1,5 t THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH;. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON; OCTOBER 41 9! 6. PACE SIX rr"' ' - 1 s . . . ,,, . ' - see that they voted in the approaching election. 'F' ' ;v ' I Tile following message from Mr. Henry; Morgan thau,, treasur er .. of the National, Campaign Committee, and was? read by Chairman McGlrt and iwas received, with much enthusiasm: 'IfflRa'LDla Allen was a visitor in the' of Miss Vivian Mdntgomery, hef mahy wcu cfty vesterday I friends, gave a delightful suprise party , A, McGlrt, Chairman Woodrow ' - - - - - last-night afc her home oh Itortb-Ninta Wilson Club, ilmington; K. C, 5, Mrs. T. J. Joiner, of Willard, spent street. During the evening .a numner "pjease convey tQthe membership on. , Mr. CashwU .and tbfli genii fima.nJ menJk&M ot Jtor nrptgcted. implored, all toee ffiattelr-namestoIy-iV-;.p-f. V e'v., were on tne registration dooks ana to fyesterday in the city. v :' . -ivMisfl' Florence Sellers, of Ivanhoe, spent the day-in the city yesterday. iss Anna Mae Bulluck returned ' home last night after spending some k time at Burgaw. - All members of the First Presbyte- - irlah church and Sunday school are es- . peclally urged-to attend a meeting to '-- be held in the lecture room. Mrs W. Wells, of Rosehill, arrived In : the city last night to spend sev- , eral days with Mrs. J. S. Grimes and of tames were played and' In one MJsfr of your -club assurkneea of our appre- Liucue xaoore ana mr. iuuu .- elation iof the : campaign, that is un pen were wtntier Amdng; those pres- der - wa in Wilniingtdn. We recall ent'were: Messrs, v Robert. Snaked , e Splendid wa in V which : your cluh burg, Richard Thlgpen, Aubrey ciorse, -j responded to our appeals four years i Archie Ellis and Bill Montgomery. . . . . S P NT : .FiC AS A NT EVENmQf The entertainment given at the Immanuel Presbyterian church last wrht hv the Brotherhood of the Church was largely attended and greatly enjoyed.; " Judge G.'W. Borne mann delighted the " assembly with spveral selections on his accordion and also delivered a short address. Thft 1udee was made a member of the organization. The meeting, was presided over by Mr. Arthur Branch, Mrs. R. H. Melvin,. of this city I r I5-:: Th Dorcas Societr of St. Paul's ! president of the Brotherhood ana va ; ' ! Lutheran church will hold an impor- i i.mic mbmhaiM msdii short talks. I 1U tuviuwv.w MARRIED IN STORE. - That things more prosaic than the wrapping of packages and displaying j - tant meeting at the church tomorrow I " , afternoon at 4 o'clck. All members are ifey particularly urged to attend. r. -A-,- - ' i ' Mrs. W. H. Suggs, of Goldsboro, ' of merchandise can and do sometimes "'"passed through the city yesterday on occur in department stores was dem B.W wftv home from Jacksonville. Fla.. onstrated yesterday afternoon when Ifewhere she visited friends and relatives j Miss Florence CleWis, daughter of Mr. lars in the Belk-Williams Department 3 for the past weeK. Mrs. J. W. Bowden, of Petersburg, I ago,: ana now mat we can .aepena on youf; best efforts this year; when the, fight is harder and our needs are greater' Wilson will win if such Democrats as yours nelp bear tne burden of the " fight. We must not falter, we must make success doubly sure. Bear this in : mind . lh your en deayorsr and give us the: best ! possi ble support in Wilmington. , "'lIENRY MORGENTHAU." A! nominating committee composed of Messrv:. R. P.- Parker; J. Ar Orrell, E. B. Johnson, W. A. rurlong, and Cyruc D. Hogue, Esq,, submitted the following names to compose a com mittee to work earnestly for the fur therance of Democracy in New Han over: :.: H. E.Bonitz. John R. Hanby, James H. Cowan, Geo. Trask, K. W. Jewell, John Haar, S. J. Ellis, W. W. Love, F. M. Holley, Louis E. Hall, R. A. Bur nett, Graham Kenan, Meares Har- riss, J. A. Livingston, Addison Hew lett, J. R. Cradwick; Geo. C. Jackson, G. Herbert Smith, W. R. Taylor, Da- ; ' i v tr k,, v.o nuv vrdavi store. The ceremony was perrormea vid Lormg, J. Holmes Davis, L. Stein. iw.rr tww !at 1:40 o'clock and was witnessed by Cyrus D. Hogue, S. A. Mathews, V.::An income and Inheritance tax law.rwhich 'provides Uhat the 'bdrdens or goyernment v snau "be norne , cy thbse -mosi ible" to' bear " them! and that he who v inherits great T -Veatth phllX 'aya'sma'parl, dT; td;the government lender ""whose. pn?centi WBicr wfs acjamuiate.aaiia. whose protection it is secure, jusuce TThffhfisV nnnnftTftnFrftftft frieome taxi " i, 1 -,i law notwithstanding.,.- y . ';, VAni whereVarhV'Sas'eipt'1Ue outj of war with Mexieof -and has 'kept nsi out of Jthjfti 0 yrar ,J?lth . honor now, therefore,-be It;. . "Resolvfed,bsr.tne Wpodrow Wilson Cliib ofWttmlngton, ,N. iC.That.t w r reby.pledge our, unqualified support and loyal active, aid: in securing . the reflection !', 6lloodr ,V Wilson as ! President of the United States, Schol- arr wesmanli.r jjipipmat ' ! oi ,; wona Politics,: an.4 the dreatest living American I ;A;-vs;. ' . : ': ' ';. ' II. c- ijt,,; ;.' list's f!s- t ? f5 -c i;tir? rrrf ? m : m .6f ywbrjtmanstiip- observe the new styles. :v;u7;lliehemine Naroblas f Costly lurs are not s guarahtiied for tolor- Nar obias are I . Costly furs are not guarantee. ,against shed- cngarobiasare! , Costly furs are not guaranteed for hard usage Narbbias are I ; See" tne charmmgr" raveriitack, " lynx-like Narobia models we are showing. CALL TOTHE QOLORS ?r BEINQv EXPLAINED paris, Oct.:; 4. A memoranaum' at tached to a bill "introduced into the Chamber of Deputies by ; the . Minister,, of t War, authorizing the j enrollment "of the young men.iOf the classes' of 918 to peing called to ine colors, was explained that those fit for mili tary service of the class of 1917 were already enrolled. 1 H-lA f ... .j 1 $5.95 to. $25.00 GOVT. IS SENDING OUT COTTON FORMS where she attended the funeral ot fter , ..-n-v. I '.x 5 . i ... sister-in-law, Mrs W. P. Bowden. I the Belk-Williams establishment. WAS MANIFESTED m .Mrs. H. Foreny DuVal, of White- 4I irU F1MTHI TQ1 ASM .3 : ville, passed, tnrougn tne cny yesier j day en route from Warsaw to her : ;; : home, after spending several days $ ? there with friends and relatives. I ; -5f -IMr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward, of Jack-! Bell, W; H. Register, B. P. Brittain, Jr., L. D. Latta, Tom - Weaver, L. W Moore, L. Clayton Grant, P. Q. Moore, Wallace West, W. M. Creasy, J. B. Lynch, C. W. Polvogt, I. W. Cooper, H. E. Bonev.- Beni. Bell. Edw. P. Bai- AT THE MEET1NU ley. C. C. Covington, W. D. McCaig, E. T. Burton, S". A. Troy, Bernice Far- ( Continued from Page Five.) jmer, A S. Holden, W. H. Sprunt, J, sonville, passed through the city yes terday en route to Sumter, S. C. They were called there on account of the Kofi oarvAil thA nen-lTT. lirHa. John R. MurlnhlaAn Warren UaUOC i. J. 1 V V mow ax Uv mv . - . F T - - - 1 ' - pie he could look to none other than! Jones, W. A. French, Roy C. Fergus, the people for support. His attitude A. B. Groom, Jr., Marsden Bellamy, serious illness of a relative. towards big business has not been of J Walter Blair, W. B. Cooper, M. S. Wil- a nature to cause it to rally to his lard, T. R. Ames, R G. Empie, Mal- annmrt Hut it hR amiispd its enmitv I colm Owen. W. C. Capns. C. H. Alex ;. , j :-;Mrs. HattJe Harris, of Des Moines, ; rajised it to line ud aeainst him. ander, L. B. Sasser, Tom Hawkins. Iowa, returned to her home last night ,In closing Mr. McRae sought to im-jJ. Haughton James, W. A. Furlong,' : ; BC'C1" rvccn- "C1 oia Dress upon his listeners the lact tnatjM. vv. jacooi, r, ju ivnigni:, i-iioya .; ier, Mrs. oamuei near, jr., ox mis n eiUCational campaign cost money urocker, w. js. Lawson, John A. Or y: city. La iot of money aad as big business rell, J. O. Brown, E. B. Johnson, John i$ Q lis not to supply it the individual must W. Gaffbrd, W. D. MacMillan, Jr., miao regular mommy meeung o. "econtrjbut and 8Well the common fund I Jonn Klein, I. W. Solomon, J. G. L . women's Missionary society or tne ; ,nto Sufflcient proportions to advertise Gieschen. R. L. Harker, Jos. W. :l ; Grace Methodist church will be heldjthe good that has been accom- Yates. George Honnet. W;. R. Dosher. 0 : .u .lie i u ciuck m m . -v tho WJlROn administration. I nos. K. cooper, u. H. Albro, J. A. Church. f . r I MeNorton ' J. H. Rphdor W; F. Ton a Ioeuitiur rv. o. vuoyei, wuv djiurc i - - .- , briefly, admitted that the Wilson ad-R- L- Bunn. J. Herbert Johnson, E. D. Bellamy imlnJfltftt!ni. ha(i mde mlatakea. but Register. J. T. 'Kerr,' Geo. P. Galvin, nave returned to the city from a two'added when the good and the w- N- Harriss, Will Grant, Louis M. " months visit to friends in Washiner-,.-j .Ij Bnntin2. Jaa. H. Tavlor. Jr. Richard . " t iia.li were uumuarKU lxus iuiiuci bu iai i ' ' : ions v. u., ureensporo, in., u., ano at j Old Sweet Springs, W. Va. V ' , j Miss Mammie J. Fennell, daughter Washington,, Oct 4.To. bring about a more extensive use of cotton stand? ards by growers in sales, the depart ment of agriculture is placing with the counties' agents In the ' cotton growing sections, sets of forms of standards. It is believed that the presence of the standard in each coun ty will be a valuable educative force SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY US HEALTH REPORT FROM THE BORDER wasmngton, v uct. .-r-Heaitn re ports from the National Guard on the border, announced by the War De partment today for the week ending September 30, gave the militia a per centage of 63.25 with 7 deaths. GIVING OUT TICKETS . TO THE BIG GAME i Misses Eliza and Ellen outweiehed the latter' that one was Bradley, Dr. C. L. Pridgen, Jos. W. prone to excuse the few mistakes with Little, George Farrar. W. E. Yopp, M. a smile. Mr. Cooper urged that North I oiarjr, m. rau, j. Lawrence Pjirnlina h lcent riP-hf and that North I Sprunt, J. E. L. P. Wade. E. A. Metts, i - " ' " Carolina iena ner every energy to i . t T-i tft Uosnlnvtnn Tl I1 tit n ara cna ati I Dnnroixi Paitb Wlnnm TT a Vnll : .: " e " keeping the other sections or the coun- "" "&c o. iuu6u4 i ters the National School of Domestic , . TJ K W. B. Savage. J. H. Mitchell. C. H. r H I tijr ugui, in; uu&uucu mj Da;mi - 1 Huband, E. I. White. Mike Cronly. v.. ,j j Walter G. Hatch. Guv H. Stone. Mar is On account of the W. C. T. U. con- ' years ago and that he would do so ... . i liii n.a.111 ikii. i j i rt-f i iv. rarrrsnTi Mf - . . . i again wiin a ciear conscience. j n T yention the Women's Missionary So- , - v , . 1 Cl. W. Woodward. B. A. Merritt. J, clety of Trinity Methodist church will W1-c'a,ucu L. Benton, R. be held on Friday night instead of tonight. Mr. Wilson discovered he possessed Uneh m a r.lirtl n n Roii' a mind. According to the Colonel, Mr. i txr w r m' nr.ni w.i3 ' Wilsons father was preaching in Wil- Kellum Dr. n. R Rmh. Frpd orif. or the benefit of a. number of repre- mlngton at the t,mie and coming down f fith T N: r.ordPa t s nrnwn t " RAntativPs nf the Fnwnr-th T.oab-no Pitv ! the straet one morning he told a crowd I Tjnow nr -kk Avn. t t t 4 .-TTrifnn whn Triii vtait iia Anra nramTi i of mends ' that his son. Thomas. I tr -r t?. a -.-. . , League tomorrow night, that league 1 (meaning Woodrow) had Just reported Gea H jfutaff, J. G. McCormick. W. Boston, Oct.1 4 Distribution of the reserved seat tickets for the world series games in this city between Brooklyn, of the National League, and the Boston Americans, which will open on Saturday, began today. Each of the 27,0-00 reserved seats available 'was covered by applications, officials of the club said. Berlin, Octi (Via Sayville). - Thirty-five vessel of countries at war with Germany, with a total ton nage of 14,600 tons, were sunk by German submarines In the North Sea or in the English Channel between September 20 and September 29, the Overseas News Agency anounces today. - Belk-Williams Company 1 I 1 " - a THE LATEST ARRIVALS IN 'Ladies9 Lace Boots j nas arranged an entertainment. Au-; lu as uau mscuvereu mat ue D. Rhodes, G. C. Mclntyre K O Bur- ltomobiles will leave the several chuch- possessed, a mind. "Think of it." Col- c L Dickinson, J. A. Northam ft es at 7:30 o'clock. onel Taylor said, "Woodrow Wilson E. A. Palmsrren. J. B. Rice. w. H. Mr- - discoverea ne naa a mina ngnt nere EaChern. J. A. Oldham. S. M. Snencer. Mrs. J. O. Vinson, of Goldsboro, I in Wilmington." Colonel Taylor told R H; Munson , A. Fred DeVere. Hueh . . . - i k.' 3AAA x a. 1 a. r passea inrougn tne city yesterday enul auuicucc ui wuai ue yrseui au- j Schwartz, W. J. Bradshaw, D. N. route from Jacksonville, Fla., where , ministration had done tor this city; Chadwick, Jr., H. B. Branch F. A sne nas Deen visiting lor the past auiuuui ui reveuue mati Savage, Jas. M. Stevenson, Clayton Week. j now passes through th3 local customs Giles, Jr.; Leslie Hummeli; J. C. Wll- nouse revenue mat once passed Hams, J. W. Sneeden, W. P. McGlau -iv-Mrs. L. L. Hanby,: of this city, left last night for Butler, N. J., where she was called on account of the death of : her father. Mrs. Hanby will re main in New Jersey several weeks, (over the meeting and handled mat-.clnh rlnMi tn nnoit,f fl,,hr.nmrr,it ''J ' !ters in an admirable manner. " Just be- tees, upon motion of Mr. W. B. Coop- jf In honor of the sixteenth birthday fore adjournment was taken he called er, to bo- named by the executive committee with respect to their loca tion in different parts vof the city and county, This will be done and the committees or teams announced la- through other ports and the present administration caused this change, ac cording to the Collector. Chairman W. A. McGirt presided ghon, Julius Canady. W. B- Schuler, L. F. Formyduval, W. E. Powell, Dan Branch, Dr. J. G. Murphy. From ' this general committee the lew 'if,-; . MM mm Wot Women & GliiMrert are Here A4 ?f ..!' r t niesct Rain Coats are made of good materials Latest styles and serviceable colors. Tl)ey are priced from$5.00 to $12.00 for women. The Children's Coats come in sizes 6 to 14 and are priced $3.50 to $5.00. A. D, Brown teiv The following gentlemen ;were named to draft resolutions: Messrs -I.C. Wright, Hugh MacRae, Marsden Bellamy, George C. Jackson and Sen jator W. B. Cooper. The follow ing resolutions we.re prepared by these gentlemen and lifter being read Marsden Bellamy, Esq., were adopted - "Whereas; our President of the United States is the best the United States has : had since Lincoln, and, whereas, - "Wilmington feels an especial in terest in him because of his former residence . here and because of the part Wih&ington played in helping . to elect hjhrv.and, v "Whee-under hjs guidance and leadeslifpi; Congres -' has enacted oreaedial legislation than ever before?tn allke time and has passed: "1; .Hurjil, Credits law by which the. f ai?ffl era ' ,can buy and improve heifiwa ioii long-term loans at "p. . reasonable1 . interestj rate, "and can. therefore, do up-totdae farming on a methods. '. . "2. A ' currency law which ; has stopped the nation's currency going through the handsof ar few men In New -York; -dnd has distributed' ft wherever "the. bfsBess ,6fJ:he coun Xry ed. Itas;m?ide 'ItElastic and lorver stepped: a .money1 rpanic,. . ".jA;-, tariff j act! which Is framed ;$ to prodnce 'reyeatje for-'the govern The Weather - Today Fair; Cooler HI rift fir J Ml 1 rf M - We Have Just Received a Shipment of Ladies' "8" Lace Boots -..:- ' , At a Price Under the et See Dispaly in Our Window Ladies' Battle Ship - Grey 1 Ladies' Dark Tan Kid, Ivory Lace 8" Boot $6.50 Kid Top 8" Lace Boot $6.50 WMmington S h dl Wilmuigton's Best Shoe Store 203 N: Front Street. L W. WESSELL, Mgr. Demonstrating New Lock. The fol- where he will demonstrate new sash Colored Man Dead. Alex Samp Some one has said: " - . . . A man ts worth one dollar a day from his chin down. HIa skyipiece is the part that pays. The men who design such clothes as Strouse & ) Brothers, . B. Keuppenhelmer & . Co., and College CutClothlng get salaries ' that would make some local tafl- or s dizzy.. It's all in the design ing-andlf, youi would get the benefit ; tljb. highest paid talent In Amertea-you niustcomehere. ( . PALL'' Clothes "are 'ready; fe J.M.;iSolfeyi , . , . 5-; .. :.. . ' . r lowing from Monday's Lincolnton News will e read with interest by friends of Mr. Ed Rankin, of this city: 'Mr. Ed Rankin, of Wilmington, was in town Friday en route to Lenoir, One-Ptfca Clothiers and 1 jftirnlhera. .r North Front Street.1 son, and door locks, a patent of his own. 411 agei highly respected color- He will return to Lincolnton in a few fd man' at Ws home this morn a.v. o,v Ju4. InS ?t .8 oV:lox:k. ..The deceased was rr"'Jrm' ars W and had been in bad health for several montns. ' .1. U ii ti , t.it!::,t-rf:! ; BIDSI BIDS! BIDS! V Bids will be received until Oct ItitS for purchase of building and site old school house on Myrtle Grove Sound, District No! 18, ;WIte ; ace Lot contains three fourths of an acre...' ' : ; '? By order of - Board of Educatloik Right Jo reject bids reserved 9-24-eod-6t W. CATLETT, Supt. A. FOR THROST.SND LUNGSj 4 COQOfi(a,AND COXP8 n s1 in AAt&r V SOLD BX ALZi USADINQ ASVCkUSTi G ne Ticket? will be sold via the O L DS J3 fair.;. Atlantic Coast Line Tfie Standard Railroad of the South Oct if.': 13 Incliisive ; From Wilmington at $3.40 for the rburrWijuicludin ;v,;f rWdniglft of October 15 191 6 -iTfckets ofleH w-1 SPfP' OCTOBER 11 . Sl .i I.0:0Q A. M. tuig:f.Live Goldsboro . 1 lii5:00 P. M. l$k$&tiQnito take on passingws going:and , rPH-1?' ticketaetc. : Apply to' Phone -IJOcv Ticket AgentWilrningfon NG. ,

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