor - of New York, conferred ear?y today .with -President Wilson. It is probably conference will be held late this afternoon with Chairman McCor- mick and; that plans willbe made so that the President may speak in New York State. Ambitious cows are fed 'i IN COURSES; COOKTAIL FIRST " f' . ' ! 4 Marquette, Mich., Sept. 27. "Cows 14 have their hopes and' ambitions likej, human beings, and when they go to their meals they should be fed )n j courses,:with a cocktail as an appetiz- f, er and a dessert for a finish." This ; is ttie ' asertion of State Senator Ai- i j ton T. Roberts of this city, who is 4, looking after tne weiiare 01 a iancy dairy. "Several years ago one of my men tried phonographic music as a means of in iucing the cows to ' give more and beter milk. - ' ALLtTAR HEELS ON; BORDER. WAY TO : , Morehead City, N. C., Sept. 27. With the departure.today.of the Third I North Carolina regiment. North Caro- lina National : Guard; all. the State troops calledUor border duty are en route to El Paso; The ;First -Regiment left Monday and the Second," Tuesday, - E TROOPS TO THE BORDER But National Guard" There ; Will Be Sent . Back to 1 Mobilization Camps. Washingtosn, Sept. 27. Guard organizations from National Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Florida. New Ham pshire, Pennsylvania. District of .Col umbia, New York, Connecticut, Mich-" igan, Minnesota, Colorado, and Cali fornia were' today ordered to the Mex ican border by the war department. Instructions were sent to General Funston ordering him "to send 10.000 of the National Guard Infantry, now on duty there, to their respective State mobilization camps. Six thousand National Guardsmen are included in -the call ' order which will send south all the guardsmen in ! the -mobilization camps, of the States named. This will leave only 10,000 troops in the country that have never seen service along the Mexican border. Within a short time the remainder will be ordered out relieving all o ftho m, , , organizations now under command of General Funston. The gradual re tiring and mustering out of the guards men is expected to begin in the near future . ' . BOSTON WON THE k MORNING GAME I Boston Sept. 27 Boston drew J nearer the pennant in the National League today by whipping the Pirates, in a morning play-orT game. Jl II H E Pittsburg ..0 4 0 Boston ........ .. ...1 "8 0 Batteries: Cooper and Wagner; Tyler, and Gowdy, and Blackburn. jp 4 Jf 4 4 4 '4. GREAT BRITAIN GIVES IN. i v i, - 4 J Washington,; Sept. , 27. Great 4 Britain, has allowed importation j4 on cigar tohaccb, 'which-the Am -. 4 erican growers said would ruin- H their business) and has allowed it to be 'imported on the basis of 4 . 1913, 1914, and' 1915. (4 1 Consul-General Skinner, in Lon- don cabled the State department 4 today of the change. .The order regulating the government import 0f ciga tobacco, between June 1, 4 1915 and May 31,1917 was based 4 on the amount the importers borgt in . 1915, , a war" year, . in- whiCh the imports: were smarrs4 The new order, according to the 4, department of commirce. gives 4 authority of practically -no im-. 8 portance. The growers "affected 4 are those in Florida, Connecitutr 4 4 Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. 4 V lJ T T V T -f f T "V V- V ,wr T "V - till a. . . . j. Here I just arrived with a trunk full -f aDbreviated fancy bathing suits and flnthe beach closed for the season. , . Oh, that-, -shouldn't worry you-we have a fashionable open air colony, here for the winter and wou'ir.be able to start a fadExchange. - ; , MOR PARTY WILL TOUR SOUTHERN STATES Extensive Investigations of the Boll Weevil to Be Made' By ISouth-GaroIinians. Spartansburg, ,SV C, I SepL 27. In order to familarize themselves with .the conditions existing in the boll weviil infested district a party of citi zens from Spartansburg and other Palmetto cities will leave Saturday on a trip through a number or the Southern states. " Governor Manning will accompanyj the party and many prominent scien tists and Agricultural men -'will be present to study- the conditions. When the party returns tho mem bers will be better able to enlighten the people of ,the v State as to the best methods to combat the cotton pest. It is thought here that much good will be accomplished,, biy1 the trip. OPENING AT BEERY'S. Many Visited This Store Today and Viewed the Line of Merchandise. Commencing . this morning .ahd con tinuing through tomorrow the annual Fall Millinery opening of Beery's' De partment Store, 402 and 404. Castle street, will be the attraction? On .the south side. Souvenirs were f given those who attended the ; opening this morning, and the visitors were ;giyen the opportunity of viewing the new styles in ladies', misses' and children's Fall and Winter millinery. Among the collection; which includes a large va riety and styles of the seaspnfs mOs wanted headwear, will be displayed the popular Tan Hats. Many attended the opening. A cordial invitation is extended the public to visit Beery's ' and view the opening display! COTTON GINNING AND PICKING PUSHED Washington, Sept! 27. The pick ing and ginning of coton hate' been nnshed in nil nnrtinna rvf . th-hntfrnn 1 belt with favorable weather during 1 the last week according to the " crop I bulletin in its last' weekly issue. The bulletin said. " ; - "Over the, greater portion the week was rainless presenting ' ideal weather for- the gathering of the great crop. In North Carolina; the crop is about two weeks late and is detoriating but picking is ' becom ing general, in the State." ; HUGHES TODAY IN PITTSBURGH DISTRICT Pittsburgh', Sept. 2 Ghas. Ei Hughes, entered the Pittsburg -district soon after moon tiday.. He"- was met at the station by representatives from Pennsylvania, Ohio and " , West : Vir ginia and immediately began a : tour of' the industrial ' towofs - escorted";' by a parade of automobiles. r ,; t x The nominee 'was. joined- by Seiia tors Oliver" and Penrose and by,i Wil liam f Flynn, ' formek Progressive leader, " " ' ; . V ; October 7 Set as the Date For the Great Games to Start v This Year.. WHO WILL CONTEND , NOW DOUBTFUL For That Reason Other Ar? rangements Can't Be Made. ; Eyes on Boston Game, Chicago, Sept. 27. The world's series will open on Saturday October 7th, according to President Johnson Of the American league. With the race as now. certain as it is no final action has been taken by the Natiou al Commission however Mr. Johnson said. The series which today; beginaibe-i tveen Boston and .New York will be watched with interest as certain results rest on it. " Boston is the only league letder that will te in ac tion today, the others having open dates In National league Brooklyn held its lead of a single game over Phil- adelphia but Boston by winning two i irom i-ittsDurg gained one nan gameithe heart of the village. In the main and is only three and one half games ! atrppl. thp Rni,npr mot nH wnrrtiv behind the leaders. Pittsburg and Boston this morning will play off the tie of Saturday. fly m c. a. Drunkenness in Armies dreat ly Decreased by Work of the Association. f - London Sept. 27, There isn't any thing like as much -drunkenness in the British army asO there used to be. Lord French attributes much of this improvement to the great work done by the Young Men's Christian Association and kindred bodies. They have established innumerable substi tutes for the "canteen which Thomas Atkins has found much more attrac tive and much less expensive . They provide , wholesome refreshment and harmless recreation for him. And re ligion, too if he wants it. Often he helps himself to all three. It was the opening of a new Y. M. C. A. by . Lord y French that af forded him the Opportunity to tell how much the army had benefitted by such work. "I Temejmber", he said, "when I first joined the army how long ago I don't like to remember the only refuge of the soldier' was the canteen. In those days we had old soldiers who used practically to live on beer It used to be quite a common thing in ' those days for an old Soldier te sell his food to the young recruit andl buy beer, and live upon it. "I think it is something like thirty or thirty-five years ago since the founders of the Y. M. C. A. com menced their beneficient work and the change that has come over the personalnel of the army during that time has been something very little short of miraculous. Those who have served all thosej years in the Army can realize it better than anybody elsv. "A few years before the war com menced this improvement began to manifest itself in a most extraordin ary manner, and especially with re gard , to- the i diminution, of crime. Drunkenness was formerly a most prevalent crime in the army .1 re member that we used to , have strings of defaulters outside the orderly rooms waiting to be punished : for drunkenness. You . hardly ever see a drunken soldier now, and in many Other directions the work of these InstitutiRas the spiritual anti moral development of the soldier is very , marKea.-ana nas ijeen cieany proved. ,., - - . "When! ' I was commanjdert-in-chief in France for some eighteen months I realized what these j institutions have done for soldiers. It was on thM fields of battle that the men showed what different ,4a. en they were. This war has demanded more in the way of nerve and courage from our men than any war that has ever happened in the history of the world. ; The most constant courage has had to be exercised every moment of the day . ana nigni. ino oiL ui.giouiiu js se cure from the long range high ex plosive shells But througb it all our men have 'shown a magnificent cour tage. One cannot but remember that 1 the i ..old soldiers t of the ' past were ' spleadid, but they certainly never sur passed the splendid courage that has been -shown in this war. One can hot help thinking taat perhaps it is to he-traced to the work "of these ,in- stilutions.' DONE TOOK COMBLES Fall of This Important : Posi-; tion Described as Most : Picturesque. . CELLARS FOUND FULLOFDEAD BritislC Rushed on One Side - and French" on. Another. N : Met in Main Street. British Front, .Sept. 26, (Via1 Lon don, Sept. 27.) The capture of Com bles was one of the inost picturesque incident of the great Somme offen sive. It marked today's operation of ; the great forward surge of the British and French forces, which reached its climax in. the capture of Gudecourt in thiepal. Combles fell as the sun rose on a . perfect summe'r day. Situated in the? midst of -a heap of hills the town was entirely- isolated yesterday. In the eriv nonrs thfi rhhrVi tnnk Wt nf Khe outworks, cm one side of the town, j and the French dashed forward Into shook hands. The cellars of the dug outs were full of dead and wounded. T TO SOLVE THE SHOOTING Philadelphia Police Confront - ed With a Double Trag- v edy in Hotel. today -were endeavoring to solve the mystery surrounding the shooting of J. C. Graveur, .president of the Alham bra garage, of New York; and a woman registering as his wife at their apart ments in a leading hotel early today by Mrs. J. C. Leuder, who afterwards committed suicide with -the same, re-i volver. Graveur was filled and his supposed wife seriously, wounded. How Mrs. Leuder gained entrance-, to the apartment is : not known. Neither has it been learned whence she came. . , , V, The police state that ' Mrs Leuder waited a long while in a corridor last night or Graveur and his ' supposed wife . rs . Leuder . told the woman' that she was Graveur's wife, ' Well Known In New York, ' ; New York, Sept. . 27. -J. C. Grav-, eur, was well known here In police circles. Ten years ago he was chief probate of the court of special ses sions. He organized two prison schools and gained a reputation among reformers throughout the country. The woman later ,was identified as Mrs . Harry Belzer, - of New York by a sister of the slain man.' bhe told the police thatTrs. Leu- der had not been living with heir hus band recently and that' Graveur who was a widower had been friendly with her. ',",. ' . ." . . Harvest Hands 86 and 82. Dodge City, Kan., Sept.' 27. Ford county can lay claim to the two oldest harvest hands in the State H. Ar. Speer has just finished his harvest and his father, 86years old, did all the stacking. A brother,, 82 years old, worked all through the harvest. ' Precious Minuties Every minute counts when you discover the lpssof your pocketbook, jewelry or ythat pet dog. s' r , Telephone 176 and insert a "Lost" local . to this office. ; One of these little; locals means an inquiry at every door in Wilmington. . Cost is one penny a word worth a dollar. . . Confer." . . Phone 176 1 t - V

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