V PACE EIGHT " THE WILMINGTON Blj5PATCH,yEDNESDAY-AFT?EP riMriPTfiftRff 4-.1 9 1 6: j " V 7 ' " " !- ' " -w Ails k. .r . ust Co. lWe can advance. 121 cents' pound on fiooa Cotton Stored withits. WILMINGTON, N. C. All Colors American 7 MA MM ft EVEN P ; -IT-J r Pi TOO MUC H AMD I DOr4Y I . - I 3 1 WANT THAT- HOT aMINCE . I 1 PIE BECAUSE ITS M 1 V ffc FEEL UNCOMFDRTA6LC i.r" is -: mm:: " ;-' 50c to $1,48 New Shapes in Velours and Velvet. ' J.W.H. Fuchs' Dept. Store "The Store of Service. Wilmington, N. C . Lumberton, N. C. WILL EMPLOY Robeson County Makes Ap propriation for Govern ment Expert. Lumberton, N. C, Oct. 4 The Board of County ' Commisioners at their regular monthly meeting appro priated ah amount fcet o exceed $400 to give Robeson the services of a governmentcotton grader. O. J. Mc ConelU assistant in cotton marketing, officfe of markets, United States De partment of Agriculture, and L. E. Blanchard, county farm demonstration ! agent, have placed supplies for the ; w6 " every gin in me coumy ana . in wofk , will uc5iu imuxwiaij t xuc 6.u -- for this district will be stationed at r . Fayetteville and will inform each " farmer of the grade of his cotton and length of staple. Advocates of this method of cotton grading declare that ; its trial of three years has resulted in " J a . net saving of $1.15 on each bale r' handled. It is estimated that only about one-fourth of the appropriation . V will be required this year on account V" of the short crop and late season. s, Two Cases1 Recorder Empie had ronly two cases for consideration this morning. Earle Hobbs, a 15-year-old white boy of Delgj.do, charged with vagrancy, was released when his father agreed to send him to the country. Ethel Huff, colored, was taxed with the costs for firing off a pistol in the city limits. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's mes sengers. They will call for your "ads." In the same manner and quick time as they now covei the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further Information as to fads," call 176 but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." $10.00 WEEKLY $2,000.00 ABOUT 3 1-2 years, new investment series Caro - lina B. and L. Association we -pay the' taxes, series : now open. Lv-W. Moore, Secretary, 123 Princess. 10-4-lt FOR RENT DESIRABLE 10 ROOM ; : Dwelling on 6th and Dock streets. ; . AH Modern Improvements and in i; rirat c'ass condition. Will rent to : one or two families and make apart , ments if desired. H. F. Wilder, Agt. . J- 10-4-3t-wed-fri-sun j y; : $25.00 PER MONTH WILL RENT 311 V - Grace street, 7 rooms, in good condi- ( . 7tion. H. F. Wilder, Agent. .';.VX .1 10-4-3t-wed-fri-sun. FRESH KILLED BEAR MEAT ON sale at Batsqn's Meat Market, 115 y Market street. Fresh Norfolk Oys . , ters fresh every day. Very best of Beef, Veal, Lamb and, Pork. Phone : 72. 10-4-tf LOST S If K b A Y AFTERNOON downtownf Gold tie clasp with initial Ij. R. H. v Finder please return to Dispatch office: , . 10-4:lt-j WANTED TO BUY OR RENT ONE i double tree tig Skidder, not less than 8xlQ; must be ready for work. ; Box 1123 orr-RoUm' 1, Grand Theatre building, Wilmington, N. cV 10-3-2-ltJ "Wanted several boarders: -also have three larse fur- f nished bedrooms for rent, suitable (: for two gentlemen or married cou ple. All convenient to" baths ; use of phone and lights included. Ideal location, reasonable ' rates. , 410 North Third street. Phone - 1665-L. 10-3-3tJ RESTAUANTS ARE ADVANCING PRICES ! New York,' Oct. 4 The rising cost of food was impressed upon thousands j of citizens of the' city by the act of one of the largest restaurants in ad- i vancing their prices. This corporation, which owns a large chain of restaurants in New York and other cities, added five cents to the price of all staple dishes. Much of the industry of this world is due to an effort to get out of debt. Atchison (Kan.) Globe. WHY BUY READY-MADE CLOTHES? I. Shrier will make your Suit or Overcoat to your own Measure $15 to $35. I. Shrier, 32 North Front street. 10-4-7t LOST LADIES' PURSE WITH $b bffl and braga ke rrom Postofflce tA Prinoo ni frAm Prnnt tn 9nH 1 found call phone 391. Oct. 4-lt MECHANICS HOME ASSOCIATION opens new series Building and Loan stock twice a year July and Janu ary and offers stock for sale in one series till the next series opens. "The Mechanics" is 27 years old and strong. Walker Taylor, president; W. M. Cumming, secretary; office, 208 Princess street. 10-3-6t WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOM- en of good standing learn shorthand and bookkeeping. Classes start Oct. 3, Wilmington Business College, 204 N. Front Street. 9-29-7t-J WANTED IN A GOOD ESTABLISH- ed Grocery a full experienced, mid dle-age salesman, one who knows the town, well. State your wages, age, your last place of work, your ad dress, and phone Number. Answer "Grocer," care Dispatch. 10-4-lt FOR RENT THREE ROOMS AND large hall upstairs. Will rent very v reasonable or will take part of house with congenial parties if con veniently iocated. Phone 1282-J. 10-3-lt YOU LIVt UNDER MODERN CON- ditions at The Carolina Apartments. Well kept; efficient management; convenient location; Apartment of varied sizes and prices. J. O, Wright & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. 9-18-tf. NATIVE 'COUNTRY PIG PORK, Fresh Norfolk Oysters, Friday. All kinds fresh meats, fruits and vegeta bles. We guarantee to please. Bat son's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Phone 72. 9-21-tf BEFORE RENTING CONSULT J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate and Rent ing Agents. Desirable homes in de sirable locations of different sizes and prices. 9-18-tf. CENTRAL MARKET CO. LADIES please enter in your Phone Directpry under (C) 592-J. When In need of Fresh meats or vegetables, call Sol. J. Jones. 9-28-7t-j NEW SERIES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 24th Series will open In the Elan over Building and Loan Association. 25c per share. Ten series matured, none exceeding ;330 weeks. For in vestor or borrower there Is no better. We earn over 7 per cent net. -'All t taxes paid by Association. Books now open get your stock at Wilder's Real Estate office, 207. Princess street. ' 9-26-tf i nRACT IjnDee a m r niinrD wagon for sale.' Also complete: log wagon. Will sell at a low price on account of having no more use for them. Apply at Staff Lumber Co., Wilmington, Castle Hayne road. ; . 10-2-3t NOTICE FOR 30 DAYS M'KENZIE'S Furniture .Polish will be sold one half pint 'tottle for '25 cents. 804 Dock street. "Phone 1761-J. -0-2-3t-j MR.- E. W. , MERR ITT, A WELL known meat cutter, has taken a po sition with L. L. Shepard, 817 North Fourth street, where he will be pleas , ed to serve his Iriends. 10-2-3t-j B. WISE. HAVE YOU FURNACE AND Stoves overhauled. Can handle be fore cold wave arrives. Fire board and stove pipe headquarters. Phore 431. W. B. S. Klander. 10-2-tf FOR SALE TWO FINE JERSEY Milk Cows. Can be seen at J. W. Windows. Castle Hayne, N. C. 10-2-3t TO THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON. Rugs made from discarded carpets. Will be here for short while. Phone 1590-W. S. A. Evans. 9-21-14t j FOR FRESH AND FANCY GROCER. ies, Country Produce and fine Native Beef call on R. B.- Moore. Mr. J. D. Bender is with me and will cut it to your taste. Phone 1888. Third and Castle. 9-23-tf ATTENTION COUNTRY PEOPLE! This is an opportunity for you to make money. Gathering up all the rags and junk you can and ship to "me. I pay the highest prices for brass, copper, zinc, lead. All kinds of rubber, automobile tires, mixed rags, etc Note address. H. Stein, I j.- iauuui oevuuu Biicet. ruuuc ouu. Wilmington, N. C. 10-1-tf MOTTE'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and typewriting will make you a real stenographer. Day and night les sons. Leon L. Motte, official court stenographer, chief instructor. Phone 737-W, 105 Church street. 9-15-tf JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD VERY nice bulk Cabbage, 200 bags Green Mountain Irish Cobbler Potatoes ; car of Apples and some very fine J Onions. Sickle Pears; Cranberries, Lemons, Limes, Oranges and a com plete line of Candies. Send us your orders. Bear Produce and Merchan dise Co., Phone 323, Wilmington, N. C. 10-1-tf HUNTING SEASON WILL SOON BE on. L. C. Smith, Ithaca, Lefever, Fox Baker, Remington and other re liable makes both new and unre deemed at Uncle Charles' Pawn Shop No. 6 South Front street. Phone 642. 10-1-tf FURNITURE WE BUY SECOND- hand furniture. Get our prices be fore selling. Write or call. Phone 1026-J. Castle Street Furniture Co., 705 Castle street. 10-l-7t-j CUT PRICES ON ALL GOODS THE very' best of Western and Native meats, Fat Young Chickens an Hens. Fresh Vegetables, Country Eggs, Country Pig Pork. Batson's Meat Market. Phone No. 72. 9-30-tf IISI HOUSES. 521 Dock St., 7 rooms ?40.00 202 Orange St., 8 rooms , $35.00 311 Nun, 7 rooms . 35.00 216 North 6th St., 8 rooms 30.00 1606 Chestnut, 6 rooms 30.00 311 Grace, 7 rooms 25.00 305 North Fourth, 10 rooms 30.00 316 South 2nd St., 8 rooms ...35.00 320 South 4th, 7. rooms 30.00 414 Chestnut, 8 rooms 30.00 10 Church, 7 rooms 25.00 311 1-2 Red Cross, 6 rooms 25.00 814 Doc'St.. .7 rooms $25.00 518 South Front, 6 rooms 25.00 721 Chestnut St., 7 rooms $2.00 108 South 17th, 5 rooms 20.00 1921 Perry Ave., & rooms . 15.00 ! 205 Ann St., 6 rooms .... $20 00 ! 1916 Woolcott Ave., 5 rooms.. 1500 ' .409 Campbell, 7 rooms ... 14.50 ' .'111 So. -g'th.-S rooms 12.50 U?F. Wilder MI "CIV2L SERVICE EXAMINATIONS We train you to pass them. Put your spare time to account and get a good Government job. Write for Circu lar. International Correspondence School, Box 888. Scranton, Pa." 9-19-30t ' v The Correct Viewpoint Many have a mistaken idea that it is because people are prosperous that they have Savings Accounts. Prosperity in connection with savings is the effect rath er than the cause. The individual who practices Thrift, who little by little builds a surplus and with it character and reputation does not wait for prosperity he makes it. We invite you to join the ranks of those who are insur ing their future welfare. ESTABLISHED 1900. Peoples' Savings Bank Wilmington, N. C. The Murchison Capital and SurpluaJ $1,650,000.00 Resources $8,000,000.00 This Bank stands ready to furnish customers everr facility boat possible service. H. C. M'QUEEN, President. C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. J. V. GRAINGER,. V. President. J. V. GRAINGER, JR., Aaa's Ca School lK2 : , Books i m u 1 ;- C. W. VAXES CO ..".Jf W.B, -f-r Builders' Supplies STORAGE : '. . W.B. Thorpe and Company WATER and ANN STREETS National Bank and J. W. YATES. V. President. W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier.' M. F. ALLKN, Asst. Cashier. shier. Supplies C 0 No. 257 The Little Gas Heater With the Punch Only$1.50 4 ; CHILLY BiVmROOMS MADE COMFORTAiBLE; - Long Lane of Other Heaters v -' TIDE WATER POWER CO. 217-223 Princess Sfreet. Capital, Surplus and Profits. ....$ 230,000.00 Total Resources Over. . . . . . $2,600,000.00 Functions Checking Accounts Certifitates of Deposit Savings Fund Loans Investment Bonds Money for Travelers Corporate Trusts Personal Trusts Wills Custodian of Wills MiSCellaneOUS Trusts Consultation MILTON C ALDER, Vde Pretident. American and Facilities Accept accounts of individu als, corporations and firms. Special -Attention given to Commercial-accounts. Issues interest-bearing : , certifi cates of deposit, payable on de mand or at a specified time. Receives deposits from $1.00 up on savings funds and pays 1 per cent interest quarterly. Makes loans on acceptable se curity at legal interest rates. Always in the market for high grade, 'well rated Commercial Paper. Buys and sells investment bonds, providing customers with desirable investments at all times. Is equipped to buy and sell for customers' account any stocks and bonds. Relia ble information regarding se curities furnished free of charge. Issues Travelers Letters and Travelers Checks available in all parts of the world. Acts as Trustee under corpor ate mortgages. Acts as Executor Administra tor, Testamentary Trustee and Trustee .under agreement; Guardian of estates of infants; Committee of property of in competents; holds' and in vests principal of estates. -V Writes wills free of charge for any 1 person when the Trust Company is made the Execu tor, Trustee or Guardian. Retains in its Will Files the wills of any testator naming us Executor, Trustee or Agent free of all charge. Act.s as depository or agent of voting trustees ; npiaing secur ities or cash under escrow agreements. ' Call in and talk over any mat ter in which you are interested, or write us and we will advise you without Cost. Bank Service X- V r r- f. T ' -V.

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