THE WILMINGTON DISPATCBlIRSi 91 6. ' COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR ' II R If "5 EjFvw - . ' : , . ' ... . '. - . - 4- sh',-'-' at " .... villi nV Rnn klAll . I fhnif nnnum rvi- r naiihim nhjf i; H m m an v-B - B 1 r . t. T. "7 roao SANFORD, N. C. Trip Fare From' Wilmington $3.90. Tickets will be sold by the ATLAN-! (""(.Woi uima, tuo outuuaru xian f . . . - i 1 r t rl Oil Vn rtrri 1 Vnvpmhfir 1 2 ATlri 3 LimUn I irtl S fc LEAK until midniffht Of Ratnrrtav 5 in.-, - " I yl 4, 1916. i v-nmese Leaders Trvitify hai- 1 . .... ci ii-a Pai...!2.- r.-rvjf - I cheduies, tickets and any fur-,' cictuiiy or. fxep fiat' For tier i" formation call on to Work of The Youth in The Ital-' Steamer Howard's Boilers Put ianArmv Taken Seri- l Steam Into Fire : Box In ously. phone 160. T. C. WHITE, . i-eKmg, Oct. 26. Because of the! General Passenger Agent. late Yuan Shi.kai's esnrniai vvummgioruN. Ci.-Xneiantsr r-, . .. .uu imyuTLant part tnat religion, or philosop! effort' to restore the Headquarters of the Italian Army, stead of Chambers; I New ' Bern,. r-;': :C., Oct: 25.-rIf Bill, of steamboat and Mississippi levee board the steamer n.nOVC SUpetBoOUt lMiIlrtrera "r nflrt of the boUy. SAJFK " ..-1 i mi h: ,.,rf muni. w 4k iS f- TTru I ; ILJ Sendfoi rT. booklet f Pw. of Con- Oct. 28, That the Boy Scouts of Italv ir0 tovn . fame; had been on religion, or thilnnnfe ni,v, v 1 t A,l V . Howard yesterday morning wneri' she r-JL,.;' nil0o0phy' plaed m the day by the recent order of the Minis- stitp, . ftmi : -from -tfKW monarchy, ultra" ter .of ' War calling, upon them to do ' there is not the slightest" doubt but "Now is' the; time for all good Dem-' ocrats to come ' to the " aid of their party. Contribute to :the.; Wilson Cam-. paigttFund. . . v) $100 Reward. $100 ! Thd readers of tills paper tall be pleased to learn that tbere Is at least one dreaded disease "that science has been able to cure 1ft all Its eta? u, and titKt is catarrh. . tarrh being: greatly influcnvfcJ by constita tirral conditions requires constitutional treatment. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the-System thereby de stroying, the foundation of the disease, giv ing the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure thafcthey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list Oi testimonials. I PAoh SEVEN HiiiitiuitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiifiiuiitiinTiiinniiiituiiiiiiiiiiitniiif nut tuium I TRY A CAN j VOTAN COFFEE' 1 1 tb Can ... . . . . . . .35c I 3 Ib 'Can .... . . ... .$1.00 s A Coffee of Surpassing Flavor. f THOS. GROCERY CO. Inc. 1 4th and Campbell Sts. 1 Established 1888. Phone294 il!;illllll!illll!IJnilllllllllllllli:ili;il!llll!lll!IIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIH!l lllllllll Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Soiu 1 7 all Druggists. 75c. Sold r all T. L an J Decirtrnotrt Starf? Jogcphlne Kevre Col. SOU BT SAMFSON COUNTY FAIR At CLINTON. N. C. Round Trip hares rrom Wilmington Tickots will be sold as abovo by the au.m-mDGrs ot parliament re-sorvVno in 'th k that Would have steered for ?thR wauv msriR an itfnmnt r 'r -.-.v Mjuuiu u ' .- . . mcianicm abolished by legislation oi s other military capacities slc- the theory that such action would cording to their age. grant greater freedom of consciehce ! They were mobilized in the sajria Dhr Perpetuity of the re- manner as, grown-up soldiers, the var-pHoWard.s boilers' a short time after puDiic. : iona sections moving by train from! Bho i0ft iw nnrf anH instoaH nf nit. This sten cirousfid " """o""" w " t'"-1-'-' -'-' uvia.nijig si earn into me sieam-cnesL rnis or. tne motive power into the fire box. The shore as quickly as possible and 1 left that territory as soon as his feet could have gotten him safely away. Something, went wrong .with the I ""i."""110 si,;" muigiiaiion vdiiuus pomis in naiy to a cenxrai 'tjnf steam into j among the modern admirers of Confui- headquarters at a concentration camp necessary part c5s and called forth a. shower .of prc' to the north of Bologna. Here they I began to sizzle tests. Kang Yu-wei, tiie- distinguishwere reviewed by generals from the-! u scnoiar, who is among the , promT- front and assigned to various di nent publicists; whx oppose the', erad- visions, some 500 being sent as far ication of Confucianism, telegraphed south as Brinisi on the Adriatic sea, to the central government declaring ! wherp. 'th'ev "wpro ggainori Hiitv in ATLANTIC L(JAti l.iiMii., tne Stan-1 that the Confucian religion is dis- sections. Each section had its own jard Railroad of the South, for all pas-i tinctly the religion of China, and that 1 cooks, its own rations and its own sengcr trains on October 31 and No-' if it be rejected Chinese would be-, field equipment "What would be vember 1. 2 and 3. Limited returning j come like brutes. captain quickly turned the boat around and started back to New Bern and succeeded in reaching this port without any further mishap. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of The South EXCURSION FARES $335 Fayette vi lie, N. C. Account Cape Fear Fair. Tickets will t. sold October 24, 25, 2b and 27, limit ed returning until October 28, and in clude admission to Fair. $1.80Chadbourn, N. C. Account Columbus County Agricul tural and Educational Rally. Tickets The trouble was quickly remedied will be sold Friday, October 27, limited and a few hours later the boat con- returnine until midnieht of date of tinued on its voyage. That the swamps around Vance- ,nt!l miumgiu oi oaiuraay, XNOvemDer Proportionate excursion 'ares from ntormediate Point. Children v -Half Rate. While many of the boys have been' boro are the worst that he has eve'r sale. Special Train will leave 'Wil mington 7:30 a. m., arrive Chadbourn , 9:35 a. m. Returning leave Chadbourn ui me ituetb, ne asKea, 11 serving individually in their capacity . encountered and that it is his belief I 5: 09 n. m. for Wilmineton. they be not employed for the worship as Scouts since the war began, many that an illicit still could be operated! $30.55 Louisville, Ky. of Confucius " ' ' of the older ones even having sue- with little probability of detection ! Account General Grand Chapter, Or- Premier Tuan Chi-jni-repried that ceeded in being enlisted in the regu-j every fifteen feet, is the opinion of j der of the Eastern - Star. Tickets will the public has great reverence for ' lar armj- with the consent of ' their , Mr. R. P. Harris, who is connected be sold October 29 and 30, limited re turning until November 5. $2.40 Clinton, N. C. 'Account Sampson County Fair. Tickets M JILflfilTlIC COAST LOME Effective Sept 11, Arrivals and Departures of Trains at Wilmington, lyl6. Time Not Guaranteed. WEPAftTUBKt No. 0. X:40 A. M. Dally Except Sunday. No. 64. 0:15 A. M. Mon., Wed. and Friday Only. No. 51. Dally. Gi30 A. M. TO AND 1TB OBI ARRIVALS I 'foMshoro. Ulcbtcond, Norfolk and Eastern North Carolina points. Connects at Golda boro .with Sonthern Railway at NarfoU 8nuthfm Railroad. No. 91. H15 A. M. Daily Except Monday. J No. 65. Jacksonville. Hv Bert and ltdlaU J 0:15 P. M. ut.Mn. Mon.. Wed. and , r "l U Uiy W1LI1 I l-oriuiuici f u""a. ouuiet, voniucius, out tnat this reverence is parents, this was the first occasion r.with the Internal Revenue Depart- tickets, etc.. can an the hearts of the public and that the' entire bodv had been officially ment at Raleigh, and who has been T. C. WHITE, it is no longer necessary, for them to mobilized:' The reports on their use- down in this section of the State dur General Passenger Agent. prostrate their body'on the ground to fulness and conduct received recentlv ine the Dast few days assisting in Phone 160. Wilmington, N. C. t show their respect for China's, great at. th nnHnnal hpadnnartpro in ! runnine- down blockaders. sage. Rome indicate that they1 met their Aeern -r. i In oE the efforts of politicians first trial efficiently. Three division MEDICAL ASSOCIATION to keep religion out of the political generals wrote letters of commenda- a-t. amVa r-A ( turmoil in China, various religious tion, stating that they had been ATLANTA, GA. . Agitators have been able to Intensify Rtmrv nrtiVnariv lw th armino- Nov 18. Dally. 8:40 A. M. N. 53. Dally. : 45 A. M. Round Trip republic. China has no State religion, hardships. Fare From Wilmington the internal troubles of the Chinese $18.35 Tickets will be sold at Atlanta as above by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Standard Railroad b? ine South. NOVEMBER 12, 13 and 14. will be sold October 31 and November ' 1. 2 and 3. limited returning until No- Mr. Harris, who is a son of Editor! vember 4. Wade Harris, of Charlotte Observer fame, was removed to North Carolina $3.90 Sanford, N. C. Account Lee County Agricultural Fair. from Colorado and he likes the j Tickets will be sold November 1, 2 and manner in which the lads bore camp even Shi-kai did not show preference for any particular'" religion. Confu cian teachers, Buddhist, Taoist and Lama priests - all enjoyed his patron age. Representatives of many re- Limited returning until midnight of ligions participated ' in his funeral. November 19, 1916. Proportionate fares from all stations on the A. C. L. For further information, schedules, sleeping car accommodations, etc., call on T. c-WHITE, Gen. Freight and Pass. Agt. Wilmington, N. C The Boy Scouts' movement in Italy differs from that in the United States in the respect that it is organized under the rules of and controlled by the War Department. Its watchword is "Be Prepared." While its object Since the death of Yuan Shi-kai, in peace ig primarily to make cheerful Confucianism has continued to be a ruth-telling, many lads out of adven great favor in Peking, but its adher turous boys frequently labelled as ents deny firmly that the revival has bad they are trained along military anything to do with the monarchial lineg under regular army officers. One movpmpnt. President Li Yuan-hung, . . A. A I ui iue auvaiaages ui mis nuy ocuul who is a Christian, recently delegat- ' . .,. , . . Phone :60. cd one of his under-secretares to rep-1 nT1p nth . t . nff h . . ., itary service of the member. The Scouts, whose name in Italian is Esploratori (Explorers) have a code of honor to follow as high as that of any army. It is called the "Deca logue," the first law of which is this: change, too, but he is not anxious to spend several days in the Vanceboro section again; at least not" right away. Mr. Harris is spending the week here attending Federal Court. S ANTE FEAR ROAD IS PROSPEROUS resent him officially at a Confucian notice of sale of stock PLEDGED. ccremony in the teniple where Yuan r.Y VIuTl'K OF AUTHORITY in a note i n,innfiH canted by C. E. Greenamyer to the un- luimcnj nyicu.u. figneil. ami dated November 2o, 1914, for sj.ri.W. default havmc Tjeeu made In tb1 lavment ot said note the undersigned will sell by public sale to tne highest bid- iwt. ifT casn. at tne court House door in A . , ....' .u a New Hanover County, on Friday, October Mmmai im 27. low at twelve o'clock noon, twenty- Many and Fine. MENAGERIE A FEATURE. Circus Topeka, Kan., Oct. 26; The big gest year's business in the history of the company is to be reported to the stockholders of the Atchison, Topeka &' Santa Fe Railway, who gathered in this city today to transact the busi ness of their twenty-first anniial meet ing. The acquisition of two short lines of road, one in California and one ' in Texas, and the lease of the 'Dodge City and Cimarron Valley road between Dodge and Elkhart, Kan., are to be ratified at the meeting. Four directors are also to be elected 3, limited returning until November 4. $18.35 Atlanta, Ga. Account Southern Medical Association. Tickets will be sold November 12, 13 and 14 limited returning until Novem ber 19. $38.10 New Orleans, la. Account National Farm and Live Stock Show. Tickets will be sold Nov. 10 to 18, inclusive, limited returning until Nov. 21. PROPORTIONATE -AKES FROM OTHER POINTS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, "The Standard Railroad of the Sooth." W. J. CRAIG. P. T. M. No. 62. Now Daily 8:35 P. M. No. 55. Dally. 8:45 P. V. No. 59. Tuea., Thur. and Sat. nly 6:80 P. M. No. 42. Daily. 6:45 P. M. Chadbourn. Conway. Florence, Charleston. Savannah, Jacksonville. Tampa tit. Asheville, Pullman Sleeping Car ttwoDi Vvllmlngton and, Columbia, open ,to re ceive outbound passengers at WflmlBg ton at and after 10 KM) P. M. and may oe occupied, lnbond until 7 :00 A. M. Oolrtsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Waah lngon. Parlor Cars between Wilmington ana Norfolk connecting at Rocky Mount with New York trains having Pullman Service, Solid tralfl between Wilmington and Mt. Airy via Fayetteville and Sanford. Jacksonville, New Bern and Intrmdlt stations. Friday Only. No, 5. Dally. lt:20 A. M. Chadbourn, Florence. Columbia, August, Atlanta and the West. Char'seton Sa vannah and all Florida Points. All Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilming ton and Atlanta, via Augusta. Sleeping Cars daily between Florence and Colum bia, which may be occupied at Colum bia until 7:00 A. M. Fayetteville anfl Intermediate StatleaV No. 49 Dally. 0:05 P. M. No. 52 Daily. 8:00 P. M. No. 63. Dally 12:50 P. M. No. 54 Dally 13:50 P. M. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washington, and New York, Pullman Broier, Kt-Jet Sleeping Cars, between Wilmington anJ Washington, connecting with New Yor trains carrying dining cars: also Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. No. 60. Tues.. Tburs., and Sat., Only 10:15 A. At. Dally. - No. 4L Daily 0:50 A. M. raiflfft'.-n Bem-h Corporation of the par A vast number'OfM rcus-gderis rush'. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Effective Monday September 11th, 1916 Southern Railway announces the present Winston-Salem Beaufort- i j Moorehead City Pullman Sleeping i Car line will be shortened to Winston- i For Folder, Reservations, rates of fares, etc., call 'Phone 1C0. W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington. N. C. r "The word of honor of a Scout is sac red.". Another law of this Deealoeue tv. rAfn.:n,U,n tni 'bvn;rn a-ra i--ftri!4wr ferirf ntipnsV tnach .i r ,tf nnBftd.r Salem Goldsboro Punman bleeping yaiur t,f si.fl.oo per share, represented by tnom,n tno mtifteer!ft - with scarcely nfhor t aii vot T l Car line. This car will leave Winston- uninrai" or sam corporation. - . , , ' o-. , j nun. iuej- die uuw4iu o. ociwuiu, 0, o.ra . T'Mff,! rhU Xei-tmtli Hnv nf Ortrhfr 1Q1fi , o Innlr at tho nnlmalS: intent Oil eett- i-rfVoi ic imnHoU rvviRTiE of 'authority in a Tnote ! inS into the "blff-top." or imtm tent, officers and to parents. The last law . Pittsburgh; Homer A. Stilwell, of Chi- pm iitei by C. E. Greenamrer to me. and ! in nrHor tn "cfit. a seat." as they say. hut nno rpnin'rpa thp Srnnt tn ho RrhAr Anmir r Tnnaa -f ivtn-. .aremt5er f. iyi4. default navincr . . . . . . . I Sail! note. 1 I 1 tuwut, v, m..-ww icuiyciaLC aun oc iug iTtiii itio uiuugj. . 11 a. I LI , XYclIl. i.mnv in tue payment oi saiu noie, x ".n u yii piie saw 10 me nijrnesi dici- in "i-i. i"r casn. ;it tne court tiouse Door in the main tent, one might better ( Although the war has increased the j x-n- Haii.ivt-'r CouiitT on Friday, October i view the exhibits in the menagerie at ( popularity of the Scouts, it was not piDCT WOMAN TO lMo at twelve o'clock noon twenty- iength. But in John Robinson's Ten needed to give impetus to the organi-l ArVrvnw r-n r- tivp sharps of the capital stock of the Wil- " wn. ..n tt.h APPl .Y FOR P As in the United ui- uars or mo capital siock or roe vu- 1 . , .... , wil . minimi f,p; i, comAr.ition of the nr value ! Big Shows, which will appear in wil- zation among boys ; mmgton, Monday, November b, arter- states, it has many physical attrac- noon ana evening-, one can lr.g uuc o tions wnicn enaear it to tne Doy neart. i APPLY FOR PENSION "f Jlm'i.fO per sharp, represented by Certifl "at"- .o. ;i nf s.mkI nrnnrnnnn. IVitp.l this Seventh dav of October. 1916 V li-.'l- Ji;. Wlr It: COOPER. REGULAR? DINNER TWENTY-FI VE GENTS NEW YORK CAFEl .f 4' Oscar P. PecK, ' " WOOD. I Telephone 341. 4 pine, Oak, Mixed Wood. Dry Kiln PA r Lrc cuu. aii j Ac A Mill Woods. PROMPT DELIVERY. H f 4. A A X X i Newarlf, O., Oct. 26. Mrs. Mary A. Itime inspecting the peerless zoological Aside from the social life, the weekly I Lovejoy, who is the first woman in department, resting' assured that a excursions, and other sporting fea united otiiico tu d.ppiy ij . yen- good seat is avairaMe in the big tent, ' tures. common in the United States. slon under the new Ashbrook pen the seating capacity of Which is said the Italian Scout on entering is as- sion law- celebrated her 100th birth to be Hve'thousaird:-- signed to a certain class, and accord-1 da anniversary today at her home in The time J expended in observing the ing to this assignment he becomes a : ia c .y, splendid specimens of animal life dis- Scout wireless boy, a Scout mechanic, played in the modern circus menag-1 a Scout aeronaut, an interpreter, a erie !'is ; returned a thousand "fold in guide) a musician, a cyclist, and so the grarid fVi educational'" lessons in on through a host of military special zoology. In thi' menagerie may be ties. There are two great divisions seen the best specimens' Of every spe- of ' the Scouts, a land Scout and a wa cies of aninisil'tife extant. ter Seout, since in the seaport cities The circus menagerie is a great ed- an effort Is made to train the boj's for ucational factor, doing more to seafaring life. Huge rooms in the instruct young America in the matter armories and arsenals of the army sent and arrive GoHsboro following i morning, returning car will leave Goldsboro 10:35 P. M., arriving Winston-Salem follow Ing morning. Present Greensboro-Raleigh Pull man Sleeping .Car line will continue to operate. JFot full details, reservations, etc., address, J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. The Southern Serves the South. Mrs. Love joy was born at Frederick, Md., Oct. 26, 1916, and has been a resident of this section for nearly 70 "years. She retains posses sion of her faculties to a remarkable degree and is able to read 'the news papers without the aid of spectacles. PANAMA HAS NEW SEAPORT Washington, Oct. 26 The republic of zoology than all the country's text an( navy "are placed at their disposal,) of Panama has opened a new port on books on the subject. . such rooms being all their own. j the Atlantic coast, about 80 miles So remember these facts when you Only boys of twelve years or over from Colon, and begun construction attend the circus and make a careful are permitte'd to ' carry the title of of a government building there. The inspection :.of the. menagens When you want stationery of Quality, of individuality come to us. We have the Keith line 30-35-50- cents. :i Combinations, $2.50. ;.' Delivered Anywhere' in trie City. Fountain Syringes, 75-$ 1 .00-$ t .2$$1'.50. Hot Water Bottles, $ 1 .00 to $ 1 .50. THE PAYNE DRUG COMPANY 5th and Red Cross Streets. Phone 520. Scout, boys between the ages of nine port is named Mandinga and is lo- and twelve bein enterd "as Scout Npv- ' cated on Mandinga bay in the Gulf of ices. In order that the organization Sah Bias. It has an excellent har may riot be limited to wealthy boys, bor with deep water and is only a the yearly dues are liriiited" to sixty) short distance from important Man cents, with the government paying gahese ore mines owned by an Ameri for the more expensive equipment, j ean syndicate!. Nearby is the site of The color of the uniform of the Ital-,' a town to be named Nicuesa to be Ian Scout differs from that worn in . deevloped under a government con ths United States, England or France, cession granted to an American who The blouse is sand-colored, like that , has long resided ' in Colon. worn by Italian soldiers of the Afri- 1 : . can army regiments, while the pants j When on military duty, Sc'duts are of the greyrgreen shade worn by wear on the left arm a cloth' band, the. Italian army proper now fighting striped with the national colors of in the Alps. The hat is of the typical green, white and red, like all soldiers American .cowboy pattern. . ;,. on duty, but not serving under arm?. To New York and Georgetown,S. C. NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. S. S. Huron Friday, Oct. 27th S. S. Cherokee ..Monday, Nov. 6th WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. S. S. Huron Monday, Oct. 30th S. S. Cherokee Thursday, Nov. 9th WILMINGTON TO NEW YOtlK. S. S. Huron Friday, Nov. 3rd S. S. Cherokee Sunday, Nov. 13th Both steamers carry first class pas sengers. Freight accepted from and for near by North Carolina points at advantage ous rates. CLYDE TF A.M. SHIP CO., C. J. BECKER, Agent. Wilmington. N. C. In Effect October 9, 1916. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLE, WRIGHTS- VILLE BEACH And Intermediate Points EASTBOUND Leave Klectric Center for Winter Park 6:30 A. M. 6:50 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. xl :00 P. M. 1:10 P. M. ?1:55 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:00 P. M. 3:30 P. M. ?4:10 P, M. 4:30 P. M. ?4 :50 P. M.- 5:30 P. M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 9 :15 P. M. 30:15 P. M. 11 :15 P. M. I,eaT Electric Center for Wrishtsville 6 :30 A. M. 6:50 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8 :30 A. M. 10 :00 A. M. 11 :30 A. M. xl :00 P. M. 1:10 I. M. ?1:55 P. M. 2:30 P. L 3:00 P. M. 4:30 P. M. 5 ":30 P." Vi. 6:10 P. jM. 6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. S :15 P. M. 9 :15 P. M. 10:15 P. M. 11:15 P. U. Electric Center for Beacb 6:30 A. M. x6:50 A. M. 8 :30 A. M. 10 :00 A. M. 11 :30 A. M. xl:00 P. M. zl:10 P. M. 3:00 P. M. 4 :30 P. M. zG:40 P." M". "9:15 P." M. 11:15 P." M. WESTBOUND Leave Winter Park for Wilmington 6:26 A. M. 7:31 A. M. 8:01 A. M. 8:41 A. M. 9:36 A. M. xl0:31 A. M. 11:0T A. M. 12:36 P. M. x2:0C P. M. 2 :01 P. M. ?2 :36- P. M. ?3:11 P. M. : ?3 :50 P. M. 4:06 P. Af. I ?4:30 P. M. ?5:10 P. M. . . 5:36 P. M. ' 6 :11 P. M. 6:51 P. M. 7:31 P. M. 8:06 P. Ai. 8:56 P. M. 10:21 P. M. 10:56 P. Ai. 12:21 A. M. WrlghtSTille for Wilmington 6:15 A. AI. 7:20 A. AI. 7:50 A. AI. 8:30 A. AI. 9:25 A. M. xl0:20 A. AI. 10:55 A. AI. 12:25 P. M. xl:55 P. M. 1 :50 P. M. ?2:25 P. M. ?3:00 P. M. 3:55 P. Ai. 5:25 P. AI.' 6:00 P. AI. 6:40 P. AI. 7:20 1. M. 7:55 P. AI. 8:45 P. M. 10:10 P. M. 10:45 T. Af. 12:10 A. AI. Leave Beacb for Wilmington 7:40 A. AI. 9:15 A. AI. 10:45 A. M. 12:15 P. M. xl :45 P. AI. !1 :45 P. Ai. 3:45 P. Af. 0:15 P. AI !7 :Vr 1 M. ii':()0 P.'m! l'2:00 AI.' V SPECIALS FOR SUNDAYS Leave Front and Princess treets every half hour from 2:00 to 5:00 P. AI. Leave Beach every, half hour from 2:45 to 5:45 P. AI. Drily except Sundays. xSundaya only. ?Superseded by half hour cars Sunday afternoons. zDoes not go beyond Station No. 3. ! Leaves from Station No. 3. FREIGHT SCHEDULE (Daily Except Sunday) Leaves 9th and Orange Streets, 3:30 P. AI. . eight Oepot open from" 2:30 to 3:30 P. Rl Jerry On The Job: Y m Ga Sm YourseM Tim It Was Some Typewriter SS wSS?o SM ' lwtroiDwite ImWh JrjA vl sack ommiYm(TJ ..ri II inn I -l III ll l: . vie ii .1 Hi ? '' n M v i . !1 iiT . -ri i i: i 1. 1; J' '0 ,'i it ! '.i r mi ('I i; I a I ? 1 1. : 1 I1' r