A.-' 1 - - .fly: 's'i'y.-'-. ;-'V' $lf ILfcllffiTON .bMPAlTH. TUESDA Y AFTERNobSl! OVEMBBR. ?, 1 91 6.x ' ' C - r 1 it it 1 & " T " .......AJii-i.iai ,ti mil ! - i ' " . ; 01 l mm ' ea .ti.u hvIk ,f , (Hit Km m vir Si". it; li, tf ill'" l kuw... V 7W 1.' t I t f 'Mil 1 :f I f Mil. ltl t 1 li. L , c rttM ftt tho Eastern' VvV WvAV ocen entered Kv ,kSv 0 held during the ' VA the fleetest-footed 1HVUU Vv, tV Srfue will Ve ?eett in ac- U to tVe plftce eaeh after vsV Tr nvnt i the erAndstand and Im "mViUvh U.VU iu xiu.' Wv t Nery indieation that these M'i . .i VVU n i V- vWm NVfll be "witnessed by the ih, V . w.viv VWt mvhiber of spectators in the in. ;tstvxvv sf the fair. only will a big wrestling tonrn trttsnt be held here this week, but V'jts?r snl better fh rnanagethnt of the fair has made Jirransements with Tommy Draak, the local champion, jo give exhibi tions in front of the grandstand at S:30 o'clock on Wednesday, Thursday SPEAKING OF POISE. Poise is something called self-confidence. The two go hand in hand at any rate, and without self-confidence one's poise will be lacking. When I was first asked to visit the motion picture theatres and speak to my friends the idea was something of a nightmare to me. Never having spoken a word on the stage in my life, every thought seemed to leave me when I opened my mouth to speak publicly. No matter how carefully I had prepared my chat, I managed to forget every single word that was in it. That was when I first attempted personal appearances at motion picture theatres. Gradually, however, I became more at ease, and at present it is every bit as easy for me to speak from the stage as it is for me to talk informally to my particular friends. Poise is a quality which both you and I desire. We may cultivate it if we go about the matter in the right way. A clever hostess or even a clever guesr. must have poise. The first step towards poise is control over the feelings. Never does a well poised person show dislike or contempt for anything. If one has a temper one overcomes it or at least controls it. Besides being at ease themselves, well-poised persons have the indescrib: able faculty of placing those about them at ease as well. Haven't you ever heard a person say, "Oh, she is a wonderful hostess all enjoy themselves at li FA H II JNFT(aT&I I BIlES FlHEyra i mv'? .yaw mmmmmmtMLA III X yvAt m J i h n. hi n itw ii w v w i few.' m i a iiiiiiiiw i w imMYmmm: r w.vs, xv,v . ii .imwxm I I (COPYRIGHT tOia-VITAGRAPM) ' ..P I vv . ; . . j her home. Somehow she puts you at your ease without even seeming to. and Friday afternoons and this will i Tne secret or tnis oaim ior Dasniui guesis is me graciousness mut cumra m onhtiAss nmvo fn ho nnp of thp real I a large bottle marked "Poise." - - i v!.'- sinking 'ts tiT?V. tc specialties Thr titl is '"The ; s x-oli known rSr"odi success. vew and nifty and I attractions of the week, i Draak 'will wrestle with some of ! the cleverest mat artists in the coun i try. There will be no extra charge 1 made for these exhibitions and every 'visitor to the fair on those days is itirged to witness these exhibitions. i Several local residents and visitors who attended the John Robinson cir cus, which exhibited here on Saturday Of , virtirpQ nf short rlmnp-p nrt- vrTvr. a; the Academy v--s5Tida November 22,ists and skin game 0perators and a number of tales of woe were related during the . afternoon ,Tioniy successrul mu- - x - 1 , . n " - ,-. i. . -v.o nuiiit;, ui:to the polic3 otv ana tsosron singing,!. iht t eniei or police u. bunion was suc cessful in recovering the money se cured from several of those who were fiim-fiammsd but in a number of cases the victim could not point out the man who did the fleecing and, in vo'u start laughing two mm-... . . . . . . to . them to get their money back. after The curtain rises and i iuTM-iSi r. laughing for an entire "?-ir N--btviy Heme" is all fun and "3n v:th dash of brilliant color. ! 3rrii- c. .1,;r.v"infr and a host of pretty; rrfc Y"-?. and it has a funny story, i Ttv. Tia; is strange fqr musical c-ir. but it is a fact, and the crit- yr r stop until long after you get ien-- again. John P. Slocum is one cf thr most successful musical com ecy producers in America, all because 2r does things right and gives the xblic all that they pay for and more. "His company in "Nobody Home" tscniaes such well-known players as f Mc-Nauenton, Frisco Lie v ere. I-pv Christy. William Blaisdell, Edna i Temple. Key Torrey. Helen Jost, John! m panhnr Marion . Langdon, Ranee I Newspaper Editor is Among 3ir. Siocun! ha? engaged as v. spe-! cial lezzjz? d! the perfognance, Joe j C. 3ess Eni Gertrude Bennett, who j izzTr ir-en a sensation la New York, ; Pans End Berlin for the pat four, treasons, "ro present their 1?16-17: cance c5rir.gs, which will include Everyone of us wish our guests to enjoy themselves at our house parties and other social affairs. In order to have this so we must attain poise. Good-luck to you, every one, in your quest. For you are going to seek it, I know. of "The Recollections of A Husband" Little Mary, whose parents had and two other works crowned by the just moved to town, had been operat Academy; Camille Le Senne, president ed on for appendicitis, but the teach- SEVEN VACANCIES OPEN If! ACADEMY Those That May be Elected To Position. Paris, Oct. 7. These are up to date thirteen avowed can(i:cates for the seven vacant seats in tne French acad emy that are to be filled after hostili- 4 T J rri t T-fc x i- th Apar-h and Hawaiian dances, in uu- "y are iuuis uannou, addition to th whirlwind and modern ' former premier and minister of jus- r js a ii j a a. t a. t AnoThpr cnerial feature will Llce' uP"-y iur me ueparimeni oi me of the Dramatic Critics Association; Vigne d'Octon, Count Pierre de Naur rois, Ad Poizat and Afinen Bertrand. Leon Bourgeois, Minister of State and former premier, wno failed of elec tion in 1914 in competition against Al fred Campus, the new director of the Figaro, has not announced his candi dacy but is likely to be urged to do so by his friends. If so it will be his, third campaign for a seat among the "imor tals." The only other "cabinet" possi bility is Aristide Briand, persistently talked of; the difficulty will be to per suade him to declare his candidacy, as it will be with General Joffre, who, in the supposition that all will go well until the time comes, is universally ac corded the preeeminent right to the distinction. er did not know this and asked her in physiology class one day: "Mary, where is your appendix?" Mary's reply was dosconcerting, for she said: "Over in York County. Exchange. Many Returned Home. Dublin, Nov. 7. The Irish Times, re ports the arrival of regular week.'y batches of men and women stated to be compulsorily returned from the United States in consequence of the strict requirements of the American immigration law. Some of the home comers, it is said, will try again when their health gives better prospect of satisfying the American medical officers. steps. T" T- T-k v 1 . i 1 y,f- Th. ariE-nprTf-d rrrhptra which Dtls&rf& rjrreuees, raui Auam, me au- will include several odd instruments j thor and critic; Abel Hermant, Presi seldom htard outside cf- the larger i dent of tne Literary Society; Georges cmes. A BRADY-WORLD FEATURE. "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" j that's jchat you'll say after seeing j "The Gilded Cage," a spectacular and t powerful Brady-World feature, which j is tomorrow's big attraction at the ; Royal. It-is a gripping, dynamic, in tensely interesting drama. In it the wonderful personality and great his- j trionic abiliryof Alice Brady, the fas cinating screen star, has tull swing and the result is a film that takes high rank. The story sweeps on ward witha rush that carries the speptators off their feet, and it is a story that thrills and throbs. "The Gilded Cage" moves swiftly from start to finish with not a single lagging moment. de Porto-Riche, the dramatist; Henri Bordeaux, author of "Literary Pilgrim ages, etc.; Monsieur ratne of cine- Coming to This Country. Manila, Nov. 7. The most Reverend Jeremiah J. Harty, archbishop of the Philippines, will leave next month for the United States to become Bishop of Omaha. He has terminated 13 years of service as the first American arch bishop of the Islands. There is, so far, no intimation as to his successor, but there is an exten- ? A 1 1 matograph fame; Frederic du Plessis 5Ive movement among name cnurcn of the Sorbonne; Andre Maurel, author men to secure the appointment of a Filipino. TONIGHT LAST TIMES REILLY'S Globe Trotters Presenting the Dill Which Creat ed A Sensation TWonday. "OH, YOU DADDY" TOMORROW AND THURSDAY The Great Broadway Musical Comedy Success. "The Red Widow" With all new costumes, singing, and dancing numbers and specialties. Mrs. T. E. Hearn Says: "I Can Eat Anything Now Do Much More Work Ner vousness Is Gone and I Sleep Fine Every Night I z Much Stronger." "I recommend Tanlac," said Mrs. T. E. Hearn, "because it has helped me more than anything I ha,ve ever taken. "Nervous indigestion claimed me a victim for over two years. Daily, and almost after each meal especially , supper I suffered from attacks of choking. Gas formed in my stomach. ; Nothing I tried offered relief. If I would lie down under such- conditions I couldn't get my breatn. My nerves ; were unstrung and caused me to be-; come easily excited. My sleep was bro-: ken and many a night I would remain wide awake until daybreak. If I slept I suffered from bad dreams. "Then I saw Tanlac advertised ,and after having taken it for but a f ew , days my appetite showed Improvement. -I find that I can eat any kind of veg- j etables or any foods now without any ( after pains or distress. I am much i stronger than before, ana can do so much more work. I a.-n not nervous, either, and can sleep fine ever night." (Statement given July 26, '16.) j Genuine Tanlac is soic in Wilming-J ton exclusively at the Bellamy Drug Store, where its merits re explained , daily to health seekers by the Tanlac ; Man ; Acme, Acme Store Co. ; Burgaw, j C. L. Hailstead; Southport, Watson's) Pharmacy; Rocky Point, A. N. Rhodes : & Co.; Supply, G. W. Kirby; New! Bern, Bradham Drug Co.; Magnolia,! v. L .Southall; Faison, Faison Drug, Co.; Pembroke, G. W. Locklear; Snow j Hill, J. T. H. Harper; Vineland, R. 15. j McRoy & Co.; Whiteville, J. A. McNeill ! & Son; Verona. G. W. Humphrey.; Each town has its Tanlac dealer. Adv. 1 siiM. -. 1 I f .; - 1 h ni Hahl Beautiful Bustand Shoulders possible if i"ou will wear r scientifically c-ons(.ru( i, , 3 are Bien Jolie ErasSlerc. The dragging weiplit of nn unconfinod bust .o slrrt tifs r supporting muscles that the contour of the Jigure i w mi T iTP?lii W Put lhe b,,st bn k wlicro it ). JU&HX-.- . long, prevent the full hut ,, .". IT liaving the appeanuite of nn-AH .m.iFFi Diness, eiimm.nte hi- !m.. BRA.SIERJE" dragging rnusciesnn,! eonH,,- , ! ,' wiwww . ..w flcsh 0f tnc shoulder iv, . . graceful line to the entire upper body. ' They are the daintiest and most serviceable garmenrs in nable come in all materials and styles: Cross Jim k Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with "Walnl,'r ' i rustless boning permitting washing without removal. ' Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if n.,t , eJ, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to lio.. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street. Nev..,k. iiiiia 6 laecs ROYAL TOMORROW William A. Brady In Association with i WORLD PICTURES Presents ALICE BRADY -ln- "THE GILDED CAGE" "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" That's What You'll say about this film after seeing it. Adults, 10c. Children, 5c. Is not a matter of rush and grind and struggle. It is sim ply the happy faculty of recognizing opportunities v. ho.j you come in contact with them, and following those on portunities to their logical conclusion. It is not WORK and SAVING alone that has made, men wealthy in this countryit is the development of the great natural re sources that have been stored in the bosom of the earth for centuries. Nature pleads with her children to devel op these resources, and gives as a reward wealth and in dependence. OPPORTUNITY, JUDGMENT AND COURAGE Is the Combination which unlocks the door to fortune. The United States Government Offers you the opportunity to purchase 40, 80 or 1 60 acres of land in Choctaw Indian Nation in Southeastern Oklahoma at prices from $3.00 to $7.00 per acre, with three years to pay for them. And according to Chas. N. Gould, the former State Geologist, they are the richest OIL LANDS in the entire State. Oklahoma is the lead ing oil state in the Union, producing during the year 1 91 5, 123,823,905 barrels of oil. VISIT THE INDIAN LAND SCHOOLING CAR Located on Track 7, Union Depot, and let us give you dependable information regarding the coming sale. The car is equipped with GOVERNMENT maps and reports of the lands to be sold in fact every scrap ot in formal ion we give you is backed up by GOVERNMENT ?!niisli'-. YOU WILL CERTAINLY BELIEVE YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT. The car will remain in Wilmington for a few, da vs. :jo if you want to hear about the GREATEST OPPORTl ' NITY ever offered to the American People, n'on'l del. IV. TIMIDITY MEANS FAILURE AND DELAY BRINGS REGRET. The car will be open day, including Sunday. "rem 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. every ADMISSION, SCHOOLING AND INFORMATION IS ALL FREE. AUTOMOBILE. ACCIDENT IN NEW BERN New Bern, N. C, Nov. 7. An acci- j dent which resulted in damage to the amount of about twenty-five dollars to an automobile owned and driven by Mr. M. S. Wiggs, occurred at the corner of George streets yesterday when the car collided with one of the New Bern-Ghent Street Railway Com pany's cars. The accident was unavoidable, say those 'who witnessed it, and no dam age is attached to the conductor on the street car. A Mr. Gardner, of Newport, was the victim of a gang of pickpockets ;it the union passenger station Saturday afternoon and, in consequence, was relieved of his pocketbook contain ingquite a large sum of cash. . Mr. Gardner told the police that he telt some one's hand in his pocket, turned around and saw the man and made a grab for him, but at that time two other men shoved against him and knocked him down and that be-! fore he had arisen, all three had dis appeared. Several parties reported to the po lice that they had been relieved of their pocketbooks during the day there is not the least doubt but that this was done by an organized gang of crooks follrmlng the Robinson circus. Familiarity breeds contempt. Fate sometimes points the finger of scorn At the manicure girl Exchange. ft JACOll HMSDWARE CO. Extends Visitors a Hearty Welcome During Corn Show Week - Not Only to Visit Our Store, But Our Booths at the Corn Show, Where the Advantages in Farming with Modern Machinery will be Demonstrated. Agricultural Implements Will be Displayed in jthe Tent, while our Display of Sargent Hardware, Roofing, Fencing, Benjf Moore & Co.'s Paints, Oils and "Vortex Hot Blast Heaters" and General Hardware will be dis played in the Main building. You're welcome. Pay Us a Visit. 10 and IE South Front St. JACO BI'S :'5 ?! H ill M in ,4 :AX . c:.''.,

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