1. PAGE TGtiR ?HE WILMINGTON DISPATCH MONDAY AFTERNOON. DECEMBER,' 1 ll9l'6.V V " . TH E - AUS-m ALIAnJ BALLOT V ' i f NO Tl M E LIKE THE, PR eSENT.' . 7-v v SYSTEM,;-.-:;--,V ,i t c.-?" ;- - -fv-C' . 1 't ' . " . ,''; :,y,!. 4v;;?. j Speaking to the 'question of; "free "Wfiethei'l; thet happenings ' In , thft school books,"t the .esteemed - KInston Tenth Congressional District of KorthBYee Press thinks that "this is ajiuete Carolina?lias .titred It or not" (such tionjthat must be answered pretty V.o-tra frtntriHlltArl SOmA'DOWei.') SOOTT- --' " ' -"';". " - ' tLLrnUrtCq ' , . I , Ai Ctata . : TTM ..t Win" if - onntfnnoa .y Business- umce v - . -.r.- , 'W- " .Editorial Rooms s . .. . .' .... . .205 nave r- COmnjjBnceur """"ieu . yue vui? muuvauuua iu yw uiuuwu -published daily and Sunday 4. by dispatch publishing co. ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES ' f ', PAYABLE-STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Dailv and Sunday ... .50 for. North CarolIna: The , Dispatch. - Carolina ris ' ready tof undertake the joins in kthe-chorus. However, The additional: responsibility at, this tinie Dispatch ;has .'advocated -this system Is .very 'doubtful. . However, - it must for :years and - its f allh . copies : not come sooner or. later and the sooner TJally and Sunday Months. . .$20 alone from what study it could make. the better." . nafiv nn Snniiav. Three Months. $1.25 of the' question, but- from observation , In; the concluding MONTHJLY S AUDITO ' - ... . Voucher PNT OP RILLS AUDITED BY r THE OOUNTY- No.T-t', 't PaMRp'.v "Account of--4- Fi X y?147 "FM. Rivenbark. ..Salary, October X" our sentence at home. New Hanover county votes triend answers the doubt as to should-p Rogfr M.?Pre's sHnS .. . " , ..-. jim I-' 1M Li. A. 'Bilbro v. Under tne v AUBiraiiaii uanut Bjraieut enug auuiiiuuiti respuuaiuiiiijr . , . - and has been .doing so for years. AH At greatest it is only who is best lacQuoid-Miller Co., York and Chicago. Inc., New MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1916. Subscription Price Delivered v by i Carrier In City: Daily and Sunday, per week. ...... 10c ur vv11"311 " y rs0 prImary-etecUonsnd all elections are able to bear the burden. Whether Daily and ffiK of North CaroUna-aU Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.30 has been minimized, while.there ia- no the people or a few should hold it , , fnterf rence with either the rights" or up? If - there are ' free schools, cer- Entered at the Postoffice in Wilming- the comforts of the voter and there tainly. there should be free school ton, N. C, as Second-class Matter. , j jjg neVer been a charge of f ratfd books . Tools are as necessary as the . . . Z . "fmade against the returns. It is true place to work; And it must be admit- the Republican party, being very weak, upon -many ' families . To make a dis virtullly 'amblffits? to "naught. Yet, tinctioh as to who shall be provided hotly contested primaries are held with free school books would be dis and in which opponents are equally as crimination, which while, perhaps, watchful, equally as alert, equally as just technically, would not harmonize strong as if two powerful party fac- with organization of the school sys tions were pitted against each other, tern. But the worst feature of this If the State will adopt the Austral- would be humiliation by the class ian ballot system ancN combine it distinction; such distinction as should The i with a strong corrupt practices act, not be a Dart of this character of Dub- as the voting system cannot cover the He work. ' expenditure of money, though it does Besides, the State would be m a bet make such expenditure not only of ter position to obtain text books at a! j doubtful qualtiy for the side spending lower price, thus saving money. , jit, but a dangerous one, as there can-j j One of the most provoking faults of not be a certainty of delivery of votes j There was a double reminder last people these days is to have an appe- under such a system, the electorate week that it is not impossible for.peo tite. " - wiU he greatly benefited and good gov- pie, who have the pluck and energy, ernment will have been made more plus the ability, of course, to rise from It is not because the kicker has a secure. humble positions to financial heights, strong understanding, but generally Advocacy of the Australian ballot Gruesome reminders, perhaps, yet re- because he hasn't. Money flies, time flies and so do the Rumanians. "Had to pay $1,000 for a kiss, high cost of loving. The successful theatrical man this ' vonr shnnlii thank his luckv stars. i system, or one of equal qualifications, minders for all that. On the same is not one-sided on the part of The day last week John D. Archbold, head Some people seem to think that if Dispatch, because New Hanover coun- of the Standard Oil, and George C. they make the District of Columbia ty as we nave noted' has such a Boldt, owner of the Waldorf-Astoria t be such a clamor to system' nas naa Ior years ami it is ana JBeiievue-stratiora, wew Yoric, looked upon as the strangest sate- passed away, leaving millions behind, guard the primary and election have The former was worth, perhaps, one dry there won' go to congress. McCormick and Willcox shook ever had. The pipatch's advocacy hundred million and the latter some- hands at the gridiron dinner. It is a W mat me entire state may en" where near fifty million. Each start v 1,0 tto woo joy the messing, Sale uc L, iiuvvcvcii wxxab iua cuv 1 happier of the duo. Recipe for success: Mix equal parts of energy and ability and stir con- GOING TO SHOW THEM. ctantlir in n nnt nf flptftrmination. over i pvidfintlv is srniner to make the tem a hot fire of optimism. , i A . . , . . . iperance demonstration at the time of ed in life in an humble position Archbold was a clerk and Boldt a waiter. Yet each opend his eyes wide and took advantage of ODDortu- Superintendent R, L. Davis, of the uiUes No doubt fn their day oppor. North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, tunities were more aa indUstrial de velopment was less and competition was not as great, but they probably While holding the high office of the next legislature one long to be work hanJer President, at the same time Wood- rememnerea. ana ne is going 10 oring row Wilson undoubtedly occupies thetsome of the biggest of tne caufe position of goat-getter. to bear upon the target. We have disagreed, and sharply, William witn commutation of sentences grant- Jennings Bryan is announced as one ed by Governor Craig in a number of Now it is announced that Roosevelt o the speakers for the meeting of cases including some from New Han- has abandoned his proposed trip toithe Anti-Saloon League in January, 0ver, but we have never attributed his mistakes to the heart, but to the head. So as a pardon or a commutation of TTHit Mon w fa on tima'&nd, of course, we take it, he will laic x xji. loiauu r g ivii. iui wuav as if it was too .good to be true. ialso De asked l9 address the solons j Mr. Bryan's part will be of extra value sentence for the man Thomas, who The Rumanian standard-bearer who this time, as he announces that he attempted to assault a young woman jumped An the river with hTs flag had will, try and make prohibition one of on a puman Car in the union station the right idea of preventing the colors ( the planks of the next Democratic at Rgjeigh, could only come from from trailing in the dust. party platform, and in this he is re- a bmnder of tne heart, we have no ceiving strong support. idea tnat Governor Craig will lessen A peace debate in a magazine is Aside from any demonstration, the sentence, which is already many announced between Taft and Bryan, made to impress upon the legislature yearg too light. Why not indulge in the more exciting' the sentiment of the state, or any big u may be jn passing, however, pastime of a ping-pong? speakers, who may enlighten by pre- that protest is going up in many spots jsentation of the case, the same as a of the state against lessening, in any If Champ Clark anticipates running lawyer addressing a jury, it must be way the sentence of the first class fo the presidential nomination in apparent to. the legislators that North feloBL Tnomas. friend would save 1920, he had better take note that Col- Carolina is enacting a hypocritical themselves disappointment and save onel Bryan is already in training. jrole at present. It has prohibition in Thomas more notoriety about his dis- : 1 name, but only regulation in action. gustinf? ,f they WQuld proceed at In one of his foolish moments Bill If a small bit of prohibition is good, once to elimmate all talk about a Spivens opines that while he wants why a large piece must necessarily pardon, or a commutation of sentence. Christmas to be marked by fair weath- be better. Real prohibition would er he knows there will be plenty of present the only test, while doing mis-reindeer.- j sionary work in the elimination of (hypocrisy, especially in high places. A Federal District Attorney advo cating a boycott maybe in accord with benefiting humanity, but how about being on-a plane with the Dan bury hatter's case? THE BROAD-MINDED WAY. Uric Acid Poisoning Certainly former President William H. Taft always receives a hearty wel- The most eminent physicians recog nize that uric acid stored up in the system is the cause of rheumatism', that this uric acid poison is present in the joints, muscles ,or nerves. By ex- I come to North Carolina and the peo- perimenting and analysis at the Inva- Every fellow who advises people to pie of the state are always glad to called Anuric which drives out the uric acid from the system ,and m lids' Hotel land Surgical Institute in Vlliffain XT V T- TS Jl . . "smile" is not necessarily an optimist, see him, although the state has never "Zi,Af . J, l . . i ' . ' , combination of native remedies that he ijiLei iLui e iiuw wiiuug iruui mary- t giveu mm tx majui iiy m u. presidential land is advising folks to "smile" election,, nor never would, no matter and place their, orders at once so they how often he ran for this office. The this way the pain, swelling and infla may do so. 'difference: exemplifies breadth, of mation subside. If you are a suffer- Imind and fairness. A man may be cf er from rheumatism, backache, pains If the government finally decides to 'marked ability, possessed of a beauti- here or ere, you can obtain Anyric at mate a 2 !-2 cent p.ece the M ooaracter an4 a sP.endld speaker. S " uHe can be counted on to be shrewd and all these things may win admira- acid enough to advance the price from two tion and make folks delight to rub- Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due for five to a -couple for six cents. So shoulders with such a man; yet. his to a dropsical condition, often caused what's the use? ideas of government may be of such by disordered kidneys. Naturally when i calibre and they could not be support-.. 15? kidneys are deranged the blood is The -Florida paper that is offering a ed. prize for the best Christmas In other words, your onnonent T "V" "UD ciq. wmca - seuies m me tissues or the feet, poem can be , a gentleman and a good fel- kifi8; Wriats or h,nfc aD w!,:. may be. heroically undertaking to por- low. Vice versa, you should be a under the eyes in bag-like formations. tray a cnaritaDie role Dy Keeping the gentleman and a good fellow when ' It is just as necessary to keep- the ) stuff from being showered on other you are the antagonist. " kidneys acting properly as to keep the I papers. - . - . , wwe auy&xc Tia tne body of poisons. The newspaper institute at the Uni- A"c VC1J' ut3S possipie way to take Of course, we know that old Colonel versity appears to have been a -great i is to, take a glass of T.inntvn is th rpnrnhato rpnnnciwQ v,. 5.t.'wat pefpre meals and an Anuric -x- , wmjr im;iwDc taoiet. -in this way it is readily dos- but we trust that the esteemed State the value of newspaper work, by mak- solved with the food, picked up by the Journal has not excited the anger of ing the workers of -greater knowledge blood and finally reaches the kidneys, the good folks of the First Tar Heel as to technical points especially, but where it has a cleansing and tonic ef congressional district by quoting us to have familiarized them with the fet ' as referring to it as the "First Tar state's greatest institution, v the TJni- nto th? drug store and ask for ..HeU district." -. versity. President Graham, Professor DceToc fS trialcATuric- . Thornton and -other members of the many times more potent than lithia The dinner given Mr. Bryan in Ra- University faculty, deserve big credit eliminates uric acid as hot Water melts' leigh was a dollar-a-plate affair, while "for, the part they took in its success, sugar. A short trial will convince you. the one in Washington was $5-a-plate. and a large sized bouquet should be . ' We. should say tnax mere was some nanaea isauor niawara jx. cnuou, ure difference in estimation of the Com- able head of the North Carolina Press moner's appetite, but tor tne tact that Association, we regret mat ine i uu permanently regulated and made active bi people seldom' go to banquets to eat, of work at this busy season compell- the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Po though' the ethics of the occasion de- ed us to forego the pleasure of at- "ively guaranteed by money-back offer mand that ."the nibble-and try and tending; . the first -ess Association ' h "X 'use the proper pieces.of silverware, meet we have missed in years. , , ton's Pharmacy, Cor. 2nd ant PriicesJstf Lazy Livers 75.00 UfU-Hflnrwor . Ma' ' Rnntc V . County's Notft Int. ;"-,10,15U.U0 9iKrtt-.Q jv3wiknlritrr;"- il --. I repairs to Clocld Sheriff Of. 2.50 2151 Acme "Cash Grocery Co . i t Provisions; O.-D; P.y'.'.4. 2152- City of Wilmington... W...,tJHalf Cost Char. R. R. Fare ,,2153-rS. Solomon....; Orders, O. D. P. . 2154 W; A. Williams.. .,Orders O. D. P. -.J. ;v, ? 2155 Mrs. . Mary Parham . .Feeding City Prisoners . . . . 2156 rState Hospital, Goidsboro Expenses,' Martha Sloan V .- 2157 W. C. Capps,;.....i.,.., Repairs to Chairs ...."..;-... v 2158-r-J. W. Webb , ,.. Act.. Paint. N.-B. River. Bdge 2159 Sans". Souci Abattoir Fresh . Meats .'2160-G. W. Branch.. 2f61 W. E Springer: & Co . . . Ajuu.ee i . .. . . .iime'V.'. . W ... . . . Harness . . . . .'. . J . :. '. . . ...Clothing . . . Roof Cement . . .... . . . . . . .Repairs . -.- ...... . . . ... i . . . Act. Painting , ... 2162 C. D. Kenny Co...;..:.. Co.. . Stock Service . ... . . . .Farming implements & 2165 M. . Rosenmann 2166 D. J. Prease - 2167 J. T. &J.;0 Brown. 2168 R. Robbins, Son. . m. U.00 1S.73", 1.00. ;;ltt.00 1S.35 ' 7.25 4.00 17.50 42.66 2.00 84.40 11.25 ' a.oo 1 6.65 8.50 1.55 5.25 ... 2321- -Miss Josephine Harriss ..... .v-Salary . . . 2322 John Haar;n ji .'.Salary, i .: 232A. L. Meylaiiu4 salary. .. 2324 Miss Gesiae pwbSlS T. . i .".Salary 2325 S.' P. Co wan A Sheriff . . : .Salary,;. . : . . . ; . ; 2326 M. Cronlyi f. ..Salary. " 2327 A. L. Kelly. 4. Salary 2328E.- C. Reynolds. V. ... .Salary .... ......... .... J&29 J.-. H. "Davia "f: ; . ... . . . ...Salary ; ' 2330 J.'M. "Branch ... . . . , . ..Salary ..... , . . ; " " 2331 J.A. rOrrell Salary . . 1 ; 2332pWf fA5 Ptfi$iimp ........Salary,.... 2333 IOs3 K6 .............. Salary .....f 2334 Graham Kenan 2335 Ed George 2336 Jno, M. Anderson . . , Salary .........Salary i. Salary 2337 W. iAl McGirJt U. , Salary 2338 B. ttf iEflfpie f i H . . !' . Salary 2339 Geo; yi ;PesJjhau. 2340 H. Mack Godwin .Salary ....Salary ' 2169-Harriss4Typewrit: & Adv. Co... Blank Warrants . ....... . .i . . tfu.ji 2170 Jackson & Bell ; Co. . . . stationery . .i. . . ro.o 2171 W. E; Springer & Oo. Supplies ... , 2.7S 2172 Plate Ice Co..;. 2173 Thos: A. Smith . . i . . . . 2174 Warrell Mfg.i Co. .i. 217 Stride Water Power, Co 2176 Northam's Book Store. ...j, 2177 C. W. Yates Co 2178 Brooklyn Grocery Co....... 2179 W. G. Butler. . . 2180 W. W. King.-; . , ... . . . . . . 2181 The F4. E. -Hashagan .Co. Ice for October .'. . . .. , ..Drayage, Disinfectant . . , . .Disinfectant ........ . . . . , ..Lights .... .............. . . Supplies . . . ............ . . Supplies . . ..... ?.. ..Provisions, O. D. P. ..Provisions. O. D. P. . . . . . Coffins and Burial ..... Orders. O. D. P 3.05 .25 20jD0 23.80 3,65 6:80 3.00 6.00 2o;oo 40v-n. inain. vtviuvtiu. . ........... .wmu,i . . . . 2341-r- JlDenips4yii. j Salary 2342r-Kirpf! Dani4lsji 4 . -.Salary 2343- HBOarfl Of Managers Month. Appro., Hospital 2344- DrrR. B. Slocu'm, Treas Month. Appro., Redcross So 2345- J. P. Herring Salary 9.00 L2346 L. Lr. Motte , A Salary 30.25 2347 R A. Burnett..... Salary 2348 S. M. ,Boatwright ;.. .....Month. Appro., O. D. P 2349 F. W. Cornish V...i Salary 23K0 S. n Winner 2351 H. R.r Aiken, 6lerk. ...... 2352 S. P. Cdwan, Sheriff 2353 F. M. Rivenbark.". . l. . : . . 2354 -Wilmihgton Taxicab - Co.. 2355 J. H. Davis, Constable 2356 Jess Leadley 2357 Joshua Daniels . . 2358 F. J. Dempsey . . . . . . . . .Orders, O. D. P , . , Supplies, Spec. Officers ai Half Month's Tel. Bill f 1 ..Oil Special Officers Car. . . . . . . . .. . . . Harness . . ; . ........ Feed i.. ......... ... 2182 Thos. A: Smith 2183 H. Li. Fennell 2184 H. Mack Godwin. 2185 Cape Fear Oil Co 2186 L. A. Bilbro. . . . 2187 B. F. Mitchell Co 2188 M. Rosenman Clothing 2189 The Bluethenthal Co. Clothing . . 2190 Roger Moore's Sons Co. Supplies 2191 R. Hardesty Mfg. Col Danger Signs 2192 Cape Fear Machine Works Bolts,, Etc . . 2193 W. E. Springer & Co Supplies 2194 J. T. & J ' O. Brown Repairs 6.35 2195 City Laundry Co.. Laundry 3.50 2196 C. DJ' Kenny1' Co. ;w: . : Coffee .j. ill.25 2197 Tide Water Power Co. iScfiits, Workhouse 4.901 2198 Cape Fear Oil Co... .Supplies- .......... .... 42.89 2199 S. P. Cowan, Sheriff ...Speedometer . 1.77 2200 J. W. Brooks .Groceries .. ... 365.19 2201 J. W. Brooks Groceries .). 130.61 2202 J. W. Brooks Groceries . , 44.16 2203 W. N. Harriss, S. S. C ...Fees 12.20 2204 F. A. Lord Bal. Prem., 3 Yrs. Insurance 170.00 2-205 Jno. S. McEachern Sons Seed 2206 R. A- Burnett, Supt. Monthly Payroll . . 2207 J. H. Burriss Elections 2208 E. Piner Elections .... . ,2209 Wm. Struthers, Jr Elections 2210 Miss Ruby Duncan Stenog. Serv.. Elec 4.00 j 2359 Geo. flolomah , , . . '. 25.00 26:23 1.00 1175 6.75 374.95 i 6.01 ...Care Court House Clock ..Month. Appro. Bd. of Health ...Act. Taxes ...Salary .... ; " . . .Auto Hire, Elections ...... ..Fees , . . . Wages, Plowman ' t . . Wages, Plowman ...Tomatoes . .'.Wages, Cook .County Honie ..Wages, Plowman . Turnips -.Services Serving Capias ... Indigent Pupils 50.00 208.34 100.00 50.00 250.00 lOO.Oo 75.00 75.00 75.00 95.00 H5.83 141.67 65.00 75.00 65.00 19.73 100.00 166.67 150.00 75.00 IKI.00 35.00 833.32 150.00 65.00 75.00 135.00 200.00 25.00 5.00 530.83 177.50 75.00 7.00 70.00 13.86 2.31 2360 James Allen 2361 J. Herbert Johnston 2362A J. H. Davis .... i .... . 2362B S. P. Cowan, - Sheriff. . 2362C J. A. Orrell, Auditor .Coupons Paid 2362D-7M. S. WilJa.rtJ:. ...Fees, Co. Commissioner 2362E J. T. Kerrr. ...... ' ...Fees. Co. Commissionrr 153.75 j 2362F Walter E. Yopp Fees, Co. Commissioner 2.65 j 2362G W. D. MacMillan Fees, Co. Commissioner 3.90 1 2362H The Barrett'1 Company Four Carloads Tarvia 3.02 1 23621 The Barrett Company Five Barrels Tarvia ... 16,10 2362J The Barrett Company Twenty Barrels Tarvia Total ?25.0L'1.20 2211 T. D. Piner.. 2212 R. J. Darden 2213 W. H. Humphrey 2214 J. R. Davis 2215 J. B. King 2216 T. G. Landen 2217 J. F. Mann 2218 J. H. Johnston . . 2219 L. Larkins .. 2220 A. H. High . . 2221-Gerritt -Walker . . 2222 Blaney Piner ... 2223 T. J. Burnett . Auto Hire, Elections. . . r ..Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ..Poll Holder ...Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ..Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ...Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. .-Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ..Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. -.Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ..Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ...Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ..Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. ..Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec. 2224 Thos. K. Woody Postage 2225 V. W. Hodges Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec 2226 J. T. & J. O. Brown .Repairs . . 2227 Thos. Quinlivan. . . . . ; Supplies 2228 N. Jacob! Hardware Co Supplies 5229 N; Jacob! Hardware Co Supplies 2230 R. C. Cantwell Poll Hold. & Reg., Elec..... 2231 S.: P. Co-wan, Sheriff ......... ..Witness & Jury Tick 2232 J. W. Webb ,. Act. Paint. N.-E. Riv. Bdge 2233 Standard sOil Co........... ..Supplies '......:. 2234 Davis-Moore Paint Co Paint . 2235 Wilmington Printing Co Tax Receipts 2236 E. P. Dudley Repairs, Spec. Offi. Car 2237 Ford Auto Company Repairs, Spe. Offi. Car 2238 J. P. Herring ...Ex. Ral. Farm. Loan Bank 2239 American Bank & Trust Co... Tel. Hanov. Nat. Bnk., N;Y. 2240 R. Robbins -. . Painting 2241 J. W. Murchison Co Supplies ." 2242 W. R. Dosher & Co.rr. ...... .Rep. Plumbing, Workhouse. 2243 The Texas Company Supplies 2244 Geo. R. French & Sons Co... Shoes" 2245 Bryan & Bowden One Bag Peas 2246 Cantwell Lumber Co Lumber 2247 S. P. Cowan, Sheriff.. Ex. Act., C. Wilson, Escaped 2248 D. Quinlivan .Shoeing Teams 2249 Western -Union" Tel. Co Telegrams 2250 J. W. Murchison & Co Supplies 2251 The Texas .Company Barrel Oil 2252 Carolina Metal Prod. Co Culverts 2253 Geo. R. French & Sons Co Shoes 2254 Chesnutt & Freeman Shoes 2255 The Cape Fear Gravel Co Car Gravel . 2256 W. B. Thorpe Co.. Shingles .... 2257 M. W. Divine & Co Supplies 2258 Standard Supply Co. Supplies 2259 J. W. Blake. Repairs to Lights 2260 A. D. Oashwell Repairs, Gun, Etc. 2261 Bryan & Bowden Peas N 2262 J. H. Johnston Turnips - 2263 Tide Water Power Co ...-Switching Car Gravel 2264-V-Thos. B. Carroll........ Medicine for Mule 2265-LFord Auto Company... 2266 E. P. Dudley 2267 Chesnutt & Freeman .. 2268 H. E. Longley 2269 B. A. Merritt 2270 M. W. Divine & Co 2271 Thos. Quinlivan & Son. 2272 T. W. Wood & Sons... 2273 W. J. Kirkman & Co... 2274 Chadbourn Lumber Co. 2275 Capps. --Griffith Co 2276 G. W. Yates Co 2277 W. E. Springer &4Co... 2278 Charles Carroll 2279 J. W. Voss Repairs and Supplies Repairs, Truck Shoes Flue Brush - - 3oal Paint - Shoeing Mules - Seed .... Onion Sets .... . . -Lumber Repairs -Supplies -Lanterns -Clean., Repl Cist., Co. Re'pairs' to Jail Int. on County's Note Home 2280 Ever & Co. . 2281 Wilmington Star Co Advertisement. 2282 G. W. Godwin Repairs, Jail Walls 2283 Samuel Bear, Sr., & Sons -Provisions, O. D. P. 2284 Lewis Bros. ......... . 2285 T. D. Piner 2286 The Springer Coal Co 2287 Henry Gause . . 2288 The Wilmington" Dispatch. . 2289 J. W. Webb... 2290 W. B. Todd.. 2291 J. A. ,McNorton 2292 C. W. Woodward 2293 W. W. Hodges ....... 2294 D.- L. Brock .. 2295 H. L. Lyon, Solicitor 2296 W. N- Harriss, Clerk Court. 2297 S. P. McNair & Co 2298 Swift & Company. 2299 Carolina Store Company.,. 2300 R. Robbins -I 2301 Plate Ice Co.. J2302 S. & B. Solomon . . ..... . 2303 Robt. R. Bellamy 2304 Postal Telegraph Co.. . 2305 Robt. R. Bellamy. 2306,J. H. Johnston. . ... 2307 S. P; COwan, Sheriff. 2308 J. A. Orrell, Auditor, . . ..Boy Drawing Jury -Orders Outdoor Poor Tires for Truck -Car' Coal -Cash in Lieu of Clothing. Ad v."J Elections .......... .-Paint. N.-E; River Bridge Bal. Wages for October . . .Com. Back? Taxes Chmn. Board Elections . . Serv. Board of Elections . ' - Rent, Election Purposes . -Fees . , . . -Fees . i J .... . ... . . . . Orders United Charities ...Provisions, O. D. P. ..... Provisions, O. D. P - Act. Paint Rodf ........ Ice .-Thread, Needles, Etc. ... . -rSeed .Telegrams Harlem Oil ..: : Turnips ' Jury & Witness Tick. . . . 2S09 R. Robttins. 2310 J;. W. , Webb- 2311 Jno. Graham 2312 J. A. Orrell, Auditor. ....... 2313 J. A. Orrell, Auditor. 2314 'Sf p; Cowan; Sheriff . .... ... 2315 Geo. 1 Harriss -v I ; ; :l 1 ...... . 2316 J. H. Davis, Constable. ... 2317 J. H. Davis,. Constable. ....... 2318 S. P. Gowany t Sheriff , ' 2319 W, ...N.Harriss ' , 2820 W. H. , Northror! Jr ... Act. Painting Roof Act. Painting Bridge. .... Cash in Lieu of Clothing. . Express on Danger Signs-.. Freight on . Tarvia . Fees Superior Court . . Fees Superior Court , Fees Superior Court Fees Superior Court . . . Freight on .Tarvia ..... Salary s, . . ... . -Salary""'.... 134.97 345.00 71.90 27.00 27.00 5.00 25.00 29.25 3.00 31.95 41.11 30:90 - 41.29 35.48 33.21 35.3.6 35.09 35.06 35.12 10.00 33.75 6.65 11.00 ! 4.90 11.05 31.92 157.60 21.00 3,0 113.90 39.50 2.90 .50 9.10 .56 11.00 16.45 9.05 5.40 . 1.50 6.60 95.83 47.90 6.25 1.36 12.75 5.50 33.50 20160 16.75 24.25 .25 8.75 6.89 4.37 1.75 19.80 2.0Q 2.00 2.00 28.51 17.25 1.45 2.00 6.71 73.85 3.75 80.25 4.00 5.00 9.25 5.99 2.30 7.50 2.50 225.00 20.09 7.00 2.00 50.00 103:08 232.19 3.00 34.56 17.50 5.00 55.52 5o:oo 21.0:0 10.00 21.00 45.40 1.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 209 2.10 16.40 1.77 .40 1.20 172.80 :25 11.00 i 22.75 3.00 1.63 .65 107.80 7.90 3.40 32.00 . .20.91 250.00 100.00 Ckisteias -.v- .-ili'MK-'l if;;;s Sllg gesbons SHOE-UP FAMILY For Instance: u'randpa: A pair warm felt slippers; Grandma: A pair Comfort shoes; yather: A pair P. L. Button shoes; Mother: A nice pair soft kid shoes; Sister Kate: Dress slippers; Brother Tom: A pair dressup shoes; Brother Willie: A pair Rubber boots ; Aunt Sallie (cook) A pair Rubbers; Paniel Green -Felt Slippers Many Other Useful Gifts at Peterson & Rulfs Wilmington's Largest and Best Shoe. Store. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DECEMBER 4, 1916. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTS VILLE, WRIGHTS- VILLE BEACH AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. WEEK DAYS. CASTBOUND. Ijeave "Electric Center" for Winter Park, 6 :30 A. M. 6:50 A. M 8:00 A. M, 830 A. M , 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M, 1:10 l. M. 1:55 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3 :00 P. M, 3:30 P. M. 4:10 P. M. 4:30 P. M 4:50 P. MJ- 5:30 P. M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 10:15 P. M. 11:15 P. M. Leave 'Electric Center" for Wrigntsyllle 6 :30 A. 'M. 6:50 A. M. 8HX) A. M. ' 8:30 A. M. 10,-OO.A. M, 11 30 A. M. 1:10 P. M. Ii55 P M. 230 P. M. a1 p. m. 4:30 P.' M. 5:30 P. M, :10 Pi M. 6:40. P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. .9:15 Pi-M. 10 :15 P..M. 1115 P. M. Leave "Electric Center" for Beach. 6:30 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 10 .-00 A. M. 11 :30 A. M. 1:10 P. M. 3:00 P. M. 430 P. M. ' 6:40 P. M. 0:m".-P.mV' WESTBOUND. Leave Beach, for Wilmington. Leave 1 Leav Wrlghtsville Winter Park. for for Wilmington. Wilmington. 7:40 A. M. 9:15 A. M.I 10:45 A. M.' 19 -IS T HI I fl:45 P. M. 3:45 P. M. 0:15 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 10:00 P. M. :15 A. M. 7:20 A. M. 7:50 A. M. 830 A. M. 9:25 A. M. 10 35 A. M. 12:25 P. M. 1 :50 P. M. 2:25 P. M. 3:00 P. M. 3:55 P. M. 6:25 P. M. 6:00 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:20 P. M. 7:55 P. W. 8:45 P. M fi:2 A. M. 7:31 A. M. 8:01 A. M. 8:41 A. M 1) :3fl A. M. 11:(W A. M. J2:.'M5 P. M. 2:01 P. M 2::m; P. m. 3:11 P. M 3:.'i0 P. M. 4 :W! P. M. 4 :.T0 P. M 5 :10 P. M B38 P. M. fl:11 P. M. r, J P. M 7:.".l P. M. H :IM P. M. R:5 P. M. 10:10 P. M. K'.-'i 10:45 P. M. JO-h-W P. . 11 :45 v m 1 1 M P. M. Does not go beyond Station No. 3 on Beach, t Leaves from Station No. 3 on Beach. SUNDAYS. EAST30UNO.T Leave 'Electrtc Center" for Leave "Electric' - Center" for Winter Park. Wrlghtsville. Leave "Electric Center" for Beach. 630 A. M. 8 30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 1:00 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 2:3Q P. M. 3: 00 P; M. 3:30 P. . M. 4:00 P. M. 4:30 P. M, 6K) P.- M. 5:30 P.M. e no P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8n5 P.?M. 9il5 P. M. 10:15 P. M. 11:15 P. M. 630 A. 8 30 A. Mt' 10 m A,,Mw 6:30 A. M. 830 A. M. 10rt A. M. 11:30 A. MJ 1130 A. M. 'IWP. M. - 1:00 P. M. 230ft P. M. .-2:00 P. M. 230 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 11WP. M. 3:00 P. M. 3 :30. P. M. v :30 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 4 dK) P. M 4:30 P; M. 430 P. M. P,.M. ,5r00 P. M. 6 30 . I AC 6:10 P. M. 6 r40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P." M. 9 -.15 P. Mi lOtirf t. nr. 11:15 P. M.I 16:40 P. M. ............. . ...... : 9:15 P. M. "WlSTEoWDT " Leave Beach for Wilmington. ' Leave I Leave Wrlghtsville Winter Part. for Wilmington. T7.-05 A. MJ v;ii A. M. ' 10:45. A.M. 12 :15 P. M 1 :45 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 3:15 P. M 3:45 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 4:45 P. M. C:15 P. M. 5:45 P. M. t7:15 P. M. 10 .-00 P. M. 7:15 A. M. 0:25 A. M. 10:20 A. M. 10:.r5 A. M. 12:25 P. M. 1:55 P. M. 2:55 P. M. 3:25 P. M. 3:55 P. M. 425 P. M. 4:55 P. M. 0:25 P. M. 55 P. M 6KK) P. M. 6. -40 P. M. 7:20 P. M. 7:55 P. M. 8:45 P. M. 10:10 P. M. 10:45 P. M. i 11:45 P. MJ for Wilmlnfiton. 7-20 A. M 0 :'5 A. M. 10:31 A. M. n -M A. M. 2:' P- l 2:0 P. M 3:00 P. M. 3::5fi r.M 4 :; P. M 4:.'Wi P. M. 5:0fi P. M. R:M I. M fi:fH! P. M 6:11 P. M- :r,l P. M 731 P. M. 8:(K5 P. M 8:M P. M 10:21 P. M 10:.VJ P. M 11:5f, P. Hi Does not go beyond Station No. 3 on Beach. fLeaves from Station No. 3 on Beach. FREIGHT SCHEDULE. - (Daily Except 8unday.) Leave Ninth and Orange Streets, 3:30 P. M. Freight Depot Open from 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. V SPECIAL NOTICE. This Table shows the time at which train may be expected to arrive at and depart from the several stations, but the arrivals and departures are cot' guaranteed.

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