XL THE .: 1 'ift OR E EVJ DENCE OjF. PLUTOCRACY iiTIKIINGTON DISPATCH -T i PUBLISHED DAILY AND SUNDAY BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TELEPHONES Business Office .V;.. 176 . . ! 1 205 .-- ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. .1 '- it IN 'l "4: PAYABLE STRICTLY CASH ADVANCE. Daily snd Sunday .$5.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months.. $250 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.25 Subscription, Pice Delivered by - Carrier' In City: Daily and Sunday, per week 10c Or When Paid In Advance at Office i Daily and Sunday, One Year....$&2Q Daily and Sunday, Six Months. .$2.60 Dailyand Sunday,- Three Months. $1.30 A ! train load ''of ardent suffragettes has started humming on a trip' through 5 i :,v s. publican nominee for President. The right of these women to campaign is unquestioned, though its propriety In such spectacular, perhaps' sensational way, may not accord with custom. The women engaged in this propaganda would, of course, contend to the . con trary- wanting "iney are right, then it is undoubtedly permissible to dis cuss their action the same as would fa similar mission by men be open to comment, whether approbation or crit icism. Having admitted that, estab lished the foundation, the type of the women should .be scrutinized. -. V Suppose a special train started on' a campaign trip of the country and It was known that the men who back ed the movement and those upon the trip were Wall Street magnates - or Suppose Judge ' 'Gary, of the"' steel corporation, and J. P. Morgan and others of like business! nature, were engaged 5 on the trip, what would the people say? Would the Republican party . dare launch a Cotton certainly has high ambition. I propaganda of tmd? But if they so far forgot the rulse of the political The downfall of man-another Zep- game as to do so, what would the people say, ana wnat wouia do me 'result of the election? Does anyone doubt but what the people would at TH& ;vGBEAT-. KJ j thWsancf ;yaJof he ech a!ar ACT. F fAlscrding to schedule, carrying1; out the Middle West in behalf of the Re IOT e itauon, actuated, Kept anve ana-sum Entered M the Postoffice In Wilming ton, N. C, as Second-class Matter. ulated by greed and prejudice,? the two former Presidents: of the TJnited States met at a social function; iand shook hands. Perhaps, it was" better to so meet than upon some occasion where the proprieties could not keep them from swatting each other gBat as it was not-a chance meeting, one wonders how ; either could bo "forget what the other had said as to j shake Jhands. Truly- a pair of forgivable souls. ; - Still, the average man is not -apt to see a great amount of charity in the meeting, bt these two . former bitter Foreign Advertising Representatives: " MacQuoid-Miller Co., Inc., New .York and Chicago. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4, 1916. terestounty. been violating Last season and this " seasopr they have tdre that,? th0y.ihad law iti impunity. been destroying the mulleti Industry; with tbconseit? of the! fish! &nmis sioners,.' which shows that it fwiil rbe necessary fox, the next legislature' to take the power; of destroying the Ash laws -away from the fish commission ers,. and; let fbem be a machinery only , to enforce the laws that the legisla ture enacts. .-. ... . " :C--r Now in regard to t shrimp Indus try, that Is betagcarrle'doh in Bruns wick county; I feel that it ought to be encouraged Instead of being hampered In any way.' . -Hie kindUof shrimp' that they are catching is what Is known as. a prawn, and; they are caught out at , sea by dragging a net on the bottom of ; the bed of the ,ocean, and if no one j fish for them Inthat: way, you would J never know that thev were nassins eitemies; ; but-more apt , to undertand along the coast, and while-they may that it was a scene staged simply s catch a, few small Iwittom. fish, its Im- J one more act of the conglomerated possible for-thent to catch any mullets. melo-drama entitled "Anything to Beat l as a mullet will run away so fast from Wilson." Theodore Roosevelt, - bent any net o that description, that they o't? vSivWnce nwin'Woodrow Wilson, wm never eaten up wun tnem, ana you is willing to do. most 'anything, It pelin shot to bits. It seems to be a case of strike outjonce realize, that the great moneyed in New York. Too often mean man. a man of means is a t- interests of the country were lining up for the Republican candidate and there was a reason, of course? Then why not make the same measurement as to the women engaged in backing and upon this special tour? A list of those active in this cause has been compiled and it reflects the work of the great money-powers and is more win I evidence that the present political fight in a struggle between the masses and the rich few; between democracy and plutocracy. In view of this. It behooves every man to shake off leth argy and work for Woodrow Wilson Here is the list "The Treasurer of the Women's Committee is Mrs. Mary Harriman Rumsey. heiress to the millions of the late Edward H. Harriman, 'prac tical man, of the days when Theo dore Roosevelt received campaign funds from the 'crooked business which political exigency later led him to denounce. With Mrs. Rumsey on the Finance Mister Weather Man, whatye-1 committee are Mrs. KODert Bacon, "Price of Foodstuffs Soar." makes the people sore. .Tomorrow Woodrow Wilson give the Republicans the Omaha-ha. Russia has " eliminated vodka, but 1Yir Russians are still managing to get shot. Tt is all rierht for a doe to be a pointer, but when it comes to a-hen. only a setter is wanted. Of course, some men s idea of a frame-up' is the picture of mother-in law upon the wall of their domicile Hi, can only s eatcfr mullet-by .surround- 1 J H7JTI! TK T T,l I " ' w,.w. " T " a standpatter and hearing the call, of siDie -to, eaten -them with a net . being the reactionaries, is equally as willing dragged behind them . tm?ess you find to do most anything, it now appears, them numb in the dead of the winter though' it ' never would have been sus- in shallow water In the sound or creeks pected six months ago. So the two from the cold.' meet and shake hands. The most interesting point remains unsolved. Which has abandoned , his opinion of four years ago and which nbw contends that Mr. Hughes repre sents his policies? Four years ago Mr. Taft stood for everything that Mr, Roosevelt did not, and vice versa. Now, which has crawled out of the four-year-ago position and crawled in- Yours 'respectfully, n i D. J. i FERGUS. MR. PA RH AM v DEAD. Aged Man Passed Away Following An Extended Illness. News has -kbeen received here, of j the death of Mr. Eli Parham, which occurred at his home in Lumbertoni to his hole? It would be interesting deceased 'was in Ms 65th year and for the public to know, to say noth ing of a manly admission. But, alas, and alack, no doubt lack of candor is as much a part of this plot as its absence is a factor in the campaign of Charles Evans Hughes. JUST A REMINDER. mean by sus a brand? Don't you j whose husband was translated from know the world series is about to I the ' House ' of Morgan' to be Roose- roll up? velt's Assistant Secretary of State and later Ambassador to France; Mrs. Bernard H. Ridder, wife of one of the proprietors of the New York Staats- Zeitung, leader of the German propa- :. f , . I it. i . - & z- . t - j .4 But it .is understood that the Brooklyn team will not admit that none but-the Brave (s) deserve the world series baseball games. A "White Book" is going to be is sued by the Democrats on Mexico, and, of course, ' Hughes will cite its color in effort to gather in the -votes of the negroes of the North. J 4 f 'How do rou do?" said Taft and Roosevelt to each other and that was all. However, the answer is that WIlson; Mr3. tney wouia ao tne people. w rWkM. . wi(,AW nf rurnr. nia mining and railroad multi-million - Since Henry Ford is going to vote (aire. for Wilson why "us Democrats must On the tram fnnd committee are conclude that he is not such a bad Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim, of the fellow after all. (Smelter Trust; Mrs. Cornelia yander bilt, representing inherited millions of railroad capital; Miss Maude Wet- more, of the wealthy Rhode Island family; Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Long worth, daughter of Theodore Roose velt; whose: hubsand, Nicholas Long worth, inherited a large fortune. "Many of the junketers who are go ing along to do the speaking are pro fessional women who could not afford the luxury of special trains nor the diversion of, campaigning without pay. "Besides the Train Fund Committee there is an additional committee on which appear in addition to the fore going members, the following: "Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury, ' whose hus band is a Philadelphia partner of J. P. Morgan & Co. "Mrs.,H. O. Havemeyer, wife of the Sugar Trust and Standard Oil mag nate. "Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, mother of William Randolph Hearst, owner of untold millions in American mines and Mexican plantations. ,r "Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, who has undertaken to raise half a million dol lars to defeat President Wilson. - "Mrs. John Hayes Hammond, wife of' the multimillionaire mining man. "Mrs. Gifford Pinchot, wealthy in her own ' right, whose husband with his, inherited" millions condoned "the crime of 1916, to follow T. R. Into the RepubJiQan fold. "Mrs. .William Einstein, wife of this millionaire owner of the Raritan Wool en Mills." The first ardent Democrat who turns loose a. trap of rats at a, meet ing ? of those-;, Hughes suffragettes should be punished with a big Fed-eraloffice. Now that the school season has just re-opened it is not amiss to remind the people that what is needed are free school books. Many a father, feeling the pinch of expenditure for these books, will no doubt agree to this proposition, and those parents whose incomes are so large that they do not feel the outlay, should appre ciate the fact that even four or five dollars spent by some laboring man, means .deprivation for the little fam ily; some of them have to spend, much more. Often' times! children go for days without books. No doubt, warm-hearted people would gladly furnish these books, but there is such a thing as pride pos sessed by the average man and wo man and demands are not made. It is not false pride either, as there should be free .school books. It is a matter of simple Justice; something that is logical. Besides, money would be saved by having the State purchase the books. ;' We do not know how far in the fu ture is this happy state, but it is com ing, and the quicker the better. had been in declining . health for more than a year. He was visited4by a second sunstroke last, year and had been an.4 invalid since that time. He was unconscious for several (lays preceding his death. Until his health failed Mr. Parham was active ly engaged in farming operations. He was a' member . of the Baptist church and was -herd in-d the very highest of regard by all who knew him. . Besides his widow, Mr. Parham is survived by three sons, Mr. J. A. Par ham, of Wilmington ; f Mr. -W. L. Par ham, and Master Herman Parham, of Lumberton'sand-twoi daughters, Mrs. J. J. Prevatte, of Lowe, N. C, and Miss Carrie Parham, of Lumberton, all of whom have the tender .sympa thy of a wide circle of friends throughout '-this section off -the State. mm wm 111! WA l;ilf I UU UUM&J III - II ' " M ' I vmwmm i III . , Better;-baldng TKere areno ifs" aboiif the results you will get from Valier's Dainty Flour.This super fineBour is guar anteed to give you whiter Tighter aridfiner-flavored baking. ..Valier's Dainty Floor it mad of finest wheat: milled by a special alow process, which aavea all its fine flavor; tbensif ted tbroufb atlk to make its texture ex tra fine. It ia qumlitf flour and it fives ttymultt in baking. Have your grocer send you Valier'a Dainty bext tune you need flour. Tke CerkeU Ce.. WkeUale DutriatUr,. ffUUtfUM v ; t EXPLAINS THE FISH SITUATION. The Charlotte News wants to know "How many mayors has Char lotte?" Either the editor of The News or the Queen City is in a bad way. That's all there is to it. The Republican party's record is too much of a graveyard of broken promises for any one to argue that 'i 'it would be alive to the needs of the JT; people ifplaced back in power. Every place Villa goes the' Mexi cans rally patriotically to his support. He proclaims that all over ' fourteen years .who t do not enlist n his army will be put "to death. . Jack McGraw got real angry yes terday wheia his team failed tcr whip -Brooklyn, but he , should remember that he won't have as far to go to be hold the world series and folks near er ome will rake in the dollars. j -Perhaps, John did think about 4hat Up to last night the death of "Wil- in "East Lynne" and the demise rbf poor Little Eva" in "Uncle : Tom's , XJabin," held the record for pathetic, Itt umcmng . suige scenes, dui now tne blue ribbon will have to be passed 7r-V to the Taft-Roosevelt kiss-and-make- inpf stunt. i ' When Mr. Fairbanks about a year The Woodrow Wilson Club made a fine start, a renewal of Its faith and I a rejuvenation for work ahead and de termination to perform that work, last night. The very inclement weath er kept down the attendance, of course, but those present were most ardent of spirit and they stood for. the greatmass of people of this" country, wno "not only, desire but will, work with energy and with vigor for th Democratic cause this time; doing their part and doing it nobly towards the re-election of Woodrow Wilson. Committees were' duly .appointed (Which will get busy at once, and it is Wilmington, N. C. October 3, 1916. Mr. Editor: ; I want it thoroughly understood that In all of my discussions In regard to the, use of purse seines and the de struction of the fish industry, there is no intention on my part of trying to In terfere or to criticise Menhaden fish eries, who-use their seines for the catch ing of Menhaden and no other fish. The -Menhaden Fisheries, that have been usinjg' their purse seines other wise are the fisheries around More head and that vicinity. For some years there has been a law which made it a fine of $500,000 to eaten edible fish in purse seines for "any purpose in the counties of Carteret, Onslow, Pender andANew Hanover, add there is a law also prohibiting them from being caught with purse seines for any pur pose, in the waters of Brunswick coun ty. My purpose in agitating the purse seine question is not only to show how destructive the purse seine is on the f edible fish, but also to show the next legislature how unwise it was to give the fish 'commissioners more power than the Supreme Court of .North Car olina. The Supreme Court can only an nul a law when it comes In conflict with the Constitution, but the fish com- tnissioners have been, given thet power - fp destroy if -they see "fit, every law that the legislature tor year has been erecting around the Fish Industry for its ' protection, as follows : At the first meeting which was held in Wilmington the year that the fish commission Was formed, Mr. Webb, one ' of the commissioners, from Car eret county, after I had In a speech before the commissioners, warning them of the fearful" effect of the purse seines on .the fish industry, arose in the meeting and acknowledged the fearful effect of the ' purse seines on the, fish Industry by. boasting of the fact-that he was the first man fn his county that had a law enacted that prohibited them from catcning edible fish.' Immediately after the meeting was held in Wilmington, the fish com missioners held : a meeting at - More- head City, and at the request of the : - i nm gci uusy at once, and it is eaa uuy, ana at tne request of the sain on ine uutsiae, so not waier ana -go talked of the necessity of uphold- j hoped that more meetings of the .club 1 Menhaden factory owners or the fisher-, HmestoneV phqsphate ael'oif tle inside - Ine the President's International nol-' urttl V lniJ ' rrx i . - - . .r.r. iMan whn . AaiiAit trV' . ' nrffanaVillfa must atnrnva AAnaMov that Ing- the President's International pol icy he spoke as 6nly a "good citizen." Of course, now hea speaks as.lhe Vice ;J?TMt--t -tAAi r i. I . . .. ,.-v,m, Ul uw-iwyuu-jana stimulate work in the campaien or; r f v i -. in this win be held. It would be a fine' idea to select a local speaker for each meet ing, wnicji would add to the interest ''tTi'iff v ' (",' countyvv v . if, 11 C ; 7 ..r. I Z 1-V- W l - .V : iwontn. Kecently Renovated, ;-.-f4 HERE TO RAISE FUNDS. Rev. F. M.Osborne Coming, In In- terest of St. Mary's College. To make plans for raising part of $250,000 in this eityor building im provements at St. Mary's College, Raleigh, Rev. Francis M. Osborne, of Charlotte, recently appointed a spe cial representative ,oflhe..trustees of St. Mary's, will be iinube city Fri day. A conference will be held in the parish house of St. James' Episcopal church Friday night at 8 o'clock. ROSY COMFLmOH 8ayt we cant help but look' better aHd ' eej bettc' afler. anlnsiae bath. . i To look one's best and feel one's best is to enjoy an inside bath each morn ing to flush from the system the pre vious day's, waste,, sour fermentations and poisonous toxins before it is ab sorbed into the blood. Just as coal, when it burns, leaves behind a cer tain amount of incombustible material in the torm of ashes, so the food and drink taken each day leave in the ali mentary organs a certain.. amount of indigestible material, which if not eliminated, from toxins and poisons which are then sucked into the blood through the very ducts which are In tended to strek in only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow; of health -bloom in your cheeks, . to see your skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon arising, a glass of hot water with a teafspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, which is a harmless means of wash ings the waste material and toxins from the' stomach, liver, kiJneys and bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary -tact, before putting more food Into the stom achs - Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or pallid com plexion, also those who wake up with a coated) tongue, ' bad taste nasty breath, others who are bothered with headaches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this phos- j photed -hot water drinking and Tare j assured of very pronounced results in one oi two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos- hpate ; costs very little at . the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate ! that just as i soagfjaid hot., water J cleanses, purifies and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water and . . '. . .- .... .4 for Oh 'great eit IFALL and WlNTERlbualnesf. Ready witlralvast stock of . WEARING? APPAR- EL Jof unmatchable ! val- ues. Our ambition U to serve more people, and to serve them better than ia the nastf -2 f flnnonddooononnnntinnnnnnnnnnnnnnrin urt ' ' i ' 1 """anil g seaboard Air Lrine Kailway Co. 3 Q . Ihe frogressive Railway of the South. g NORTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR g g OGtotDer-16th to 21st, Inclusive S r i ' it M luueign, ii. a -Rdiihd trip fare from Wilmington . . ....... .$4.85 D inciuaing one aamission to rair rounds. z: Tickets on sale October 1 4th to 21st inclusive, limited j returning midnight October 23rd. p T V. it:i : c .nn a ah a ri?i i o i o xi n S.j-v. wiuiiiiigiun v. ivi.t j-yt. rvaieign iz.no rNOon. Lv. Wilmington 3:55 P. M. Ar. Raleigh 1 2:30 Night. 5 Ly. Raleigh 5r20 A. M., Ar. Wilmington 12:40 Noon, n Lv, flalegh:4: l'3; P., M. Ar. Wilmington 12: 10 Night. Q -ii For an v further information, nhone 1 78 or 1 1 02-W. D CM. ACKER, R. W. WALLACE, Union Ticket Agent. City Ticket Agent. H. E. PLEASANTS, Traveling Passenger Agent, . . Wilmington, N. C unonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni a a a a n In a a a ThSM Suits And Cttat ntnrasant the smartest modelr fa&hfeneil tcto mediom-prioed earmenta, of the most wanted materials, and fur trimmings or tne presenjc modes. . . The styles offered are the best we hare ever shown so early. in the season, j If you need a business suit, a nov elty i suit .or an overcoat, we have, a widej assortment to show you, in ,! tne new. moaeis, irom tne ultra ex tremato . the sedately.coneisyati've. Every garment goes tb.youiwtth the absolute assurance-of 'oompreB sat&- iactmon.yourparB.-. , - Here they are awaitinir your !n sDection : all the season's fads amd tancies. soit nats or every descrip tion andxcoIor, for the young map ana iftr toe young oia man. WS ''V . -i f We have splendid variety in onr new assortment, uomrort ana-style is, embodied in every- pair. The ladies' shoes include -everv new stvle in Pat ent Colt Skin, Qua Metal, Calf and Yicf, Kid or Cloth tops. - That $1 means an Up- to-Date Fair Outfit : for you. : Kemember, this t? not an ordinary credit store but a Modern Cloth ing store, with a conveni ent easy payment plan for your benefit- ; ' One Price Cash ar Credit FARLEY AND 116 MARKET co. i ST. f-t We want dur friends to open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us, we pay. per cent j Iriterfe?st compotmdec quarter- ly. INo account too small ror us. DIRECTORS: H. F. Wilder, President ; T. E. Sprunt, V. President j R. Bradley, Cashier; W.M. Cumming, R. G Grady, W. H. Brown, C D. Weeks. Second and Princess Streets. - North R A Fifty-Sixth Garolina L E State Fair I G H Tickets will be sold" for all trains by the .5 Atlantic Coast Line Oct trien mho fished . with purse seines,! organs. ' We must always consider that iusy uescroyea me law, wnicn'. said internal 'sanitation "is vastly wore im that jiurse seinesr could not' catch edi- j portant iibn outside cleanliness, be ble fish within three miles of the beach cause . the slttil pores do not absorb im- for any purpose -whatsoever,' by allow purities into the blood, while the bowel . . - m . J .... I m Am a - ' SdUTHERN HOTEL CAFE Lynn Haven Oysters Now Dally. Homemade. Pies. , Booms by the Day,v, Week f or' Month. Recently-Renovated; : Hie Standard Railroad of the South . . 1 4 to 2 1 Inclusive From Wilmington a $4.85 for the round trip, including admission to the Fair, lim ited "returning until midnight, of October 23, 1916. Proportionate Fares from All Intermediate Stations. m ; . ... , Children Half Fare.. For schedules,' tickets and any desired information ;appijr V; . ; V : ; " C M. ACKER. Phon 1 102-W. Ticket Agent. Wilmington, N. C. fr: x &F& , ,tnS , jtne high class of carined 'and bottled goods as the down, town Stores, and if you will ask for our prides'wfe; can save you -money. , - No high over head expenses". Good reason, Isn't it? THMAS GROCERY COMPANY, Inc. Phone294.v ; Established 188i3.: ; 4th and Campbell Sts. i'-OiWd'-Oi t; No-Oust Oil . .. 10c Quart 4 , ,ur ;15c. Bottle,A if Payns - Drug 'Company ; Phone 520' Corner 5th -and Red, Cross - .r-t. k: Streets

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