Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!:!:!iii;;;;;:;ui:; i!!iiiiiiiiiiii::::;!iiiiii::;;i:::iiir,ii!ii::;!::!::;;::ii!::iiiii!iiiii:iiiii:;iii!i;!; iiiiiuiiiiutitiiaiuJi iitiiimilfimmi ir ' l- " mm. V ' . "V;.. V. ' T3 HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitjiiiujiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiNiniiiiiiiiii iiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A number of young folks were en tertained' at the home of Mrs. C. A. Williams Wednesday.: evening at a Valentine Party. Those present Mrs. Harry Norwitch, of New Bern, was a guest in the city yesterday. Mrs. G. T. Keen is a guest of Mrs Jack Watson in Dillon, S. C. ' , Mrs. A. B. Jones, of Southport, is a visitor in the city today. :- Miss Alma Benton has returned from Hamlet where she visited Miss Cora Atkinson. -X- Miss-Louise Drayton has returned. to her home in Columbia, S. C, after! visiting here, were: Misses same uttoway, tsear nice Bailey, Minnie Pindell, T'tb Cleapor, Alice Lane, Virginia Mund, Lillie Quelch, Hilda Ryan, Aiia Hud son; Messrs. Henry Corkran, Norman Wells, Slevens Carroll, George New ton, Richmond Hankins, Frank Beach am Carl Mathis, Montrose Hinton and Archie Munn. GIVE FIVE HUNDRED PARTY. The Wilmington Knights of Colum f GOT RtlN-DOWR But Cardd Built Dp Her Heak) 7 Ani Strength So She Could v Do Her Work -X- -X- Mrs,. H. L. Johnston left last night for Ashton where she will visit friends for several days. -Sfr Mrs. R. S. Cox, of Mount Olive, was a visitor- in the city yesterday, an Orton Hotel guest. 4 Mrs. R. M. Shepherd has returned from Raleigh where she was the house guest of Mrs. J. C. Little. VJ "A" V" Mrs. Louis T. Moore is spending a bus will give a five-hundred and set 1 back party at the local. Knights ot Col I umbus Hall on next Tuesday evening at 8.30 o'clock. Prizes will be Riven the winner and refreshments will be served. Dancing will be indulged in after the games. A small admission will be charged. The public is invit ed. -X- OFFICERS WERE RE-ELECTED.. At the regular meeting of the La dies' Aid Society of the Southside Baptist church officers to serve dur- period in Birmingham, Ala., yith ing the present year were elected as her sister, Mrs. T. Hopkmson Smith. Miss Athelia Sneeden, of Raleigh arrived in the city last night to spend some time yith Miss Arlena Albright. 7r -If Miss Grace Bunting, of Florence, arrived in the city yesterday to spend some time with friends. v" v vr Mrs. R. B. Goodwin, of Richmond, Va.,-4s visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. R. A. Cromwell, -was called to Ashton yesterday morning to the bed side of her niece. ?- Mrs. Charles Craig, of Roanoke, Va., arrived in the city last night to spend several days yith friends. follows: Mrs, W. M. Bryant, presi dent; Mrs. W. C. Moore, vice presi dent; Mrs. C. H. Kohler, second vice president; Mrs. J. M. McLaughlin, secretary; Mrs. J. B. Fales, treasurer; Mrs. W. G. Hall, pianist; Mrs. H. G. Bass, assistant pianist; Mrs. J. M. Shinn, reporter. SERVE ORIENTAL TEA. A delightful program will be ren dered at an Oriental Tea to be serv ed at the Grace Methodist church this evening at 8 o'clock : under the auspices of the Epworth eagv.e. The program is as follows: Misses Duncan and Bowen, duet; Miss Edna LaNier, mandolin solo; Miss Ida Fleet, vocal solo; Miss "Sallie Oldham, reading; Miss Ruby Duncan, vocal solo; Mrs. C. R. Clarke, reading; Mr. Christie, vocal solo; Korean chorus, groups of children : Miss Lois Cooper, Korean Miss Cora Flynn, of Fayettevillo, ! eOi0- Miss Mary Cavanaugh, piano returned to her home iast night after. solo. cpending some time here with Etowah, , Tenn. "About 5 year ago," writes Mrs. Lillie Carden, of thij place, "I first took Cardui. Dr saic Was suffering with ulceration . . and . . . turned over to one side. ! suffered great pain in lower abdomer and back. For 1 or 2 years the . . had been irregular and came aboul 3very 2 weeks, and I suffered greal pain. "Vould cramp so . I couldn't gel ip and do my work. Sometimes the , . would last 4 or 5 days and come ' do much, which seemed to cause me o suffer very much. I would be up and down in the bed for 4 or 5 days. IVhen I'd take the Cardui through the oeriod, the . . . would be less and not last so long only something like 3 lays, and the suffering would be en ;irely relieved. My health had got rundown and the Cardui would build up my health and jtrength and keep me going and out of jed, so I could do my work. It hurt no to even sweep my floor when I jegan it, but got so I could do the nost of my work, and I didn't suffer .ny more, had no more cramps." Cardui, the woman's tonic, has roven its efficacy in the treatment oi vomanly troubles. Try it. ADVOCATES A FERRY. friends. Miss Allene Carter, of Goldsboro, VALENTINE DANCE GIVEN. The Inter-Se Cotilion Club gave a delightful masked Valentine Dance at Dear Mr. Editor: Whether we have war or peace we ought to have some better means of transportation across the Cape Fear river than the present old-style and antiquated method in use. All progressive citizens are inter ested in some means of transportation across the river, for it is admitted on all hands that the time has about ar rived when something must be done. The question as to the advisability CENTS JUVLiilllft. U J11UU1 y - t -s f 9 - t i.Jt i i. 1 1 nvir i T iw , Suprisingly Low FOR OUR Prices 1 11. ' I - I - ' Iffl Miili SPECIAL 'Sale for 3 9 CENTS fl A W With an ear turned to the call from all who are looking for the greatest MONEY SAVING possibilities in the py- chasint? of the necessities the approaching Spring Season demands, we inaugurate our week end hriday and Sati day Spccjals, commencing tomorrow the 16th READ THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW : ur- DRESS GOODS AND TOILET SECTION 6 yards of 36-in. Muslin for 39c 5 yards of 27-in. Flannelette 39c returned to her home last night after j the Cape Fear Country Club Wednes-j of a Dri(jge is BtiiJ debatable, and furth spending several clays in the city 1 day. There were about twenty-two ; ermore jt anpears-that the government with relatives, 1 . .. . ii ; couples in attenaance ana ui weiemight not bp willing to grant permis .uniquely ciressea. me cusiumcb wcic, sion for the erecUoll of a ))riugo. Miss Mae Boone of Philadelphia, vanea ami attractive. ua .u.- Pa., returned to her home last night nishel for the occasion by Grainger s after spending some time here with orchestra, and through the courtesy relatives " - t of Manager George Bailey, of the Roy- .v- a. al theatre, Miss Hutcheson, Mr. West . n,. land Mr. Myers, appearing at the Roy- axx """uuc xaiivd.-,-. ... ,TrQ0v- Qnf ortainpd with al IUCULIC lino x . burg, returned to her home morning after spending several days in the city with friends and relatives. . .v. i. Mrs. George Rowell and little son Harold left last night for Washing ton, D. C, where they will spend some time with Mrs. Rowell's mother, Mrs. J. C. Byrd. a number of songs, which were strong ly applauded. The couples dancing were: Miss Mary Woolridge, of Asheville, with Mr. J. I.. Wright; Miss Ruth Smith with Mr. Glasgow Hicks; Miss l.ouis Worth with Mr. B. M. Washburn; Miss Maiv Wrieht Taylor with Mr. i Greene Fenley; Miss Marguerite Rob- A Japanese lea will bo given ini'""on. of I.,svi"f- M'., -with Mr. A the lecture room of the Grace Meth- P- Perry; Miss Florence Taylor with odist church by the Epworth Leagim I Mr. Harmon .Rorrison; Miss Caroline this evening at 8 o'clock. A musical Holmes with Mr. R. L. Henley; Miss program will be rendered. j Lucy Murchison with Mr. George Le- Grande, Jr.; Miss Alice Rushton, of Members of the Winter Park Pres-! Omaha, xXeb., with Mr. M. L. Wood tyterian church are cordially invited! ward; Miss Ruth Lynch with Mr. to sttend the congregational social to ' Charlie Lynch; Miss Essie Harnss be given in the Chadbourn Building with Mr. Charles Loder; Miss Kate this evening under the auspices of Northrop with Mr. S. B. Ives; Miss the brotherhood of the church. 1 Mary Eellamy with Mr. Thomas .v. 5. 1 Pavne; Miss Elizabeth Pemberton with Mr. R. W. Cantwell; Miss Alice Walker with Mr. E. M. Hardin; Miss Aathalia Bunting with Dr. Heaton; Miss Beanhardt, of Leesburg, Va., with Mr. B. R. Dunn; Miss Julia Faison with Mr. R. D. Cronley; Miss Manning Parsley with Mr. Theodore James; Miss Margaret Kingsbury with Mr. W. H. Burnside; Miss Stella LeBeau with Mr. George Clark; Miss Doane with Mr. Emmctt Bellamy; Mrs. Walter Storm with Mr J. E. Corbett; Miss Eleanor Harriss with Mr. Burton My ers. Stags Messrs. Donald Parsley, John Slocumb, Dorsey Lynch, Ed Bow den, Sam Northrop, Lieut. London, of X i Raleigh, Leslie Hummell, C. L. Taylor, Miss Essie Mae Truitt, of Greens- Dazael Sprunt, Roy Creig, Julian boro, passed through the city yester- Morton. Patronesses Mr. and Mrs. dny en route to Merry Oaks, where Walter Sprunt; Mrs. Annie Northrop, sh will visit he- brother, Mr. J. S. Mrs. Ashley Curtis, Mrs BriJgers, The -annual reception of the Wo man's Improvement League of the Myrtle" Grove school will be held to night at 8 o'clock Inv'tnUons have been mailed out by Mrs. Walter Hone, president of the club. 4f A delightful Valentine r?rt.y w-; given last night from 8 to 11 o'clock by the young ladies of the telephone (exchange. For the occasion the rest rocms of the exchange were attrac tively decorated with appropriate symbols. During the evening there was dancing and refreshments were served. - But no one denies that a ferry, free or otherwise, would at least be a long step in the right direction. As the authorities are no doubt con scious of a public-desire that the strict est economy be exercised in this im portant matter, it occurs to the writer to suggest a possible plan of econ omy and efficiency. You are aware, Mr. Editor, that the i foot of Chestnut street the city main tains a fire boat and a crew of some four or five men. 1 do not know the, capacity of this tire-boat, but it is no j doubt of ample capacity to tow a flat j or ferry, across the river. As the site of the ferry is only a couple of blocks distant from the present lire station, surely no risk would be incurred in connection with the ferry. The fire boat has very few calls at oresent. and the slight inconvenience to be incurred by river passengers in case of a possible fire would be more han offset by the advantages of a erry adequate for the needs of the 'oniniunily, or indeed any sort of fer ry that would be an improvement up on present transportation conditions cross the river. Councilman McCaig has just point- J d out the need for the exercise of 1 rigid economy. Would it not there fore be wise to use the fire boat and the firemen in the operation of the I'erry ? AN ECONOMICAL TAXPAYER. 2 yards of 40-in. White and Fan cy Voile special at 39c 1 0c. value irrWhite and Cream Curtain Goods, 5 yards f or39c . 5c. value of White and Cream , Curtain Goods, 10 yards for 39c 50c. Part Wool Ladies Gloves for 39c 10c. Hook Towels, 5 for 39c 4 pairs Children Hose for 39c 3 pairs Ladies Hose for 39c 1 box of 1 0c. Colgate's Tooth Paste 1 cake of 1 0c Soap, 1 box of 1 0c. Talcum Powder, 1 25c. Tooth Brush, ALL FOR 39c READY-TO-WEAR AND MIL LINERY SECTION Muslin Corset Covers, embroidery, and lace trimmed, for T.39c Corsets in the new models for39c Wool Knit Shawls for 39c ' ' V ' i,;-: t: White linen Center Piece, stamp ed ready to embroidery, for 39c Hat Trimmings, Feathers, fancy Ribbons? special lots for this sale, for . . 39c Ladies' trimmed and untrimmed Hats, from $1.00 to $3.50 values, special 39c Children's Hats in all colors, $1.00 to $2.25 values, for J39c MEN'S SECTION Men's 50c. wool Gloves for 39c 4 pair 15c. lisle Socks for . .39c men s si ilk Ties for 3di Ladies' crepe Gowns, in low necks and short sleeves for39c. J Children's Cotton Sweaters, from 3 to 6 years sizes, for 39c 1 4 pair Children's muslin Drawers for - . 39c 4 pair Children's Under-bodies for 39c 10 men's Handkerchiefs, 5c values, for 39c 50c. men's silk Ties for 39c Boys' Coat Sweaters, from 3 to 6 years sizes, for 39c Men's 50c. Dress Shirts for 39c Men's Underwear, in 50c values for 33c Boys 50c, under-suits in 2 piece garments for 39c Boys blue cotton surge pants- for 1 ZBa Men's Overall Pants, for speci al. 39c 50c. Boys' Hats for 39c Eel-Wi Cfimpany ii GOOD REPORTS FOR KIDNEY MEDICINE ADDITIONAL SOCIAL. Truitt, for several weeks. Mrs. Marion Harriss. 33 I - A HAD ENJOYABLE EV,NING. Mrs. C. A. Williams entertained a :u:nbor of young people Wednesday at her attractive home. Various games were played, which were in the spirit of St. Valentine's Day. Judg ing from assurances to the hostess of a delightful evening, many hearts were lost and won. Delicious re freshments were served. The follow ing were present: Misses Sallie Ottoway, Eernice Dai ly, Minnie Pendall, Lottie Cleapor, Alice Lane, Virginia Munn, Lillian Quelch Hilda Ryan, Anna Hudson; Messrs. Lee ockran, Norman Wells, Stevens Carroll. Georp Powler, Rich ard Hawkins, Frank Beacham, Carl Mathis .Archie Munn and Montrose Hinton. -V. J SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN. A surprise party was given Thurs day evening from 8 to 11 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Griffith, No. 7 Queen street, in honor of their daughter, Miss Leola. The home was attractively decorated ofr the occasion. Courses were served and games were olayed. Those present were: Misses Foster Branch, Addie Branch, Alma Kermon, Janie Burriss, Flossie Bur riss, Louise Singletary, Lauretta Ut ley, Lela Hawkins, Gracie Oldham, Nellie Reynolds and Ada Singletary. Messrs W. D. Jones, J. H. Bost, H. Newkirk, C. Soles, .O. Jordan, C. Ken edy, B. Griffith, , E. Burriss, H: Wat ters and G. Todd. I had been suffering from a very bad case of kidney trouble for a year, and one 4aySceived a sanvpleibottle of Dr. Kilmer's "Swamp-Koot and after taking 1 ,was surprised at the results obtained, 'i heartily recommend it to those suffering as I did because I be lieve it is a very reliable medicine for the troubles for 'which' it is intended. Very truly yours, MRS. JOHN R. MARSTON, 3039 Cedar Avenue. June 12, 1916. Baltimore, Maryland. Sworn and . subscribed to this 16th day of June, 1916. Howard A. Sweeten, Notary Public. RETURN WITH SCALPS CASE ""WAS CONTINUED Local Red Men Initiate Pale faces In Dunn, N. C. Twenty members of the Eyota and J. F. Jackson to Stand Trial On Friday of Next Week.. The case charging J. F. Jackson, WOULD-BE YEGGMAN Cherokee Tribes of ReC rvten or this I white, of Kinston, with enticing or city, composing the crack degree team, i attempting to entice laborers" who are returned to Wilmington Thursday , .Q, 'uv, v, -t. .n night from Dunn. N. C, where on Wed-1 ?nder cont" with other mills to nesday they initiated fifteen palefaces ! leave the Cltv and accept employment for Chicora Tribe, No. 183, which was' from his firm was docketed in Recor- Letter Dr. Kilmer Binghamto to I r & Co., I n, N. Y. I organized in the thrifty little city on the first of the year.- The local Red Men report a most successful occasion in Dunn and loud ly proclaim the unrestrained hospital ity accorded them, riot only by the Red Men of that place, but by the citizens at large. They were greeted by the 1 mayor of the town who informed them that Dunn was theirs while they remained. The degree team put on its work on Safe Combination Demolished In Produce Stoie. ' A would-be yeggman broke into the produce store of Mr. W. J. Uorwlith. in the Fourth Street Market, at. Fourth and Campbell streets, Thursday mi-'li' and made an' unsuccessful attempt to crack the safe in that place of busi ness. The combination was; demolish ed with some instrument, but the rob ber did not accomplish his purpose m opening the door. . Mr. Meredith discovered that lj!S place had been entered during W Ulglil WI1CU lie upcutu der's court for trial Friday morning but was continued until Friday of next week and the defendant released on $200 bond. The evidence in the case Ayas heard Thursday afternoon before Justice 'W;"HfSt'eG"6an who sent the defendant on . to Recorder's day morning. He found the front door court where it is expected final dispo-, broken down and the combination of sition of the matter will be had. Ui, oof. ,riro,i Tbo nolice station The moraine's session f the lower, was rmHfiAri immediately and I 'ain' court was featured by the unusually ' clothesman B. W. Jacobs dispatch? larere nnmhpr nf msos that v.. c.., hnt a Minmuull invest? s -i 4.1 jl ' ji . . . . . . . nn f M Wednesday evening following a. big Ki. A!"U"B uiu counnueo were igation oy tnat omcer ii-- V t street parade, which was one of the! e fwing: Troy .Jackson colored, -"as to the guilty party It features. All of the local Red Men .UdliBq iarceny;a6ge tiut-he learned what . vaiuaim ier, EiSLene ijrawiora ana Mary L.ily was contained in sate. Nixon colored- vncrranrv T.ilv Wilonn I t.,,i o- fvnm thn r riidc manner and Lizzie Edwards onlnrAH vmrran. in nrViinh tv. nnmiiinniiiin h.'d l)ee . . , : " S " . " ' " C3 . i i ii ill luv v urn Tnm UMb-A, ifliof iUa xxrrxrh trn Hint of 'M illMiU'1 it o.in.uif vUlUlcUp Vvdo ill lx - v. raigned op a charge of assault on a female, but after hearing the evi dence 5 th court was of the opinion that the chaCrge was frjvolous and ma licious, and . ordered thel .jprosecuting witness, a dusky young woman, to pay the cost." The defendant admitted that he had been a resident of Wil- . D. Brown SUNDAY SERVICES. Rev. J. S. Crawley Will Conduct Ser vices at New Hone Church. Rev. J. S. Crowley will conduct ser-J Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For j were in their full war-path regalia You. and made a distinct hit. Warrior W. XX QoVQ CD 1T7 Vl r n d tinorl o i-i r cl aii1i-1a Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co u than tl ordi man caused ' c Rmrhamton. isL Y.. for a sample size , , , ...... '. 1 CIVt tI mi vii several aarKies to iaKe 10 tne tan urn bottle. It will convince anyone. You ber . will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys To witness the ceremonies delega and bladder. When writing, be sure tions from tribes in Fayetteville and and mention the The Wilmington Pis- Smithfield were present. patch. Regular fifty-cent and one-dol-1 . lar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advt. TOWN TOPICS. r reported to the police Friday , morn- ,ing tnat a blood pressure apparatus one was in her home. Officers W. F. Moore and Marcus Grey were sent j niington since early in . January and to the scene, but found no one. , nad not procured work ;.tip until, the present, lie was told to find a iob or Stole Instruments u E. S. Bulluck I has been stolen from his atomrmil His rnr wnc rtorlrprl whnrr 'tha'.-t-riatm. - f I" - w r . fcUQ. . illrilhf I' Back From Raleigh Mr. J. E Wade, chairman oi the Trainmen's ment was stolen. Association, of Wilmington, has re-J turned from Raleigh where he con-' 7 ferred with Representative Grant with regard to the Jones Workmen Compensation" Bill introduced into the Legislature. Mr. Wade states that there, are objectionable features in the bill and later the labor organiza tions will present -a"., bill that will be just to employer and employee else onewould be found for him. iln the case chareriner Tizzia Ed- Peddler Arrested Deputy Sheriff .vices both tTir ot ; f!. TT TCpftji vtvmrftHnv arrested a npd-s v , v lug . " -w .j - mt the New Hope church Sunday and all i . dler" fo non-payment of his license are invited to attend. The morning tax. To be "snre" the money would be service starts at U joJclock and the paid. hip goods were seized. After the evening service at, 7:30. Rev. Mr. ! necessary "amount hacf ben paid they Crowley will preach in the home of ) were given back to h'ifci -Mr Jim Sullivan in the Sullivan Police ;aed Mrsi Klyington, of neighborhood Sunday afternoon at 3 No. 301 South Sixth street, called the i. Everyone .living in that police Thursday mbrning about 10:40 neignoorhood is invited to attend. o'clock and informed them that some Autos f or Hire Pleasure : Driving, Dances, .Weddings and Commercial City Livery Gomp'y jvards, colored, with- disorderly oon duct, the court decided that there was no ground for the. Charge and ordered the prosecuting witness to tPay the cost. Unable to muster this amount the judgment; changed to read, "Thirty :days ' at? ihe " county farm." - f & J Prayer for judgnfent was continued for a period of twelve months in the case charging Ben McFarlane, color ed, with violating, the. driving ordi nance. rPreslffif" 'Dtfrtihf, 1 Colored, charged with a similar offense, was allowed to go upon the payment of the cost. Judgment has not been rendered as yet in the case charging L. Parker and R. B. Reaves, white, with an af fray. . Phones 15 and 345. Cherokee In Port. .The Clyde Liner Cherokee arrive 1 in.porLPriday after noon from Georgetown, S. C. It will sail Saturday morning for New York. . T.ii.,.;,,rr :rr (W i nree ueeas runuwiut, it , .1... .-v H.nisr Ii inree aees nieu in uu- ""- v-i a. nL.ji 1 himIiRI- Low company to Lnauu-jum """ :, md pany, lot on Wright street. $10" JJ other consideration; (' I'-. )'lot commissioner to Alieo ('. ,i(k no, nt.t v A Sill t" "ii xavv own on kj i , ' - . G. Pickett, lot on South Ninth siu1 QTflD PATAIinUf flPElN NOSTRILS ANDhEAD Says Cream Applied in Nils j Relieves Head-Coid s sX -lce' If anl ... ,.l.,M'i'll your nostrils ;ue - i ' . .1 .. ...I VI) your neau is siuneu . Y i il. j, i ii :i t'l'iii ureame ireeiy ufuuu ,p a catarrh, just get a small h Ely's Cream Balm at any .r- Apply a little of tips ' nJ'.'rN aDd septic cream into your n" " a? let it penetrate through V,,I'V ''1 m sage of your head, sooting ' ' 0 ing the inflamed, swell''!'- " t a : l- i membrane onu j'ou gei n0j. nit Vo:ir lfiir. Ah! how good it feels. trils are open, your r.c.ui more hawking, snuftnK. l" ,,'eZint for breath. Ely's Cream from ii'" Its a delight. nli" if", j i i i ..flo p... li.-lll catarrh need r -

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