'-v ' ' " thiwii1m THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. . WEDNES OaV-AFTERNOONJ OCTOBER '4- 1916. -- - . ; , Xr " V- PAGETHRER -k LEFT; FORT' CONVTION.V elation' which-was CaUed to order at 10 : ' '- - -V - -:-)-(: - ik . i. - j ...... -T ., ; 7 rfilyllukl :KA:;g6odly,numDer.of Bap II II I 1 1 1 1 I P - on of the Wilmington : Baptist'. Asso-r ; moderator of the association. i-, " ' . : , - m LEATHER October 4. 19i. Temperature. a m, ! fen as; I O 3 Atlanta Charleston Charlotte . Chicago -- Galveston Jacksonville X. Orleans X. York -- Pittsburg - Raleigh Wilmington .pt cldy ,74 . 0 clear. 44 J ftf' Q . .raining) 68 ; 6Z 1 .28 cloudy) V 64 -J 62 0 clear 30 J .58 j 0 clearj 82 74 0 ? ..raining 74; , 60 , j .02 clearj 8 64 O cloudy ?2 ; v60 jO clear ?4 , "44 ...cloudy ' 62 J 58 .01 . raining 68 64 .90 - . j SUNRISE and SUNSET. l ir M Thursday. ' " Sun rises ' -6: 10 Sun sets - '-. 5:5. Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C. at 8 a. m. yester day. 1.9 feet. i Illl-llillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllU I J- B. McCABE & CO., j Certified Public Accoun- 1 1 tants. s, .' 1 Kcoji 815 Mnrchigon Rauok Bide Phone: 996. WIUkHNGTOli, If. O. !:!llill!lllllllllillllll!llllll!!Illlllllinilll!l!lllllll!llI!U!!linilll Eggs, dozen 32 V Butter, iblS.. 220 Spring Chickens; eacL i-.-. J SO0 40 Hens, each ..Vi ... w . 45 .65 Puddle' Daeka ::I:.-'.vja) Beef, --'-il-l.".' Seet potatoes, bUshel .i-- 75 i.00 Irish Potatoes ushWra .t5QT i.,00 N.JC. Hams,;. C-Tc-as:; i-: N. 0. ShotddersRihs lb.. t .l7 j$ &m PeasvhTfati;Bi.oo tv ; White Peas, hijsBelh.. 1.50 - r Corn, bushel. ;i.r: ; .,v l.oo : N, C. Peanuts,; bushel - 65 -i 65 Spanisli PeanutSi bushel i-. tgo : S5 Virginia Peatwtsjrbhel 65 70 Oiges--vnridat f,A .'4.0 t Umesi per 10i!?S ?H'k 1-25 ; Banana unp;i)o6 1.W Lemons, Fancy. -. 8.0Q . - Apples - - :.3M 3.50 Bell Peppers, Jiushel1-,;i- 75; j Onions, per c 4.C0u "New ' York, t.Tp cotton mal let Jopened tair steadyUoday ati.aii advance of from 3. to 16 joints," witfi December selling at U.n ahd: Janu ary atil7. cefita.ott jthe calt pr within thl!ii Pjnttp'" Monday's ; .hiih-Vrec-ord. - Prices : eased ;pff with jQeceniber seyijjg' at 16.80 January at 16.84. Zf::'' ;' '':-i:-yz:1''..Z Open. Close; October '--16:66 16.83 December . J. -.'-.le.SS , 17.10 17.18 17.34 I WW- "'..j, -'-f; ",r-lf'- '-:!', ,J jTsre;YorK;;cwnret Industrials anil specialties were ! the basis for moderate; activities . at to day's opening, mostly s. higher prices January .1 . . March 1T.10 Chicago: Pork ;--vi-i. -.1.$22.57 1-2 Wheat u j . 1.59 3-4 Corn , '. 75 3.4 Oats 49.00 Ribs .l , 12.35 Lard 13.35 May; 17.25 v 17.48 July . :li.29 ; New York Spot 16.80. i prevailingr KGains rafiging " from 'a fraction to two points "were made by New York Airbrake,, and Paper Prer f erriedr . American IJnseeid-, common and - preferred, Studebaker and. some aetiVe1 issues,1 Composed : mainly 1 f ! munitions and' equipment.;. - ii Hails were appreciably better ' ' Bethlehem Steel lost three points . with irregu lar recessions in metals. 7 ; - Allis-Chalmers ' HJ1-2 , CottonGiJl . , . to High rnces-rr oiks t : v Mays viUefi:N, a. Oct. 4.-311. C. M. Mattocks' cotton ; giii 4g a Susy place ttiese ; daysif cot ton mu,kes the rush.' ' .-" ''v ' ' :r ' Mr?'-'ij5taliiftgX $ stole has f eettf Qui.;Mcjcn?V'e wish him' a speedy 'recovery. - : ; ' -: v;-':r Rev. J. H. Hill preached a helpful sefihon in the. Methodist chilrch last Sunday evening. Hon. B. B. Collins, it is reported, will soon move his family to 'Mays ville: ' - :-r - III UIIL.I.LI -aaBBBBBBiaBaaLBBBBaaBBBBBB ' , ' Wflmfn tnn nottnn 1R1.S t l. " " : o . ' Mr; and Mrs. J. M. Foscue visited -- - v, - Aiuencau dbi ougai ao .. 1 Charleston Cotton 16 1-8 Savannah Cotton 16 1-4 ... LIVERPOOL COTTON. a ' I . ' Open. Close. OcL-Nov. r 9.62 1-2 9.60 1-2 Jan.-Feb. ,-..-. 9.67 l-2 9.721-2 Marh-April -.: L9.70 ' ' 9.75 Open, barely steady; close, very steady. Middling, 9.75. Sales, 10,000; receipts, 30,000. . ' 4 " Oscar P.-Peck, - WOOD. Telephone 341. , Pine, Oak, Mixed Wood-. Dry Kiln Blocks, Stabs. All kinds of 4 ' Mill Woods. PROMPT DELIVERY. 4 Receipts. Cotton 1,301 Spirits . 6 Rosin 40 Tar .20 Crude WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 42 1-4. Rosin $5.45 and $5.30. Tur $2.60. and 10 1-2 cents. Crude $4.00, $4.00 and $3.00. rSAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Spirits 43 1-4. Rosin $5.87 1-2. If HUMAN INTEREST TALKS WHY YOU SHOULD INVEST IN THE Wl li iilNGrFO W HOil2 ESTEAD land American Can ," - 651-8 r i " 1' " - " - ' American Car & Foundry. -. -. 711: . JT - , American-Locomotive I 83 i Mr: C. Bte11' t ,n8lw America Cotton Oil ;. I 54 3-8 ' county, was" a visitor to MaysviUe. American Smelting Wi. li2 3-4 f daJvi, . T . " ' v. ' American Sugar 1. .113 1-4 ' ?.. ,9-W,.who went tp the American TeL & TeL t ..133 ' j hP5 n bmon? - s , Tlfek? American Tbbacco . . .222 ! af-,has be ? a cn dition. Anaconda Copper - 96 3-4 many friends hope for his return Atchison J i . .1081-2 home with improved health Atlantic Coast Line 120 1-2 , Mr. J H Wynn who had the mis. Baldwin Locomotive . - -.90 7-8 rtune to break his am some toe itnr-A Xr nwh I ' wo aga, iff doing weU. He wilL if he con- Bethlehem Steel -.559 4 Canadian Pacific ' i181 1-8 LOAN ASSOCIATION A FEW SHARES OF BUILDING AND Loan every six months means independ: you the money to build a house with, NOW? 25c per week, each share, will net I i rr rrv . . you 3 i uu.uu at maiuniy. SHOULD YOU GET OUT OF A JOB, have you anything to fall back on? Build ing and Loan savings . assures you of some thing to depend upon, when you are hard up. Isn't it worth trying? 25c per share a week is mighty little to put aside, but it accumulates surprisingly; fast. WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY IN BUY- ing useless things, when you can provide against old age by investing in Building and Loan Stock? New series, Saturday, Oct. 7th, 25c per week, $100.00 at maturity. OWN YOUR LOT AND WE WILL but you ve got to be a stoefcnoider. v i aKe 5 or 20 shares Now, so when you want the money to build you can get it. STOCKS AND BONDS VARY IN Value -Building and Loan earns about 7 1 -2 per cent:, year in and year out, and is safe as the Rock of Gibraltar. . LIFE IS A GAMBLE, BUT BUILDING and Loan is a Certainty. Get m the game. Don't wait until you think you are able. Begin Now. Never a better time. Chesapeake & Ohio 68 3-8 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul " 97 7-8 Chicago, R. I. and Pacific Ry 19 7-8 Consolidated Gas 139 1-2 Crucible Steel . 94 1-4 Erie : ... 411-4 General Electric 180 1-4 Great Northern pfd i. .--12014 Great Northern Ore Ctfs 45 Illinois Central ; ,109 1-2 Inter. Merc. Mar. pfd. ctfs 121 1-4 Kansas City Southern 27 Louisville & Nashville 136 1-2 Liggett & Myers (bid) . 260 Lorillard Co. (bid) . 200 Maxwell Motors v 93 3-4 Mexican Petroleum 112 Mis., Kan. & Texas Pfd. " .. .. Missouri Pacific . . 5 1-8 J National Lead 701-2 New York Central .. v. .. ..113 1-4 N. Y., N. H. & Hartford . . 61 7-8 Norfolk & Western .. V. .;..144 3-8 Northern Pacific . . . . ... 115 Pennsylvania . 59 3-4 Reading '. li3 Rep. Iron & Steel 80 7-8 Seaboard Air Line .. .. 16 Seaboard Air Line Pfd. . . .... 39 3-8 Sloss, Shef. Steel & Iron . Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway , . . Southern Railway Pfd. . . Studebaker Corporation . Tennessee Copper .. . .. TexasvCo.; :i, i-U 4221: i United Fruit ..1621-2 United States Rubber . . . . . 60 3-4 U. S. Smelting & Refining 74 United States Steel . . . . .4 . .117 5-8 United States Steel Pfd. . . ' . .121 Virginia-Carolina Chem. ..S.. 42 1-2 Va. Iron, Coal & Coke .. 47 Wabash Pfd. B. . . . . .. .... 295-8 Western Union ..100 Westinghouse Electric 64 1-4 Kennecott Copper .1 . . . . . . 5 11 Corn Products . . . . .. .. .. . .17 5-8 Gulf States Steel . . .. T. .. 93 his hand again. . , i Mr. Marvin M. Sell has taketa. a position with the MaysviUe Supply Company. Mrs. A. J. Taylor," of the Loco sec tion, passed through MaysviUe Sat urday, en route to . Jacksonville, to attend the , teachers' meeting.; Dr. J. M. Harper, and Mr. Edgar Whitty have gone to White ville. on a business trip: They will return home this weelc. Those lucky guardsmen at the bor der are spared the misery of listen ing to explosion 'experiences. New York Sun. . 63 1-4 .102 7-8 . 261-4 . 69 3-4 .133 3-4 . 23 5-8 Old Folk's Best .Friend -That's what many call it, f or it puts vim. and vigor into old stomachs ; rich, red. bipod into. o$ veins; sound flesh on old bones. Drink a plat of this delicious, digestive tonic each xneaL SHIVAR GINGER ALE rv RestratiGti-'Nti V Section 3l3Revis as amended by Public Laws of .1 907191 5 , provides that the Books inr New Hanover county, be opened J for the peiieral Election .of November 7th, h 1 91 6; on i Thursdays October -5 th; between the hours of nine o'clock -a. m. and sunset, and. pn each day (Sunday excepted) for : twenty (20) da3s, to and including October 28th, 1 9 1 6. " On each1 Saturday during the period of registration , the registrar will attend with his registration books at the polling place of his precinct, or ward, for the registration , , of voters. ' ,. . " C.W.Woodward, Chairman, Board of Elections. ' . . i ' i ''' " ' i THAT PRESCRIPTION Will be alright if the right doctor wrote it and . , the right druggist fills it. Otherwise it might be all wrong. Be sure that it is right send it here for attention. , r , : J. FRANK JAF.M AN, Druggist. 107 Princess Street Phone 634. ; Your grocer wilt refund your money on first dozen pints if you nre not pleased with Results. Bottled only by the celebrated SmVAK MINERAL SPRING, SHELTON, S. C If your dealer has none in stock tell him to 'phone E. U MATHEWS CANDY COM PANV, CRESCENT CANDY COMPANY, Distributors. r - i'..?J4J Wilmington Homestead & Loan "The Association 9 9 OFFICES: FRONT AND GRACE STS. (Bunting's Drug Store.) J. Hicks Bunting, president; John R. Han by, vice president; C. C. Brown secretary and treasurer. Directors: J. H. Hardin, C P. Vineberg, W. C. Peterson, Sigi Good man, W. B. Thorpe, Rev. j. S. Crowley, Raymond Hunt-C;:Nl4."Bornemannt Hon. John D. Bellamy, : attorney. Send your subscription to any 0ithe pincers or direc tors. New series ppeljs i Satiirday, Qct,! 7th. COTTON CROP- j i .. ' - ': I :4:;! t 1 -.-4 II Prominent -Lumberton i Man Elstimates Crop to Be But Half of Normal School Time SHUR- vftef r. i-(3iiiaAJOi 5 . :f. . -V- F: -: Lumberton, Oct. 4 A. W. McLean, one of ; Lumberton's most prominent 'citizens and one of the largest cotton I growers in the county,.-estimates the shortage in that , crop (will -result in a loss of .over three millcn oiIars to the farmers of Robeson. lie estimates that 75,000 bales , would .have been raised under normal . conditions while : present prospects are for aVcfcop of 40,000 bales. - . Your Children's Vacation Is About ;, ..... . . r over, Ypu . are 'preparing "your children with comfofjts, while gaining att jedu cation, 'hey will, need Books, doth: ing and Shoes; they will get them. Now, seriously have, you ! thought of your children's Eyesight? Is It not .very. Impprtant that yoa provide 'then. Good. Eyesight while providing .bthej. comforts? : 'q. ; f-&J&k ' Let . me examine your . children; Eyes. I will advise jrou fully.. Abso- M is TTfc mm 17th aiul Market ;.. PnoiieTCK it- j . ... . . , 5 th and Red Cross Streefs. Phone 74. ii -'Mj m l n uranuiated aug ar - 7c lb 3 -fo-ni&fe S-Cttflfefe . 93c' - r Rumford Baking Powder 22c lutely. FREE OF CrjARGE. Dr. Vineberg Masoriic Temple.5 I 12 f BagRdb Roy Flour 55c 'XI ?. 1 -i "' -i- V -4 V ALL PRICES LOWER PHONE YOUR ORDERS - PAY GASH , SAVE MONEY ' .,v. - 4 ' SI 5. . :s-v-a-s--s---------v-H------a " " 1 1 I I --------------------------------- , iBMaMM-i-------i U,UUV Ufctiea. - ' j ,wm,mmm,Mmmm----- II 8------------------------ - "''T''' T T ' ' - . 5 11 ' 'j S n-.' -l " ; ' " ' ' ' 1 ' 'l "' '' " - . . -v- : - ,.,,iw-w-------i-------- ; -i n ir i . ; ' ; i i ----------------- 1 1 ' i t "in mi ' 1 " 1 1 1 . ;;'v. ponoononnnnopnnnon a .. - ;- b:,-: i. M ' , - ii ii -l i --. n i : i. i i ir i u. . v! & ui ri . w u. " u u - - - -- u u -r u u m i -a -r .. - J . - - - ar - w v r . M. , ET-rm.M ? vllll. C-! -T:f.. .l W.X v v T .-T r . r.--. . . . 7 .-, Earning? Over 7 perj dent Net 1 I. SHRIER j. W. FREEMAN T. W. YATES, President. . J. VanB. METI S, V. President T P OUELCH I - I 1 i CI D. WEEKS' LOUIS EINSTEIN N. E. BUNTING tSTOMEi . . 1 - - - - t -v r . - Ri;Wimst H; F. WILDER, Sec. & Treas: ( - R. G. GRADY I. M. BELLAMY LOAN W.T. SMITH V . A. S. YEAGER. 1 i f - " I'rri Of f ice at J1iIiSR-S Real Estate .and X?i-? 1 - oinfni-rA on7 L 1 . 'I!l .. ' P. :. 3 a n u I l ; . V' 3t Bt inhf r: r .-.li 4 ,1 ) . t i' P '1 1; i I.