.v.,"'.: t'' ..... :! THVwiKMINGTON blSPATCH, , TUESDA AFTERNOON - NOVEMBER 7, 191(5; - ... PAGE SIX .V WAR IS HURTING VALUABLE REALTY JAPAN'S POOR DEALOONSUMATED Advance in Cost of Food Stuff s Likely to Cause Suffering In Japan,. Tokio, Nov. 7. War is having a disastrous effect upon the "third class home" of Japan. According to Mrs. Akiko Yosano, whose success as a poet and a reformer has led some to call her a poetic Mrs. Pankhurst. Writing in one of the national mag azines of Japan, Mrs. Yosano says: "To those who are eating the bread of idleness, relying upon the interest of their money, the advance of prices is a blessing for they are realizing enormous profits through the same cause. No wonder that they are hop ing for the continuation of the war as long as possible. These upper and middle class people do not care a fig it millions of Europeans should per ish and billions of the third class people all the world over should starve in body and spirit, so long as tney wax rich and thereby 'increase the wealth of the country,' as they nay. This is their true state of mind. This is the kind of International and commercial morality actually enter tained today by those upper and mid dle class nationals of this benevolent and chivalrous country, who are sup posed to be the guardian deities of the principles of Bushido." "In-short," wrote Mrs. Yosano, "those on whom the heaviest burden falls as a result of the advanced prices are our third-class people whoj Christian Science Church Prop erty at 1 7th and Market Streets Sold. One of the largest realty deals of the past few weeks was consumated today when Burke H. Bridgers, Esq., commissioner in the case of Emily Bridgers et. at., heirs of Mary Bridgers, sold to Janet Weil Bluthenthal the valuable property adjacent to the Chris tian Science churcn, at 17th and Mar ket streets. The consideration was several thousand dollars. Mr. Bridgers was appointed commis sioner in the case of Emily Bridgers et al., heirs of Mary Bridgers versus the Christian Scientists of Wilmington, North Carolina, Incorporated, at the last term of Superior Court and author ized to dispose of the property to Janet Weil Bluethenthal for a stated amount. The property is one of the most valu able pieces in the fast growing Eastern section. It faces 123 feet on 17th street, 200 feet on Perry avenue and 100 on Market street. It bounds the tract on which the Christian Science church is situated on the east and south that lot is 100x113 feet in size. IN NEGROES TONS OF SILVER TO VOTE IN RALEIGH Colored Race Voted Almost Solidly For Hughes But Split State Ticket. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 7. About two weeks 'ago these columns carried something interested the state in the; number of negroes registered in this election. For years a large number i had been getting on the books in rauriicipal elections. When they were registered wanew recently one of the registrars "got in bad" but he could cite precedent and the organization could do nothing with him. There must be 200 or more of these on the books now and prominent ne groes say they could put 1,000 if nec essary. A meeting was held October 17 at which unanimous agreement was reached whereby some plan would be offered for such "united action" as would "secure to ourselves the prop er and just consideration of the gov erning powers of our county and state. As our government is now administer ed we are not only ignorsd, but spe cifically excluded from any effective participation in its affairs. We are citizens and many of us are substan tial taxpayers. Our interest in the government is the same as that of other citizens. If we continue to re main quiescent under present condi- i -I THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN . ; i V . GENE BYRNES- ' " HERE 3 THE TWO DOLLARS PROWISP TO PA YOG TO-MORROW SkT! IT WORKED VE SO MUCH I COULDN'T SLEEP SO WANT TO. FrV V want to px ! r ST EADY WORKERS It is only right that the money for which a man ex pends tirne, strength and thought should in turn work f0j him. Dollars in a Saving Account in the People's Savine Bank are the most reliable of steady workers. Requirif neither food nor sleep, they labor without ceasing, earif. ing interest at 4 per certt compounded quarterly. Start your dollars Working for you. Open an account today. Established 1900. Peoples' Savings Bank Corner Front and Princess Streets. . .vt -- TTcr-i ii a in tions, the day will come, as it has al- LUUiN ULUinbrtii , . e . manv RHona New London, Nov. 7. arc earning their bread with their j half tons of siiver bullion from brains or with the sweat of their brows. These are the people who Six and one- the i mint at San Francisco were unloaded J corn the contemptible psychology of here at the railway station by an ex- thieves, usurers, speculators and press company and transferred to the German merchant submarine, the those who expect windfalls, and strivp witVi their rwn hnnrls nr 'brains to ensure their own living and ad-j Deutschland, moored at State pier, vancement. We never hope for lux- for shipment across the ocean, ury. What we want is only the- Tne metal was convoyed through means sufficient to enable us to live J tne street in five open wagons with and progress to educate our children I out armed guards. and to buy medicine in case of illness. ' ' : . But even in ordinary peace time we' DOGS BURIED 7 DAYS DIG find it difficult to get these requisites, and now in this war time we find our labor can scarcely keep pace with the rapid advance of prices. There A TUNNEL TO FREEDOM. ready come in many sections of our country, when property rights, so far as we are concerned, will pass away and be reduced to a condition of vas salage. It is urged, therefore, that non-partisan clubs of the voters of each precinct in the county be form ed with the purpose of educating our people along the lines of civic, edu cational, moral and material better ment." The clubs have enrolled many mem bers. In Raleigh quite a 'few will vote almost solidly for Hughes. If there is a Democratic "non-partisan" who stands high, his name is un known. That refers to the National ticket. But there is a general dispo sition to cut the State ticket up and three candidates for state offices are certain to get a very fair negro vote. 4 Dallas, Tex., Nov. 6. Taking charge of the headquarters for the Kansas Citv. Nov. 6. Entombed is a limit to our capacity for work; fifteen feet in the for 168 hourSj andthough our pay has risen by 10 and witnout food 0r ater the entire or 20 per cent., it is far from meeting seven dayg two does beioneine to two the emergency of those other prices boys of Rosedale dug themselves out I twenty-second general conclave of which have risen by o0 and 100 per ant vQQ ,..,i t.ai. 1 tt:j , jy ctuu uoic iiuiucu lu iiicu uvsuig aiici LilC UUUCU UaUgUlCIS Ol lilc VjUllItJU- 0 ' ' " i being given up for deae. eracy, Mrs. Cordelia Odenheimer, of The writer remarked that many The boys, with the?r cogs, were Jessup, Md., president-general, today good and respectable persons had chasing rabbits about a Dluff when , asserted that she would am a candi- been kind enough to recommend what they ran a "bunny" into a deep hole j date for re-election. This, she said. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's mes sengers. They will call for your "ads." In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further Information as to 'ads." call 176 but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." tney called the simple life as a remedy for the existing situation. These people were crying, "Econ omize and save," but it was not easy to follow that advice. She declared that the tendency to luxurious life was one of the marked traits of mod ern Japan and feared that it was spreading throughout all classes, each person catching the infection from his fellows. She added: "But among the people for whorri I speak luxury is out of the question; we never think of it these days and I do not think we can make our life more simple than it is. We are ffghting with difficulty to buy the es sentials of life. If a simpler life than this is wanted, we must seek it in the grave." She goes on to seize an illustration from her own existence. "As I am writing tonight," she said, "my hus band and one of our children as well as myself are troubled with a cold and some fever. I know very well that the doctor's powder and water ,are quite powerless to subdue the fe ver, and I should like to use for us all the aspirin which wo bought be fore the war at 30 sen (15 cents) per ounce; but it now costs 3 yen 70 sen ($1.85) per ounce the price for my elder boy's boots. And as for my bey's boots they have risen 50 per cent. "Our simple life is gradually be- in the ground. The dogs followed the was despite the impeachment charges rabbit in and there -was a cave-in. ' filed against her in connection with a The boys came up and dug to rescue the dogs, but when they quit at night fall they were still many feet away. controversy over the legality of the election of Mrs. A., W. Meares. as president of the Maryland division of at length we are almost at the ex treme end of it the actual want ot nourishment. Can you - find for us, women of the third class homes, a simpler life than this " Mrs. Yosano has sought the causes of this condition and she believes she has located one of them in the retail system of sale of necessities in vogue in Japan. The retailers who supplied the necessaries of life, namely, rice dealersr grocers, fish mongers, meat sellers, druggists, greengrocers, dra pers, confectioners, stationers and others did not sell the consumer the goods straight from places of produc tion or manufacture. On the con- The next day, imagining the dogs; the Daughters, which has been con- had perished from suffocation, they ! firmed by the Baptimore chapter, were given ur for aad. Six days j it was alleged that Mrs. Meares later the boys were astorished to see j was not eligible to the presidency, one of the dogs appear at home, weak it was charged that Mrs. Odenheimer, from lack of nourishment and scarcely j as president of the Maryland divi able to walk. His nails literally were sion, declared Mrs. Meares legally worn off fro;n constant a'gging. j elected as her successor, while Mrs. The bovs then went to the cave-in j Odenheimer held the ofrce or presi and dug in the hope that they could . dent-general. save the other dog. Arter digging Settlement of this question was ex about iwu Uct -n the eirth they heard I pected to follow a meeting of the ex moans and s'oon the ether dog was ' ecutive board late today. Revocation rescued, after he had du'; himself that Df the charter of the Gainesville, Fla., close to liberty. j chapter will also come up for dis- Neither of the dog would eat at , cussion, it was said. Such proceed first and would only drtnx milk. Then ! ure has been the result following the tney began to seek food and ate it ravenously. i acting independent of the State divi- CAROLINA MEAT MARKET WILL sell as follows: Round Steak, 20c; Loin Steak, 20c; Chuck Steak, 15c; Rib Steak, 17c; Stew Steak, 12c; Lamb and Mutton Chops, 20c; Veal Chops and Cutlets, 20c; Liver, 15c; Native Pork, 20c; Western Pork, 25c; Roast Beef, 15 to 20c o. ' Corner 11th and Market streets. Phone 1979-J. Free Delivery. Give us a trial and be convinced. 11-2-lmo-j SALADS, LOBSTER, CHICKEN AND Potato Salad, Smoked Eel, Smoked, Salmon, Preserved Figs, 2 cans 25c; Rasp Jam in can, 2 for 25c; Codfish in blocks, 10c; Sauerkraut in cans, 10 c at May's Delicatessen, Phone 1322. 11-3-tf TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC W. M. Fulcher can be had at 1017 South Front street or by phone No. 1596-J, when in need of a carpenter. ll-5-5t-j OYSTERS, CHICKENS, 3EEF, VEAL, Lamb and Pork. Green tomatoes for pickling. Fresh Vegetables. Coun try Pig Pork and extra good Pork Sausage. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Phorie 72. 10-1 4-tf IIiriIIIIilllllliIIIflIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIllllIIIIIIItIlllIlIIIllllIllllllllIltlIllllllIIIIIIllIllIIIllllllllIlllIIllIlllIIUIt!Ill! llUIIIttint I Tke Miircliison National Bank Capital and Surplus $1 ,700,000.00 Resources .; . $9,000,OOO.OQ i This Bank stands ready to furnish customers every 1 facility and best possible service. j j H. C. M'QUEEN, President. I S J. V. GRAINGER, V.-President. J. W. YATES, V.-Prcsldcnt . S C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. M. F. ALLEN, Asst. Cashier. 1 W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier. J. V. GRAINGER, JR, Asst. Cash, IF YOU LOVE HER GIVE ' HER WHITMAN'S Of course, you take li- r candy. Every week, too. Don't you? Sometime! probably twice a week. Then take her the best. J. FRANK JARMAN DRUGGIST 107 Princess Street. Phone 6H WANTED OLD GEESE FEATHER beds at once. Will pay highest cash prices. New York Feather Co., Wil mington, N. C. care General Deliv ery. . ll-2-7tj SPECIALS TODAY FRESH FISH Roe, New River and Norfolk Oys ters, Native and Western Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb, New Celery and Lettuce. Chickens, all sizes dress to your or der with giblets. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street. Phone No. 72. 11-3-tf CCAST LINE HOTEL CAFE ROOMS by the day, week -or month at reason able rates. Meals at any hour, 208 North Front street. Phone 208-W. 10-5-lmo phnrpp rf ,lincllHnrrin!ltirTl,, of fliat chapter in not paying its dues, and j'sio nof the National chapter. 19 Sons In Ten Years. ' Povming, Ark., Nov. 6. Frank Scott I and his wife of Kensett, have been mar-1 TOOLS EGYPTIANS USED. ried ten years. Nineteen boys have j been born to them. Six died at birth. ' Unearthed by a Scientist and Said to Of the thirteen living there are three j ,Je About 4,000 Years Old. sets of triplets and two sets of twins. The parents have been partial to the ! Philadelphia, Pa., Nov . 6. Stone letter A of the alphabet in naming implements and household tools, esti them. Ashbell, Archer and Austin mated to be 40,000 years old, forming are fou"r and a half years old, Arthur a part of a collection owned by Mer- coming more and more simple until fend Arnold three and a half, Alfred emptah, son and successor to Ram- Albiori and Adolph eighteen months, eses the Great, 1,300 years before and Abel and Abner six months. j Christ, have been unearthed in the ' 'nrph1strrir mnn a mh 'a no 1 q na at Mom. phis, ancient capital of Egypt. MRS. J. S. LOWE WISHES TO LET the public know that her house No. 322 North 3rd St. is now open and she is ready to serve those who have been waiting and others with board at $20 per month. Dinners at 35 cents each. Also two very desirable rooms to rent. . ll-6-2t CABBAGE! CABBAGE! CABBAGE! Baldwin Apples, Oranges, Irish Po tatoes, Grape Fruit and Candy. Bear Produce and Merchandise Company, Phone 323. 11-5-tf WILMINGTON DRY CLEANING COM- pany, 213 Market street. Cleaners of fine silks, Woolen, kid gloves. We solicit ladies work. Steam Dry cleaning by new met. ,ork guaranteed. Men's wore given spe cial attention. Day Phone 490, Night Phone 1525-J. James L. Donnelly. ll-3-7t MALAGA GRAPES, FLORIDA GRAPE Fruit, Lemons, Limes, Porto Rico Irish Potatoes, Oranges, Mixed Nuts, Canadian Rutabaga Turnips, Spanish L. L. SHEPARD, 817 NORTH 4TH ST. Have got the goods for you. Best ! native. meats of all kind. Also a full line of groceries. Phone 1186. Prompt delivery. Always on the job. 10-13-eod-tf FOR FRESH AND FANCY GROCER, ies, Country Produce and fine Native Beef call on R. B. Moore. Mr. J. D. Bender Is with me and will cut It to your taste. Phone 1888. Third and Castle. 9-23-tf ATTENTION COUNTRY PEOPLE! This Is an opportunity for you to make money. Gathering up all the rags and junk you can and ship to me. I pay the highest prices for brass, copper, zinc, lead. All kinds of rubber, automobile tires, mixed , rags, etc Note address. H. Stein, 14 South Second street. Phone 306. Wilmington, N. C. 10-1-tf B. WISE. HAVE YOU FURNACE AND Stoves overhauled before cold wave arrives. Fire board and stove pipe J Demonstration of PITTSBURG AUTOMATIC, INSTANTANEOUS AND STORAGE Gas Water Heaters By a Factory Expert. November 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th at THE CORN SHOW EXHIBIT of THE TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY November Victor Records Now On Sale Hear These Played On A Victrola "Sing Me to Sleep,' Sung by Alma Gluck. "Fifth Symphony" (Beethoven) Played by Victor Concert Orchestra. "Napoleon's Last Charge," Conway's Band. C. W. Yates Company 117 Market Street. headquarters. Klander. Phone 431. W. . B. 10-2-tf Onions. Our Cabbage and Baldwins! HUNTING SEASON WILL SOON BE on. li. k,. omiin, unaca, xjeiever, ; Fox Baker, Remington pjid other re- will arrive Nov. 4th. Bear Prod. & Mdse Co. 11-2-tf Thousands of people who ought to be employes in larger shops were car rying on a small retail business in dependently and many of them. were making a profit of 50 per cent, oni their capital. What she- wanted was j WANTED COOK AT 711 PRINCESS Advioe.s tPlline- nf thpo imnnrtant street, apply ai oucb m persuu. trary, most of them represented the discoveries have reached the Univer sity museum here from Dr. Clarence S. Fisher, leader of the Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., expedition to Egypt. In a full reDort Dr. Fisher describes a law prohibiting a profit of more ) wandering through the spacious halls than 10 .per cent. She went on: "But of the great palace that fQr centuries even this would not Improve matters,, lay burjed ,n ancient Memphis. Gold if the numerous retailers of various ; ornamentS) scarabs, vessels of various grades be allowed to stand between, kin(Jg and yaseg were fmmd intactj producers and consumers The bet- just ag they mugt haye when ter plan would be the establishment lords of those days departed. oi wuai we can ereai reiaii a - , i nit?mQto Ofo f , !4S , ' 01 -iie reucs iounu, says ur. ous transition process their wares .J us with all our necessaries direct fj' J fibaVt the fStne Ase" undergo between the place of produc- from the places of production. The'? fl "H tion and the homes. At each of these : promotion of such a scheme would '"TV iUU"u V?1' stages a tax was imposed on the I Indeed be worthy of . the whole-heart- Slde' according to the archaeologist, goods so that when they arrived at ed support of our high and middle . the door of the poor their prices had I class ladies. For, unlike such move- "How useless you girls today are," r' -n to double or even treble thatltoents as the Society for Improve- j lamented the old lady to her grand- ll-7-2t BEEF AND PORK, 20c tt FOR ANY choice cut at People's Market. Fresh sausage and hamburger our special ty. Country produce at lowest pos sible rate. Call in person, or phone ; 297, and I will give you personal at tention. J. D. Siofrno, Propr., 611 Castle street. ll-l-7t SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE Lynn Haven Oysters Now Dally. Homemade Pies. Rooms by tho Day, Week or Month. Recently Renovated. liable makes both new and unre deemed at Uncle Charles' Pawn Shop No. 6 South Front street. Phone . 642. 10-1-tf had sold fr which dhe producer thom. The fault of the system lay, to her mind, in the extraordinary high num ment of Manners and other good-f or-' daughter. "Why I actually don't be- nothing organizations in which our , lieve you know what needles are for." 'upper class bodies have been so in- "How absurd you are, grandma!" defatigably interested, it is a really protested the girl. "Of course 1 know ber of retail shops. Japanese com-1 sacred enterprise which has direct what needles are for. They're to xtixc yjL luuajr, ouc ucm, uiu iiul resi i wuuecuuu wiui uie nappmess ui uu- wane me taiKing macnine play. oncivilized and economic principles, j merous human beings." j Exchange. WE NOT ONLY PUT UP STOVES and fire boards, but repair heaters, ranges, furnaces, and oil stoves. Roof painting and repairing. We have the workmen who know how. W. B. Klander, Phone 431. 10-29-tf FOP NATIVE MEATS CALL O. J. Mintz & Co., city market. We can please you both as to price and high class meats. We give cash buyers an underprice and we solicit a por tion of your business. Give us a trial order and be convinced that we are here to merit your meat business. Loin Steak 25c; Round Steak 20c; Pork 20c;, Phone 1245-W. 100-tf EXTRA CHOICE YORK IMPERIAL Apples, 40c peck. Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes 25 cents a peck. Native Country Pork. Good Beef, Veal and Lamb. Norfolk Oysters. . Give us a trial we love to please. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street, Phone 72. 10-24-tf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON j date of issue when so requested Phone your order to 745. Gordon's j News Stand. . 10-tf 25 BEAUTIFUL , HIGH-CLASS POS- tal cards, suitable for all occasions, mailed on receipt of ten cents. Brown Co., 720 Driggs Ave., Brook lyn, N. Y. 10-28-10t SUFFER NO LONGER WITH ASTH- ma, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Kidney and Bladder trouble, Ven- eral and Female diseases use Neil-! son's Eel Oil for all pain. For sure cure consult A. C. Nielsen, 109 1-2 ( Dock street. 10-31-14t-j MTM We Make Reasonable Advances On Cot ton Stored With Us W.B-Cooper SCo. Wilmington, N. C. COAL Supplies Builders' STO RAGE W. B. Thorpe and Company WATER and ANN STREETS J READ BUSINESS SPECIALS HaHinn Rahirnc of f ni-n knur by Leased Wire, shown by Stereopticon. Best service obtainable Be sur6 to come Ejection Returns at torn mow tueday night, November ?th. ; Wire in the Building For Xelegraphic Reports - ' Space "Donated By American Bank & Trust Co.

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