THE ISPGH NO 5,000 NET PAID SUBSCRIBERS THE P WEATHER FORECAST. worth Carolina Fair and warmer i . -:!- anH Wednesday. INGTO PATCH ' Scuth Carolina Fair and warmer : ton:ht and Wednesday. Frost to night along the coast. FULL LEASED WIRF SERVICE VOL. XXII. NO. 385. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY FTERNOON, FEBRUARY 6, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WlLM FINAL EDlTiOrJ j )A V ES TONE SINK ING ! O T LIK&L 1 $ -$ i VERT ACT OF Washington Seems .Waiting Incident That Will Cause the Break. MOBILIZATION PLANS CONTINUE TO BE MADE President's Proclamation For bidding Transfer of Ships Deemed Vital Senate Get ting Ready to Endorse The Wilson roiicy. Sfeffrj Germany Desires No Conflict With The United States TO BE j i I i n i mi PROPOSES 1 SUBMARINES. A I 02 1 i 1 II BLEAK I DOES B WEATHER 1 I EAR SOUTH (By Associated Press.) London, Feb. 6. A wireless dis patch received here today quotes the Overseas News Agency, of Berlin, to the effect that Foreign Secretary Zimmerman declared, in an interview . ii r t that Germany joined with President Vegetable .Crops m Louisiana Wilson in the wish that there may be no conflict and that the German guv ci iim t? ii l, aiter minute examina tBv Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 6. With pros- 01 anotner ay-oi waning ior uon ot tne President's speech to Con nee i i i x. i r::e campaign that may bring war be tween the United States and Germany, immediate interest here centered to- dav upon tne destruction oi me btiz- steanaer. Eavestone, in which an American seaman lost nis nie. . - i m .1 a Annsrenny ouiciais . are connaeni that this incident will not pr e to be, t;.e overt act that will cause Motili ties, but nevertheless complete re ports are awaiiea wim anxiety. Earlv in the war the State DeDart- i . . Eoiu received several similar reDorts he shelling of vessels by subm:. s a:ul the injury of passengers or' ere?- in :ue ooats. Dut investigation i to the conclusion that the vessels' Suffer About Fifty Per Cent. Loss. .tVJ'.TJfft. USE FINALLY IflPTS SENATE DIRGE BILL ' One Act of Infidelity Sufficient Now to Get a Divorce : Decree NE W HOPE COMES THATWARMAY YET NOT BREAK FORTH PISTOL TOTING BILL IS PASSED. Measure Introduced For a Statewide Tax On Dogs Near Sensation in The Senate. gress, appreciates "those words of non-hostile character." ? .lcy' emrrnr im ; FIVE-YEAR PERIOD. ' Won? yfiFtss.&.sxwti . urn ENGLISH COLO Washington, Feb. (. Senator Poin dexter, of Washington, has entered a bill in the Senate proposing that the ' United States immediately begin Low Temperatures Prevailed building lOO more submarines than Arr I cf NiVV,f Flon'rla tllose already authorized by Congres A IgUAll LJUtf b A AAAW 111 A 1V1 ABOARD APPAM! i posal incorpcrated in the annual na val appropriation bill. The bill pro vides for eighty coast defense sub marines and twenty of the sea-going type. Turned Over by German Lieu tenant When U. S. Marshal Took Charge. No Additional Damage. Already in Millions. (By Associated Press.) New Orleans, La., FeD. 6. The ex-' tremely cold weal her of the last few ; days caused looses of from 50 to 60 j per cent, of the vegetable crops in' Louisiana, according to reports re-! ceived here today. Most, of the orange groves escaped with slight damage, reports indicated. Virtually no vegetable shipments to'1 Northern markets have been made' from Louisiana since last Friday and it was stated shipments will not be re-: sumed until the last of this week. The I cold weather in this section, the mostl ' v i "TT- xt a y severe since January, 1912, was mod-i , T . , can be located m Norfolk the Appam ti t d j Others Have , Limbs Frozen 1 1 will be moved tomorrow. & " ' It was learned officially today that! Mao A,PM(lv Co.t Millions While m UDen tJoat Trom m leaving his ship Lieutenant Hans j Berg, the ship's commander, turned J over to the United States marshal in Senator Poindexter expects a favor able"" report from the Naval Affairs Committee in time to have the pro-' morals. It is now a law in the State (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleigh, Feb. 6 The House, after having killed the Senate divorce bill prescribing one act of infidelity by husbands as ground for absolute di vorce Monday afternoon, reconsid ered the vote Tuesday and passed it by 53 to 37. The vote on second reading Mon day was 34 to 35, King, of Nash, miss ing by a second his chance to make it a tie. Twenty-one more Represen tatives were present at the recall of the bill today, and 19 of them were recorded in favor of the act of equal DISABLE THE FEARING SEIZURE BY UNITED STATES Crews of Nine German Ships Tamper With The Engines and Boilers. German Foreign Minister Raises Encouragement In The United States BUT MAKING READY FOR WAR PROCEEDS. Emergency Amendments to Naval Bill Introduced in The House Today Officials Calmly Await Develop ments in The New Danger -one. MANY OF THEM ARE . TAKEN IN CUSTODY. Other German Seamen are Be ing Detained Happened In The Hawaiian Islands. r:re resisting or trying to escape, i I: this is found to be the case with tne Lavestone, tne act win not De re- , ... girded as illegal. - &y Associated Press.) ,Iear.wm ea-romerence of neutral underway to move the German canons is Demg discussed, on sugges- r, ok; a t , -nt, . i.uu ui ur u ih uxupcau jieuLiis.News tQ Noffolk. If a suitable pier uiLjL sc k: ci i aunjicu uy tile war. and although it is believed the idea has been favorablv received by Pres ident Wilson, there is no definite in-i dication that the plan will mature, i Relations with Austria are not on a! herence of the dual monarchy ta Ger Kany's submarine war program, but cem: in differences in her announced ir.ter.tions make it uncertain just waat tne Lmted States i Continued on Page Eight) FOUR SOLDIERS DIE U DEPRIV fiTinni n u i Has Already Cost Millions. f Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 6. Cold, weather of Saturday, Sunday and Mon- day has cost fruit and vegetable grow- 1 , . - , , ... . . . i First definite renorts. on which ac CUIU.' Torpedoed Steamer. i?AA . 1 t T7i vict uuu wov lut. .v,0wx o " , i 1 I I .11 f H Itlfir llllfflllllW iti r,i Mi in I f III iMM v - ' (By Associated Pyess. . heavilv laden with The Senate had almost unanimously passed it the last week. Its passage today was followed by parliamentary tac:cs that make impossible its re consideration. Representative Pegram's pistol-car- j rying bill providing minimum fine of I $50 and a maximum of $200, also j thirty days' minimum or two years' 1 maximum imprisonment went through the House, and Ray, of Ma i con, offered a Statewide dog tax bill, I imposing ?1 each. The House and Senate committees announced a meet ing for the public hearing of the women's reformatory measure. Grant, of New Hanover, figured most in tlie work cf lining up the men who came in today. He set out yesterday to pass the divorce bill and was happiest of all today. The Senate received twenty-five or fifty petitions concerning prohibi tion, and the establishment of a homei (By Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 6. Germany's disposition to regard the break with the United States with calmness and deliberation and in a peaceful spirit, as expressed by Foreign Minister Zim mermann, brings new encouragement to those who hope the breach between the two countries will go no further than a severance of diplomatic rela tions. The real test, however, comes on tha actual performance of the campaign . rP nrftn4-i ..I 1 i )f all nine German mer- wariaro. , tied up in the Hawaiian whlie all American officials fer- (By Associated Press.) Honolulu, T. H., Feb. 6. Engines and boilers of chant vessels Islands, have been disabled by their crews. The crews of the North German Lloyd steamers, Pommern and Prinz Waldemar, have been formally taken into custody and crews of the other seven vessels are detained at the im migration station. Territorial author ities have requested their removal to the naval base at Pearl harbor. The request was referred to Washington. Beside the Hommern and Prinz Waldermar, German vessels are the Gouvernor Jaeschke, Holsatia, Loong moon and Staats Secktar Kraetke, oi the Hamburg-American "Line; the vently share the hope that the break will go no further, there is no dispo sition to recede from the position that American lives and rights will be pro tected by whatever measures are ne cessary. The work of preparing for eventualities went steadily forward today in all branches of the govern ment. . Emergency amendments to the Na val bill were presented to the Houso today by Chairman Padgett of the Na val committee after conference with administration officials. They propose: Issue of $150,000,000 of 3 per cent. 5- is at Hilo. Brest-, e.-rneapanr -amr-is rr6T-waVward "Sfrls. br "deTerfea' "ac men of the Spanish steadier, Algorta, . Hon on the Brenizer bill, which would imn pi iUttiouai i.i , i j i t j v, aaunaers was unaware ot tne Dres- . . , , , ; which was sunk bv a submarine, have: da. .u; m nnn v.Q it ! sran fo arrive tociav and eacn one aaa- a- viLio j. u.w nui. iu o-1 ence Of this money aboard the Apnam'6" ".V" Vi." . " 'been landed here by a steam trawler. tpblih rpfnrmatoriP for wnmpn and government and Lieutenant Berg's action in vol-.tuT.l"LUl.blL .u"TJ 'They were adrift for 46 hours before tabled a measure introduced bv ;untarily surrendering it came as a: " l fe xe eetab le cron of the being rescued- and four sailors died Gough, of Robeson, to keep news I ; surprise. ; . kined entirelv All o the as a result of Privations soon af er butchers on trains at way stations. ! Discussing the condition of the:o;anffes and grapefruit on the trees bf,ing talten aboard the trawler The ;, The .nearest approach to a sensa-, - Appam. Marshal Saunders said that . i,tnM ouier reiugees nau iueir nanus aim tion came when Gough presented a engineers from the Coast Guard cut-, the treeg themselves were killed HEAVY SHIP LOSS IIS HAVE n D P AM fiuv Uuli lu JHlUHn ET FREE ter, Yamacraw, found the machinery ; no(. expected that there are many , hospital in excellent .condition. There weretrees in the State that will escape ' Several of them a ' no indications of any attempt what-.,,1f1f lQTTQO Q iQQO ATrtaf dition. instances r .. .... .... . r . .. o . ni .i r- .. rr... n. It ig ieet irozen ana are m me beuineu s f petition trom ibU people ot Franklin ; rasi lViOnin DlggeSl ror nar- re in a grave con- , cording to the marshal, j was in perfect condition. the vessel Germany diiy dLLeuipL WUdl- ,of1 rlin p- thpir Ipavps at Ipnst ATnst . ever to tamper with her. In fact, ac-' - tv0 itr.c frni nrnn i,nWPvPr had! i already been picked and shipped arid ; j the loss is not near so great for the! I citrus fruit growers as it woul have " Notifies America been had the freeze occurred a month I -a- -jf -if -x- -x- -K- -x- v? & r asu. i ! The temperature here, which was j.26 at 7 a. m., was rising later m the; ;day. vest by German Warcraft. No American Boat Sunk AMERICA'S ACTION That Prisoners From Off 1 II British Prizes Released ! pledging wilson support (By Associated Press.) ! (Bv Associated Press.) j Washington, Feb. 6. Official notice; Springfield. 111., Feb. 6. The (:' 'he release by Germany of the 64 i Illinois Legislature adopted a f! mpr:can.! held prisoner in Germany resolution today pledging sup- -vf' er having taken passage on board. port to President Wilson in the Eiish armT-d merchantmen, captured ' event of war with Germany. -i ! -A- New Hampshire Lines Up. -X VjUUtUI U, X . XI., X' cu. u. 111C A i New Hampshire Legislature to- -X-i V ti f r T m i PftTOl'ftT TTTOO TC ot7x-i. aiuci , vv ao x. o i ceived-p.t the State Department to-i in delayed dispatch from Amer-J --i -un--?aaor Gerara. nie prisoners' were released. Ger GERMANS RAID THE VERDUN FRONT BOOSTS WAR 111 Rome Thinks It Will Hasten The End of The War Let . ters From The Front. county opposing a bill introduced by; Senator Person, of that county, pro viding for the election or the county board of education. Senator Person has all the while told the opposition j Associated Press ) to popular election of the boards of; New Yori Feb 6.The destruc- education that they would never be Uon of merchant tonnage due to sub- returned to their seats in the Senate Setos, of the Kosmos Line, and the''.1 Looksun, of the North German Lloyd. I ll7F f ShipS ' aJ?d suPP4es 1 in' The Ojd Ahlers, of the Hansa Line, BUUiU'"lut:B' uBLIuia Appropriation bf $1,000,000 for pur chase of basic patents for manufacture and development of air craft. Blanket authority to the President and Secretary of the Navy to "order ships or war material from any plant they please, within the limits of ap propriations to take possession of any plants that refuse" to give the govern- j ment precedence and to draft employes of private plants engaged in this work into the naval establishment. The War Department put its quar termaster agents in the market to bring reserve stores up to the maxi mum supply at once. Optimistic View. Berlin, Sunday, Feb. 4 (via Wireless to Sayville, Feb. 6. Delayed Al though late this afternoon no official confirmation has reached Berlin that relations with the United States had been broken off, the text of President Wilson's address to congress removed marines, mines and kindred war causes, was greater during January after voting against his measure. He J J iUn -..l..3 Z lenTC3 n , 'to statistics published today by the ! all doubts i '"the general JU1!CS- i fluuwmuc ubu. lub Journal of commerce. The gross ton-i U"11U "B " ' w u nage lost was 336,997, involving the I ? lo ei":iue.M U1 ari "l Brenizer reformatory bill in its pres- ''"' :r ei'i Gersimy 7 hi, w - day adopted a resolution endors- D. . D D TU.f Tkr, ms hpranco nt thp timp nf lne the action ot Presiaent vvii- -s- . j rmpntjhey did not know , son in severing diplomatic rela- -K- ( had nlannpd tn trpat. all . tions with Germany. i ships as war vessels. j Sfems to indicate to officials -X- -X- Ctorman-v decided to treats i.MV'''15 aswarships as far back; v-!:,n tle men taken into port by' le took out their serv- : 1r'fr- details were g'ven '- ' (I: - .-:ic:, S to the method ofj One r, 'ho Yr ;er ROBESON HOLDS TO (By Associated Press.) Rome, Feb. 5, Monday (Via Paris, Feb. 6). The newspapers comment extensively on the German-American crisis and express the hope that neu trals, without exception, will associ ate themselves with the United States. The attitude of America has (By Associated Press.) influenced subscrintions to the fourth Paris, Feb. 6. Two German raids ; war lo n which opened todav. it be- flast night on the Verdun front, at; 1r!fr fpit hpt intRrventinTi nf th Louvemont and Eparges, gained no; TTnited atatps would thp con: Were Hurled Back French Penetrate Teuton Lines. ent shape, although he was heartily e 1CI l4- ' formation. Foreign Secretary Zim - - , . . . , . . , UL lilt VCOOCIO, IUC OiaiCiUCllI, , - . . . . ,xx xavux i 1" h "- uc,ouc. d this brings tne total destruc- "ie;"Icl" "lcluc because he thought the committing . . ' . . 9co to the Overseas News Agency: "We regret this measure taken by President Wilson all the more since ilnrinir mar " A QfiQ irrnoa officers were g'ven too much power . n,v,' ' T that the bill was not carefully r rrr f rr;Tr r VL snd enough drawn. ARMY AGENTS MAKING SOME BIG PURCHASES. tivities of one or more-German raiders lams all traditions and all Interna in the Atlantic. British shipping suffered heaviest in January, according to the statis tics, with 54 vessels destroyed. Nor way ranked second, with 34 ships lost No Ameri- of the prisoners. 'ho last American acts he- - severance of relations was! v Aixjj..c;vxxt.LC I cicaac x ; b d oo,-. POL CEMEN i"-oa. success, the war omce reports. An attack on French trenches, near Par Iroy forest, reached the first line, but ' the Germans were ejected immediate ly by a counter attack. I In the region o Aspach, in Alsace, i three French recomioitering parties penetratea tne uerman lines, uesLiuy ing shelters and returned without losses. The announcement follows: "On the right bank of the Meuse two surprise attacks by the enemy,one ea'st of Louvemont, the other near (Special to The Dispatch.) 'Enarees. were broken up by our fire. f By Associated Prrss i ! Emberton, Feb. 6. No change mIn Lorraine, during the night, the en- the number of rural policemen was pmv aiter a violent bombardment. made by the Robeson County Com-, nttnctrpd onp of our trenches, north- l; or .-: iir.i,. w,,. n a missioners at their regular monthly woa nf thp forpst of Parrnv. Part, of x -i'uuiic mcoaagc aucgeu ... , x , . i ,vj ------ - iiHVc I.,.,.,, , 4. - , A A. mpptine- six neins selected as toliows: - i l iiuiit nere to tiie : tut; ciicxxij' ti vupw, "u. v. Til " TJU I 1 -n W j-V-m AVI fV f'f -1 1 -i toners and a most energetic j inst their original dn-, AU gix ere Elected by Coun- DCLARES CONCEALED I WIRELESS AT WORK. ! ty Commissioners Yestre day Other News. elusion of the war. Ambassador Page has received many letters from soldiers at the front, some of them written in Eng lish by Italians who lived in America until the declaration of war by Italy, expressing apprpval of the attitude of Washington. Put to Ply consul at Madrid, advising Eli Phillips, Lumberton, N. 11 iAORE VESSELS ADDED TD THE LIST u ' - to our first line, was driven out im-! ; t::o dprifirtiir.o nc o ,i,:n for L. Beards, bt. lauis; w. a. bmuinipiiiatelv bv a counter attack. ,fJ ioud iron orp for a forp.iern Red Springs; W. W. Smith, Maxton; ; In the region of Ancerviller, we : J . H . Carper, aper also alleges the ex-! Britt, Fairmont Beard -and .f'W ( ,- f'OnPalH Ttririaliioo i " cnn. re-elected, except C. L. ;nir,rnuion to Gprmnn snhma- Austin Smith. Robeson s representa rf'gardihff hp movpmpnte of tives in the Kowiana; w. - j captured a German patrol. In Alsace, All of these were iTV thp vicinitv of Asnach. Northwest Legislature introduced of Altkrlch, after artillery prepara tion, French reconnoitering parties penetrated at three different points, and supported a bill in the early part , nositions of the Germans. After going of the session , abolishing these of- up to their works and destroying their1 i . a t A. AT- --T, n..4- 4-1. ' - ... . Lloyds Makes Report of Sink ing of English Sailing Ship and Norwegian Bark. London, Feb. 6. The British sailing vessel Belford has been sunk, Lloyds shipping agency announced today. Lloyds also announces that the Nor- ces, but sentiment throughout the j seiters, our troops returned without! Srf U SS inv ' SWISS WON'T FOLLOW AMERICANS. ; county seemed to be so strong against such procedure that they had the bill recalled. ' The Commissioners elected Mr. M A. McQueen cotton grader and weigh Associated Press.) 'ngtcn. Feb. 6. Informa- -X- er at Maxton. '" Switzerland will not Several parcels of land in the Back President Wilson's sue- Swamp and Jacob Swamp drainage hat in the interest of districts were sold for taxes at the ' uLiier neutrals ioi- w vyun nuuisc uciux ixuuu.,j. f !ead of the United States An extensive! signed petition has r'.-. ' uu reiauons ;i('.r-.i, ?rin V',rl,l i0V rifi having suffered losses. "The night was calm on the mainder of the front." re- STILL ONLY QUESTION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL. y (By Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 6. State Depart ment officials today reiterated that with been sent from here to the Legisla-t sailings of American ships to the war was received hpre to- ture in behalf of the automobile tax zone still were questions ior private '( far as is known this is bill, which provides that 90 per cent individuals and that the government lr-Jt resnnnso v it. f tv.o atomoritlA taxps collected in had taken no action, although some U, . each county go to the road funds of statement-of its attitude may be is- " " jtliat county. 1 . I sued, soon for their guidance. thp The Tamara sailed from Black river, Jamaica, oh December 6 for Fleetwood, according to marine reports. The British Belford, of 1,955 tons gross, was last reported sailing from San Francisco on August 23rd for Plm-outh. Panama Bank Closes Doors. (By Associated Press.) Panama ,Feb. - 6. The Continental Banking and Trust Company closed Banking and Trust ,C,onipany has clos ed its doors. . . . s. tional law we are cut off from all di rect communication and regular intercourse with the trans-Atlantic world. "The text of the President's mes sage in absence of other official docu ments, has therefore been examined most minutely. They give no real reason for hostility to the United w,rZ7r mmpdiatP and France third with 25 purchase of reserve ' quartermasters' can- German, Italian or Turkish mer cnniiP for thp am- nn to thp. limits chant ships were reported sunk. ujj.... j "i- - mi i j. ii n!i:.i- m of available appropriations was or- 1UIUU8UUUI tue wr oniu 6i States. Remembering the traitlonal dered by Secretary Baker. Purchas- tonnage destroyed amounted to 2,-, friendshlp which has existed between ing agents have been sent into the 568,317 or more than one-half of the the countries practically from the first market by Major-General Sharpe, total of all nations, with Norway and dayg Qf the United States, we natural-quartermaster-general, to carry out France standing second and third, j ly appreciate the words of a rather the orders in the shortest possible The loss of United States gross ton- non nostile character, which among time. ,nae nas been 24 :,5o8, representing ten others of a different character, are j ships. Entente losses have been 73 found in that message as transmitted WAI I CTRFFT HEARD lper cent' of the and Teutonic , b Reuters. In them President Wil VV i-JUL. D 1 rvn.lli I 1 llZ-Vl-VJ .2n rpnt. accordine 'to these sta- f -i . v- son gives assurauce mai xie wioxico 1 20 ner cent, accordine to these sta- THE WILD RUMOR, tiatics. (By Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 6. Rumors wide ly circulated . in the financial dis trict at noon today that Germany had declared war upon the United States caused a sharp break in the stock market. Prices gave way 1 to 3 points, with a special weakness in shippings, mu nitions and equipments United States Steel TELLS OF HIS SCHEME FOR NAT. SERVICE. (By Associated Press.) London. Feb. 6. Arthur Neville ; Chamberlain, director-general of the 1 British National Service, outlining dropped two the scheme for National service to- no hostile conflict' with Germany, and I can add that we appreciate this and other paragraphs In the message, join ing in this respect with President Wil son's note." points from its best price of the pre- day said: vious hour and other industrials lost: "Let nobody suppose that because as much and in some instances more. Count Bernstorff has been given his The rumor probably accounted for passports there is nothing else to do. the concurrent decline in exchange Germany intends to starve us. The to Germany and Austria, marks or answer' must be a blow straight be bills on Berlin being quoted at 66 3-8, , tween the eyes, which will beat the very close to the minimum, while re- j enemy down and bring him to his mittances to Vienna fell to 10.52, the senses." greatest discount yet reported GREATEST SERVICE DF THE F AMIRS Head of Reserve Board Tells of It to Tar Heel Com mercial Secretaries. The market soon recovered part of its loss, but continued extremely nervous. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 6. "The great est service that the farmers of the I South can render their country, w. i j ir. G. Harding, oi me ueuerai xvc- j TWO BRITISH STEAMERS : serve Board, said today in a tele- SUNK. i gram to tne rsorui Vyaruuxut olk3 '. Convention of Commercial Secreta ry Associated Press.) ries, at Gastonia, N. C, "is to coax London. Feb. 6. Lloyds late from the soil during iuu as great an I New York, Feb. 6 There was al today announced the sinking of abundance as possible of crops of all break of almost $3 per bale in the cof I the British steamship, Floridian, kinds." . ton market here today, after yester-5' of 4,777 tons gross. Sixteen "From a financial standpoint the day's advance to 16.01 for May con-' members of the crew were land- country is (already fully prepared, tracts, or about 31-2 cents from the ed. he continued, "and is ready to meet level of last Thursday. The decline Lloyds also announced the i any contingency that is likely to arise brought a rush of liquidation, which! sinking of the British steamship, j so that Xhere need be no uneasiness r- ixrotr nff to i s 4fi or h noints ! wanev jricKBiiixs. ui tuxx wii,ow. -"" UailJU WM. i " - JC 1 under last night's close. A quick ral-j gross. Ttt nf 3K -noin ta followed hnt the mar-. - AJ VM. W " ' ket remained unsettled. i Today Governor Harding was pre vented by business from attending the meeting. J .jJ:-.

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