'V PAGE FOOT . t T.DE JLUfc 3 y?y y"!? isfi"5 , ; WILMINGTO n D IS PATCH ' P U BL1 S H E D D A I LY AND SUN DAY . " BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. THE COMMISSION .FORM; 45 r Jy Vv TELEPHONES Business Office : I' f. . . . . . .173 C ; Ecfltorlal Rooms ....... , . . .205 j vanced FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. IN The mass meeting of last . Saturday night again accomplished something in that it launched a-iiumber of mat ters for discussion, if nothing else was done. . After various questions had "been discussed, and many ideas ad- resolutions approving a commission form of government for Wili&ing tpn. This action is not surpris ing. The tendency everywhere is to move towards some form of : PAYABLE STRICTLY CASH r? ADVANCE. JjSbailv and Sundav . . .. .. ..$5-00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months. . ,$2.50 government that will m eet mod- Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.25' em conditions, old forms haying Subscription Price Delivered by run their course of usefulness and :v- Carrier In City: ! those cities that desire to keep Daily and Sunday,, per weeK. luc Or; When , Paid in Advance at Office Tsallv and Sundav. One Year. ... .$5.20 Daily and Sunday, Six Months... $2.60 rned cities. . Dapyand Sunday, Three Months. $1.30 1 So expression by the mass meeting : jin favor of a commission form of gov- E'titered at the Postoffice In Wllming-Iernment is not surprising. It may not .ton, N. C, as becona-ciass wuer. bear fruit at tnis time, but it draws the city nearer the goal, which is abreast of the times must meet modern- day competition of the best gov- Foreign Advertising Representatives: MacQnoid-Miller Co., Inc., New -Yorfc EBd Cticago. - MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1917. And the baby's name is 1917. something worth while at least. The commission form is : the one mode of thot has rorasnrp.d un j (,V T Vl "1. JT nearest me ueuus ui mo uiucd bu tew, and, we reiterate, it is opposed only by two classes, viz: Those who are not familiar with it, being wedded to custom and not having taken the time to investigate, "while listening,- per haps, .to critics who have axes to grind, and "politicians who would be shorn of their power should the com- j mission form of government be adopt ed. -These politicians are shrewd and - ! insidious. They have various ways of Some people are-swell only in that slyly sowing the seed of discontent, they are inflated with conceit. j without discussing the merits of the ' 1 1 . . '-Did Year. but ever sweet Happy New Once more the waterwagon is spick-and-span. r - N3.C.GRAHAM CRACKERS v sweetened to satisfy to - g . only taste crpodlrtit are nour-r - "i-.. " V, mi I f ' " - - ' ' r (Successful Meeting Closed Sit Shiloh -Church Yesterday V'.- One of the most interesting Union meetings;: in thO; 'history; of v the - Wil mingtonVBapttst . Assj&ciUon Vas clos ed at Shiloh 'churcii? h,r$Atkinson, YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT . WITH FINGERS i yesterday aftertoqbiiiL wth tlte 're-election of Mr.-G. If'twitas' moder ator and v Rev. A, L... Goodrich as clerk. Dr. John Jeter Tlurt, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, preached an able an4 inspiring ser mon Saturday morning wile in the afternoon interesting addresses were made by Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, Mr. Odis B. Hinnant, city boys', work secretary, i CVC. Cash well, Esq., and Mri. L.. W. I Moore. - I The moming service yesterday was sticky,0 it dries in a moment, and sirn delivered by Rev. W. B: Rivenbark, Ply shrivels up the corn without in and thP. Sundav Srhnol hour was talc-! naming or even lrntaiing me su i ou snripiy say to. the drug store man, "Give me a Quarter of an ouncj of freezone." This will cost very little but. is sufficient to remove every hani or soft corn from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn should relieve the sore ness instantly, .and soon the. entire corn, root and all, dries up aim can be lifted out with the fingers. This new way - to rid one's feet f ! corns was introduced by a Cincinnati f man, who says that, while freezone is en up principally with a discussion by Rev'. J. D. Moore, secretary of the rounding, tissue or skin. .Don't let father , die of infection or lockjaw from whittling, at his corns i v t tt tqivc wor-r, maH ',r!r tho1 but clip tlins out and make him try it. i - NATIONAL BISCUIT pkaS7s COMPANY a'ternoon by Rev. G. E. ilev. A. L. Goodrich. Leftwiqh and . Advt. Mr. Carey ty rule. Wilmington ; sooner or later will ' come to this or similar form of gov- rnment. Last year it had many morei supporters thaij the year before ; to- j day it has many more than twelve months ago. All because more people ; .' .. ... ,-'are studying the question and when -' . .... . . naming a single concrete instance ui i , The distillery comes under the head """ 5 . . . . they do they afe bound to give their iaiiure. so luev may ue juukcu. xiic i truth of the matter is that out of the THE NEW PLAN. President Jacobi Jn Letter to Mem bership, Very Much Encouraged Herring, a. student at Wake Forest college, sajig a number of " splendid solos. t A decision to issue an association ; bulletin immediately after each quar terly meeting was arrived at and tho iirst number of this' publication will l -i appear shortly.' The next with the organization to join during w'1'bo held at Moore's Creek, April the early part of the New Year: 28-29. "The committees are working hard Local delegates returning to the on a number qf very important mat- city last night were very much pias ters, essential to the future develop- ed with, the meeting and declared SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY of bottling wrath, we suppose. in the interest of the organization and Its. all right to have bubbling suc cess, but, alas, success is often but a bubble. approval. o tne ranKs oi tne con- . verts will increase, until Wilmington. mission form, tq give the best and the are co-operating effectively for the de- most direct administration of affairs, vclopment of the city and its surround-.-' 1 I ings, with no lack of appreciation for our present community enterprise. by the ; t pUSlLlVvi Some combination, the American cities that have the modern form to doll and the American dollar. ! apply in this mpdernday, not one has . ! recorded failure and all have record- ied progress, so far as we have been ' able to see. This evidence comes From the Commercial Bulletin, is- ment of the city, and we need your many things were accomplished at the sued by the Chamber of Commerce: dose interest, encouragement and Shiloh conference! An especially en "This issue of the Bulletin marks help in the tasks to be undertaking joyable feature was the picnic dinners the first' six months under the new this year. I take this means of ex- served at the church 011 both days plan of membership. This period has tending the membership 'of the of the meeting, been given over to constructive work Chamber very best wishes for a most prosperous and happy New Year. ' Cordially yours, MARCUS W. JACORI, President." The Progressive Railway of ibe ou(h. . Effective Nov. 12th 1016. DEPARTURE OF .TRAINS FROM WILMINGTON. No. 133:. r. M. Train for Charlotte nn.l Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PAlt LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO CHAK-LOTTE. meeting' No. 19 5:00 A. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. tsLKBPING :A U BETWEEN WILM I NOT N AND CHAU LOTTE. Open at 10 ;00 P. M. for Passen gers. ARRIVAL OF TRAIN AT WIIiMINGTOV. No. 141:30 P. M. Train from Chariots and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. v No. 20 12:10A. M. Train from Chnriofto ind intermediate r-olnts. - SLKEPINfl The prohis. should get it straight. It is "The Prince of Pilsen;" not the Prince of Pilsner. from close at home, too. Greensboro DIED SUNDAY NIGHT. STATING TERMS. William Jennings Bryan lauds Pres nix j This interest is manifested , Chamber of Commerce is a Remains of Mrs. T. J. Southerland Will Reach City Tomorrow. j riife ,n ,nt;c(! with it- ! ! lliuiuier ctuu cuiiviiiwtis mc.ui:iuu ein.- xvxx iC so"oul'u ' ident Wilson's move for peace, laying esi nf tho inriivu?i,r,i nin whirh has I- Mrs. Graham Farmer received tele Asheville is so immensely pleased especial emphais upon that portion awakened and encouraged a new spirit graphic communication this morning ' Account Gasparilla Carnival that the people ot that city aesire 10 wMcn -calls fo the belligerent na-, of progress. , . j conveying- the news of the death of a To the class in nature faking: Theodore Roosevelt goes in swimming is he a Teddy bare? . extend the form to the county of Bun- Uons tQ tevm, onmhe whilp in Columbia thp form ,i . ' a a oho ouo w M'r' aryaxi contnamg tnat t win or er service than to exercise its influence was recently endorsed at the polls by , d -bring a definition of terms make a ce Qf a larger vote than wnen tne plan wasby wWch the worl(, cau judge 1he plenty and contentment and iA'dxtend- ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Sta'ndrcf Rallrbcf 'of The : South EXCURSION FARES $38.10 New Orleans, La. Account Annual Meeting Western Fruit Jobbers ' Association. Tickets will be sold Jan. 27 and 28, limited Feb. 5. $22.45 Tampa, Fla. Tickets will-be sold Jan. 31 to Feb. 5, limited returning until Feb. 20. Limit may be extended to March 3rd upon payment adopted Our faith in this rorm of govern- countries involved ment is not recent, but of years stand-, q ici I We expect any minute -to hear that 'ig, as Dispatch readers know. Dur- If tne president's note can accom the Jap who went into the Dismal ing that time we have watched its ap- plisll tuat undoubtedly it .will prove temper and the berits of the diffeemt inS its aid and nelP in tne promotion i r -li r i.i:n - L : 7 ill the great con- maimer ui yuunu eiiLui yi i&b i , feel that this is the ultimate aim. "The policy of the Executive Com mittee to have all propositions first ; relative, Mrs. Tom J. Southerland, "The Chamber can perform no great-, -idow hf thp latP Tnm J. Southprlanrl for many yeara one of the leading of $1.00 and. depositing with joint agent business men of this city, which ,oc-1 . A. s .. ,. . w Account .Southeastern Land Show and ('Alt BKTWKBN CHAKAOTTK ANT WILMINGTON. PASSENGEUS MAY REArAIN IN SLEEPER! UNTIL 7:01) A, M. ... .. . - For detailed information and- reservations, call on City Ticket Agent. Ortoh Building. 'Phone 178. R. W. WALLACE; . H. E. PLEASANTS. C. T. A. T.. P. A. Wilmington. N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D. P: A., Raleigh N. C. investigate bv the standiriK corn- Swamp was locating a naval base for j Plication, heeded its achievements, Gf great benefit, but that is just what mittees which are chosen to direct and our faith has grown stronger. The the belligerent- nations are shying at specific work, , before they are pre commission form is not untried. It just now Hence the report of confi- sented to the Chamber proper, has been especially Deneiiciai to tne worn .:' the Mikado. In our bpinion the trouble with the ) has been tested and .found true, J dential exchanges. This would de- curred at thQ home of her daughter, . Mrs. Bradley J. Saunders, in Birm ingham, Ala., last night., following an illness that had "extended over a long period of time. The deceased had attained a .ripe old age and the at tendant infirmities were assigned as the cause of death. The remains will . arrive jin the city early tomorrow I afternoon on the Seaboard train and ! the National Association of Builders Exchange of the U. S. Tickets will Tie sold Jan. 31 and Feb. 3, 10, 11 and 14, limited returning until Feb. 20, but may be extended to March .6th by de positing and paying $1.00. $23.45 Pensacola, Fla. $24.55 Mobile, Ala. $28.75 New Orleans, La. x J . i .. iwhfirpas pvrrv frvrm that Wilminerton ' i i ., ul lut; oigduwdiiou t war is 'not , so mucn snow on tne " ' " ' . w fln(1 greater interest from the members, battlefronts, as too much feign at" the f8 piacea m operauon .was new ana t0 judge. ,1 want to urae all -members to avail seats of government. ; simply an experiment. Therein has; If one side or the other woul(l tle. themselves GP the privileges of : the V. 'been one of the dangers, though it has ;fine its terms .for peace the world Chamber; to attend the regular Looks like congestion of -transporta-l alwavs appeared foolish to us to argue ! could pass' judgment, andT assess the meetings and to feel at liberty to tion. did more towards making North that the city has not advanced by rea" 'moral blame for a continuation of the Present their ideas on all public .. . . . .. son of the rhaneps that, have hftfin ! it v. j i e .i. m..., matters. Carolina nave a ary . ennstmas tnan ; " ----wcn. u iuc ucmouus ui mu it-iuuns maue. ne , cnanges nave Deen ior wprfi PTfP!ivo a-nrt of the organization and resulted in: v,'hile Complete funeral arrangepients Aceount Mard, Gras Celebration: had not been made this morning the, Tickets will be soW Feb. 12 to 19, in services will probably be conducted elusive, limited returning until March from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 2nd, but may be extended until March Farmer, No. 507. Chestnut street. In- 19th by depositing and paying $1.00. . torment. will be made in Oakdale cem- proportionate pares from etery.. Messrs. Lonnie L-eon and Ju lian, sons of the deceased, and Mrs. OTHER POINTS ON; THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, y did the prohibition' law. "The. nifimhprs liavn mmln thn first were excessive and out of keeping . . mnntUa f nam n,.oni,a(,v, the better, m spirit and m operation, witn preSent conquests and ability to a snf.rfiSs and amone tho. dinttt a: Some fellow has discovered a way in our Pinion' and the city h?s O'lhold what has so far been gained, the complishmeuts has been the -creation, to photograph the voice, which raises Sussed under i the .new. But just as.wor WOuld know it. On the other of a closer community spirit. Tho hope lhat now some people will at changes in the past changes to some- hand if the entente was simply set officers are striving to promote a least be able to hear themselves as , thing experimental profited, so would in crushing the German empire the continuation ot the pull-together Bradley J, Saunders, a daughter, will "The Standard Railroad of the South." others hear them. la change to the commission form of wnriri wnnid hromp nnrmWnrtrn nf it : 'government (not an experiment) ben-jTnis is the diplomatic point, the one Congressman Henry, of Texas, wir-efit the city. j carrying .political Significance, that is , - 4 a.ouu vj Aula uas uetju-iiie msLory ui oLuer being combatted at present. Ger-i "put up or shut up," Not precisely places and these other cities have ex Hmany shrewdly understands and go dignified nor elegant, yet thoroughly j panded. It: is not merely a matter of does the entente. So -each shifts the Texanese. t. , , spending money and making improve- burden to the shoulders of the other. ! - 7 :ments, but making improvements that a confidential exchange could reach When Francisco Villa and General will allow a town to expand and have the same end, and its inauguration Carranza pass away and they place a form of government and an admini.s-: wouM realIy get a peace movement in "At Rest" on, their tombstones, the tration of affairs that will appeal to a tangible form, though it would be phrase will be more fitting for Mexico people outside, as every city must a much slower process, by reason of than for the . dead. j bring in outsiders, to reside and in- public opinion, which though not fired ;;y j vest, in-order to grow. It is danger- from cannon nor launched from tor- Representative-elect Grant shows ous to have it otherwise. To the pedo-tubes. is a mighty weapon in de ;that he is going to do something, and contrary is just the same - as a -man termininc anv cause ! n An- it nlnvnn n i. 1 T S T f . , . YT . 1 . , a. uuci is en w a,y a wuhu wuiie. iiici- nvmg on ins pnnc pai. lie maKes a dentally, it may be added that what show, perhaps gets credit for. being a Wilmington needs are more doers of shrewd business man and an indiv- y things and less doers of people idea and I want to extend a welcome to all citizens who are not identified accompany the remains here. - I The deceased was a resident, of this city for a number oE years and was known to a wide circle of friends. Her husband died Avhile residing in Wilmington a number of years ago, but she continued her residence here for several years thereafter, j , PHONE 160. S3 Special I Blend Coffee The Gup Favorite 25c Per Pound. C D. Kenny Co. Phone 679. 16 So. Front Prompt Delivery. ESS REGULAR DINNER TWENTY-FJVE CENTS NEW YORK CAFE v SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE Lynn Haven Oysters Now Dally. Homemade Plea. Pooms by the Day, Week or Month. Recently Renovated. C orrect D ress S iiits an d A ccessones For Tke New Social S eason $:;y Just when folks are having a hard Thomas W. Lawson has conaented, so he wires; to appear before the.con- jidual possessed of money, but failure ; gressional committee and tell all he. n the end is inevitable. (knows about the alleged "inside in- The silliest argument advanced "formation" ori "Pr-ooirlon f AAil peace note, which, he claims, allowed manipulators on the stock exchange, to reap a harvest. This is - well. 1 5; i rri c iHlfaincr V v - - 1. 11 s f ! . '""""b -" i"ii,o i.ui tuc uctcs- yganisi. me commiHsion iorm oi gov- sities of life, some one gives forth the ernmemt is that it is un-Democratic ; . ' news that this country yearly spends that it means the rule of the few. $60,000,000 fOr Chewing eiim. Whi.h Aa q mlo ennb artm-mant 1a cimnlv 4n.Uiri.-i, , ... . . . ,. , " w ' " " o1""1- ,o ""t'v " i vvuemer ne can prove anytning or . certainly sounds a jawing note. dulged in to stir prejudice and to rot, it will go towards exoneration or .'plaee the question beyond the pale of proving guilt. Either way it will have y A man in Washington has been sent reason into the quagmire pf blindness", beneficial effect. If there has been . . , to jail for declaring that George If there is one virtue the commission j "inside . information" it will allow ;y Washington drank. This shows how form of government possesses it is its 'punishment of 'those responsible and prohibition is advancing. In the old democracy. It means rule of the ma-'a tightening of bands in the future -.days it was a tribute to say a gentle- jorityt and it possesses, the initiative ' u the charges? are untrue it will be " -'Tnan ainnpH a mint inlon m riponl? o nnn. u 1 . , "jicicuuuui ouu icca.11 nuw aajoiie a lesson to the public not to grow ex- can contend that it is un-democratic, cited and believe others guilty every that it means the rule of the few time, some fellow bellows charges. long toddy. V New Yorkers are getting to .be when it requires a majority of all the more classical and aesthetical than people to elect, is difficult to under the Bostonese. In Gotham the other; stand. It is the most democratic of ;Iday a man was arrested for knocking all forms. The old form, of govern- This is a good time to stand upon the rocks of your failure, just as i -fl UVUUU UUUU LUC I Ul.K ill a woman aown ana ne expiainetn to ment in Wilmington was anything but the water, and shout: "The world is I" sy5luo UUU1L Luai' uv pusneu ner democratic and tne present form al- mine!" That'i the spirit that counts n Correctin those little details which distinguish the man who knows how to dress well correct in the choice of materials from which they are made correct in their conformity to the trend of today's fashions and added to all this correct in price, which in this case means less than elsewhere, quality for quality considered. gently in the face. V Another attractive feature about the old "Monte" when he yelled his op timism and determination. ' ' ) - lows chance for a minority to mle, and you couldn't have less than did which is un-democratic, but the com mission form absolutely prevents any bonuses .granted by diserent corpor-jbut a majority from ruling. ; Rations to their employes wasthe factj To those of open minds, the thing tHat!it placed more money in circula- that should appeaL stronger to tr V tion. In addition to giving these em- is that absolutely no argument has y . ployes and their loved ones an extra ever been advanced against the com tihig., Christmas, unexpected additional mission form; that those who oppose pleasure, it imparted the plus to other it cannot cite the concrete evidence of tiMiiiiiiiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniii- ' people, as the money was . spent wi4n its failure; that the only excuse, ever J-B McCABE & CO " H ' ' theVmerchants, thus increasing Uheir; offered against it is insinuation that 1 1 ' E. - business, and flowed from them into it is un-democratic, when they would S Certified Public AcCOUD- s ' - ' various channels. So it was a good' have to admit, when cornered, that itjH Ltant M thjns ' all 'round, as well as a fine is the very essence of democracy, in j Koom 15 karehiaon Bsnk Blii. 1 rrm tKIngyyyv-.; .:-Jiaax Provides absolutely forAmajor- nriliuiinTiiimfitmHii FULL DRESS SUITS IkNOX SILK HAT. TUXEDO COAT AND OPERA HAT VEST VILD1 DERBY HAT FULL DRESS PANTS DRESS REEFERS FULL DRESS TIES FULL DRESS COLLARS DRESS SHIRTS. M TLMiVTrDC OBSTT URIE Arrivals and Departures of Trains at Wilmington, Effective Nor. 12th, 1916. Time Not Guaranteed. DEFABTUSKt Nb. 90. 8:40 A. M. Dally Except Sanday. No. 64. 8:15 A. M. Mon., Wed. and Frlay Only. No. 51. Daily. , 5:30 A. M. TO AND FBOM QoldsboroMiBichmond, Norfolk and Eastern North Cerollna points. Connects at Golda boro with Southern Hallway at Norfolk Southern Railroad. jacktonvUla, rlow ,Bra an tttns41aU Stations. Cnadbonrn, Conway, Florence, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa St. Petersburg, Fort Myers Columbia ano. Asheville, Pnllman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Colombia, open to re ceive outbound passengers at Wllmlng- . ton at and after 10:00 P. M. and may M occupied, lnboutd until I'M A. M. No. . Dally. 8:00 A. M. To Deport Undesirables. Wellington, N. Z., Jan! 1. To pre vent sedition the Government . has passed war regulations providing for the deportation of undesirables. i WILMINGTON. Jf. J. IIIIIlllllllllllIlIllllllllllllllIIHIIlllIillF All the above goods are of the newest styles and best qualities and at. the Lowest possible prices. No. 5. DaUy. 8:45 A. M. No. 62. Now Dally . Daily No. n Dally. 8:45 P. M. No. 69. Tnes., Thnr, and Sat. unlj :80 P. V. UAi- No. 4X Dally. 6:45 P. M. Ooldsboro, Klchmond, Norfolk and Wash, lngron. Parlor Cars between Wilmfjagton and Norfolk connecting at Rocky. Moon t with New fork trains having Pullman Service. Solid train between Wilmington an! ML Airy via Fayetterllle and Sanford. Jacksonville, New Bern aad latannedJas f Stations. I AB RIVALS I No. 91. 1:1 A. BE. Dblly Except Monday. No. 65. 6:15 P. M. Mon Wed. and FriCay Only. Ne. . Dally, lttte A. it. I Chadbonm, Florence. ' Columbia, August, i Atlanta and tne west. v;oariescon oa vannah and all Florida Points. All Steel Pnllman Sleeping Cars between Wilming ton and Atlanta, via Augusta. Sleeping Cars daily between Florence and. Colum bia, which .may be occupied at Colum bia until ?:00 A. M. Fayetterllle an Intermediate ltstlsaa Joldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washington and New York, Pullman Broiler. MizXet Sleeping Cars, between Wilmington and Washington, connecting with New York , trains carrying dining cars: also Pnllman . Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. No. 49 Dally. 6:05 P. M. No. 62. Dally. 8:00 P. M. No. 6S. Dally 12:30 P.M. NO. M Dally 12 :M P. M. No. 60. Tnes- Thura, and S&U Only 10:15 A. M Daily. No. 41. DaUy 1:50 A- H J Mi?:'S olky $f Co. One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. No. 9 North Front Street. For Foldar, Reservations, rates ot fares, etc call 'Phone 1G0. W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent ' Wilmington, N. C. READ THE BUSINESS SPECIALS WAY AkSbSbubuE .4' y t: I V