VilVlin AU i UMU15ILJ B. F.rD.r Jacksonville,- fr; Rachel Scott .. ntinuel From Page Oile.) C. Warlick 3 2-,096 -Beatrice; McMillan 1,090 i,920 Wilma WfW&1?Jt&,&-... V" ;? ..' Tomahawk, N."c." , ning but "that tired feeling. . If you get that and don't win one q( the prizes don't blame a soul but your seu. " . . , ' - Abbottsburg, N. C. Lorrene Ballantine , . . ;'. Edna Cashwell .. .. .. v. . . 1,200 Margaret Craven .. . . . . , 2,500 Ruth Johnson . . . 1,550 Mettle Walton .' . V ' . r ;r.; Kenansville, N. C. Fannie Bryan . . . . . .'. : . Leona Grady ' . . Virgin ia Johnson . -. ...... Blanche Swinson . . ... '. . . . ;. r'vo Kenlv. N. C. . 1,600 f Mi"' m.m,a Brougbton Sadie Morris . . . -2,100 X24p 1,850 2,400 THE NECESSARY ASSETS OF. A. SCREEN STAFL So many "V" . t Acme, -r.on nlnvpr that T f1 it ia m v iJutw. Aa-wrt- tut,. 111.1.1. 1 . . in a si' f j : - j w uc tv,c mis nine uuai io wflars rtena rsraat . . , . ffhaton tne screjai. ' . J Mattie Powell.. .. Letters by the score come to my desk asking for aid in getting into the Ruby Scull movies, me wmei on; seueraiiy gins wno are considered talented or beauV tif ul by their friends. - Naturally, a girl with beauty has a' much easiei4 time i gainihs admittance w the motion picture salary list and roster of fame than one with plain features- Nevertheless beauty alone will never get a person to the desired i U. C. Nancy F. Wall 2,500 1,260 .770 600 '. t Mr J.-R;' Sauls . . fAgriesL Watsdh. . ... : Laurel Mary Snead Kill, N. C. .1- Vnr rin to ant nr.H Ynr,Ti r nl.rnT.n 1 11.. pinna' u" t-.iit aim ucouij ama;g win me aay. There is an indefinite something which is termed "screen personality" that is absolutely necessary. I cannot define it for you. All I can do is ask if vou have beheld some player upon the screen, who, although talented and "beautiful, did not appeal to you. Then again haven't you seen someone who wasnot so beautiful or clever with whom you fell in love immediately? The latter possessed an indefinable something in other words.she had a personat magnetism that swayed you subtley. Then, too, a girl who is really most attractive in appearance in real life may photograph poorly on the screen. Perhaps her type of beauty may be too milil to reproduce under the bold scrutiny of the damera. Blonda r?. particular have a difficult time in registering to advantage on this screen unless I their features are ueciueuiy characteristic, or unless their eyes are large, with the pupils of unusual proportions. Another thing may be of some consolation to disappointed aspirants. Some players who have attained the greatest success on the legitimate stage fail miserably before the eamera. Altogether one must possess "camera qualifications" in order to look forward with any nope to stardom in the movies. Perhaps this is all somewhat incomprehensible talk to those of you who have never seen a motion picture studio, but believe me, dear friends, I voice the opinion of all those who have been fortunate enough to reach stardom when I assert that nine out of every ten girls are better suited by far in their present environment. To these the movies should mean only a form "of ente tainmenf, not a prospective career. Alma, N.-C. Annie McLean . ... .. ' Armour, N. C. Mrs. B. L. Daniel . Mrs. W. R. Love Atkinson, N. C. Mabel Heary . . Sallie J. Kelly Mamie Woodcock . . ; . 3,100 1,950 2,370 2,060 1,230 tirrinrurg, N, C. Myrtle Willoughby .. .. .. Loris, &. r. Dorothy Gladys Butler ... Lumberton, N C. Iola lyey, .. . .. ..... i.. ;:. .. .. Marietta, N4 C. Mae Oliver . . DOLLAR FOUNTAIN SYRINGES THIS WEEK 88 CENTS ONLY. We have bought heavily of Syringes and at the figure named above you can get on excellent Syringe some thing that every family needs. Phone us for one of them, cr anyother drug store item. JAMES M. HALL, Druggist 5th and Castle Streets. Phones 192 and 193. ATLANTIC COAST' LOW Arrivals and Departures of Trains at Wilmington, Effective Nov. 12th, lylb. Time Not Guaranteed. DEPABTUBXt ! TO and nofi ABRIVAI,0 No. 90. 3:40 A. M. Daily Except Sunday. No. 04. 5:15 A. U. Mon., Wed. and riily Only. No. 61. Daily. 5:30 A. M. Uoldahoro, itlcbicoiid, Norfolk nJ J9stera Mortti c&roilna points. Couaeeta t Uolii boro with Southern Rcllway at Nrftt Sontbero ttallmacL JTackaonrUis BtMtlooa. New Bra asd lAtanrs1Ura i No. 91. t:lS A. M. Dally Except Monday. No. 65. 6:15 P. M. Uon Wed. and Friday Only. No. 48. Dally. 8:04) A. itf. No. ra. Dally. 8:45 A. M. No. 62. Now Dally Daily No. 68, Dally. 8 :45 P. f. No. 69. Toes.. Thur. and Sat. nly 6:80 t. U. No. 42. Dally. :45 1-. M. ChAilbrtarn Conway, Florence, Cbarlanton, Savannah, Jackaonrllle. Tamp nu Peterwburg, Fort Myera Columbia kiia Aabevllle, Pullman Sleeping Cars &?tweeb UmtngtoD and Colombia, open to t celve outboond passenarera at Wllmtnir ton at and after 10:00 P. M. and may b occupied, uboad until liOO A. M. Goldsboro. itlcbmond. Norfolk and Wash lnffon. Parlor Cars between WilmCngton t ana worroi connecung: at kocjcj Mount .with New York trains naTtag Poilman Service. No. t. Dally. IStZA A. 1L Solid train . between Wilmington an! Mt. Airy via Fayetteville and Sanford. JacKaonTtila, Stations. Now Bm sad iatamodisAs Cbadboarn, Florence. Columbia, AognsMt, ' Atlanta and tne west. cnareston ea Tannak and all Florida Points. All Steel Pullman Steeping Cars betwt,n Wllmlng ton and Atlanta, via Augusts. Sleeping Caca daily Jeten Florence ant Colom bia, which may be occupied- at Colum bia until im A. M. iTayattevtlto snC latannedlat CtatlMi Joldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Wsahlngton and New York, Pullman Brother, toiZtmt Sleeping Cars, between, Wilmington auu Washington, connoting with New lor trains carrying dining cars: also Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. No. 49 Dally. 0:05 P. M. No. S3 Dally. 8:00 P. II No. 63. Dally 12:30 P. M. No. B4 Daily M:M P. M. No. 00. Tnes.. Thur and Sat Only 19U A. It Daily. 2,260' 2,200 1,100 1,090 1,070 1,050 3,9t0 1,100 1.35C 1,060 1,810 1,700 2,550 1,770 1,300 2,070 2,550 ; Autryville, N. C. Rovella Autry .. 2,050 Fay Cashwell 1.2&6 Violet Copper . : ........ . . 1,500 Bladen boro, N. C. Annabel Brtdger . . . . .. . . .. 2,450' Pauline HlKnrn '. . . . ...... 1,850 Elizabeth Pate . . . . .... . . 1,420 Vera Singleton 2,100 Esther -Thompson 1,190 Burgzvt, N, C. Beulah Batson . . 1,850 Fannie M. Sldbury . . . . . Eleanor Williams. . . . .. . Cerro Gsrdo. Agnes Griffin ........ , Pauline Hammond Rubie Inman . '. ' ' ' . . . . . . Era Williamson Clarkton. N. C. Margaret Clark 1,970 Maude Ivey. . Lois Owen ...... LiiHe Bell Phifer Bessie Smith . . . . Conway, S. C. Marguerite Collins 2,100 Mazelia Hediey , . 1,500 Molly Jones . ..... Nettie Maude Mishoe .. Mazie Oliver Aleen Spivey Dublin, N. C. Maude Allen IWillette Hughes Alma McDaniel .. 2,770 5 East Arcadia. N. C. Mrs. A. O. Trust .. .. .. Etizabethtown, N. C. Agnes Cromarti 2,110 Ruth Hester 1,950 Mildred Peterson.. 1,850 Evergreen, N. C. Suda Fay Benton 1,210 Eleon Dunham 1,600 Mrs. J. W. Griffin. 1,700 I Lizzie Griffin 1,360 Inez Shaw ; .. .... 2,010. Fair Bluffy M. C. Frankie Anderson 1,340 Artyemae Cribbs .. 1,900 Eva Elvington 1,730 Pet Martin 1,070 Grace Powell . . 1,520 Pauline Renfrau 1,870 Fairmont, N. C. Bennie Baker 2,500 Ofga Carrell 1,070 Bonnie Granthum 1,200 1 Marlon, S. C. Sadie Oollins , . . Ruth Harrelson . . . . . . . . . Mary Lee Jones Ruth McEarchen.. .. .. fether ; Muirden . . .. .. . Edfth Snipes , Kate William Maxton. N. C. Emma 1,300 Nell J." Herring .. . . . . ?.200 town Xreek, N. C. 1 I i Lizzie FXJa'anofr . . .... , 2,160 BeutaB MpKeithan . . . . .. 1,000 Gussie Skipper V. . ; .. 1,700 -Turkey, N. C. 1,050 Lena' Hunter. V . . . . . . ., ! Miiie Ldu Kelly . . ... .. ; . 1,970 f Verbha, N. C. l,32(r Beulah Adams . . .... . . 1,120 Nannie Sewell . ..... . . 1,170 Warsaw, N. C. 1,360 Annie Lee Adkins . . . . Eyelyn Anderson 2,856 Margaret Borden .. .. .. .. , Mattie Owens .... I. Susie Faisori : . . : .. .. 1,400 Sarah' Hunter .... i Bessie Miller1 . 3,400 Mrs! A. C. Moore . . I : Watha, N. C. 2,300 Minnie Grant Pansey Justice n,J Wairace, N. C. rfU5U ( Mrs. L. F: Saunders j Whiteville, N. C. 2 070 1 Katheline Baldwin . . ... .. 1600 nie Ree Lewis ! Ethel Maultsby .. 2 ! Lucile Powell 1050 I Jessie mith 9 7dn Winter Park, N. C. ' Mrs. G. A. Bishop .. .. .. .. 3,040 M is' 1 - . MY 1,260 1,740 1,900 1,930 2,060 1,000 1,000 1,40ft 1,300 1,606 2.01O 1,950 1,710 1.000 1,120 2,000 1,140 i . H, 1 Ani: Adventure , of rter By Robert Welles Ritchie - 1 . Story by Redfleld Ing alls Copyrfghted, 1916, by Kalim Company. 2,990 2,040 1,400 ;:.::i.;;4:-'..vJ;-.:A:?:5 : "i OWD It 6t there? S r unted Cadogan, chiefs of -detso-tlv.St andjnarided the grinning skull back to Tommy Grant. The white faced woman near the door of the dusty little attic room shivered and moaned. The rtpor tax looked reflectively from the little I Virginia Cockrell . 5,690 Wilmingtiii, U. C. Thelma Applewhite 4,260 1 400 HC1UJ -H-ypiewuiie ,ztu that's all o'nt-nl Mamie Baldwin 4,810 ' ed to cry. round hole in the forehead of the grlaly human relic to the dilapidated trunk, lying where it had fallen from a pile of Its kind. "It's certainly not suicide," he re flected somberly. Then to the woman: "Just what happened? How did you find itr "T wna hona rleanin' she muttered. 1,660 l Fiirflt time I'd touched this room in live years ever since I bought the business. The trunk fell down and that rolled out." ' She. shuddered violently. "Who'd you buy it from?" asked Cado gan. "A Frenchman, Henri Theophile. He showed me the attic 'then, and the trunk was there. Honest to goodness, mister. that's all I know about It!" and she start- 1,700 1,600 i A nno TiaII TTti r orann r-Ma. 1 isa 1 Alma Bryan .. .. 4,980 I Marguerite McQueen Mrs W. E. Ki4 . Estelle Steed . . Mayvile, N. C. Gladys Collins. MrsEarnest A. Taylor. . . . R. F. D., M.iysville, N. 3adie Morton Lizzie Mills . . Muilins, S. May Byrd . . . . Mayo Huggins Belle Jenerette .... .... 1,400 1,500 1,770 ! j Effa Boon . . 1,700 .a u L. 1 2,070 Mrs. M. B. Cavanaugh. 1,000 f Frances Cheek. 1,700 ("Mrs. 3,040 J. E. Clark 2,500 C 1 1 Aft I ' vciiixv i,A Sue Everett .. 1,060 1 Marie Fleet. 1,270 I Bessie Hardwick. . Mamie Godwin . . Vera Furlong . . . . Josephine Harrfss l.Olh 3,100 2,950 4,450 5,010 3,100 2,400 1,200 . 1,360 1 ana ' ft!Mrs. Kathleen Heatherby Annie Mclntyre 1,900 S 1 't ' " i V ' rVl 2070jAda Hnmphrey .. .. .. .. .. 3,200 1000iHattie R Jame!S l76t) J Sallie Justice.. .. 2,060 Blanche Thornton Virginia Winstead . . . . ; . Ruth E. Wolff New Bern, N. C. Pauline Barrington 1,000 Lena Benten . : . . Agnes Daw'.. Mrs. Mathew Hall . Gladys Johnson 2,430 1,000 1,000 1,003 Newberf in, N. C. Mrs. R. C. Applewhite 1,650 Elizabeth Metts 2,100 Mat 4H, Daily :00 A. M For Foldar, Reservations, rates of fares, etc call Phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, - T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. . General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C, Pembroke, N. C. Mrs. J. A. McCarmick 2,200 Mrs. Margaret Pennington Pearl Sheppard . . 1,850 R. F. D., Pembroke, N. C. Ethel Brown .. .. 1,400 Inez Lewis. . Stella McNeill Phoenix, N. C. Charlotte Keen Beatrice Leslie Mrs. T. I. L'nder Marie Lockfaw Mary Lorenzo 'Mrs. Herbert McCartney Rosa Mathews I Annie McMillan 2,150 j Kate Northrop 1,100 I Edna Myers . . 1,200 1,600 1 Sophie Northrop . . 1,050 Annabelle Nurnberger 6,520 Mrs, S. F. Page .. ..' 3,140 1 Mrs. L. Parker 3,800 2 010 1 Mazie f aui F 1.120 1 Bessie Pope 1,870 j Catherine Roach 2,070 ' Annie Mae Butler 3.520 lMs. Bessie M. Robbins Gretchen Gaylard 1,470 1,600 C. 6,000 Mae Medlin. . . , . . . . , . Proctorville, N Blanche Surles . . . . . . Rockingham, N. C. Lillian Biggs . . .... . . Iola Cole. . c Maggie Hasty . . 1,240 Emma Porter 1,600 Roseboro N. C. Irene Collins ..' 5,220 Loree Rodgers 6.510 Trixie Rouse . . . . .... ,'. . . 2,800 Anna Skipper .. .... 1,780 I Callie Scott . . 2,700 i Elizabeth Sloan Wilkins Smith. . 2,010 1,090 Mrs. M. L. Stover 1,400 Mary Wright Tayror .... . . . . 1,400 J Florence Taylor 2,750 Gladys Twining 3.040 2,100 ! Almeria Wolf . . .... .... . . 3,670 ' Crosby Fisher 1,720 j Mrs. Walter Lt Wood 2,940 j Shallotte, N. C. Bertha Jenkins 1,760 j Irene Rourk 1,060 Mrs. J. , Watson 2,400 Faison, N. C. Mrs. P. A. Clifton 1,220 Elizabeth Gibson . . 2,300 I Margaret Southerland 1,740 .' Freeman, N. C. ! Nora Alford 1.500 Pecolia Grice . . 1.270 Ethel Grimsey 1,720 Minnie Hardy 5,700 Garland, N. C. Belle Carter . . 1,900 Mrs: P. S. Cromartie 1,210 Leila Herring .... 1,850 Fannie Lamb 1,370 Gibson, N. C. Jessie Baxley 1,530 Mrs. W. H. Webster 1,720 Gladys Wright 1,960 Hamtet, N. C. Gladys Sherwood , 2,010 Grace Simpson 2,900 lvanhoe, N. C. Mrs. G. G. Bannerman . . . . . . 1,700 Margaret Corbett . . 1,600 Edna Robinson 1,540 Jacksonville, N. C. Julia Bender 1,610 Evelyn Cole . . 1,500 Katie Russ 2,150 Rexie Tripp 2,300 Sneads Ferry, N. C. Iva Lee Willis 2,700 Southport, N. C. Eloise Daniel 1.400 Ethel Gray 1,070 Anna Miller .. 1,100 Janio James , . . 2,100 Bessie Newton . . 3,610 Mrs. L. J. Pepper . . 4 Annie St. George Leah Weeks . . Ellen Windsor. . St. Pauls, N. C. Christianna Guy ton Supply, N. C. Clossie Edwards Jessie Pigott 1,200 Rotha Sellers 2,200 Swansboro, N. C. Grace Bloodgood . . 1,400 Elizabeth Darden - Julia Piner.. .. .. .. . . .. , Olive PIttmah . . . . .' Retta Ward . . tar Heel, N. C. Leila Grimes ... . . 2,700 Teacheys, N. C. ' Wilmington, R. F. D. 2. Edna P. Brown 1,900 Alma Padrick 2.010 Lillie Mae Carey- 1,100 Beulah Edens 3,680 Harriot Johnson . . . . 1,640 Kate Williams 1,770 i i Wlllard, N. C. , S Callie Wells 3.010 H nnnninn tin imp niiitatiw 1000 cAdUAnu Am Li lit: nAiLiiAi i 1 000 1 ; s o'mn "The Progressive Railroad of the South. The chief of detectives soothed her with rough kindliness and went out with her. taking, the skull. Grant started to follow and hesitated. Another look at the trunk wouldn't hurt.. His nerves were good. There was very little to see, however. A faded inscription on the side showed that" it might have belonged to one "A. D., Rouen," but that was absolutely all until the police reporter investigated a bulge in the lining and found the faint photograph of a pretty young girl in a ball dress with absurd puffs on the shoul ders. He turned it over and on the back was, f A mon cherie, Alphonse Darnac. Your Babette. Mar. 5 1906." "Alphonse Darnac, eh?" muttered Grant. "And 'A. E., Rouen.' H'm! I rather think this is a find! But how the deuce is one to solve a mystery maybe ten years old with only three names to go on?" Thoughtfully he joined the others down stairs, and shortly after was back at The Chronicle office with the photograpn. ca dogan knew that it was safe in the care of the young reporter. Grant laid the matter before Mansfield, the city editor, and chased an office boy to the "morgue," where photographs, cuts and clippings are kept filed in every newspaper office. Pres ently the boy returned with an envelope. Grant studied the faded clipping in it eagerly, then passed it to his chief with a satisfied grunt. "There you are! Dated April 10. 1906. Henri Theophile, boarding house kee'per, reports the disappearance of Alphonse Darnac, a boarder. And the guy was reported engaged, to Theophile's daughter, Babette who had disappeared too!" Mansfield nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, but. how are you, going, to catch 'em?" The reporter drummed on the desk for a mnmem. then rose to pace the floor. 'ttJft Suddenly he stopped with an exclamation. z,au ,.rve got it! he cried. "A personal! It's worth trying anyhow. And I'll get caao ean n ksn the story out of the papers. ' Next day The Chronicle bore the f ollow- ine in the "agony" column: "Babette Theophile: Tour cherie, whom vou thought dead, has returned to renew his vows of constancy, and will meet you Wednesday noon at the old Abbe Inn on ihA Tnrrmlkf? Road. Alphonse Darnac." On "Wednesday at noon a handsome li mousine drew up in front of the ancient road-house, and a smartly gowned young malrnn stenned out. She was evidently ereatly agitated. "Is is Monsieur Darnac expecting me?" h a.kor! the bowlncT DroDrietor in a shak' voice. Vn madame." returned the innkeeper, and ushering her into the building indir o - man sitting at a. table with his xa iva u cj hsifk turned. Thp vounff woman hesitated, and then p.d with falterine stens. As she i 1,960 2,073, 1,000 2,760 2,330 2,400 1,150 3,100 1,910 2,800 'nearfd.hltn;, the. roan arose suddenly and-. turned, it was Tommy urani. . Ths woman started back. "But you are not . Monsieur Dar I do not know you J" she cried. ' - ' "Monsieur Darnac, will not return. Pos sibly you can explain the reason why?" said Grant pleasantly, but with a hint of, sternness. "Sir, you you're insulting!" gasped ths lady, and turned blindly for the doon The. reporter did not . try to stop her but Ca dogan waa in the doorway. . "I guess you'll have to come acroas, ma'am," he remarked, showing his shield. The young woman staggered and nearly fell. Gently the chief detective escorted her back to the table. "We don't suspect . you of Darnac's murder," he said, eyeing . her keenly, "but. you'll have to tell us what you know about it." The young woman wrung her handsj "Oh, it is all so terrible!" she cried. "And so long ago! Now I am married and hava children of my own 1 thought it waa for gotten!" "Murder will out, you -know," Grant re-, marked, and after hesitating a little longer the woman began. r. "Alphonse was a poor artist who had a studio in the attic of my father's boarding house," she said, playing nervously with her gloVes. "I I loved him. messieurs loved him with the Infatuation of a young girl. But my father wanted me to marry a rich man that I hated. "So In secret Alphonse and I became en gaged A We were to be married as soon as he should sell his masterpiece, 'The Sunset Girl,' for which I posed. It was a beautiful painting, messieurs. But my fa ther was angry because I would not -marry that rich man, and suspicious. "Then one day our secret was discover edhe found me posing for Alphonse. Ah, messieurs, what a scene! They fought. My father threw me with fury tp ths . floor, and then Alphonse. enraged, did likewise to my .father. And then ah, then my father placed his hand in his pocket, so; there came a burst of flame from the revolver in his pocket) and my Alphonse fell-dead." . The young woman shuddered and wiped her eyes. "I left my father that , very day," she said. "I would not live with hhn longer. And I have not seen him since." Cadogan's face fell. "You don't know where he is?" he was saying, when sud denly the girl staggered to her feet, elutchinsr at her throat, her face even whiter than before. & "Oh, mon Dieu, mon pere!" she scream ed. Grant turned In a flash, to see a hag gard, evil face, marred by years of dissi pation, glaring at them from the door. Ha! A trap?" snarled tne newcomer. and whipped out a revolver. "You won t catch me as easily as that!" ' He whipped the key out of the door ana backed out, locking lt behind him. caao- gan rushed to struggle with lt, Just as n, cry of alarm came from before the inn. where the young woman's cnauneur was waiting for his mistress. Grant sprang to the window and out, and ran arouna in front Just In time to see the limousine speeding, away with the terrified driver crouching back from tne naggara man a weapon. m The reporter raced around to tno snea behind the building and found a motor cycle. By the time Cadogan had managed, to get the door open he had got the ma chine running and was speeding after the vanished auto. . A stern chase is a long chase, as tha young man knew. It would be no easy matter to catch the fugitive on a straight away run, but he knew the district, and there were short cuts. On a bare chanca he tookone of these, shot Into the main road again not two minutes -ahead Of tho . auto, then, climbing swiftly to the seat of the' motorcycle, he leaped, caught the overhanging limb of a tree and let the cycle crash Into the bushes. Then as the, auto sped underneath he dropped. '. A few minutes later he was explaining to Cadogan, back at the inn. "I got him all right, but he shot himself." He nod ded at the weeping girl beside the body Of the murderer in the limousine. "Her fa ther, you know. Perhaps it's just as well. He must have seen that personal ana dropped around to verify it without salt ing questions." .'- JIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIII!.!IIII!IIIIIIIII1IIII!IIII!I1IIIIIIII!III11I!IIIIII 1M I 111 1IE 11 tl Jilt 111 Hill Mllim tllllll till 111 111 111 111111 It 1111 1 1 II II llllllllt GOOD FOR 2,400 1,990 2,610 1,230 1,310 1,300 1,370 Bulletin of Special Round Trip; Bates from Wilmington," N. C. WASHINGTON, D. C $16.85 On sale Dec. 3, 4, 5, limited returning midnight Dec. 12th. CHICAGO, ILL $41.90 On safe Dec. 2, 3, 4; limited returning midnight Dec. 14th. NORFOLK, VA ..$8.55 On sale Dee. 8 to 11th, limited return ing midnight Dee. 19th. For further information, apply 'Phone 178. It. W. WALLACE, C. Ti A.; Wilmington, N. C. H. E. PLEASANTS. T. P. A., Wilmington, N. C. 10 -VOTES- 10 1 F or 1 Address In the Dispatch Grand Prize Contest, subject to conditions gov erning same. Coupons to be counted must be carefully trimmed around border aJid deposited unfolded and in an envelope or fastened together. This coupon will be void after December 18. j llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllll!lll!llllll!lllllllllllllllllllllll!l!llllllllllll!!ll!llllllllllll!l!!tll!i!l!:i llllllllllllllilllllli Kir MTV-'1 'HBtOOT V N- J t3T J WPC ' -K i. '