We SECOND SECTION MING TGH PAGES 9 to 12 FULL LEADED W I RE SERVICE 1 6 PAGES THREE SECTIONS. TON 7 . XXII NO. 390 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1 1, 1917. PRICE 5 CENTS Caroltn I News . .a.?. a T " Clinton. CLINTON. ' $. i 4 and Mrs. Geor?e 4 4 4 Feb. 10 Mr. 1 J - TTT 1 . E. Butler went to vvasmugion V.weelv 10 bo witn meir son wuo un dent an operation there. Miss Minnie Lassiter is a guest of r-eiids in Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Herring, of Warsaw, spent several days in Clinton tins vc-oa. Miss Ruih Underwood has gone to La Grange to visit friends, y-ss Mary Lou Carter visited her Goldsboro this weeK. Mabel Tuttle spent several punt m Miss fax in Warsaw with friends this week. Miss Sarah Rodgers spent a visit ffj'th friends in Warsaw. Mis Pearl Parker has returned to Vr home in Wallace after visiting hero. Miss AHene Draughton, of Warsaw, cuent a day with Miss Annie Aman 1h' tlii? week. Mr. Richard Sandlin, of Wilson, vis ited ins mother. Mrs. R. C. Sandlin here this week. ' , WALLACE. "4- ' ' aSa JL' S! Jtm LUMBERTON. L'.-mberton. Feb. 10. Mr V V &1 -U TT-r , w " T 1" W wanace, Feb. 10. -Saturday after noon from 3" to 5 o'clock. Miss Lillie Carter was a charming hostess to the Young ladiesEmbroidery Club, at her hospitable hdme, "The Elms." 'Assist ing Miss Carter were her mother, Mrs. barter, and sisters, Mrs. L B Boney, and Mrs. Carl Adams. After awhile of stitching and chatting, a de licious salad course was served, fol lowed by coffee, cheese and wafers, which Mrs. Herbert Mclntire, of Chi cago,, delighted the guests with a read ing. The invited guests were Mes- -o umi hi. jamp, j. w. Carroll, Herbert Mclntire and Wharton WiP liams. The remains of Mr. Leon N. DeVane, Rocky Mount, who died at the A. C.' L. Hospital there, after having been ' WARSAW. 4. 4....i. Warsaw, Feb. 9. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church was de lightfully entertained by Mrs. O. P. Middleton on the occasion of its last meeting. The usual business meeting was held, at which the following of ficers for the year were elected. Presi dent, Mrs. Alice Brown; Vice-President, Mrs. O. P. Middleton; Scere-tary-Treasurer, Mrs. G. G. Best. There was a division of the money -UUUt DU V cut J uuiiai 0 UCIWCOU l-LLC Aid Societies of the Baptist aid Meth odist churches, received from a car load of news-papers sent off by the two societies. During an enjoyable social hour, tempting refreshments were serv ed. Miss Ruth Moore was the efficient leader of the Christian Endeavor So- j .?. ' CHARLOTTE. ; LAURINBURG. Charlotte, Feb. 10 . Mrs? Webb Laurinburg, Feb. 10 Mrs. C. W. Heath left this week for New York r-aiwoii rmp. tn BtntPsviiiP tn to spena aDout ten aays. . . , T , ,j n mc roi miHni. or,i visit her son. Dr. W. C. Caldwell. have gone to Rockingham to visit Mrs. Whitlock's sister, Mrs. .John son. Mrs. F. A. "Finn and son, Mr. Ro bert Finn, have arrived here fromj Washington, D. C, a,nd are makine their home in the Blandwood Apart- i Charlotte Miss Minnie May and Mammie Ham- Morri-tmond have gone to Maysville to visit college friends. Miss Nannie Hammond is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. A. Coughenour in ill with pneumonia and comnliratirmc ciety on last Thursday evening. She for eight weeks, was brought here Very ably haudled tne subject, "Fruits ,fftn, r ' . UIOUsnt here of th christian Endeavor Tree," in an ... mtixiieni at vv ells interesting an instructive address. L,napei cemetery. Mrs: DeVane and little four year old daughter-were ac companied by four of her husband's ! six brothers and several of his railroad associates. The funeral services were i conducted by Rev. C. V. Brooks, pas- and Mrs. cxx6. ouayei xiapust cnurcn.. A. V. McLean returned Wednesdav "3. Devane was before her. mar from Washington, where Monday even-. riage, Miss Orion Smith;1 foster daugh ingthpy were dinner guests of Secre-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roads New-tan-of the Navy Daniels and Mrs. Dan- t1rlr - T,r M "oi vv aua, vv 1 m wiiuin sue will make her home in in fture. Hon. George R. Ward has returned Short talks were made by Professor M. H. Wooten, and the president, J. H. Carter on the same subject. There were several readings and vocal se lections. It was decided to give a "Tacky Party" at early date to secure funds for the necessary expenses of the Society. A committee composed of ! Mrs. W. C. Singletary, Misses Sadie ja whiIe Defore going to Cuba ments. i Mrs. J. M. Brice, of Chester, S. C, visited her sister, Miss Annie Hardin, on Tryon street, this; week. Mr. and Mrs. F. (H. Harley, and son, Harold, and Miss Eleanor Clark, of Old Fort, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stinson. Mrs. Latta C. Johnston and Mfss Mary Johnston have returned from El Mrs. Edwin Harrison, of Rocking ham,, is a guest of Mrs. D. M. Prince. Mrs. George F. Avinger, has return ed to her home in Jacksonville after visiting friends here. Mrs. Lemar C. Pridgen and Miss Rose Duer visited friends in Charlotte 1 this week. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Dixon have Paso, Texas, where they spent several! gone to Charlotte to make their home. Mr. Dixon has accepted a call to a months Miss Esdale Shaw,- of-JJockingham, spent Tuesday in the-city en route to her home from Washington, D. C. Miss Lillian Allan .has returned to her home in Toronto, Canada, after visiting Mrs. R. H. jPeC. Butts, on Kingston Avenue, Dilworth. Miss Flora Porter has returned home from Spartanburg, where she visited Mrs. H. W. Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Ike C. Lowe have ; gone to Florida where they will spend 1 ' l-.M - 1 C S- t I church there. Mrs. George Dunn, of New Bern, and Mrs. W. N. Fields of La Grange, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fields. Mrs. T." J. Gill has returned from Charlotte where she underwent a slight operation for throat trouble. Miss Ruth Meinung has gone to her home in Winston-Salem to recover I from a slight illness. Mrs. A. J. Cassidey has returned Loyd and Mattie Owen were appointed to cooperate with the regular social committee in regard to this affair, which, tho no date was determined on. will probably occur on the evening of February 14. The James Kenan Chapter, U. D. C . , will hold its regular monthly meet ing at the home of Miss Eula Powell on next Wednesday afternoon at half after three o'clock. Miss Fannie Monroe will entertain The Housewives League will meet in th? writing- room "of the Lorriane hotel Monday afternoon. All members from Richmond, where he was a pa ct the league have been urged to at-;tient &t johnstoH-Willis Sanitorium tend the meeting and bring two new,, . 0 oamiuuuiu, members. having undergone an operation fo-ap- The Y. W. ('. A. of the First Baptist pendicitis. He is regaining his strengh , , 1 1 f . , , I 11 1UJ X UUU1, Will VJV M 111 ' " a- r "lull , letpiuiy, ana expects to oe in Kaleigh!the Little Confederate Chapter, C. of 1? . Vi T"r next week- wnere he is so much need- j interesting program was led by Miss ed' as chairman of the appropriation Fcdi- Townsend. "Building for the committee. Kingdom." the topic for discussion,! Mrs. John Gamp and little Virginia was treated in an able manner by,left Monday for Norfolk, Va., to be hisses Annie Ruth Caldwell. Pearl- JA, , . . . Mace and Lina Gough.iwim iVir" amP wno was operated hO'vard. Fv va Mr. A special feature of the progress was j upon, at tne barah Leigh Hospital a vocal duet by Misses Mary Lee Cald- Tuesday. Mrs. Camp was accompan- Tr 11 n J T . T- A t A 1- ,(" iUU "aigaiei rope. Arter tne ied. by Mrs Wharton Williams. program was completed refreshments . , , , . . . vf.rp CPrvp.i i Camp is reported as doing nicely. Mrs. J. A. Lyon and two children, Margare; and Terry, of Elizabethtown. are gues::s at the home of Mrs. Lyon's parents. Rev. andMrs. G. H. Biggs. Miss Mattie Ammons is visiting her Mother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J V. Morris, at Wadesboro. Mrs. J. G. Ray and eon, Master Ed ward, of Wilmington, weregnests this ek at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Allen. Mrs. A. M. Hartley is visiting rela tes at Batesburg, S. C. LUMBERTON. ' 1 Lumberton, Feb. 10. Mrs. 1!1 orium. x. where she will spend some time. y-r. and Mrs. A. W. McLean have returned from Washington and Balti more wherp thpy gpent a week- irs- A. M. Hartley is visiting the wents of her husband in Batesburg, MV and Mrs. J. Ed. Tyson and jmiiy havf moved from the suburbs a reslpiu-e on Fiftli street. 2 ' MARIETTA. Marietta, Feb. 10. J. A. Oliver, of Fairbanks, Fla., who has been spend-; ing some time here will leave tomor-; C, at her home on Friday afternoon of next week at half past three o'clock. Mrs. Edward Gibson and little son, Ted, Jr., of Boston are here to spend seme time with her mother,- Mrs ,-T . B. Pierce, pending a decision in regard to the future movements of Lieutenant Gibson, U. S.. Mrs. James E. Pierce and James Hicks, Jr., have returned from a visit to Lieutenant and Mrs. Dudley Pierce at Fort Slocumb, N. Y. Miss Mattie Hawes, of Atkinson, and Mr. W.H. Russ, of Bladen, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russ. Mrs. Robert Hines, of Rocky Mount, returned home last week, after spend ing several days here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foneville. Miss Ruth Wells, of Athens, Ga., is a guest of Mrs. Robert Russell, at the Selwyn Hotel . Mrs. A. C. Porter has gone to Nor folk, Va., to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas J Wright. Mrs. Edwin Gresham and son, Beverly, of Hendersonville, are guests jj ui miss ui 11 a. uuwu uii ouum 1 ryou street. - , jfrom Richmond, Va., after undergoing an operation in that city. She is greatly improved. Mrs. W. C. Caldwell has gone to Statesville to spend several days with relatives. 4 fr "-! Jt' MOUNT OLIVE. Mount Olive, Feo.lG Miss Nannie Cox, of Richland, is visiting Miss Car rie McGee. Mrs. F. R. Mintz and son are visit ing in Seven Springs. Mrs. J. V. Vinson, of Goldsboro, is a guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Wright . Mrs. W. A. Knox, of Rocky Mount, visited her sisters, Mesdames. L. L. Johnson and H. P. Butler here this j week. I Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Barfield have gone to visit in Savannah, Jackson ville, Tampa and Havanna. Mrs. C. W. Oliver and children are ivir, j uii xx. 01 uu, vi..iiie guests of Mrs. Oliver's parents, Mr his family here, has returned to Birm-' , rr, a n,5j ingham," Ala. roww for . Lyons, Ga., to visit before returning to his home . Mrs. B. L. Temple entertained the young people of the community last ; Saturday night in honor of her guests. Misses Rubie and Genevieve Rogers, i of Fork, S. C, and Mr. Godwin. Many 4 "old time" games were played which I1 caused much merriment. Assisted by ? her sister, Mrs . Leone Hill, Mrs . Tem- J. A. pie served a delightful course. uonipson has gone to Fairmont to be) We are sorry to note that Mr uti her sister, who is ill. i W . Harrington and family are ' CLARKTON, t t. T 4. wrktOll T'aIi 1ft ft. D,,V.,r rlo-i.lr v .:. . ' .viioa nuuj wxa.iv Mr. J. T. Gresham of this city, a travelling salesman for D. L. Gore, pf Wilmington, is one of the four sales men to whom Mr. Gore is giving a trip to the convention of Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Gresham is stopping over in several other Northern cities for a few days . A large delegation of the citizens of the town and county left here Wed nesday for Raleigh to attend the hear ing on the Stock law. Captain S. A. Johnson, mayor of Some have measles. Mrs.jthe town celebrated his seventy-ninth Dirtnaay last ounuay, wini a uiuum A sick Page spent yesterday at Page spent yesterday at Is in Currie this week. I'd Piimcnn rf TTlirzoliotlitnil'tl bpJ"t last Sunday here. timr!S' ( ' Wooten is spending some -All 1 Mr: lanta with relatives. "s- Collins, of Wilminirtnn visited of i',r ni'itl' of Davidson, is a guest "daughter, Mrs. E. S. Clark. P.,;lss 1Irrta perry and Master T. T. - I. oi Rosindale, were visitors in ; w, tins weeir. a. a. "CUP- this week C. K. Morgan's children are very sick with measles Mr. G. S. Page and Mesdames C. A. and R. M. Oliver went to Fairmont today. Mr. C. T. Fair Bluff. Mr. C. T Fair Bluff. Mr. J. S. Oliver, of Raleigh, spent Sunday here with his relatives. Messrs. W. P. Oliver and M A. Stephens made a business trip to Fair Bluff Tuesday. 1 1V1J . mi - V. VV tLLoUli k3CtULi.l KXCLV XXX .TiiTYihortnTi Mr. J. J. Oliver spent a day in Lumberton this week. The farmers in this section had to resow their tobacco beds because of the cold snap. Miss Kate Page has been confined to her room on account of sickness. Mr. S. S. Adams is having con structed two new rooms on his house which will add very much to the ap pearance of the building as well as to its comfort. Our Sunday School increases in spit ibf the inclement weather. The first Sunday in April will be the anniversary of the adoption of the Cross and Crown Pedneau and children ing soP,,! ri AkssisslPPi after spend- yStem. There is going to be quiet a W !nef here- 1 number who have attended fifty-two cnircVi!nv J D- Ho.we11' al?d, times in the past year. ril'v uyp gone to Duplin county Friends are glad to see on the street to a 1. '- ,JU"cli "as acceptea a caniM D E Boney, who returned from JJUiltlUlVl V v j v been a patient at Johns Hopkins Hos pital for several weeks. He is greatly m improved by his visit there. Miss unarne wesiuiuuns ua lewm given to some of his children and grand-children. Those of his children present, were: Mesdames J. T. Gres ham, of Warsaw, and L. A. Beasley, of Kenansville. Herbert Smith,, of Clin ton; Dr. John Johnson, of Goldsboro, and R. D. Johnson, of Warsaw. Captain Johnson is a Virginian by birth, who has lived in North Carolina a number of years. He is a Con federate Veteran, having been actively engaged in 27 battles in the war be tween the States, and being one of the survivors of the "Immortal Six Hun dred" imprisoned on Morris Island. He held the position of road master with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com pany for a long time, but resigned two years ago oging to failing health and was unanimously elected mayor of the city bythe several tickets in the town election. and Mrs. T. A. Whitfield, in Golds boro. Mrs. R. H. Tanner, of Norfolk, Va., has returned to her home after visit ing her aunt, Miss Lucy Heaves. 4, A T "A" "A" A A A FREEMAN. ' Freeman, Feb. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Byrd, of Freeman, spent Saturday and Sunday in Whiteville the guests of Mrs. Byrd's sitser, Mrs. James Thompson. Mrs. J. M. Rowell, of Phoenix, has returned to her home after spending J several days with relatives here. Miss Ethel Smith, music teachers at the Freeman-Byrdsville High School, went to Wilmington Saturday. " NEW BERN. v 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. HAMLET.- tto v FAYETTE VI LLE. ' Fayetteville, Feb. 10. Miss Marie Pemberton entertained the Tuesday Bridge Club at her home Tuesday. The invited guests were Mrs. Biscoe How ell and Miss Jean Pemberton. Miss - 'Minerva McNeill, -who- hasJ been visiting her sister, Mrs. Paul Collins, at Hillsboro, has gone to Louis- Iville, Ky., to visit another sister, Mrs-. Hal P. Elliott. -Mrs. Jane Pemberton left this week for Cheraw, S. C, to be a guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. P. Harrall. Mr. C. M. Black, of Goldsboro, spent a visit with his wife, this week. Mrs. Black is a guest of Mrs. Eva Dobson. The Married Woman's Bridge Club was entertained delightfully by Mrs. A. M. Huggins Tuesday. Mrs. E. R. MacKeithan won the first prize. Mrs. George Vardman was a guest. Little- Miss Margaret Blue delight fully entertained a number of her young friends at her birthday party on Friday of last week. A delicious course was served the young folks. Miss Margaret Isaacs has gone to Baltimore and Milford, Del. At the later place she will visit her parents. Rev. John Ingle has returned to his home in Blowing Rock, after visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Williams. Mrs. W. A. Gattis is visiting friends in Raleigh. She will visit in Wake Forest and Durham before returning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dye have gone to Releigh to spend a brief visit. Mrs. K. Stein is spending some time in New York City. Mrs. R. M. Lightfoot delightfully entertained at a luncheon Wednesday in honor of Mrs. S. C. Richards, of Macon, Ga., who is a guest at the Lightfoot home. Miss Nina Withers, has returned to 4f4l!444444.4,4. 4 ASHEVILLE. 4.i4. Asheville has no detention home for children awaiting trial, but children are rarely detained in the city lock-up and can usually be depended upon to be in court at the time set for their trial. Only occasionally are children tried at the regular session of the po lice court. They are tried at a sepa rate session but in the same court room. Asheville has a probation system with a white officer for white children and a colored officer for colored children; but these only look after the children going to school. These two officers are paid out of the school fund. In addition to them the city has a whole-time, salaried Big Brother who looks after not only the children in the court but also af ter other wayward children who have not yet been brought before the court. He studies the home-life of such chil dren with a view to suggesting reme dical measures that may keep them out of court. This Big Brother is paid a salary by the city. Besides these three paid officers, responsible i negro men and women are sometimes appointed by the cpurt to do volun teer prohibition work. Negro children are committed to their care. Such children are required to report to the juvenile court at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoons. They are al so required to attend a colored juve nile Sunday School in the court-room at 5 o'clock every Sunday afternoon. If the child is incorrigible, he is sen tencecKto the county home or county farm for a indeterminate period. Asheville has a city reformatory for white boys who have become incor rigible. There is no reformatory for white girls, but the few who are brought into court are, as a rule, pa roled under the care of some respon sible person. The judge of the Ashe ville court says, "We require all boys and girls and each man and woman to attend Sunday School each Sunday and have their teachers sign their cards and present them to court on Wednesday- afternoon." , - 4 '' S ' , BURG AW. ' -! Burgaw, Feb. 10. Mrs. John Moore visited Wilmington last week. Mrs. J. T. Bland, Jr., has gone to Virginia to spend some relatives. Miss Pearl Sparkman, of Rocky Point, spent Tuesday of this week in Burgaw . Misses Blanche and Maude Paddi son, of Bowden School, spent the last week-end here. One of the social event of the pre sent year was a dance given by a num-1 WINSTON-SALEM. 4 4-, Winston-Salem has fitted up an apartment of its city lock-up children awaiting trial where they may be kept separate from the adults awaiting trial. The instances are compara tively rare in which the officers do not feel justified in simply citing the child to appear in court on a day fix ed. Children are tried in the regu lar court-room but after the court room has been' cleared of all but the officers, the witnesses, and the child to appear in court on a day fixed. Children are tried in the regular courtroom but after the court-room' has been cleared of all but the offic ers, the witnesses, and the child and its parents. Winston-Salem has no probation officers either volunteer or paid. Occasionally the court appoints some public-spirited person to look after a child and report its progress from time to time. But such a per son is usually already over-worked and cannot give the child the needed attention. Such a system of proba tion is anything but satisfactory. For syth county has a reformatory. This is for boys only. White boys occupy one of the buildings, colored the oth er. In most cases of a first offense the court simply lectures the child and its parents and continues the prayer for judgment conditioned upon the good behavior of the child. If the child violates the condition of tho suspension of judgment and 1s brought back, he is sentenced to tho county reformatory. From the above it appears that Asheville is far away ahead of any city in North Carolina in its work for juvenile delinquents. Asheville his three officers two paid out of the school fund and the other out of the city treasury to look after its way ward children; no other city in the State, unless it be Durham about which I have no information, pays a probation officer a Gent out of its pub lic funds. While each of theother cities is moving forward, it is still far behind Asheville, and Asheville itself, is considerably behind several of the other Southern cities even, not to mention the Northern cities. son, Lucile Magette, Lucy Plunkett, time with Margaret McNeill, Vera Pullen, Marie Pullen, all of Burgaw; Messrs Charlie Johnson, Henry Johnson, R. G. John son Neal G. Moore, Dr. ,J . D. Dur ham, Hugh Davis, Dr. P. E. Lucas, Wyatt Blake, Cutlar Moore, Fred Dees and Lee Dees, all of Burgaw. The out of town guests included: Misses Pearl and Eloise Sparkman, Sarah and Iola Durham, and Messrs. Preston and ber of local young men at Dees Hall I John T. Parkman, of Rocky Point; Monday night. Music was furnished 1 Misses Norma Carr and Ellis Register by Neberry's Band and was the best and Messrs. Joe Sloan and Carl South heard here in some time. Those injelrand, of Wallace; Mr. Frank Fon attendance were: Misses Geneva veille, of Warsaw and Mr . Elbert Fur Moore, Sallie Johnson, Mary Williams, j lough, of Wallace. . Chaperones: Dr. Louise Moore, Gladys Myers, Sue J.'and Mrs. W.I. Taylor and Mr. and Myers, Sophia Moore, Isabelle Paddi- Mrs. J. A. Bannerman. Miss Lydia Ellis left Wednesday or Marion, S. C, where she will spend. her home -n Lynchburgf Va., after vis- New Bern, Feb. 10. Miss Beulah Whitehead spent a visit in Jackson ville this week. Misses Delia and Ethel Wethering- j a i-i riifsts "f f riends I ton, UJL mixvo, a, 1 - o ... - . 1 I 'A in tnis city. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rolinson, of Bay boro, were New Bern visitors this Miss Lillie Bell Burriss, of Pollocks ville visited New Bern this week. Mrs G. W. Pope. 01 rine virovtj, several weeks with her brother, Mr Frank Ellis. Miss Clara Newton, who has been principal of the Freeman-Byrdsville 4, High School has resigned her position' . ana returned to ner nome at jverr, in . C. Mrs. N. W. Alford spent last Fri day in Wilmington on business . Rev. W. T. Watson, pastor of the Methodist church, preached an excel lent sermon at his church last Sun day. Hurrah! for Miss Ethel Mae Grims ley, the attractive young lady of Free man,, who was one of the prize win ners in the recent contest conducted by The Wilmington Dispatch. Miss Grimsley worked hard and fully de served the handsome Victrola which she won. All of Freeman is indeed proud of Miss Grimsley. iting her aunt, Mijs W. T. Bowen. FAIR BLUFF. 4 WARSAW. X'ed from Wilmington, where she spent! has returned to her home after visit H v ', several days last week, after having Feb. 10. Mr. John Birm- operation uyuii 111 im Mr. J. L. Camp, Jr Va., is here in charge of this plant of the Camp Manufacturing Company, during the absence of Mr. J. M 1. tht?1!1 and bride nave returned from rar-h t0Ur and are now temP" traj Hrg,killg their home at the Cen- ij' 'Vc SSt!0 r cashier of f'?" time here wUhkfrTbiWren. the Bank orBelhkTmeVspen s Sunday ;,'' ' A. Lackey. Mrs. T. E. Boyd!"h Mb parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. r- t- A. Halvburtnn ,Cavenaugh. . ' . lM!L5' ? Morton visited Mrs. P. Miss Norma C tned a few er home in wacv,,-T,rt m .Delicious reffesnmems were cu ins- Misses Mary and Myrtle Pope Mrs A. E. Woodruff, of Wilming- -w -r- -r-k t 1 of Franklm'ton, is a guest of Mrs. J can. here. ' Miss Irene Hart, of Henderson, pass ed through New Bern this week en route to Pamlico where sne win visit , . I Warsaw, Feb. 10. Miss Fannie Woodward has gone to Kenansville where she entered Jaines Sprunt Insti tute . Miss Helen Fonvielle, of Meredith College, Raleigh, spent a few days with her parents here this week. Mrs . Robert Hines has returned to her home in Rocky Mount after spend ing a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fonviefte. Mr. Henry Steven, a student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, spent a visit with his parents, Mr. tr,... to h IW. visiting her S. C. daughter in Wallace is having a very unwelcome visitor just nofv,- measles ' . M1Ss. mna"yi::' rZ and Mrs. H. L. Stevens, this week lias returnea uuu. 'rVri m Tmos w pierce and James Mr. and Mrs. E JVbX j Mr and Mrs . J . r. Farbee, ' Fair Bluff, Feb. 10. A marriage of interest took place at Fair Bluff last Monday night when Miss Frankie An derson became the bride of Mr. Bob Lewis, of Conway, S. C. The cere monywas performed by ReV. W. P. Campbell, at the home of the bride. Miss Don Rogers intertained last Tuesday evening in honor of her niece Miss Laura Jenkins, of Conway, S. C- Mr. George H. Howell, of Wilming ton, spent last Sunday here. Miss Mabel Norton, of Conway, S. C, is a guest of Miss Louise Powell. Misses Artye Mae and Mary Cribbs spent last Saturday in Conway. Miss Pauline Renfrow has returned home after visiting friends and rela tives in Florence and Hartsville, S . C . Miss Grace Powell is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Parker, Florence, S. C. Mr., James Turner has returned from Florence, S. C. Dr. and Mrs.. James Martin have moved to Cerro Gerdo. Mrs. June Potts and children are visiting relatives in South Carolina. Miss Laura Jenkins, of Conway, S. C, is a guest of Mrs. Don Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Prince have moved to Oak street. Mr. Ronald Wesley, of Conway, S. C., was a visitor here Thursday. Prof. M. G. Bulluck, of Spring Branch, was in Fair Bluff yesterday. Mrs. H. M. Powell and children re- 1 20 Market Street pring Suits a'TX I., and Dresses T T- TT I VI rs .IH.IILt3:S XX nf i rllCKS, dr., nave reuumcu uuiu run iuiucu u"" . . .w . Passed throng New fJ- jjicuu auu jjj. j - Mrs. Edward Gibson and son, Theo- en route to xroiiuuxvovnic uuu . 1 m.tlnrttlr rt WTr all in o". miss yeiyn v " Tnt,, dore. Jr., of Boston, are guests of ton, passeu uuu6u ,v. - v Tjip-oo. Mrs. M.-E. Bradford has returned from Columbia, S. C. Rev. Campbell whir hold his regular appointment at the Baptist chufrch Sunday. , - - - , ' - - Ms D 2 NEW MODELS ARRIVING DAILY MADE OF WOOL-SERGES, POPLINS AND GABAR DINES AT $12.50 to $22.50. SHADES: NAVY, BLACK, COPEN., GOLD, ROSE, AP PLE GREEN RESEDA GREY AND TAN. MADE OF WOOL-CREPE, SILK POPLIN, TAFFETA, CREPE-DE-CHINE AND CREPE METEOR $6.50 AND UP. The Popular Price Store resses JL 1

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