i -v - E1ING ISFAT North probably Monday- Carolina -Overcast, with local rains Sunday and Somewhat warmer. THREE SECTIONS. FULL IJE ASE.D WIRE S ER VICE " -f I r (ft TOW" ED GH ' - WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SUNDAY MORNING. TAUARY ?1 1QI7 ' ooirr mr pcmtc -- - w r - - w a . mmmt mm m m m m ...' m " - -m i - jr.. - ww r ' ' ' mm m V MmS i f I A mmmfm yOl- XXII- NO. 372 VNSTON ORDERED TO SEND 25,000 OF MILITIAMEN HOME SGHQO ejection of Troops is Up to General r-eiicitates witn- . drawal Forces. MOVEMENT TO START Fiftv Thousand Men Will be Left to Uuard ooraer to be Withdrawn When Pershing Expedition Recalled V;a5hington, Jan. 20. Orders to fa- k-cinMl hv thfi War Denart- CO t n fflPPt today. General Funston was irtuoiea to sejeui iixeu oi cue militia organizations now on duty on border to reium lu meir iiuius. The fact that, the withdrawal of the Perhing force Avill eliminate the necessity for heavy supporting troops on the border was assigned as he reason tor toaay s oruer. Thf department officials declared ihat UH"- seieuuun ui liiu uuujjs iu u General Fun.-ton in order that he may accommodate the withdrawal of the niiliik. to the general military situ ation. It was stated, however, that the movent:-:: i oil the troops o their hoa:rs would be-sarted just - soon as Gt nerai Funston selected the ;ruts to br relieved. It is expected ihat be troocs )'or discharge will be cho- fCU n'Oiii uif i'.i-iiiiti jl oiaies wuiuii now have the greatest representation siccng the forces now on the horde- -. it- withdrawal of the 2d,000 mili- iias?n m ;e;te ctuuui ou.uuu ciiaie troops on the border. This number it was staieu ar me war uepartments would regain on duty-for the pres-t,.i x-. :t-j i mittee BOARD L QUESTION GETS TO BE 10 NOTE ON CAPTURE -LEAK HEARING TO OF AMERICANS IS DEMAND EO oy 01 HOT era. Xo frrnher withdrawal orders.:. First Battle Over It In Senate of North Carolina Legislature. STRONG SENTIMENT FOR THEIR ELECTION. Democratic Insurgents May Not Caucus Big Row Looms Up and Over shadows Liquor. (Special to The Dispatch.) : Raleigh, N. Jan. The first battle over the county school boards today in the Senate developed . so much sentiment favorable to popular election of cucb. boards that it looks like a victory fdv the local self-government advocates: In the lower house no fight has been made, but Henry Page's protest against being ignored in what he termed a semi-secret caucus indicates " when caucusing time proper comes, Henry. won't be. there, nor will scores of others. It developed later that Page's criticism of the secret caucus was a misapprehension.' It turned out that the education corn- was meeting in Governor Stdte Department Has Inform ed Ambassador Gerard at Berlin, to Probe. HE IS TO ASCERTAIN STATUS OF CITIZENS. While Three Americans Taken Are Prisoners Germany May Release Them. BE-OPEN TUESDAY IN NMHANCE Rules Committee, Determined to Unearth r Informer," Moves to Gotham. DM RAL DEWEY IS ASLEEP AMONG HIS KIND, ARLINGTON RUSSO-RUMANIANS ARE DRIVEN BACK B Y KAISER 'S MEN WILL DRIVE INTO VITALS OF WALL. Deemed Advisable to Hear All Speculator Testimony In N. Y. Custom House. Whipple is in Charge. Nation Bows Its Head With All The Pomp and- Cere mony of Worldly Grief. HERO OF MANILA BAY SLEEPS QUIETLY TODAY. Three Volleys From Firing Company and Pathetic Bugle Call of MTaps" Close Services. wtibuju&Luu, i. k,., rugui Washington. D. C, Jan. 20. From into the very vitals ot Wall Street a granite tomb surmounting a grassy! many with the greatest abund- 1 the House rules committee tonight knoll in Arlington Cemetery, all thati ance is undoubtedly Holland." , iiiwv. " " - i was mortal or rnp iarp a nmirn i nf tho -v. -v- a t n j i . --uavy, ueorge uewey, tonight looked, -K- -x- -X- day that the British battleship 5fe Cornwallis was sunk by a Ger- J. J TJ. X a Suvriuiucnu "'u iuic4uaiiuutti '""Idovrt On R eripf-atriVVpn naHnn Tio ters from the headquarters of high vnilf th biinri w.r,rrQ ,i.o an2 exuectea tor me minua until tne pershmg expedition has been safely j brought back to American soil, and ; ccnditions cn tne ooraer nave as sumed some stable form. Bickett's office and Page isn't on that committee. The Senate fight showed great progress, Senators Brenizer, Person, ) Burwin. MacJiider. Jonas, Pollock at T5 roil i r7M rlnr.loT'n Vb i- if V to sena Ambassador Henry B. Fletcn-i, A i , x j t ,n Mnvicn Cit- within a ahArt timo "w" l" and whh diplomatic relations once more established between the United States and Mexico an effort will be made to settle the border troubles through the regular channels. Funston Fails to Act San Antonio, Tex., "Jan. -20. So fai as could be learned officially at Fort Sam Houston tonight Major General Frederick Funston, commanding the southern department had not issued i right of popular election away from his DeoDlp he could not come home again. Burgwin intimated his willing ness to allow Bertie county to vote for her school boards, but asked by RepublicanVJonas how about Lincoln, Burgwin was not quite, .willing to.go so far. Senator Turner, of Iredell, declared ; that he comes from a county where ! the elective method is satisfactorj7, i but he would be willing to repeal it Washington, Jan. 20. A report on the American citizens among the prisoners taken by the German com merce raiders in the Atlantic was de manded of Ambassador Gerard ,at Berlin today by the State ' Depart ment. The. ambassador was request ed to ascertain the status of any Americans among the prisoners sent by the raider to Germany aboard the captured British vessel Yarrowdale. These Americans are held as prison ers ui war, out it is expected that a; says knows all about a leak from the -Tonight the tcreat sound domp of the. aemana trom the United States- will i White House, and move, bag and bag-! capitol, the glistening facades of the Dnng tfteir prompt release. gage, to the metropolis. j White House. and the tall column of Germany under her contention 'that I It was announced today that the the Washington monument bathed in i j j -X- -X- -X- -X- -X- -X- 45- -X- -X- X- -x- KAISER TO HIT HOLLAND. Germans are Successful in Some Quarters in The Ru manian Attacks. -X- London, Jan. 20. Germany -X--X- will soon strike at Holland, in X- the opinion of Louis Raemae- -X- kers, the Dutch cartoonist. The Weekly Dispatch will quote him -X- as saying tomorrow: -X- "The next few weeks will be Pampng the most anxious in the history of Holland, Denmark -X-45- and Switzerland, and I think -X- the sign3 point to my country , as -X- beine: the first and most likely -X- -X- victim. - ) HAND TO HAND FIGHTS ARE NOW ANNOUNCED. Desperate Attacks by Ruman ians North of The Suchi ten Valley Have Been Repeated. itS-C J.T XT A , 1 -L ,, w kjl me uuee neui.rai sullcs vr i X- the one that could suddIv Ger- BRJTISH WAR-DOG SUNK. Berlin (Via Sayville), Jan. 20. oqciate to the hearthstone of high j h-ero.s resting place across , the roll-i uud.iic.. . lng Virginia hills and the swift Po- Te committee determined to post- tomac, Washington, the capitol of a pone examining Mrs.vRuth Thomason grateful country, lay at the feet of the ViscontL whom Thomas W. Lawsoh warrior who won thp natinn'c heart armed merchantmen are auxiliary ; next meeting of the committee would warships maintains that the caotured ! be held in the New York Custom crews ot such vessels are properly prisoners of war It is known that several Americans in this status were also among the survivors taken into Pernambuco by the captured St. The odore, in charge of a German prize crew from the vessel believed to be the raider Moewe. State Department officials said today that they expected House at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning,' January 23. Coincident with this the committee made the official announce ment, of the engagement of Sherman L. Whipple, of Boston, as special' counsel to conduct the probe. After an extended executive ses sion the committee decided that it would be better to hear all peaceful, moonlight, were spread in solemn grandeur before . the simple ; mausoleum testifying to the nation's! reverent sorrow. Tire nation buried its dead with all j the pomp and ceremony of worldly' grief. j -X- man submarine January 8, i southeast of Malta. j It is added that Lieutenant j Captain Hartwig, commander of ' 1 -X- the German U-boat, succeeded ! in sending a torpedo into the -X-i -X- British warship despite the fact ' -a- that the Cornwallis was protect- x- ed from just such an attack by X- British light sea forces. -5 Cancellations Made Pending ui rn cuiodlqc nLLILU ulill I LIIU ' CANCEL CONTRACTS ! - Pursuit of German Raider By Entente. The Germans continued their at tacks in Rumania, said today's offi cial dispatch from Petrograd, and were successful in some quarters. It was admitted by the Russians that 1 the enemy gained ground west of the Rio Janeiro. Jan. 20. Allied ship j owners today announced indefinite i Led by President Wilson, the chiefs; cancellations ponding what they be- oi government ionowea tne nero ori neve win De araent pursuit or ineioprPti, ann niithpat of Porkshanl Wall i Manila Bay to his last resting place unidentified German commerce raid- hut failed in atta.rlc at nthpr nointa no difficulty in securing the release t Street testimony in New York. They land bore witness to the sorrow that; er which, during the last few days, j Tne RUSSO-Rumanian forces were of these Americans. It was also stat- have now. undr subpoena, a distm-!had touched the nation's heart. All has paralyzed shipping. Ditticuity or,driVell Dack: toward t ed that there is little likelihood of the situation developing an acute re currence of the armed merchantman controversy between this country and Germany. Diplomatic circles here tonight were confident that the German raid ers are now either on their way to German ports or have already arrived there. They have accomplished their mission in the Atlantic, having con ducted an extraordinarily successful of the finance and they expect to go deeply into the books of the brokerage houses and those banks who handle exclusively Wall Street business. The investigation of the intimate details of how advance information eludes its guards and janitors will not be resumed until after the stock ex change houses and the bankers have been thoroughly grilled. The committee now has under sub- raid, and have aroused the avenging? poena: J. P. Morgan, Frank A, Van- cruisers of the allies. Unless thev i derlip. H. P. Davison, Sol Wexler, J. make their escape promptly it is pos ing, and all the gilt and glitter of mil itary and naval displays were brought forth to do honor to the dead hero. All the dignity of formal ceremonial was called upon to pay tribute to the warrior. Under the great dome of the cap itol the country's great bowed down in silent prayer before the draped cat afalque surmounted by the Admiral's thp. Sprpth th locating the "Flying Dutchman" of Petrograd advices said: the South Atlantic is evidenced by' 0n thp Vrpnrh wpstpm front pt! reported. "Brief artillery actions of violence" south of Lassigny,;near the Oise river. The Italian official report mentioned artillery engagements on Bache. Malcolm McAdoo, Steward sible certain that they will be caught) G. Gibbony, Bernard M. Baruch, in the 1 entente dragnet which is j Pliny . Fisk Archibald : WMte,-;Ar- tim ,1 -i t luc I'!CU1UCU vlvl o scuuiug UCUCIHiif rliftWont fitato T,r.lW wpvp nf. Pei-hing out of Mexico and 25,000 mili- j f. - Tt ,Mr, tht ti13 . from the present to Wednesdajr night next Aveek is for the purpose of tieinen to their homes. It confidently was believed by mili-! invr TV1M T7. i n - n 1 -S 11 I iai. men iiiat r uusiuu wuuiu iei;aii i ctr.t. ,n ershmg immediately on the major , rrf ta nr.ai!oni evaim ,tt ,hroflt. general s return to headquarters from; .1 k his boruer inspection trip. Secretary, rr- 1. mJ,u,t ctt .oc ot War iiaker at Washington admitted Hohool nharipC nnvprnor mnkatt mat uie -Aiumrawai oi zo.uuu state guardsmen had been put up to general tmston. However, the department comman der tonight declared he had issued no orders affecting either the Pershing punitive expedition in Mexico or the state troops remaining on the border. War Department Probe Flight Of T 10 i is willing to either the elective or I appointive system, but will stand j against one rule for Democrats and another for Republicans. There are now six counties with the elective system. Either they , will be over thrown or a general State policy will be adopted. Many legislators have gone home, but will return for the caucus. Should the insurgent Democrats re- I fuse to enter it, they might be able to control with the Republicans. Every member of the minority is I net AvifrnC! Pledged to a change and nearly every lA-Jol 'i.VlCll'lo i T?ornhli5m ha s 'nrPSPn tpd A hill to . ! elect school boards and superinten- Washinsttm Jan 20 The aero- i dents. Upon the county superinten- Plane flight of T,iPtPTia.nt-C!oloner dency they, and the insurgents are Bishon and Lieutenant Robertson, of J hopelessly at odds, but the Republi- 'if' army, who narrowlv pspaned' death from starvation in the wilds of Son- OrR, JIoifO io Vtoincr im-no t i tro tori VV the War Dpnartmpnt Tt is renorted at the two aviators made their flight Without any direct instructions. They started from the aviation base at wth Island. San Diego harbor. They aie said to have crossed the border oyer .Mexican territory without direct ?-tiQorizaiion from heaCauarttrs. Official of the signal corps tonight aim that ihe whole matter of the wpsugaiion is in thp hands of Ma jor-General Bell, commanding the e:sfprn j. a ur in cans wm compromise. The schooj board fight has become so fierce that the liquor bill has been shelved entirely and the patent medicine measures ave become but pf incidental importance. Senator Long, of Alamance, today introduced a bill providing for the pension of Judges in certain cases. sweeping the sea A dozen fast French and cruisers, in addition to a fleet of con verted merchantmen, are combing thus Lipper. Member of the firm of British- C. D. Barney & Co.; Donald MacDon- ald, of. the Boston Financial News, and James Reilly, of the Wall Street j the varying narratives brought to this and other South American ports by refugees of the vessels sunk. The raider is said, to" have a differ ing numoer or tunneis, out an agree Carso that she is painted black and there; Tho Berlin advices told of the tak seems to be evidence of the story told j ing. of the town of Nanesti, on the in the Journal Pequeno of Pernam-1 sereth. in a hand-to-hand encounter buco that she carried the one-man j in a Tipa vv snowstorm' Tn thA past. h 4k -i V T 7 " , submarines with which she could sink! n Carpathians the German reDort VJ.LlU! attempting to escape or .CUQeSi 75r V,r- 6 v-Tu M,T I defend herself against hostile allied and the broad Virginia highways, the jghipg of war A p.hotograph of the the Atlantic. The only safe port for ! Journal. This list of witnesses will the raiders is a German port and it I be materially augmented when the was stated here tonight that they were in a positio nto make a success ful, dash through the British block ading fleet. With the assistance of submarines sent out for that purpose it was believed that, they might make their way back to Germany safely. SNOW FOR NORTH AND RAIN, SOUTH, COMING. Washington. Jan. 20. The indica tions are that the western storm will cause overcast weather with probab ly snow in Northern and rain in Southern States east of the Missis sippi river during the next 48 hours. committee arrives in New York. The President of the New York caisson-borne coffin of the dead hero waaiies.c0rte4witli .full pagjean;tiy.fJ military and naval splendor. At the grassy eminence' topped by the simple granite tomb, the rattle of musketry j and the roar of cannon thrilled a sol emn throng. But after all the mournful grandeur, the final mark of heartfelt homage came trom a grey Droad-snouiderea raider, taken secretly by a pocHet i-caniera: by one of thcr trewf ; of 'the Dramatist, doubtless win aia tne search of the British cruisers believed to be combing the waters off the east coast. The "Baby U-bpats" are the cause of unusual interest in marine quar ters, not only on adCtount of their nov elty, but because of the danger they Stock Exchange has already been di-man- the simple service uniform of j may cause in the pursuit of the raid rected to preserve all records of stock na7al waant officer. He was Chief: er. Previous raiding expeditions into transactions during the period of Master at Arms Charles Mitchell, ship - the Atlantic have found the corn market activitv which is thought to!ateof tho dead hero on the Olympia, merCe raider accompanied by regula- have been created by the leaking of e .Ve'Iey gsmp T ?, T I International news items from. Wash- MamiBaJ ?e marched in silent sor ington. The Stock Exchange itself row behmd s commander t through all anticipated this request by instruct-1 tne processional pomp, said, small Russian detachments made unsuccessful attacks. Hand-to-hand fighting in that quarter also was reported, j. v. The. Ruinaniana . also were said to Tiav$ '.repealg&iheit des perate attacks" north of theSuchl ten Valley. ' ing all members to preserve' every scrap of documentary evidence two weeks ago. Sherman L. Whipple's salary has npt. vet been determined upon, He told the committee 'he would be con tent with "whatever they considered adequate recompense. He left for New York today and will begin at once setting the stage for the public investigation Tuesday. PRESENT LEADERS BE CERTAIN He stood at attention with, quivering lips as an other shipmate, Chaplain J. B. Fra zier, consigned the Admiral's remains to the tomb. He grasped a battered copper navy bugle tightly as a com pany of mishipmen fired three rattling volleys over the tomb. Then he step ped forward to blow the final call of "taps" over his dead leader. But the clear ringing notes did not come. The broad shoulders' heaved conclu sively, the weather beaten face quiver ed, and unruly tears coursed down the brown -face of the navy ended in a quivering sob tion German underseas cratt. ine U-boat consort was compelled to keep up with the speeding raiding vessel, which in event of pursuit might cause a break in the alliance. But it is be lieved that the one-man .submarines are equipped so they may be lowered quickly from the raiding ship and af ter doing their scout duty work of destruction and be loaded or towed to some new field of operations. The one point on which all narra tives agree is that the officers and crew of the raider treated the crews of the victim vessels with courtesy and consideration. Some of the seamen complained of CAN'T Taps" for the Admiral not receiving enough tood, out none ; of what was considered intentional (Anrt an answeriner sob came from the : misuse. rihe captain or tne silent throng about the yawning, tomb, told ot tnose ot tne uramatist mat ne The Admiral of the navy slept; was sent out to sink qnly merchant amontr his kind tonK'nt. On the next; snips anu woum not run ine riaiL. wnu No Important Events. Berlin (Via Sayville), Jan. 20. In its night official statement the Ger man war office says: "On the west front there were no important events." SWISS RESERVISTS IN U.S. RECALLED Mobilization is Ordered For January 24 Nd Hostile Move Intimated. CONFIDENT MAGNATES DO NOT WORRY FULTZ. New York, Jan . 20. David L. r ne two fliers is rpe-arrlpri hpre as ,-. . - Eoscjbio lvif " "a. .".," liiiuz, organizer ana presmtuit ui lug run no nctmn will ha talrpn : . 4-. . .i c muil Mnr rii irJ: ase mil layers- Taternu.y, reiust - u it iii i :i i 11 iw iK."sr:ri- . -m j i a. js n . : i f - i u hii 1 1 v i nr ni.n.i.r:iiiriiLn wj. j. m. kj of all the facts. WILSON HONORED BOTH idents Tener and Johnson and other big league magnates that a threatened strike of baseball players hardly in- LFF AlSin IAPK"sON !terests them. He issued a statement JArvOl. tonigM declaring that the players will n.u stick together. He says they have al- UlSpatcn.J 'r hoon williticr tn arhitratP "hnt Candidates Who Have Not Big Vote to Their Credit in Pub lished List May Surprise Their, Friends and Opponents. vS- -K- -if -a- -5C- THE PRIZES. N (Special to The Charjber of Wilson. jfl ,n:T: Zn,. f ways been willing to arbitrate, 'ftemoon r "l,- yZJJ "The controversy arose over a peti- fehn vv 'r " 1 .rr ri :v::Uon which the base ball players' fra- federa,; o ue a Tf J gathering iternity preesnted to the National com ConfeSt lJttaST' mission, the Supreme Court of base- and daughters o S heroes who the National board, which ria-cr.,i b uclB U1 Lllt; uelues WXA"-.i 4.in,Hnn mrov tho minor Ip.a- :-u tnrough the dark days , of thej".". .T,-" 'n-.r T" "Z. ' met to do honor to thp immortal gues, " saiu r uiu. xmo and Jackson led for certain revisions in the cus- The snoi.. ' .. . " . ' toma covpming the came to which H- G. Z n.1loccasloJ?' luae-thrfralernity deemed the players were 'ell. ,P "" ..rt"u -?ou: ' y- w u pntitiPd The netition. in so -far as it Mrs. u-Q uL slr introaucea Dy,;;;.. ,.ft - maior leatrues. was W' ' iZTL by the commission. shments V P II iC The National board, at least, so we are informed by the public press, which is our only source of informa tion, tabled our requests without a hearing." TEN DIE, 20 INJURED l" muss EXPLOSION. -0iirl eriiu on. Ian. 20. A disnatch from rof oitT,! i. . . Nterd-iv. nere py way ot Am- iMiir an explosion m an Russia n latto'ratory in Spandau, tons wp- , . -s stated that ten per- Kiuea and 20 hurt. J Cross Takes Count. New York, aJn. 20. Soldier Bart field defeated Marty Cross in .a 10 found bout at the Clermont Sporting Club In Brooklyn tonight. -V. -x- $685 Overland Autmobile. Ford Automobile. Carolina Beach Lot. $100 in Gold. $75 Victrola. $50 O. K. Mystic Range. $70 Sellers Kitchen Cabinet. $25 Wrist Watch. Two $60 Diamond Rings. Sfr 3 The vote exhibit on another page tells the story of the voting on Fri day. How they will stand tomorrow or at the end for that matter no lone can tell. The leaders may be lull ed into a sense of false security, and there are candidates further down in the lists who have it in their power to surprise those too confident ones, and the silent candidates are liable to give a striking demonstration to their friends that the support so loyally giv en has not been wasted. Some spec tacular advances will renew the. confi dence and incite to greater energy their lagging, doubtful . supporters. Now that the contest is so close to a finish, the battle cry for each and every one interested in a candidate should be "victory." The time has come when it is of the utmost importance that the contest ants devote every available moment to the work of subscription getting. The contestants should avail them selves of the assistance their friends can give them in helping to secure the winning number of subscriptions and votes. It is organized effort that -X- -x- t Benjamin Franklin is quoted as say ing: "The. Lord helps those who help themselves." Now that Benjamin, while really one of the great men of the world, might have been a little ; counts. unorthodox in his religious views and i From now on, numerical strength he possibly meant the assertion quot- will count for little against united ed as a little "dig" at Christianity, but support, and some of the candidates he uttered as true an aphorism there-; lower down in the list are already gett in as any of the wise sayings publish-, ing the latter in most effective form, ed in "Poor Richard's Almanack." And How far this will carry the contest it's good gospel, too. Who ever heard ants remains to be seen, but the opin of the 'Lord giving assistance to one 'ion may be safely ventured that some who was too' lazy or too trifling to at-of the contestants from lower down in tempt to paddle his own canoe? The j the list will poll a vote that may be man who gets up in the monring andja distinct surprise to many of those hustles is the one who "brings home who believe their candiates to be nu the bacon," and the same applies to merically . strong. Organization com the women. j bined with generalship and - energetic And it is particularly applicable to j efforts are the qualities that may be those who aspire to be numbered 1 relied upon to prove the decisive fac- among those who will win the auto mobile and other prizes offered by The Dispatch. tors, in determining the winners s at the finish -on. January 29. j, (Continued on Page Seven.) hill towers the broken battlemast of the sunken warship Maine, marking the resting place of the nineteen uni dentified dead brought to Arlington when the Maine was raised from the bottom of Havana harbor. Rear Ad miral chley and Sampson were but a short distance away. Nearer still Ben jamin P. Lamberton, fleet captain of the Manila Bay fleet, and Captain Joseph P. Coghlan, who commanded the Raleigh, rest. The President and his wife arrived promptly and they took their positions at the head of the casket, standing op posite Mrs. Dewey. The Rev, Roland Cotton Smith, of St. John's church, then intoned the brief burial service of the Episcopal church. The cask et, following the last request of the Admiral, waj not opened. At the con clusion of the service the ten sturdy blue jackets lifted their commander and bore him to the street. A hearse awaited with its guard of honor stand ing at attention. The band softly rumbled a hymn. v As the flag-draped casket passed the men and boys uncovered their heads and the women and litle girls bowed their heads. It was a nation mourn ing its dead, deep, reverent, sincere. The Rev. John B. Fraizier, fleet chaplain of Dewey's Asiatic squadron at the battle of Manila Bay, conduct ed the services. No eulogy, was pro nounced. Only the prayers and the ritual of the Episcopal church were delivered by the clergyman. Between the spoken words of the service a choir of eight voices sang "Nearer My Go to Thee" and "Abide With Me." Three rattling volleys from the fir- m J 4.1. . Ing company or miasnipmeii, aim me nathptic bugle call of "taps th iprpmnnv a the bronze doors i this afternoon. clanged and the crowd melted away, a. battery on the hills above rang out the nineteen gun admiral salute, which marked the close of the career of the Admiral of the Navy. passenger ships of causing disasters which would involve the lives of wom en and children. The official advices of the American consul which were forwarded to Washington asserted that German raider activities show ed a "predetermined plan" to avoid passenger ships and possibility of loss of life and "any. international compli cations." The belief grew tonight that the raider has completed her work for the time being and is speeding to some home port. That she vill return to these waters after replenishing her supplies of foodstuffs and ammunition is not doubted despite any precautions the allied navied may take. i Washington, Jan. 20. All. Swiss re servists in this country today were called to the colors by the Swiss minister, Dr. Paul Ritter, acting upon raider1 instructions from his home govern ment. Minister Ritter sent out in structions to all Swiss consuls, or dering home all reservists who have been on conditional leave. The mob ilization is ordered for January. 24, and applies to the reservists of the second, fourth and fifth army divi sions of the army of Switzerland. Minister Ritter took pains to say that the instructions sent by his gov ernment contained no intimation that a hostile move against either of the belligerents was anticipated. He ex plained that the reservists were called home chiefly for the purposfe of relieving two army corps now mob ilized. The minister would, not dis cuss the reports of uneasiness felt by the Swiss people "because of massing of large German forces on the Swiss frontier. WILSONITE MAY GET U. S. ARMY OFFICE. (Special to The Dispatch.) Wilson, N. C, Jan. 20. Arch A. Farmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Farmer, of this city, has received notification from the War Depart ment, that he has successfully pass ed the examination for provisional appointment as second lieutenant, United States Army. Young Farmer isi a graduate of A, & M. college and is well known throughout the State, having captained the A. & M. baseball team in 1913-1914. BREAK&ARM WHILE CRANKING HIS AUTO. (Special to The Dispatch.) ' Lumberton, N. C, Jan. 20. The Rev. W. R. Davis, pastor of the East Lumberton Baptist church, fractured closed' his right arm while cranking his car He drove the car to church with one hand, preached his sermon and did not know his arm was broken until he re ceived medical attention on his re turn hecg. - London Explosion Costs Lives Of Thirty Odd Persons London, Jan. 20. The explosion last night in the munitions factory record ed in official reports, as "In the east of London," killed between 30 and 40 persons judging from, the number of bodies recovered, and hurt about 100 persons. Three rows of small houses were demolished by the blast. The official statement on the mat ter says that the explosion was caus ed by fire and that the plant was used for refining explosives. It was stated the practically all the explosives In tho factory were set off, that the five build ings was destroyed and that the chief chemist of the factory and "a number of the other work people," were killed by the explosion or buried in the ruins The chemist, a Dr. Angell, while advis ing the other workmen to seek safety attempted to fight the fire and lost his life in doing so. X 1 r

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