WEATHER-FORECAST. Fair and warmer,tonlght and Tues day. Moderate fresh northeast wind's. L ! T 3- .. ii' . .-ix-yiiiii - x v i i v- ,ii 'ii. -iiivxxi. ii --'fill a i i' .-n, 'c i i VOL. XXII. NO. 261, POLICE DIRECTED -if y.-Z?-- Also Ordered Not to Permit Crowds Gather, On The : : CAR-RUNS RESUMED THIS MORNING Both Sides Claiming Victory in The Street Car Strike In Metropolis of Georgia. - Atlanta, Ga., bet. 2 .With the police under Instructions to prevent crowds from ratherin on the streets and to arrest ny person interferring with car crewsservice on the local and subway lines of the Georgia Rail way and lines of the Georgia Ry. and Traction Company, on which a strike of car menr was called Saturday; to enforce recognlzation of the union car-mns were resumed; at 4 o'clock this morning. - V ' Officials of the' street cafcompany said today that less 'than 100 out of 1.000 street car . operators had quit work . Union officials : asserts 1 that lKarly 400 men "were on strike. CONDITIOlOF But A LittlejOver Half Accord ing to U. S. Government Report Today Washington,' Oct . ; 2. The ' cotton crop this year 'will be 11,637,000 bales, equivelant 00 lbs. bales; department of agriculture, announced today in its monthly; forceast The estimate .,ws based on the'tibnditlon olTth crdp bn September 257" which wag 56.3 of the normal, compared to 61 last month; 60.8 last .year and 67.2 for the ten year average, conditions on Septem ber 25 . Giiining of the crop Is mak ing records. ' V H The census ' bureau stated "that storm and insect damage had wrought havoc with -the crop and caused - a loss of almost $,000,000 bales. Indications are"' that thla year's crops will yield -156.3. pounds per acre as compared-with 209.2 pounds in 1914. . ' The condition of the crop in North Carolina was announced as 61 per cent of normal and that of South Car olina as 53 per. cent. EYES HON NAT. LEAGUE RACE Flag Winner May Not Be Known Before Thursday. Boston Has Pennant. Chicago, Oct. 2. The rrce for the pennant in the-National league may not be decided until next Thursday, the last day of the season, so close is the race between two lading clubs. Philadelphia has six- games; to play, all with Boston. ' A - Boston was given a victory for the American League championship yes terday and Cleveland won I the ficst half of a double-header from! Chicago Boston may lose all its , remaining games with Philadelphia and itill hold first place. . Detectives Swoop Down on Haunts of Chief of Police. v Chicago. Oct. 2. Detectiyes ope rating under the direction of State Attorney HoyneJ who is investigating -slot machines in": Chicago, today raid ed the Sportsmen;s Club of America, of which Mayor Thompson was at one t i me president. and secured the re cords and summoned the secretary be fore the grand jury." " Assistant Stete. Attorney Berger is sued a statement that the raid fol lowed investigations i which - Indicated that officials of , the "cltfb, " including Chief of Police Healy, were connected ith the installation of the slot ma- TO GUARD ALL ATLANTA1 GARS CROP turn, . MIDED TIOIFW tl,! ; - . ' "- I , chines In.Chlci: Raleigh People Turned Out en Mass to Pay Ist Respects fcto Durham's First Citizen. ".Raleieh. Oct. " 2. A nmf.. rn leigh people drove to Durnam -yesterJ dayafterncKjn to; atteiid the funeral of James H . SoutfigaVe who died Fri- afteoat hiSme; rear Unl : Mr . Southgate had relatives here and many of thtt: Trinity -Colleeo boys who ttendedHnity were his. personal friends. The' vclty's 1 most generally beloved 'private1 " citizen made up his friendships very large ly among young people and living in a .college atrhos'phere was always youthful, He'ccVonU'lycaMefCo Ra- icigu ana naa maae aaaresses nere. The thirty-first annual convention of the North Carojipa Qteopaths will be -held in Raleigh .ibis wek opening Friday and running through ' Satur- day October "7. Dr. William E.. Crutchfield, of Greensboro, is president and Dr. A R. Tucker, of .tRleighr.sretary. Dr. Meacham. of Ashevillc, ' who is the president of the national association.. here and will make an address. Dr. J. Martin Fiemming, member of the State Board pf -Dental examiners, will discuss "Oral Hygiene." Dr. P. H. rfay, of Charlotte; Dr. E . J. . Careon, of Fayetteville ; Dr. C. E. Armstrong, of" New Bern; Dr. L. Rockwell, cf , Winston-Salem; Dr. S. O. Holland, of alYsDury; Dr. P. R. Heine, of Charlotte; Dr. A. P. Winkleman of' Greensboro,- and Dr. A. H. Zealy, of the same city, arc on the program. :;The address of Dr. W. S.; Carson, former prefdent of the State 'Association, discussing the csteopathiq treatment of infantile pa ralysis, will"be a 'feature of the ses sions here." i J. Raleigh sports who have been re veling In near-championship wrestling bouts with Strangler Lewis, Dr . B . P. Roller,' itodfewKandrat and Tom my Drake are agltated' bver- the prospect of a Joe . Stecher-Strangler Lewis real, championship 'Tall here "Th ; boutr-way-ifprb ;taged'"- they are frying ;.to. get it- here fQr fair week and at the fair - grounds r Lewis ' bas had three tttatches here and disposed of his opponents, though his flying head holcfhas defeated men who -otherwise made him -look foolish as an exponent of science . In getting Stecher and his terrible body scis-J sors as an off-set to the neck-breaking grip of the Sttangter, the fans believe they could finish a thriller. ' Doctor Roller has agreed to cornel back and throw Lewis if the Ken tucklan will bar the head hold. Doc tor Roller's challenge for the handi cap match has not been accepted. And the physician who is quite rich, promises no gate fee if the job isn't done. - FOR HIGHWAYS More Money Spent Also Fori Bridge Building in Thp Country,. Washington, Oct. 2. An enormous Avnon,m,ii.M fnr increase m -saivuuu, 1 Pfoad and bridge building marked the development of the highway work In the United States during the past 12 years. Statements compiled by of ficials and made public today show that expenditures for this work in creased approximate rrom $80,000, O00, in 1914, to about f 282.000,000 in 1915, or more than 250 per cent, in crease Largest Airships Yet Werq Seen NoCasiialties Have :" 4 Been Reported. t London, Oct. 2' Ten Zeppelins took part in last night's raid, over' England and two of them attempted to attack London. One was driven away and the other withdrew. ; No reports of casualties have been received." .! The Zeppelins were" larger ; than other airships that have " been brought down in. Europe; ' as Count zeppeun raid, according ta ai iADEIBISE HWIL Well Known North' Carolina Citizen and Insurance Man and Insun ' Is Dead. )QNE OF THE BEST JKNOWN MASONS End Came, After Long Illness. Funeral Will Be Held ' ' Wednesday Morn ing: Raleigh, N., C, Oct. 2. John C. i Drewry, 56 years old, and secretary of I the Grand Lodge of JUasons for 24 years, died here today, Mr. Drewry had been ill for more than eighten . months. His condition (UBcauie serious several weens ago. Mr. Drewry has been prominent in civic affairs for many years ahd-was well known in insurance circles through the South. He was a 33rd degrea Mason and was Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch of North Carolina and Grand Commander Of the Knights Templars in 1902. He was born in Drewrysville, Va., and was a graduate of the University of Virginia..' vHe came to. North Car olina in 1888. In 1903 he was elected to the Gen eral Assembly. The funeral will be held Wednesday at Christ church, .of which he was a vestryman, and will be conducted by the Grand. Lodge of Masons of North Carolina. ' A widow and two children, a sm and a daughter, survive him. He was at one time editor of the Raleigh Evening Times. i TELLS WILSON THAT HE-IS' FOR Henry Ford Reiterates to Pres ident He Is No Longer A Republican. Long Branch, Oct. 2. In a visit to President Wilson at Shadow Lawn to day Henry Ford reiterated to Mr Wilson, that he intended to support him for re-election, although a Re - publican in the past. Mr. Ford spent several hours and took lunch with the President. Postmaster General Burleson was a caller at Shadow Lawn and declared that he has been convinced by a care ful examination of straw ballots . and by numerous letters that there is a strong undertow for Wilson, wbich is growing in volume- The President today sent mes- J sages of condolence to the family of I eince jjaonKsro.aeisAanw ai Senator Clarke,' of Arkansas, died yesterday. who MANY INJURED IN COAST LINE WRECK Wayeross, Ga.f Oct. 2. Two persons were, seriously hurt and seventeen cut and bruised when northbound "Dixie Flyer" crashed into the rear-end of a through passenger train on the Atlan tic Coast Line, at Folkston last night. The' cause of the wreck has not been established. British Warships Thought It a German Craft and I Took It. - "ii, . . . New York,, Oct. 2. A .wireless message from H. H. Van Loan, a passenger ' bound . here from Nassau, on the steamer Monterey, declared that British warships patroling in the vicinity, of tne Bahama Islands, have taken a submarine owned by aanoving picture company on its way from New York to Miami, Florida, under the impression that it was a German craft. . ' - .- ; ' Those in command of the siibma marine,'le message says,, -were com pelledltotgo i;o Nassau, ' where the British officials took control and warned Mr. Von Loan not to move without I permission- The American Consul identified Van' Loan and he was permitted to leave on the steam er todays "The message states that the '.'American Consul Is taking the f? State: Paxtmeut. 1:1 SEIZED SUBMARINE USED BY MOVIES THE LARGEST-CIRCULATION IN WILMINGTON. LCTOBER:2, 1916. BEAUTIFUL CHICAGO WOK vPLICITY IN $15,000 BLAC I if mr I ft fm j .-.Av.v.i;-Kv4:'Si(slw5?S Buda Godman, the beautiful convent-bred Chicago girl, who was arrest ed by the Federal authorities in Chic- ago in connection with the alleged nation-wide blackmailing fplStiand then released on bond. She is accused by E. R. West, wealthyNeWfY0rk merchant,, of . having lured . bim : in to a a blackmail Icon srAraefv., West alleaes broke intothe. room the couple occu- 000 for their ilence. He says he fin - TO BE DIM LARGE ; jsjew Bern's Tobacco Men Pre- dieting Largest Sales of Season E. M. Green. New Bern, Oct, 2. Craven coun ty's new cotton grader has started to work with a vim nd reports in New Bern from all parts" of the county are to the effect that the cotton grow rs are doing their best, to cooperate with him and to make his work prove of real benefit to all concerned . The Board of Commissioners somoj SALES dred dollars to be used in employing damp. Otherwise, the twenty speeches this cotton grader and there is every made had not hurt him. The Dem reason to believe, that , ho will save J ocratic "candidate for elector at large the farmers much money Local tobacco warehousemen . are expecting a record breaking week on the local market and have predicted that the' sales will be larger than any made during the past month. The past week has teen a good one. Several hundred ' thousand pounds have . been disposed of here and at Vanceboro at prices that were very pleasing to the farmers. There is considerable tobacco re maining ".unsold and riti is ; believed that the farmers will ; rush this ' .in to market now as rapidly as possible Hon. Ernest- Mv- : Green,, r United States Assistant District Attorney, in this district, 'is to .'deliver, an ' address before the Democratic .voters at " . Truitts tonight ' and indications ' are that there v wlU-be'sA-:;rec6rdrbreaklng crowd in . attendance; to hear rum . ; w tUfr- rtroon ia an '"ahlo " flnd "vflCfent speaker. He is thoroughly acquaint- ed .with the principles and records of Democracy 'and his hearers-have a rare treat' in store 'for them tonight. Hon. L . I . Moore, a ' member ot the New Bern barand one of the best known Democrats in the county, aa 4 dressed the voters at Vanceboro this afternoon; and was . heard by a large and appreciative audience NO SPEECHES FOR : ; HUGHES TODAY E. New , Ydrk,l Oct.s 2. Chas. Hughes, returned : yesterday - from his New York State campaign .tour -to stay until Wednesday, took up a greater portion ; of his time in 'the forenoon 'in' "clearing up a mass of correspondence that, had accumulated in his absence. . He went onah au- tomobU -ride fteno.. . , , accused; OF COM- AIL HOLDUP, m i mm that Miss Godman accompanied mmtiof pied at a hotel and demanded.O.OOO.V ally gave up t$l5,000. Ex-Governor Glenn Making Best Speeches of His Long Career. Raleigh, N. C.,)ct. 2. Cameron Morrison, who has been speaking dn the East, spent the day in Raleigh and tonight he goes to Durham to open the campaign in that, county. Mr. Morrison brought back a crip pled voice which broke on him in i Morehead, where the weather was declares - that he ' has done little in the form of attack upon the Repub lican record. He merely tells his hearers that it is so bad that out of pure compassion to. some good people in the party he refrains front, attack ing. He disposes of the whole busi ness, he says, In fifteen minutes. ; The Democratic campaign, is full of energy, but members of th party divide .on what is the bestmetbpd of appeal. One set ; of speakers yvtiU insistthat :only dramatic 'recital "of the- bid days can the whooping up be - - ' , 1 11 it. o 4, effectively done. mcKett isni mai I kind of a speaker. In Charlotte the Democratic candidate ; made. a! really , beautiful' appeal to the old-time Popu lists and Ithe new-time descendant, the Progressives.,? It is said by quite a few: Democrats here in Raleigh and elsewhere that the organisation doubts whether Bickett is making more effec tive speechs by this pattern" than he might make if he used his undoubted talent in another , directioru ": The or ganization is not certain that Popu lists can ever be won back, " ' ; -' By, common consent Governor "Bob Glenn is pleasing the natives. , rln the Eastern counties it is said that he draws when nobody else has anybody itb listen. The former governor will 1 sneak two hours until every fag;: is ! wet then cap his ' appeal : with congf e; jgational. singing of "My' Country, Tis of Thee?' ;' Then VMr. '-.'"-Glenn Jogs "the 'memory of every ancient inhabitant ' with pictures of . burning hohsesr.and murdered Whites a poruou oi.uie ant Democratic rule. From every quar ter comes the request for the old war horse and he goes when -he hasjiiajf a. chance. , .The Democrats - say. be Is making the best speches that -he has ier .J.-, MO S0K S - r -r. ,e ' BIG JUMP UP : ON EDIiREPlT .One of Most Sensational Ad vances In the History, Made Today. WILMINGTON SPOT LIKEWISE WENT UP . " New Orleans Also Recorded A Top Movements-Condition Figures The Cause. New York, Oct. 2 One of the most sensational advances in the history of the cotton market attended the pub lishing of the second government re port today. The demonstration " was stimulated by the condition figures of 5fc.3, or the lowest on record, and within a few minutes after the figures were issued January contracts sold at 17.03, or $4, 60 above the closing price of last week. . Jumps Up at New Orleans. New Orleans, -t)ct. . 2. An advance from 90 to 92 points over Saturday's closing was in evidence in the early trading on the market here today. This was followed by an almost insat iable demand stimulated by the figures of the government's report. The government report also caused a flutter on the Wilmington market. As. soon as the condition figures, showing dropping off of the crop since the last report, . became known spot cotton took a jump up. It was quoted at 15 3-4 before 1 o'clock and held that position at the close of the market this afternoon. This figure was the top one f pr Wil mington this year. In other words, it break's th season's record, as the Fhighest heretofore was 15 5-8- ntrUDtlUHl THE AUDITORIUM But News and Observer Beat Them to It Linney Will Get Big Reception. 1 to. Raleigh, Oct. 2. The Republicans Have made certain their big day Mon day when Frank A. Linney. their candidate for Governor, will speak to the Eastern North Carolina Republi can clubs and to the Wake county Re publicans. The Republicans are deeply disap pointed at their failure to lease the Auditorium in time to head off the News and Observer. The local news paper is using the home this week for Mrs. Kate Brew Vaughn who will give lectures and coking demonstra tions in it throughout the week. Chairman Ward of the county execu tive committee made an ineffectual try for the big house in the middle of the day for two hours. He failed there and he will either present his attraction in the Academy of Music or in the county court house. Both places will be many times, too small. It is a bad break fr the Republi cans. It ruins their opportunity to make a reat showing because nobody can guess how many are here if the houses don't hold them. The Re publicans had "expected to affright the Democrats with the demonstra tion. The normal 5,000 Democratic vote, Republicans say, wiirfali off so perceptibly this year that the highest man will not receive a 1,000 majori ty. ' " 1 1 MAN MAY HAVE HELP, CAUSED THE WRECK Detroit, Oct. 2 Valentine Choin sky, a worker oj the Grand Trunk railroad at a crossing here, was taken into custody In connection with the grade crossing., accident last night in which persons were , killed and a number Injured when a trolley, car collided with three freight cars and a switch engine . v t ; ; . County officials also detained the motorman , 'and the ' conductor ih charge of the streeet car and the ..en gineer and conductor in charge of the train. :, " - .-:,', ; 1 - - '" "a : -".-."..'"..- " , v' ' .. : . to. CBH0N1A BE WB 0 USSIAN ATTflGR IIIIIII lliiiHll" IM1PM PRICE 5 CENTS . V WARD ili ATTRACTS'; v INTEREST Berlin and Vienna ;, Concede f Advance Made in U v ) - Galicia.- 1 "."' f ' .-, 7. ' OFFENSIVE ON BOTH SIDES LEMBERG Serbians HaveMaide an Ad . VanceNotable -Feat" by . f German. Sub- v . marine. . - ' The serious resistance of the Rus- . sian"auack In Galicia draws' attention ' i . . 1 -" knew to the Eastern war In ;. which Interest has been comparatively' small recently. ' . . : - Berlin and Vienna concede the ad-. -Vance that has been gained by the Russians, who are attacking North- east .and Southeast of t Lemberg. j. ,, On the Southeast front in. Mace-", donia, the British have maintained the , advantage scored in the attack . Saturday near Struma, when they . captured two villages. . , V , In the long continued juggle, in Kal- makcalan district, has resulted in the ,( Serbians not only securing possession J of important heights Southeast of Mohastir, but have advanced r more than a mile North of Kotchvie.: ; Recent operations by the. French along the Somme appear to have been of the nature of minor attacks, prob- ably preparatory to some large move, v The British main efforts have been directed in a thrust toward Bapaume, where they have advanced mora, than a mile and a half, was announced-by, ' London last night. ''."-'' Christiana reports a notable - feat by a Germon submarine, which suc ceeded In reaching; the Artie ocean and torpedoing , three Norwegiaii ; steamers. , - -' CONFRONTS N. I Row Between Dealers and Dairyrnen is a Serious j. Matter New York, Oct. 2. The first effects of a mint famine were felt here today, as a result of a controversy of ,th t dealers and the dairymen being un- " able to decide what the former should receive for their product. . , .,. '" It was estimated that milk trains .v' brought-to this city. last night, 6,000. quarts less than was necessary. .' 1 v STRIKERS STONE AND BEAT THEM New York? Oct. ,2. The police of Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, and Pel- , , ham, are guarding tbe trolley cars of )-; Westchester county, following the presence of striking street" car men; who stoned the cars and beat the THE ,;;; Tr x't..':3:.:.l conductors and motormen. Tbe May- or of New Rochelle. declared that If .' it became necessary he would ask for -: -the protection of the militia. -.'-.' v In this city leaders of the striking .' street carmen admitted tha4hirap peaL for a general strike through the' v city would be submitted to a confer- L ence of labor leaders, whose decision is expected to be. final. r ; Human Wants afe many and varied. For. every want echo answers, I " have It. 'The business of , The. Dispatch's locals is to bring -the buyer and seller' together -quickly. ; ; f -. . -The very next time wish" slips ; through r.your .mind-, place It Into a practical way : towards obtaining your "wish" by. placing a Business Local in these columns at one penny a word. Worth a dollar. They . are the maglo wonders of the ' every day work a world. ; ' ; Confer with us. ; ' 1 f 1 Phone 176. J

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