Hi jmiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiuiiii t mrmm(m -Model A 1 it if II: 5 Mi m fa- '-'V- J4 1 Bnt Ciiuitt Up Her Hd$ And Strength So She Could Do Her Work. iiiiinimiiitiiiwitiiiiini nii'.Eii!iniiiiiiEu:ii ui 1 1 in i in n ii n ii 1 1 n i 1 1 n iiiii i ii iiiii 1 1 ii n irin iiiii iiiiiiii iiiii i iii ii in ii i iiiuiiiii niii Miss Jessie Miller has returned to Miss Annie St. Martin, of Moriiss the city from Greensboro, where she ville, N. C, returned to her home this visited 4&iss Alma Tatum. morning, after a pleasant stay in the & 'city with frienda utrca T.nniaA Tlaviftg. of Richmond, is I spending a period in the city as the Mrs. p. R. Turner, of Winston-Salem, . . n.. t i , Tinnniov nhn hoa hhpn vlftiHher friends hero. - gues, - - i left this mWning for Rcky Mount to t was suffering with Ulceration Mrs C M. Johnston and daugnters, jjixuu wtw '""- itnd ... turned over to one side. Etowah, ; Tehn "About 5 yean ago' writes Mrs. Lillie Carden, of thii ; place, "I first took Cardui. Dr. gait Misses Ruth and Hilda, returned to their home in Rocky Mount today after a pleasant stay here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. IT. C. Buchananof Charlotte, were visitors in the city yesterday, Orton Hotel guests. .Si. ."i. ' Mrs. E, S. Credle and Mrs. Clyde W. ; britef tdiriineiit 1 sit Hemeftway School Building Hals : Rostbnec( Itideni Failure of the films to arrive jin the cuv nas caused a postponement oi the exercises that weer to have been conducted at the v Hemenway school tonight, tomorrow . afternoon and evening aM tlid ladies in charge are afraid to namti a date oti which these. DELIGHTFUL MUSICAL PROGRAM suffered great pain. in lower abdomer . TOf XM ahd back. For 1 or 2 years the . . . wm reach he city. They have', been had been irrecrular and: came aboul shipped and "should reach the city in . , , .1 the morning, if such is the else thf every 2 weeks, and I suffered greai( ptures will be flashed on the screen, who are to direct it. follow.0.: : . .. mington visitors yesterday, guests at i Quartette Tho Seasons." (Haw the Orton Hotel. ; lov Miss nnCan. Miss Tucker. Miss For the musical and literary even ing to be 'given at St. Andrew's Pres byterian church this, evening under the auspices of the Woman's Mission- - ? 1 rvl IrrViKul T-rrrrtx m bit? i Misses Post and Pn. Would cramp so I couldn't gel tomorrow .afternoon and evening. Jt The -x- -:f Mrs. B. A. Traylor lias returned to her home in Norfolk, Va., after spend ing several days here with her sen, Mr. lLeRoy S. Cruser. -x- Mrs. F. C. Hdneycutt, oZ Baltimore, Md.. left this morning for Fayette- ... T - 1 .v. Ml r.ii ii il pnTTrtrt t 1 HI O - . Vine, wiifie sin.; wm ..v. jjjjjj with relatives before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Comes have re turned from Boston, Mass., where they spent several weeks with Mrs. Comes' brother, Mr. Mose C. Ever stein. -X- Mrs. G. F. Fore, of Atlanta, Ga., left this morning for Richmond, Va., where she will visit friends before return ing to her home. Mrs. Fore has been here visiting tor several days. Miss Carrie Bowen and Mr. J. B. Feniey will sing at this evening's ser vice's at the Delgado Presbyterian church. The services commence promptly at 7:30 o'clock and are at tracting many to the church. The students of Middle Sound School will give a basket party at the school house Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock for the benefit of the school fund. The public is invited. J4- X- ' Post, Miss Boven. Sole "Soldier, What of the Night?" (Dix), by Mr. William Murphy, Reading Selected, by Miss Pear sail. V Sold "Sing On" (Penza) by Mrs. J. P. Rice. Piano solo selected by Miss Wil- Part 2. Solo "At Dawning" (Cad man) by Miss Duncan. Reading selected Ly Miss Peaf sall. Solo "Israfel" (Oliver King) by Mr. J. F. Harris, Jr. Trio (a) "Slumber Song" (Schu raan); (b) "Catechist" (Hadley), Miss Duncan, Miss Post and Miss Bowen. K MISS TAYLOR ATTENDED. m and do my work. Sometimes the ( tuJ.e- wili e sh(JWn v . . . would last 4 or 5 days and come The ladies are very . disappointed l5o much, which seemed to cause me c ae. th1 st. fefLS? ' everything in readiness for the show- ' o suffer very much. I would be up ihg of the films. The ball has been and down in the bed for 4 or 5 . days. 1 Peautifuliv decorated inthe American , . , , , -and French coldrs but they are look 7hen I'd take the Cardui through the ing at the matter in a sensible man- oeriod, the". . . would be less and not' and state that the films will be shown when they reach the city. -last so long only something like 3 Jays, and the suffering would be en-1 ART EXHIBIT IS HERE ;irely relieved. I My health had got rundown and the "Will Open Promptly at 9 strength and keep me going and out oi i . ; - ; : ; Ded, so I could do my work. It hurt' - n the excellent show rooms of the no to even sweep my floor when I Ford Auto Company, on North Third Dcgan it, but got so I could do the street, the Elson Art Exhibit, which Tiost of my work, and I didn't suffer l bei 1held.uun?r asPes f . , the school authorities for the benefit my more, had no more cramps." iof a fund tQ secure pictures to hang- Cardui, the woman's tome, has on the walls of the various school , iroven its efficacy in the treatment oi rooms of the city, will be opened to morrow morning at 9 'clock and will last for four days. The exhibit will consist of pictures the masterpieces of are of different Air ?nm CCC crl niCDC countries and different periods, mciud JIU JUBlOd OKJLdJlEl0 ing reproductions of the world's great est pieces of sculpture, architecture vomanly troubles. Try it. The following from yesterday's Favetteville Observer shows Miss Florence Taylor, one of Wilmington's ! crrrjtrp A I RI ID 17 AIT WTM I 'of -more than ordinary interest, being r i q rim i n or vrmno taHiea nmrmo' thnco ' i IL1IHL. DUIEU W U-i- the masteTtiieces of are Of different in attendance at a function there Sat urday morning: "Mrs. William Taylor Bowen charmingly entertained Saturday morning at her home on Green street, in honor of her two lovely young guests, Misses Nina Withers Nelson, of Lynchburg, Va.. and Bobby Fitz hugh Williams, of Red Springs. After ment a delightful morning spent m Mrs Bowen's home, a course luncheon was mH&JM&t.&i. : ff-.Vi' - - . - " Vmr.mLJZZ . 1 f . M I i I 1 v I U&jr . - V II J in III NOW - Jiist jrio yii re ;J beginning your sprier sewing and every garment you make must i fitted over your corset. Arfe you sure the oiso you now have, is right, or has it lost its shap.. f rom long and constant wear. Your corset is the foundation for the fiiti.. of all your outer as well as under garments ui i if you would look your best in your new cloth,. :; they must be fitted over a new and corrnily fitted corset. Our New Spring Models Are Here and pur department offers just a lit tle more service than any other. We invite you to consult our corse tiere who will be glad to serve you to your liking All popular makes in stock,both front and back lace. Price 98c to $7.50. Belk- Williams "Company ' ' ; fiyfii"! , ., , - . War Summary Miss Cannie Chasten and Miss Ka- tie r uaxu u t"! h, PnVrr . served, the menu including creamed I to .attend tonights recital by Pader-j beaten biscuit, 1 conee, eciairs, wun wnippea cream efi euardsmen 3 , ' m 1 i1.!! . I - ana maracninas. i ne iouowing were guests: Misses Nelson and Wil liams, Mary and Virginia Smith, Hel en Dodson, Florence Taylor, of Wil mington, Annie Wightman, Mary Wil liams, Edna Jennings, Mary Starr fnrvlr Tmmo Pomlioi'Inn Mnrrie Alov. T ander, May Sedberry, Bertie Alston, Sallie Haigh Underwood, Marian Haigh, Mary Gorham, Mrs. John N. Watt of Reidsville; Mrs. J. B. Under w..hi Z m rLrf. an,l important views of nature. There Washington, Jan. 23. Guardsmen ,,,x .i,iJ, tD Qn who return from the border to find iU:"u" C T ". 0 ,!; ,' their jobs filled will receive the as-'. M2Lf ?iClUr!Lart?r? I sistance of the Federal Bureau of Im- ' " i, ' A new development in the Ruman-I : migration in obtaining other employ- "tr " ZZrZl "1 ian campaign was revealed in today's fr"cB1ir'l:"u;r.-rK"; Gennan .official statement which re- Commissioner General Caminetti to-' SiJ-ucc", ports Bulgarian movement northward day issued orders to all officers of the l"yy" " , in Dobrudja across the Southern Es- A MYSTERIOUS VESSEL SOLDIER BOYS ARE ewski. w Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robins and lit tle son, Clarence, of Hampton, Va., returned to their home this morning after spending some time in the city with relatives. Yesterday's Charlotte News: "Josenh Reece Morton and Edwin McCIure, Davidson students, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city. Mr. McCJure is a son of Rev. Dr. McCIure, of Wilmington, who is preaching at Tenth Avenue church during the Presbyterian evangelistic services." NEW CHAMP TO DEFEND TITLE Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 23. Pete Herman, the new claimant to the ban tamweight championship, is to be service throughout the country to do I everything possible to help unemploy- The plan has been ap proved by the War Department. I BURIED THIS MORNING. Funeral Services From the Residence. The funeral of Mrs. Virginia G tuary of the Danube. The crossing was effected near Tult- Were Conducted , r , L . ol- "l uo,ai'' places the Bulgarians, apparently on ;one of the large islands which stood the course of the river near its mouth WII I ri AQH THIMirUT GraJg. widow, or Mr. John B. Craig The Teutonie a(ivance is thus carried WILL CLASH TONIGHT who died yesterday morning a few Bessarabian boundary, , , wlD,w rJ.? wnffni which here is toe 7 the northern High School Team Will Meet TheS1 no sh m -' estuar of the Danube- u"t"l?L " m ,V It remains to be developed whether .,n, K r Ti, Tf u,, oD the Bulgarian move is the prelude to .MU. oiclock by Rev. John Jeter Hurt, as- The local High School basketball sisted by Rev. J. A. Sullivan and an effort to turn the Russian left flank AMERICAN SHIP SIGHTS (By Associated Press.)' Santo Domingo, Jan. 23; The American steamer Mariner, trading be tween Santo Domingo and Porto Rico, which arrived here yesterday after noon from Ponse, reported having sighted suspicious steamer. The strange vessel was seen near Vieques Island, otherwise krlown as Crab Island, about 13 miles east of Porto Rico. The American Atlantic fleet passed here yesterday. CHEERED BY ORDER (By Associated Pros.) uemmg, N. Jyl., Jan. L'::. XnVS 0f tne ordering home ot the in;t Arkan sas and first Delaware National Clu:ird regiments had such a ciien in:;- cfiVi:; dn their sick that the base hospital here is almost empty today, medical onicers said. seventy-!ii convales cents have returned to duty wit b IUa 4 1 ,1 r 1 1 ' iue iu&l mice uajs iui lowmi; 1 ne or der for return of 25,000 guardsman on the border. ouint will staee its initial came of Rev. H. W. Koelling and interment the season tonight when it stacks up was made in Oakdale cemetery The an eyent .fc iveg KeM."ifaHihal..Ton against the strong Americans, of the .services were attended by a Jarge con- Macken8?1i.a.nrmer hold on ; th6 Dan Senior League. .This is the first op- course of sorrowing friends and thsj b e J -mouth the dnlv fctretcli portunity the public has had of see- 'many beautiful floml designs sWd efe dJmSSS NEW MEMBERS ENTERTAINED. '"" r-V r V1 1 in ine rtl?n scno01 ieam m ac"on m a H.IltJiiL. ?""Ci ?c.l'."1"-,r control of the river. New members of the S. T. S. Bible luu'6"1 u l"c 111 ol- season and lovers of the sport espec- xeem in wnicn me aeceasea was neiu AJ h remainder of the Ruman. li . td ' time since his recent victory over haiixt thna ,-r,t00fo,i tho ooht The followine acted as Dall bearers: -ong. l"e reamaer oi tne Kuman ' , V , , r " : - .7 . c w ri e.T, At. tit Ai lan iront tnere nave Deen only engage- j team-should avail themselves of this Messrs W. H. Sprunt Asa W Al- ments between advance detachments, v""16'. these resultien favorably to the Teu- class of the First ' Presbyterian church were entertained last evening victory Kid" Williams at New Orleans. Ben- t xi- .i i p ny McNeil has been picked as his op-1 nriviWo vr i iim ii-'viiiii i ii r i 1 1 i i f i ill lilt- i iri... - .aw Particularlv nleaslne parts of the ex- Von(,n Te two are carded to en- The member of the school quint L. W. Moore and Ooseph T- Smith. cellent program carried out was a gf eeu in, a 1,'r,1!n(1 contest before one have been working faithfully under the I jji "b"" v.u. ...... P tu ii solo.by Miss Nell Bowden and a duet ,ul l-ll,us by Misses Bowden and a reading, "Girls,"' from O. Henry, by Miss Dit-J - BARBECUE THIS AFTERNOON more. Rotarians Left the City Early In the FUNERAL FROM RESIDENCE. tonic f of eesv notably in the Kasino valley region, where a Russian attack in some force was repulsed, according to Berlin. Sold In 2. 5, 10, 25 &nd SO lb. cottoa bags and in 1. 2 and S lb. cartons, packed Rt th refinery When your recipe says, "add 3ugar" remember there's A FrarMin Sugar for every cse Granul.td, Dainty Lumps, Pow- rfcredt Comactionr?, tSirov. a. leadership and direction of Capt. Bill Rourk for the past several weeks and uUCJr uuciaiau iucj win lucci Remains of Mr. . siegier interrea Operations on the other fiehtie front ITfrt eHnftf Jt ?5 h"5 fttbey I Th,a ternoo.?. ha?P J t mostly ? raldTng SS?igr2Sf are . expecting to start the season I vunora service for Afr. S. Sieelor. 1 rp, r. Afternoon for Masonboro. rieht with a win The followine m V j V M ir ,luc uciuian lcl,uu uicuuuus a, aw- Several automobiles filled with Rot,-! T 'JtnlaJfl l!? 2 cessful raid by Bavarian' troops near . - - ' NmiTtl H rill r K I millllH V HI I ll I 1 1 II 1 1 I . A m r 4-1-. a n nans lert. tne eitv par v thicj of pmnnn .n i; r -t aiuichucics auu iuw leumte oi u, J IL 3 T" I A -- ' 1 . i I wivu ueuar t-oini, iviasoiiDoro souna, i ous barbecue was served shortly be-' SLilVJ?.1 3 ClCk by.R' J tore 6 o'clock, complimentary to Mr LUMBERMEN AT DENVER. Denver, Colo., Jan. 23, Represent-J atives of the lumber trade in coioraa? and the neighboring States assembled nere in large number today for the annual convention of the Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association. The lumbermen will spend -three days In.the discussipn of various trade prob lems I ' - ' ' ! The Marchioness of Londonderry is ! passionately fond of hunting and is ' . j 1 n X ! X . one oi tne iew aristocratic spurtswu men of Great Britain who ride astride. Miss EHtabeth Kenny, of Los .An geles county, has the distinction of being the first California woman to be appointed as inheritance tax appraiser.' . Maggie Mitchell, who was a famous I actress in the, days of our forefathers, will celebrate her eighty-fifth anni- WEAVER REACHES THE CAPITAL at 5 O'clock, were conducted from the British detachment moving apainst the. Americans Houston and Myers,. for- residence this afternoon at 3:30. German lines near Fromelles on th M. WellS. D. P., KVnnpn-riAlcrian Hno UTrowfoo tba'Ariv. and Galager, guards. inastor of the First Presbyterian High School-Penton and Tucker, church, assisted by Rev. M . T. Plyler, ed German first line trenches in the rwards; Capt. Rourk, center; Sprunt nastor of Grace Methodist church, and King, guards. interment was made in Oakdale cem- - ine public is invited to attend this otPrv The. services were attended uiofc iwiaiiaun uoic uccu luutvillg . . - v. ;ii i , , - - - ' . ... eagerly forward to this afternoon for ?in V"1 " 7eu . on by numerous friends of the deceased events of this nature are "pulled off" - ehapli clouds of the afternoon were unable to dampen the ardor that is characteris tic of every Rotarian. Roger Moore, president of the Rotary fn .. Z pn . I V rinh Tnvitntinnt wnro mai'o,t f eoJ. forwards; Capt. Rourk, center; Sprunt eral days ago and since receipt of these Rotarians have been looking M. C. A. court. No admission will be , I (By George H. Manning.) Washington, D. C, Jan. Con gressman-elect Weaver arrived today and will remain about a week, loom ing acquainted with the surroundings here. He is stopping at The Winston Hotel. He went to the lloor of the House ;of Representatives and st:nxl awhile, listening to a debute. REVISION MOLASSES RATE IS PETITIONED (Bv A.ssori:it('(l Pros.) Washington, Jan. 23. --Revision of freight rates on molasses from produc ing points in Texas to virtually every versary soon. Since her retirement point in the United States is sought from the stae Miss .jmtcneii nas maue her homein New Ifor&.city.. BITER GOT, BIT. (P.? Associated" Press.) Rio Jane ro, Jan. 23. The marine minister, in the name of the Bv MR. H. V. SMITH IS BALL PLAYERS AND OWNERS ON TERMS (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Jan. 23. Al Demaree, j pitcher, who, upon Orders from Pres- Charges Another With Disorderly Con-; . I D.,4. CU. E3-i Vm Pnctc BURIED IN WALLACE' No cases of any consequence came ' iden David L. Fultz, recently called up in the Recorder's court today. Re-it'J'1 thbas Wallace, Jan. 23.The remains of corder Harriss fined Henderson Hud- d V ' T ' 7 Vk in a petition filed today by shippers with the Tntrste ro"v' '""" mission. It is charged that th5 ratcj . . i in many instances is the i-aiuu no The woman s sunrage movement in !refined sugar Emgland is not new ty any means . 1 Half a century ago, on May 20, 1867, J " to be exact, the House of Commons registered . a negative vote against a' Stage of water in Capo Fear river proposal to allow, women to . vote in at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 a. m. yes- parliamentary elections. terday, 7.2 feet and falling. ! government today thanked Command- ,ast Friday morning of heart failure, ordered, him to pay for the repairs on:" eeg hman, of the Ch icago I ant Philip Williams, II. S. N., for his v-'cro brought here Saturday morning a bicycie that he borrowed from an-1 fltn! DMt ttaa 101 slgnetl a con" i assistance in develoDinP' the naw r for interment. nthr npe-rn and wrecked. Rosetta 1 . y .v . , instructor of tactics, strategy and When Mrs. Smith went to his room johnson was up charged with disor-1 f,.om n.e weekhman - safd he "but war games. , to awakn him she found him dead n deriy conduct, but the charge made by mo fUSrtl ell V.. Smith, who died at Bowden vson, a colored youth, $10 and costs and that he had agreed to terms with 1 The Store That I f , , .- -,f. 1917 Colored Wash SKIRTINGS Coin Dots, Stripes and Plaids are shown on Behgaiine, Basket Weaves and Gabardine. Colors, Green, Gold, Blue, Pink and Black or White. Priced at 50c to 75c a yard. A. i. Brown Black Cat Hosiery. " ' " 1 I ' TnA DakIat nroa rlatla rOfl f Hvnl Oil Q Mr. fnd Mrs. Smith. 12 years ago, and she made to pay the costs. Rob came from North Dakota, resided near ert Miller paid the costs for an as- there is no trouble between the club and myself. While I told Mr. Weegh man I could not put my name to a contract until I learned more about Bowden for several years and later sault on a female Tate Me rritt, , conditions in the fraternity, I think living for some years in Wallace. Six chnrtrpri with abandonment, will be Lu r.i .jh v. - - an mu5 liu uuit?s win ue seiueu auu .years ago they returned to North Da- tried next Tuesday. Willie Turner l am preparing to train with the Chi j kota and lived thereuntil last Novem- and James Hill, colored boys, will be caffQ club Demaree recently was obtained by Chicago in a trade with the Philadel phia Nationals. her. Mr. Smith, especially, after hav- tried tomorrow for larceny. j ing once lived in the South, and this j . j section, said he could never be happy J ' ! away, and had come, as he expressed . it, to soend his last' days among his Queen Ena of Spain spends a great Dunlin friends. i deal of time with her children, and i He bad planned Saturdav. the dav takes a deep interest in their pastimes. .his body was brought for burial, to The royal nursery is one of the bestj; surprise his old acquaintances here by equipped of any of the courts of Juli an unexpected visit. t rope. The Queen, with her English The interment was in Rockfish cem- tranier, insisted that the rooms alloted X " ...1. 1 1 . 1 j: j j 1. x l Ua. 4Um Timi' rvVs ..: th Forerlr ba no lavs teeth t destroy erop rot It gcnlpa , the vanwe me noe, ana masse & perfect dust mtxjan. wun : ;1h iwfer Cuinptr efltaWSahea principle of colt!- vtcn it work above ctop roots and makes auch a pr- feet moiat inai xnose wao ot it aaa C care vjienier tc ralna or nof, .TaiK apont prze acres I xoa can tnaks rrf acre a prize acre just as good aa aero aa if 70a hoed it by hand and - j alao cat tout usual labor cost in half. We miar&ntee that If the FbWler and the DrlkciDle it teachea' do not increase your crop yield year money be rfqnded. i He. our booK. ' It tella the whole atorr. ivb iree. sena a poat&i today. r.r. SAM 'If tojU ae bro ken, the plant w Iroduce ot'ife? woo. , but at Hie expense ot the viiiuiiy and cupply. Tor retair.'.rf ..-t? moistui-o a loose mu cp 2 or 3 inches .tbirt gi Bhould be zaaiutamal. FLORIDA EAST COAST R. R. RATE APPROVED (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan . 2S. The Inter- Special Prices to Wholesale Customers. N JAOBI HARDWARE CO., Sole Agents, Wilmington, N. C. vs. etery, where he had chosen for his to the youngsters should be the bright- state Commerce Commission today ap- v last resting place. Services were est . in the palace. conducted by the Rev. W. P. M. Cur- rie. of the Presbyterian church. The pallbearers were: Messrs. John B. Boney, A. L. McGowen, Hinton Mid dletoh, Walton, Gabriel Robinson, Les lie, Bence and Sion Boney. The deceased was 65 years old. i 4 PERSONAL MENTION. ."'-;-''. jr- 45- - 4 if Mr. Malcolm Owen returned from a short business trip to New York City i' ; i : 1 " " - ' ' -.r.- - RAILWAY SERVICE IN GERMANY CURTAILED this morning (- v; , . , I Capt. Nathan O'Berry, of Goldsboro, ;(i?y .Assopi!itPd Press.) was a business visitor in the city yes- Berlin,;; l-Jani, 22: (Yia London. . Jan. terday. . - . ! The cancellation of a number of Mr. E. M;;Nance; of aFir BlfP, was i long-disfanc and local trains was an- a Wilmington visitor yesterday, r j nounced today . as the latest move in Mr. .r. H. Colvin, of Atkinson, was grappling with the growing difficulty a Wilmington Hotel guest yesterday. of transportation and the rojling stock .- " ' r ! problem. .! ' t :' c :' ' - ' I Freight shippers were also warped 4 that certain classes of goods would COAST LINE HOTEL CAFE. S?ai?rboeta,CCeptd vn?.ere a2" by the rday, week or vised to ascertain just what they send. TOnwtH n4-JLM L, wi.ia a Clyde viyae uine steamer Cherokee is due reacn port Thursday morning. Liner, In Thursday.-The any hour. 208 NorthFront 4 steamer Cherokee is due to Street. Phone 20J-m JUXmp: proved the practice of the ' Florida East Coast Railroad Company which charges $2 a car for service in deliver ing or receiving car load freight at industries on spur tracks. ALLEGED DEFRAUDER IS DENIED RETRIAL (By Associated Press.) Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 2'S Thomas'; C. McKoy, former Jacksonville and Fort Smith. Ark,, distiller, who re cently was convicted in the Federal court" here on the charge of conspir ing todefraud the government out of revenue tax on distilled spirits, was denied a new trial today and Judge Call imposed a sentence of two years in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta Counsel for McCoy gave notice that appeal will be made to the Circuit Court, of Appeals. Supercedeas- bond to the amount of $5,000 was given. McKoy also is fighting extradition to Fort Smith where charges similar to those which resulted, in Ills conviQ- . ' ' '' tion here are standing against him. GASPARIU-A CARNIVAL TAkPA, FLA. Round Trip Fare" Frohi , Et O A WUmington ... ... Jfl & kJ For this occasion which will be filled with fun and frolic, am! lastm? from February 2nd to 10th, tickets will be sold to Tampa and n l"rD as shown above by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE. The Standard Railroad of the South. JAJU&fl31ST. TO FEBRUARY 5TH, INCLUSIVE, Limited returning yxttll midnight ef February 20th, but way be extonu ed to March 3rd bylepositing with City Ticket Agent at Tamp". Iin l prescribed rilfiayment of $1.00. PROPORTIONATE. FARES FROM INTERMEDIATE STATIONS ; CHILbREN HALF FARE. LIBERAL STOP OVER PRIVILEGES. s,' schedules, sleeping car reservations. tf For further pari call on TELEPHONE 160. T. C. WIHTB. General Passenger Ae( ilf Wilmington, N. Cl