4 Uir to rife ,1! In.' f?0 i;. V-if i J : ; 1 1 n ; 1' S f ' I'.-; UN fll 1 'Jk am r' t I . - 5 f I J.3 SHE IFF LIGHT BREAD; The.crealestixl three grail .shows should bo tirettv g&od. That's J what Arthur Hauk put on at the Victoria this afternoon when they present for the firsf me lfrara rt-"Wtra-Cdcb-" aret" a gay and, giddy -whirl.. -of iaughtex-and . aong thajt,.bd((-falr, tp "It Nearly "lulled Me .to tgir, even, the, great ..show presented Melon, of Any K-md," Mrs. HeJen Eryer Says ; Tahiac Spells New;Sjtp. ' k. s Mrs. Ilolfih Fryer,r - of 712 ' South, Twelfth strnet, is yet another lady of Wilmington to publicly acclaim her tn dnrspmouf of Tanlac's reconstructive powers. . "If is Dm host medicine I have ever t,irt nnH itiv husband alsO gained on duces, all the big favorites of this iauai mnntiv tr organization irf''raalfV.a-ttd' suitable organization ever seen In Wltoington is theunaflimaus verdict of tho great crowdl who' .saw the" first show. ocf th.(? week';Mbftay -jUid uesdayajpJthe same6' crowd's will be suf pffseH - and delighted, to .see even a bigger and better and brighter show today and tomorrow, , each season brings forth a new, one, ut in the meantime thtf ' yesfrty ap plaritiico'61 Ctrd"Msher'k fantouYpr; tooft' Kinfesi eacfr-yaf - increasing fh brtiliancy; -mai7rtat&; its-'Btand rt the proeessicm. epent . company pfeientirfg Mutt' and' JefTsWedttlng is by far the most elaborate offering yet pjit forth, a small fortune having been apent ror new scenery, cosiumeu, story . and exerytiWng., ielqd iomakfi it thC'PeiWFi comecfy rBrbdtyott" hkd. JtJet Ws,coes; t6 th-'''jldaemiv:..'iBdtiw; ".' matineS And rdiM?. l.Me miUttSfeVlwHl amid the great ; lobster palaces of i26 cents'jojiny "'HnFfel? 'The Great White Way and intra-, will ran6" from Cff cents to-. J, and tickets ate now48eK.tviM.r. iaUiehe Sweet 'Istone' of' the : TtoBti nnrfrlVffe annp, much distinction on interesting j personalities befro; theatre 'going PTiMicLfn each ?pf the , nTr aistWone of the ornhdum's" besi "I would nt take any- roles introducing Clarice Clidencej Thp. nrettfest alrls-r-Uie:.best mi) 7the pst': , efebqfialfe the j aniac Man. . , . -fas-iiiram mruseea, out mr a k"u nient -tnfi greatest comeay sauiauous thing for the good it has done us, and j Ume t&mg jii' the, gay life of ; the f the " Wlsfef -ftopjcgf iio; I only wish I had 'gotten it sooner. . "Great S.Yfylf pjivfifi, there j production;, inT.efg.ryld& ' "Why, for a vhote summer, I was is the "cabaret grrls, Josle ana Irene ever bea' ".. tftesendied,. . l& ' J-llU'f? forced to live on light bread, for any J iierg,, Florence, jvioran aua.um uiur, cWm . fothiaigrrlns, ;veftieo;, me" a fullness and hurt la irw Kenneay m ine rore oi uxlmtt m&Jett. .,, ,it:. (lasnine youns . wiuow aim jxeitju. hiavy food gave my sidoa and shoulders1. It nearly kiJlod mo to eat melons of any kind, And I was so nervous that I couldn't stnnd "1 he noise made by children around (he. house. I got very little; rest af night, and never slept sound. Though I tried nearly everything else but Tanlac, I grew worse right along. "Those miserable pains have left me, Rince I began taking Tanlac; 1 have a fine appetite; I can eat and dTfgest any foods; nervousness is a thing of the past; my sleep is just fine and I can do my work with perfect ease." v Tanlac is sold in Wilmington exclu sively at the Bellamy Drng Store; Acme, Acme Store Co. ; Burgaw,;' -'C. 1i. Ilalstead; SOuthport, Watson Pliarmacy; Rocky Point, A. NI Rhodes & Co.; Supply, G. W. Kirby; New Bern, Rradham Drug Co.; Magnolia W. L Southall; FaisOn, Faison Drug Co. ; Pembroke, O. W. Locklear. Each town has its Tanlac dealer. adv. Kennedy as Ruth Blair, the country girl, taking-in the sights, feck Mur doek, as the polite waiter and Barny Kleeher as "one of the boys" com pletes the cast" of -principals. A gay and gfddy whirl of laughter and toria maffe &(eai pay ;. 9tvthe : Tomorrow the iloyal presents on of ihe greatest all-tar productions theatre zQitig'piib LaskjftiprpductIciLns In,: whicltbe Jiaa P5eared, she is, seort a. fatally -dif; f erenV-'rolc; bid give's" each onfe"f -a dffferehf "chffracteiizatlon. She" has heeit fi&r && a.: raa'arafRh,;, at;m6mv ber 6ytnelTusslan'roy'at hodsehblrf, a Swedish , mald'of-aH-Work", and, an an archist, and now in ''Public Opinion" she ; appears as a trained nurse on rtena(tial,r,newsp?p pOTt M4eijift t,;1' lagajl: thislyoung woman who is abf olftCely' !'i?.Bt of $tjrf6&;.zv4. how iusr:,, whpjo JiHttraMfeBu $j : 'l0V$ns;'&n$.. ,en tertnma nertl:.. . rr x.-- :' .Ojiejcif. .the imusual features qf ibis stHkihgofitoa" js:ihp,..Q9rt.9 the' spirit 'of "the woman' the ri'urso Is supposed , to have . pois.oned, to difegt the jianrf of person.. ,f hrquiout the . iiory :, Jtij t&? , miperer. ia flnali, forced ,1". CPilr ton SistW one of the orpheum's" best ttrffstctfi-acts ana tttetf GiynffT These ohtl 'otberg ho ".charmingly" slug' ah tlance, provide, an evejiiug'senjertain motif -inner fr -fit-. riatiriTn1"lPrRd ; A . Iftxljt . bras ' banj and . "orchestra is a special feature witn tne com pany. The lady band will parade and play'a free concert on the streets at 1 p, m. and again in front of the iheatr" ,'f i 6vpl'n : Scats, on; siiA ..a,! Plummer a f thu r 1; fear she .has", been, engaged , be fore. . . - ; . v- '- Why so,. ' J, r.,;.v;v: S f"-: " ; She. .apparently, toimi niJEwl0, ke6ps "calling me Alfred wiren' ray name js. Frank. Exchange, k .There .wijbelsr Eu rope, aftervtjhe" war s ? . A, ' dh, I don't know, ' iooks; like pros per.rty rnfght prevail.: livery landhold er , wil own. an..irpn mine in1 his own will present a brand new brll of ntusi collaboratetl cal novelties that will be bigger tliari j Sqe' ia" tho.'castUUe.au'Vfnl fc'thei ever. Helen and Iris Kennedy, those j ciaytoh, jwith llollrd'ok Blinn, Erti dainty singing and dancing .satellites, i mct (rrigan, (ierda Holmes,. Monta will have something, new to say and t m Ij0e; pion Titheradsle. MAdge do; Teck Murdock will present anbth n s aLc' ' B. Francis and" Frank from the. sttvllos of, 1,h.e World Film Foxe,, ..Edy'tfjjn " ChapntAn,Btfhtr Hex: Corporation one of . the grpaf Brady-, ter, Tom Forman and , 'Uaym'ona .IttAj Made . reaues .entuiea ; ftuitii ton. :, ... ; fcj, 4rooucuon is (tun ,uip. ttpii thn ask'y ' Company "hak'; w$r The big court room scene is rieht fessV; the spirit .of thev "wpii - r? , 7 tries ,;to bring; the. guUy to :JleI-' -.ctt. irriga- YMlss; Sweet is snrrounIed; by ,1!;aj Hpsts are eijected at Larhed, Kas., cast of ,ijn:iisual for" the' opening of the annual! session of the . Kansas Irrigation Con-! such well ; known , players . as JSarle ouuf, intijf .Atvvi ui,. , land who, ix... is tne., hfkl :xirn.tiyL i no today. The Musical Kings, who ! nro.iucfiQfl T wTtir an ail-star cast, in hrvlsh such a hit . the first of the week j whif.h: 'al Jbf the ernat World . stars made. ACADEMY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 MATINEE AND NIGHT , MUTT AND JEFF'S WEDDING ENTIRELY NEW PRODUCTION JMatinee 2$ .and 5(WT : ChiHJW 25eiaBy Seat Niahit 5Qjic ncl $t,00 Tickets at Plummer's. er of his inimitable characterizations, and there? will be still others. ' "Mutt and Jetf" tornorrbW When it is taken into consideration that -Bud Fisher'fj great cartoon ser ies projecting the. trials, tribulations and experiences, of those., inimftiable characters Mutt and Jeff' have beer, running continuously' fh thousands of the coimtrys best newspapers for a. Beamish,, constituting th6. greatest as semblage of ..stars ever n"seen in a an exact, replica of that in. which thp trial . was held upon . which the Bfffy (Singfe) Cliffor Company ..pilly (Single) 'ciiffora' finger tionger M?cy'' his new musibal sa-1 tirey will beSQen, at the Acadjrny of M4Sic, matinee and night. Satucday 'iaries, I idoritial nominee, is to speaic in central and northern Ohio cities today, eon-; eluding with a meeting at Cleveland tOJllgfll. world feature. It is a five part pro-j September 30. This piece is the very ductioR, a virile dramatifi document of domestic and financial . ifttrigut! with a lasting moral, taken from 'the stage play of the same name by Charies. Kenyonauthor of "Kindling" which ran the entire season of 1915 at the . Forty-Eight Street Theatre. latest style, and is an entertainment of the highest class. The foundation of it is a farce, full of complications and ludicrous predicaments. To this is added a dozen songs of the popular style and a company of elegantly gowned, young women, who can sinar ."Husband and Wife" is a thrilling and dance, and who are pretty and period of live years or more, it can ramn nni wns nrnnouneed drio-htK- nifiv Sine-lei riiffofd. be readily .understood .why, the .differ, j-thfi stft.e one of tK most extraor-lwho ia starrins: in the niece, is too ent annual musical cpnjedy Jrpduc- dinary plays of modern times, withUvell known to need any introduction. a strong and appealing moral, n js, He has been on the vaudeville stage for many years as one of the bright- tions which have beep based aipon these' characters for the same period of time are looked upon as an an- f nual event of universal interest in every city in the ". lands ' 4 ... Gus Hill, in presenting life current year's fantasy starring these, inimiti abje,.pen characters in -real life, claim and justly, "the realVhit of the show world", a phrase not coined by him self, but emanating front one of the foremost dramatic critics of the nit ed States. Cartoon characters from a great feature foft the Royal tomor row, in connection with the current chapB of that r eat . serial . Gloria's Romance; Starring BfihV Burge inf the leading; .role,, a mamniOfh seven reel show for five and ten cents. Blanche Sweet Comes Tomorrow Blanche Sweet, the brilliant Lasky star, , who has established herself among the friols. of the screen, will est and cleverest singers and dancers and he has a style and manner all his own. In his present vehicle he has a role that fits his personality to a nicety, and it is one in which he shines with great brilliancy. Mr. Clifford is seen as the young Englishman and he is given many briUiat. lines and he is caught in many tight .places. There is a love fTMdROW? S3 SiH- ftmtr, if i- 5ft Blanche Sweet In He.Very.: J.ateslr Great Paramount Feature "Pu blic Opinion Adults, $)t. Hi - i Children, 5c I 3M V.". -5 :Ti4 BARON The "appointment of Baron Hayashi, former Japanese Ambassador i to" Rome as .MinMeOor. Jrfpan in P eking, has created much comment in I Ja'pan-' :ftn'd "'China; -r ' iBaronv Hayashi'-.i of much higher, rank tha nany ot!i er diplomat at Peking and this unu sual procedure on the part of Japan has been lo6k'ed at with' suspicion, by the Chinese, although the Baron h as, publicly -advocate'd a friendly pbii'cy toward the Chinese for some i time. , . ' . ". ' . J.L I 1 L . Did you mail that letter to iny -sitter-in Portland? ' ' . " Have you any butter beans? Yes. . - : - I want some better butter bonus Yes,.m'dear. -.. . . than the butter beans I got last. She says she didn't get it; ; - Those butter beans V7oI! you know- I.jw it is in war . Were . bitter beans, she .eonclud'pd. time, m'love. ; Somebody,, must Jtavo And -the grocer ; had :a giddy - spell.--. seized the maiis.-rf Exchanged f Eichangc.. 'y.t A ''," :;-t . . l acJ 1 msMs for cmdrmmaiij warn Easy mm ft la Is I vj. jiy II - iv opwz lo ai.f Kiiius anu lilies an. oyer ine coun- : 111 h n I w. NX M lj ..SBTv - This is the day of sports ol: all kinds artdicrtie's ajldVer fife coun try are providing Play Grounds where children can enjoy these sports. All sports call for an unusual amount of strenuous use of the frr and it is absolutely necessary f or the ; parfi6ibafit iti w'ear a pirdf shoes that will resist hard wear anaf the same!time oe rW6my and xom- W iwiauic, anu anuw picniy or rreeaom or tne reet. Ever since children haVe E endeayoring to design a sK freedom to the feet and at the sarne time be srviceablii and comfortable. . The last that the Red RidmHoaCSKoWimMe is'lhe oiif- Red Ridin Tablet Free ith Each Pair of R R. M. Shoes Essay on Red Riding Hood - By Carrie McLean Taylor, Age 10. Once near a forest lived-a dear little Jfirt,' .;nd on the other side of the forest lived er grandmofter.-' Her 1rraiWnHfher,! gar.-E' her a red cloak and hood, and so people called her "Red ..Riding- Hood." , . One, day the grandmother was 'sick and l.cr mother said, "Red Riding liood. take these good things to eat to your grand mother, but do not loiter on the way for the woods are full of .dangers." Rm1 Riding Hood meant to obey her wi other bi stopr ed to pick -some flowers. w..!f , earae along and said. "Good morn ing, where are you going?" "To mv gr(1lHOthPr'a'" 8he answered, politelr. - ihe wolf took a shorter path aud ' got mother to. devour her,, bukshe escaped into he tctfestj- Jie wqlf, put. pn the grand - l"0r9ltf cfawfejf.xthto the bed. When Red Riding Hood came he intend ed, eating her np. She walked in and up close to the bed. bt Jrt-s he- ;nmped upon her a wood-cutter ran in arid killed the wolf. . ,.. . - ,. :v.r. - The woort-mitte tfipn .tanned the wo SidoT?SipAlPvome shoes that he called "Rot! RitffBg flood", to remind her not to d i sot)ey her - mochei. - CARRIE McLEAN, TAYLOR, 80S Orange St. - - Age. 10 -r, , T Union School, Sixth Grade A. Mfcss nattio Lue Smith, Teax-her. . : , . . cpm of their w6rk and we' are proud; of the fact that we can offer this excellent shoe to the public. Red. Riding Hood Writing Tablet FREE with each pair of Red Riding Hood Shoes purchased. ' V; Essay on Red Riding Hood by Carrie McLean Taylor, Age 1 0. Essay on Red Riding Hood by Louise Fbnveille, Age 6. Red Riding Hood Shoes are best, the uppers will stand two to three soleis. ,; ' '" ' ' ' ' ' '". --''-:"; Vr '-:' Red) Riding. Hp'od Shoes will outwear two pairs of ordinary shoes. Let us prove it. Essay on Red Riding ifebd . i-.iftBW.P.W 0:e.rmM-Mrt.u ii'icao.:ai-.;iyc.y.-'3'-.' - ? ' jouise I'onveuie, Age u. RE0 RIDIKG HOOD SHOES ARE BEST THE UPPERS WILL STAND TWO, TO THREE SOLES ,ZT- By Lo There was a little girl whose real name I don't know, an.vway et'ery body .called her '.Little Red Riding Hood." When she was 'a tiny thing her grand-: m.-i made her a red cloak and hood, as she grew larger her grandma made her a larg er and nicer one. ' .' , ' One day hei: motheV told her she could go' tOi see. grantlma. f(W he'i very stele. 80, she. started out with some. goodies for her. Sn'-sjtopped to phiy on; her way.' ' 5 Sf had to go throiHgh some woods, she saw lots of things that she was just bound to stop and gather some of the wild-flowers. Then she lost her way1, by Aot mino- ing necmoiaer. eo sue waiKea until sne ; r. wasmighty tired,? then be '.eat down -fo ' . jesfcpnrt .wentto sleep.,: i'lv. -V : . -v -" ' :: There was aB.oiawotfll'hai kved In the '' v' woods. She met np with. fainrb not coiner straight .to' granny's- lrtfusey' but - granny's V cat saved the little girl :from. being eat up . " V by the' wolf;s,'""A?'i z.-;-:r-? "X ? , If we-'littie'-girls' would - mind ur'J nar . ' " ' ents-:we w&nktn't get into so manyv places . we ought not to, vr.--,-. ... . t .v - . i:' ; LorisE fon'v'eiiCle,- r ' 2ifi Walnut St.. Wilmincton1 Nl C Age yvar.aun p jnontnBi"K , . .. Teacher1. - Mrs. B. O. Stone, Hemenway SrhooV; First Orade.:: :?-t . --j - OUTWEAR RED" RIDING HOOD SHOES TWO PAIRS OF ORDINARY SHOES. : LET US PROVE IT 203 North IorittStreef ' .- ?-".. ..i,.. ',. r- . -r f . ... . m. m: wesseix, mmm -Sftus .b ir.5 . . 1 11 ill mv Ik i la p Is 7 j n 5. -5 ' TMfC.t.rr..C-. 1 t ii