s- , . ...LI ...J." . S1a! 'j.-na -v. w f- ? . v' ' ' ' ' ' aaqsftny. I "Sweethearts," the most tuueful and fascinating. , operetta, .that -has . J come from the- pen of the , master, composer, Victor Herbert, will be pre-, : sented at:; tbe Academy, matinee and ' night, next Wednesday, on a scale of merit in keeping with the standing and prominence of its famous author. . Critics without exception have agreed f - 1 i ii 0 daintiest and prettiest of all Mr. Herberts compositions. " Its story- as written by Harry B. Smith and Fred de Gresac, lent itself by reason of its romantic quality and picturesque settings to thet swinging,! haunflng melody in the writing of which Mr. Herbert is at his best, ,? , The combination of stoiy' and mu sical score resulted in giving to the public that "best light opera in recent years,' and one in which the nurii-J ber and variety of songs and concert ed numbers of real beauty have rare ly, if ever, been equalled. ' , Among the scngs that have gained wiue idvui wc juvij uuvci must , Meet His Fate," a beauttf Ul sole J which furnishes a theme that recurs again and again in the score; The Cricket On the Hearth," "There Is Magic In a Smile," "Pretty As a Pic ture," "Jeanette and Her Little Wooden Shoes," "Mother Goose," and . several others of equal beauty and popularity. The scene of the story is the quaint old city of Bruges in Belgium and the ancient houses, the windmills and the canal suggest a picture of rare beauty in the stage settings and cos tume embellishments. Julia Gifford, whose work in the prima donna role in many light operas has made her a favorite throughout the country, will sing the role of the Princess Sylvia, the cen tral figure in the story. Miss Gil ford's charming personality and the superior quality of her vocal equip ment make her the ideal artist for this role. The company of sixty com prises a complete corp of high class j principals, a chorus of youthful charm and a complement of orches-1 trnl Triiiiian I The matinee prices will be from 50 cents to $1.50. Night prices will range from 75 cents to $2. Tickets are now on sale at Elvington's Phar macy. s "MAID TO ORdER." "Maid to Order',' the successful mu sical comedy which comes to the Academy of Music on next Saturday matinee and night," tells a story that is distinctly American. All of the characters in the play are American. It is not adopted or translated from the French or German or built upon any ideas derived from foreign plays. The whole thing is essentially American and tfiaJS perhaps, is one reason for the - popularity of the piece. The humor is American hu mor. It tells a story that could hap pen only in America because it is only Americans who would have the audacity to do what is done. To find a really good musical comedy book that makes people laugh is like look ing" for a pearl among oysters. In "Maid to Order" it is said the hu mor and music are so reflective- of 'American Mfe that the audiences rev- ;r - - : : - - - - - ACADEMY S. 13 MATINEE and NIGHT CHASED, s ,0'BWerPRNents nt nwft&fjofie N btjrt6 Resenting with DAINTY : JU LIA GIFFORO AGUMENTED 0RCHESTER DDI PCO. MATINEE 50c to $1.50 rnltjEO. NIGHT 75c to $2.00 Tickets. Now Selling at - Elvington's Pharmacy. - REGULAR ;.V DENNER r? TWENTV-FJ VE - GENTS ; NEW YORK CAFE. PracticalXmas Gifts Useful Gifts are appreciated most of all Many tisfeful things are here in wide varfetyv . Might we suggest, for In stance: ''rUf--- ?A new pair of glasses for father or mother, i ! - ; " - Automobile spectacles for the friend yrho drives. : : " A dainty" little gold : eyeglass chain. Silver 5r Aluminum Fancy Cases. r j EYES EXAMINED FREE. c VrlfifetlPiP MASONIC v'TJEM PLE - OIIIII!illlllltiIIIIIIIIIIIIUillIIIIIII!IIIIIlIINIII!"WI'il H J- B(. McCABE & CO., Certified PKc Accbun ;; 1 U tf,5JSffi lt.m.:S-' SS r" "S. III . 1! a W-, I 1 -III m w W ! WMF CHARLOTTE BURTON AND WILLIAM RUSSELL Starring in the $10,000 Sequel to "The Diamond From The Sky" at the Bi i Jou Tuesday. el in delight from the rise of the curtain until the final ensemble. The company presenting "Maid to Order" is an exceptional one and in - eludes among its list, of clever sing- ers, dancers and comedians such well known names as Rose Bott, Sal- lie Stambleiv Harry Macdonough, Jr., Jack MacClellan and the famous Rus sell Sisters. The matinee prices are 5 cents for the balcony seats and 50 cents for Iower floor seats. Children, 25 cents iu any faectu a ue mgia puces lrtiige from 50 cents to $1. Tickets will go j on sale at Elvington's Pharmacy on i Thursday morning. , BIG GIRLIE SHOW AT VICTORIA, Castle's Famous Casino Girls Com- pany opens a week's engacement at the Victoria today, and the manage- ment in booking this, attraction for. the final yeek of musical comedy at j that theatre feel that "they have an ! organization that will furnish Wil- i mington amusement lovers such a ; week o fentertainment as they sel-i dom have the pleasure of seeing. j Reports from up the State where! this superb aggregation has been! playing for seevral weeks re all ! unanimous in declaring this ' com- j pany one of thej'best of the season," and it should indeed prove an inno-; vation, with its greit special features j thousands who followed this record and acts at the Victoria this week, (breaking serial through fifteen-weeks Carrying almost a carload of spe-jand were1 then told to watch for the cial scenery and electrical effects, j sequel clearing up all the mystery, dozens of trunks of nifty costumes, arrl K rr omiir.rannt .tVirjunrMOTit far staging their shows in the most up - to-date manner. The Casino Girls .,, x Company will present for Wihnmg- tonians this week three of the big - . , n gast tabloid musical comedy crea - tions of the season, starting today . . -. -, 1, , . with a presentation of that laugh- able farce, "The Honeymooners," , . . . . with some of the prettiest scenery, liftiest costumes, and biggest song , , ' A. and dance numbers ever seen at the Vitnrin - ! Bill Bailey and Ben Hassen, two of the best comedy artists ever seen in Wilmington, will give you such j laughs as ycu seldom get, while that great vaudeville act, Morrell and Tager, "From Grand Opera to Rag time," furnishes something new, novel and entirely out of the ordi nary. One of the best trained danc ing choruses on the road, is the re port from the Castle organization, and the usual free courtesy will be extended to ladies tonight. "THE GUILTY MAN." Irene Fenwick, the fascinating lit-j tie star, who' is right now appearing , ,'.,-: . i, m me ifiauing roie oi, me gnjui a. n. -Wocds production, "The Guilty Man," Ono of Broadway's biggest season fuccesses, and who was flattered by a page of illustrations in the latest ... -j , . ' I comes to the Grand tomorrow, in one Fruit Cake TTime Now is the time to make your Fruit Cake. We have the goods, prices atid quality. Raisins, Cu rrants, Dates, Figs, Orange and Lemon Peel, Nuts xf all liinds. v ? r ' ' J t - Give US your orders. Thomas Grocery Company EIINGtONDEIDABi DRUG STORES. THe Trut '. All advertisements of ELVINfGTON'S1 DEPEND ABLE DRUG SCORES may interpreted literally, no " statement need be VliscouhtedV no claim questioned r We believe that the truth' about the goods tarried bv ELVINGTON'S DEPENDABLE DRUG STORES and the mention ofprices is all that is necessary to sell theml Furthermore, prices advertised as "specials' are to be . 4 'specials'- real reductions from pur" evervdav nrirest - U W -' II 7 NOOTHFNT Slf PRINCESS At SECOND St hi the most fascinating and exquisite screen dramas in which she has ever ; starred. j On Broadway every night they are now clamoring for admittance to see i her,, paying very highest prices, but j Grand patrons tomorrow will see one j of her most wonderful delineations on the screen, for" the ridiculous sum of ten cents. "The Child of Destiny" makes mothers sit up and take notice. a story ot a motner piuea against aaugnter, a wonaerpiay wnicu irantt - ly portrays a story that all mothers and daughters should go to see. In "The Song cf Songs," Miss Fenwick's last season's sensation on the Broad- way stage, she charmed thousands of theatre-goers, playing the role of a hoyden who effected boys wearing apparel. Miss Fenwick is sexn in the same sort of a role in "The'Child of Destiny." Later she wears many fine gowns when she is transported from a desolate swamp country to the whirl of city life. SEQUEL TO "DIAMOND FROM THE SKY ? , j- The announcement of the; coming of ajf09 "Tnc Diamond -I'omsfae'4-y;i!efeilnningi tomorrow at the Bfjou,-: has 'created a veritable sensation. The ' many : uy virtue of tne power or sale contained a certain mortgage deed made by Walter H. Swepson and wife to Joseph Tate, bear- lug rtate tue 2Gth day of Ortober, 1914, duly 1 registered In Cook S3 of the records of I New Hanover County, the undersigned will iOIl Mondav. Deoembe- llth, 1010 expose tor sale at public auction for cash, at the Court House door of said County the fol- lowing desnrihed real estate: BepinDtng In the wwtern line of Twelth I street at a point one hundred and nlnety- njne (J99) feet south from the southern line ! of Dawson street and runs from i thence ' south in said line of Twelfth street tMrty- three 33) feet, thence west and parallel with Dawson street one nunarea ana sixty- five (16a) feet, thence north and parallel with Twelrtn street tflirty-inree .aa reet and thence east and parallel with Dawson street one hundred and sixty-five (165) ft ta the point of beginning in the west em line of Twelfth street, same beine parts of Iots 4 and 5 in Block 41 of the plan of the City of Wilmington. N. C.: This the llth day of November. 1916. JOSEPH TATE, Mortgagee. S. M. EMPIE,. Attorney for Mortgagee. 11-llOdys . . State :of North Carolina, County of New Hanover,' In ffuperior Court. NOTICK TO CREDITORS. L. Jj. Boon and Laney A. Boon vs. Wilmington Tjumber Company. The undersigned having been duly ap- loiuted Receiver in the above entitled, cause. an,j in 0,hedieh ;ausfr, notice if tors and claim? lence to tne order maae'in saia is hereby given to all credi- reiver on or before th.e 10th day of January, f Wilminsrtoti, any aul nil claims against the said Wilmington dumber "Company, duly proven and itemized, as provided by law. Dated this lecember 8th, lOlfi. AMERICAN . BANK AND TRUST CO.. Keceiver. , KOBEIIT 11UAKK, Attorney 12 - s - iot - Seme of the Pretty Danc;,g Girio Order," Which Comes to the 16. Matinee have been waiting now for i months and will gladly welcome it tomorrow with a record-breaking crowd. All the old favorites of the original production are again in the v cast. Arthur and Blair Stanley, Esther an(j yivian Marstoh, Quabba, the hunchback, and Smythe,' the quaint English solicitor, are all again to take up the narative and complete it Popular William -Russell, beauti-" jful Charlotte Burton, talented Wil i liam Tedmarsh, funny Orral Humph- revs, are all in the cast acrain with many new players, including hand-lvere seiectea as more propitious io. Thomas Chatterton, of "Thwjthe outdoor festivities, many othe i. some Secret of the Submarine," and beauti - ful Rhea Mitchell. The sequel is an entirely new story. It is tremen - j dously thrilling, powerfully dramatic, superbly photographed and enacted j exercises appropriate to the occasion by the very best cast obtainable. j while a multitude of historical societ You will learn what became of lies and other organizations have ar little Arthur Stanley, heir to the ranged for meetings, and dinners at English estate; what became of the, which speakers of fprominence will great "diamond from the sky," what became of the vampire, Vivian Mar Eiton; what became of Blair Stanley, and all the other characters in this great drama, in eight reels of su perb photoplay, two reels a week for the next four weeks. And last but ncft least, you will have revealed- for h-first tirn theeinner of thogrit $10,000 prize offered for this sequel. 7. . MYRTLE ATT rjf: tMWMUv Tjja Be.utifMl .rmpun-.tvTiSMrM Aokl.;.arldSeS3ue .Hayakiwa I. t. , "Thc .'Soy.l of yk:H.ra-an;rfWt: the Grand. TdayT MONEY IS; that you have a bill, and even a vri:ten receipt is no proof of payment, provided the other! party to the trans s action 'contends that ft caJr? rtbt x hafjen when ypu jftjr- a : Checkitig Recount and pay every bill 1 by :checp;t6ryea:Gr ah indisputable receipt. A(umHERE. . " -" "Maid tc Academy cf Music, Saturday, Dec. and Nihi. INDIANA'S DAY FOR CELEBRATION With the Musical Farce, Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 11. Indianei! today rounds out the first century of, her Statehood, having been admitted to the Union December 11, 1816. Ir virtually all the cities, towns ant counties throughout the State the cen tennial has been celebrated during the past Summer and Fall with elaborate fetes, pageants and other demonstra tions. While the Summer and Fall features of the program were reservec for the actual anniversary. Today iin every school throughout the Staff the centennial is to be observed witn tell the story of the history of Indi ana and the great forward strides that the century witnessed. APPLICATION FOR l'ABDON. Notice is hereby given that application j olln1( for par(j0n for Timothy Clemmons, Don't forget row. - -and come early toinor STEDMAN in ; I - PROOF Last year, $30,000,000 changed hands'tfirbui .1' V.t, v.. It i':' E.i western tnsnoiT MONEY TRANSFERS Without worry, red tape or risk 1, 200, 000 people were conveiiieneecl with quick money. Not a dollar was lost. Not a moment was wasted. - 1U great service at trifling cost. THE WESTERff UMIOIMELEGRAPH CO. .ourt of New Hanover County, of an assault r.pon Katie Warrea, and sentenced to fifteen years servitude in tne State'a prison. All persons opposing said application are hereby notified to forward their protest to the Governor of North Carolina. TIMOTHY CliEMMONS. dace of North Carolina, The ,000 To That RecQrd-Bfcakltjfl'i Jerial ii From The Sky 9f f f tt Begins atlhe! " Bijou Tomorrow It Stars the Original Cast Headed By - . Charlotte Burton and Wiliiam Russell It Will Reveal the Hidden Secrets of That Great Serial. - . TR EM ON DOUSLY THRILLING POWERFULLY DRAMATIC SUPERBLY; P H.O.T O GRAPHED ENTIRELY NEW STORY, it will Also Reveal the Winner.of the Ten Thousand Dollar ' Prize. . DON'T . FORGET, .COME., EARLY! r I 3E Christmas Shopping at J. M JSOLKY & CO. Where you will find the largest from which to make your selec stock of Merchandise in the city Do Your tion. What ypu buy here is strictly at one price and at the right price. " " : '. Suits of Worthy Fabrics $12.50 to $30.00 ,Worthy in substantial weaves that are constant in serviceable wear. Distinguished in a wealth of colorful designs that have pat terned the winter vogue of tex-. tures. Tweeds Cheviots, Wors teds; Stripes, Checks and Mix tures and Solid Colors in profu sion. Suits of style precedence for Men of discerning taste in dress. j Overcoats $10 to $30 Dark Oxford Gray anu Black; silk velvet collar; lined through-' out with Skinner's satin. -Coat of correct cut for dress or busi ness, that is over popular with men who favor lines that mold to form. - A. comprehensive Range . of SWeatrsHats, Underwear, Trunks, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, JUmbrellas," Collars, Ties CapsHosiefy, ' Walking Canes, Bath Robes, Smoking t Coats, " Shirts of every description. : fffil I One Price Clothiers & Furnisher pM0 - ;9 NFr 1 I The Diamond ACADEMY OF MUSIC I Matinee and Night SATURDAY DECEMBER . THE CASTLE PRODUCING CO OFFERS The Brightest, Liveliest, and Most Laughable MUSICAL COMEDY .Success of the Season "MAID TO ORDER" ..; With Miss Rose Botii ' and A Strong Comedy MUSICAL COMEDY STARS And The Handsomest, Smartest, Singing and Dancing Chorus on Tour This Season. Matinee: 25c. Balcony; 50c Lower floor. 18-MusicaI Numbers18 Matinee: Children 25 c. Evening. J50c, 75c. and $1.00 Tickets "on sale Thursday at Elvington's Pharmacy. TOMORROW . Metro Wonderplays Present Irene Fenwick Now Creating a Sensation On The Broadway Stage in "The Guilty Man," In Her Greatest Screen Delineation. "The Child of Destiny" Which FranHdy Potrays a Story 1; JTfeat; All Mothers and Daugh- ters -Should See. 131 S3Z3 TiTi"r,jl; "fl- h A If V 1 1 1 v tn ROJ Z4 V ' 1 ft: John R. Castle Presents The Casino Girls Musical Comedy v Company All-Star Aggregation of Mu sical Comedy and Vaudeville Art ists 1n New Musical Comedy Plays. SPECIAL SCENERY. Carried by This Company for Every Bill. Featuring BILL BAiLEY "Big Casino" BEN HASSEN - "Little Casino" y ; ' Also :'; , . MORRELL & TAGER .rom Grand Opera to Ragtime A BEVY OF BEAUTIFUL .GIRLS And the Niftiest Costumes of the Season. LADIES FREE TONIGHT UN- WriSf 16 1 . 0.DER USUAL CONDITIONS

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