3.C. -PAGE FIVE V H b H - - i H a awa - , - 1 t HTUia-tp. ; JIUGEPTDFFIEE COURT'S RULING Record Of Recorder' Harriss For First Quarter Without Parallel Councilman W. F. Jones Nam ed As Public Defender In " Bill When asked this morning whether he would accept the office of public de render provided the bill creating this office and which carries his name passes the Senate, Councilman W. F WFRF rONVirTFIV, v 7 Mai pa ne saw ho reason WfcKfc. UINViUAHU why he shoulp not, adding, however, lua1' wouia mice to read the bill be fore giving oit any statement. Mf. Jones stated tiat he read the original draft of the bill but did not know to what extent It ; had been amended and consequently was not in position to say whether he office would be de sirable or not. me Dill which is understood MANY DEFENDANTS An Appeal Taken in the 528th. Case Docketed -In This Instance De fendant Fined. thousand nine hundred and! t DISTRICT FORMED BAClkY INJURED UIU u,- " xue oiu wnicn is understood to ,cVtnt dollars ana niteen cents nave already passed the House, was vas collected in fines- and costs I introduced ! by Representative brant .n the medium of Recorder's " ?aP5? th.e . nae " f Councilman u 4, i . Jones. The original draft provided for court during the first three months of a salary ranging from $600 to $1200 Kcvonler George Harriss' regime,, ac- Per annum, the exact amount to' be f online to figures compiled from theifixed by--the County' Commissioners court records by a Dispatch man. ana an acceptance of the office would T,,;s in addition to the unusually large ?ae,tn t?at the aPP.ointee wuld be 11 . , , f , . barred from practising in the lower an!0i;rit ot labor that has been sent courts. However, it would not pro t0 fno county to be used in the up- hibit the practise of tlie appointee in buildir. ot roaas ana to ne employed "-f"" v,uun. firm T?PnrrloT HowJna dl v It Will ho tioinc'-oi.v fr 1. : i .. uutvoQiuj im in in iu resisn r, fi ! I . . . - - Should Mr. Jones accept this office Will hf rtc illlit 1111 TrtrTVl-vo f 4- V. vl!- ., u.u -rx, .muas Councilman and it 'will also hp . ti!' above record starts- at that time essary to appoint a successor to the ami oi court .mius with the Saturday session ooara trom tne First ward. Specula- .tion is rife as to who Council would 'name to fill Ollt Mr .Tnnos' The most noticeable feature is that office which expires May 1st. There .1 .ii. -ill- i! , f ;m rl o 11 f r It r- 1 n ir ICS rv 1 1 - T i i q t!H' iik:u uciciiuatiis v uu nave o guuuij crup 01 canuiuates WnO beci convicted in court but one has were Preparing to oppose him in the aF),:,l.d from the judgment of the -"f ?rim,a7nd tte (.nse.nsus of a! ' , , ; , . , . . opinion is that the man who is elect- lower court. Tho defendant appeal ed to this office by Council will have ir.g was G. Stein, a local junk dealer, an advantage on the others who are vho was involved in the removal and Preparing to enter the race. Includ dKPosition of metal ornaments from d inTthis number are Messrs. W. A. ,p , t . f . . , Sue, Li. L. Shepard, Walter C. Bush, the country estate of Mr. Pembroke c. C. Cashwell, Esq., and perhaps jor.es. Indications are that Mr. Stein others. will withdraw his appeal and if this1 The fact that Councilman Jones has i done it will give Recorder Harriss ben named to this office coupled with a dean record for the first quarter of . ,bJibl5 h acceptance adds ; fi--t vrar as iudce of the lowpr addltional fuel to the political flame has begun to snow life and couu bo tar a, appeals are concerned. wWch m pr0Dably burst f th j Th s perhaps a record that has nev- ,,QT.fo mn 1 ... . ! V V i i 4.1, p ii uncertain manner within the next few or been equaled in the State. Cer-1 m, .,,t . ainlv New Hanover records fail to Jg?' " tppblc. announcement of W such an accomplishment prior JJS 2 t2" . k e ,. T. 1Q would oppose the present incumbent, 10 1 llb time- ; P. Q. Moore, for mayoralty hon- Ihree hunarecl and sixty-nve cases ors. quickened interest perceptibly! Have uoen aocKetea auring tnis perioa and this coupled with the knowledge aid fifty-four defendants have been that perhaps one of the present mem adjudced not guilty and permitted to bers of Council will not only seek re go their way rejoicing. Seventy de- election, but will resign office prior to ier. dants have escaped by the nol pros the expiration of his term adds addi route, which means that the State can tional interest to a campaign that take up the cases against them at any promises to be of unusual interest. time it sees hi and fourteen cases h;.v been left open. That is, the evi dence has been heard in that number but v.o judgment has been rendered Headquarters at Charleston, S. C, Rear Admiral Beatty As Commandant District ' headquarters for the Sixth Naval District, which includes the coast from Wilmington. N. C, to Jacksonville, Fla., has -been estab lished in Charleston, S. C., with Rear Admiral-F. E. Beatty, U. S. N., Retired, as commandant ' One of the objects or this organi zation is the enrollment of a reserve force for the navy, to be called on in time of war or emergency for various duties in connection with the defense of the coast, to enable the fleet the first line of defense to be keDt intact, and also for purposes of com munication, obtaining information, etc. Many of the duties, not being strict ly jnilitary, can be performed by any O 1 1 Irjrt rt 111 .1 1 A i wni,on moyiicu uy yainuiic moiives wno desires to serve his country in time of danger, and through the naval reserve force the opportunity is given him. The requirements for enrollment are simple; in general terms they are: (a) Must be a citizen of the United States. (b) Obligate himself to. serve in the navy throughout a war, or during the existence of a national emergency declared ..by the President, should either arise during his term of en rollment. (c) Must take oath of allegiance to the United States. f Each member receives a small an nual retainer pay, in addition to ac tive duty pay when in duty varying in amount in the different Classes and sub-divisions. The duties are simple a'nd in gen eral terms are: (1) Active duty in time of peace on their own request only (not subject to navy regulations except when on active duty). (2) Make reports concerning their that Mr. Runge suffered a bad cut of cnange of address or occupations, as ; the upper lip and lower jaw and that Mr. J. T. Runge Struck by Speeding Ford Truck On North Second Street i Mr. J. T. Runge, of No. 610 Chest nut St., Associated Press Opr. for. The Dispatch, was knocked -rom iiis bicy cle and seriously injured by the Ford delivery truck of N. Jacobi Hard ware Company, on Second street between Market and Princess St., atfout . 9 ' o'clock this morning. Mr. Runge's face was badly lacerated and he was otherwise injured. He was placed in the truck and hurried to the James Walker Memorial Hospital for treatment. The truck that collided with Mr. Runge was driven by Mr. John Wolfe, a young white man ,and, according to eye-witnesses, was moving at a high rate of speed up Second street. Mr. Runge, who is an unusually large man, was knocked several feet by the impact, which would indicate that the car was moving rapidly and that the impact was of a violent nature. According to the gentleman who saw the car strike the bicyclist the machine :Was moving north on Second street and was on the right side of the street. Mr. Runge was moving south .also on the right side. The pedestrian, who assisted in placing the injured man in the car, stated that the driver of the truck evidently sought to dodge around a vehicle that was parked on the street in front of the Warren Ice Cream establishment and in so doing crossed over to the left side of the street. It vas at this time that the collision occurred. The left fore wheel of the truck struck the bicycle and rider with terrific force, unseating the rider and toss ing him several feet. His head was As Members American Red Cross Sfeiety - It is our aim to safely care for the savings of our 1 4,000 Depositors. To encourage the Children to save that they may grow up to be thrifty citizens. To guard well the funds for which we act as Trustee. To haveour experienced officers handle with care the estates for which our company act as Executor. . To loan our funds to eveny deserving local Enterprise which will help to up build our city and State. v Won't you enlist with us and by talking thrift to your neighbor help us to make 1917 a banner year for the Bank and for yourself? s I f ; , The Wilmington Savings & Trust Company i 110 PrincessStreet. Resources Over Three Million Dollars. if FAMOUS MATMEN iBUT LITTLE BOOTY ARE COMING HERE John Daniels Will Probably re Seen This Week Ma tuska Probably Next If all details can be arranged John Daniels, of Lima, Ohio, now located ! at Montgomery, Ala., will be brought here to meet Friz Hanson during the j coming week and should such a match Vt o n r rnn (tqH Via fans urill Vizi tfootorl 2i brKmsed fnd.hls face cut sup- to an exhibition that will eclipse any poseWy by coming in contact with the t gt d here this BeaBon There brick surface of the street is -little if any difference in the weight t B r," UL .'"ot these two men and both are wrest-i Tl:Z-u l'lers that know the game from start FELL TO BRITISH Germany Claims Retreat at Ancre Was Skilfully Car ried Out Britons Lost. . (By United Press.) Berlin, Via Sayville Wireless, March 5. "The pitifully small booty cap tured by the British is proof of the classic fashion in which the Germans prepared and carried out the evacua tion of their former positions," said an official press agency statement to night, discussing the military situa tion on the Ancre. M Ml EGOLESS CAKE IS EASY TD BAKE Fourteen cases have been docketed a?ainst juvenile defendants, and prac- tkally the entire number of the young EtLTs win) started in at an Carly age, to lead a lawless or atj?least a care-; less iite are now lomg splendidly uniler the supervision and direction of1 Probation Officers Hinnant and John- Prestige of the Hen Is Being so:i. thf iormer in charge of white . r -i J T m t t boy. ;,r(i the latter responsible for the f Curtailed In iNo Uncertain cor.fluct of the colored juvenile de- Manner Now x feudants. f As was stated above, the Stein case! The prestige of the hen is being. cur va.; the first iii which an appeal was tailed in a new and interesting way. taken from the judgment of the Re-, She lays a billion eggs or so for, the COrdrr Since .TllstirP TlarrisR tnnlr' thf liumnn -n conh vagp 9nH linilor oath of office. This was the 528th world war conditions, the price of eggs tii be docketed during the first quarter per dozen to consumers had approach- oi the liist year of Recorder Harriss' ed a dollar in some parts of the Unit- repie. The defendants in the first ed States, and has reached the pro- ;;ss Were content with the fines hibitive price of two dollars or more imposed or the sentences given which hi the belligerent countries. !!l indicate that Recorder Harriss Therefore when the high cost of liv- i? mi excellent judge of character and fng looms large in the public eye, un- ut when a man is guilty or innocent, usual importance is attached -to the This record also reflectscredit up- announcement of the best known bak- j u ponc e department and the sher- jnr DOwder comnanv in the world that may be required (3) Perform active service in the navy (not necessarily at sea), the na ture of the duty depending upon the class in which enrolled, throughout a war or national emergency arising during their term of enrollment. , These duties fo'r each class vary somewhat, but not materially. In general terms the classes are: (1) Fleet Reserve, Class 1 i "The British." the statement con- to finish. . . tinued, "did not even capture small srvprai tAth worp VnnniroH out Tn The tact that Daniels recently wrest-! mme-tnrowers, nor macnine guns, aim his opinion he will be laid up for led Matty Matsuka to a four-hour draw j the number of prisoners they took ten days or perhaps a little longer, 'will be sufficient to tai the seating i was less than fifty men. The Ger It was stated at police headquar-'capacity of Woolvin Hall should Han-j man rear guard, however, succeeded ters that a warrant would be served I son be successful in bringing him in capturing seven machine guns on the driver of the truck, but it here. Daniels is not authority for this and 21 prisoners irom a iar supe- could not be ascertained what charge ' statement. It was borne out by the he would be indicted on, The many friends of Mr. Runge, who press and his advertising posters car ry the voluntary statements of the is exceedingly popular, will be deeply , oldest mat fans that he is one of the grieved to learn of the unfortunate oc- most capable performers they have rior force of the enemy. The fore field of the new German position is still dominated by the Germans. The British riflemen's nests the only re sult of their last great attacks were cleaned. "In the forefield the combats con tinued. German outposts repulsed hostile reconnoitering detachments and compelled the British to engage strong bodies, which suffered heavy losses in artillery and rifle fire. These small German rear guards -again blocked the way of the British by tenacious ,and desperate resist ance, using every bit of covering and sallying forth in surprise attacks from crater and remnants oL trenches. "This tenacious defense forced the British to move ahead their batter ies, but the heavy German artillery was ready. Thus, a British battery attempting to' fix itself near Butte de Warlencourt on February 27, was shot to pieces in a short time." The above is the first detailed state ment from German official sources ex plaining the retreat on the Ancre. The only information heretofore was a statement in the German official re port recently that the German forces were retiring to prepared positions. Christiana was 292 years ago, known as Oslo, which, for the 600 years preceding, was the capital of Norway. This class is for ex-enlisted men of currence and hope that he will be able ever,, had the pleasure of seeing per- "i lorre liiiiMiier lor it shows in a concrete if vm ovnivoit a rnflv and nraeticat tllat hilt few fl.rrPSfS have ,,r,- V,C, y,n,-,aa-rxrtfa r covo in thp u;n mad" unless there was sufficient 'aggregate, many millions of dollars in To- S ,- provo the guilt of the hap" household expenses through the use of uvi.ma:s who have been naieu more baking powder and less eggs '-"nil. n also reflects credit up- 1,1,1 work of County Solicitor E. T. burton. NOW IN TRAINING. Months of experimenting Have elicit ed a large number of recipes for the making of home baked products with fewer eggs, and these recipes are be- ins distributed gratis. It is claimed !Vidt tbov nrnvp rnn rlnsivplv that the I tua I. i, i. j f ' " w o.o.on Americans Nov Located Com-, baking powder saves eggs in some fortabiy at Miami, Fla. j cakes about half the cost of the cake Mi;mii, Vhi., .March 5. The Boston is saved. In recipes calling for the '""mill i.eHsme Club, which is to nsp nf eerers the number can be re- 1 Sf r!' s c exhibition games duced and excelent results healthful y.Mii the New York Americans, in-' appetizing cakes, muffins, corn bread, game at Wilmington, on etc. obtained by using a small addi-'- .r.i .fiav afternoon, April 4th, ar- tional quantity, about a teaspoon, of uu i,(.r ,0(iay and started three baking powder in place of each egg Mi'iu practice m anticipa- omitted. he coining spHps. Thns?e i - tv, nr. a rf tnn.tinteti nrhipvement "O X JLA V C , O ,r J w s navifig homes in the East n this connection is an eggless, milk- i-'-v;1 two special cars, ar- esSf butterless cake that is pronounc ;; :!y this morning, while the ed bv all who have tasted it to be de rom the West beat the East- i;ci0us and wholesome: Its appetizing iru Miami hv a. r.onnle of ,..,i;,r if ia laimorl will he surnris- v ... - quaiiijj vnLijv, " e n-sr practice was held un- ing to the housewife who tries it ac- ; .uuu oi manager ueorge i. COrdinc to the recipe given the entire sauad was. -T,ho nf llfir,or rnnre bakins now- t?"';, lhe Boslon Club has been'dsr and less eggs in baking is not en . idii;. lortunate in signing up its tlvaiv new hut the elaborate enlare- io;-';p; ..;'!: Vyear' and .now.has on its ing and perfecting of the idea just ac- .... wi uie men u win use uux- Complished fenders it a very present , v . ,1(J oason. This includes such noocscitipo nf thp Hon of !iye;-s rivinjr HlHyei iTle": ant Dresent. u-i-r -m ontin tr ' tho npppRsines OT T.ne tjTM ;rj r , . 'ILKZLy, iAX Hiv ! Rabh-t V . joiiuuy vcveis, housewife of moderate means m a time .1- (C:V , rvuuoipii, of soaring food prices ten-. EXHIBITION OF FOOTWEAR. F-W. Dabr been received with enthusiasm, ine baking powder company, while not be- ins accused of being an out-ana-out philanthropist in the matter, is point- r;ey & Co.. of Richmond. Va . c.a nut ?ia hnvine- provided means of Has Display at Orton. effecting an enormous saving in house- lUirhn, J'a"ney & company, ot hold affairs in a way that penents ev- i. "'uiiu. vn the navy whose enlistments have ex pired, but who do not care to re-enlist. They simply form a reserve force, to be called in time of war for general service. (2) The Naval Reserve. Class 2. Citizens of the United States who have been, or may be, engaged in the seagoing profession. These also are for general service if necessary. In this class three months active service during each enrollment (4 years) is desired, but. is optional, this service. to be upon the application of the member, and taken in one or more periods of not less than thfee weeks r the failure to make this service only lessens the retainer pay. (3) Naval Auxiliary Reserve, Class o o. Citizens who have been or may be employed on American vessels of the merchant marine of suitable type for; use as naval auxiliaries. Enrolled members of class 3 must make such reports of the movements and occu pations of themselves and their ships as may be required. Members ot class 3 shall, in time 6f war or na tional emergency, be required to serve only on vessels of the mprchant ship type, except in case of emer gency. (4) Naval Coast Defense Reserve, Class 4. Citizens capable of performing special useful service in the j navy, or in connection with the navy, in de fense, of the coast. Note. Owners and operators of yachts and motor power boats suit able for naval purposes in defense of the coast may be enrolled in this class, and contracts made with, such owners to take over their boats in time of war or national emergency, unoru payment of a reasonable indemnity. For this class the requirements are: Satisfactory evidence as to abil ity, character and citizenship; capa ble of performing useful service with coast defense vessels, torpedo craft, mining vessels, patrol vessels or as radio operators, etc., and many serv ices on shore essential to the navy, thus releasing the regular navy and oher classes of reserves, for duties afloat. Practically the only require ment for enrollment is good charac ter, ability to perform some useful service in or with the navy. In all classes the members are sub iec.LJo navy regulations only during time of active service. When not on active service a certain retainer pay, depending upon the class in which they enroll, is received, when on active duty, they receive the same pay as officers or men of the same rank or grade in the navy;, are fur nished a uniform allowance when re porting for active duty; and must keep the commandant of the district advised of their address. There is another class, Naval Vol unteer Reserve to be on the streets at an early date. OBSERVE DAY PRAYER. form An effort will be made to get Dan iels, to come here early in the week as a number of the fans have asked Splendid Program Has Been Arrang- Hanson to stage the remaining ed All Invited to Attend. matehes on some nierht. other than The Woman's Missionary Society of (Friday. The argument is that prac-: the First Baptist church will observe tically all who attend are obliged to! its annual season of prayer and self- j work jate Saturday night and that denial for home missions on Thurs- they would like to get to bed early day in the lecture room of the church. jon Friday night to be in shape for the Miss Ida Hankihs, a returned mis-iv,orrt wnrV nt Satnrflav. With men' sionary from Korea, and Mr. Odis B.!like Daniels to wrestle it is a safe wag Hmnant will be the principal speak-'er that the matches will extend over ers of the day. Miss Hankins will!a r0nsiderable period and keen the speak at 9:30 a. m. and Mr. Hinnant I fnT1c 11TlH1 affpr midnicrht.. Be an hour later. cause of this and because there are The special committee will provide usually other attractions on Friday hot coffee and tea and the ladies are night matches in the future will prob ably be held early in the week. Much has been said of late relative j to the poor support that has been giv- Len the game and the question lias arisen as to whether the crowd was not partly justified in remaining away. A number of matches have been stag ed that were hardly worth the price of admission, but none save, wrestlers- of the first water will pertorm oeiore the Wilmington public in the future. Mr. Hanson states that he will bring good men here in the future if he has to guarantee them an amount in ex cess of the total gate receipts and then if the crowd fails to turn out he will be justified in stepping down. The general opinion is that the fans will turn out if shown something a little better than the ordinary and this is! just exactly what Hanson proposes doing. When the date of the next match is announced the fans may rest assured that, they will see a match worth while. Daniels is coming to 'Wilmington with a reputation that themost skep tical cannot doubt and an effort will be made to get Matty Masutka here the ' following week. Joe Turner has written that he can come late ini March and Con Albright is also slated I for an appearance. If it is possible to get "Bull" Montana here this will be done for as-much as Montana is disliked every man in Wilmington would be delighted to know that he was booked for a match with the Swede. Mr. Hanson has stated explicitly with would-be- urged to bring lunches. The ladies are intensely interested and all are urged to attend. The afternoon will be given over to the junior societies of the church.. The complete program for Thursday follows: 9:30 "From Port, to Plain, Mrs. J. H. Taylor and Mrs. L. V. Partin. 10:30 "Home Mission Assets," Mrs. A. G. Smith. 11:30 "Church Extension," Mrs. J. J. Hurt. 12:30 "Mountain Schools," Mrs. J. F. Littleton. Ingathering of Self-Dcnial Offer ings. 1:30 Lunch. 2:00 Y. W.V A., in charge of Mrs. A. W. Alderman. 3:00 Girls' Auxiliary, in charge of Miss Whitney. 4:00-Sunbeams, in charge of Miss Pickard. BURIED SUNDAY. Funeral Conducted From Sixth Street Advent Christian Church. Funeral services for Miss Katie Belle Walker, who passed in Peters burg, Va., Friday afternoon, were conducted from the Sixth. Street Christian Advent church Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock by Elder J. P. King, assisted by Elder J. W. S. Harvey, and interment was made in Bellevue cemetery. The sad service was attended by a host of the de ceased's friends and the many beau tiful floral designs attested mutely ! t f i i - I F. W. r 1 LADIES' FOOTWEAR . III il II t 11 SLIPPER ORNAMENTS HOSIERY DABfiEY & COMPANY Richmond, Va. Announcing an exhibit of -LADIES', CHILDREN'S and MEN'S FINE FOOTWEAR' to Which you are Cordially invited ORTON HOTEL Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday Mr. E. H. Brooks, Representative CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR j 1 MEN'S FOOTWEAR tn tho rpHTipft in which the voune laHtr wnc 1-iolrl hv hrr nuniprniis i that he is thrOUgll friends wrestlers and that in the future he The following acted as pallbearers: Messrs. S. J. King, K. Smith, J. B. Russ, G. B. Gafford, J. W. S. Har vey and W. W. King. will give the fans matches of more i than ordinary interest even though he. does not receive a penny for his part. SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Aggregate Attendance of Ten Schools Less Than Two Thousand. The aggregate attendance of the ten Sunday Schools reporting show ed less than--2,000 yesterday which would indicate that the warm spring like showers are beginning to play Those citizens who j t heir customary part in keeping peo- aualify for Naval Coast Defense Re-l pie indoors. The First Baptist, as serve, and who wish to serve the government without retainer pay or uniform gratuity in time of peace. The usual, was out in front, with St. Paul's Lutheran coming second. The complete record of those re F the largest shoe house erybody and harms nobody except, it i win 5ivr-; zlii cAiuuiuua XR.G pride OI IXltJ auiuuaui; aicju. 1'lfc.v p i nutei, commencing 10- -ne company only compietea us ex- Lv J1!1 ,continuing through Wednes- j eriments recently, and already the I. - u laclle . eent's and nhilHron's fino. . a-ra, Vioinc snrpflfl i : n,,,. . ' o tuu ujuuiuieu announcements are uemg !a arirm- HU.rms ana summer wear, broadcast in the newspapers ,U!,l"rv will K -r tt onlv distinction between a volunteer ' porting is: First Baptist, 359; South- reservist and other reservist is that) side Baptist, 216; Delgado Baptist, of retainer pay and uniform gratuity . 204; St. Paul's Lutheran, 256; Church In time of war they of the Good Shepherd, Episcopal, 215; Calvary Baptist, 185; Fifth Avenue Methodist, 175; Bladen Street Meth- Will Meet Tonight. The Wilmington Masonic Research. RnniPtv recent! v organized for the , ason a beautiful line and every-1 purpose of studying Masonry, will oi-iH iw-"-vvear mat a laaies neart meet lonigui ai ovua U'Q Wish f.v rrt .n.-j; ' nt V lJoonnir TpTTinlp All UiiK.-- wl- iuuse arxenuini; liic . ui a.i y uj. ic a.. L- u u;uay .Tuesday and Wednes- i Masons are urgea iff aueuu auu cue v fll'P 2 oon. j . . ,, m x-i Ir-n r ho 1 Tl i CT O B 1 1 n 0 v - prompt attention ana uieeuug yi ucp courtesy. as well as instructive. in time of peace. are the same. The enrolling in the Naval Reserve force is in no way enlisting in the ' odist, 153; St. Matthew s Lutheran, navy. The only obligation, that the 75. Seagate Baptist reported an at reservist must fulfill is that of serv-' tendance of 85. ing his country in time of actual orj- imminent war. He is free to come The headquarters office at present and go at will. He may be discharged is located in the Navy Yard, Charles at any time upon his own application. ! ton, S. C, where any further infor The requirements of active service mation in connection with the enroll are solely for the purpose of retainer ment, etc., will be gladly given, or it pay. ! may be obtained at the naval recruit- -Many reservists may be of great' ing office in the city, service to the navy, by simply enroll-1 Should neither of these places be ing and holding themselves in read- convenient of access, any information iness for. a ' call in time of national ! desired will be forwarded by mail emergency. ' npon application. CROPS WIPED OUT. Sections Suffered In South Carolina Result "of Recent Freeze. Of the 1,000 acres planted in lettuce around Beaufort. S. C, only about 50 acres are left and the cabbage crop around Charleston. S. C is practically wiped out, according to information furnished The Dispatch by gentlemen who have just returned to the city from that section. The recent cold snap and freeze is said to have played havoc with these crops. The recent issue of The Truckers' Journal gave out the information that the crops in this section suffered but little as a result of the unusually cold weather, but it is evident that the period of cold was of longer duration in the Palmetto State than "down home," and as a result it is predicted that the-farmers of this section will realize a handsome price for their produce. Headaches due to stomach, liver or kidney are per manently relieved by Shivar Mineral Water. Positively guaranteed by roney-back offer. Tastes fine; costs a trifle Delivered any where by our Wilmington Agents, Elving on's Pharmacy, Cor. 2nd and Priacesg Sts. Charming ffew Spring tubuses at Prices Surprisingly Moderate It's a fundamental principle of this business to sell as we buy; to pass on to our patrons any advantage that comes to us because of some fortunate- circumstance in merchandising. This, in brief, explains the reason for the exceptional Blouse values to be found here at all times for our rrangement with the makers enables us to buy them for less and consequently we see them for less. Spring models are now arriving in a pofusion of beautiful styles. N Four decidedly pretty, new Wirthmor waists on sale tomorrow. They are still priced at just $1.00 and are conceded everywhere to be the finest waist that one dollar can buy. V 1 I Machine ffeedles to fit Any Sewing 1 Machine .j .i t: 4 hi !1 V f v..

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