,7 fa J c-V- 1 V - - n . ' 1 - 4 'f - ; i - 4 , ' 1tW ft Hi a ill mm am mm t-i urn i w ii 4 11 1 sSH Pi m Raft jgllttllililHIttHIIMIIM ? THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH," SAhjXyMTniNOOSr JANUARY 27, 1 9J 7: ' "-J-L y ! 1 ii ,,,,,. , ,," . . L i.'. j'., i i i 't ii i I .tjLvii: ...ti mm u. i, ,J , ' ,' , ' , Ju. a'". - ' ''. Soc fill Ii BAKER IS QUIET OVER REPORTED RESIGNATION . (By Associated Press, r Washingcon.t Jan. 27. tternard Baker, . of Baltimore, refused 1 today either to confirm or deny reports that CHURCBJS& RIAIMi f :- V Flirst: - c6rriei Third and Orange I I streets. KetsJohn MWella, D.D., pas- tor RiinnavaB!aiwf.ia li ft- ttt Mom-1 he had resigned as a member. of the ing service, with preaching by Dr. iTpiprai shinnina- nnnrd Tho wa Wells.v Subiects''The Fly Command- a wide belief in official circles, how- ments." 8 p. m. evening services, with ever, that the report was trne. No preaching by Dr.. McClure. Subject, light: was thrown on the situation at , "Christian Endeavor." 9:45 a, m. Sun the White House. .dfty school. ? 7?00 -p. m. Christian En- Reports of Mr. Baker's resolution deayof.:. Prayer meeting on, Wednes- have said it was due to difference . day at 8 p. m.V Out pews are free, and. over organization of the board. Mem- all are cordially invited to attend all bers have been arrivine this week these services." since their confirmation and the first ! Immannpi: PVh 9nit uppti streets; meeting was to have been held next Pav '.T1- to' Allot rtootnu-olont TJoOVi- week. At that time, it is understood. ,;. ii . o;,v. , , ... ' "6 ai. , m,. uy. tlc uaaiui, uuu- a. cnairman wouia pe selected. . iprt , who" wn r cn ri Tnotniiatinn . Mr. Baker helped frame the ehin ' 7v. "r. Zr? Z. rrTii ! . . . A .. . llJtJ Vaot-L'J H.L O U, IU-. XVtSV. VV : ,' a,CL an? waf ne OI us most ar:f Baker. presiding: sermon by Rev. J aem cnampions Derore committees of it ahth -rv t i ' - i I on1 Ol ttt rp-.i ' Cnn. iday. School at 3 n. m.. Mr. S. A. RAIN AND WARMER IS ''''ZSfTT. I r LfKtCAS f FOR WEEK. Bible study ; Wednesday night ' at 8 i .o'clock. Ladies Aid Society meets fBv Af?soni.ifPfi Preso i ! Fridav at - 8 n m Sp.nior Christian Washington, Jan. 27. Local rafns Endeavor Society Sunday at 6:3a p. and warm weather followed by fair m.; Junior Friday afternoon at 3:30 and considerably colder weather are o'clock. i . forecast fQr the Sautheastern States Bethany. Services Sabbath morning 'MiHng the week beginning tomorrow, at 11 o'clock conducted by the pastor. Rajns are again probable about Fri- Sunday school at 3 p. m. Christian En-day- deavor Society at 7:30 p. m. Visitors : ' will find a hearty welcome. ueigado, Rev. Andrew J. Howell, pas j tor. Services Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Sunday school at10:15 a i.ri ii. mi ifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiifiriiiiii liiiitiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiitiiifiiiiiiiitiifiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiis 1 - - .... Mrs. J. B. Farmer is spending some time with relatives in Burgaw. .j a a Miss Annie Fuller, of Lumberton, spent Friday in Wilmington. 55- -55- Miss Mary Kelly, of Clarkton, vis ited in Wilmington this week. Mrs. K. H. Batts and children, of Hamlet, are visiting here. & & -Miss Helen Gardiner has returned Mrs. J. D. Robbins. Jr.. and sister. Mrs. J. B. Roberson and little son, have returned from Southport, where they , attended the funeral of Mr. James A. . Drew. Mrs. Roberson will shortly return to her home in San- foru PERSONAL MENTION. to xvew ern, .alter visiting relatives , Mr Jack Newman, Sr., has re in this city. I turned from a trin to Waahinefnn nnrl if vf -X- 1 Mo-tir Van M P Mrs. P. D. Woodall. of Pittsboro. N C, is spending a period in the city as the guest of Mrs. Joseph B. Brink ley, at her home, No. 417 Chestnut street. J. .V. J.'. Friday's Asheville Citizen: "Miss Fanny Watters, of Wilmington, N. C, is now with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Watters at their home on Clayton street, after a visit to her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Chferles E. Waddell, at their home in Biltmore." , Friends of Mr. W. A. Williams, clerk to the Board of County Commission ers, will be glad, to learn that he has recovered from his recent illness and is' able to -be back in hin office. Mr. Pembroke Jones arrived in the city this morning to spend a short, period at his winter home, Airle-On-The-Sourid. Senator E . H . Granna'er- nassed through the city this morning en route from Raleigh to his home in South-port. iHffiMI-" IP fiHl I c In the very face bf increasing cost, weoiitiniie to offer you Week-End Special for less than regular prices. These offeringsare for your benefit, and are sold to for these prices because we want your business; and want you to form the l -.i .-, "Get it at Belk's. No habit could be better, IMsWeet We MATINA NOT SUNK. ill TheStoreThat II SU Wooltear J I JsTew Silks I Taffeia U I Georgette Crepe II I I Crepe de Chine j I In all the wanted Colors. ' II j I A. D. Brown, j Butterick Pattern. ' 11 J UJ.v Associated Press.) 1 mrT XT- " , V ' " London, Jan. 27. The renort of the The Public is heartily invited to at- sinking of the British steamshiD Ma-te?dthe services. jtina was erroneous, according to ah winter Park, Reymirew J. Howell, xioyus announcement. Her owners say she has reached port. MILDREDINA HAIR REMEDY Grows Hair And We Prove It Hundreds of Testimonials. By I It never fails to produce the desired j results. It enlivens and invigorates , the hair glands and tissues of the scalp, ! resulting in a continuous and increas . ing growth of the hair. Letters of : praise are continually coming in from j pearlv all parts of the country stating : that Mildredina Hair Remedy has re I newed the growth of hair in, cases that j were considered absolutely hopeless. A lady from Chicago writes: "After a short trial my hair stopped falling and ! I now have a lovelv hparf ; heavv and over one and a half yards I i Mildredina Hair Remedy stimulates j the scalp, makes it healthy and keeps it so. It is the greatest scalp invigor ! ator known. It is a wholesome medi ! cine for both the hair and the scalp, j Even a small bottle of it will put more I genuine life in your hair than a dozen ! bottles of any toner hair tonic ever made. It shows results- from the very j start. Now on sale at Elvington's Pharm acy. 50c and $1.00. pastor. Services Sunday evening at 7:45, conducted by the pastor. At this service additional officers will be elected. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Midweek service Wednesday evening at 7:45. Visitors are cordially invit ed. St. Andrew's, corner . Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. A. D. McClure. D.D., pastor Preaching in the morn ing at 11 and in the evening at 8. Sab- Vicltlt f nil il 4 1. 1- - J!l . o rt rf ua" fi-uuuj iu nit; itiieruuuu ui o.ou. Junior Christian . Endeavor at 4:45. Senior and Intermediate Christian En deavor in the evening at 7:15. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Brotherhood meeting in the! Memorial hall in the afternoon at 4:30. Dr. J. O. Reavis, of Columbia Theological Seminary, will speak at this meeting. Dr. Reavis will occupy the pulpit at both morning and evening services. 3cakes Sweet Maiden Soap for ..... 9c Ayoodbury's Facial Soap; per cake. . . 19c 5c Children's Black Hose all sizes . : 10c 10c Bleached Red Border Huck Towel 6c Short lengths, 1 0 and .12 I -2c Bleach ings .... . ... . ... .6 l-2c $5.00 Turkish Bath Robes; with stripes to match ... .... .... ... . . ;$3.93 Men's $1.50 Outing Pajamas, suit . . 98c Men's 54-in, Heayy Black Rubber Rain Coats, at ... . ..... ? .$2.98 .4,.. Men'i Gray and Tan Wool Army Shirts, $2.50 value, at ... . o Men's 75c Work Shirts; all colors and sizes, at ... Sylvia Embroidery Cotton, limited 10 spools to customer 2 for 5c $100.00 Taffeta Silk Dresses;, only a few left, at . $595 $1.25 and $1.50 Percale and Gingham House Dresses, at 9gc Ladies' Crepe Night Gowns; 75c val. 39c mamam mmmamtmimmam'miimmmmiim'imim''m,l'''mmmmmm''inmm'm' Belk Com n yj WHmjKB' Jit kYZM . f?A?.XAsJV, .. ...... jtian Association will meet Monday 8 Calvary, J. A. Sullivan, pastors-Sun- jP.. m- At 8:30 p. to. this association day worship 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Sermon subjects, morning. "The Joy-i Mildredina Hair Remedy is the only certain aestroyer or the dandruff mi- : peraistioie and odstructive little aeviis thrive on the ordinary hair ton ics. Advt. CHRISTIAN. First, Dock street, Rev. J.E. Rey nolds, pastor Preaching at 11, a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. Evening text, "Let Him Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone -at Her." Chris tian Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night iajt 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited t6 attend all these services. will tender an informal reception to all the men of the church at whinh rr fulness of Jesus." Nteht. "Heart Tron.i Brown will be the euest of honor. RJ Die." Sunday School 9:45 a. m Mr. J. W. Hollis, superintendent. Junior B. Y. P. U. 6:45 p m. Sunbeams Mon day p. in. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night. Teachers' supper Thurs day 6:45 p. m. Senior B. Y. P. U. 8 p. m. Chorus rehearsal Fridav night. A cordial welcome to all services. freshments will be served and a most interesting talk by Dr. Brown will be made who was in JaDan when-th war ,i ' iiou, itev Bladen streets, Rev. E, C. Sell. paSor Preaching services at 11 ?.. n, anl 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at "o O'clock in the afternoon, rfwc.i'in. vitions to strangers; all are wr;.r,ne. come and bring some one with y m. ' Pearsall Memorir' W. H. Kopllin?:, p 4 Johnnv Tillman tho v "v-v ii ttiwrcnJJii . .. uut- wan a cnauenge to Champion Jack Britton to do bat- LUTHERAN. I St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Market' , ana sixth streets. Rev. F. R rianspn - I pastor. Rev. C. L. Brown, D.D., Secre- ! tarv rf tlia Drr. ,1 o 17 : ! i Aljnneapolis 'i vaiu ul mciu missaions, . , , EPfSCOPAL. St. .PauVs, Sixteenth and Market streets, Rev. E. DeF. Heald. Jr.. rec- : t. 1 . . . . ' tr ounaay scnooi at y:45 Morning prayer and sermon o'clock. Evening nrayer at S. welcome.? a. m. at 11 All are or Sun. ':;istiin it Mi. METHODIST. Trinitv Smith TVT4rfV iru..i will preach at both services Dr. ! streets. Re v. W. V. McRrfe. nastor lirown has spent 18 vears in Janan fiprvt o,, --. .ii: " v ' 1 ' Visitors are cordially invited to These" i T l ow.on1" ""n eo :1 1:1 r,o.!-i- . ' vumw uuii- iuk ai nav d. m. sum :iv Kc km owjrGi ui iuc uaiiuiuu nil-1 ii, - , , - . . vioitno , . ,, . .... . u.ui.uu6 01 cinu luuii iu young iieopo Jl ; trohe which is the' cause of 98 percentrle4,for e-ifW crown- Sriwo ll Ca in"ed,to ese ?n the evening at 7:30. Church con-jing at 7:30 p7 m. Sun.hn of hair troubles. - These perhlciousW , Wteoa4ha-Gov. 4- Q Hu 1Jfa' m" fid ' Hce after mprning service Sunday a. m., W. H Schaefor su nApa(QtiM 'I lumbia universHv team frt. , !, 1 m. Sunday School will mept s-sn nhi ot q,r: . 1' V- 0vldeur.sl1 day school in the mor:;in Preaching at 11 : 30." Junio;-( i-naeavor in tne cvcnin. Senior Christian Endenvoi Dtn -mr u . I 11 . 1 rinyei- mueiing eunosdav even 7:30. . Harnett Street Miss?o;i. Ki; riarnett streets, Rev. W. .m. evangelist m-charge Siuxlav school at 9:30 in the morning. ProachiiiR every lourth Sunday. Fifth Avenue Motliodlsf lunch, Hpv, J. H. McCracken. Troavh- !: litii and iiak'-r. .... uvuv DfcJ4J,vl.l -t,ao, lumbia university "team for the last inree seasons, bas joined the editorial I start oi the Paris newspaper, Human j ne. : ' - ' ' """"""" "" - i t in i i ",., i a..,.. .Myp in the afternoon. The Menrt MJ luZ '' vce rpwonn league Tuesday al s - i'iiu mxi.cu aiicuu Ull f'l'i VliTj, poiiii Undent p. ra. onlially JJ it ii (B il Not You Busiiie News It ' New. .9 Today n3o 11 ft rilb EWiiSSSf 0 W" to. the'T'inul still increasing, and the nifi aV?u February 12th, though the raise even'ttt the:affOTeMtewiU -ln"insio- v 4u ui aiiv iuuna anywnere. After the date mention H lii rri . carrier and $6 a vear'or rrman " u DJ?fents a wee or f 7 a year by " t aumgcui iw preseni rate. i news service atch carries it Jvemember in fVtUirir i- u ui.rtrw::- ,.; :,.s .: v;;.. II ' xcacm es or an up-to-date news service the Disc

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