.j.Vi, , t I C COTTON: 1Illillgton spot-Nominal. ; Lannah spot-18 1-2. . -- Slrloston spot ( ). Sjorfolk : NEW YORK COTTON. (P,v ssociated Press.) York l'eb. 2. Cotton futures eV tpauv. March 15.17 to 15.06; cp(,IV .; to'li-07; July 15.10 to 15.- l4 ..tni vorv nervous and unset- i- nnvVot wac TTMifVi loco 1 vntprdav and excitement lli;ui .- i ne opening S! v' -t nnifa hplnw lata TiiixHt'c 5? :''p- figures during the first few clob Jps There appeared to be quite int of overnight selling ordersand was "ome Southern selling as tHere ,-..fi,. 1nral lirmfriii.tinYi J"ses with Liverpool connections a trade interests were guuu uuyers, Bfl 1 nf(oi. cc.llir.cr nff tr 1A ftrt i ber, 14.09.;ilDeCemherJU 9s o0uj u;wm5 W3s shown in th f WHjeMtPB if tWs mar! Jet today. Around rthe opening prices ost 19, 2& point but this w d lowed by a recovery which, at the end l ot thrst half .hour ' of bus pess, amounted . to 14 to 20 points having tho-tnost Active months atra net loss of 5 tot8 points. - ; While there- were several set-backs during the m6rtting the general trend was upward especially . after reports from the interior stating that spot buyers were trying to trade. Toward noon the strongest months were five points over yesterday's close xne market weakened in the after. n1 III l .j v. norfh but generally uncnangea 10 lower aiiu iicuvB muiitiiH 14.94 before the end rn lieu I" Jowins similar fluctuations The nWrKei ai3 'too av,- ,vith flnftiiations irrfienlnr. tTe . .r CUl . ,1 I 1 A OA cV-k1.tltr nffn midday with the more active positions n,- ,-iiiincr anniir zu ro z Tioinrs ft inwer There were occasional DlirtS 0t PeiUIlS ilUJLU OUUIUCIU nnrres hut Liverpool was a good buy- rthe entire month. The midday rany carneu may coij- tracts UP lo i-J-UJ uul- tIlc xxiaift-ci weakened, toward the middle of the afternoon on rumors mat an American vesSel hau Deen sunn, inis rumor seemed to come from Chicago, .and lacked confirmation, but May broke to Il.tJS with active months selling about 44 to 4'j points under last night's clos ing figures. There was renewed liquidation m tte cotton market today and May con tracts within the first ten minutes sold to 14.60 or u4 points from last night's closing. While narrow and unsettled, the market was less active than yester day and the excitement appeared to be subsiding. Houses with Liverpool connections and trade interests were good buyers on the decline which was followed by a quick rally of 30 to 35 points. ? ;, . - STOCKS. , - 5 f ' - ' 4 losses were so evenly divided at the opening bf today's '-market as5 to , sug gest a: conflict of opinion among traders. The uncertainty: in ;the situation- between Whingtotffand i Ber-' lin ; was the cause of further caution bh the part of the prospective buyers and the short interest hesitated to press their advantage. : Nevertheless some important stocks as Atlantic noon nnrloT oinIT ttt i . " V vruii aiiu west muies, v;ruciuie oieei, 1 JW'-F. Baldwin Locomotive knd Erie made l"ttt 1U American ne wlow records r uu uccu Buun uy a uerman sub-i marine followed bv . r,,n.r.r;,, " V"11"? AmMn. ,01 v' .'rrr. tt" axea narrowly, but oeet sugar, for the current United States Steel fluc- a merino r. c A . , , ; ; i iuoicu ikwiuivi;, uui ucci oufecii , Geminv f S?S ded out of American Locomotive, Utah Copper, uemwuy. At j..sii tne tradme months Ttnrn New Orlern, S Pl , came more irregular liter on the f m. j. ivco -fofe again Tctx x jr xu tuv afternoon mainly in consequence of i o : aq ! heaviness in standard rails. St. Paul, To ;! i Union Pacific, Reading, Northern Pa- V.1V UUU - JL JA . VXA i,i C4JL ,VT l-QCAL MARKET'S, ;..; :' 1; i March May , July . October , December High . 14.40 14.55 14.60 14.10 14.30 13.15 13.27 'ORLEANS SPOT. (By Associated Press.) New Orleans, Feb. 2. Spot cotton, nominal and unchanged. Sales on the spot, 1,145, to arrive none; Good. ordinary ; 15. 6tstrict good or dinary 16.19; low middling, 16.69; strict low middling 16,94;- middling 17.19; strict middling, 17 . 38 ; good middling 17.56; strict good middling, 17.81. Receipts, 1,569; stock, 447,840. LIVERPOOL COTTON. (By Associated Press.) Liverpool, Feb. 2. Cotton Spot, quiet; prices lower; good middling, 10. 43; middling 10.33; low middling 10. 15. Sales, 7,000 bales, including 1,000 for speculation and export. Receipts, 7,000 bales including 6,700 American. Futures closed quiet. Feb-March 9.65 to 2 points down, and Steel, Marines, Smelting and "Republic Iron forfeited all gains. Allis-Chalmers 215-8 American Beet Sugar 89 American Can 39 American Car and Foundry . . 59 American Locomotive 63 1-8 American Cotton Oil 44 3-8 American Smelting 94 5-8 American Sugar . . w . 105 1-4 American Tel. & Tel 1231-2 American Tobacco . . . . . . . . 204 Anaconda, Copper . . 72 Atchison 100 1-2 Atlantic Coast Line : . . 112 1-4 Baldwin Locomotive .. .. .... 45 Baltimore & Ohio 75 Bethlehem Steel 370 Canadian Pacific -.1551-4 Central Leather 70 3-4 Chesapeake & Ohio 59 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 83 1-2 Phi T? T Xr Vac Rv 91 1.9 March-April 9 . 65 Colorado Fuel & Iron 411-8 April-May .. 9.60 Consolidated Gas 1241-2 May-June 9 . 60 ! Corn Products 18 3-8 June-July 9 .55 Crucible Steel . . 51 1-2 July-August 9.511 Cuba Cane Sugar .'. 37 3-4 Butter, .1 lb., Country . . . . , .2$c Spring Chickens, apiecia . . . , . 25c to 40c Grown Chickens, apiece . . . .50c to 65c Fuddle Ducks picj -i.46e jQuineas, apiece "T. , J. : ; .f 5C Beef. , .'. . . -f ;. . .9c jto luc SetPoatQes biishtel f. . . "V; T8bc Irish Potatoes, sack, . . .. .. .$6.00 N. C. Hams, lb.! ... . . . . 20c tp 25c N. C. Shoulders and Ribs. lb. ";. &15c Oranges, California ; . . . . . ...$3.25 Orange, Florida . . . .. .. $3.0d Bananas, 7-8, bunch i . . J1.10 to $1.4Q Lemons,' fancy . ; i ; .":' V; .i . : 3.50 Tangerines .. .. .. .. ; j ueiery, buncn ,? .... fjt.su. Apples, "barrel v. . . . . .'$4-25 to 6.0Q Bell Peppers,' bush.. '--60c Onions, 110 lb. sack . . .. 525s Beans, Lima. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 3-4c: Peas Black eye . . .... . ." . . . ,8c Turnips, Canadian Rutabaga:: 2 1-2c Pork, lb.. ..lie to 111-2C Corn, per bushel .... .... . . . .$1.20 Hides, Green, .. .. .. .. ..20c. Peanuts, N. C. .. ..$1.00' Peanuts, Spanish . , . . $1.15 to $1.25, Wool . . 32c Beeswax .. i.. 28c, WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 50. Rosin $5.60 and $5.35. Tar $2.60- and $2:35. Crude $4 $4 $3. Receipts: ;nn j ;ChiCagy Febr, Biittett receipts juns., - ; Eggs Higher, receipts 5,924 f cases ; firsts, 44 12; prdinary nsts,: 42 to 43 niarfc SiaBeaVincluded 405to 44.-. ' r.Chese Unchanged. ' ' y . 'A ;': Potatoes Unchanged." cars. ; .'J PoultryUnchanged.. ; Receipts - 15 LIVE - STOCK; - kansas -City, Feb. v 2. ctfahged. ' EJggs--First, 42. Poultry Unchanged. changed, I' .cSt. Louis, Feb. 2-r-Hogs : Receipts, ZmaY" hlgheft 5gMs,mi;45"lI.80 ; pigs,' 9.00 10.75; -good heavy. li.90 burU.55lL95. Cattle: , Receipts v.700; steady. Na 'iye i,befef Steers, T.SfflLTSj pearling steers iarid! neif ers, 8,50 lir:50 f-?c6war, 508.75;:v stackers, r 5.30 8 50; calyee,-6.014.50.- XlSbeep; v Receipts;'- 700; higher. Lambs, 12.75014.50 T r ewes." 6.50 10.5(yeariingsr-11.0012.25. - -Butter, un- Kansas City, Feb. 2 Hogs Re ceipts, 4,000 ; steady- Bulk .11 . 35 to 1175; heavy 11.65-to 11.80; light 11. 25 to 11. 60; pigs 9 . 50 to 1 1 . 00 . ' ' Cattle Receipts 500; steady; prime fed steers 11.00 to 11; 75;, dressed beef steers 8.75 to 10. 00 Southern steers 7700 to' 9.50; cows 6.00 to 9.50; heif- jers1 .7.00 to 11 .Oft; stockers 0.75 to .New , York, Feb. 2. Bitter, firm ; receipts, 7,038; creamery, higher than extras, 4S43 i-2; creamery, extras, 92 score, i4242 1-2; firsts, 3841 1-2. Eggs, excited;' receipts; 4,239. Fi-esh gathered, "extra fine; '4$ t49; extra firsts, v At'tm 48; first, 46 1-2 47 5 seconds and lower grades, 45 46; re-jiobvtiulk 6.50 to 8.50; calves, 8.00 ingeraior second to nrsts, 1 i-z)fu.0 12.75. Cheese, steady; receipts, li045.l svppnlppppinta f nnn HKr fYol?, 'ilki flata ?eld'5 specials, I Lambg 12.75 to 14.60; yearlings 12.00 25251-2; do. average fancy, 24 l-2 to l3 05-wethers 10.00 to 11. 10! ewea 25. - ' i v. Poultry, firm; live, irregular; chick ens, 20 22 ; . fowls, 2 turkeys, 25 ; dressed, firm ; chickens, 1929; fowls, 1724; turkeys,, 20.34. St. Louis,; Feb.1 2. Poultry and but ter, unchanged. Eggs, firm 42. :- ' TEHWESSEE HftS Governbi4 Rye Puts an End to AH Shipments of ' Liquors. . . " (By ABspcted, Press.) Nashville, Tenn., , Feb. 2. -Governor Tom C. Rye this morning signed the "bone dry" bill which puts an end to ail shipments of liquor as beverage into the State sfter March 1. v-- Between today and March 1, Individ uals may order ono gallon for persona! or family use. to 13.25; wethers 10.00 to 11.10; ewes 9.75 to 10.60. Chicago, Feb. 2. Hogs Receipts, 15,000; strong 10 to 15c higher. Bulk 11.60 to 11.8ft; light 11.15 to 11.70; mixed 11.25 to 11.85; heavy 11.30 to 11.5; rough 11.30 to 11.45; pigs 9.50 tb 10.75. ' - k ': Cattle Receipts 1,000; strong. Na tive beef cattle, 7.75 to 12.00; West ern steers 7.75 to 10.15; stockers and feeders 6.00 to 9.10; cows and heif ers 5.00 to 10.25; calves 10.00 to 14.- GRAIN. (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Feb. 2. After a cautious start, the wheat market today influ enced by limited-purchasing scored. 00. moderate advance. Some of the more 1 Sheep Receipts 2,000. Firm. Weth venturesome traders tbok to the bulllers 10.40 to11.75; lambs 12.15 to side on the ground that the absence 14 . 60 of any rupture, yet gave hope that WEATHER REPORTS. . ' t ( February 2, 1917. Temperature. Cotton 133 Tar 114 NAVAL STORES. (By Associated Press.) Savannah, Feb. 2. Turpentine, dull, 51; sales, ( ); receipts, 68. Rosin Firm; sales i-); receipts, 303. Quoe B. D. E. F. .G. H. I. and K., 6.30; M. 6.35; N. 660; WG. 6.70; WW. 6.90. a break with Germany might yet be averted. Extreme cold endangering the" domestic winter crops tended also to lift prices. Opening quotations. COTTON SEED OIL. (By Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 2. The cotton seed oil market closed easier. Spot 12.30 which ranged- from 1 1-4 decline to.bid; February 12.30 to 12.55; March One touch whole world can. of winter makes the chill -Baltimore Ameri- Cotton closed unsettled. High Close March 15.17 13.94 Mav 15.26 14.08 Julr 15.10 14.10 October 14.60 13.78 December 14.65 : 13.90 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. (By Associated Press.) . New Orleans, Feb. 2. Cotton open ed irregular. Opening bid: March, 14.35 : May. 14.51: July. 14.57: Octo- August-Sept. Sept.-Oct. Oct.-Nov. Nov. -Dec; . St. vr. . . .4. , Dec .-Jan . , . Jan. -Feb. 1 . . . . ft - - 9.33 Erie .. 251-4 9.12 General Electric .. 1615-8 9 . 00 Great Northern Pfd 112 3-4 8.93 Great Northern Ore Ctf s. .... 30 1-4 8.90. Illinois Central 102 1-4 8.87 Inspiration Copper 50 1-2 Int. Merc. Marine Pfd 66 34 LIVERPOOL' STATISTICS. (By Associated Press.) Ray Consolidated Copper- .. .. 23 3-4 Reading . . .1 90 1-4 ;Rep. Iron & Steel.. .. 66 Seaboard Air Line 14 1-2 Seaboard Air Line Pfd. ;. 32 3-8 Sloss, Shef. Steel & Iron'.. ..50 'Southern Pacific 92 5-8 Southern Railway . 27 3-4 Southern Railway Pfd 65 2cl-2 advance was with May at 1.63 and July at 1.42 to 1.43 1-2, and were followed with slight downturns in some cases and then a hardening of values all around. Active demand from thte seaboard put strength into corn. The nervous ness which was evident yesterday seemed to be entirely gone. After opening l-8c off tb l-4c up, prices made substantial general gains. Oats rose with corn Buying, though, was light. Support from packers carried pro visions up grade. Offerings were scarce. 12.30 to 12.34; April 11.99 to 12.02; May 12.00 to 12.01; June 11.99 to 12.02; July 11.98 to 12.01; August 11.96 to 11.99; September 11.90 to 11.92. Total sales 22,000. SUGAR. (By Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 2. Raw sugar quiet, centrifugal, 4.89; molasse, 4,02. Refined quiet, fine granulated, 6.75. Sugar futures at noon were unchang ed to two points lower. Operators were inclined to even up and await developments. Chicago, Feb. 2. Liverpool. Feb. 2. Weekly cotton 1 statistics :TotaH forwarded to mills, Louisville & Nashville 127 69,000 bales; American 59,000; stock, Liggett & Myers (bid) 255 554. uuu ; American; 73S,uwu; imports, Lorillard Co. (bid) 185(5)238 International Nickel . i 38 International Paper '. 39 1-2 ' Studebaker Corporation 96 Kansas City Southern 21 ITennessee Cppper . . . . .... 13 40 1-8 ! Texas Co. 204 Union Pacific 132 3-4 62,000. American.! exports 7000. f i ' . GOTHAM SPOT. (By Associated Press.) , New York, Feb. 2. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 14.03; no sales. , : Maxwell Motors Mexican" Petroleum . . National Lead New York Central . . . . NY., N. H. & Hartford Norfolk & Western .. Northern Pacific . . . . Pennsylvania . . ...... 48 85 United Fruit .. .. .. .. .. . United States Rubber . . . jU. S. Smelting Refining I United States Steel . .: . . . . 53 1-2 United States Steel Pfd. . 92 1-4 Utah Copper .... . . . . 41 1-4 Virginia-Caro. Chem. . . .129 1-2 Wabash Pfd. B. . . . . . .102 1-2 Westernt7nron . . . . . 54 i Westinghouse Electric .. .142 1-2 . 53 . 54 1-2 .100 3-8 .117 .104 . 351-4 . 26 . M 3-4 . 47 3-8 Wheat- May 1.62 July 1.42 Corn May .96 3-4 July .96 Oats May .52 1-2 July .52 Pork May . .28.00 July 27.70 Lard May .... 16.00 July 16.20 Ribs May . .14.90 July ( ) . High. Close 1.60 3-4 1.43 1-8 .96.3-4 .95 7-8 .52 3-4 .51 7-8 28.27 28.07 16.17 16.32 15.12 15.25 4 Oscar P. Peck, WOOD Telephone 341. I Pine, Oak, Mixed Wood. Dry- h Kiln Blocks, Slabs. All kinds of Mill Woods. h PROMPT DELIVERY. WEATHER i I- -'5 at 8 a. m. J: Z B-H rs a -1 Asheville . .snowing 52 6 0 Atlanta clear 52 12 0 Charleston clear 66 30 .18 Charlotte .. ..clear 64 20 0 Chicago clear 12 10 0 Galveston '. . ..clear 42 26 0 Jacksonville ..clear 56 28' 0 N. Orleans .. ..clear 56 26 0 N.York .. ..pt cldy 48 12 , Q Pittsburg ..snowing 34 8 .02 Raleigh .'. ..pt cldy 64 26 .02 St. Louis pt cldy 14 8 0 Washington . . . clear 52 16 0 MRS. R. W. GRIMES TESTIFIES. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii''' 1 J:BMcCA6E&Cp.;i I Certified Public Accouxp- s Mvm M5 Mnrchlson Baak Blte ' ' - 2 Pbtrnt 8041. WH.MINOTON, X. O. S IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii Robersonville, N. C, January 2nd, 1917. Person Remedy Company, Charlotte, N. C. Gentlemen: Some time ago I was attacked with a serious spell of Typhoid Fever, which left, me in a very weak condition and effected my limbs. We decided it had resulted in white swelling. Every Vem edy we could think of was used, but to no effect. My suffering was great and I had to go on crutches. At last we were induced to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, after suffering for two years, and the result was marvelous. After taking eight bottles 1 was entirely cur-, ed, and have never had a symptom oC trouble since. My . faith -in Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy Ms great and I would advise all sufferers to give it a trial and be convinced as I have. (Signed.) - Mrs. R. W, Grines. Among the best anywhere as a blood tonic and general tonic. Ask your druggist- Advt. "'' Every The r Contains Many Ex clusive Features JUL 0 O 1 Every Week-Day Afteriiddii Morning Service, Special Correspondents and Unexcelled Local News ' . .... .. v-.. Effective February 1 2tb, 1 91 7, the subscription price will be 15 cents a week delivered by carrier in the city, or when paid in advance : One year, $7.00; six months, $3150; three months, $1.75. By mail the price will be: One year, $6.00 ; six months, $3.00; three months, $1.50. - : ' Those who pay in advance prior to February 1 2th will get the ad vantage of the present low subscription rate. X The increase in price merely brings the rate up to that charged by other seven-day papers of the State and has been made necessary, on account of the very high price now charged for white paper. . ADDRESS 4 V ;. . I; M ..I

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