WEATHER FORECAST. W DlSPATGI MINGTON FINAL EDITION I Partly cloudy tonight and Satur day. Cooler tonight. Moderate variable winds. l THE LARGEST CIF J-ATION IN WILMINGTON VOL. XXII. NO. 301. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA ID AY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 10,1916. PRICE 5 CENTS t H t mm , 4J ' 4 j(0 Republican State Chairman Conceded State to Demo crats Possibility Split. REPUBLICANS MAY MAKE COURT CONTEST Democrats Have Three Votes I to Spare and May Yet Cap ture New Mexico Minne sota and New Hampshire Still iriDoubt Republican Leaders Confer. New York, Nov. 10. Woodrow Wil son was elected President of the Un ited States when California swung' in to the Democratic column. The only states remaining in ques tion were Minnesota, New Hamp- ?hide and New Mexico, with 19 elec toral votes. Unless there is a de tided overturn in " the districts miss ing Wilson will carry New Mexico, JIughes.-4eads in Minnesota. The re-v ?ults in New Hampshire will nothe known until the official count in completed. West Virginia, which was classed as doubtful, has gone for Hughes. Unless the electoral vote of Cali fornia is divided, which now seems possible, Mr. Wilson is assured of 209 votes in the electoral college, three more than a majority and Mr. Hughes of 243. The President could still lose three from California and still have enough. If Mr. Hughes carried Minnesota, with 12 electoral votes and New Hampshire with four electoral votes, he would only have 259, seven, less than enough to elect. Mr. Wilson could lose three from California and New Mexico and still win. The tension of the most dramatic situation in the history of the United States was broken when the Asso uan McCormick as did other promi-i nent Democratic leaders. Both parties have already called for a recount in New Hampshire, where less than 200 vo-es seem likely to determine the results. Charges of attempts to tamper with the ballot boxes in North Dakota have been made in several sections and have been laid before the Federal District Attorney by the United States Mar shal. Agents of the Federal Depart ment of Justice mobilized in points in other states also. The Republicans contended today fiated Press flashed the news that Republican Chairman Rowell, of Cali fornia had conceded the state to Wil son. It has been apparent since Wed nesday that California was the pivot on which the election would swing. It was not until stage coaches had come through from communities tuck ed away in the Sierras, or the settle ments on the arid eastern slopes of the moutnains that the results be came known. Ordinarily the few votes cast in the remote counties is tf little importance but in this his- tOrV-milVinor Imni- flioTT Timro rf Vlfol imr , , . , mnce. l ney couia not De t(i telephone or telegraph and the rT anu me passes iea, l" to comment. - He arose at 8 o'clock i. were m many instances blocked after reading the papers went ",j "MKm- ' ( for an auto ride. He was in cheer- Similar difficulties were experienc-. ful spirits. p(1 in collecting returns from the- jt is expected that during, the day vUds of New Mexico and from the he win receive a visit from Chairman v corners of Minnesota. In the past willcox and one or two other party campaigns New Mexico has been con- iea(jers, after- the' -conference at Re ndered merely as an incidental in pui,iican headquarters set for noon on swelling the majority of the winner, tbe question of the recount in the in this the returns from that ciose states, f tate were of paramount importance, j Tnis matter Mr. Hughes is leaving The President's election will not entirely in the hands of his campaign "c conceded in the close states was managers. decision of the Republican lead-, L today after a conference lasting;. far into the night. Something defi- 'Mr. W- H. Jones, roadmaster of the will be decided within a few first division of the Atlantic Coast fcoui-s. Line for more than six years, has been The states it is said in which re- transferred to the Fayetteville divis tuurse to judicial proceedings were ion. Mr. Jones bas already entered Jlkely California, New Hampshire, upon his new duties. PEOPLE MAVE. 7 11 ME OW fWI EUERJUrJISS TTQ E8EAED in UH New Mexico .and Nonth Dakota. until President Wilson's -victory was a assured the Democrats also were prepared to demand a recount in the so-called "doubtful" states. Al ton B. Parker conferred with Chair- that since the Democrats claimed California by a margin of only 3,000 j votes out of 1.000,000 casr that an approximately slignt error in several t'rricts might change'tbe results. The Democrat contend that no charge of fraud was made 'by Chair man Rowell, of the Republicans, in conceding the state to Wilson and if there had been any basis for the charges tnat he undoubtedly would so have informed national headquar ters in this city. In a statement to the Associated Press at San Francisco the only con tention of Mr. Rowell-was that the electoral vote might be split on the official count, as it 'was in-1912, when two went fef Wiison aaA- -'ll for Roosevelt. Both sides conceded that no matter how it went there was lit tle likelihood of the contest -being tfves as it was after the Hayes-TIldeS campaign in 1376. Legislation enact ed in 1887 it is said made the state soverign in pronouncing judgment in returns of the presidential vote. In three tsates there is a possibili ty of one elector in each instance being contested. The eligibility of a Democratic elector in Texas has been questioned because he is said to be an office holder and the Federal law prohibits such from serving as electors. One of the Democratic electors in Washington died just before the elec firm and the nartv managers attached ' pasters to the ballot substi-tuting an other name. The legality of the pro ceeding has been questioned by the Republicans. An almost similar case lias arisen in West Virginia, where the Republi can elector refused to run and the Republican leaders resorted to past ers bearing another name. Up to the time Republican head quarters were closed shortly after midnight the party leaders still refus ed to admit defeat. They based their contentions on the assertion that "something might happen" in Cali fornia. Mr. Hughes was told before he re tired for the night that California had gone against him but he had no com ments to make. Democratic headquarters were elec trified by the announcement of the result in California, as transmitted to Chairman McCormick, by the As sociated Press. Mr. McCormick ex pressed himself as being very much pleased as he prophecied that Mr. Wilson could win without New York, New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois. A confemece of Republican manag ers has been called lor noon today to consider the election situation and decide definitely what action is to be taken in regard to the recount of the votes in the close states. This was announced by George W. Perkins, who added !. "Nothing is definitely setled yet." j' j Mr. Hughes himself declined toCay ' . i TT - O 1xl 1 INCREASE f PRES. WILSON AND VICEJPRES. MARSHALL i 1 ; ; : 1 1 WON'T CONCEDE ELECTION New York, Nov. 10 Chairman w wncox, reiusmg to conceae President Wilson's re-election in a formal statement issued after a conference with other man- agers, said that the result de- pended upon the vote of the x- close states and returns, an- nounced are in most states un- official and may be changed. GERMANY WILL PROBE THE CASE Sends American Government Word Inquiry Will Be Made. Washington, Nov. 10 Germany has informed the American AmDassaaor m Berlin that the sinking of the British steamer, 'Marina, on October 28, with the loss of six American lives will be thoroughly investigated as soon as the submarines operating on that date- report, according to confidential ad vices received here from Berlin. HUGHES HOLDS OFF HIS CONGRATULATIONS New York, Nov. 10. Lawrence Greene, secretary to Charles Evans Hughes, said today in response to questions "by newspaper men that Mr. Hughes would not today send congrat ulations to Mr. Wilson. "Not yet," said Mr. Green. CLYDE LINER GOES DOWN ' v New York, Nov. 10 The Clyde line steamer, Chippeway, struck a rock off Wing's Neck, Buddard Bay early this morning, and sank,according to word received at the Marine Sxctiange. The crew was rescued. She carried no passengers. xgr President Increases Lead In California - New York, Nov. 1 0. Chairman McCormick arrived at Democratic headquarters shortly before noon and said that President Wilson having been re-elected he would return to night to hisr'home jn Harrisburg, Pa., to resume his private bus iness. He. reiterated his claim that President Wilson would have 288 electoral votes, declaring that Minnesota would go Democratic by a plurality of 500. " "The President is so completely re-elected that I do not ex pect the Republicans to ask for a recount," Mr. McCormick added. Raising Lead in Colorado. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 1 0. With only 3 1 precincts; now missing Wilson's plurality is 3, 1 50. Hughes Ahead in Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 10: With 47 precincts missing in Minnesota, Hughes' plurality is 752. Wilson Has New Mexico. Sante Fe, N. M., Nov. 1 0. Five hundred and sixty-six pre cincts out of 638 give Wilson a plurality of 1 ,039. Only About Hundred Lead in New Hampshire. Concord, New Hampshire, Nov. 10. Certified returns from 286 precincts of 294 in New Hampshire give Hughes 42, 723; Wilson 42,6 16. Hughes' Lead in Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 1 0. Two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-nine precincts out of 3,024 give Hughes a plurality of 708. DUPLIN COUNTY'S OFFICIAL RETURNS Warsaw, Nov. 10. Official returns from Duplin county give the -follow-! ing Democratic majorities : National ! ticket, 297; State, 320; Congressional, j Hood, 360; county and legislative, 196. j Amendments carried by majority of 130. County officers are: James J. Bowden, Register of Deeds; Graham G. Best; Sheriff; Wm. G. Kornegay, J calls upon aji patriotic Mississippians Wm. J. Middleton, D. Henry Williams, j and organizations, especially teachers County Commissioners; Frank P.and chambers of commerce, farmers Fonville, Surveyor; and W. Frank unions, the press, ministers, business Smith, Coroner. Geo. R. Ward was men and club women, "to ''join forces elected to the Legislature and John I in the elimination of this great handi H. Burnette to the Senate. THE AIFirE(!BMBIV PAPER T0QR1TS WDQV AUDVEBBTBSIIRHS PAV8 THE VICTORY ILLITERACY TEST IN MARYLAND. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 10. As the in- itial step in an organized campaign for a great educational awakening in Mississippi, Governor Bilbo' has issued a proclamation setting aside today as "Illiteracy Day" and asking for its general observance throughout the en tire State. In his proclamation "he cap. : AS ELECTORAL VOTE NOW STANDS. State . Alabama . . Arizona . . Arkansas California . Colorado . . Connecticut Delaware . Florida . Georgia . . Wilson Hughes DOubtful . .12 . .. 3 - ..9 ..13 . . . . 6 ' 7' 3 . 6 .14 Idaho ' . . 4 Illinois . . . . Indiana Iowa Kansas 10 Kentucky . . . . 13 Louisiana . . . . 10 Maine 29 15 13 Maryland . . s Massachusetts . 18 Michigan 15 Minnesota .. .. . 12 .10 .18 4 .8 .3 4 . 14 . 3 . 45 .12 n .5 Mississippi . . . Missouri . . Montana . . Nebraska . . . Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York . . . North Carolina. North Dakota . Ohio .24 Oklahoma.. .. 10 Oregon Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island . . 5 38 5 9 5 South Carolina South Dakota .. Tennessee .. ..12 Texas 20 Utah 4 Vermont . . . . Virginia 13 Washington . . . . 7 West Virginia Wisconsin . . .. Wyoming 3 8 13 Totals .269 243 19 One Case The only case to come up in the Recorder's court was against Essie Murray, colored, who was charged with assault and bat tery. The State failed to make its case and Essie was discharged as not guilty. TEUTONS COMPEL THE TO RETREAT Rumanians Also Said to Have Suffered Reverse Before -Invaders. PETROGRAD ADMITS THE RETIREMENT Heavy Fighting in Progress on The Transylvanian Front. Battling at Other Points. Petrograd, (via London), Nov. 10. On the Transylvanian front the Ru manians have suffered reverses at the hands of the Austro-German forcos having been f6rced to retreat, the war office announced today. Says Situation Unchanged. Bucharest, Rumania, (via London), Nov. 10. Heavy fighting is underway on the Transylvanian front, but no important changes in the military sit uation is announced by the war office ' today. , Russians Fall Back. ;4gr(jE5fcndron) Nov. 10.-. A violent attack on. the Russian posi tions on the Stokhod region of Vol hynia was made yesterday by the Austro-Germans. The war Qfflce an nounced that the Russians were com pelled to fall back to their second line. "5 DEATH IS FIXEO New Hanover County Murder er to Be Execute De cember 15th. Raleigh, Nov. 10. The date war rent for the execution of Thomas Merrick, colored, of -Wilmington was signed today by Governor Craig. Merrick, who was convicted of murder, will be electrified December 15th. ALLEGED POLICEMAN VIOLATED PROHI. LAW. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10. Atlanta po licemen have faced the board of po lice commissioners on various and sundry charges, but it remained for a new record to be established when a patrolman was arrested in a nearby town of Marietta on the charge of vio lating the prohibition law. A party of four men, merrily rolling along a Cobb county turnpike in their "Flivver," suffered a sudden spill which attracted quite an audience of curious spectators, and in the course of reassembling the scattered frag ments of automobile and cargo it was discovered that five gallons of perfect ly good liquor had been lost In the wreck. Further investigation revealed the fact that one -of the party who after wards gave his name as R. T. David, was wearing the badge of an Atlanta policeman. Being the self-confessed owner and driver of the car, he was the first to be arrested, and the other three were also taken into custody. ' ' DEMOCRATS CONTROL THE HOUSE. 4- New York, Nov. 10. With the 4 result in seven districts still in doubt the returns on the congres- fr 4 sional election indicate that; 2H Democratic members of the 4 House and 211 Republican mem- ' bers have been elected, giving 4 4 the Democrats a plu-ality of 3. 4J RUSSIANS MERRICK ti, 1

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