;'': K-" ' V - If ! COTTON. LOCAlt MARKET n STOCKS. HD H rniuUHtfi S ' " ' ' " I at. I 1 I 1 . SI Jl '.. jl j. .. .. if an .mm - " " " ;J- iJ"' ( 01- i1 'i nil Raider Carried to Philadel- , '"".. j phia Under Guard, jj- A YIT DMPMT 11 ji 9 vJUJCjiviJCii,,i I ft 1 fharlosum spot . -orfolk mh" 16.00 18 1-2 16.00 -Nervousness Eggs . . . . Butter, 1 lb., Country Spring Chickens, apiece Grown Chickens, apiece. Puddle Ducks apiece Guineas, apiece .. .. ,'noiitiral ana shipping condic.ons Beef.. .. in ivnecipu in sweet Potatoes, hush! irisii Potatoes sack, w. c. Hams, lb ivul 'he further irregulari- u;1ti :u in the coltou mar- wns i de- 1 r I' I-, -v - i-i v lodav. i lie advance of four to Ml- . vtntVi the npvir rii 1 (it near months to undo.strad-C;'?-"m';iv eased off from 15.64 to ;".-. :1ri(M- the call, or about 4 lj 4 i.,.-,v lint ennn rallier! t n 1 Celery, bunnh 15-6- aba'- ill . - (1,.i,i1mii' lint mnst rf tVio ; was Deuevea to De in ot switching si: early l?:n' ,hp way very " prices ; 1110 general list luuilg unc hanged to 5 points high ;he end of the first hour. Tic interests were credited ..37c ..25c ...26c to 40c . . 50c to 65c 46c 35c ..9c to 10c 800 . . $6.00 . .20f. in xn. j. anoumers and Ribs Oranges, California.. .. orange, lonaa ?. $3.00 Bananas, 7-8, bunch Jl.io to $1.40 Lemons, fancy . . $3.50 Tangerines .. .. .. .. . sz.nft Apples, barrel $4.25 to KOO Bell Peppers, bush. Onions, no lb. sack Beans, Lima. ... .... . . Peas, Black eye .. . Turnins Canadian' T?ntnK0 hotwoon ! . 17' uiaUttSa "VVT I VOTK, ID He 1 1 1 - j - a XXU LI J L 1 i-zn A private caoie reporiea a Co fe h j - -j 1 market m Liverpool with . , ' Ci ,liv on calling and a better 5ldes' GrTfTe .-20c. ' ! 1'aa rrnf a AT n .Manchester. wubt, $l.U0 New York, Feb. 9. (Wall Street). Extreme caution was reflected in the course of prices during today's early trading. Initial quotations show ed few change's beyond fractional lim its, but secondary offerings were mainly at low levels. United States Steel fell a point from its top price with 1 to almost 2 points for Crucible and Lackawanna Steel and 1 1-4 for' lb. i5G , -Bethlehem Steel "rights." Other . .,.$3.25 neavy leatures included American wooien, industrial Aiconoi, Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies and Central Leather. The trend of foreign bonds was seen in the weakness of Anglo French fives, which broke all pre vious low records at 91 1-8. Steel yielded all its forenoon gain later and rallies reversed the early course with coppers. Rubber, Beet Sugar and American Car were 1 to 3 points lower. Local attractions also developed further weakness. Allis-Chalmers 25 3-1 Amercian Beet Sugar 96 5-8 American Can 42 1-4 50c $5.25 8 3-4c i. 8c 21-2c in A'" in anno-ri-v ha-1 !ve;- 7uV:.V-; r.r. xll- 15.5-5 with 1 i, s point : Bidday. Cotton closed steady ntinued very quiet later cuia. opauisn .. ..51.15 to $1.25 up. and prices fluctuated Wool 32C of 10 or 12 points. An j Beeswax .. 28c tnat ine negro wno! 1 1 in the sinking of the ivili- U HI I 111 JiliRillt, r.iitish subject and re el v. Gerarcrwould leave Swn zrrland on Saturday ! by n bulge to 15.64 for; Crude :t inice soon reacted toi h market ruling about 2 American Car and Foundry .... 61 1-2 American Locomotive 69 3-4 American Cotton Oil 42 American Smelting .. 95 3-4 American Sugar 106 American Tel. & Tel 124 1-2 American Tobacco Anaconda Copper 74 Atrhisnn 101 1-4 $2.75 and 12 cents, j Atlantic Coast Line Ill . $4.00, $4.00, $3.00 1 Baldwin Locomotive 53 1-2 Baltimore & Ohio 76 1-1 WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 50 Rosin $5.50 and $5.35 Tar RECEIPTS. net lower shortly after : Cotton it i a i Tar o Crude . . . . 4 March Jaiy - October . December High. . .15.50 . .15.64 .15.73 Close. 15.40 15.54 15.62 Xe:v York, Feb. 9. Quiet, miiloiinc, 15.50. !Dg NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans. Feb. 9. After open- loss oi' 4 to 5 points on the old crop montns toaay, tne cotton carket steadied up on small buying and p.t th end of the first half hour of business stood 2 to 4 points over yesterday's close. "The "volume of or ders coming in was small and traders were disposed to even up over the ap proaching double holidays. Liquidation of long contracts and in the trading up to noon the active months were sent 9 to 13 points below the level of yesterday's close. Cotton closed barely steady 1 to 18 points up. High. March 15..18 Mav 15.20 July 15.30 Octobt-r 15.11 December 15.22 SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Feb. 9. Turpentine dull 51: sales none rprointa 3- eiiin. J5.43ments, 102; stock, 15,897. ..l5.bJ 15.5. j Rosin firm; sales, 252; receipts, 611: shinmentK. 84! stnnt 78 qci -Spot cotton Quote: B, C, E, F, G, 6.05; H.'l, Kand M, N, 6.45; W. G., 6.60; W. W., 6.80. Close 15.11 15.07 15.18 14.90 15.02 EGGS AND POULTRY. Kansas City, Feb. 9. Butter, and poultry, unchanged. St. Louis, Feb. 9. Poultry changed except turkeys, 25c. Butter unchanged. Eggs 40 cents. Baltimore & Ohio , I Bethlehem Steel 395 Canadian Pacific 151 3-S Central Leather 82 1-2 Chesapeake & Ohio 57 3-4 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 80 Chi., It. I. & Pac. Ry 25 3-8 Colorado Fuel and Iron 44 1-4 Consolidated Gas 122 Corn Products 20 1-2 Crucible Steel 651-8 Cuba Cane Sugar 38 1-4 Erie 25 5-S General Electric ....1611-4 Great Northern Pfd . . Great Northern Ore Ctfs. . Illinois Central v, eSgs j Inspiration Copper . . . . . I Int. Merc. Marine Pfd. .. j International Nickel . . un- international Paper Kansas City Southern ji i-t Kennecott Copper 42 1-4 Louisville & Nashville . Liggett & Myers (bid) 260 Lorillard Co 200 to 230 . :1 7-8 88 Mntimml T.ead fo J-J New York Central H. & Hartford . . (By Associated Press.i ; Newport News, Va., Feb. 9. Under guard supplied by the, 'immigration authorities, Lieutenant Hans Berg, commander, and the members of the German prize crew, . which brought the British liner, Appam, into this port, after her capture by the Ger man raider Moewe, in he Mediterran ean Sea a year ago, left this morning for Philadelphia, where they -will, be plac -d in detention under the care of the . commandant of the navy yard there. The Appam' crew will make their home with their brothers on the in terr d German auxiliary cruisers Prinz Eitel Friederich and Kronprinz Wilhelm. They will not be consider ed a prisoners, it was explained but merely detained uiider surveillance. Mary, Aeroplanes Shot Down. Berlin Feb". 9, via Sayville The Ger mans lost 34 airplanes in January and the British, French and Russians 55, the war office announced today. "The aviators, notwithstanding the sever cold, fulfilled in January their important tasks of observation, recon noitering and attacking," the state ment says. "Last month we lost 34 airplanes. The British, French and Russians lost 55 airplanes in aerial engagements or by being shot down from the gorund. Of these 29 fell be yond our lines, as was seen plainly and 26 are in our possession. "Mor-ver three hostile captive balloons were brought down in flames. We lost no balloons." NEAR FIRE SECOND STREET. .113 1-4 30 3-4 53 7-8 64 7-S 42 1-8 37 1-3 Soot in Chimney Burning Called Fire j Department Out. ! The fire apparatus was called to j South Second street about 2 o'clock . Friday afternoon, but found nothing more serious than the soot in a chim ney at the apartments occupied by a , Mr. Johnson and family burning. The property is owned by Mr. E. P. Bailey . and located within a stone's throw of ; Market street. Many persons were at tracted to the scene. The Clement Studios GOLDSBORO, N. C. Specialist In HOME PORTRAITURE AND HIGH-GLASS COPY PORTRAITS IN SEPIA, AND COLORS FROM PHOTOS, DAGUERREOTYPES AND MINIATURES. HEADQUARTERS AT ORTON HOTEL For a Few Days. If Interested Phone Clerk at Orton and Samples of All Classes of Our Work Will Be Taken to Your Home for Inspection. 11 Ji NEW ORLEANS SPOT. New Orleans, Feb. 9. Spot cotton, nominal and unchanged. Sales on the spot l.oOO; to arrive 200. Good ordi nary 1-1.69; strict good ordinary 16.19; low middling 16.69; strict low middling 104; middling 17.19; strict middling, 17."i; good middling 17.56; strict good middling 17. SI. Receipts 2,148; Hoek "436,586. New York, Feb. 9. Butter unset tied; receipts. 4,547. Creamerv hieh-! Maxwell Motors er than extras 45c; creamery extras,! Mexican Petroleum 92; score, 44; firsts,. 37 l-243. Eggs Unsettled. Receipts, 8,101 Fresh gathered extra first 47; firsts, lN. Y. , N. 45 l-246 1-2; refrigerator -seconds Norfolk & Western to firsts,. 4142 1-2. - (Northern Pacific Cheese firm; receipts, 1,548; State Pennsylvania held specials, 25 l-234; do average i Ray Consolidated Copper fancy, 25 25 1-4. ! Reading , Dressed poultry firm; chickens, 1 Rep. Iron & Steel 1829; fowls, 1824; turks, 2034.!S. A. L Live poultry easier; chickens, 21; S. A. L: (bid) fowls, 2323 1-2. " iSlqp. Shef. Steel & Iron j Southern Pacific j Southern Railway . I Southern Railway pfd. .. tv f c:,.. m;-u . Istudebaker Corporation vi w 1 1 tuny iiiijiii L.cayuc QUINTETS CLASH AT "Y. Stage Contests In spite of the predictions for a cold wave for Friday night, the four quintets composing the Y. M. C. A. Basketball League will stage two bat tles on the gymnasium floor at the association, beginning at 8:30 o'clock . 92 7-8 . .40 1-2 I .128 1 .102 7-S ' . 54 ! . 25 1-4 . 90 1-8 . 74 1-8 . 14 3-4 . 33 . j 92 3-8 . 27 5-S . 61 .102 1-2 . 15 .209 1-2 .134 7-8 m LIVERPOOL COTTON. tr T,winT In th first contest cPt. Rich's Red'u- - oietil pi stench, lioou middlmer 10.6b: mid- . . . .... 'TTtnVi Pnnnpr . ia 1 . . I.. -A 00' , oox v111 meet uapr. Knooes rast go-i" dlin: ing i igers and a battle royal is an ticipated by those who know the prowess of the two teams of basket- eers. The Red Sox have been defeat-; ed only once in the second series and K'.'Wi bales, 1.000 for speculation and export. Receipts 42,000. Futures iu!et and steady. Februarv 10.15; Feb.-March 10.13; March-April 10.11; ATYr!."UoT ia riT . at t -in no. :C 0 oV 7 , a : y a oa a I that was b Captain Hanson's Ameri June-iul 9.98; July-August 9.94; Au-' s lftst Vriflav n,-ht. gust-sept. 9.76; Sept.-Oct. 9.56; Oct. 'ov. 9.44; Xov.-Bec. 9.38; Dec-Jan. Jan.-Feb. 9.34; Feb.-March 9.34. Tenn. Copper Texas Co Union Pacific i United Fruit 136 jU. S. Rubber . 51 1-4 !U. S. Smelting and Refining .. 55 iu. S. Steel 104 1-4 U. S. Steel pfd ih 106 Va. Car. Chem 6i i-i Wabash Pfd. (bid) 25 Western Union , Westinghouse Electric ........ 50 7-8 LIVERPOOL COTTON STATISTICS. Liverpool. Fob. 9 Weekly cotton statistics: Total forwarded to mills, '"t; American, 76,000; stock, 881, l";1''; American 742,000; imports 91,- American cans last Friday night j The second game also promises to J be a hummer. In this event Captain j Gerdes, who has recentl y taken the 1 leadership of the Athletics, will draw up his team in line of battle against Captain Hanson's Americans who have taken the last three flames they have played. SO.OOO; exports, 400. Chica: net ot a here. GRAIN. a ?0 Vf'h Q Pnn cMflc.T'Ci'hl A strength developed in the wheat mar- today owing largely to settlement inr.'.-atcned strike of switchmen bt-T!OU.H f-rnn (lsmaw rrm - J'ainis n-oni Nebraska helped further 0 '-it pricey. Tile opening which ranged irr.n; i-g feline to a like ad tnce v.,tll y?t 16g 14 tQ 16J) 12 p.uiy at 146 1-4, was followed by g:;ins all around, but then a . SUN RISE AND SUN Wheat llav... Corn Jiilv . ,0ats " av. . July.' Pork Mav. July " ' , Lard Mav Julv " " Uibs'-" May.. Juiv Open. 1.68-lTf 1.46 1-4 1.01 .99 5-8 .54 1-4 .53 1-4 .20.50 .10.50 .16.65 .15.62 .15.75 Close. 1.69 1-2 1.47 1.01 5-S .99 5-8 .54 3-i .53 3-4 29.87 29.40 16.72 15.72 15.87 Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 a. m. yes terday, 6.4 feet. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank these kind friends and neighbors who so kindly adminis tered by deed and sympathy during the illness and death of our father and husband, the late John C. Redd. Their assistance in our bereavement has as suaged an irreparable loss. MRS. J. C. REDD. ;Vash:ngton WEATHER REPORTS. February 9. Sun rises Sun sets Saturday. 7:02 5:51 11m Li Becomes Straight, Soft, Glossy, Long LikePictxxre by Using mmmi HAIR DRESSING tSctStickyorGummy Just ajmfy a little Hew-. lin and you see me Kinxs in vmir hair straichten v.. - 1 i- aii vour nanny, coarse. suu- . born, kinky hair made-. straighf. iiKy. 10 makes hair crow fast, long and Beautiful, efoppino dandruff and. itching of the scalO Temperature. WEATHER at 8 a. m. S JJ -a u c t- Z cn u O X w to i -J o . iu .lllu nlnc.u Hflrnlin H.1IP DreSSlna BT1 DI1IUV.II. m.www . - - . ... . and fatuno nair at onw. Send 25o (stamps or coin) for a Ma can of Herolifl. Soli on a money-back suarante?. HER0LIM MEDICINE C0n Atlanta, Ca. 0RFHTS wanted tSSSS. i For Friday and Saturday Shoppers The Spring Coats and Suits Have Arrived It is needless to say this statement will interest every woman, and we anticipate the pleasure of at least showing the latest styles IS Aht far.mcnts every lady in Wilmington. Come in and take a look. AVe shall not urKe you to buv " We slmnlv- (P, Asheville . Atlanta . . Charleston . Charlotte . A BRITISH SUB- Associated Press.) 4 ;hinirtfin rl n ..ri -V. m-iinncrn -"VllV.ifin. I ho Titm firum-j r if-; li'Pcfon r'f 1 iiis lif(' in tne sinking Jacksonville. r'r,nR,., T',! in. was reported by. ' New Orleans njhi roaay to De ap- -a- xvew 1 orK . . 11 British subject. It i Pittsburgh . . . "' -J that he was born in ' Raleigh si. Canadu -v. a- t j Was 11 ngton. . fc v.- -sr. -i'c -7c w immgirn. Pan-:; v-'as s A 11 .snow'g 44 22 .02 .snow'g 46 32 .12 . .clear 66 46 .18 .cloudy 50 36 .08 . .clear 28 2J .16 . .clear 58 48 .00 . clear 64 52 .50 ...clear 58 46 .20 .rain'g 48 36 .12 .snow'g 44 10 .14 . .cldy 54 40 .30 , .clear 38 8 .00 .rain'g 48 I 36 .00 . cloudy 64 43 .27 BttAUSES IS MORE. PENETRATING I AT DRUGGISTS AND RELIEVES QUICKER 1 2550 $122 vnTirn OF rORECLOSUKE. a TTNrF,n AND BY VIRTUK of the power w S of sale contained in a certain mortgage ex- pT-uteii bv JAMES DONALDSON to THE 3H ! CO-OPERATIVE- BUiLDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, which said mortgage is re- i m.Ao in Rnnk 7fi. at nace 428. of the rcc- ! ords of New Hanover Counfey, default hav ing been made in tne principal ami miei est therein, the undersigned will expose for sale on Saturday,, the tenth day of Feb ruary 1917, at. twelve o'clock noon, at the Court House door in New Hanover County, jof Wilmington, North Carolina, io-wic: i Beginning in the eastern line of lnir i teenth street at a point one hundred and by public auction, tor casn, t iue mguesi bidder, the following described tract or narcel of land situate and being in the City teenth street thirty-three (33) feet, thence eastwardly and parallel with Orange street one hundred and fifty (loO) feet to the western line of Kendal street, thence northwardly along said line of Kendal street and parallel with Thirteenth, street thirty-three (33) feet and thence west wardly and parallel with Orange street one southern line of Orange street, runs thence southwarly and along said line of rhir-thirty-two (132) feet southwardly from the hundred and fifty (150) feet to the eastern line of Thirteenth street, the beginning, be ing part of Lot 3 in Block 404, according to the official plan of said city. Dated at Wilmington, N. C, this eleventh EcVoPEATIVE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. By TtlOMAS W. DAVIS, 'Attorney. l-12-law-4w-m that you look. DRY GOODS AND PIECE GOODS. SPECIAL (i-4 Sheeting, unbleached N-4 Slieotiiijr, unbleached t-4 Sheeting, imbleached . 10-4 Sheeting, imbleached . ; 2C-inch Shirting Prints NOW ON DISPLAY The largest and best selected stocks of- Wash and White Goods you can find in the citv, and t pru-es 'so reasonable they will surprise you Come. Apron Ginghams, yard ."Mi-inch Quilt Cloth, yard .'Hi-inch Percale, yard :tG-iticu Madras Stripes, yard 40-inch Plain Voiles, yard . Coat Suits, apple green, gold, mustard, navy black in beauti- iui spring models; tnoy are priced from $14.08 to $25 rc .-spring coats, medium weights OUR DOLLAR WAISTS. We have just received some very handsome and stylish shirt waists. Come in when you can look them over they are $1.00. J. W. H. FUCflS' DEPARTMENT STORE WILMINGTON "THE STORE OF SERVICE." 28 SOUTH FRONT STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 272. "We Buy "for Cash Sell for Cash," LUMBERTON 1 . ammmmmmmmtmaBS0mmmmmmwmawmmmmmmmmf!itW .7c . f .Be f 10c : 15c 25c ' -3 o 3 , C id 'if: I: 1 1

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