WEATHER FORECAST. 'V North Monday. Carolina Fair Sunday and Warmer Monday. THREE SECTIONS LARGEST- CIRCULATION IN WILMINGTON VOL. XXII.. NO. 323. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1916, PRICE FIVE CENTS. 'V W. ETO LEFT THE CITY WITH HIS BOOTY . WlLMliSGTOir DlSPATGI 001 1 But Tremendous Attack May Be Too Late to Save The Remnants of TroopSu BUCHAREST STILL APPEARS DOOMED. GREEK CRISIS PASSES. Athens, Dec. 2. A joint an- nouncenient was made at the -X- K- various entente embassies and w X- legations at 3 o'clock this morn- -X- Petrograd Claims Marked Sue-' ing statin& tliat Vice Admiral q qi. J ' ! "' Dufournet had agreed to accept cesbt&, uui uamioiiu v ich- six batteries of mountain artil na Reports Tell a Different lery, instead of ten, as was.orig cf. TVntrmif Pnrre mally demanded. Upon their -X- J.jtj - - - T : CCt D... iiyms v.. w wmoii-. all questions of the surrender of -X- other armament would be -X- -X- waived. -x- ian Troops. i Throe Russian victories, two oft-X- The Greek government, it was -X- vuw claimed officially by the Czar's , stated, has agreed to the Vice and will -Sfr Will UUH-C UUU LUt. IUIIU 1CJJU1 itu i , i 4f immediatelv deliver the six hat- delivery, the announcement said, j Tabernacle Unable to House All Who Want to Hear Noted Evangelist. CATHOLIC PAPER WARNS AGAINST HIM. X- -jc -X- ; Declares Sunday Guilty of Heresy Evangelist Makes Bitter Attack on Ger man Culture. officially, served yesterday to rays of hope into the deep gloom per-1 vading Loudon and the other enter; i capitals as a result of Rumania's plight. The Russian war office announced: First The re-capture of the western ' part ot the Dig bridge spanning the Danube at Cernawoda. Second The re-capture of the vil-1 lages of Comana and Gostinari, 16 miles south of Bucharest and the driv-j ing back of Field Marshal von Mac-! kensens Danube army. T W Mt; I was the best matinee attendance yet A Reuter dispatch from Petrograd . J ' , J, ' about 10,000. The trail-hitters for Reported That Carranza Force Met and Defeated The Ban dit Soldiers. THE RURllllHjlll HfllilES f, : . I V " - CiV. I 0V pi,m V ,p r-- A h WICHt GREAT mM v I uh , u h ii h h mammsa&gk I AMERICAN TROOPS ARE ON THE ALERT. Guns Kept Trained on Juarez, W7i l r l : ( w nere vaenereii uoiwaics is Mobilizing For The Fray. GREECE'S PROTEST TO UNCEE ! ' . I So Declared President Wilson ! at Statue of Liberty " Banquet. 1 SPEAKER FREQUENTLY 1 RECEIVED APPLAUSE. I C D Q C r MTT ft ' One Republic Must Sympa Id rilLlJL 11 LU thize With Another, He Makes Appeal Against The Acts of Fratice fechd reat Britain. ASKS THAT UNITED STATES INTERCEDE as lNot tJeen Possible ror The President defined hla conception. Lreek Government to En ter War With Guarantee of Preservation. HON. O. MAX GARDNER, Of Shelby, in Wilmington ,to Deliver Oration at Elks' Lodge of Sorrow This Afternoon. STILL TALKED Boston, Dec. 2. Billy . Sunday had his best week-day of Boston's revival today. In the evening the tabernacle was crowded and thousands were ! turned away. In the afternoon there stated that the Russians have gained a foothold in part of the town of Kirl ibaba, near the Carpathians Pass of the same name. " For Post of Attorney Gen eral Love Feast. the day numbered 1,153, of whom 228 were in the afternoon. The first test of Billy's fight here close against the demon rum will be in the TWO KILLED M MM U El. Paso, Texas, Dec. 2. With Unit ed States guns .trained on Juarez, ready to open fire on the city, should shells fall on this side of the Rio Grande, in the expected attack which Villa is momentarily expected to be- I gin, the exodus of Mexican residents I from the threatened city continues to night. Ruinors are persistent here that General Trevino is dead. He is known to have been wounded. Refu gees' arriving from the vicinity of Chihuahua City declare that the six Americans, who were in Chihuahua City, had been killed" and that Charles ; gross violation of Greek sovereignty we do Ketteson, acting (ierman vice-consul, and Charles Elmendorf, ar Germah, I had been put to death by the bandies I orders. j j According to reports given out here j today by Inspector of Consuls Garcia, Villa has been routed by General Mur guia, at the head of a Carranza force at Kilometer 1,673,' which is 36 miles ( south of Chihuahua City. ! It is believed by Federal agents here Asserted French ' Ambas sador Delivered Message From His Country. New York, Dec. 2. President Wil son remained In New York tonight to give a message to the nation on. the significance of the illumination of tho Statue of Liberty. The occasion was a dinner in his honor at the .Waldorf. Washington, Dec. 2. Greece's pro- T 1TL,4 Pi;- f that. Villa has evacuated Chihuahua i icxy inctixvv.v v.uiixcut vjl - " . j ter. has not arrived at. tho Htntft np-i ir v unri u hit riivi in m mi h u i Universal Auto Trophy Race Yesterday. of liberty and heard a message from the republic of France delivered by Ambassador Jules Jusserand. The Presidents address was very brief. "There is a great responsibility In na hflTtnc aHnntad Ithartv an nnr IHaaI test to the United States against the beCause we must illustrate it in what J ' I was struck by the closing by Great Britain and France and con- phrase of Mr. Pulitzer's admirable lit taining an appeal to this country was tle speech- He Bald that there lll delivered to the State Department S?me?y Wh,enT f061 today ( v .the Goddess of Liberty is also the- Gre'eoe hopes for a sympathetic 'p083 of and throughout the protest to the entente powers by the11 two ffrS thfe J1" come more United States in her behalf and in ' and more into my heart the conrlctlon the interest of International right and tnat peace is goIng to COme ..t0 tho justice. The note, although ' ad- j whle?,rld ly Yith "be dressed to the American legation at Mr' WJIson Was forced at thIs poInt Athens by the Greek foreign minis-il slop Decause OI aPPuse wnica Washington, Dec. 2. The Important as each of these success-, friends of Interior Secretary Franklin ' municipal election at Fall River next esis in itself, a glance at the map and j Kt Lane refused to accept as accurate j Tuesday. The city votes then on the a perusal of yesterday's German war I today the report that he would re- j liquor question under the local option office statement issued later than the sign from the cabinet at an early . law. Today Billy and Rody were the 'usoian report allowed but one con--date. It was said in well iiformedmamts at" aicplisp Ifv tfrat Ducuarebis aoom is circles that president Wilson wouiaj attracted 4,000 to City Hall. Billy probably offer Mr. Lane tne post or said he would fight rum until hell attorney-general. j froze over and then he would buy a Attorney-General Gregory is re- j pajr Gf skates. The city is licensed ported to have announced that ne will now retire to private lile early in janu-; The Pilot, the official organ of Car- ary. The appointment of Mr. lanelainai O'Cpnnell, today published a to fill the vacancy would be directly warning to Catholics that they would m line with an ambition he has ire-1 commit a sin by attending the Sunday elusion. that sealed. Equally inescapable is the conclu ihn that the Russian offensive in the Caipathiaus was set in motion too late to stave off the Rumanian disas ter and that the only thing Russian aid in Rumania may bring about is a partial rescue of ICThg Ferdinand's scattered armies. The capture of Bucharest, it is evi dent lrom today's official reports, is ' not the uppermost object of the Teu ton commanders. Evidently relying upon the capital falling automatically. quently expressed in private ultimate ly to become a member of the United States Supreme Court. revivals. The article said: "It would appear that many people, even Catholic, labor under the mis- ; apprehension that the exercises now It is considered not at all improb able that Francis J. Heney, of Los ' going on in the Huntington taberna Angeles, would be invited to enter cle are not Protestant, sprvifns Tho Falkenhayn and Mackensen are now the cabinet. President Wilson is fact that picturesque language is em- oiMug jomuy tor one supreme goai,)known to have a high regard for Mr. ployed there or grotesque antics in 'lie annihilation nr r.:irturn of Riima-i trnv'o Kiiwr ac - nmcopittnr Tim 1 : ,i i n.. annihilation or capture of Ruma a:aV armed defenders. That the Russian report of the suc ws Houth of Bucharest is a belated one is shown by yesterday's German office statement announcing the capturo of not less than 51 officers and (j.ijiMi men, 43 cannon and 100 I'wded ammunition carts. The state ment makes it clear that the Teutons lrok" through tho Rumanian posi- ''e:iS SOIlth fit" Ihr. runitul Heney s ability as a prosecutor, ine dulged in does not change the essen friends of the latter in Washington tia character of these 'revival' expect him to be offered the attorney-. meetings. generalship, provided Mr. Lane pre- "Moreover, the Rev. Mr. Sunday at fers to remain at the head of the De- times permits himself to utter the partment 4)f the Interior. ' . rankest sort of heresy not to empha- Mr. Heney, with Vance C. McCor- size expressions and manners of mick, and the members of the Na tional Democratic campaign commit tee,, who successfully piloted Presi dent Wilson through the last cam paign, have been invited to dine at ihc Petrograd claim of Russian ; tne white House December 7 Micressefi in the Carpathians conflicts Mr. McCormick has been frequently s:u,:r'iv with tho Berlin and Vienna or. o oahinoi nmnnfift iUUUUUCU CfcfcJ a-j- . "counts, which state that the Rus-1 thrusts failed under terrific I'ses. .Moreover, Berlin announced the capture of 1,000 Russians at one '"in in the wooded Carpathians. Bth the German and Austrian war ,ri'i'eK admit that the Muscovite of Hisive is of the first order, carried out hy Ixvpq masses of troops. In Xoi thwestern Wallachia, whera ''iilktnhayn's "right-hand man," G.n Kiafft von Delmenfingen, is driving eastward, the engagements, according to Berlin, are "developing in'o a great battle. further to the southeast, below p'tescia, where one of Falkenhayn's armies is pushing toward Bucharest, e Rumanians once more offered bat- '. hut were decisively defeated, tbtlr front broken in two. A-s lor Mackensen's Danube army, "as reached the Arges river, seven Tilt -.. ' ueiow Bucharest city, and only "Uj a half miles from the outer J"mK of forts. This advance is ad mitted by Petrograd. Ihe Outstanding ,1,! raay, however, is an indication crossing of the Danube, this time at TO URGE PRESIDENT . TO SEEK ARMISTICE. New York, Dec. 2. Secretary Ern est Bohm, of the Central Federated Union, today issued a general appeal speaking, that are little short of blasphemy. Let there be no mistake in this matter. Catholics are not al lowed to take part in these revival meetings and if they do so they com mit sin." At this afternoon's revival Billy made an attack on Germany for de porting Belgians, saying: "If they call that German culture where they drive the poor Belgian people into slavery, then to hell with culture." The spectacular feature of the night's revival was a parade of a del egation of 1,250 from New Bedford. to orgamzea iuw i" ilcol iThPv marr.hed from the station th the dent Wilson steps for an armistice j tabernacie. Billy preached tonight on between the warring nations of Eu rope. The call will go to 2,000,000 mem bers of the Federation of Labor, 400,- -000 members of railway brotherhoods and 3,000,000 members of the farmers' unions among others. It follows the decisions of the Gentral Federated Union - to urge ah armistice before Christmas, in order to pave the way for peace negotiations. "Repentance." He called attention to "some of the un-Christian things which are being said about the taber nacle and its work by people calling themselves Christians."- "Some of the meanest, most de rogatory and most infamous slan ders," he said, "have fallen from peo ple in the church and they have never been born of God, the miser able sinners." booty has retried to the mountains and that the battle at Kilometer 1,573 was only a battle between outposts. Earlier in the day it was reported Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 2. Two men that Generals Trevino and Murguira were killed and nearly a dozen per- were on th outskirts of Chihuahua 4 . City with orders to attack at dawn, sons were injured, one of them prob- In tfae meantime General Gonzales ably fatally, when the machine of jS continuing the mobilization of Frank Galvin shot with lfghting troops at Juarez. Trains from the speed, into the press stand at the north are being abandoned by inhablt- Union: Speedway Ward :thVenon-itt- fear ota ViUa:Mta:, ,; Sdavniversal TrPhy automobil" racei STANDARD OIL HEAD Galvin, Gaston Wcigel, his mechani-J BUT SLIGHTLY BETTER. cian ,and Hughie Hughes were buried i underline wreckage of Galvin's car.1 New York, Dec. 2. While the con Weigel and Hughes were killed in- dition of John D. Arch5old, president stantly and Galvin was probably mort- of the Standard Oil Company, show ally injured. ed slight improvement this morning, The accident occurred during the , grave anxiety is felt for his recov-sixtv-second lap of "the race, when ' ery. His secretary said Mr. Arch- Galvin lost control of his machine and bold had not passed a good night, crashed into the stand toward which There was a consultation of doctors at the Archbold home, in Tarrytown, at noon. Special prescriptions were sent from New York in the afternoon. At the house it was said the condi tion of the oil magnate in the after noon remained the same. v ,. partment, through American diplo- Resuming, Mr. Wilson said: matic channels. It was presented to I "With all due and sincere respect Counsellor Frank L. Polk this after-'for those who ' represent other forms of government than ours, perhaps I may be permitted to say that peace cannot come so long as the destinies (Continued on Page Eight) . Hughes was walking. Herbert Smith, a Pittsburgh news paper man was caught in the splint ering timbers Avhile others in the stand, were knocked down by the im pact. 1 - noon by A. Voures, Greek charge d'affaires in Washington. The cpmplete text of the note fol lows: "From the beginning of the Euro pean war the Hellenic government recognizing its duties in regard to the defense of National interests and its responsibility towards the " conntrv 1 the situation y decided r - that " -Greece ought not to take part in the sanguin ary struggle in which nearly all of Europe has become involved. . maintaining its v neutrality, had con-1 Uemana Vomes t OT KeorgaXV stantly in view the possible abandon- ; ization bf Government ment of this policy if at a given mo-1 After Asquith's Scalp. " ment it should be convinced that how- J ever great may be the sacrifices and London, Dec. 2.-Great Britain is the danger of war it would serve the once more face to face with a gov- Kfl1' ernmental "shake-up." "Unfortunately it has not been pos- ... . sible for us up to the present to ob- Vlrtua"y over .night a new and tain the necessary guarantees that ! Powefful V agitation has sprung Greece by engaging in the European I up clamoring for an immediate .ro conflict shrmiH t HnnmeH n 'organization of the present ministry. IKE-OP FACED BY GREAT BRITAIN k ' evitable destruction In remaining neutral, the Hellenic The minimum demand voiced general; ly is a new war council. Heavy jour government had in view only Hellenic j liS"C gAUnS 1T n fntPrP.atH nri Tip nnt hfl0n ac a on ' Premier Asquith and Viscount Grey. sistent effort has been to make it ap- Lloyd-George again looms up as the near in Cumnuv nriU, f UOUBtl&L mttU. StlS IiamO IB Thousands of Votes Were Cast For The Different Candidates. NOT TOO LATE T(S ENTER AND WIN. ALLIES' BLOCKADE. miles, appears not the sole avenue of j pjrgJJUT" QF THE en from Wallachia and now evidently making a last stand before Bucharest. To cut this . railroad, thus "bagging" Washington, Dec. 2 The results of - -. . ' . . , m i 1 1 . 11 "L 1 . n11N n 4-irt r rP V not only the capital out tne duik oi iae uiuuu-ctuc uv amcu uauuuo ui its defenders, is the chief task ahead of the Teutons. The railway running north from Bucharest no longer offers bv v! urlukair bridge head, described a chance of escape to King Ferdi- ' lhe purpose. Here the Teuton toraRder has been markiQS time arm lhe advance of his Svistov ei'' whose heavy artillery is now estYVUhin the ran-of tne Buchar-'can-t i St" From Turtukai to the Bion V 18 Sme 32 miles- Tne mis reaii the Turtukai frce, if it has hea ? crossed the river already, is to Cern?w miles This 'Je- north toward the Bucharest- da railway, less than 28 away. railway, covering some 88 nand's forces, since it leads into the Prahovia and Buzeu valleys, where FalkenhaynJs northwestern armies are pushing steadily forward. Of the Russian offensive in the Carpathians, the Austrian war office said yesterday afternoon that it con tinues with "undiminished violence," but that "everywhere the enemy was bloodily repused as on the previous day." The total number of xoops now fighting in. Rumania is estimated at close to 800,000 central powers is shown by figures on America's foreign trade given out to day by the Department of Commerce. Exports and imports between the United States and Germany in Octo ber amounted to $85,417, compared with $2,763,405 in October, 1915. For the ten months ending October the trade with Germany amounted to $5,235,970, compared with $49,972,688 for the corresponding period of the previous year. An increase was not ed, however, in general foreign trade, the figures being $178,658,730 for Oc tober, 191&; $2,009,833,398 for the ten months ending October, against $1, 451,267,515 for the same period of 1915. Two Subscriptions For a Year Each or One For Two Years By Next Saturday Will Give Any Candidate 50,000 Extra Votes. the campaign over with the different members of the contest department. The contest is just starting, so do not hesitate to send in your nomina tion, if you have not already done so. The contest will last eight weeks. No one has secured many votes yet. A yearly subscription will secure a great I many votes and .two subscriptions for a year each will give you oO.OOO extra votes. If the ten vote coupons are industriously gathered, thousands and thousands of free votes may be secur ed in this way alone. Ten people are going to win prizes and your opportu nity is as good as any one's It is not a case of popularity this time. Just a little well directed attention and en ergy will win. There is still lots of room on the list for a great many more candidates belligerent group. A Greek govern ment could think solely of Greek interests." "The geographical situation of generally urged for the premiership. Interest today centered upon a morning conference between the King and Premier Asquith, but not an ink- Greece, which places it in the most ; 1 1UK 'aeu uut aB w lue BUJeci8 in direct contact with one of the two j CUS8ed- groups of belligerent powers, renders j The storm that has been brewing very difficult a strict application of i for some weeks under the surface is its policy. It is for this reason that ! expected to break- loose during the the government has been forced to 1 parliament sessions In the coming Saturday was indeed a busy day for different candidates, and from eariy morning until nine o'clock at night the different ' contestants were calling at The Dispatch office to get acquaint-, rj0 not be scared out by the large ed with the Contest Manager, and turn in their subscriptions and votes. In most cases the contestants turned in their first subscription, in order to get number of entries, for not one-fourth of the people nominated will enter in to the contest in earnest anyway, it isn't likely. And even if they should, submit to the occupation by foreign arms of its Macedonian provinces and to permit belligerents to take posses sion of its telegraph wires, seaports, publishing and public works. "Greek roads and railroads have been occupied by force, and further more, bridges and tunnels valued at many millions have been completely destroyed. "At the moment when the present Hellenic government assumed power, an imposing fleet blocked the en trance to the Strait of Salamis, the anchorage of the Helenic fleet, de spite our protestations and after for mal refusals we have been compelled week. No effort is made by the press and public to conceal the fact that the Teuton successes in Rumania are at the basis of the growing discon tent. The development of the Balkan situation is chiefly reported for tho demand for a smaller war council with new blood and more energy and initiative than have been evidenced by the present body. The political atmosphere is tense and tonight it seemed problematical how the government will be able to stave off a general debate in the House of Commons. After introdncing a new bill of war credit on Tuesday the premier is ex- to command our crews to abandon the pected to give a comprehensive re- vessels of the light fleet in order to sume ot the questions uppermost In save them from the humiliation of having to surrender the vessels upon which recently they had taken part in two victorious wars. the nation's mind. A. J. Balfour. First Lord of the Admiralty, much criticized at present because of the generally admitted inadequacy of the the 25,000 extra votes to which they you Wnj have better chances of winn were entitled. These extra votes theing, for .the votes will not run near candidates carnea nome wiin tnem, . as mew It a wnoie lot or people wors. to hold until some later date, when they will need them more than they do at this time. You certainly have just as many friends as any of the others. It will be the matter of only a few subscrip- If by any chance you have been tions, then, overlooked and not yet received your The list of candidates is being cut receipt book, and the proper vote down each day, and only those who blanks, do not let another hour pass are really workers will be lef You before you . call up the contest man ager, or one of his assistants, and se cure one. . The contest manager has several assistants who will be glad to call and explain the detail of the con test and give you all tbe help possible in winning one of these valuable prizes. You are )always welcome to call at the office at any time and talk' will soon be able to tell just who is, and who is, not, doing the work. Of course there are still some on the list who have not as yet done any thing for themselves into believing that they are going to win by the work their friends are able to do for them. Well, maybe you will, and maybe (Continued on Page FlfteenX "For about a month now the Greek ! British air service, is expected to pfir people have witnessed with legitimate J ticipate in the discussion following grief the application of foreign con trol over nearly the whole of their public service, their means of commu nication, their mails, their telegraph and telephone system. The Greek merchant fleet sees its activity cur tailed by multiple visits and restric tions of every sort. "For a long time Greece has not been able to import 'from abroad that which has been absolutely indispen sable for its nourishment, or the nec essaries for light and for motive pow er for its commerce on land as well as on sea. "Quite recently the traditional hos pitality of the Greek people Eas suf fered a wound to which they are deep ly sensitive. The right of the strong (Continued on Page Fire.) the premier's speech. The eagerly awaited appointment of a. food controller will be another fea ture of the Parliament association. Man power situation also will bo dis cussed. ' ' ' The Manchester Guardian,' in dis cussing the current rumors of gov" ernmental changes, today said Bonar Law was mentioned as ' temporary premier, with Lloyd-George emerging ultimately as permanent premier. : j The Dally Express predicts a new war council consisting of Premier As quith, Lloyd-George, - Bonar Law, Ar thur Balfour and Sir Edward Carson, s The Times urges the removal of As quith and Grey as well as of the Mar quis of Crewe, the Marquis of Lans- tdowne and Mr. Balfour. V. fi "H At) V J t . . "2 '1 t ( I r s -: -

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