Mil? ill 15 11 :r I '$ m ii i I Ij In- 5 1 1' Jit n ,5 1'. t '-C VC f WILMINGTON DISPATCHMONDAY AFTERNOON, J ANUARYt22,! 1 91 7; 4 ' I r ; 4 iKjuiHiiiiiimiiiiinliiiiiiiii I fsJoK Girblitli s: H- liifrA :'" St 3 Duck : Furnishes PR ESI D ENtYsO U N DS O ' ' " " ' - , SENATE ON;PEACE , v ' , l LEAGUE OF WORLD - w . . . . . (Coptinued? FromVPage One:) X7aQKinoffnn AAtz 1 .they feel free to render it. " m&" -V: "That service is nothing less than this: .. To add their authority and ther power t td .the authority and; force of otter nations .t- gujrantee peace and justice throughout the i world; 4Snc?i a settlement ahnot row be Ion?, post- t wned. It is 1 ieht : that - before - it fice on Princess street. (By. George - H. Manning.) Washington. D. C.: Jan. 22. -Con flliri Mrs. F. M. King, of Philadelphia, has Married This Morning. I gresstnan John H. Small of North Mm"''Z&iiirA offAT. o nioaoQTii-1 mi ss Rena Prideen of this city .and rarf1 h a ontprfpitiprf naff nti if' ?6tay in the city with her brothers, ? Mr. Charles T. Osborne, of Conway, friends at the Cosmos club here on3 fcwnes this gbfv:riurent shourd-frankly S1' .Messrs J 4 and William E. Springer, were mamea mis autuuuvu, j tsaiuraay nignt at a; dinner party. ,VH5 w- M o ui. te:-"--c- v " before 1 o'clock, f by Justice. G. W. Having received a number of canvas- c-ypn ;-'eeV':'iu3W-e4-in-. .asking -our DOI uaiUUUU, 81 XJUC mo6iounic o wi- DUCK UUUK8 lrUIll 1V1T. 1j. VV . W OOQ- r ,"r w . : n .. r , ' house, of Poplar Branch, Currituck wnerenc to a mgve-xor peace, i am county, North Carolina, Mr. Small in- hre to attempt to etate those c mdi vited a few friends to join him in the i t:0?i- - -: ? - V - -:- feast at his club. . "The present war must end- In the party besides Mr. Small were ' but we owh t to , candour and to Senator Overman Congressman C. F.ja ust regard for tfto opinion of man Curry, of. California; Captain E. p. I kind to say that so far as pur partici Bertholf. captain commandant of the Vion in guaranteesiof future peaco ia United States Coast Guard: Mr. S. H i concerned, it makes . a great deal of Bovd. of North Carolina, chief of the 1 cUfference in wnet v,ay and upon.wfiat lie Ifrffst or pong m . t r!?!; Y: 4 Little Misses Nellie Longfellow and ftorothy Oldham spent the week-end witn relatives at tne ueysione iuu, Carolina Beach, - 'fMiss Ethel Clements has gone to Henderson where she will spend a number of days with friends and rela- lives. ' -v ' -J5- -X- -K- '. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cline, of Raleigh, are in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs: J. R. Kelly at their home, No. 1910 : Perry, avenue. S Miss Elizabeth Guthrie has returned to Southport after a month's stay here as the guest of her uncle, Capt. R. W. Weeks, No. 208, Church street. -X- V i. Mrs. T. N. McGee, of Norfolk, Va., is in, the city as the guest of Miss Susie Brown, at her home on South Third street. r .' " A Mrs. John James is visiting friends ih Florida. She will also spend a pe riod in South Carolina before return ing to the city. , ; Misses Catherine and Myrtle Vol ; iers left last night for New York City to resume theirvocal studies at a conservators' 01 music. i fr fr 4 4"' TOWN TOPICS. . '-f . Mr. W. C. Denny; a prominent citizen and,buslness man of Waycross, Ga., who has been visiting in the city re turned to his home in the Georgia city yesterday afternoon. ' ; Mr. J. F Jaues, left yesterday after noon for Benson, N. C, oh business. Mr. G. W. Smith, formerly of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith,' left yesterday afternoon for Atlanta, Ga., to resume his duties in the Engineering Department of the Southern Bell Telephone Company. The dredge Cape Fear sailed this morning for Beaufort where-it will be engaged in dredging operations on the Beaufort Bar for the next two or three months. income tax division of the Treasury Department; Joe Taylor, of Washing ton, N. C secretary to Senator Sim mons; Mr. K. Foster Murray, Wash ington correspondent of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, and George H. Man j terms it is ended. : The. treaties and agreements which brings It to end must embody ternis which will create a peace that is worth guaranteeing and preserving, a peace that will, win the approval of mankind. JWe begin Monday with our " first showing of Ladies' and Misses' Spring Softs andiflilliftef y ning, Washington correspondent of ! ?ot merely a peace that will serve the the Wilmington Dispatch. The party was profuse in its. praise of the ducks, which were fine speci interests and immediate aims of the nations engaged- We shall have iia voice In determining. what those iterrria DIED AT HOSPITAL. Mrs. Mr Virflinia G. Craig Passed Away Early This Morning. s. Virginia G. Craig, widow of v" -w vr I the late John B. Craig, died at the . Mrs. J. T. Sellers and son have re-1 James walker Memorial Hospital this , turned to their home in Norfolk, "a., morning at 3:o0 o'clock after an ill- after spending some ume nn nePS tjiat had extended over a long and Mrs. John F. Clowe. period. The deceased was in the; Miss Annie Allen, of Ashovillo, N. mens and far superior to the usual i shall be, but we shall, I feel sure, have run of such fowl that reaches Wash- 14 volc;e in determining wnetner tney ington. Mr. Small also had, among sha11 be made lasting or not. by . the the other good things to eat and guarantees of a. universal covenant; drink for his guests, some giant po. i and ou judgment upon wnat is funda" tatoes baked in the packets that came raenia' ana essential as a condition from his district, and some excellent to permanency snouia oe oysters taken from the coves along . sPken how, not afterwards when it the North Carolina coast. . may be too late. . Mr. Small was unanimously voted; No covenant of co-operative peace to be a most delightful host and a ! that does not include the peoplen of toast was drunk to him as chairman the new world can suffice to keep the of the rivers and harbors commit- futuretsafe against war; and yet there tee of the next Congress. j is only one sort of peace that the peo- l I pies of America could join in guaran- WAS SPf FlNinin AnnRPQ teeinK- The elements of that peace jrL.n,LLJlLf AUUKL.3 must be dements that engage the con fidence and safety the principles of the Never so mtichi sk today -have bright, new ideas been sucH factors in garment selling. Ev ery wornh wants something that's different- Individuality is the keynote. , T Our.: Spring Models are sure to delight you with their clean cut novelty and distinctiveness wiih'QUteakisrTness... r We show only a few this week, but we are confident they will Be received with enthusiasm. PRICED $19.95 TO $30.00. The New Millinery we show are Satin and combinations of Satin and Liere Braids, in sailor and small novelty shapes. Colors are black, Navy, Brown and Green. PRICED $2.25 TO $4.95. mi 80th year of her age. Old age and its attendant infirmities was assigned C, returned to her home yesterday? as the cause of death. Mrs. Craig morning alter a pieasant siay m uic was a member ol the Mrst Baptist Using Henry Ford the Detroit au city as the guest 01 miss Aima, . church for many years and was a tomobile manufacturer, as an illustra- woman of gentle disposition and tion. Mr. Rnpr Afnnrp nrosidonf nf Mr. Rogers Mbore Delighted American governments, elements , con- Rove Ytwfl7 I sistent with their political faith arid the practical convictions which the peoples of America have once for all embraced and undertaken to defend. "I do not mean to say that any Am- ThP Tpwish Women's Sewing So-' beloved bv all who knew her. rTiK .i, ' r "..V encan government would tnrow any ciety will hold their semi-monthly; she is survived by one son, Mr. Jo-llinllv .flp imJ V -ru xw irii. ODStacle. m tne way. of any terms o i ni i n'm'noo. i. tt. '". J . . i,v-Al- i Deace tne erovernments now at wir meeting Thursday instead of Wednes-!SPpU p. Cmig dav in tha Harmony Circle Club; The funeral services will rooms. ducted from the home, No. 814 lionaire beforp KO or more hnus nnrl - , . , hr pnn- . , , , migni agree upon, or seeK to upset Mp ! J """&J"" "L 1 " iaLC tnem wnen made, whatever they might yesterday afternoon. Air Mnnrp mv t i , j. Cvmbpr nvenue tomorrow mornine: at i,- j- i Z lZ i ut:- 1 U111 ia,ve lL ir graiuea mat v urnuer civ time, luuiuuuw iiiuiiiiui, at , hio audiencp roitip idpa nf tha mam. 1 in-f) n'rlnrk hv Rpv T A Mouther- . 7... . ' uiere lerms oi peace oetween tne Dei- iu.5U o ciotK, uy rtev. j. i. aoumtr moth nrnnnrtinna nf a mill inn Hn arei v . sail will conduct a musical and liter- land, pastor of Calvary Baptist bv that V VonTd TpnnTrP li xvv. .ill. iiij, , Vpors fnr onp tn pnnnt th?o mimW . -, , " "" "u'""k-' nieiiiB may not maKe peace secure, it Misses Julia Post and Rachel Pear arv hour for the Woman's Missionary 1 church, assisted by Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian assistant pastor of St Andrew's Pres fchurch Tuesday evening at 8:30 J byterian church. Interment will be O'clock in the Memorial Hall. A sil- made in Oakdale cemetery. The pall- Ver offering will be taken. J bearers had not been agreed on at an estra . i norltr aut tVi Jo of toTlAnri - i " TT i V.U1 IJ UUU1 llllO CI L UCl UUUli : Miss Carrie Bowen and Mr. J. B. frpnlpv were honor guests at a "con gratulation shower" given at "Pine Castlette,' 'the home of Mr. and Mrs.i . . . W. E. Price, at Sunset Park, Friday' Remains Were Carried From Tram AtraniTlcr A ri Oil p-HTTll I nllTTPT SIlDIlPr J ti'r, eorro1 Tho Rmvpn-Vpnlpv wpd- rUr,c opt Vnr tho Rnrin? 1 former Wilmingtonian, whose A -X- Qi CTi C: 1 CLCl V liA tiiC K,l,Jf KZCLk ij although one used all haste and ob served no holidays. Excellent music was furnished by the High School or FUNERAL OF MR. MILLAN. win De absolutely necessary mat a force be created as a guarantor of the permanency of the settlement so much greater than the force of any nation engaged or any alliance hitherto form ed or projected that no nation, no prob able combination or nations, could face or withstand it. If the peace presently Yesterday's lecture was the second of the first series. The first was de livered Sunday a week ago, by Col. Walker Taylor, who used President Woodrow Wilson as his illustration . I to be made is to endure, it must be a , The third and last of the first series neace made secure bv the organized The remains of Mr. W. H. Millanjwill be given next Sunday afternoon major force of mankind. death will be given tmnday afternoon by Mr. i Thp trm enr the immediate n-P I occurred in Waycross, Ga., yesterday. J- B. Huntington general secretary agreed upon will determine whether it r Tirnro roAmirai ir. Vi r-k nitw rkOtiir thin Ol t n f (VI I A r Y n Tir ill onni lr . ... The annual parish supper of St. t 11 f-..., 1J " ,.. s a peace for which such a guaran- iames' Parish will be held in the Pa-. ? " y "1"" IalIL VT ..V tee can be secured. "The question n : wi t!" 1 1 ca in iv jjrnrTuc v-vtiaic in j . w iicir uvwvuu io niu turn oLai i. -tki LU1U ,IMBa'l"'a,ill,,''llM,''l'''Mwuia Company "- : " " " '" ' ji just powers from the consent of the governed and that no right any where exists to hand peoples about from sovereignty to sovereignty as if tney were property. l take it lor) the peoples of the world who is at granted, for instance, if I may yen-; liberty to speak and hold nothing Worlds yearning desire for peaee was I erful. anywnere to una iree voice, ana ut-j - l am proposing terance. fernaps l am the only per son in high authority amongst all thai Umicia TTSlHotr owfiTiinflr frATTI K .1 o on " V v rHr,,; interment was made after a short 8;30 o'clock, .'flinneral service conducted at the the auspices of the Young Woman s ; gIde bv Rev w Roelling, assist- Auxiliary. A splendid musical Prograni , J - Andrew's Presbvte- .."fjlrin church. The deceased was delightful The public is cordially in-; flbof 0 yo& Qf age and wag known vited to attend. ; to many pers0ns in this citv. v.- -.r I The women of the First Presbyter-" Ian church who intend entering the! mision classes studying the "Living' MRS. HARDWICK BURIED. Christ for Latin America," are request-. Services Conducted from the Home ed to meet in the church parlor tomor-1 by Dr. Wells This Afternoon, fow. Tuesday morning, at 11 o'clock j Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah a aozen lectures are included in the campaign mapped out. VERY HEAVY DOCKET. which the whole future peace and pol icy of the world depends is this: j "Is the present war a struggle fof t a just and secure peace, Or .only for ia new balance power? If it be only a d . , , , --x,,-. . 1 struggle lor a new balance power, who Recorder Had a Total of Twenty-One wm guarantee, who can guarantee, the Cases This Morning. . stable equilibrium of the new ar Eleven colored mer charged with rangement2 only a tranquil Europe gambling were before Recorder George can be a stable ope. There must Harnss, at this morning's session of b not a biance of pOWer, but a com- munity of power, not organized rival- Recorder's court, which was marked icases twenty-one. Some of the gam-i ' f Kis.n nni,i u ,u.-i "Fortunately we have, received very to organize for morning classes. Those Hardwick who passed away at : the j en Cromart e John elicit assurances on this point. The preferring afternoon classes are asked James Waiker Memorial Hospital J J Jrthu? BeiSS each went statesmen of both of the groups of na to meet at the church at 4 o'clock to- yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, t0 A 'ur ennett' g, tions now arrayed against one another ey, Fran Holton. Wells D D ','iaLU1 ttXlu dUtJ -E-iigics yaiu me cosib. "- 1 . 1 .. - ... ture upon a single example, that statesmen everywhere are agreed that there should be a united, inde pendent and autonomous Poland, and that henceforth inviolable security of life, of worship, and of industrial and social development should be guar anteed to all peoples who have lived hitherto under the power of govern ments (evoted, to a faith and purpose hostile to their own. "L speak of this not because of any desire to exalt an abstract political principle whiclr has always been held very dear by those who have sought to build up liberty in America, but for the same reason that I have spoken, of the other conditions of peace which seem to me clearly, in dispensable because I wish frankly to uncover realities. Any peace which does not recognize and accept this principle will inevitably be upset. It will not rest upon the affections or the convictions of mankind. The ferment of spirit of whole populations will fight subtly and constantly asrainst it nnrl nil thp wnrlH will evm. " " I back. I am speakins: as an individual and yet I am speaking also, of course, as the responsible head of a great government, and I feel confident that I have said what the people of the United States would wish me to say. "May I not add that I hope and be lieve that I am in effect speaking for liberals and friends of humanity in every nation and of every program ot liberty? L would fain believe that I am speaking for the silent mass of mankind everywhere jwho have as yet had no place or opportunity to speak their real hearts out) concerning the death and ruin they see to have come already upon the persons and the Ii;; '!!! .ii' 'I iiS ! IK'"., lilt in' in i he 1 r . i i . ueiiteionn avoid cniun;.;i!i which would draw lr.::u u tions of power, catch then 1:1 ;. intrigue and selfish rivalry. ;i, turb their own affairs v. iili ;J;n intruded from witheui. Ti -,. entangling alliance in r c power. When all unite u ;; bauie &iist; anu wnn inp sanif jnir pose all act in the common in.f:p,t and are free to live their own lives under a common protection. "I am proposing government by consent of the governed; ihi' i,.,.. dom of the seas which ir. inierna tional conference after conf'Tfnci' representatives of the United S;;i; have urged with the eio-pienre (l those who are the convince.! dj-;. pies of liberty; and thai of armament which makes i ; nniH V. .. 4-V. 1. Al J j. J i 1 - uuuicB mty iiuiu uiubL uear. anu navies a power lor cr le; Hi' niy, "And in holding out the expecta-, not an instrument of agsivsion or u uon mat tne people ana the govern- j sellish violence.- ment of the United 'States will join the other civilized nations of the world in guaranteeing. the perma nence of peace upon such terms as I have named, I speak with the greater holdnes and confidence, but it is clear to every man who can think that there is in this promise no breach pathize. The world can be at peace-, in either our traditions or our. policy morrow afternoon. only if its life is stable and there can be no stability where the will is in rebellion, where there is not tran quility of spirit and a sense of jus tice, of freedom and of right. "So far as pra'cticable, moreover, every great people now struggling I towards a full development of its re- I -lfto t-o Unwarinir illnp-c u.oro mn L" tllc; luaus 1UI ou llixy a. V lllitT 1X1- " J D . . .y iuug ci i uu ucYciuiJiucui, Ul 1L 1 c- atte ra lingering nineos, were con-,. T .-ij. hnvp SJ,ifi in tprms that rmild not bp. on,.01! ,.,1 t v, ij i, I ducted from her late residence. No. ' JdUlca icaciiey, nuim iwcuuine, .Trx .7 J I "I " v- a""Ui uc " Tn r T i V , o V , T' Toe Farrar Lester Holton Frank Rob interpreted, that it was no part At the residence of Rev. M. T. Ply-1 10 Castle street, at 3:30 o'clock this asJlVAb!SI:? of the nuroose thev had in mind to ler, No. 401 North Second street, Miss Cassie L. Sellers and Mr. John Confer were married yesterday after noon. Immediately after the cere mony the bride and groom boarded afternoon by Rev. J. M pastor of I and intermen cemetery The deceased, who was in the 7Sth 'irm Presbvterian ' clmrcb' Jonn Holton was given an additional ' crush their antagonists, em wSrmKS' days for resisting an officer and Ira 1 Potions of these as, the evenine train for Warsaw, from 'year of her age, was one oi the old-. 1 whence they will take an automobile ft residents, of the city .ind is sur trip to Raleigh. Mr. Confer travels ! vived by no near relatives, for the Atlantic Paint and Varnish1 . Company. ,' assurances may Evans had another, 30 days attached not be equally clear to all may not to his sentence for mrrvimr-n rnn- oe the same on ooui siues 01 tne wa- SAILED TODAY Chei ckc; Will Arrive In ncsday Afterncn Interest is growing in the card tour nament that is being held Saturday afternoons at the Country Club and it. is predicted that the prize will be hotly contested for next Saturday with a score of 2 .Foissons and Miss Stephenson will be to have sailed from the metropoi in charge next Saturday and those who 'today, and will arrive in port V:.l intend playing are requested to notify nesday. The delay is due to bad one or the other of these young la- weather and congestion in New dies before Friday noon. York. ter. I think it will be serviceable if Polly Wright, colored, was eiveh a 1 attempt to set, forth what we under- total of three months at the farm for stand them to be. larceny and resisting an officer. 30 : "They imply, first of all. that it must days for the former and 00 days for be a peace without victory. It is not j commerce the latter. Avan McKoy, colored, was pleasant to say this. I beg that I may given 30 days on the roads for as- be permitted to put my own interpre- Port Wed- sault with a deadly weapon. J. Har- tation upon it and that it may be un- owitz paid the costs for reckless driv- derstood that no other interpretation ing. Son Williams paid the costs for was in my thought. I am seeking only ealities and to face them with concealments. Victory would peace forced upon the loser, a terms imposed upon the yan- for vagrancy, but was let off, this be- quished. -It would be accepted in lut ing her first offense. Henry Bolden, miliation, under duress, at an intoler eolored, will be tried tomorrow on a able sacrifice and woud leave a sting. charge of larceny by trick. assured a direct outlet to the great highways of the sea. Where this can Jiot be done by the cession of terri tory it can, no doubt, be done by the neutralization of direct rights of way under the general guarantee which will assure the peace itself. With a right comity of arrangement no na tion need be shut, away from free ac cess to the open paths of the world's as "a nation, but a fulfillment, rather, of all that wre have professed or striv en for. "I am proposing, as it were, that the nations should. with one accord adopt th- doctrine of President Mon roe as the doctrine of the world: That no nation should seek to extend its policy over . any. other nation or peo ple, but that every people should be left free to determine its own polity, T-I iiese are American pnnnph's, American policies. We can . tand tor no others. And they, are also the principles and policies nf! looking men and women everyv .here, o fevery modern nation, of every in lightened community. They ;hv the 1 principles of mankind and must pre vail." When the President hirl rinkm: and the Senate returned to its rr':nhr business, Senator LaFollotte cpii mized the sentiment of all present hy saying: "We have just passed t h rongli a very important hour in the life of t!m world." Senators Generally reserved com ment on the President's address but some Republicans, who said tlioy did its own way of development, unhin-! not wish to be auoted. declared "tli" aered, unthreatened, unafraid, the little along with the great and pow- were opposed to "both the and the substance". proprietv rn i, 1 - - , 1 l . i i "i t 1 . . i t Saturday, to have sailed from New York Sat-' : 6 : 1 " ""ITS":, " 10 .-nr. ict nnnv .,ftr.,n ,.,1 ' ' lUK U!l! iUI assauu on a le- out SOU ,j unci uinu. iiliu l 11 V. . J . 1111 . . miqm li-ivn r.ii'.fi Iipm. tmtnv :,. t.i 1 . mean - 1 j 1 1 1 f ni- v r'liiurii f iixipuii 1 1 7 j u uri 111 t r 1 The Store That Sll Wooltex New Waists Spring Styles Just Arrived Qeorgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Or gandy and Voile, priced at from $1.00 to $6.00. KID GLOVES. 'A small shipment white or black, with contrast stitching, and tan with self stitching. Priced at $1.75. A. D. Brown rfuttericlc Patterns. COLD WAVE TONIGHT. la resentment, a bitter memory upon ! which terms of peace would rest, not permanently, but only as upon quick sand. Only peace between equals can i last. Only a peace the very principle Jot which is equality and common par- The Weather Man Very Cold In His Re marks This Afternoon. "Are you prepared for a blizzard?" tiVi nation in a common benefit Such was the greeting given a repre- i right state of mind, the right feeling ! ; sentative of The Dispatch by a mem- between as is necessary for a lasting J ber of the local Weather Bureau sta-! peace is the just settlement Of vexed tfon, this afternoon. From the re-1 questions of territory or of racial and i marks it would seem that a sudden national allegiance. ' and radical change in temperature is The equality of nations upon which to be expected in the, city.. And to peace must D founded if it is to last, iback this statement the following must be an equality of rights; the weather warning message has ' been guarantees exchanged must neither issued from the local office: "Wilming-; reCognize nor imply a difference be- tun, jauuaijr a, i,xi, um wave tween big nations and small, between Temperature will fall decidedly Mon- those that are nnwp.rfnl and tha are day night and Tuesday." DEED OF ASSIGNMENT. M weak. Right, must be based upon the common strength, not upon the indiv idual strength, of the nations upon whose concert peace will depend. Ftmalitv Of territnrv nr nf rROiir?fs (there of course cannot ber nor any Kaminsky's Store and Goods Trans ferred to Jacob Dlujjin. Deed of assignment was filed in the ntheT sort of oniittv nnt o-otn in office of the register of deeds this the ordinary peaceful and legitimate morning transferring the store and development of the people themselves, stock of . goods of Mr. M. Kaminsky, But no one asks or expects anything No. 715 North Fourth street, to Ja- more than an equality of rights. Man cob Dlugin, who is, to close. out the kind is looking now for freedom of business and make such payments to life not . for equipoises of power, the creditors as possible after the reg-; -And ttarfi is n - ti,,- volved than even equality of rights among organized nations. No peace can last, or ought to last, which "does , ' " ; , - t A. jnot recognize and accept the princi- Only Three Deeds Filed at the Court pie that governments derive all their House This Morning. I ' ' - Following ' are the deeds filed for " : record in the. office of teh register of deeds this morning: j. D. RIvenbark ular exemptions are made. FEW PROPERTY CHANGES. ; 4 COAST I IMC uatci Arc a ,Ropms by tbre Third street; Oscar McCullen to Su-i ' Tr3 t u u eeK Z san McCall, tract on the Sound; Kure raonth. at reasonable rates. M,eals f Land & Development Company to T. at any nour. .208 4- North, 1 Front P, Dillon, lot at : Fort Fisher, Sea street,. Plrone 20&W,. 10-6-lmd. And the paths of the sea must alike in law and in fact be free. The freedom of the seas is the sine qua non of peace, quality and co-operation. No doubt a somewhat radical reconsideration of many of the rules of international practice hitherto sought to be established may be nec essary in order to make the seas in deed free and common in practically all circumstances for the use of man kind, but the motive for such changes is convincing and compell ing. There can be no trust or inti macy between the peoples of the world without them. The free con stant, unthreatened intercourse of nations is an essential part of the pro cess of peace and of development. It need not be difficult to define or to secure the freedom of the seas if the governments of the world sincerely desire to Come to an agreement con cerning it. " "It is a problem closely connect ed with the limitation of naval arma ments and the cooperation of the na vies of the world in keeping the seas at once free and safe. And the ques tion of limiting . naval armaments opens, the wider and perhaps more dif ficult , question of the limitation of armies and of all programs of mili tary preparation. . 7 "Difficult and.- delicate as these questions are! "they - must be . faced with the utmost candor and decided in a spirit of rreal accommodation if peace is to come with healing in its wings,, and! come to? stay. Peace can not be t had without concession and sacrifice" There can be no sense of safety and equality among, the na tions if great preponderating arma ments are henceforth to continue and here and there to be built up and maintained. The statesmen of the world, must plan for peace and na tions must adjust and accommodate their policy to, it as they have planned for war and made -ready for. pitiless contest and rivalry. The; question- of armaments, whether on land Or; sea, is the most immediately . and in te-Use-ly practical question connected; with the future fortunes of nations 2. and of mankind. , ; , "I have spoken upon these great jnatters, without reserve, and with the This liody guard Arouitd zjotsr Children You Can. Keep Them : Free from Colds Without Dosing. These two fine boys have a Little Bodyguard" to protect them against sudden attacks of croup or cold trou bles. Their mother Mrs. C. C. Evinger 1224 N. 6th St., Terrje Haute, Ind., writes - 'T have tried -your Vick's VapoRub on my. two boys who are nineteen months and .three and ML 'cue-half yera old respectively j. aad liave "found 'it very satisfactory when they had the croup. The first application helped' to loosen the phlegm, making them rest more easily, and they wer able to go to sleep. VapoRub also helped them when they had severe colds- I can recommend it to all mothers." - But-tbe best-part about thi.-s "11 Bodyguard" VapoRub, is that it lS applied externally and hene; De used freely, with perfect eafVry. on the smallest child, as often ar; v.nhe Three size, 25c, 50c or ?1.00. OP a little Bodv-Guapo in VOUR home" VH fit- --' - m-m -jr P9 mrs v t lt'. n m mm. w 9 a f v . IS w mil Concern: " 4Theef sdttaai'd iBT to tke Ydnnsr' Mtvn'n nhristfan Association TTTJt S l A ill, " t ' ' . - m , m . . - n of Wilmington' on pledgee to the Building Fund, the sum of $13.1ti:"4 as of Janiirrrvl ISlflJ'h money is badly needed' by the Association to meet ilmitos -ntcn were contracted for in good faith In 1 on the pledges. to the' Building Fund. The pledges were made and n eeived . by the Association in good faith, and those owing on such pledges are expected to keep their part of the contract.' You will l" advised; of theamount in a few days ind settlement will b(j cxpci-td promptly f &ymentethiy . Toe made at the Home Savings Bank, or ;lt the, office otr the ssociiiftiibn. ' . H. LACY HUNT, President, v ; - v jk FT'HOAGHfe, Chairman Finance Committee. I, T 4 eemed to toe ,to be-necessary if the r A- -' -tV I? A vl- -r - ' j Beach.

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