THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER' 28, 1916, PAGE EIGHT r! f'r 1 1 i ; ' - - '.'i i ;; it ; ASSAULT MADE ON POPULAR GIRL Brick From Unknown Assail ant Hits Young LadyWas Caused by jealousy Washington, N. C. Sept. 28. The section of Jamesville is considerably stirred up over an accidentia! assault that was committed on Miss Bessie Griffith when she was riding on the county road in a buggy, with B. Har ding. When a dark spot in the road was peached a brick was hurled in the di rection of the buggy which struck Miss Griffin in the face, rendering her un conscious. Harding drove to James ville as fast as possible, but the girl was suffering considerably when a physian reached her. A long gash wag cut in her face and it was necessary to take several stitches. She is reported tb be doing nicely. It appears that Harding had been especially attentive to the young ladyi and according to reports the brick was intended for-him and came from a jealous admirer of the young lady. Bloodhounds w6re carried to the scene and they immediately picked p a trail which carried them about five miles and finally ended at . the resi dence of a young man who is said to have been an admirer of Miss Grifin No arrests have as yet been made. " STRONG REGULATIONS AS TO STRONG DRINK Mexico City, Sept. 28 Stringent . regulations of the manufacture and $ale of pulque, th principal strong drink of Mexico, is ordered by First Chief Carranza in a decree which has jut been promulgated. The bever ageis made from the juice of the maguey cactus. The new regulations double the tax on the bringing of pulque into towns, and require man ufacturers of it to record with proper authorities all details concerning their business. The decree provides that no facto ries may be established more than forty kilometers from the town in which the product is to be sold. This (s to insure that the pulque arrives qnickly and in good condition. Should the product spoil in pro cess of fermentation .the manufac turer must notify the authorities and establish that it has been thrown out cr used to make alcohol. , It is provided that the maguey lands also must be used to raise other agricultural products as well as maguey. "."Infractions of these regulations will be punished by a fine of ten time3 the amount of the taxes or the factory may be closed. TRAVELS 60 MILES TO KEEP SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORp Renoll, who has not missed a session of Sunday school for nineteen years. travellcT60 miles Sunday to main tain an unbroken record. Renoll is secretary of Trinity Reformed Sunday School, and, when he learned of the edict closing all Sunday schools in Pennsylvania, he decided to go to Maryland. Arrving in Baltimore on an early train he found all the city schools closed,, but, undismayed, he went to the country and after search ing for hours, he found a school in session six miles from Baltimore which he attended. Frog In Ice Cake. York, Pa.. Sept. 28 Edmund Senft found a frog recently frozen in a cage of ice. When taken out and placed in a bucket of water the frog was reviv ed. SLTlrl lU nnw gnnapnnlln I. n is believed that the frog was frozen In the ice five months ago. "CAR TURNED TURTLE. Minister's Son Probably Fatally In- jured m the Accident. Spartanburg, Sept. 28. A car driv en by Rev. W. H. L. Pendleton, of itu - : . , f mis cuy, yesieraay turned turtle at the foot of Windmill hill on the Ap- 1 ti t vautuuui uiguway. Master Carey -enaieton, tne 12-year-old son of the ! minister, is perhans fatallv and five other occupants of the car were also injured in a lesser degree. The injured were rushed to the Pen. dleton home here and are now under , the cafe of physicians. Mr. Pendle ton and family were en route to Hen- ,'dersonville, N. C:, where they were (.tcr spend the day. -, Instantly Killd in Accident. Taylorsville, Sept. 28. Tally White, fn employe of White Bros.' saw mill in EHendale township, was instantly killed Wednesday afternoon when a haile!" ' exploded. Daniel White, a brother of the dead man, was also struck by , parts of the boiler and se riously ' injured. . NEGROES LOOKED EOR LABOR AGENT Large ' Number ' Gathered at Union Station Thisr Morn ling; Were Disappointed Nearly a hundred local negro labor er were disappointed this morning, when the 9:50 train from the North arrived without . an - - pne-pplv-fiYnpr'tAii and anxiously looked for labor agent. The laborers had gathered at the sta tion to offer this agen their services for the high-paying positions that are being, offered colored men in and around New York City. The majority of the negroes lined the intersection of Fronts, and "Red Cross streets, while quite a few gath ercd at the exit gates, leading from the train sheds. From all out ward signs they seemed very anxious! to offer their services to the expected agent and appeared, very much dis appointed, when such a person failed A . 10 snow up. i In speaking -of the exodus of negro laborers, frqm this city to Northern terminals where they are paid higher wages to unload freight from cars at the railway junctionv points and load it onto steamers . for Transatlantic shipment ,a "prominent - citizen said yesterday: "Several . years ago a prominent surgeon, who at that time had charge of a hospital in one of the- Northern States, said that it often dis- tressed him to receive for treatment, negro men. ill with pneumonia, who had come from a mild Southern cli-j mate and contracted the disease in the severe weather which they were j compelled to work in. In almost! every case they died fromthe expo- sure, which they were subjectd to. ! MILKS COW FOR SUFFRAGE. School Teacher Rises to the Occasion at Fair. Greensburg, Pa.. Sept. 28. The woman in charge of the suffrage booth at the Westmoreland County Fair proved that suffragettes can rise to the occasion. The suffragists were selling refresh, mients, and it was found Friday the! milk supply was exhausted. A Scott-! dale school teacher volunteered to ( milk one of the cows on exhibition if j granted permission. j With bucket and stool she soon in-1 J A 1 Al ' a i f aucea a swj oossy to coniriDuiei something to the suffrage cause. TWO TAKEN FROM JAIL AND SHOT TO PIECES j Nashville. Sept. 28. Two negroes charged with the murder of Bud Gardenburg. Saturday night.' were this morning at 1 o'clock taken from the jaH and caYried to a nearby hill, where they were tied to a tree and riddled with bullets. MESSENGER. SERVICE For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's mes sengers. They will call for your "ads." In the same manner and quick time as they now- cover the city ;for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176 but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." RATES WILMINGTON DISPATCH'S Business Locals. Largest Circulation In Wilmington Daily or Sunday One Cent Per . Word. 25 Words or less, one time 25c 25 Words, 2 times consecutively. .40c 2v Words, 3 times consecutively. .50c 2o Words, 1 week (7 times) $1.00 No advertisement less than 25 cents. TELEPHONE 176. MAKE YOUR HOME WHERE YOU can be truly Comfortable and the cost is so divided, that your part is samll. This is the Comfortable Car olina Apartment house at Fifth and Market streets. Apartment's, from $15.00 upward. See J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate , and Insurance Agents. 9-28-lt FOR RENT DESIRABLE HOME Market - St. between 19th and 20th; See Janies & James, Inc.', Southern Building. Phdne 163. 9-28-lt BUSINESS SPECIALS erest 4 Com 7 American Bafik Regtfliair t?Dositsimide- at tkis Bank-on or Before tkW above date will j not onlij draWiriterest from October ht W will receive" credit for a lid! quarter's interest on Januaru three; months from date. Begin tte New Year tB interest to the "Wl OFFICE IN A BUILDING THAT IS central busy down-town location the Princess Building 109 Princess Street, Rent is very low. We would like to show it to you. J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. 9-28-lt ' . , . HOUSES FOR RENT-OUR L.ST IS for vour Inspection a few choice houses at low Rental. Let us talk house to you. J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. 9-28-lt. NICE NEAT 5 ROOM COTTAGE IN Woodr-ow Place just in rear of 508 South 3rd street. Nicest location in the city and convenient. Cheap rent. Water and Sewerage included. J. D. McCarley, successor to W. M. Cum- ming. '. -zs-n : CO. LADIES CENTRAL MARKET please enter in your Phone Directory j under (C) 592-J. When in need of! Fresh meats or vegetables, call Sol. j. Jones. 9-28-7t-j . . - FOR RENT 308 CHURCH, 9 ROOM residence, splendid location in per- feet condition. Parties leaving city.j See, me quick. J. u. jwcuaney, sue cesser to W. M. Cumming. 9-28-lt FOR RENT 319 SOUTH THIRD. 9 room residence. Most desirable loca- . i ii one j J 1 1 l- I lion in cuy. jrmme ouo uuu wm uo glad to show you. J. D. McCarley, successor to W. M. Cumming. 9-28-2t FORD WANTED WANTED 1915 OR 1916 Model Ford car either touring or roadster, 60 inch tread. Must be in good condition and cheap for cash. Address Box 718, City. 9-28-3t ANNOUNCEMENT OWING TO THE number of people who have availed themselves of the opportunity to ! have their children's eyes examined free, as advertised in this paper a week ago, we have decided to extend the time limit to October 10th (Signed.) Wilmington Optical Co..s Dr. Miles W. Maloney, Opt. G. 9-28-3t ' FOR SALE ONE YOUNG FULL- blooded -English Bull Dog and one Bloodhound-r-Bull Puppy 8 months old. George Rogers 617 So. 10th St., City. 9-28-lt-j WANTED AT ONCE, FOUR YOUNG Men to take Barber's course. Posi tions guaranteed when completed. Durham Barber College. Inc., Dur ham, N. C. 9-222-23-28-30-10-3-7-14-9t KODAK FINISHING QUICK RE- turns. Good Work. Moderate prices. H. Dempt, Studio, Rocky Mount, N. C. 9-22-23-28-30-10-3-7-14-9t WANTED RESPONSIBLE MERCH-I ant in each town in the Carolinas to sell Electric Light Globes. I give ex clusive territory, and 30 to 40 per cent discount on Standard Lamps to right' party. Will sell direct where I have no agent. W. L. Moore, Char lotte, N. C. 9-22-23-28-30-10-3-7-11-14 9t. 1 WANTED TWO YOUNG LADIES TO travel with Illusion Show. Experi ence unnecessary. Long pleasant engagement, easy work. Call at "Miracle Show". Children's Play ground. 9-26-3t-J THE PEOPLES' MARKET OFFERS you very best Native Beef, honest weight and clean service at the fol lowing low prices: Loin or Round at 22c. lb; Ribb 20c. lb; Chuck 15c. lb; Stew 12 l-2c. lb; Hamburger to your order 20c. lb. All other meats, Sau sage and Country Produce' at corre sponding Jow prices. Phone 297. J. D. Stefano, Proprietor, 611 Castle , street. 9-22-7t NATIVE COUNTRY PIG PORK, Fresh Norfolk Oysters, Friday. All kinds fresh-meats, fruits and vegeta bles. We guarantee to please. Bat son's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Phone 72. 9-21-tf YOU LlVc UNDER MODERN CON- ditions at The Carolina Apartments. Well kept; efficient management; convenient location ; Apartment of ! varied sizes and prices. J.O.Wright & Son. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. 9-18-tf. BEFORE RENTING CONSULT J. G. Wright & Son, Real estate and Rent ins Agents. Desirable homes in de sirable locations of different sizes i and prices. 9-18-tf. carter pounded Quarterly in & Xrust credit ofiuour account The . Peoples Saviiiigs Bs0k Corner Front and Princess Streets. i M-i--Jl I B Ml. ATTENTION, COUNTRY PEOPLEI Phis is an oDDortunlty for you to make money.' Gathering up all the rags end junk you can and fchip to me. I pay the highest prices for brass, copper, zinc, lead. All kinds of rub ber, .automobile tires, mixed rags, etc. Note address. H. Stein, 14 Bcuth Second street. Phone 306. Wil mington, N. C 7:25-tf WANTED YOUNG MAN, 16 TO 30 years of age to earn $50.00 to $100.00 per montn at nome. in o investment or experience necessary. This posi tively means your success if you act today. Dept. 16, Room . 360, Como Build., JChicago, 111. 9-22-23-28-30-10-3-7-14-9t WANTERD STUDENTS TO L-EARN ! Telegraphy. Old reliable school un- der expert management. Tuition rea- sonable. Living Expenses Cheap. Write for endorsements. Charlotte Telegraphy School, Charlotte, N; C. 9-22-23-28-30-10-3-7-14-9t MOTTE'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and typewriting will make you a real stenographer. Day and night les sons. Leon L. Motte, official court stenographer, chief instructor. Phone 737-W, 105 Church street. 9-15-tf NEW SERIES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 24th Series will open in the Han- Rnildine and Loan Association, 25c ner share. Ten series matured. I nnno evcporiin? 3.10 weeks. For in-. w.wwwa I vestor or borrower there is no better, j Wo on rr ftvpr 7 npr rent net. AH I taxes paid by Association. Books I now open get your stock at Wilder's Real Estate office, 207 Princess street. 9-26-tf TO THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON. Rugs made from discarded carpets, j Will be here for short while- Phone ! 1590-W. S. A. Evantj. 9-21-14t-j FOR RENT 116 NORTH THIRD street a three-room housekeeping apartment. Clean, comfortable, and in good condition. Lights and tele phone included. Location central. 9-23-7t ' " FOR FRESH AND FANCY GROCER- ies, Country Produce and fine Native J Beef call on R. B. Moore. Mr. D. ' Bender is with mc and will cut it to your taste. Phone 1888. Third and j Castle. 9-23-tf I LARGE SIZE PREMIER SALAD Dressing, oc a, uuiue. vveieij, w V - i ill. n 1 O stalks for 15c Takay grapes, l&c per pound ; Eagle milk, 15c Fresh lot of ' frankfurters, balogna and cheese at May's Delicatessen. Phone 1322. , 9-22-7t ! "CIVJL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS We train you to pass them. Put your : spare time to account and get a good Government job. Write for Circu lar. International Correspondence School, Box 888, Scranton, Pa." 9-19-30t FRESH EGGS, 33c; LEMONS, 20c; onions. 7c; rice, whole grain, 9c: glasses jelly, catsup, mustard, vine gar cocoa- Durkee's dressing, etc.. 9c or 3 of a kind, 25c. Steady cheap est prices in town; ask for price list. A .Renik, cor. 5th and Nixon; 'Phone 827. T 3-21-7t : i BLANKETS WE INVITE YOU TO Call' and inspect our noted Cohen Systt m cleaned blankets. Wo guar antee satisfaction or no .pay. We also j lave a special Dry Tumbler for dryintg washed blankets, which a sureiTsatisfaction. Phone 249, City LaunHry Co. 26 No. 2nd street. 9-21-7t WANTED MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber Jtrade; few weeks required; steady positions for competent grad uates; wonderful demand tor bar bers. Free catalogue. Richmond Barber College, Richmond, Va. 9-20-14t-j CHICKENS, CHICKENS YOUNG AND hens dressed and alive. We guar antee to please-. Very best of Beef, Veal, Pork and Lamb. All kinds of fresh Vegetables ' and Fruits. Cook ing Apples, 40 cents peck;Cooking Pears 25 cents peck. Phone No, 72. Batson's Meat Market. 9-15-tf UNREDEEMED ONE 14-K SOLID 15 size, 21 jewel Hamilton watch, worth $85.00. Unredeemed price $39.50 at Uncle Charles Pawn Shop, 6 South Front street Phone 642. 9-21-tf v Co. The You can do this B13 depositing kat the.; feoples. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ' We have unlimited stock fire boards: any sizeY one piece no seam.i Call 4?1'. Expert Stoveman on job within few minutes of call. W. B. Klander, 8 So. 2nd street. 9-17-tf COTTAGE FOR RENT DESIRABLE six-room cottage, corner Seventh and Dock streets; modern conveniences Apply J. G. Wright & Son.' Agent, Vor phone 968-W. 9-27-3t-J FOR RENT STORE NO. 5 1-2 NORTH x Front St. A fine business stani. Apply to Martin O'Brien, 309 N. Front St. 9-27-3t-J CALL O. jTmiNTZ & CO., CITY MAR- ket, for the best native beef. Our j prices are right. Tenderloin Steak, 23 cents; Round Steak, 18 cents Phone 1245-W. 9-26-7t- CUT RATE TIRE STORE THE only one in the Carolinas, offers big inducements in the following brands , of tires almost half price Fisk, j Baender, Goodyear, Gordon, Dia-j mond and other standard Vbraiias. We quote below a few of the smaller sizes 28x3 plain $6.70, non-skid, $7.93. 30x3 1-2 plain $9.36, non-skid $10.30. Write for price list, other sizes. Cut Rate Tire Store, 101-2 E. Trade Street, Charlotte,, N. C. P. O. Box 91. 9-22-23-28-30-10-3-7-14-3t CHINA PAINTING CLASS OPENS Oct. 2nd See display at Honnet's, Belk-Williams and Yates Book Store. Phone 1662 or call on Miss Hope Carson. 1716 Chestnut St. 9-24-7t-j OIL DISCOVERED IN VIRGINIA Free round trip to investigate, write for prospectus whjch will explain. This is the Opportunity of your life The Eastern Oil Cc. 522 Am. Nat. Bk-Bld.. Richmond. Va. 9-26-27-28-29-30-10-l-6t-j CABBAGE, CABBAGE FRESH CAR Cabbage to arrive Sept. 26th. Have in stock Oranges, Onions, Lemons, Limes, potatoes and complete line of Candy. Phone 323. Bear Produce and Mdse Co. 9-24-tf j ANY INDUSTRIOUS MAN. MAY DE- vote his time to a good advantage I selling low-priced tires. The Cut Rate Tire business is a money mak er. 30x3 non-skid casings at $5.28. Small capital required. Better write me about it at once. Address E. P. James, 1789 Broadway, New York City. 9-24-7t WHY NOT HAVE THAT FALL SUIT, Cleaned and made to look like new?j Suits cleaned, repaired and pressd j $1.00 Suits pressed 25c. Ladies j work a specialty. Prices moderate, j Prompt and efficient service.-. Enter- prise cleaning ana pressing worn. 114 1-2 Princess street. Phone 717. 9-26-7t ' RENT LIST HOUSES 521 Dock St., 7 rooms , $40.00 109 South 5th, 8 rooms 40.00 202 Orange St., 8 rooms $35.00 216 North 6th St., 8 rooms 30.00 1606 Chestnut, 6 rooms 30.00 305 North Fourth, 10 rooms 30.00 318 South 2nd St, 8 roomsl 30.4)0 211 North 3rd, 6 rooms ..'30.00' 414 Chestnut, 8 rooms 30.00 311 Grace St., 7 rooms 27.50 10 Church, 7 rooms4 1 25.00 311 1-2 Red Cross, 6 rooms 25.00 814 Dock St.- 7 rooms . $25.00 518 South Front, 6 rooms. 25,00 721 Chestnut St.i 7 rooms $25.00 1900 Woolcott Ave., 6 rooms 25.00 ' 108 South 17th, 5 rooms 20.00 . 1921 Perry Ave., 5 rooms 16.67 ; 205 Ann St., 6 rooms $2000 '220 McRae St., 6 rooms $18.00 1916 Woolcott Ave., 5 rooms. $16.67 j 706 South Second, 5 rooms .10.00 : 1017 South 6th St., 6 rooms.. 10 0(T 514 Ann, Apt., 5 rooms 15.00 H.F. WOder Octob er m Sayings: at a M. Bank Moving Soon? A The Murchison Capital and Surplus Resources This Bank stands ready to furnish best possible service. H. C. M 'QUE EN, President. C. 3. GRAINGER. Cashier. J. V. GRAINGER.iV. President. J. V. GRAINGER, JR., Aas't Ca School ' School iu School Supplies C W. YATES CO. . Mrs. House Wife: Do you. realize that to get Fresh Groceries you should buy from a store that does a large Business. . Goods never stay on our shelves very long as our prices are. low enough to keep them moving. THOMAS GROCERY COMPANY, Inc. 4th and Campbell Sts. Established 1889. Phone 294 Builders' Supplies any VviATER aiid ANN STREETS ' ... in-.. STORAGE ana win IL o Market Streets Established 1900. Gas Cabinet Range .Service of Quality ; Beauty of Design Will Finish Your Kitchen V", " - 4 Tidewater Power Co. - ", -" 217-223 Princess Street. Phone 28. National Bank $1,650,000.00 $8,000,000.00 customers every facility nd. J. W. YATES. V. President. W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cathler. M. F. ALLKN, Asst. Cashier. shier. Su jj) iyj u : u w u i We can advance 12! j cents pound on good Cotton Stored with us. W.B.C00 S SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE , Lynn Haven Oysters Now Dally, v. Homemade Pies. Rooms by thfe Day, Week or Month. Recently Renovated. ESP per 6 Co 1916 it I it 4