TEE WEATHER FORECAST;, S - - it V-' t" . - Fair tonight and Wednesday Mod erate temperature. Fresh northeast FINAL EDITION 'A i it,'.1!' wi inds. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN WILMINGTON VOL. XXII. NO. 298. if H WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAYPlrTTiRNOON, NOVEMBER 7, 1916. 9 PRICE 5 CENTS Wilson Cheered by Princeton Students at The Polls Hughes Says "Good Re publican Day" ONE VOTED IN LAUNDRY OTHER IN FIRE HOUSE Each PrepareHis Ballot With Care and Then Returned Home President Will Go Golfing This Afternoon. Princeton, N. J., Nov. 7. President Wilson voted here today, casting hig ballot at 0 o'clock. He motored froin Shadow Lawn, which he left shortly after 7 o'clock. The President cast the 50th ballot in the precinct. He., voted In the old lire engine -house, time he became Princeton University, be has recorded j, his choice on election day. Because! oi the length of the ballot it took Mr. Wilson several minutes to mark :t. In f.ddition to the presidential elec tion he also voted for the state of ficers. The President was accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and when they arrived they were greeted, by crowds of Princeton students and professors. At the entrance to the Princeton campus a drummer stood awaiting the President's coming and as the auto mobile drove up the drummer beat a tattoo. Almost instantly large bodies of students appeared. They swarm ed over the campus and rushed to the I voting place and as Mr. Wilson arriv-J' ed the Princeton yell went up with a resounding "Wilson, Wilson, Wilson," at the end. While therrFresident was in the :i ium massea m nie Hiretjis ouisiue. r They cheered continuously, while a large corps of moving picture men and photographers took up positions of vantage. A small opening in the window enabled the students to peer inside the engine house and they pushed and jostled for a glimpse ofj the rresident. Mjrs. Wilson sat m i is the automobile and laughed at the crowd. When th9 President emerged the students cheered and called "speech, speech, speech," but the President shook his head. He greeted several in the crowd by name. The President started for Long Branch at 9:30 o'clock. He planned to spend the. re mainder of the day rebdng and mg golf. He will receive the returns over the telephone from Secretary "T-umnity. Vhen Hughes Voted. Xew York, Nov. 7. Charles Evans Hughes cast his vote this morning at 7: or, o'clock in a small laundry at "16 Eighth Avenue, almost directly l'ack of the hotel where he has made his headquarters. His ballot" was the 13th cast. When his attention was called to that the Republican nominee! said: "Thirteen is my lucky number. I was born on Friday, too." Mr. Hughes went to the polls be fore breakfast and when he saw the weather conditions he remarked: "It looks like a good Republican day." The candidate was at once recog nized by a few persons who shouted greetings. A smal) crowd of news paper photographers were also on lldllfl to greet him. Two extra police-' men had been added to the two requir-.other . y iaw- As the candidate left the polls theii uQ on witnpsspd. hut con- umookers were startled by the noise . f a taxi-cab backfiring Half a policemen jumped in that direction icemen jumped in that direction 'pped when Mr. Hughes 1rv , . JOinten tn thf Vionvv smnlrfi behind the stalled automobile. l'r. Hughes was handed a ballot t 'M o clock. When he had emerged frrm u me room ne had taken two mm- tes to record his choice. He walked ack to his hotel, accompanied by the ovd and went immediatelv to his room He eXDectS tO naSS the dav!AS (Wietly at his hotel - r t SUBMARINE GETS INTO A HOT DUEL Home, Nov. 6 (Via Paris, Nov. 7.)! nn Austrian submarine and an Ital- an destroyer were sunk in a duel on October 16, according to an official yatement issued by the admiralty to day. ( The submarine had attacked a ransport that was being accompan- iH" by the destroyer. people wave srarjJE m am evendrhbs stud usersd AiFTEnsrjiUHiDR) ''paper - mats wjbqv annvEixviisnrjasPAys fP'l TO Conductor Insisted That Mar- shall Remove Jegro Pris oners to Jim Crow Car. Raleigh, Nov. 7. Deputy Marshal "W. T. Woodley, who took seven Fed eral prisoners to Atlanta last week, returned yesterday minus a fine story that he came near creating as a pas senger on the Coast Line. That railroad has issued notices to officers who transport iind guard pris oners that the Jim Crow car laws must be obeyed and when Mr. Wood- WANTED DIVIDE RAGES where from the ley, with four white and three col connected, with ,rel prisoners, sat down in the white compartment, he was asked to move into the' realm of Jim Crow. - I ine jcouauctor insisted tnat he vculd have to place "his colored pris oners in the car reserved for the col ored people and Mr. Woodley de clined to go. The deputy marshal has recently received his law license and was up on the latest Supreme Court opinions. And that opinion finds that the law separating the races does not apply to officers who guard prisoners. Mr. Woodley caused; the conductor to subside when the deputy warned him of his danger. "If you make these negro prisoners go into the ne gro car and they escape, you will be liable for conspiracy in aiding their escar ' Woodley said. The captain" dm not care to buov 'the Federal courts The Charlotte Electric Imposition Incorporated, an organization with r "T- r7 z: I rects oi electricity, Jr. 'i ayior, K. H. Westbrook and W. H. Peeps, of Charlotte, are the incorporators. Parker Anderson has been hearten- T-V J. 1 A 1 i .ir, I ing in a, ay -A ueiiiuura.L imviy ijji mo prophesies of Wilson's re-election. The Anderson stories have been much discussed. That news purveyor dmittedly in position to hear the best and the worst. Many Democrats have been very blue. Their bones carried Wilson defeat, but Anderson has cheered them up. The Washing ton correspondent's unequivocal dec larations have been very gratifying to Democrats who had not understood that he is by any means a Wilson partisan, but a newspaper man inter- play-lasted first in accuracy The local Democrats expect him here today to vote. They may screw their courage to the 10 to 7 sticking point, Republicans offering those odds in some Raleigh places still. RURAL SOCIETY HELD ANNIVERSARY Buenos Aires, Argentine, Nov. 7. tvio ArfrPTitinp. Rural Societv celebrat- ed lt8 fiftieth anniversary with the recent annual cattle show rt Palermo, which was favored by fine weather and good prices. For the first time American citizens acted as judges of the blood stock shown. The short horn bull "Campbro" bred in this country by Senor Pedro T. Page, was given the championship, but the ani mal was not placed on sale, the own er choosing to retain it for stud pur poses. The reserve champion, Durham, was iannaoA f for $50,000 nanser and an- animal cf the same category 'hrnnirM S55.000. More sensational' fliHftrlT1fi. sent conditions the recent doz-!show gave decisive proof of the Re - j puDli's financial stability and conft- smil-jdence in tne futUre of the grazing in- dustry. ASSOCIATION ELECTS. Min;sters Name Officers to Serve Dur- jng the Ensuing Year, At the regul?ir weekly meeting of , i j i I.. fnllnnrinir rm. l r ri ri u ii vMviri iiav. i.urj .jm.a. j tt w cers were elected to serve during the ensuing year: Rev. W. M. Baker, pres ident; Rev. J.-' E. Reynolds, vice-president; Secretary, J. B. Huntington, of the Y. M. C. A., secretary and treas urer. Among the matters discussed were plans for "Go To Church Month," whiVh is to be observed here, also the general good attendance at the Sunday schools of the city at pres- meeting, exposure wmie ue taiKu ent. It was stated that the ' religious to the crowd with bared head is be census now being taken would be com- lleved to have brought on the fatal niofod hv the next meeting.- vwv mj j pietea oy me uet meonus.- "i"v"'"' j . t ( - GOOD ELECTION WEATHER. Washington, Nov. 7. General- ly fair weather prevailed in al- most all parts of the country to- day, the weather bureau an- nounced, ejteept the extreme upper Mississippi Valley, where light local rains are falling and in western Colorado, where ' snow is falling:. it was unusually warm for, t TnZ Tar inmay? I sections and nowhere was the! weather unpleasant. DOTH CONFIDENT OF A VICTORY McCormick and Willcox Both Declare They Are Certain of Victory. Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 7. Vance C. McCormicki chairman of the Demo cratic "'Natjpnal' Committee, was the 94th man to vote in his precinct to day. He went to the polls with his brother and afterwards said: "I am just as confident as ever of a Democratic victory." "After election," he added, "I be lieve tnat we will find a united peo ple supporting, the President for an other four years." Chairman McCormick returned to National headquarters late today. Willcox Says Republican. New York, Nov. 7. "The fight is won. We have Republican weather," said Chairman Willcox at noon, after hearing the report of the progress of voting from all over the country. He declared the returns at New Ashford, Mass., were indicative of the whole country. Vance C. McCormick, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, bad not returned from Harrisburg, but officials in charge reported that indications were toward "a strong drift for Wilson." commenting on New Ashford, Henry Morgenthau, chairman of the Democratic Finance Committee,, said: , " We . don't judge by pin pricks. J We .me -country, -t EACH SIRE PLEASED AT EAIR WEATHER Expect "Silent Vote" to De cide The Battle Both Nat. Chairmen On The Job. New York, Nov. 7. Gratification was expressed by both Republican and Democratic National headquar ters at the fair weather for election day and it was expected to bring out a great number of voters. It has been claimed by both parties that the outcome would be greatly influ enced by the "silent vote" and it is believed that the fair weather will bring this class out in large numbers. Chairman Willcox, of the Republi can National Committee, was at his desk '. early today receiving telegrapt reports from all over the country relative to the early activity of the electorate in coming out to vote. Chairman McCormick, of the Demo cratic National Committee, was at his home in Harrisburg, Pa., today, where he had gone to cast his vote. He expects to be at his desk at Dem ocratic headquarters later in the day. REPORT CONFIRMED OF HITTING OF SHIP London, Nov. 7. A claim that two dreadnaughts were hit by a British submarine, which yesterday reported launching a torpedo at and striking a German dreadnaught in the North Sea Is confirmed, in a further report from the commander of the subma rine, it was officially announced to day. 'Jlie two dreadnaughts claimed to have been battleships of the Kaiser REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE DIES OF PNEUMONIA Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 7. S. R. Burton, Republican candidate for Congress from Nebraska, died here today of acute pneumonia. Mr. Burton was running for Con gress against Ashton C. Shallenber ger, of the fifth district. Mr. Barton closed the campaign in this, his home, city, last night, in an open-air illness The JJmatch Eieetimt Returns Tonight As result ofLZiref ul preparation and elaborate and costly! arrangements, The Dispatch has perfected a system whereby' it will provide the people of Wilmington tonight with the latest, i most complete and most authentic election news, fresh off the wire. The Dispatch has arranged, first, to flash the news so that people down-street may see it. Arrangements have been i ,r r ii . . . J .. . .. .-. , v.j made wnereoy me latest election bulletins will De nasnea on a big screen on Princess street side of the large Shrier and .Solo-. mon building, at Front and Princess streets. v Everything has been arranged so that just as the news comes off the wire it will ; be flashed on the screen by experts engaged especially for thei' occasion. This service will include that of a leased news wire and the Postal Telegraph Company's bulletin service, which will be provided Ijy special wire. J ; So every one is given a cordial invitation to be present to-; night at Front and Princess streets to watch The Dispatch' . i! i. in i . ,1 j n ci ' bulletins. It will be a sight worth seeing and will appease the curiosity. The Service will begin as SOOn after 6 o'clock as there is anything worth telling. The Dispatch ha also made arrangements. to send the tid-j ings to every home in Wilmington that desires the latest news, An operator, who understands the election situation, will be . . , l . 11 - n mil .! kept at phone 1 76 to answer all inquiries. He will have at his hand a special telegraph wire, which will provide him with the . freshest new. So if vou can't watch the stereonticon bulletins. phone The Dispatch office. No , . " call it will be a pleasure to serve And tomorrow morning The Dispatch will issue a special Election Edition, which will carry the complete news of the re sult, with all sidelights. This all Dispatch subscribers, both will be sold on the streets. There has never been a Presidential election as interesting, as important, as exciting a the one today, and The Dispatch intends to bend every energy and all efforts to rise to the occa- sion and provide the public with complete news of the event. SOLDIERS ON THE Troopers From Several States AIloejoiTheu: BaK Jots Today. El Paso, Texas, Nov. 7. One huri dred thousand officers and soldiers of the National Guard of Pennsylvania and a small contingent of Massachu- setts guardsmen, now on duty, are casting their ballots on the presiden tial, congressional and state tickets at their camps at El Paso. Election commissions are here from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts to supervise the voting. Voting Elsewhere. Dallas, Texas, Nov. 7. Troops on the border voting today were those from Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin. Guardsmen coming from South Da kota, New York, Virginia and Kansas I.ave cast their ballots and they have been sealed, stamped and sent home to be counted. Berlin Claims. The English Were Beaten Back Activ ity In Lake Region. London, Nov. 7. Gains by the Brit ish troops on the Somme front last night were announced by the war of fice today. Activity in Lake Region. Paris (Via London), Nov. 7. Con siderable activity to the east of the Lake Presba region toward the west ern end of the Macedonian front1 is reported by the war office today. A Bulgarian counter-attack in the re gion of the town of German was re pulsed. Elsewhere in this section there was moderate artillery activity. British Beaten Back. Berlin (Via Sayville), Nov. 7. On the Somme front the British made an attack -near Eaucourt L'Abbaye, but were immediately beaten back, the war office announced today. FIRST PRECINCT HEARD FROM IS FOR HUGHES. Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 7. New Ash ford, the smallest town in the State, has the distinction to make the first election returns today. - The polls closed at 10 "o'clock and the count stood: Hughes 16, Wilson 7. In 1912 New Ashford gave Wilson 4. Taft r and Roosevelt 6. BORDER VOTING BRITISH GAIN MORE ON SOAAME WUl Bm$h I ' matter how many times you you. special edition will be sent free to in and out of Wilmington, and' "UU1U the quickest returns and most KILLER A NEGRO Coroner's Jury Finds That the $lting5 Protect Life. V New Bern, Nov. 7. Information reached New Bern this morning to the effect that James Banks, colored an employe on the Simmons farm in Jones county, was shot and in stantly killed late yesterday after noon near Ravenwood station by Mr. Robert Ross, a white farmer of that section. According to accounts of the affair reaching New Bern, Banks had been cursing Mr. Ross and was advancing on him with one hand tn his pocket when the latter opened fire on him with a revolver and killed him almost Instant!., A coroner's jury was immediately empanelled and after making a search of the dead man's clothes they found a revolver in one of the pockets of his trousers, in the very pbeket in which he had his hand when ad vancing on Mr. Ross. After investigating the affair they rendered a verdict exonerating Mr. Ross, stating that it was their opin ion that he shot in order to save his own life. The little town of Bridgeton, just across Neuse river from New Bern and which contains about 600 inhab itants, has had a remarkable health record during the past year and rec ords show that there has not been a single death in the town within the past twelve months. The citizens of Bridgeton are stick lers on the health question and they leave no stone unturned that tends to conserve the-health of its resi dents. So far as is known, Bridgeton is the only town in the State that can boast of a record identical with that mentioned above. HERE THIS EVENING. Dr. George Stuart Will Speak at the Boys' Brigade Armory. "Lopsided Folks" will be the theme discussed by Dr. George R. Stuart this evening at 8 o'clock at the Boys' Brigade Armory and it is hoped that a big crowd will attend. Dr. Stuart is speaking here under the auspices of the Fifth Avenue Epworth League. Dr. Stuart is one of the best known evangelists of the South and is com mended to the public by such men as Rev. H. S. 'McArthur, J. Wilbur Chapman and Sam P. Jones. At pres ent he is pastor of one of the largest Methodist churches in Birmingham, Ala. In speaking of Dr. Stuart the Charlote Observer congratulates Wil mington on her good fortune In heav ing Dr. Stuart here and adds that Charlotte has been waiting a long! time to welcome the minister to the Queen City a second- time. I SLOW PUNTER CONCEDED WILSON WILL CARRY N. I UlTr TODAY p1lf c- c ivyi . t "n,,,??6 RntS n Uoubt Both Oldes Claim- R i i DEMOCRATS SAY ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND But Republicans Dispute This Claim For New Yorjc City, Heavy Vote Before Noon, . , New York, Nov. 7. Clear skies and moderate weather promised to bring out heavy voting in New York thich last year m'm votes WTheCcYty. both parties concede, win. as usual, go Democratic, and the ?"estin is in tne size or ihe l"T&- lty- Tne Democrats claim 100,000 majority, while the Republicans claim that the Democratic majority win not be 70 000 at most r ijuui omes uiaiixi di iiumju, wuere , politics in the past years have been J stronger than any other borough in n4U :j. t- 1-1 l the-cit Long before the polls opened in some sections men were in line wait- ing to cast their ballot and predlc- tions were tnat the greater part LOOKS LIKE KANSAS IS But Wilson Running Strong in The Normally Republican State. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 7. The first election returns from Kansas report- give Hughes 1,389 votes and Wifson 974. The 'city city is "normally Re publican. Close Running. Kansas City, Kan., Nov. 7. In re ports given out at noon by the elec tion judges 9 out .of 108 precincts of Wyandotte county, Kansas, including Kansas City, gave Hughes 378 and Wilson 329. SAY STEAMER IS Consulate and Master Knew Nothing of Transfer of Ship's Registry. London, Nov. 7. No transfer of the steamship, Lanao, sunk by a subma rine on October 28, has been regis tered at the American consulate here, I HUGHES AN AMERICAN it was said at the consulate today, two poUn(i8 Qf 8nip rat hair, paint a in reference to advices from the i roan horse. with the composition, and United States reporting the transfer ( then you wIn understand why the Aus of the vessel from American to for- trian8 cant see the Italian soldiers In eign registry. Captain Knows Nothing Of It. Cardiff, Wales (Via London), Nov. 7. The captain of the steamer Lanao, , sunk by a German submarine, said today that he knew nothing of the , , l sale of the Lanao to a Norwegian firm. He was acting on the assump tion that the Lanao was still of Phil ippine registry and entitled to fly the American flag. Captain Mainland said it had been a question for a long time whether j .mocnln nnlai- 7Vi i 1 inni n o rppistrv WPTP entitled to sail under the American Pen in o fl well in the rains and muds and among "Many owners of vessels have been , the trees of the mountains. fined by the United States government! wvrr DCIMP for flying the American flag, but a re-iLAKVafc, VUlt DE.11NL cent decision gives them the right to i CAST IN LUMBERTON. display the American colors." The captain saved the ship's papers and brought them to Cardiff with him. They show the Manila registry and that he was entitled to sail under the American flag. Captain Mainland said that he did i not protest to the submarine com mander against sinking his ship on ac count of her registry. Neither did he lodge a protest with the American consul. The consul has sent cable message to the State Department giv ing the facts regarding the isnking of the Lanao and is forwarding the state ment of the captain to the chief office by mail. A HEAVY VOTE IS : BEING CAST IN THE COUNTRY TODAY Fair Weather Brings Out Big Early Vote Causing Much Concern. WHEN RETURNS BE KNOWN IN DOUBT Entrance of Women Voters Complex The Situation First Blood For Hughes. New York, Nov. 7. Generally fair weather throughout the country ex cept in the upper Mississippi valley and in western Colorado, accompan ied by agreeable temperature, brought out voters in large numbers early today. Reports at noon from all sections indicated that a heavy vote would be cast and some sections "report that the bulk of the votes were cast before 10 a. m. The big early vote is causing much concern to poli ticians. New Ashford, a small Mas sachusetts town, has tne distinction of making the first returns. The town has 23 voters this year and when the polls closed at 10 o'clock the county showed: Hughes 16, Wil son 7. In 1912 New Ashford gave Wilson 4, Taft 7 and Roosevelt 6. All the New England States in the early re ports dwelt on the heavy early bal loting. Providence, R. I., reports that throughout the State the vote was the heaviest ever known. New Yorlc State and other Middle Atlantic States all report an unusually early vote and similar reports from the east and south indicate a keen .and eager interest everywhere. The fair weather and the heavy early voting was pleasing news to both those in charge of the Republi can and Democratic headquarters, as both sides expressed gratification. Political observers are in doubt as to just when the election results will become known. They are inclined to in recent years on account oi mo complex situation resulting from women who did not vote in other elections. GREY GREEN SUITS Color Said to be The Ugliest of Any of Entente Armies. Almost Invisible. Headquarters of the Italion Army, Nov. 7. The uniform' of the Italian army is said to be both the ugliest and the least visible of any worn in Europe. "Its wearer doesn't even make a shad ow," said one visitor recently among the party of American officials that ac companied Ambassador Thomas Nel son Page to the front. The color Is officially described as gray-green. An Englishman tried to convev his idea of it as follows: "Take Bome blue Njle mu(jt rut, jn carefully broad daylight at fifty yards." The color was adopted ten years ago especially for use in mountain fighting. ' It and a sand-colored yellow for the . Q . avne,fai tn taua nart '"u vvvw v I in African desert lighting, as in the case of the Tripoli war. The Italian army was among the first to make a science of the question of uniform colors. It did not select, for instance, the horizon-colored uni form adopted more than a year ago by the French because while this Is the least visible on roads and plains of Lumberton, N. C.Nov. 7. Over four hundred votes were cast in Lumberton township in the general election here before noon and lead ers of both parties predicted that the vote of the county will be the largest ever polled. Makes It Dangerous. Life. "It is unnecessary to go over all that ground. The principle is as old as the hills and, has always been ac cepted by everybody." "Exactly. And that is -Just what makes me suspicious of it." ITALIANS WEARING fir I; i - if 2 1', V! if! if! 1 ! IP I ft' 1 i ;!!! if J m i hi ! 1 1 'I 'I ! t m ii i hi 13' .I .!' Y 7 A ' ;-;.-f.-