-- COTTON. WiimiBton sPOt-16 14. N(l!olk spot 16.25. ( u:Ilrston spot ( ). S:,v;innah spot 18 1-2. (I5y Associated Press.) .-.. York. Feb. 16. Firm l cables promoted some covering yesterday's decline in the cot aU hi 'I'-ket. and the opening today t011. tt -ulv at an advance of 5 to 16 ' Br.ving on the strength p,0!.',.ui was restricted, however, by m ii ions of wider differences, as a ex:H of smaller exports or :i,t raies. and prices ' . miclations ana iocai seinng. on the Liver- higher here soon turm't' May. .--in or I u . ...Sn was -a-fair buyer ,o- advance to 16.06 for -,'hprwise demand was limited and Sir oaed back to 15.93 before the. nd of the first hour, with the gen- a list selling about 1 to 3 points t lower. Private cables said it was iieVe-y small market in Liverpool with JricP's higher on trade calling. Demand fell off after the close ol i iverpool and the market declined un scattering; liquidation of March in reparation for notices toward the end Pf next week av a little local selling. S-iv sold off to 15.79 with the general jjct" ruling about 14 to 20 points net lower around midday. The cotton market closed steady. High Close ...15.93 15.79 ...16.06 15.93 ...16.09 16.00 ...15.70 15.59 ...15.78 15.73 J' : LOCAL MARKETS... iJV;7 - ' ,. . .. ..35c "UWC1, i,iu,, Mjowixry 25c &pnng Ghickens, apiece ....25c to 40c Grown Chi61tens, apiece. .. .60c to 65c Puddle Duc&s, apiece 4045 Guineas, -ajece .. .. . .. .., ..35c Beef.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,.9ctol0c Sweet Potatoes, bushel .... . .90c Irish Potatoes, sack. . .... . . . .$6.50 N. C. Hams, pound . . . . . . r. .;..20c N. C. Shoulders and Ribs, pound!! 17c Oranges, California, . ...... . .13.25 Orange, Florida $3.00 Bananas, 7-8, buncli ....S1.10 to $L40 Lemons, farcy $3.50 Tangerines jo.oo Celery, bunch ...... i oa - " - - - wm .. . . . f l,OU Apples, barrel $4.25 to 6.00 Bell Peppers, bush. 60c Onions, 110 lb. sack . . . . .... $5.25 Beans, Lima.. 8 3-46 Peas, Black eye sc Turnips, Canadian Rutabaga. . 2 l-2c Pork, lb lie to lll-2c Corn, per bushel .. .. ..$1.20 Hides, Green, .. 20c. Peanuts, N. C, ...i. $1.30 to $1.35 Peanuts, Virginia.. .. . . .. ..6580 Peanuts, Spanish ... ..1.25(5)1.30 Wool 28c i inS figures c L ,NewAYork, Feb. 16. (Wall Street). Measures adopted by the leading railroads to relfeve car shortage and freight congestion at Eastern ports together with other overnight devel ' -x STOCKS.' - ' - ' - - rFehreary 16. JJ 7 Ternperature. " u yJ WEATHER J? I; J jV at 8 a. m. 2 V OifcJl . 1 a : ZAW Y "56 28"00 1 ' ' 54 30 .0a 11 J 1 66 42 ,00 . "jj J 74 42 .16 ft if iPISliiiV A r so is .01 I I f llUer JLSAf u U. II I. 67 4i .07 s vj WifesrS5' D I N 0FE$T QUALITY. Washington, Feb. 16.-Prohittitki advocates in the Senate; after a nights reflection on Senator Reed's amend ment' to the postal bill, making it a crime to mail." liquor into . dry ' States, feared that it might have a reaction ary effect on the prohibition movement and sought unsuccessfully to reverse the action of yesterday. Senator Kenyon, of Iowa, one of the prohibition leaders, moved to strike opments imparted general firmness to the amendment from the bill. He the market at today's opening. Initial jfeaid he was not ready for the Federal quotations were mainly at fractional government to take drastic action at advances, but these soon were extend-jthis time, and felt it should be left to ed to a point or more in some of the " popular issues, including United States SUPERIOR' COURT. Steel. Sugars, metals, Central ' Leather and other equipments, and Several Cases Disposed of Thursday specialties aisb manifested iinderlw-l By Judge Bond. ing strength. Shipping hardened only i In Superior Court Thursday morn-' a trifle and rails moved within narrow ing, Judge AV. M. Bond presidng, Wal limits. jter Rogers was awarded $100 damages The market was more animated dur-1 against the Atlantic Coast Line Rail ing the mid-season, gains in shippings "road Company. The case of the Ar-and-coppers extending to oils and mour Fertilizer Company against the 'qther specialties. Steel and rails Carolina Transportation Company was also' rose moderately with feugars and non-suited. some Of the better known equipments. 1 Thursday afternoon L. W. Moore Iteports that marine war risks to was awarded a verdict of $300 against Great Britain were easier and fol- William Wimes. The Branch . Saw lowed by a rally in the cotton market Company was awarded $144 verdict during the early afternoon on cover- against The Bryant j Manufacturing ing and a little fresh buying for long Company The American Case & Reg aceount. May sold up to 15.94, or ister Company was awarded a verdict within two points of last night's clos- of $170 against M. M.Caldwell. John Graham, colored, was given divorce Beeswax Dry Hides. Green Salt Hides . . . . .. '. . .... 20c ' American Can ' - a -i i 27c Allis Chalmers .. 24 1-2 :ansi arne vxiaimm. 581 Ameriran Rppt Snpr pv rtiv . . 8ft i On Tuesday of last week March Mary July OctoDor nrcemoei NEW YORK SPOT. Xpw York, Feb. 16 Spot tKi(ly; middling 15.95. cotton. Tallow 9c WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 48. Rosin $5,60 and $5.35. Tar $2.75 and 12 cents. Crude $3:75 $3.75 and $2. 43 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Xew Orleans, Feb. 16. The cotton market was nervous and unsettled in the earlv trading today, but the trend was upward and active months showed Lies than due were chiefly responsi ble for the improvement. Tlit market became dull and hea vy, offerings increasing on the poor niulook for exports and talk of freighi embargoes on railroad sys tems. In ihe trading up to noon pric PS fell to a level 12 to 15 points un der the last quotations of yesterday. The cotton market closed steady at a net advance of 1 to 3 points. High Close March 15.61 Jllarv ...15.67 Julv" 15.65 October 15.18 December . .15.27 Receipts. Cotton 55 Tar 36 Cameron Was given a Wallace W. Cameron, Bertha divorce from BRITISH STEAMER HAS GONE AGROUND SAVANNAH NAVAL, STORES. Savannah, Feb. 16. Turpentine quiet, 49c; sales none; receipts 16; shipments 297; stocks 19,693. Rosin Firm; sales none; receipts 582; shipments 240; stocks 79,791. Quote: B D E F Gr, 6.00; II I and M, 6.20; N, 6.40; WWG, 6.50; WW, 6.75. American Car & Faundry 62 American Locomotive 69 1-2 American Smelting 97 American Sugar 108 1-4 American Tel. & Tel 124 1-2 Anarnnrta Hnnnpr 7fi Atchison ...... 102 3-8 Lewes, Del., Feb, 16. The British Atlantic Coast Line m i.8 steamer, Saraha,,from Cadix, Spain, Baldwin Locomotive 52 1-4! Baltimore, went ashore early to- Baltimore & Ohio 75 7-S,day on shiP shoal eiSht miles south Canadian Pacific 152 v of Cobb's Island, Virginia. Central Leather 85 3-4 Tne coast guard station reports the Chesapeake & Ohio ' .' .' .' ." .' .' .' .' '. '. 59 J steamer in "good .condition, but badly Chicago, Mil., & St. Paul 80 1-4 ashore." Chicago, R. I. & Pacific Ry. ... 26 3-S The Saraha is m ballast. Colorado Fuel & Iron 44 5-8 Consolidated Gas 122 EGGS AND POULTRY. Corn Products 211-8' Chicago, Reb. 16 Butter, unchang- Crucible Steel 64 7-8' e" MONEY MARKET. (By The Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 16. Mercantile pa per, 441-4. Sterling sixty-day bills, 4.72 1-2; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, 4.72 1-4; commercial sixty-day bills. 4.72: demand. 4.75 3-8: cables. 15 56! 4.76 7-16. 15.55; Francs Demand, 5.84 7-8; cables, 15.58 5.83 3-4. 15.13 j Marks Demand, 68; cables, 68 1-2. 15.25 Kronen Demand, NEW ORLEANS SPOT. New Orleans, Feb. 16. Spot cotton, nominal and unchanged. Sales on the spot, 1-40 bales. To arrive, 700. Good ordinary l.r.G9; strict good or dinary 10.19; low middling, 16.69; strict gooa miuuiing, lo.a't; miuuuiig, i 17.1H; strict middling, 17.38; good mid-j dung. 1..o; strict good middling, 17. SI. Receipts, 3,9."G; stock 42S,."25. 10.92. -Demand, 10.90; 40 5-S; cables, cables, Cuba Cane Sugar Erie General Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central 1011-2 Inspiration Copper 55 1-2 Int. Merc. Marine pfd 6 1-2 International Nickel 41 International Paper 38 Kennecott Copper 43 1-4 Louisville & Nashville 126 Liggett & Myers 260 Lorillard Co 232 Maxwell Motors .. 54 3-4 Asheville . Atlanta.; . Charleston Charlotte . Chicago . . . Galveston. ; Jacksonville New Orleans New York : . . Pittsburgh . , Raleigh Washington . Wilmington . .clear! . .clear . . clear . clear snow'g .clear clear . . . clear . cloudy .snow g clear cloudy cloudy ATTRACTIVE Decorated With Hosiery-r-Attracting Much Attention. The central display window of the Bon Marche store, North Front street, is attracting no little attention and many favorable comments have been heard as the result of the artist's more than successful attempt to in troduce something unique in the way of window trimming. The window has been trimmed with hosiery and in addition to showing what this store has to offer its patrons in the hosiery department it also shows that a skirt made of thin and delicate tinted hos iery is possible. .r.r.v r. ... Better baking guaranteed! lhere are no its- about the results you will get from Valier's Dainty Flour.This super fine flour is guar anteed to give y pu whiter, Tighter andfinerrflayored baking. Valicr's Dainty Flour is made of finest wheat; nulled by a special alow process, which aavea all its fine flavor; then sifted through silk to make its texture ex tra fine. It is quolttf flour and it fit ves oual- tiy ttiMltt in baXing. nave ynor jt ; grocer send you Valier s Dainty uezt time you need flour. The Ccrbett Co.. Wholesale Dutribators.Pn S WilmiatUa tc Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 a. m. yes terday, 5.8 feet. SUN RISE AND SUN SET. aaturaay. Sun rises 6:55 Sun sets 5: 58 NEW HANOVER COUNTY. In the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT. Bank of Pembroke and W. B. Cooper, Creditors vs. Eggs Receipts 4,253 cases: firsts 26 1-8' 42; ordinary firsts 38 1-2 to 39; at 164 1-2, mark eases included 39 to 40 1-2. 112 5-8 Potatoes Higher; receipts 46 cars'. . 31 3-4 I Wisconsin and Michigan white 2.50 ; c. E. Greenamyer and Lou B. Greenamyer. .uu vuivicuu. s i t,ullt iviaiiu auu j. iu ijt xi.., - - " Wicjhintnn 2 ttti 70 MYER and I.OU B. GREENAMYER, WILL P wS r ' P" , TAKE NOTICE: That a summons in the Poultry Live, unchanged. I above entitled action was issuert against said defendants on the 24th day of January, KKansas City, Feb. 16. poultry, unchanged. Eggs Firsts, 381-2. TinHfvr n,i 1917, which summons is returnable before -nuiu r inu i the judge holding the Superior Court of I New Hanover County, on the 5th Monday after the first Monday in March, 1917. same being April 9, 1917. The defendants will i also take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued by the undersigned against : rue urouerL.v vl saiu ueieiiuuuts, wuru New York, Feb. 1G. Butter, firm rieceiuis, i.uxi. reauiery nigue i .,. ,c ;afnrnflhlA hefnre the Snnerior Mexican Petroleum 86 3-4 than extras 47 to 47 1-2, creamery ex-j Court of New Hanover County at the Court National Lead 54 1-2 tras, 92 score, 46 to 46 1-2; firsts 39 House in V ilmington North Carolina, at xt v o q- !. , ' I the time above named for the return of the . I . Cllllttl i... ito 45 1-2. N. Y., N. H., & Hartford summons, when and where the defendants 37 1-2 Eggs Barely steady. Receipts, are required to appear and answer or de Guilders 40 11-16. Rl,hl(3(J npmonH ' rnhipo i Norfolk & Western 128 7-8 10,950; fresh gathered firsts, 4C; firsts 291.8 ... '(Northern Pacific 103 1 45 to 45 1-2; refrigerator finest, 42 1-2; Bar silver 78 5-8 (Pennsylvania 54 3-8 good to average best 41 to 42. Mexican dollars GO 7 8 Ray Consolidated Copper 25 5-S Cheese Firm. Receipts , 373; state Government bonds easy. pleading 91 1-4 held, special 25 3-4 to 26; ditto aver- Railroad bonds irregular. RP- Iron & steel 4 .-4 age fancy 25 1-4 to 2 1-2. Time loans easier; sixty and ninety ! a- Ij- l. oo , VT. , llo , i c. E. Greenamyer, in. favor of W. B. Coop- . j j . riu. iuiu; o. . -nit-Reiis -1 w iuwis iu er lor xwenty-eignt uunarea i,z,uo.uuj !S. davs. 3 3-4(5)4: six months. 4 npnnnni MA-mk, i .mm mnnpv srpanv nipn . i - ' nw ui v cnruuL i i J ' - . , (i:y The Assoi-iated Press.) I .2 1-4; ruling rate, 2 1-4; last loan, 2 1-2; i' Liverpool. Feb. 16. Cotton spot j closing, 2 1-4 bid; oftered at 21-2. mur to tne complaint, or tne reiier ae manded will be granted: and the defend ants will further take notice that this action is brought by the plaintiffs to re cover judgment against the defendant, C. E. Greenamyer, for Twenty-five Hundred $2,500.00) Dollars due the Bank of Pem broke by note dated November 25, 1914, md to recover judgment against aerenaant, The Standard Railroad of Tho South. Arrival and Departure of grains tt Wilmington, Effective Jan. 8, 1917. Time Not Guaranteed. DKPAKTUBXt TO AND FROM AKTUVALSt easier; good middling, 10.96; middling, 10.se : low middling, 10.68. Sales, S.iifiO, 1,000 for speculation and export. Receipts 25,000. Futures quiet. February 10.31 Southern Pacific 93 38 firm; chickens, -18 to 29; fowls, 18 to Southern Railway 28,3-8 24; turks 20 to 34. , 4 Southern Railway Pfd February-March .10.28 j neapolis tended to offset news GRAYN. Chicago Feb. 16. Wheat fell off today on account of gloomy views of the export situation. Word that Ca nadian wheat was arriving at Min- Studebaker Corporation 103 ! Tflnn frTrOT 1 fi 1 -4 Texas Co. .A 221 Union Pacific 137 1-2 United Fruit 135 that I U s- Rubber 53 larch-April April-Mav May-June 10.1S June-July 10.13 July-Aujrust 10.09 August-September 9.97 September-October 9.63 October-Xovember 50 -November-December.- 9.43 10.26 I arrangements had been made to move .10.21 j some of the domestic stock there to eastern states. Opening prices which ranged from 3-4,. decline to 1-8 ad vance, with May' at t.74 1-4 to 1.75 and July at 1.48 3-4 to 1.49 1-2, were followed by material setbacks all around. Bearish sentiment prevailed in the December-January .. 9.40 corn crowd owing to tho downward January-February . : 9.38 tendency of wheat. Rallies failed to February-March 9.38 j last. After opening unchanged to l-8c ' ; lower the market underwent a gener- COTTON SEED. j al sag. New York. Feb. 16. The cotton seed Oats droppejd with the other cer- oil market closed steady. Spot. 12.45; eals. Commission houses led the sell- j reoruary 12.40 to 12.70; March 12.45 1 ing. Provisions eased on on account To 2.49; April 12.18 to 12.20; May 12.-1 of weakness in the hog market. is to 12.20; June 12.16 to 12.22; July! Wheat Open. Close. J-lb to 12.1S: Aiipnr-19 IT. tn 19 17- May 1.74 1-4 . s d-s ; JUly 1.4S 3-4 1.4S St. T.ouis, Feb. 16. Poultry unchang ed except springs, 19; turkeys 26 1-2; ducks, 21. liutter Creamery, unchanged. Eggs 40. U S. SmeltiiiK & Refining . 54 5-S U. S. Steel 105 3-4, U. S. Steel pfd 117 1-2 Utah Copper 107 3-4 1 Va. Car. Chem 371-2 Wabash Pfd. B 25 Western Union Westinghouse Electric 50 1-4 Sales for today 334,000 COTTON STATISTICS. Liverpool, Feb. 16. Total forwarded to mills, 86,000 bales, of which Amer ican 60,000. Stock, 883,000; American, 742,000. Imoprts, 102,000; American, 65,000. Exports, 14,260. DIED AT SANITARIUM. r.... . ' member 12.06 to 12.10. Total sales, 8300 barrels. Xew SUGAR. York, Feb. 16. Raw suear nominal; centrifugal 5.40; molasses 4-3; refined firm; fine granulated 7.00 ;to 7.25. Sugar Futures were strong and fxcited. There was active covering w shorn and considerable buying by (ban interests, prompted by the un settled conditions there, and the firm npK of the spot market. At noon Prices were 15 to 28 points net higher. Corn May 1.01 1-2 July . . . ., . . . : . - 1.00 Oats May .571-8 July 55 3-8 Pork May - July 29.25 Lard May 36.67 July Ribs May 15.70 July .. 15.77 1.01 .99 -8 .56 5-3 .54 1-2 29.95 29.30 16.70 16.82 15.75 .15.85 George D. Grant Passed Away Thursday Night Funeral. Friends here will deeply regret to learn of the death of Mr. George D.I Grant, son of Mr. B. L. Grant, who re- j sided at No. 6, Queen street, which1 occurred Thursday night about 7 o'clock at the Red Cross Sanitarium, on the Gordon Road. Mr. Grant was in the 40th year of his age and until several months ago when his health failed was a well known riverman. The funeral will be conducted from W. E. Yopp's undertaking establish ment Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock and the interment will be made in Bellevue cemetery. (EMMY'S Special y Blend Coffee The Cup Favorite 25c Per Pound. G. D. Kenny Go. Phone 679. 16 So. Front Prompt Delivery. Dollars due by two notes dated November 25. 1914, together with interest, and to set aside and declare null and void a deed from ('. E. Greenamyer to Lou 13. Greenamyer,' recorded in boot el, page &yo, and lollow ing, of the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, and to condemn the real estate therein described, to the payment of the above mentioned : debts ; and that a receiver be appointed to collect the rents, insure the buildings against fire and preserve the property, pending the liti gation. This the 24th day of January, 1917. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover County. l-l!6-law-4v-fri. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. By cirtue of a Judgment of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, in a special proceeding, entitled Gertrude P. Bryan, Alary F. Stone,- J. C Shepard, Alfred Shepard, and Henrietta Sinclair, minor, by her guardian, American Bank & Trust Com pany Ex Parte, the undersigned commis sioner therein appointed will, on the 10th day of March, 1917, at 12:00 o'clock M. at the Court House Door iu Wilmington, N. C, expose for sale to the last and highest bid der, for cash, the following described lands, t6-wit: A certain tract of land lying in the City of Wilmington, Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Stn street 90 feet south of its intersection witli the southern line of Wright street, running thence east wardly, parallel with Wrigne street 150 feet to the western line of Cape Fear Avenue, eeeeeeeetaointaoishrdlu shrdlu shrdlu hrdl or Alley ; thence southwardly and parallel with 8th Street 60 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with Wright Street 150 feet to the eastern line of 8th Street; thence along the eastern line of 8th Street northwardly 60 feet to the Beginning being part of lots 2 and 3 in Block 24. according to the official plan of the City of Wilmington, and being described in a deed from .1. O. Reilly and B. O Stone to Henrietta Shepard, register ed in Book 54, page 581 of New Hanover County Registry. This land is sold for division among the beirs-at-lawf Mrs. Henrietta Shepard, the order of sale being approved by the Judge of the Superior Court, holding the courts of this district. This the 9th day of February, 1917. .". F. H. Al'CULLOUGH, Commissioner. KENAN & WRIGHT, Attorneys. Feb. 10-1G-23 Mar, 2-9. No. 90. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Eastern No. 91. lit A. H. North Carolina points. Connects at Golds- i;is A. IS. Daily Except boro with Southern Railway at Norfolk Dally Except Bandar. Southern Railroad. Monday. Through Sleeping Car between Wilming ton and Raleigh. Open to receive pa eengers after 10 :00 P. M. and may o occupied, southbound, until 7 A.M. Ohadbourn, Conway, Florence. Charleston, No. 61. Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, St. No. M Dally. Petersburg, Fort Myers, Columbia and Dally. ItM A. M. Asheville, Pullman Sleeping Cars between usv A. l. Wilmington and Columbia, open to re ceive outbound passengers at Wilming ton at and after 10 :00 P. M. - and may be occupied, Inbound until 7:00 A. M. No. 57 , No. 7:00 P M. Chadbourn, Conway and intermediate 9:3 A. M. Daily except points. Dallv Kxf-ept Sunday. - Sunday No. 84. , No. (55. S:4S A. M. Jpclrsonville, New Bern and Intermediate :i5 p. M. Daily Except Stations. Dally Kxi-ept Sunday. ' .' Sunday. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Wash- N. 49 ington. Parlor Cars between Wilmington N Dally. and Norfolk connecting at Rocky Mount 8:00 A. If. with New York trains having Pullman I g.(t i Servlc. No. 53. Solid train between Wilmington ana Mt, ' No. 52. Daily. Airy via Fayetteville and Sanford. r l;jii. 8:45 A. M. 8:00 F M. No. 62. Jacksonville, New Bern and Intermediate Ko- f3. Daily Stations. n.-.lly. t:03 P. K. . I 18:80 V. M. Chadbourn, Florence, Columbia, Augusta, No. 6S. Atlanta and the West. Charleston, Sa- No; 84. Dally. vannah and all Florida Points. All Steel Dally. gs45 p. jf. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilming- uau P M ton and Atlanta, via Augusta. Sleeping ! ' Cars daily between Florence and Colum- bia, which may be occupied at Colum bia until 7:00 A. M. , ! No. 59. No. 60 6 :30 P. M. Fayetteville and Intermediate Stations. io :15 A. M. Daily Except Daily Except Sunday Sunday. Goldsboro, Richmond,- Norfolk, Washington No.42. and New York, Pullman Broiler Buffet No. 41. Daily. Sleeping Cars betwe Wilmington and Dally. 1:19 P, H, Washingtonj connecting with New York 0:50 A. M. trains carrying dining cars; also Pullman Sleeping Cars .between Wilmington and Norfolk. For Folder Reservations, rates of faros, etc., call 'Phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. 1 11 ' - 'I Jl- I . JUI I llll II.. W m-rmmmm Small Deposits mt ii i M i mun uni until mu m nn ii nm ill 111 iiMiiHiiiiiiiiiittiiii in n iiii 111 iiiutuii iiiiii i iiin i ui m ii ri iiimtiiiiiiui mini This Bank welcomes small as well as large deposits DO NOT BE ASHAMED TO BEGIN A BANK AC COUNT WITH A SMALL SUM. Money will grow. The bank habit wilj assist you in making it grow. The officers of this Bank are glad to help you in small begin nings. Make use of us. CITIZENS BANK Corner Second and Princess Streets. BtiHRHEBRKB (UP F&TIMEIJ8 ; r bv TvicrvmMiis LOVE TO HEAR lOUR WIFE r T0U HAVEM'T HEARD HER HAVE yoo ? p CMS' "TOO ET HER TO olN,? I CAN'T ,T UER To-vrop? BUT SHE ) YOU DON'T 1 GNDER-bTAND ) HER- ii i n r ) a II II I ft. m .. k - 1 t f. 1 M .1 1 I Lk 1 ; - ', -i 1 WCUL-Un'T , 1 ntw- V l T ... J S L V i I I'LL TELL, HER NOT TO 51 tiqi i.-y, ( v 4' t -