PAGE-EIGHT f EtiDpisi mi MmMiM&&rrDimrMM flitERofejNUAty ' i,i9i7. ... :-::r:-. .... . THINGS 'THAT. NEViSR &Agree That Negro Was Killed and Laid" On Tracks For Mutilation mm g Shortly after 2" o'clock this after 1; Boon the , coroner's jury investigating ;iho death of Benjamin Frazier, col ored, found mangled on the tracks of ' the A. C' L near the Castle Haynes ; ' pVcrossing early Sunday morning, V -eached the following decision: mm - pw r imn. i m im n l $150,000.00 TO LOAN ON COT TON STORED WITHJJS. W.B.Cooper .8 Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. COAL NOT A J " 77"" -7r SIR? T' AUW WHAT'S OOt Y LEFT-OVERS? ON THt 51UL ) JS I OF - FARE J ( AHVTHtW lo I V WAITtK. I ( ACROSS TH r- STREET V POSTQFFICE DISAPPEAR FOR RENT TWO FRONTc ROOMS, - connecting. 1 Lights, heat,' bath and ;; - telephone. Would . consider giving i; hoard. . Address,v"R6qms,? care: Dis- nnrhaTn.vJan 1: Yeeemen. who last Friday' nteht looted ther postoffice here - of stamps, merchandise .arid a ' gun, i FOR REN T F URNISHE p HOUSE, have not yet been captured. . Several j Centrally located. " Modern in' every emDtv bottles of lemon extract con-j ' respect. Can offer attractive propo- taining 15 per cent; alcohol was the only clue left Y' by the cracksmen. Tracks -"were ; found outside' the p6st offlce, which indicated that -three men entered the building. sition. Address "Home," care Dls-j ..: patch. ;: - 12-31-3t.j FOR THE VERY BE8T NATIVE AND Western Pork and . Beef, Fancy Groceries, tec. See- or Phone R. B. Moore, 3rd and Castle. Phone 1S83. 11-24-tf WOMAN IS KILLED BY ACCIDENTAL GUN SHOT i we deliver all marines ,on i aate 01 issue wnen. bo rtJnueai.ea Phone youi order to 745. Gordon'! - ' - . 1 - i Wilson, N. C. Jan. 1. An accident-, ally discharged gun yesterday caused' the death of Mrs. J. H. Buck, of Chi- cod township, Pitt county. Several boys were Nin herhoiae preparing toj leave on a hunting tripk It seems, that as, one of tlie youngsters wasj about to leave the house his gun was accidentally discharged when it bump- ar Interest Quarter JANUARY 2nd Your deposit made with this bank on or before the above date will have the advantage of drawing interest from' the New Year the first of January-r-and will receive credit for a full month's Interest three months from date. Begin the New. Year and succeed with ''the People." OLD AN D STRONG The Peoples Savings Bank . . Comer Front and Princess Streets. News Stand. 10-7-tf WANTED TO PAINT AND REPAIR your roof. Will discount 10 per cent, on all contracts; for next 30 days. Remember phone 431. W. B. Klan der, 8 South Second street. ll-2$-tf Get Your Hog Jowles arid Peas for New Year ed against the side of a door. OPEN NOW 53RD SERIES B. & L. Stock Mechanics' Home Associa tion, 208 Princess Street. Walker Taylor, President; W. M. Cum ming, Secretary. " l-l-2t. L. L. SHEPARD, 17 NORTH 4YH 8T. Have got the goods for you. Best native meats of all kind. Also a full line of groceries. Phone 1186. Prompt delivery. Always on the job. 10-13-eod-tf From THOMAS GROCERY COM PANY Phone 294. " . V , 523 and 525 North 4th Street. Will have nice lot of Turke ys Saturday. Builders' Supplies STORAGE W.B .Thorpe and Company WATER W ANN STREETS "That the deceased came to his death by blows inflicted upon him by party or parties unknown, his body placed on railroad tracks and mutilated." Charlie Wiley and Dave Fredericks colored, who were held by the police as witnesses, were released as no vi: dence was shown which would incrim inate them. Wiley testified having seen Frazier about midnight- Satur day and that the deceased mentioned something about going to see a col ored woman living near the oil mill. Other witnesses examined this, af ternoon were- Mr. J. D. Rivenbark, towerman at the Castle Haynes cross ing ,and J. D. Chadwick, conductor on the train which last passed over the body of the deceased They both told of the discovery of the body and ; of its relative , position as to the tracks. All of the train crew testified that in their opinion the body had been passed over by a train earlier in the night and that it had been on the tracks for some time. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's mes sengers. They will call for your ads." In the tame manner and quick time as they noweover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc For further Information as to ads,' call 176 but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." WHILE LOOKING FOR GIFTS JUST notice my show window for a par tial assortment of what I carry in stock. I make a specialty of solid gold jewelry. Will take pleasure In telling you prices and quality of goods. J. T. Burke, the Jeweler, 27 South Front street 12-10-tf. OLD AND STRONG MECHANIC'S Home Association New Series of B. ci t i. l- . x r i. v. inn oc xj. siuuu open jauuttiy siaiu, j.9x. W. M. Cumming, Secretary. .,l-l-2t. J FOR RENT 1ST JANUAHY, STORE on Front street. Best location. Ad dress A. B. C, care Dispatch. 12-27-7t-j MOTTE'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and Typewriting. Day and Night Lessons. Leon L. Motte, official court stenographer. Chief Instructor. Phone 737-W. 105 Church Street. 12-26-tf STENOGRAPHER WANTED MUST i be accurate and raipd. None but I best need apply. P. O. Drawer 817 j city. l-l-3t j DON'T WORRY ABOUT XMAS gifts. You will easily find them at Charles Finkelstein's to suit your taste and pocketbook. A call is all we ask. No. 6 South- Front street. Plione 642. 12-10-tf WHAT? B. & L. STOCK. WHEN? j January 6. Which? Mechanics. Wliy? Old and Strong. When? 208 I Princess street. Who? W. M. Cum- ' ming, Secretary. l-l-2t. ORANGES, ORANGES, CAR LOAD expected Dec. 30th. Winesaps, Bald win and York Apples, Grape Fruit, Raisins, Lima Beans, Canadian Rutabega Turnips, Prunes. Bear Produce and Mdse Co., Phones 452 453. 12-29-tf SOLID GOLD IF YOU ARE INTER-j ested in something nice in Solid Gold : Jewelry, it will be to your Interest! to inspect my line, quality and prices right. J. T. Burke, the- Jeweler, 27 South Front Street. 12 9-tf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK extends to all Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year Haniiet, Jan, I. George Knight, at the January term of the Superior Court will be tried for the alleged slaying of Dan McDonald. Witnesses declare that the two men were the best of friends, and say that Knight killed his friend at a dance. i MECHANICS' HOME ASSOCIATION. Mechanics, Mechanics. New Series & L. Stock. B. & L. Stock. B. L.'. Stock January 6tn, Old and Strong, ! 208 Princess street. Mechanics' j Home Association. Mechanics, Me- j chanics. W. M. Cumming, Secretary. ' Cumming, Cumming, Cumming. l-l-2t SEE CUMMING ABOUT B. & L. Stock Mechanics' Home Associa tion, 208 Princess street. l-l-2t. FOR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE 315 Walnut. All modern conveniences. Possession given Jan. 1st. Apply J. F. Rulf, care Peterson & Rulf. 12-31-2t WANTED CARPENTER AND GEN- eral repair work. When you have any to do Phone No. 1825. 12-30-7tj GRAHAM FLOUR, YELLOW CORN meal, Aunt Jemima's Pancack flour, Rye flour, Kellogg's Krumbles, fine barley, . split Peas, fresh smelts and halibut, every Thursday and Friday. B. May, Delicatessen; 'Phone 1322. 12-26-7t . THE FINEST LINE AND ASSORT- ment of the most beautiful Cameos specially selected with a life expres sion, ranging in assorted sizes small and extra large, prices from $2.50 to $30.00. Alsso a beautifuV line o? La Valliersj will be please'd to show you my line before you buy. J. T Burke, The Jewelery, 27 South Front street. , 12-16-tf Kozy Kitchens Can be had. We have an excellent line of CABINET GAS RANGES Come and Look at Them. Terms Satisfactory to All Tide Water Power Co. 'I pill!!ll!lllll!IIIIHI!!ll!IIII!!illl!lii:!!llllim CONDENSED S TATEMENT AMERICAN BANK -AND TRUST COMPANY Wilmington N. C, on November 17th, 1916 Resources Loans and Discounts ... .$1,852,662.33 Overdrafts Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures Bonds and Securities ...... N. C. 4 per cent Bonds . . . . Acceptances . 3,529.38 31,406.12 9,884.54 153,550.00 45,000.00 41,298.67 CASH and Due from Banks -640,453.32 Total . . .$2,777,784.36 New Interest Quarter BEGINS JANUARV 1ST Start the New Year by opening an account. Deposits made on or be fore January Second will begin drawing 4 per cent, from January 1st. Liabilities Capital Stock . $ 200,000.00 30,121.37 . .. 45,000.00 . . 9,300.00 198.00 NONE NONE Surplus Profits Special Bond A-c .... Acceptance A-c Dividends Unpaid . . . Bills Payable . . . Rediscounts . DEPOSITS Banks . . . . . .$1,127,433.27 Individuals . . . 1,365,731.72 2,493,164.99 Total .... ...... .... ..$2,777,784.36 Comparative Statement of November 17th, 1914, ,$1,456,688.95 November 17 th, November 17, 1916, $2, sits ' : ";' 191 5; $1,51 5,906.49 ,164.99 . I Directors JOSEPH T. KING, General Supt. Transporta tion of the A. C. L. System. J. G. L. GIESCHEN, of Giechen Bros. CUTHBERT MARTIN, Grocer. V. SIDBURY, Real Estate and Capitalist. B. G. COLLINS, Former President Burroughs & Collins Co., of Conway, S. C. P. S. COOPER, President First National Bank Dunn, N. C. CHAS. E. BETHEA, Cashier of the fymk. 4 Paid on Savings Officers THOS. E. COOPER, President. MILTON C ALDER, Vice-President. CHAS. E. BETHEA, Cashier. E. FRED BANCK, Ass't Cashier. ROBERT L. HENLEY, Ass't. Cashier. Directors GEORGE O. GAYLORD, Merchant. JUkRGEN HAAR, Grocer. W. BOOPER, Cotton Exporter. MILTON GALDER, V.-President of the Bank. EDUARD AHRENS, Wholesale Druggist. A. G. WARREN, Owner A. G. Warren Ice Cream Company, W. B. DRAKE, JR., Vice-President and Cash ier Merchants National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. THOS. E. COOPER, President of the Bank. 1 5 . 5 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I ! 1 1 1 1 ill i 1 1 I I 1 1 M i