J a , . ;rr "VT tt " Wl . -i. iJY---. WEATHER TORECASTV For North Carolina-Sunday if afc; nd warmer, wionoay lair. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN-AV1LMINGTON VOL. XXII. NP. 337, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA,SUN DAV MORNING, DECEMBER. 1 7t 96. PRICE FIVE CENTS- RHDY TO STATE SENATE REFUSED TERMS OF PEACE TO TIE ENTENTE 1VI . KK Mik B fl . II SX 'JBS.IL. 'Jl n In n -l . ' if -. - , . 1 . - 'i - - aa' , ,i , , , , , , ; - - , - g TUPIiPWU'lIl TO DISPLACE THE . . t ' v. -"' .-.- . ' I II HUB xjwiiiMNUi-O.- U liyik! Foreign -Unice r rands xer- xnany s rroposal as Insm an3 Theatrical. IMPERIAL POWER MUST B CRUSHED. Muscovite Government Ready For a Fair and Lasting Feace But Not of German Making. Present Method Not Honest ly Made, It Is Charged. Petrograd, Dec. 16. Supplement- SUPREME COURT WN TSTOK NOW the Duma, unqualifiedly rejecting the central powers offer of peace, tne foreign office tonight gave out for publication a lengthy - statement reading in part: The nation honestly desirous ofJfl fl j f . coffiiuonL-mi; To Seek Further Light on The i Election Squabble Between Weaver and Britt. (By George H. Manning.) Washington, D. C.,? Dec. 16. Con gressman Britt received a telegram from the clerk of the North Carolina supreme court today "slating tfiat the court had issued an order to. Judge W. J. Adams, wha heard the mandam us proceedings in Mr. Britt's election contest, to find additional and more To Make Final; Move to Break Up The Noted Whiskey Conspiracy, GOVT. HAS LOST - A GIANT AMOUNT. Defrauded Out of Twenty Millions It Is Claimed Trials Next Months -So Declares The German Am- . bassador to -Secretary of i State Lansing. GERMANY WAJSTTS TO GET TOGETHER. I Bill to Make District,of Colum bia Arid Up Again Tomorrow; ; TWO AMENDMENTS ? TO BE VOTED ON. ' ' : ' 'r ' ' ' ' ' ' .- . . ' - -. -A : " ; '7''. -a-i , ' . Washington, Dec. 16. The United All Foreign Diplomats at Question Likely to Be Settled Washington Appear Pleas- Early This Week Under- ed -Peace INote Leaves Washington. : iitim n PfiRnuAQt HVUULU j i uiiuiinuL wood Would Provide Referendum. Washington, Dec. 16 The Senate i r- 3 -J . 1 ; a- - 4- r. I " " w . JUliVjW AAA U ninn ui;niiieu tuiu uutwi iubuiuub. . , slip docs not advertise her intenUons a 1V AU1DW, throughout tlie world before h pro by a vote of 34 to 33, this afternoon refused to abandon consideration of Washington, D. C, Dec. 16 Cdunt States government today announced von Bernstorff,' the German ambassa its readiness to make the final move dor' visited the State Department to- in the litigation to ' break 9 'm . ""ly wnspiracy wrncn ommis- the entente group a statement of the bill to make way for a pension bill sioner or tne internal Revenue Os- preliminary tferms upon which they , Many "wet" senators voted to Dorne estimates has defrauded the propose to aiscuss peaces government out of $20,000,000 of rev dav an&v informed Secretarv Lansihe UP tlie iU.. nnJnm ois'mJ thf THst'ri nf Pnllimhio ni-nHKit inn Sudden Drive In 'The West ? Greater Than Was First : ; Thought , ' : SCORES OF GUNS f J I WERE CAPTURED, ; 0 --r w Crown Prince's Army Success- benator, Overman Introduced r.":ii n.. ' d Ji. d - i; POSTOFFICE SITE 5 Bill For Mooresvill ' New Appo,intees. tiniie the dry district b'll (By-mrgVWaWf.) Washington, D. C: , Dec. 16. Sen ator Overman introduced a bill today COn- ' rt nnnmnrldfA 7Pt AAA i-t VlA rlt Claims Russian Offensive , Has Failed- Teutons Con- ? tinue Advance in Rumania.'. ' These were the results achieved by the French in their sudden blow Thp Oorman flin1oma nrlr.or! that ""uv- uv uxowiv-i, uu "cwudc cnase OI a Slie ana Construction U 6uov kc viwiiy iuuvoo a -nnn qq o onnforor'O iQr1 Kaan nr. theV Were ODDOSfid t.O thp npn si, hill postolfice at Mooresville. u front before Verdun, east of 'tho , : Congressman Doukhton recommend- Meuse Tiaay: - -v. . -Attorney-General Gregory issued a sent fun terms as a nrooosal for defi-U ' ' ' ' -rj-ed-to the postoffice department today- i More than- M00 - prisoiwr wer". statement Paying that the govern- nite -peace November 9th as to justwhat electtontment is preparing to press to trial mal proposal contemplates an agree-'. The. Senate ?dourned until Mon- as -postmistress at Tuekerdale, Ashe ' Eighty-one guns were captured or J. II. Surber and prohibition measure, but it appeared Tshflm TTiirtsnn has hppn nnnnlntP. The villages of Vacheran Ville and - posals have been transmitted to the 'This indicates to jne that the su- Guy Hartinan, Thomas in the whiskey frauds. Dreme court Is rtp.tprminprl tr cot Hpt imHcttnont and 1.Trrv Vaia -inc-t - . : " . "7 B7 terms and the American government curate facts in regard to the returns been convicted of frauds at Jackson- -,-n - i . .5. r :. . before the board" that daV: sn h at it ville. Fla. Another- indictment is . , . . . lion dv ttussia oi uenuau uiiei . -- y - - - - , " . terms nave Deen proposea. au uer- tonllv Have been necessary to cc-- determine what should have been pending against him at Fort Smith m hag sug&ested is that the bel- i -at .,- r done bv the board that dav." Rsviri Mr Ark., where the Januarv trial, which , a, , ymv America anu uiuei iicuuti ml . - ' . - , ' . iigerents get togetner ana iaiK. C. McCoy, the ring-leaders t ,J. .almost certain that the opposition riir!,i rHor a rn,ti riarona n Louvemont. Chambrette farm - and ,': - udooauui vuu ociuaiuiu aaiu. - i trt , . , , a.w , Aii are un- j have noL received any formal w " "c T LU d voie Thompson at Glade Valley and Green tne . Hardatmiont and Besonyaux - Britt. STEDliN IS TO , m m BILL the aUiUiue wnicn tne auies win taKe ihfatrical proposal. insinc -re and theatrical proposal. Russia cannot speak of peace -with an opponent who nas proclaim ed herself the Victor. "The rejection of Germany's pro posal in no sense yiaces i.utsi i the post of u nation not desirous of a durable peace or insensible to the nrgent necessity of rescuing Europe from the calamity which has cast its shadow over the entire world. "But Russia will " continue to suffer from this calamity and add indefinite ly to the sacrifices which she has oIi dqH,- tnnrJp rather than Submit tO I- Rw - fimnrnm. Mannlnn t greater catastropne tnreatenea L Dy rr Washington, D. C, Dec. 16. Con Germp.n imperiar ambitions. w-hot Russia ln'jcommon witn ner ; Speaker Champ Clark-a "'promise fellies desires is not a -,yed Ger- ne will be recognized . next Monday many, but the final defeat of - those to call up for passage, in the House ambitions of German domination. nis Dm to turn over the Guilford bat- will include Hartman and will be held. The three men engineered the frauds whereby liquor escaped taxa- next week. Two important amendments re main to be voted on beforethe b'll is placed on its finnl passage the Underwood referendum"" amendment proposing to put prohibition to a nite terms naturally will be discussed vote of the people of the District but until then it will not be proper and the Smoot substitute designed to ' to indulge in speculation. My visit ProniDit even tne importation of al Efird on Route Six from Albemarle. - Surber, .If that proposa js accepted defi- T RAMP tion by conspiracy with government to-tne Secreta ry of State was merely coho1 - for beverage purposes revenue agents. McCoy and Surber for general discussion." I An effort this afternoon by Sena-1 tormeriy were revenue agents. Sur- - tor Sheppard, of Texas, to obtain the ber resigned the AsheviUe district in m.a" amuussauor . was m Senates unanimous consent for a 1912, to become, the Department of Vumib" miuu ov vote Monday afternoon was blocked ' - .. . ... tne wlilAsnid . sentiment frr -npncp J SO T GOES AGROUND works . were ; reconquered. I The -positions thus reoccupied are close to those held by the French" on 1 . the right bank of the Meuse before the Crown Prince's great Verdun ' of f ensive began last February. ' "; ' 1 Brief admission of the reverse lbe fore Verdun was contained 1 in yes terday's Berlin war office statement. It said that the French "oh Decem ber 15th succeeded on the northeast front of Verdun in pushing us from Jii55ticft savs, thP hpart nf s "imivpr- l" wiuwyreau . beouMitsni ;ior peace Isitv" of whiskv RwindiPrs Thp thrPP expressed "In this country. He ap- A '! .ir , men operated from headquarters at Peared satisfied with the course Will Attempt to Pass Guilford Jacksonville and Fort Smith. The adPted by this country. Rattlecrrntinfl Manr men are said to have amassed, a for- The peace notes were forwarded to by the objection of Senator Martine, of New Jersey. BILLION DOLLARS Coast Guard Cutter to The most advanced position into o T" . C - prepared second line." j j lCStUC " i IdllSpUll kJUlllUCI 1 : Not Abandoned. spite Leader Mann. New York, Dec. a6While wreck- calm njgnt j .. An official ' bulletin . 1b sued last (night at Berlin said that fighting was revivea east oi tne Meuse alter a FOR EDUCATION. crewsontinued .today their ef- attack, was .deUvered forts to float the transport sumner. A. - ..n f tune, the bulk CLf. which is ..declared London, Paris and Petrograd before hv tho : rtetVartmoht tn -ViaVo 1 hoon noon todav. The fext 1 of each com- Placed where the government cannot mucioaslhElish, but for , Washington, Dec . .16.A, billion wnlch grounded n motif r.ffi.iaio aurn qo onroVnonDrj roTt m - KTsonftn-'Wi i ?np fnrwarrtprt a? . states ror ' enncation next .-vflftr- tne - .-" w. -. stacked, was, hell byaJboul.the &asxe. L , I 5tedm, rec6ived frnxn ST S.5Cd soon A the liles: are clear of the annual report -'of i tte UnItedStlte.;atrier. Juno, aahore off the t - wB Speaker Champ Clark a, promise that ,JS1 ii.. w ; PmmODl. Uttle Beach life savinK station. ' . aKim ivia aayviuej, uec. 16. aUu wuvteu iur cuuitmcity iu tn r TIV l Thi -rofts"t- r'-cueMohawk-to'- 8lan discharging offensives plot. s , Hope was expressed at' the State public tonight,shows. The totalxr The coast guani cnniifMomwK, . . wnodPd rarnathipnn anrt in Hartman over a year ago jumped Department that 3 reply would be re- penditures in 1914, the last totals com- went to tne junos "a-- :reporiea , - . - t ax $25,000 bond, fled to Mexico and ceived from the allies within ten piled were close to "$300,000,000. - a -1 j . . 1 1 . . . . Aniro i-n nnlilnniit f v, i, T...; mi A. J 1 J AT A. ' ; tonight she was resting!" easily. Tio TroTiotflvfiTil'in TTrf TrirttrnTotncr writes tne military critic or the When -Germany desires a fair and tlegrounds to the Federal govern-. . navS t t.Mntir, rtrtHia PTOai. ho k,, aU effort was made to get the vessel-off.' wmes ine military critic or me..; lasting peace Russia will be disposed ment to be preserved as a National io nt wiRn nri srptrv . tAB8i ., "wii ohM(. nh o tr, as a gale ras blowing. The life.sav- "verseas News Agency,, nas 4 now : viiit-jr aua i.aiv nuuciikau cutiuvuoij j 0 uvu uuuu v- "-aaa aaia.i,avaaaj AAi vuV - - . igatori mfiTo ipioti o - rnrrn i crn r tint na ' to consider the time ripe for peace negotiations.' 115 f BE T military park duty force. ' la atari mnro tlum a - fnrt TllcrTit Vint Via He crossed into the United will spend Christmas in Washington, number of chidren receiving school ng crews from Little Beach, North nnanie to nrevpnt th Ruminfan -i KepuDiican ieaaer James iuann, states ia3t summer and started to re- Ambassador von Bernstorff also has instruction, nearly a quarter of the Brigantlne and Little Lgg iiarDor catastroplie v who, by objecting to unanimous ap- tutn when but twenty feet from cancelled arrangements for a Christ- population of this country being uh- risked their lives in the storm to 7 fC- d p . Three 1 , nrovaL has nrevlented the nassace of- av. ta s t j moo vaofirTi'"A 'ii pi thp .Trtfin. otilvto find she Was .. v a6a ' proval, has prevented the passage of. the international boundary an offi- mas vacation lie a '11 j a a -m 3 tne Diu ior two years, stoutly ue- npr aTrfiStpd him and took him ba6V spend in Florida clmes. Major Stedman s appeal tbat tn cmui,. ttp. hasmadp a full. The course adopted by President nf thp TTnitori stntp nrp ottonri.mr The crew of the Sumner was expected to der instruction. reach the Jtiho, only to find she was About 24 per cent df the inhabitants-111 n? immediate danger. PROHIBITION fiuSLY i he cease to object on Monday and t confession permit , the bill to pass. The alternative is for Major Sted man to make a motion to suspend the j rules, which he will do, and try to ipass the bill over Mann's objection. Central Federated Union De-!This require a two-third vote In i jvtmv ' it u i preparation for the success of these Clares Millions Would be j heroic measures, Major Stedman has, Out of Work. 1 within the past six months, personal- . ly appealed to every member of con- n 1 1 - VaIf TtAn If 1V a PnntlKll 1in .1.911 i nrkinli 1-1 r Vt Q n 'cr a Ul ft., ltJC. J.U .- A AaC uuch grcSS LVl lllO Ulil, Ail H1UVU uao r T 1 Tll C tT T" , Federated Union voted today to call taken an enormous interest. He has ( JaUlTaiO Dill OUrrerS r rom a upon al the Unions in the country to been particularly busy 1 in the past General Breakdown In make a direct plea to the members of three days buttonhoiding members: - Denver congress and the United States Sen- and is confident of passing the bill I Twr nn' ic rv.i,oi ate in opposition to the enactment of over all objection. Wrn nndv who arrived in, Deiivpr a National prohibition measure. The - two '-weeks aro for a visit with his uu"ju was laiten on me represenuiig of labor leaders that if the . country should go dry at least 2,000,000 would be thrown out of work and fully 10,- Wilson and the cabinet in deciding school, as compared with 19 per cent brought here today by the coast guard to transmit the peace offer without in Great Britain; 17 per cent in cutter, Seneca. It was reported that comment at this time met with full France; 20 per cent in Germany; and the Sumner had been abandoned, but (Continued on Page Six) a little over 4 per cent in Russia. in i llFIHST HDD OF COIESI ILL CLOSE FRIDAY WIGHT . - i j - - 1 EOHA TO BE THE CHIEF SCENE Col. John M. Carson, in charge .of quartermaster department In the army, denied it. "She is in1 ho danger of be'ng lost," he said "She sprang a leak; in the '-' ' ' ' ; storm yesterday and the storm work- . , ed its wy inte ger engine and boiler Militaiy Writers Expect Teu- " ' room. Her pollers were put outj of c i D ni - ( business andas there was no heat for the crew the men were taken off." WILL BE LARGEST tons to Strike Big Blow 1 here,- VILLA'S OFFER QKIUI! TIINNY ulliviu, i u ii if i sister, is seriously ill, according to ; Candidates Should Make The A-I X , U . lit JLJCLO ,t VT XJ vr -CVO VynillU iu - tend him. The veteran Indian fight- ft n iy , - - wyu.ooo persons would suffer in conse-' (lliantA I ihose who would be thrown out of ork, according to the Union mep, lriflllrln f. -1 as well as these concerned more di-. t Oest fllS rroposal or-reace Most of The Five Remain ing Days and Secure Every Possible Subscription. rectly in the industry, such as brew ers. bar tenders and waiters. - The derated Union also decided to en dorse the proposal of the Federal em- Deemed Nothing More Than Sardonic To er and showman passed a very . bad 1 night and his condition showed ho improvement this morning. It is un derstood that members of his tamiiyj .45....... i have been summoned from Cody, Wyo. 7 v I Dr. East says that because 01 tne ' London, Deo. 16. The chief inter est in the war will center In Macedo inh hfifnra thd now vair in ' tVi 4n1n HOTEL IN THE WORLD. ' ion of many military experts herf . -i 1 j An effort to operi coianjunlcation New York, Dec . 16 . The v opera- Wth Greece and bring . her. Into the gin active' work, but ' as vet he has tion of the , Pennsylvania Hotel, at war as a German aily lij expected.' Some of you have told the Contest Manager that you were going to be tHe prizes. e. Washington, D : C,, Dec - ' age of Colonel Cody, who is 70, he j regards tbTe latter's illness as very j serious. He is suffering from a gen- . 16. era!' breakdown He returned to his 1 Payees union advocating Congres- Press r eportg of Villa's "'-"Peace Offer," ranch three weeks ago after the nonal action to increase the wages of gaid tQ have been brought by his en- Buffalo Bill-101 Ranch Show closed k ),)) Federal pttin1nvs . sa.j ui. U ?:pnKnh la. vov to El Paso were received with its aea son. ' a 'it A.!--' '! . ,-t-nt-A. ,1 - - 'amusement at ;me war --,iiu. owno ue- $685 Overland Automobile Ford Automobile. Carolina Beach Lot. $100 in Gold. , $75 Victrola. $50 O. K. Mystic Range. $40 Sellers Kitchen Cabinet $25 - Wrist Watch. not seen anv pvidpncp that vmi havp first planned as the largest hotel In Even in Germany the" interest in Re started. You have still plenty M)f this city changed hands today, mania is undoubtedly 'waning and -.T is time, but the time is not very far off Under the plans of the new operators hardly likely to increase unless ' the when such will not bo the case ' ifc wil1 06 the larSest hotel in thd campaign carrieB .von Mackensen, Into This change followed the passing It is almost a certainty that von of -the operating lease from F. J. Hindenburg, . especially .if the peace Machett to E. M. Statier, president offers come to nothing, now plans to '.-, -.-'.' Two $60 Diamond Rings. of the I?otel Statier Company. Mr. Machette has obtained strike hard in Macedonia; and that the there would be heavy fighting there On the other hand, if you are among those who were nominated by friends, it is up to you to do something and at once. You have a friend, or friends, who thought enough of you to 'send; in your, nomination and who are; anx ious 10 see you win one 01 me prizes. ... 0x, TO wlntor nvm-nalem. W nflTrK ereater In-a great many cases they have even ... 9nft a af nnrn-rimat noRihilities for decisive results than ,paid a subscription in your favor, and $12,000,000. .The"; first either the east'or west, froMs at this - nave been sending m tne coupon votes g - - lf200.room 8truc-r season. . Irllnnfid from the' naner. The v. "have .. . ture. Excavating ror tne msmmotn lease from the Pennsylvania railroad, shortly. It is a hard, country fo a The ' real excitement of The Dis W i?e?i;Waitinf sf " yU are goIs hotel is already in progress. ifi DjgJ to take an; nterest inyour ownam- . tract in Seventh ave , .'It will FARING RUTH LAW partments today. - GEN. SCOTT TO APPEAR 1 U HAVE NEW AIRSHIP. "No official commwicaUon on the BEFORE COMMITTEE. snh.of liaa hfifln rpifieived at the war - . ;- ) W-vork, Dec. 16 Within a department from, Generai Bell, nor Washington; -Dec. 16. Major-Gen- ,pat, conte?tLbf 5 ?tfa.l and help you m.n.i. . - .m: . .t . . : - wan ins nReinnmi: ul iuh last ween. ui n i . a.- . i .a vuo" "tu uuth Law will havea-brand nas;any-wor(Lcomnwu, uVJa.i- efal Hugff"L. .Scott, cnief ot tne army ; . . 7, ot oiuere... n w.auout uiuA j.w uu e . .onn foe. tn.' Thirf.v.neMm1 nn... j .. 1 -1 v ,. t ., a--; - rna nrsr nennn. n un n n wiiir.fi time a . : . - i-i n " ouu ar-ropiane. larger, safer and fast- ment agents-on.xne-oproei - , staff, Has een summoned; to appear ::a;ftrt .! wM to ?now some. appreciation 01 u your .atree. ,The Pennsylvania will be 16 xi--i' t: j c tvi5 uiuuiumc i-ou sen J-"""" " w:,.yv , . , v,ovo Hnwo for vnit rv fininsr . . . 4 paign and if you do they will jump in rr"; "11 7I; V- inUUOAlNUO secure the subscriptions .M . Ann . of ln ,Pll,rt;jMri a- uuuiago "A. xwv. avvi, aaa a . rf MORE TO LIVE ON. tr lll-i, .1.. . ..... ... fiT ;v.A.14nn4n 1 " Ilflfi lo"l PiWiOK . " .rS'r-- J ft '.L J. J 4- S9ilr" uie .aiyttie tning :.sne: . 1 : oetore tneuse anu . .. j15WOrth of BUtecriptions - stories in, height. , " u "ere trom Chicago m ana ai- inatt.viii. muy,eiytH;i.-,ytu&u ;auiutmu5 yuuiscu. - , Te .gtatier Hotel'. Company: Is now ler 't any New Yorker who wants " position from the present administra- and Tuesday. "The testimony he ili and etl tne competition roay, be said that the active con- .MMn, hntl -. in Bnffalo. fca lv n A - fi, al. -.,4 . u' woo ciKrwetefl that. V t x.1 i .i.,a-' '.., a ior tne aiamona rmg. . . i , . . - , i""e - " w jjo.BLt;u iu UlCagU lU UUUC liuu ouu i- , tA&3vv. . - give-" W1H up J wwuucu ui - uic J cyui io . . . a subpoena, attend a ball, take a flier m v h Ht or do anv nf th things nos- h'Wf ;n Chicago, may make his ar rangements with her. 1 Wiff as fnt on o roilmiiH train ' ' l. AA V A Ulll U AA A uth win The list of candidates presented on' lestants appreciate the importance of Cleveland and Detroit. It is construct- la's offer, if actually maae, was nom- these committees : are expected to v .r"I;- whn Vigorous .work -this week. They have another'-at St 'Louis nr .nnia tiiBn si 'sardntilc lest. ' u tr, iiHtrv trininir. another page represents many who , t ing anotner.at at.; xxjuis nig iua&c w - ; .aa j o- .. vj ,t i . illiCttUJf ukuuicu. iucii num nave . Btarttsu men .-tunu6i j.x j v vcii Assurances were given to the state department, jtodayufa that .noummary terinlned to make. a fight against tne T 4 -engaged in securing subscriptions and fViA rVTo illin KUliltJ WUUBO uamco ncic ocui- aj-i . . . . - . P.ni?afirP!d-.n aecunne subscriptions ana vju.iii-n t ja i oKtinii urni hfi tatan m tne case oi an MDOOn aw1 nner wh ph.- the wa.,ou" BUU1D wvrD.. -w 4V;. mnrir. tfllro him thara fni- a fjfi ' A morgan rttirfiTl . named SOUS. arreSl- : irT6 riiiarri wai i recentlV - ieaerai- uluuo ; ...- r Vta laraoct una th.A . .. . , - . . . ' . . - . WV nrin nf the -iralntthlo nri7PS,luS iww ty BB,ui0 7l i nave as many noughts for a ted by Mexican officials wnen ne step- ized. H;s report to the secretary oi - -"-r', -.r;;r a'l a.S TirSlnw froio-ht anirmn hoc QTa I anrrtco tho Hnft fmm BrOWnSVllle War .a'oiior. two WfifikS a CO. TeCOm- Offered. l i' --T ua Tnpcrio,, s j A. . t-.a. t a . tj,iii ti.?o?fair : j.j.)m tmininir hr r-mriTiPiT.-. If you are .xme ofA, the hrst class, isrlflv fsho in o-nino. Unff air ! iintomnM a Hp 'Will h tried- fair- -mAniil - mil.tjirv trainintr hv combell-'.-. to Hrr, , . . . . . . -tt- - ,,. , ;rtit. thnsp . whn have alreadv commenced 1 a w in riiQ no -t--v-M t- s-w . m A-rrr - mo. - r n a rttarva Tfm 11 -hi . v ir. . M. . attamw . tttiit n 11 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 v ?srr 1 1 v 111 wwf v " - ...... , .- chin. in "j:.:-':'? " tuu&iuianon wiuv tne eugi- toria. xneA American ;kwoll a. njeniauy-. uunutumeu j , . dAt f:L i -' .si aI ''. htrh' fii-B iwinr. pxtra nepre ,- u. a . 1 . f . . x .... hio vmiT efforts dmineA the next five ent Of the mgn nrst penoa extra P.., aeroplane om.;m0ras s e ry 3?" Se '"S l... iTSht 0 ' arry a ten nmir fnol annnTv hft- L.A-lrnnm " 'tt . simnoftfid' at the rhorraH ftnd automatically i become test. - r fe ise, SOjOe sure anu uu "V 7: .r -aaco uaw auu one ox iwu uao-1 otatp. ipnartmeni loiai. jb vuotgcu resenes..- - iucj - wuiuutsv" 7 .-,,,ri,T., - , , . - i ;. "gerg. its speed will nu nour at least. sible number of: votes. r Many people have promised to give the subscriptions before next Friday, TRADE AGREEMENT. v Washington, Dec. . 16. Germany and . Switzerland v have -entered- a trade agreem'e'nt providing vthat each of the contracting countries shall grant export permissions for .its own New York, Dec.: 16. Mr:OIa ; V. Florman, Nils Florman's young wife, who last May informed , 4 the Surro- gate's court, she could not ' adequately -maintain T herself and .16tm'onths-oId boy on(.$25,,000. a jrear,:', today h began, suit in that court . to " geb IJ00.00Q v from the estate of J ' her father, Charles Kohler, who "manufactured t musical K lnstriimente.:',..'.:7 (v ., ; 1 Mrs. y Flonnan objects' ',to an 1 ao counting by the executors, among them her mother, Mrs. Veronica .1. M. - Kohler, that - they had" set aside in; trust funds amounts s6 large that the yearly vincome aggregates ,$700,. I-1- -. ' ". ... : AaJa.J -. n. . v. :.. . . .... a . t x-,rv. - Ai n nf ftl 9 OCT . T I. ABA Wnn ATR . HTIII f COnSlOBrillK I UUU -:.BfOrf? wiOM...n-.,'iy.-. r.---!'-ii De iuu muess , with being lmplicaieu in 4WS, agaiuai, to tnecoiors, except in mc vooo3 w . " "7 ... ", x. ..vw mo tin,. IifT,- . -i.il " ; -. -- . .:- . .- . . . . . - . - V - II -MnAiA.n Ij-fV Mi illrtlciAn Tnri HV 1 mil. II. W 111 UC UUUUIa . OU UllD.AAAv. i- I n j Mexican de, facto government. .t war-with jft7or-ign. ioe. - lw'-.tw.?1TTrr-1 ' , , products and for manufactured arti cles in amounts jto be agreed upon. 000 instead of the $100,000 necessary insofar as the products 'covered by j to meet annuities, prorjlded by. Mr. the document ar not needed bv the, Kohler'swill. . Sma seeks a division home ijgovernments, it became known official circles today. v v among the heirs of $1,209,318 surplus from Jthe trust funds. :. 't -. 'u ' ''jt .! -

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