WEATHER FORECAST Atv;. v5:j : - ; Ij f , " ' i; J --Jf - .1 J peratuc. Mod.ra. wst wind.. mmC., '.'dldLiJl.V ALjLASi W TT H "2 1 : I I W II Jl) I fcj-j&f:? J lJl lL ' "' ' - ' - TODA?? 'h '.S 1 VOL. XXII. NO. 308. T Further Progerss Reported by London In The Offensive North of The Ancre. GERMANS FIERCELY ATTACK THE FRENCH But Paris Reports They Were Repulsed Allies ' Drive Nearer Monastir Serbians in Thick of The Fight. p.i'ixirh attacks last night resulted in fuiilipr progress for the new of-Mi.-iw- north -of the Ancre river in ii,. i-xu-nsion of the offensive on the St nn m c front in Northern France. S; i iking northeast from Beaumont ilarmi and northerly from Beaucourt, i hp British- pushed back th Germans in each case, London announces. The (i-mansr countered with arullery, luavily shelling Beaumont-Hajnel. At liiaches, south of the Somme, ili.- Ct-rmans attacked the French bill, according to Paris, v.v-; r.-.u!sfd. Trie entente forces crcunf Monas t.r continue to show progress, Lon (ii.n announced. The Serbians have .-cored advances in the bend of the f'ema river east of Macedonia, while the French are pushing to the south iif the city. The operations cf the Serbians have brought them to a point due east of Monastir. On the south the French are five miles from the city. Germany In Winter's Grip. London, Nov.' 18. Germany" is- in the grip of, winter, says the Exchange T'legraph Company's Berne correspon- doi t, who reports- that several tray- near the Swiss frontiejv. Rumanians Advance. Riicarcst, (Via. London); Nov. 18. The Rumanians have made progress on the front in the region of Dragos-lavf-lr-, the-war office announced to- rtav. GEORGIA PRISON A POET'S HOME Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 18. Instead of embittering his-soul and making him ;in enemy of society, eight years as a prisoner in the Federal Peniten tiary in Atlanta has whitened the hair of Logan P. Martin, sweetened his disposition and turned him into a ioh. He is going to publish a book of poems selected from more than a thousand which he wrote in prison, and Rev. C. B. Wilmer, D. D., rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church, and one of the brilliant clergymen of At lanta, is going to give him a helping hand Ohio Valley Exposition. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 18. Of prime importance to the agricultural, com mercial and industrial interests of the States bordering on the Ohio River is the Ohio Yalley Industrial Exposition, "which opened in this city today for an ene;agementpf one week. The enter prise is the largest and most compre hensive of its kind ever attempted in this section, embracing as it does an elaborate display of the products and natural resources of half a dozen States. During the period of the ex position there will be held a series of conferences to consider problems relat inu, to the further development of the Ohio Valley region. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 17 It rang for tl-o election of Grover Clereland both times, it rang for the election of Woodrow Wilson in 1912 and rang for his election in 1916; and now 'Gus sie Hill," the monster fire bell that hung for years in a tower on top of the Atlanta fire department head quarters, has been removed to Grant l ark and will be mounted' on a special tower of its own and preserved for all times as one of the most precious rel- Scveral weeks ago it was taken ' of Atlanta's pioneer village days. down from the top of the fire head quarters, because the department had eased to use it after the installation f a new and up-to-date electric fire alarm system. The old bell lay on "ie sidewalk until "Cap" W. R. Joy "er, former Atlanta fire chief, former mayor of Atlanta, and now state fire marshal, jacked it up on temporary Wocks to ring it in celebration of the Woodrow Wilson victory. The latest ring of the bell brought ds sentimental attachments to the at trition ofMhe people and it will be preserved. IRITfifl Milt iSHRCHOilTRjlllliill ' .S aniEiW ' 15 PROM Til fflBERBGTI iCHES THglOiillED FAR IN BETURflS NET nOl liilMDl IHPPDINTINR s, rrfst TflflilY ,.. rrr..,..,., flnim nni irnnrnn Bl I II II III 111 II II II II II IIV.lir-ll II II II 'I II II I -' " - - w I aws I ntnrrArt AHor Maaf. I J 1 1 b.W I . I W U 1 1 I Jt " vviwm.uuuuai i IIIIIUI 1 1 II I II IIIIUIII ill ii , II III III II H II II II II II II II II II II II III I II 12 (J, , Bv.vv. lu ...t- r : V 1 II B II II 1 f II II II II II II It II ti SI Ii II II II II I H II i J- ine of Next LeislatnrP. h kb - - mb ax v , - - i r a c - - MAKING APPEAL FIR PARDON Georgia Murderer Can Expect no Clemency From' Gov ernor Dorsey. ' Atlanta, Ga.,' Nov. 18. Expecting no clemency from Hugh M. Dorsey, who was elected governor of Georgfa on a platform denouncing executive clemency and pledgingvhim to let the law take its course in criminal cases, Dr. J. W. McNaughton is making a last appeal to the State Prison Com mission in the hope that they will act favorably on. his petition for a pardon in time for Governor Harris tr finaiiv decide the case before he retires from ' office. Dr. McNaughton is now serving a life term at the State Prison Farm near Milhsdgeville for the murder of Fred Flanders, whom he was convict i C. of poisoning -with arsenic. The wife of Fred. Flanders, who was im plicated in the alleged poisoning at the time, indictments were returned, was never prosecuted, and this fact has been urged as one of the chief claims in behalf of McNaughton's pardon petition, it being claimed by his attorney, F. H. Saffold, of Swains boro, that McNaughton and Mrs. Flanders were either equally guilty or equally innocent. SCARCITY OF LABOR ONE CAUSE FOR HIGH COAL. Washington, Nov. 18. Scarcity of ifioor -at'coal mines has been found by to be a factor in the increased price of coal. The investigation IS not yet complete; but investigations in Ten nessee and Kentucky mines showed the cost of mining coal to have in- creased about $2.50 a ton. MUCH MONEY TO BE SPENT NORFOLK YARD. Washington, Nov. 18. Approxi mately half of the $6,000,000 appropri ated for navy yards will be spent on the Norfolk yard. The other half will probably be spent on the Phila delphia yard. No final decision has been reached, but indications are that the amount will be about equally divided between the two points. The appropriation bill leaves the expenditures entirely within the jurisdiction of the secre tary. FAIR WEATHER ON TAP FOR NEXT WEEK. FAIR WEATHER ON Washington, Nov. 18. Generally fair weather is forecasted for the south east states during the week beginning tomorrow. In the South Atlantic and east gulf states the temperature will be moderately low with frosts for the first half, but after Wednesday mode rate temperature will follow. Oldest Negro Church in West. Denver, Colo., Nov. 18 The congre gation of Zion Baptist church in this city has completed elaborate prepara tions for the opening tomorrow of a week's celebration in honor of the semi centennial anniversary of the founding of the church. The members are par ticularly proud of the fact that their church is the oldest negro church west of the Missouri River. Founders' Day at Sweet Briar. Sweet Briar, Va., Nov. 17. Sweet Briar College celebrated Founders' Day today with an interesting pro gram of exercises. The principal ad dress was delivered by Dr. 'Henry Noble MacCracken, president of Vas- sar College. Roads Consider Adamson Law. Denver, Colo. Nov. 17. Means of meeting the requirements of the Adamson e5ght-hour law . are to be considered at the Autumn meeting of the American Railway Association, which convened in this city today. Practically all the leading railroad systems of the country have sent rep resentatives to the conference. Salvation Army Postpones Congress. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 17 The could be maae in iuii Deiore miamgin. National Congress of the Salvation of Election Day. He proposed to have Army, which was to have opened in! the machine installed in California at this city today, has been indefinitely j once to clear up this year's elections, postponed because of the critical ill- and possibly convince Charles E. ness of Commander Eva Booth, the . Hughes." He was sent to the Washing National i head of the organization in ton A.sylum Hospital for investigation this country. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Vr 1 8, 191 6, Government Hoped to Fhd Supply to Use In Time of Peace for Fertilizer. MANY BOGUS STOCKS SOLD. Promoters Flashed Wildcat Bonds on Market But Not Enough Percent of Nitrate In De posits. (By George H. Manning.) Washington, D. C, Nov. is The search for a natural supply of nitrate in all parts of the United States, which it was hoped would be suffi cient to supply our needs irt case of war and furnish the farmers of the country fertilizer material in times of peace, has been very disappointing in its result, it was stated at the United States Geological Survey to- 5 day. The importance of discovering such a supply to relieve us rrom the Ger man monopoly which has been cut off now about two years, has received widespread public attention Prospectors in many sections have raised great hopes by finding good surface showings of saltpeter, but further investigation has proved that the deposits did not extend any dis tance into the earth, a conclusion that has been reached with reluct ance by the Geological Survey. Advantage has been taken 'of this situation to promote numerous stoch selling enterprises, even after the worthlessness of the deposits seem ed apparent to any competent judge, the Survey claimed, so that the public might question either the good faith of the promoters or their prac tical knowledge. A careful study of these deposits! was recently made in different parts of the country by Hpyt S. Gale,-a geologist of .e:,umte4v.bta v:oy, whO-tates lit hisr report of fitK ineaithat ideDOsits found on lava ledges and in limestone and sand stone either did not penetrate a suf ficient depth into the" earth to make their development profitable, or did not show a sufficiently high percent age of nitrate deposit to warrant the substance being handled commercial ly. . - The Geological Survey officials slated today they will always be glad to examine any samples submitted, and urges that anyone intending to devote his time or money to further exploration should do so with full knowledge of the evidence already in hand, and should not be led into a venture by misleading representa tions. T MORE PAY FOR EMPLOYES Federation of Labor Adopts ; Resolution to Seek Such From Congress. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 18 The Ameri can Federation of Labor today adopted a resolution instructing its president and council to endeavor to have Con greps enact a law granting all govern ment employes in the civil service an increase of salary of at least $200 a year; The resolution declared that: 'It is normally impossible for the classified civil service employes to support himself and family on the wages paia uy me uuucu piaico. Several hundred delegates went to Washington on a sight-seeing trip to day. They will be received by Presi dent Wilson at 5 o'clock this after noon. DEVICE TO COUNT CALIFORNIA, Friedler Wanted to Sell a Machine to the President. Washington, Nov. 18 Saul Fried ler, who said he lived at No. 145 Orch ard street, New York, was arrested at the White House when he tried to see President Wilson to sell him a vote counting device. "It is a nuisance to have to wait a week fon elections returns, and then have to count them over," he told the policemen who stopped him at the door. Friedler said by his device the count as to his sanity. WAN Raleigh;; Nov, ;18?HThe trustees of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League -an, their, meeting Thursday offered a law for the consideration of the next general assembly that prom ises bJ.h prohibition- and the prohibi tion of the prohibitionists. In short, it goes right after liquor. The trustees determined to meet in Raleigh shortly after the opening of the general assembly. This will be the biennial session of the league and William Jennings Bryan will be invited to speak. The bill, which will bo offered provides against the pos session of more than a half gallon of spiritous liquors, five gallons of vi nous and .three gallons of malt. It provides als,o against the receipt of liquors from an express company or other carrier and tneir storage in cafes, stores, clubrooms, or other public places;1 iltinakes unlawful the storage of liquor in lockers. Ina word, it is to be unlawful to possess more than half a gallon of liquor, the real stuff; three ' gallons of malt or five gallons of vinous liquors. Section 5 of the bill makes unlawful receipting for liquors or bit ters from express companies or other carriers, and makes unlawful also the possession of liquors that have been shipped. Section 6 makes unlawful the manufacture, for sale, of wine, but a person making and consuming five gallons only in a j'ear will be free from prosecution. Hard cider is banned ff it contains more than 2 1-2 per cent, alcohol. Section 7 prohibits the storing of liquors anywhere, clubrooms, frater nal organizations, etc. Section 8 oper ates against the keeping of booze for another. Section 9 gets the man who distrib utes liquor and the man who takes orders for it. Section 10 gets the paper that advertises the stuff. Sec tion 11 gets the club that stofes in lockers or otherwise for use. Section 12 provides machinery for abating i:he drinking place and prohibits that - Sectfons IS aridi-'flt6Wef nttd seizure and sale of automobiles and other property used in transporting liquor for illegal purposes and fixes the "right, title and interest of every party or person in or to ' the said property so seized and sold. Sec tion 15 makes the common carrier come clean with the books. Section 16 allows nobody to be excused from testifying before a grand jury. Sec tion 17 provides for the prosecution of the violator wherever he be caught. The four sections following embody the 1915 law providing for the use of grain alcohol by drug stores and physicians. The first offense may range from $100 to $2,500 in fines and repeaters will not be less than 60 daysi nor more man two years, copying me Virginia act the proposed law pro vides a fine of $10 to $100 for public drunkenness. It is boldly announced that the purpose of this' act is .to break up drinking and to quit temporizing and compromising with liquor. Cussed and abused as he has been, Rev. R. L. Davis was again selected superintendent for 1917 and the lead er is expected to get the legislature right. -. Most everybody will cuss Brother Davis some during the fight and the members do not all vote with him, but he always knows more about the way they will vote than anybody else does and when the liquor bill is called about 90 per cent, of the rep resentatives will have petitions from the people back in his county. Broth- er Davis gets the petition somehow when the representative hasn't heard of it. And should the prohibition senti ment become aggressive in the speak- ership race it is very probable that burgh Philadeiphia, Paterson and oth Harry Grier, who led them two years er cities where he has conducted his ago, would make a great showing. remarkabie evangelistic campaigns There is a considerable sentiment for ' during the past few years. Mr. Sunday Grier, who has done notning to ex cite it. - This bill is very different from any other. In 1908 the slogan was pro hibition not the tampering with one's appetite.' The. new bill distinctly an nounces its intention to stand at the suffragan's muzzle and superintend the load that goes therein. And nothing nearly so drastic has been undertaken. " This will be the true test of prohibition sentiment. . Archibald Johnson, Rev. II. L. Gray, Dr. D. E. M. Freeman, Rev. Hight C. Moore, W. T. Shaw, Rev. B. M. AnrirfiWS. ReV; J.. E. UnderWOOd, Major H A. liondonf M. L. ShipmanJ and Rev. J. W.: Holt signed this bill. Nobody accuses them of being afraid. I do wish you'd buy a new car, pa.) The old one is getting so shabby thatj I'm; ashamed to be seen in it. 1 Good. Now, maybe I'll get a chance to use it . myself occasionally. Exchange. Important Gridiron Battles, to Be Staged In South This Afternoon. N. C. UNIVERSITY PLAYS AT HOME. Tar Heel A. and M. Battles With Georgetown1 Eleven. Yale and Princeton Will Fight. " Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 18. With three unbeaten elevens facing teams- that are out of the championship conten ders, the football season reached its j height today. In none of the battles does any one aggregation appear de cisively better than its opponent and it would occasion 'little surprise if either of the elevens won. Auburn and Georgia Techs meet Virginia and Georgia and Tennessee must dispose or bewanee to nave a claim for the championship. Auburn was a slight favorite over Vanderbilt, while Tennessee had the edge on Se wanee. Rivalry on Georgia and on Georgia Techs kept the betting even. Louisiana State and Mississippi meet at Baton Rouge, while ( Alabama and Tulane battle at New Orleans, and! Virginia and Virginia Military Insti tute' at Charlottesville. Mississippi A. & M. goes to Lexing ton, Ky., to play Kentucky State. North Carolina A. & M. plays George town at Washington and North Car olina meets Furman at Chapel Hill. Two intersectional contests are listed. Florida plays Indiana at Bloomington, Ind., and Washington and Lee entertain Washington and Jefferson at Richmond. On Eastern Gridirons New York, Nov. 18 Although the I meeting of Yale and Princeton to-day1 "overshadows all other Eastern foot:i ball games, there-are, several tight -f scores expected. ::a nr.. I both fast and powerful organizations. fcatlonjfc Syracuse and Colgate will" battle' at Syracuse and widespread interest, is fieials connected with that institution, manifested in the meeting. Harvard I and the dream of all jailers has rea will meet no mean opponent in lized by Mr. J.' M. Branch jailer. Sev Brown and while the Crimson is a i eral times the number of prisoners has slight favorite a thrilling battle is anticipated. Cornell lines up against the Massachusetts Aggies at Ithaca and the Army plays Springfield at West Point. The Navy plays Villa Nova at Annapolis. The Yale-Princeton Game. Princeton, N. J., Nov. 18. Prince ton bestirred itself early today in order to accommodate the 40,000 per sons who were expected to witness the battle, between Princeton and Yale this afternoon. The game will start at 2 o'clock! . Princeton was the favorite in the few bets made. Yale supporters asked odds at 10 to 9. Although the majority or the foot ball critics concede the Tigers to be the stronger veleven tjie Princeton coaches and men are looking for a j v,t- otniffo-lo than thfi one with ! uaiuci awubo i Harvard a week ago. Princeton now j has a much stronger team than met Harvard last week. f GREETINGS FOR "BILLY" SUNDAY Boston, Mass., Nov. 18. Evangelist "Billy" Sunday, who has just concluded the first week of his great revival in Boston, is in receipt of a shower of congratulatory messages sent in antic! I pation Gf his fifty third birthday ahni- versary. Sunday was Dorn at Aiuets, la., Nov. 19, 1853. Among those woo 'have remembered him with greetings are hundreds of ministers and laymen in nmaha TlnUimore. Detroit. Pitts- has made no special plans for the ob servance of his birthday tomorrow. He expects to' conduct afternoon and even ing services in the big tabernacle and will pass the remainder of the day In company with his- family and a few in timate friends in the spacious mansion occupiedby the evangelist's party in Commonwealth avenue. "Georgia Products Day." Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 18 In compli ance with a proclamation by Governor Harris the neonle throughout the length and breadth of Georgia observ ed today. ;as "Georgia Products Day I t a nmolamatinn aptHn? aside the jay the Governor urged the people to raise larger amounts and a wider vari ety of farm and garden products and thereby make themselves more inde nendent in these days of high prices. ?'Georeia Products Dav" was observ- ed in' Atlanta with a great civic dinner, attended by a thousand representative citizens from all parts of the State. Every item' on the menu, from soup to nuts, was a Georgia product. - . . i j 1 i ii. .:w -il m Jing or Constitutional f . . Amendments Lessens Work "' ' of State Assembly. .' Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 18. An Interest ing trio of notables attending thA an nual convention of the Southern Med ical Association, , which closes today with a golf tournament, are Dr. Cary T. Grays6n,N W. J. Harris and Dr. Seale Harris. The first is private physician to President Wilson, the second is a member of the Federal Trade Com mission appointed by President Wil son, and the third is secretary-treasurer of the association and a brother of the second and close personal friend of the first. Dr. Harris and Dr. Grayson have been- friends for years, and Commis ioner Harris and Dr. Grayson are also friends. It was at the request of Dr. Harris and Commisioner Har ris that Dr. Grayson arranged to come to Atlanta for the convention. Dr. Grayson has been called the only man in the world from whom PreBident Wilson takes orders." Com mis,lnTlfir HllrHa ,c nna - tyia aaat men in Washington to the President. Dr. Harris is editor of the Southern Medical Journal, besides being secretary-treasurer of the Southern Med ical Association, and during his in cumbency of five years in the office -'the association's membership has in creased from 600 to 6,000. IKE COUNTY JAIL IS EMPTY T .Condition Exists For First Time in HistoryrrJubilee ... Service m Morning.-"' ' t if-'iiiari.: i .1 t o Pi wiiuiuici vj.ujii.v -.dou ill the first time in IbTWstOMr ef thelw?V - .v,; vj iae iirsi lime in lire msiory oi mef ity, according to the memories of of- dwindled to one but it seemed impos sible to get rid of all prisoners at one time. This condition -actually exists this, afternoon but how long it will remain so is only a matter of conjec ture. Jubilee services will be held in the jail in the morning at 9:30 o'clock and all will celebrate the departure of the erring ones. - It is customary to hold services for the prisoners in the jail each Sunday -morning and officials have long contemplated the idea of a jubilee if it were possible to hold this with no prisoners to look on. Such a condition is now possible and Jailer Branch has the distinction of holding office with no prisoners to guard a position never before occupied by a predecessor. This condition either speaks well for tne law and order of the community or ) t,,i j i,,i4n v, v. , . I vvuufu iiivaia, tuau tuc II c (JtXl L ment county officials are not strictly on the, job. The consensus of opinion is that our civilization is advancing regardless of the evil pro phecies of those who are wont to argiie that our civilization is only skin deep. The last prisoner was given his free dom this morning when he gave bond for bis appearance in Rocky Mount and Wilson to answer to charges of false pretence. G. J. Hart, white, was the last one to see the interior of the' jail as a prisoner and now he is free to go and come as he pleases until his trials, which are slated for the 27th of the month at Rock Mount and De cember 1st, at Wilson are begun and the two cases against him disposed of. The November term of Superlor 1 Court which came to close late yes-! terday afternoon helped to clean out the jail and unless some one commits a crime that would warrant his con-' finement in the jail rather than the guard house the county jail will at least remain vacant morning. until , Monday Prices For Bacon. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 18. Mr. Store Keeper! Ring up another for old H. C. of L.! Boarding houses have caught the fever of increased prices, or have been ! compelled to advance their rates be cause the price of groceries and other you choose to put it-with the result i that bachelor boys and bachelor men, and bachelor girls and bachelor maids, are having to dig down deeper into their pockets. There is no way out of It, declares uor good friend the landlady. Meat up. Lard up. Flour up. Sugar up. Every thing out ef sight. That's the wayshe dopes it out. And the worst of it is, for the boarders, that she's telling the truth. PRIGE 5 CENTS All But One of The Loa ingei les Precincts Have Been Heard From. ? HUGHES' ELECTORS MAKE SUGHT GAIN; 'No Material Deviation Yet Shown Wilson Still Ahead '? Over Three Thousand Votes. - Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 18. Twen- s ty-five counties out of 58 in California -had yet to file election returns with the Secretary of State today. Several of the most populous counties have'' completed the recount, but have as ' v yet not made their returns. With 625 of the 684 San Francesco : precincts counted the deviation of. the'. original showed a gain of 74 for ' Hughes. The work here, according to the State statutes, must be completed by November 27. No important dlscrep ancles have been discovered' In the , counties' returns and President Wh son's unofficial majority over Air; , Hughes is approximately 3,200 votes.' v, Advices from Los Angeles stated that ' 1,214 out of the 1,215 precincts had been received and the Republican elector had received a net gain of 121 votes. - HANDSOME STEAMER IN- (The Pennsylvanian is One' of . The Largest Ever Here. - V The American freighter Pennsyl 'l vania, one of the handsomest and 1 largest vessels. to eVer visit this, port,7 arrived in WUmlngtpn thla r afternoon from Charlest6'S.V'C.;'iwliT'pat''''., cargo of nitrate of, soda to b dtacharc Sd at- the AHantfc; Coast t4ne terrain v t alikl? TVe rsargfr? is ..rohi v one) W thr ' DOita on th&-W6atmrt tiSonth Am : j -. w. . ..-i v w t , ,,. v-' . - , : .-'J .Jr The Pennsylranian is practically Xf', new steamer ana u emooaies airmo latest improvements in ocean going ' freight vessels. Her, tonnage is 4139 which is .probably the greatest of any" steamer to ever visit this port. It " is considerably longer than a city block). The commanding officer la Captain Tapsley. " . ' Handsomely painted, the hull of,: black and the superstructure of. while and buff, the steamer presented ': pretty sight as she steamed into the v harbor. Not a few persons lined the wharves to view the steamer. V ITEMS TO BE ELIMINATED Passing o of Constitutional Amendments Lessens Work y of State Assembly. Raleigh, Nov. 18. That the pa ' sage of the four constitutional. amendments will so restrict local leg ' islation as to eliminate about 75 per- cent, of the usual work done in the , biennial sessions of the general as' sembly is the view of many politi cians here who look with great fa vor upon the incoming legislature.' -.' The chief things prohibited in the amendments are that the pickings of the representatives. Many a young -lawyer' has come to Raleigh solely upon his local promises, but the f el- -lows who were elected on local leg islation platforms this year must . double-cross their electorate, so the leaders say. Such things ; as the township stock law, the sawdust act. '- the election of county school boards of education and a thousand similar things will be out of it. 7-v . It is, beUeved that this set of amendments will have much to do with fundamental changes in - the school laws. While the :Repuhllcan'r attacked the Joyner administration much, they were often reminded that he was the most progressive of the Democrats, had always been willing' to a system, uniformly electe4 , or uniformly appointed, school boards.' The present system is a mixture. And the death of local legislation wil1 j duties a give more time for the study of the bigger problem of edu-: cation. The Republicans declared for Popular election of school board,; but; I it is doubtful whether that measure! wil1 6et anywhere this year or not. Times have changed. ' ; ; Yes, I don't - believe you'll erer hear any of the youngsters growine up wishing for the kind of pie their, j mothers used to make. Exchange, , MAN TA '..:! jii i- it ' ti I 1 .ili III t.'S '.'ill re 'a i (I: 1 . 1 t 'f V. ;'! r 1 - 1 7, i - i .'vi':

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