WEATHER FORECAST North Carol ina-r-Fair tonight, Sat rd3y and probably Sunday, with it decided temperature, change. South Carolina Fair tonight nd probably frost in interior. 1 V V MM f a. V n M -A. N JJ -LI. VsA. ; N J. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE FINAL EDITION VOL.XXIH. NO. 50 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY AFTERNOONrMARCH 9, 1.917. PRICE FIVE CENTS4 fSlilLillivi CHANGE GERMAN AND H INDLLWITH PLOTTING RE, VOLTS IN U. s; Neutrals Taken Off Yarrow dale Turned Loose From German Detention Camp NOW ON THEIR WAY ta CWIT7FR AN I J ea to arm American mercnant- v x w ships unjer his Constitutional au- o J rf: T7 j thority and afso has called a cpe- Released and Started Uit VV ed- Cja session of Congress for April "jp fc ''5' WILSON WILL ARM SHIPS. ' (By Asosciated Press.) 4 Washington, March 9. (4 p. m.) President Wilson has decid- 16. nesaay i iciu wmu -f ration of The Quarantine 4. .j, 4. & Period. j - ' SECRET SERVICE MEN CAPTURE ALIEGED SPY (By Associated Press ) I London, -March 9. A dispatch from; Berlin says that the Americans andj other neutrals who were on board the , British captured steamer Yarrowdale, left Germany on Wednesday. The Spanish, American and Brazil-. ian Yarrowdale prisoners were sent: from the prisoners' camp at isranaen burg to Switzerland by .way of Linden o'i Wednesday afternoon, according to ' o J U ' . rc k wov Man baid to be a lieriiii uesyaxcu lu ncurao uj "j i of Amsterdam. Members of other neu-! tral crews were sent home through various frontier towns. The despatch says that tliarit&OTera4! on the expiration of the quarantine im-f Tiospri bv the discovery of a case of jotted "fever. , ' ' ' 1' s ' AS. MJLL3 il ini ii iLfliU' PBESIOEIT STILL SICK IN RED His Condition Improved, However- No Cabinet Meeting Today. & 41 ' 4 EXTRA SESSION OF CON- GFtESS IN APRIL. 4. 4. (By Associated Press.) 4 S Washington, March 9. Presi- 4 4 dent Wilson today decided to call 4 ' an extra session of Congress in 4 4 April and also decided that he 4 4 had power to arm American mer- r 4 chantmen against German subma- 4 'h rines operating in violation of In- 4 4 temational law. ) 4 The extra , session of Congress 41 Discovery of Secret Means Made Aboard The German Prize Vessel, Appam. iCOULD RECEIVE ALL MESSAGES, '.1 j1 "il a. Naval Officer Arrested in Dr. Ernest Skunner, a German sub-! ject, and Dr. Chanadra Chakiaberty, a Hindu, arrested in New York charg ed with" havine conspired to conduct 'a military expedition against a friend ly foreign nation, are shown above. Below is Wolff von Igel, notorious Welland Canal plotter and former at- plPrman ! tache of the German Embassy at vvasnmsion, wuum tuc nmuu 10 - -vVoasi. J NOTED CANAL CASE. Almost Three Score ji Party. Eerne, Switzerland, March 9. (Via Paris) There are 59 of the men from the Yarrowdale in . the party which has left Berlin for , Switzerland. IP CAW OVER : WITHOUT Nil Recently Made a Secret Trip to Cuba and Officers Had Been Searching For Him. leged to have told the New York po lice gave him ?60,000 in one lump ior use in "German propaganda" in the UnitedStgteng pfcJg? his -way to Germany with Count von Bernstprff turner a safe conduct pro cured him -by "the United States. In raiding : tbi magnificiently fur nished liouse'occupied by Skunner and Chakiaberty the police seized 10,000 aluminum capg, a great many docu ments knd Jarg quantities of chemi cals. It is. alleged that the German and HmdULnad : conspired to ship arms and animuniUan :"-from the .United States tosChfea.; there td .be smuggled iptotiQyrpo8ied Hindu re- volt :irf4f GermajaMuspices . (By Associated Press ) Washington, March 9. President ttt:i j.;n i n 3 x T-i V vviisuu wassiui cumiueu LU 4, exercise his authority to arm Am- with a cold today and as a result ther-j. I n....:u . 4 was set for April 16. 4 The President Js expected to 4 usual Friday cabinet meeting and all other engagements were cancelled. -Although the President's condition was somewhat improved this morning, his physician advised that he remain in bed and see no callers. COUNT ZEPPELIN, NOTED GERMAN, DEAD 4 erica'n merchantmen forthwith. 4 4 The President in a formal state- "4 4 ment announced that he is free to 4 4 exercise at once the power to arm 4 4' American -fnerchantships. 4 4" 4 4 4' 4 4 4 ' 4 ' 4 4 4 First Norwegian Steamer Ar rives Since German Sub. Campaign Started. iSv Asaopiate(t'Presa 1 Los Aneeles. CaL. March 9. Cap-? tain Alfred Fritzen, said to be a Ger man naval officer, was arrested at Hartwood, near here, late last night by a special agent of the Department of Justice and held in tne cuy jaii 011 suspicion of felony. The authorities said he was wanted in connection with the alleged .plot to destroy the Welland Canal. The arrest was made on orders from Washington. "What I know 1 cannot tell," was V10 nniv statement Fritzen would make concerning charges made against him. He said he had been in the. United States three years and re cently had made a tour of Cuba. Federal agents here have been on the watch for Fritzen for six montns, they said. They learned tnat ne ar- FRENCH PRESS THE GERMANS BACK; RUSSIANS LOSE. (By Associated Press.) London, . Marcn 9, Count von . Zep pelin, who died yesterday, was suf-. fering" from, dysentery for some time' nrior to . his dea-tb. and a complica- testfnal operation, acording to a Berlin ' ARGUMENT STARTS 111 nTpr nmr in li lli riiLL 1 1 .1 .1 1 1 1 1 nii.i it " ' m m mm .V- . 'J?" I E S 9 W Sfm 7 Supreme Court Hearing Ram- The operation was successful and his recovery was vhoped ' for when mumps 'developed and later inflam mation of the lungs. It was difficult for him to receive nourishment and his powrer of resistance was consid- ous Dissolution Suit- Days of Speeches. (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 9. Arguments EXTRA (Rv Assnfiatftfl Press ) New York, March 8. The Norwe gian passenger ship, Bergensf jord, irom Eergen, Norway, by way or ian- ia fhf first shiD rived in -Los Angeles yesterday. from Norwav to arrive here since the j eral months ago he was here, it was German submarine blockade was an-J alleged, under the name ot 1Der' nounced. Officers of the ship said I. and worked for a time as a tarm that under orders from their owners, hand on -the ranch of Frank S. Hart, Sev- SESSION TO SOflNBEjALLED Speaker Clark Asks When But Not Told President May.Arm Ships First. Brilliant Offensive of Frencn In Champagne Resujts In Gain of Much Ground. BERLIN ADMITS SOME GROUND LOST. ' Teutons Hurl Themselves on Russians on Rumanian Front and Take Both Ground and Prisoners Al most Hundred Aeroplanes Lost by Entente. erably weakened. The critical point Degun ioaay oeiore me ouyCkUC in his illness was reached a few days ! Court in the government's suit to dis- ago and he died at noon Thursday. (By Associated Press ) Washington, March 9. Speaker Clark at the White House today asked for information about the prooame Tntensive fighting in the Champagne date, of an extra session of Congress. . region resulting favorably to the He was told that he would be notified I FFrenh and the failure of a French as promptly as possible. . attack at Hill 304 Northwesf of Ver- Fprtified with the opinions of At- un, are reported in today s official WILL HEAR FIRST ABOUT HIS SANITY Pennsylvania Governor De lays Extradition Hearing In Thaw Case. j solve the United States Steel Corpo ration will be concluded next Wednes I day af trnoon. Twelve hours were al lotted to be divided between tne government and defendant. Seven justices are sitting,- Justice McRey nolds being disqualified by having tak- Len part in the prosecution while at I torney-general. In opening for tb government As sistant Attorney-General Todd review ed the. organization and development of the early and late combinations. He recounted a series of combinations Uuuu uxucxo 1 . , u. Hictin-I r or line u wuu ." t - ; uuu, aiC they sailed without passengers, cargo a wealthy music dealer, wis aisun tQrn General Gregory and Secretary statements iaiofi Henrine is said to nave im-, y . . 1, antiioritv to 1 . rr moil.-. ; uan linnrlrods (riiiahpd beanne IS saifl of persons, many of whom were Amer- j pressed the Hart family so that when icans anxious to come to' the United he returned yesterday he was taken States. Kirkwall, until recently the 1 into their home as -a guest. . designated British port of call for neu-1 No papers nor anythrng or incnmi- tral ships, was avoided, a northerly nating nature have oeen course enabling: the ship to avoid the , Fritzen's possession. danger zone in accordance with found in ar rangements made with Great Britain j prior to sailing, the vessel put m at Halifax. There she was delayed iiiree 'lays pending an examination of qrew and ship. No passengers are being booked for the return voyage, it was announced today by the line. . BURGLARS AWAITED , TO ROB COUPLE. Lansing, that he has the authority to Th champagne attack, Paris de ar m American, merchant vessels witn- , brilliantly successful. It Indicted in New York. New York, March 9.-Alfred A. TTVi t n an 9TTP S ted at Hartwood, Cal., last night, was" indicted by & Federal jury here on April it, iid, m -leged conspiracy hatched in tU United States to. blow up the Welland Indictments were returned also against Captain. Franz von Pap en, for mer German military attache; Wolf va sertretary: Captain Hans I - A. i A mnmna CX TflP fP.v AaanMntpfl PrP8S.1 TaUSCher, agent 1U . Kansas City, March 9. Burglars en-.. Krupps; and Constantme covam, ring the home of A. P. Nichols here I alias Giovanni Gonzales, last nieht fnnnri tire house deserted , with the possible exception ot to- vani. Fritzen is ; the oniy one n a nntianimtnrs now in auvb" -" country. save for Mr. Nichols' 13-year-old son facing the boy between them as a hostage the pair waited half an hour fi" the return of Mr. and Mrs. Nichol3. Jn their arrival they were robbed of Jney and jewelry valued at $12,000 be'ore the son was returned to them. this Vnn Panen was sent back tto Germany and Hans Tauscher and Wolf von Igel are reiurnmg tu uCi many. The whereabouts of Covani is not known. 1 -5C- x 4f DO YOU GET YOUR REGULARLY? PAPER 5N DISGUISED GIRL TRIED TO JOIN THE ARMY. n nnnn(ofaH 'PresR.1 Montgomery Ala., March 9. -Giving her name as r"" olla out action by Congress, the resiaent is understod to be considering taking the step immediately. At the same time it was generally anticipated that a date "for the extra session, which now seems certain, would be set in the immediate future. Some members of Congress want at least two weeks between the time of calling the extra session ana tne nine for it to convene. ItVs thought pos sible that the President might go ahead, and arm the ships and call an extra session of Congress to meei iu provide the accessary money and pass appropriation bills which failed last session. MOTORS CORPORATION DECLARES DIVIDEND. New York, March 9. The Peneral Motors Corporation today declared a quarterly dividend of 3 per cent, on the Common stock, placing that issue on a it per cent, basis as against the previous annual rate of 4 per cent. The General Motors Company, the op erating company or tne corpuuuu, declared a regular quarterly dividend of 15 per cent on the, common stock. (By Associated Press ) Philadelphia, March 9. Governor Brumbaugh announced today that there will be no hearing on the appli cation for the extradition of Harry K. Thaw to New York until the lunacy proceedings shall have been conclud ed. Thaw is still in the hospital, where he was taken January 11, after cutting his throat while phe police Wireless Had Been Skilfully, Rigged Up So That Lieut, Berg Could Get The Mes sage. (By Associated Press.) Norfolk Va., March 9. It was learn ed today on reliable authority that when Marshal Sajinders boarded the. J Appam with his men at Newport Newa. ana . look possession ui iuu.t vcsoci m the name of the United States Gov ernment, following the break with. Germany, he found installed on the Appam an elaborate secret wireless apparatus by means of which all wire? less messages sent in this section of the United States could be. received. j On a careful examination of tbei Appam, it is stated, a fine wire waa found strung ,beneath the. pipe jeaa- : ,ling to the whistle on the BmoKestacK r s doTScie regular antenna ox vie usuaj - - wireless. Tnwire- lea flown to in interior of the vessel where dynamos were kept running to engender thai current for lightingthe ship. . Boilers were constantly fired on the Appam at.N all times in order to furnish steam for heating the vessel and other purposes Power .was thus secured for the dyna mo engines. Investigation, it Is stated led to. th0 discovery that the wireless finally ran to the private room occupied by- Lieu tenant Hans Berg; the messages re ceived were read by Lieutenant Berg by flash electric light bulbs. This is similar to the method followed by the battleships at sea when they flash signals to each other at night using the .Morse code, the flashes in Lieutenant Berg's light being similar to the dots and dashes of the Morse system. Investigation this afternoon devel oped the, fact that the dynamo in the boiler room had been used o take the place of that in the wireless room, which was put out of commission when the United States court took charge. I KjrAMMAM stiil A Vs etAvif arts? iaAofvor1 ,or 1898. to. 1900 in various irancne. ZUtSrim Ol tne inuusiry uy wuim i"u" take action dent units were combined into nine 1 corporations. All, he said, were gross ly over-capitalized, with enormous stock distribution to promoters. J. P. Morgan & Co. was the syndicate j manager for many. "Immediately afterward prices rose violently, i some cases double," said V VIII! HiS UI.IIIIII llbbJI I1IIU were searching for him on a warrant j Mr. Todd, charging him with beating a Kansas plans of Andrew Carnegie to extend bov in New York last Decern-j competition into lines controlled by r.lares. eras aimed to reduce the salient near Maisons de Champagne created by sfnl German attack in Febru- arv it resulted, says the Paris report, City boy in New York last Decern- competition viQ rfoatmntinn of German positions ber' the sn-rjilled Morean plans were on a front of more than 1,500 yards; The iunacy proceedings, instituted recounted by Mr. Todd, who. said the and approximately from six nunarea . b thaw's mother, will begin here : outbreak of competition between tne next Monday. various combinations was a prime iac- tor in the decision to form the hold- Mil I ION DOLLAR FIRE i ihg corporation combining the actual tn eteht. hundred yards in depth. Ber lin announces the penetration of Ger man trenches in this attack, but as serts the recovery oz important aomi- j nating positions, conceding, however, that the French -retained possession of some of the ground their- attack brought them. A successful assault by the Ger mans on Russian positions on the Ru manian west front, between the Tro tus and Uzul Valleys, Is announced by German headquarters. Heights and a strongly entrenched position nearby were captured, together With more thap 600 prisoners ana several ma chine guns. IN DETROIT TODAY (By Associated Press.) Detroit, Mich., March 9. A spec tacular fire today destroyed the grain elevator of the Detroit Railroad, Com and threatening competitors Statements to that effect by Judge Gary, chairman of the corporation at the House steel investigation, were cited by Mr. Todd. Mr. Todd argued that the steel cor- DUDiGO GITY I Y artisans or Mexicon uanqic Chief Declare He is on the Way to Torreon. (By Associated Press.) El Paso, Texas, March 8. Partisans here of Francisco Villa assert that he has captured Durango City, capital of the state of Durango, and has started a march on Torreon. They say he has recruited his force, to 3,000. men, many of General Gabriel Gavira's de facto forces at Durango City having joined him. This . information, the Villa junta says, was obtained in a let- m werawi v- 'i kT.' noration was "over-capitanzea ai pany, adjoining buildings and valuable Pji 200.000 and that its. stock railroad property was aiso u"6- - exchanged for that of corpora-,ter from Torreon The loss is estimatea ac j already grossly over-capitalized. Other reports say The elevator, a sneet iron oiuiumB , v,ot-q was forty years old, contained more than 300,000 bushels of grain, mostly wheat. The fire started during the lunch hour after employes had left the building. Americans are When Justice Day asked if there was I leaving Torreon, fearing another Villa anv Droof of the actual physical attacic. value of properties combined, Mr. No one was injured. Disoatch by -X- claiming to u - . m A JL t. at . Calleway and v X DUTCH FRONTIER CLOSED. ! : Press.) ;; Any reader of The Wilmington Dispatch who does not receive r.. ormc "'"H"" ... T rQHVille. ;; 0:0 o'clock will confer a tavor.w; waj, "l "-"fAed to enlist at the on the Circulation DepartnW guised as 1' morning. they will call us on either : : local. "jSrSaSSSaUoh teienhln- 17 oiw i When asked to strip for exdimu ,r " c..,,w fcWTL . . v hrt into tears anu wuu.wio-- k me W mrnotffn SDatcn is w. iuc. w tho annv t 01 uxv . uw- -.- . - . encieavorina to oerfect Its deliv- 4fr' thought she couiu. & irTwn i the Germans is reponea in .-ve"-T !ery TySflm V?ei?ry 'one ' withouter sex from Amster- l rri.rnt off -her 'pretty nair, au u,- : - . - .. 4., mv Associated London, March 9. The closing rrl, r.lncinsr Of the UUtCn-iJCl- xiic - o ... Dutch'Belgian irontier uy t tl.e entente last month a, compare, naan a! tween IIO0.0.O.OOO and 1700.0.0.000 UerDn announce. The Americans from crews of ves sels captured by the German sea raid er in theyAtlantic, brought to Ger many on the steam Yarrowdale were released and left Germany on Wed nesday, going to Switzerland Berlin advices state. taa Yia nnreaii of Corpora-; '4 X 4f k L. & N. GUARDING ITS PROP- KRTY. ? : 4J -A- 5f 4f 3f proaches i tlons report estimating the value be- (Bv- Associated Press ) TCvansville. Ind., Mar LESS COLD STORAGE EGGS IN OUNTRY. CRv Associated Press ) Washington. March .9. Cold storage linidines of esjgs in the United States . jt'nn March 1 shows a decrease of 97.2 TWr cent compared with ueoruary GOVERNOR PARDONS MRS; HAND., (Special-to The Dispatch.) ; Raleigh. N, C, March 9. Mrs. jvansyiue, xuu.,, compared with Guards have oeen posieu at - , " rtpnartment of aericul T .(-miaiTillo Ar uuiuiuh"- r - - to the , X' -sc-she naa,cut tu-uW - , v r -r-i- v Teutons Take Stronq Positions. Berlin March 9 (Via Syville) UCT. - onr hrie that i ture's monthly report toqay snows An aitack ntade yesterday y Ten- JfS rtw SbSS t 198.716 dozen in storage. Compared . nnrttiom TfiiTrurnian Crosses tne juiu ' ' iraor atm hnliiines show a de- tonic iorce " ::r:; this City, and AHenderson, ivy. . X , ;a: ,ont ironi resuncu m iuu mt' ; " Russian positions, the wa office an nounces. More than 600 prisoners -rcmi tab-on TTniinwine is the official report: - Gussie Hand, serving, two years in State penitentiary for killing ' her husband gets , full pardon from Governor Bickett today af-' ter eighteen months' .incarcera- tion. Governor Bickett is moved' to mercy by reason of the vie- monthly report today : shows ! lent reputation of Mrs. Hand's , husbana, ana oecause on utty oi -w , shooting . she was within eignt- een days of being a mother. It - '1 The company anuouuu iuv .j American cheese in cold storage ' was In evidence that ner . ns- w-. I action was taken to guard against ecrft8ce0 .!. I bund had repeatedly, threatened, . . . , possibilities arising from the in- ?' her with death. V ' , A ' "Front - of Prince eopoio inere j v if ' year i-fftTititiiiPd on Page Eight) " w . . - , v and about ; 29j3 - percent less thain la . : ... . . "V- 1 - V