J, . J : ritvLxr - '. THE wILMiJNV 1 ylN UUrAiuii r!KlLJn.- J- w.(A""yy- - r ' ' i ' : EMPTim NEWS ARTICLE I THREE STEAMERS LEFT . NEWPORT NEWS TODAY (By Associated Press.) ' Newport News, Ya., Feb. Iff. Three steamers, two Entente and one neu tral sailed from Newport News today on voyages ' which will carry ..them through the zone of Germany's unre- affiftpfl submarine warfare. Thev Southport Citizens Take Of- j the hardest confession to;. were:1 ti e . c U ' cf,, j. MAKE 1 The British steamer Harmattancar- iense at Submarine Story , i simpiy had to golrying a cargo of about 800. horses for in The DlSDatch. ! n th hnns tn nnrrhase a number of Liverpool ; the British steamer Mar- v" v- Mr . T , , T-v,, V. clothes for my picture.,: Calling nneriuan, wi uuuuuu, m on the 'phone, she agreed to go with j steamer Oosterdyjk, of the Holland An t nmniH trv nn thfr various ! America Line for Rotterdam. The The Dispatch last night received the following letter by mail from South port: - "Southport, N. C, "Feb. 15, 1917. "Editor Dispatch, "Wilmington, N. C "Dear Sir Your little paper, in its so-called 'news' from and of this city, (which you in your ignorance desig nate a 'village,' though it has been in corporated over 25 years,) have gone from fancv to fiction, to your latest creation, published in your issue of the 13th inst., which we unhesitating ly pronounce libelous and untrue. "YouT continual effort to get a laugh at the expense of the citizens of South port, through some perverted 'news' reported from here, has gained the contempt of our people. It is not to be expected that our people could reach your ideals of what a commu- things. Ethel would tell me. rranKiy how she thought they looked, and I am helped to no small extent by her criticisms. v One suit I tried on was a macron broadoiDth with black fox trimming, and although it was becoming, I had rtmihta whether it. would uhotograph nttrartivplv or not seer Busbee, then, now the warden, ."What do you think about it, Ethel beat many prisoners and ','he never Aonrf" T askprf hpr struck a lick without bringing the This is where I fail you, Anita, Marmari and, Oosterdyjk cleared yes terday but were unable to leave port last evening on account of a dense fog- which hung over Hampton Roads and Chesapeake Bay. The Harmattan has on board about forty American horse men. THINGS THAT By GENE BYRNES -. r : she replied, "for I don't know the first blood," Face said. He gave the names of some. One of these, Pace thing about color values in photog- j said, was George Lambeth, of Greens- raphy. There was no dilly-dallying. boro. "And that boy has scars which qj.pl he will carry to his grave if 'he is simply didn't know, and refused to say what she merely surmised. Later I asked her opinion on living now," Pace said He said Mr. Busbee had beaten a boy of 16 or 17 named Brewer while something else about which she was ; , k , k , , , Ik sumcimis .iJ.j irr head held and body bared, "and then not sure, and she again admitted ig- nity should be. But when you keep norance. publishing them as cowards and rubes, , Coming down to the studio with there should be at least an atom of j me, she sat in a cozy chair outside fact for such publications, and not i of the camera's range and watched a repenuuu uuu ."""'lir VLa9 (V' ' 1 a,7 wWh wp i white man, half-witted, was repeated that our people were weaklings andji wore the maroon suit which we hpatM1. ' ThP nin fpiinw i no turned the handle to which the strap was attached and hit him over the head." Mr. Btlsbee heard the testi mony without even smiling. Pace said Moses Speaks, an old sleeDers, shivering and running to had brought down vitn us m uie aid shelter, whenever a noise was heard chine. The costume mistress coming over head, or a box or barrel came into the studio spied the suit and ex- floatins: down the river. i claimed: 'There is nothing in the records of the people of this city and county that "Oh, Anita, that will photograph beautifully. You wise little scamp! has the slightest warrant for placing j How well you know how colors will thpm in . the hvsterical class. Rather . look on the screen. Where did you have they ever been first to meet any threatened danger, and meet it half way. As your readers are fully aware of the character of our people, we cannot see the object of making your Southport 'news' and local comments! on our people, the basis for such re peated disparaments of our citizens. It might be that we could tell some thing of those who supply you with this kind of 'news' of Southport, but we believe that according tqthe ethics of your profession, The Dispatch ever get that suit?" ly Deaten., The old tellow is now in the criminal insane department of the central prison in Raleigh and "if he is living has scars that will stay forever with him," he said. Pace said Captain Rhem, the old soldier who looks so good, was not as good as he should be. "I have" seen him whip, have seen men whipped at his command and sometimes with- A HANDFUL OF RAIS1K5 f FOR MAMMAS BOY I told her how we had been doubt- j out him knowing it," Pace said. "I ful as to whether it would screen well I believe Captain Rhem is influenced by others." When he represented Captain Rhem as swearing, the old gentleman broke into a broad smile. "Don't you or not, and that I was greatly relieved by her opinion. Soon it was time for Ethel to leave, and after taking her to the door I re turned to my director to finish the know Captain Rhem never swore?" few remaining scenes which we were Representative Joyner asked. Pace to do that day. stuck to it. The old soldier kept On my way home, however, an hour smiling, or so later, I read a wonderful arti-1 As for himself Pace had never been cle by Dr. Frank Crane who says beaten. He had dodged it by working MO THANKS MOM I DOMT WHAT Tf1 DOCTOR SAD A&OUT 'PENDKiTtS 4w TwQ Great QbKgations CONFRONT EVERY MAN OF FAMILYAFFAiRg! To provide for the present physical, educational and moral need those dependent upon him 8 01 To arrange for their continued protection In the face of anv Mu .which may arise. igeacy This institution stands ready to advise and assist individuals in filling these natural demands. rul" Established 1900. The Peoples Savings Bank CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNI- FOR SALE TWO-STORY HOUSE The Murchison National Bank RESOURCES $10,000.00 stands sponsor for all matter publish- that the nhrase. "I don't know." is ! when h harl .mnpndiHHs pnri wh?n ed m its columns, regaraiess oi now j the hardest in our tongue to voice. ; the leash was held above him. such matter may have been secured "As this is the first time we have openly taken issue with you concern ing what you print of Southporters, and taking decided issue with your article published in yours of the 13th inst., wo- ask in all fairnes that you give this letter as much prominence in your paper, as you have given the He goes on to state that unless we are sure of a thing we don't know it. A hazy recollection in the deep re cesses of our brain is, not knowing, and only very wise . persons know what they don't know. "How like Ethel that is," I thought to myself. "She certainly had some idea how the suit would photograph. article above referred to, and in truth i but she really didn't know and would all other articles applmg to this place and its people. And this at an early date. This is hut an expression of what our citizens think regarding your attitude towards them. "Yours, "C. B. St. GEORGE, "CHAS. G. CAUSE, "JAS. B. CHURCH, "Citizens' Committee." -If yea will not publish the He was not taking any chances on it. He was forced to work many times when too ill. He finally was doctored and offered to pay for an operation which he has not yet had. Dr. Register j had interceded for him. "And but for- him many a fellow would be in his grave," said Pace. Attacked By Mann ture; nearly new; will sell at a sac rifice. Stoves, brass beds, tables, rugs, refrigerator. China closet, chairs, rockers, etc. O. H. Shoe maker, 114 So. 6th street. 2-15-3t LETTER-HEADS OF ALL KINDS, Drintins. lithograph, die-stamp or ' engraved ; also general commercial printing and Multigraph circulars. Expert typewriting. Harriss Type writing & Adv. Co. 2-14-eod-10t FOR SALE ONE , TWO OR THREE lots at Carolina Court on 17th street between Orange and Ann, facing I west. Mears Harriss. 2-14-3t TITU Tl JJ 1 T-l i w ueu saiu auiain itnem re- not say she did." J fused him the newspapers "because Since then I have been surprised j you know too damned much already," to realize how very seldom we sin- the superintendent smiled and be cerely voice the words, '1 don't came a deep study. Soon Pace was know." Try watching your speech 1 iu the hands of Mr. Mann, these next days, friends, and youTi j "What has become of that young see what I mean. I unfortunate girl whom you debauch- j ed and ruined? Mr. Mann said. "P. S.- above, except for pay, publish it ati your regular ad. rates and the bill will be paid by us, when you publish, or in advance, if you question our credit." TOLD TERRIBLE TALES AT PROBE. (Continued from Page Seven) face naa saia ne servea six years for seduction under promise of mar riage and his alleged victim was a woman of 28 and a hotel waitress, he explained. Mr. Mann's voice shook with emo-, tion. The committee did not all seem (The Dispatch regrets that the article in question offended the South port citizens, or rather three of its citizens, since there seems to be no j evidence that the protest is from more j young machinist said J 1 A 1 -L t ml X 1 ' Liiiiu mat, uuuiuer. 1 lie reuuner wuu cusations against the prison camps was connected with the Kitchin administration. Narrating one of these events, rest-1 to care for the humiliation but Dar ing briefly and starting into anotner, Mr. Mann stopped him and said: "That was during the Laughinghouse administration, wasn't, it?" "i ii get to tne iviann airecuy, tne He said Over wrote the article, while perhaps show-1 the present management knows. There ing bad judgment in his treatment of arno better people m the world than the subjects as it now develops, never those of .the Cape Fear section and had any idea of reflecting upon the none in the Cape Fear section better good people of Southport and the story, than those of Southport. The Dispatch was given to him by a man who lives has often joined hands with Southport there, or near there, and used in good in trying to get for that place some j day afternoon. den, of Halifax, and Joyner, of North ampton, insisted upon answer. Mr. Mann pointing a finger at him, said he could not put his character against' that of Christian and Rhem. The ex prisoner said he knew nothing of the woman and didn't want to hear any thing. She had testified falsely and he had served his time. And Mr. Mann like Mr. Pace, had left the impression of having just a trifle too much feeling in the case. Tne committee adjourned until Fri- faith by this paper. There was noth- enterprise or government recognition ing in the article, however, as we see and we shall continue to aid South it to call for the criticism of the "Cit- port in, any way we can, regardless of izens' Committee," space for whose the attitude of the "Citizens' Commit views is cheerfully given. The citi- j tee." Again we express regret that zens of Southport know that the as- one of our reporters in an unguarded sertion of the "Citizens' Committee," I moment should have used a story giv that "your continual efforts to get a Mr. Wilson for two and one-half years demonstrated his ability not to be "hurried into war." No other citi zen of the United States has under- laugh at the expense of the citizens of Southport," is untrue and unjust gone the same test. Mr. Wilson won't en him in good faith by one ot the cit-1 be "hurried" even now. Springfield izens of the place that offended the 1 Republican. PTinrI nonnlo nf tho nit v rf QnnHinnrf i This paper has no desire to reflect up-: or even a small number of the people. on Southport and never has so far as' The Dispatch.) York EM Tr er linos eatment For Nothing to Swallow You Just Rub It On. Mothers everywhere will be inter ested in the experience of Mrs. Chas. I. Smith, 623 West Gas Alley, York, Pa. Mrs. Smith tried the Southern remedy Vick's VapoRub Salve, when it was first introduced in York, and writes "Our little four year old boy had a cough for about a week. We gave him everything we knew, and noth ing seemed to do any good. So when we got Vick's VapoRub I rubbed it on his chest well for two nights and I have not heard him cough since. I think it is the best medicine I have ever had in the house." Tick's VapoRub comes in salve form, and when applied to the body heat, the ingredients are released in vapor form. These vapors are i n h al e d with each ROTARY COUN I'll RALPH I. SMITH M I I 4 YEARS OLD) M IlilllilillM BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's "hiessengers. They will call fop your "ads." In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night let tergrams, cabfes, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." WANTED THREE FIRST CLASS Firemen. Apply at once in person, at the office of the Castle Hayne Stave Co., Foot of Wright St., City. 2-8-tf. slate roof, on Wrightsville Avenue Apply W. A. McGirt, Masonic Tern pie. 2-13-7t j SPRINGS FRONT SPRINGS FOR Ford cars, $3.00. Genuine seven leaf bushed spring. W. D. MacMillan, Jr., Wilmington, N. . C. 2-13-10t i nnprsnw and California rail. road Co., Grant Lands, Title to same revested in United States by Act of Congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Land. Containing some of best land left in United States. Now i3 the opportune time, Large Sectional Map showing lands and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, etc. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. l-19-3m, L. L. SHEPPARD, 817 NORTH 4TH St. Have got tne goods for you. Best native meats of all kind. Also a full line of groceries. Phone 11S6. Prompt delivery, ways on the job. 10-13-eod-tf. FURNITURE 19-21 AND 23 SOUTH Front street. Store full of furniture. Lots of new furniture, and some slightly Aised and sold at bargains. We have a gas range and pas water , HOT WATER Is a Household Necessity ; abundant hot water is the greatest domestic luxury. Let us demonstrate our various kinds of GAS WATER HEATERS for you Then Give Us Your Order for your selection. Terms are Satisfactory. Tide Water Power Co . Princess Street. FORD OWNERS MAKE A SIXTY- inch tread Ford out of a fifty-six tread for $15.00. Write us. W. D. MacMillan, Jr., Wilmington, N. C. 2-13-7t heater you can use. Big values. ; Come to see us. Sterling Furniture i Company. E. H. Sneed, Mgr. Phone 60. " I-2G-tf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. Yb-IAX CALL H. L. K!DD FOR SOIL FOR Flower yards. Phone 1549-W. Your wants will receive prompt attention. 1-9-tf MNRPnFPMPn nwp uir.TrtPTvoc. writer, good as new, visible model. Unredeemed price $28.50. Charles Finketstein's. 2-15-tf. FOR THE VERY BEST NATIVE AND Western Pork and Beef, Fancy Groceries, tec. See or Phone R. B Moore, 3rd and Castle. Phone 1888. 11-24-tf FOR RENT THREE CONNECTING rooms with use of bath. Modern conveniences. Nicely arranged for light housekeeping. Free use of phone and water. Rent reasonable. Phone 1092 or 151. 2-16-3t SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SAT- urday only. Canned corn 12c; cann ed string begins 12c; early June peas 12c; Tuna fish 10c; Shredded Tuna fish fish 5c: Kellog's Kram bles 9c; fresh Halibut and smelts to day an 1 a fuVr j-nn oi groceries -it very rea-"oi!wl.'? prices. May's Deli catessen, Phone 1322 2-15-3L RE-CREATION OF MUSIC - (Mr.-Edesons New Art.-) - "THE NEW EDISON" Hear this wonderful machine at our store play EDISON'S DIAMOND DISC RE-CREATIONS Sole Dealers. C. W. YATES COMPANY Market Street. . Wilmington, D. C. ! WANTED POSITION AS STENOG- rapher by voung man. Address 317 N. Fourth St. 2-16-lt-J 1 LOST MASONIC WATCH FOB. T. M. G. engraved on back. Return Rooms 11 and 12, Masonic Temple. Reward. 2-15.3t breath, opening the air passaaea ami loosening the phlegm. It's "a rea! "Bodyguard in the home" against a!i forms of cold troubles. 25c, 50c. cr $1.00. At all druggists. JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT North Carolina hams, sides and shoulders. Also fresh lot eggs. Our prices are right. Edwards Brothers, corner Sixth and Castle streets. Phone .1910. 2-16-2tj Keep a little BopvGuabd an Vour hom BE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN FLAG Ice Cream. Washington Hatchet Ice Cream. Creamed Cottage heese daily. Try it. A. G. Warren Ice Cream Company. . Phone 485. 2-16-ltJ If ifTiDii APPLES TWO CARS YORKS AND 0 Baldwins will arrive February 12th. ' p We have just received a nice fresh A stock Smith Bros. Cough Drops, U Hershey's Milk Chocolate and Al- Z mond Bars, Tootsie Rolls, Chocolate Hands, etc. Try our Quality Mix- 8 ture or Everyday Assortment in 30 K pound pails, the best candy on the market for the money. Send us your candy and produce orders. Bear ; Produce & Merchandise Co., Whole sale. 'Phones 452-453. Wilmington, N. C. tf orry You Need Medicine If you must use drugs, use ours. We are pleased to serve you be cause we know we serve you BEST for your health's sake and your purse's sake. You run no risk in using what we sell for here freshness and purity precedes all else. Phone 520. THE PAYNE DRUG COMPANY, Corner Fifth and Red Cross Streets. 1,500 Bales Good Middling. 1,800 Bales Strict Middling. 2,500 Bales Middling. 2,200 Bales Low Grades. Above quantities wanted. milling I . WE SELL I COAL And W.B. Cooper 6 Co. Wilmington, N.C. Builders' Supplies We Solicit 1 STORAGE DR. L.J. MEREDITH ill i VV. B. THORPE & GO I DENTIST. 804-305 Southern Building: Phone 194. Practised Four Years , in Wniteviile, - ' . North Carolina. I g;.. Water and Ann Streets. Phone 789 31 IHIIIII(!llllllllll!lllllllll!II!IIIIIIIIIIIII!lllll!inii:illl!IIIIIIIIm IN AUGURAT ION ' PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON WASHINGTON, D. C. MONDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1917. 510.05 ROUND TRIP via SOUTHERN RAILWAY From Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Burlington, and all Intermefl' ate points to Greensboro. $10.65 From Goldsboro, $10.70 From Selma. , Round trip tickets for this occasion will be on sale March 1 and for trains scheduled to arrive Washington by noon March Tickets will be limited returning to reach original starting Poln 1 midnight of March 10th, 1917, or by depositing ticket in WasinS and paying a fee of $1.Q0, final limite will be extended to April 10th, w Special Pullman Sleeping cars will be operated from Raleigh "Durham, and from all points for special parties of twenty-five or mor For Sleeping car reservations, and complete information, ask sou ern Railway agents, or address J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent to-3-6-17 t Raleigh, N. C. READ BUSM ESS ADS TY FAIR .....m, -yfc.l COUNTY-FAIR: Thirty minutes of rJ fan CABARET deRotare: "Fortyfive minatet o Plenty of pretty girls and sono M that will rins in vour earsfor. y w (Space donated by American Bank 6V Trust, Company.) t y : ' . J