.. .;-'. V . - v .; " IlMINGTONblSPATCH;-;FRIDA njwMIM1r,M'M,MMWMM"'''',M'''",""Jt' r -nf1lil-'' ' , i i.. -i ; . . -... '---VI-1' 'U: i.;J1. ft ,'- . -.. v ..1 ' - ., vt.iJiij,?tj.;v;?i:. i.' " i "" " " " 1 j :7U ..J-rtu. Y. ; if I . -- ' ' !t v.' a.--' V. M05UL 'Vmi HAMAnAM " m JADlfM NED1EF1 BAGI sasisie: KlTEl? AMARA 5AMAWA V KURN5 SUK-EL-SHE" 4 BASRi 0 A GULF SCALE Of-ILES, PROPOSED RAILROADS T'no capture of (1) Hamandam, Per-sia, has boon announced Jjy, the' Rus n War Office, which reported also 1 a victory' t'o" mfles from (2) Bajar, The renewal of activities in this re gi'on is synchronous and undoubtedly orrflaieu with' the British drive toward ... Bjigdad, which has now c cj,'t'a (3)' a point between Asisie and Ctesiphon. Military experts be liew 'a junction between the two armies possible. Hamadan is 240 B1iles I'rom England. t - . . '. What To Do 3a Has Pennsylvania Mother Advises Use of "External" Treatment VapoRub, What to do when baby has the croup matter in every home. In hp South the universal treatment is a good rub over the throat and chest with Vick's VapoRub Salve. The body warmth releases the ingredients in the fnrm of vanors that, inhaled with each breath, quickly relieve the breathing.!. In addition, vick s is absorbed tnrougn and stimulates the skin, relaxing the nervous tension and taking away the tightness and soreness. -Last winter Mrs. W. M. Rosen" herger, 12&W. Broad St., Souderton, Pa., tried vick's VapoRub for the first time, and writes "I have used Vick's VapoRub on my baby when he has had croup and colds in his throat vyhen The (Group PMOTO BV ZUOLER ... TOP N Jolly, ... &vrs&W V" and chest and it has helped him wonderfully. I think it is the best thing of its kind I have ever used, and always want some in the house." In addition to croup and colda, Vick's -Will be found useful in a hun dred ways in the home jas'a salve for burns, bruises, itchings, etc. Three sizes. 25c, 50c or $1.00." x Keep a little Body-Cuabp In VOUR home' It's an awful thing toHtos.e yoar-hairP One of the first signs of unhealthy hair is dandruff. ' ' -must get rid of it or your hair, will suffer. ;" J ED. FINAUD'S HAIR TONIC has been used for 100 years by men and -women everywhere for dandruff, itching scalp and falKng hair. Use it faithfully and prevent baldness and at the, same time make your hair beautiful, lustrous and strong Try one bottle: Ask your' druggist. You can- test ED. PINAUD'S by sending 10c. to our American Offices for. a little bottle. Note how pure and fragrant it is. . Parfumerie ED. PBiAUD, Dept. M ED. PINAUD BLDd, New York SPEOAL LOW HSH 13 BEST TABLE PEACHES 17c CARAGA COFFEE . J . , 26c SUGAR . . . . . .. . . 0&b -FLOUR 'tBtft Patlht) ; ; . . .65t PICKLED TRIPE . . .... .10c LARD ' .... ..i. . ...15 1-Zc :a Prompt Delivery to All Part of The City. COR. 5TH & QUEEN 1 1 i-i PHONE 222 (Special jCrrespqridentK ot ? jNew rortc, March ;-Karr. .Carrol who used to be one of the most accomv mfedatingTusHer tb fUsh ltf tsbtirg theatre, jikp celebrated fiis;rem6val;to his bungalow.stop a, sckyscraper-ten, seconder fr6mv Ih-oadway-by Writing .a ncfvelty ong that threatehs'to' go iiver : ith. a punch. . ; - ,: barrOU has UO: musical training and cannot. phiy- a .plano. ; Like Irving Ber- ' lin, he picks : put the; melodies with one finger and they are' put into regu lar musie-fornv by: trained : miisiciariii; Carroll has written the music for two. plays on i Broadway this" season and they: are? still running. He is indeed aii old genius. , I have known him ior several years and not once have I ever heard him speak of his success. He never wears a hat. : Some time ago he found he was getting? bald and he discarded' the wearing !of a head peace and found fiis hair growing again. ; He- neither drinks nor smOkes and is a regular church attendant. His new' song. is omrosed "entirety of. letters. Here is the chorus O. T. TT. C. I. IVf. 4. TT. Y. M. I. O. 2. i-2. 2. r G. Y. R. TT. & T. 2. B: . 4. N. s; N. E. N. 'iw: E. - M. T. M. I. 4 O T. C. U.-R. 0.JK. & I. N; G. O. T. B. 4. I. . 2. TJ. M. I. 2; .1-2. t?. P. D. Ql The house on Fifth Avenue was bright with lights just like a' palace in the Arabian Nights. There were lights RRlAGEv AND OUR OUT i .!? I motprot to ? Ethel's, cvettnhotfgh I spent only a few lours in .heripeacefur nea without return ing- enthusiastic b ver liei life; YOUR . "- ' 1 Matj stop at ani3! time, W' rjour expenses will keep rigkt on. Setter tuild a , Bank account and be on tke safe side. ; 4 INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS INTEREST ON CERTIFICATES QF x DEPOSITS. ' :.:! CITIZENS BANK Second auJ Prncess Streets cumstahees and inv these days of high" prices . it means, a . bit Of sudy to make erids meet.' vvNeertnel$s3 ; 1 km sure there is no happier or more con tented person alive today '.than Ethel. Before; her marriage she lived! with her mother, and although the. ddllars werej not plentiful ' they never found It ''ncJcesEsary actually to skimp. ; Be sides "Bud," who is now her husband , another young fellow called "upon Ethel. In fact this one was quite .fond of " her - and 'with 'M little en couragement the5, affection might have beeome :more" mutual. i ' This yoking man has wealthy ' pa-' rents and "when he becomes, bf a cer tain age h:4 inherits a large fortune in addition to the splendid salary he receives at his father s ; bank. Most j girls would have bade their heart be- silent.sand.vliavervniarried:'. the wealhy lad who :cotiid Mgive thenr; everything they wished " for. Ethel, however, showed ,! her preference? for "Bud" plainly,- and refused to allow the mat ter of dollars to interfere in her choice. : Not only that! Her wealthy South ern aunt secured her the offer of a r-.fr tv' f-&li- 771. a-. m -iT.-.ff- V ' " ' ters. Tapestries green and Dink and gray: spread' the' length of the broad stairway. An open arch disclosed an inner garden of palms and roses with lines of lillies against the walls and there was a foundation that falls and waits anrl falls again. From the ballroom came the beat of dancing feet and dance- music and through the doorways of gold and glass the passerby could see the fig ures cf the dancers. They w ere lovely cre'aturo :n dripping laces w ir i sanii and unhopoful oxprn'-RJons. At ine door .there was only one rbr soh who seemed to yield to .toy. He was the footmahstiff in: a livery of black and green. He suddenly laugh ed with a loud and lonely gladness. His frivility "was only for an instant for the master of the house "heard him and sent him away. .'V ..i Peking, March 9 . Chinese - ' news papers, are .devoting 1 much space i 'to fdiscUssibi Sot rb;eappenthangein; Japan's attitude toward China. Patter ofilV parties; nd factions share the! opinion, mat japan na abandoned, at least temporarily all thought to physical conquest of: Chinav: and' is! de voting, itself, to an econdmic3 conquest, r Japan's attitude towards ;the new American enterprises" ih China and the renewed effort of Japanese bank- A il have tohi yoiii-manyitimes sfael rs to - entrench : thebiselves more is maried to mattl'moderate'':cirf thorbughly through; loans of various sorts as wiaery discussed in the: Chin ese press as well as in parliament, the following statement from the Pe king; Daily News, is representative" of the view generally taken by the Chin ese nress: "At .- Tokio th hpllpf ni-e. vails that ; Japan will continue her I political influence in China. The Jap anese business . men are continually elamoring for a political ascendency that will not be so abrupt as to fen danger peace. What they want is a thorough economic conquest bf the neighboring republic. "The readiness with, which the : Chinese recently granted American capitalists the concession to build a long railroad and their hesitation in . making contracts With the Japanese have awakened the Japanese- to the fact that ascendency in China, to be successful, must be accompanied by soihe measiure of trust and confidence;. The Japanese have trickled the Chin ese have lost all confidence in their neighbors, both politically and c6m mercially. ' ' "The situation as it stands between the United States, China and Japan is in its ifaricy,but it is growing daily and will have to be taken into con sideration soon." Chinese papers throughout the re public shows hostility to any financial arrangement in which Japan has a hand. There is a general disposition to discourage joint action betweep groups of foreign powers and China, if Japan be included in the group. Chinese newspapers are practically unanimous in their expression of the hopb that American bankers will in vest large sums in the development of China without cooperation with foreign powers. The United States ia heralded as the one country which has dealt fairly with China, and has WW "-WED Test by tacio crJ. The extra fine quality of Valier's Dainty I' lour , . not only makes whiter lighter and liner oiL- in& baking, but it makes baking that ' taittj tetr. r TValler" Dainty Flour is rrtar! of finest flavored -hetit: rtlItH-' tt,.-x 1 klot'proc(Hle. -wbich kaves .ail ct tk tine f.ayor; then, silted: hrrvr."i ri-A i .meke Jt rexrurat extra, hita. - It la quality flout and gives qai'y fvulis i bauna., Have yout gt4ct eentl yOU Velmr'a Danty ax nmii yuu uoca t.our. tv. ciu . ui.i-..T rt:.r;v.ntrr. 7;inJH.inn i. in festoons, in chandiliers and in clus-1 Position with an art firm where she The young, men was of that fresh and graceful type that know practical ly everything which no one else cares to. He leaped upon a . northbound Sixth avenue surfac- -ar with a con fident flourish, pulled his little green hat over one eye and drew forth a smattering of very small coins. "Hello kid" he said to the conductor. The conductor was a serious faced person and looked bored but he nod ded. ' The 'giddy one handed him One - of the hew ten cent pieces and called attention to the fact. "Have you seen the buffalonickels?" he asked. "Buffalo nickels' ?vaskea the 7con ductor,"why they've been out a year." "Ever see the elephant quarters?" asked the flip one. hands in pocket. " "Elephant quarters?" the conductor replied, thoughtfully. "Yes," said the nifty wonder, start ing for ia. seat "they're up at the Bronx menagerie." would have done interior decorations that would have paid her as much as her husbamd how earns. Again Ethel' refused to. consider the matter, much to her aunt's chagrin. She said,' "it is so clear that a girl's duty is to. marry the man she loves, that I cannot conscientiously do other Wise. Then, too. I am selfish. No body in this world ca:i offer me more happiness than 'Bud.' I intend to get all the happiness I can. I am thank ful to Auntie for her thoughtfulness, but I cannot accept." ! ( Now, f rends, Ktnei aid not mean ai EVERY WOMAN IS CONSTANTLY SEEKING GOOD VALUES IN Just try us and we'll convince you that the best values are to be found at our Store. - - . - THOMAS GROCERY COMPANY, INC. Phones 293' and 2S4. 523 and 525 North 4th Street; that a girl , should marry a man who nq .desire to acquire Chinese territory can hot support her, but she did mean that marriage should result from love alone . CALLAHAN'S TEST COMES THIS SEASON. and exercise undue political pressure on China through financial channels. RHEUMATISM Physician Belt eves a. Genuine Rem edy for the Disease Has Been Found. Rheuma, the wonderful rheumatism remedy sold by R. R. Bellamy and all druggists, gives quicker and more lasting relief than other remedies cosfc ing many times as much. Rheuma passes the deadly poison ous secretions into the bowels and kidneys, from which they are quickly thrown Oft in ' a natural, healthy way. Read what a reputable - physician says about Rheuma: "I have made a most careful investigation of the for mula employed in the manufacture of Rheuma, and I heartily recommend it as a remedy for all forms of rheuma tism, and altogether different in com position from the remedies usually prescribed.'' Dr. Lyons. T This should give any sufferer from rheumatism confidence to try Rheuma. '.' ' ' (adv.) &WWILIL sses We hate She'll rim and bowi'of beau ty and elegance, made to . naeet the mode. Come;' In "and 1 see them "WE will save you money. f r Spectacles or eye glasses correctly, fitted to your eyes for $1.00 up. :. EYES TESTED FREE. .... By United Press.) i Pittsburgh, March 9. Jimmy Cala han, former manager of ' the White Sox, goes into the National league race this year for the supreme test of his career as a manager niajor league baseball dubs; i At the helm of the Pirates, with a brand new baseball - club of his Own selection, he must live or die by his owrt efforts as a structural pilot. There is scarcely a member of the club as it was when Fred Clarke made good his threat to beeome a -farmer. It isn't even certain that Hans Wag ner Will be present to hold . down first baseJ-iJf thit fs theM case, then Calla han will have to' figure all over again for .a guardian at that station, for! Wheeler Johnston has departed for the minors. At second base he seems to have qug up a rear star m young Farmer. ' ; ShOrtston nroinlses to eire Callahan some worry, for he has dispensed with youne Jimmy Smith .and j Wawner ! doubtless will not attempt to play in that position, He still has an excel lent infielder in Douglas Baird and this youth may be converted into a shortstop. v ". Warner seems to-have cinched a job : at third base. Baird, one of the flash-j iest youngsters who has visited the National league for many a day, orig-l inally cavorted at this corner, but he txroa onnoroaH cA when Warnor' hflcan I to show what he could do. The outfield doubtless will be com posed of Hinchman, Carey and Big bee, of whom the latter has shown promise of living up to the wonder ful advance notices sent out for him. He is a hitter of class, a-smart base lis Cooper to help out. Wagner probably will be first string catcher. Callahan's chances look much better than a year ago. (HI! n rn UUMLrJI: becomes Straight, Soft, Glossy, tons LikePlctmrebyUbini SSEEtOM HAIR DRESSING KotStickyorGummy Just aDDfy a little Hero. lin ana you see th Unlet t in your tiaFr atnJghtBn out. All your nanay. coars. stub. born, ktnky bair roadit straight; mootn, siiny, oiossy. neroita manes nan- grew stopping dandruff mm i rat v it i SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OECEMBER4, 1916. WINTER PARK; WR IGHTSVILLE, WRIGHTS- VILLE BEACH EA8TBOUND7 Leave ...Center", for Winter Park. ssy. Heroiia HMrortsslnt fast, long anff faeiutlful. andrufr and ttchina of 'that aaala ana laiitny mir at vnan Send 25o (stamss or coin) for a Mo can of Haroun. soia on a aoney-ixu guaranteo. HEROLIH UE01CINE CO. AUuta. AGENTS Ba. WRITE 503 Terms. 6 SO t8:S0 6 :60 8 :00 8:30 f8:30 100 11 :30 tlK) 1 :10 61:60 2:30 8:00 8 .-80 04:10 4:30 o4:S0 6:30 6:10 :40 7:15 8:15 9:15 10:15 11:15 P. M. Leave "Electric Center" - for WrightsTiile 6:80 Ai M. 1Q-M " 6:50 " GtfO 8 :30 " t8:30 v 10:00 11:30 " tl :00 P. M. 1 :10 1:55 M 2:30 - . 8:00 - "i"""'" "6:sb"" " 6:10 6:40 " 7:15 8:15 9:15 M 10:15 -lltl5 M Leava iDlectrte Center" for i Beach. 6:80 xtfl-30 8:80 xt8:30 10:00 11:80 tl :00 xU:10 A. IL P. M. ' 4 :30 "''" x0 '9:15 """ leTe - Beach, for WllcaUigtoa. st7:05 A. M. 'T:40' 9:10 i6,:"; 32:15 P. U. Bl.:45 (6:i5 i:::::;:::::: 47 :15 Tf Iieave WrlfftitnvUl for . Wilmington. Ijeava Winter Park., for Wllmingtoa. 6:15 A. M. 6:2 A. M. 7:15 " t7:20 " 7:20 " 7:S1 M 7:50 8:01 " 8:30 8:41 t:15 t9:26 " 9:25 44 9:38 - tl0:20 tlOUfl m . 10:55 11:06 12:25 P. M. 12:36 P. U. tt:55 2:06 1:50 2fll - 2:25 M 2:38 " 03:00 o3:ll " h: o3S0 " ! 85 4f " o4 uQ ...... .... ofl:10 0:25 " ' 5:36 6:00 M 6:11 " 6:40 6:51 7 ,20 7 :31 " 7:55 8:(I6 " 8:45 H-IA - 10:10 " 10:21 . " 10:45 10:56 11 :45 " 11:56 ' SPKCIAL. TO B SUNDAY. Leive lrorit and Princes streets every halt hour from 2 to 6 P. M Ieave eacbvever7Jbalf honr ffom-'2t40 P., it. -, - ' , ,n, - ' ; ' ..... 1 " xDoea not tnn beyond 8tatlo Noi S. Beaves from Station N. I. Daily except Sunday. : ' , fSondaysonly. oSnperceded by half, honr schednl Sunday Afternoons. ' 1 PBIIOHT Cttih.lJi,B (DA1XT VXCSPT SUNDAT.) tieirve Ninth and Orange Streets. 8:30 P. M. Freight Depot Ojen from 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. SPKCtAL NOT1CK This table shows the time at which trains may be pected to arrite at and depart from the several stations, but the arrivals att departures are not guaranteed. ' ' ; SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Tfc Procresslre Rallwaiy of tha Sontk. KffectlTe Not. 18th 1916. DEPAJBTUBS OK TRAINS FBOM - WILJaiKOTON. No. IS 3:55 P. M.-Traln for Charlotte and Intermediate Pol -?UL.LMAN PAR LOll CAR, Wij" rON TO CHAR- LOTTB. No. 19-5:00 A. M. ... tor Charlotte and Intermediate Poiuts. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR LOTTE. Open at 10:00 P. M. tor Passen gers. l .1 I n A.f a..-. n - XTa will make a great running mate for ' ARRiVAt op tbaAI1 Wilmington. Carey. Callahan's pitching staff, something Callahan always has been able to have around, shows loss of clss, with Ma maux ready to uphold the heaviest burden.. Plenty of youngsters will he given thorough trials at the Hot .Springs training grourid. Jacobs has shown class, as has Evans. !i And there "The Standard Railroad of the South." EXCURSION FARES ATLANTA, GA... ... ... ... ..$13.93 On -sale June 15, 1617; limited return ing Midnight June 25th. Stop-over any point. ' " WASH I NGTON, D. C. ... . . . . .S13.20 I m D Aii Aiirn iO fn 1Sth tnlitAlvfl - Utti. I 1 ne rro ited returning" midnight April 30th No. 14-1$ :30 P. M. Train from Charlotte ana mxermeaiate romti. .ruuJUMArt PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTQN. No. 20---12 :10 A. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points.. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7 :00 A.. M. - r For detailed Information tnd reservations, call on City Ticket Agent. Orton JBnildlngr Phone 178. R. W. WALLACE t B. PLEASANTS, ' C. T. A T. P. A. "WtlmiHt-m. Nv O. - JOHN WEST. D P. A. Raleigh N. a NEW ORLEANS, LA. . . f 28.75 Or Vineberg Masonic Temple. NOTICE 9T COMMISSIONER'S SALE gF I Fndr and In pursuance of a oeeree of sale entered in the Superior Court of gevr Hanover County on the 2th day of Feb-; ruSarvv 1917 in aroceedlng entied. j. Winders, Administrator, vs.' Hatrlet van Wagner, et ai, the undersigned ""t sloner wiU on .the 2nd a&rrtVSS at 12 o'clock netini- at the. Court - House door xf Ne Hanover County, sell to the hlehest bidder for cas that certain tract or parcel of land vlying and, being in New Hanover County, Said State, and in Cape Fear Township, and described, known ana losijcnatd aa Farm No. 4 : of the Castle Havne trat a?cordtn to the map of the name, a recorded la Book . Page - In the:ofliee of the Resrister.of Deeds, New Hanover County, r- , - . .. Dated and posted this the 28th day of February. 1917. . .'CD. WEEKS. Commissioner. ' On sale May 11 to 1 6th, Inclusive r limited returning, midnight May 31, limit extended to June lh on pay ment $1.00. V. WASHINGTON, D. C. v . . . . ... .$8.90 &ti sfile June 2 to 7th, inclusive; limit ed i eturhing midnight J one, 21st; lirai extended to July 6th on payment 50c. , Stop-overs at all stations within final limit. - NEW ORLEANS LA, . . ; v. . . .$28.75 tif sale March" 17th, April 4, inclusive, limited returning midnight x April 10, 1917. ; .KANSAS-CITY, MO. ... . . . .$52.10 On sale February. 24, ,25, limited return ing, midnight March 10,,a917. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAiLWAY ressive Railway of the South. Bulletin of Special Round-Trip Rates V from Wilmington; N. Cr- : ATLANTA, OA. ... . . .$13.95 On sale June 15, 16," 17; limited return ing Midnight June 25th. Stop-over any point. ;' T WASHINGTON, D. C. $13.20 On sale April 10 to 16th inclusive 4, lim ited returning midnight April '30th. NEW ORLEANS, LA. .. .$28.7$ Oa sale May 11 to lth, inclusive; lim ited returning midnight, limit extended in Juno IRtii on navment $1.00 ' ' . . . . a fbw. , -" " r - x- 6h sale March 11. 12, '13 limited re t ATLANTA, qa . .!. $18.33 turning midnight March 21st. On sale April 2, 3; limited returning MACON, GA. . . . ... mianignt Apni xitn. r, ' i -w . . I a, M A. . M. A aaVa1AaW A I LAIN r M, un . . . .TI0.03 On sale March 11, IS; limited re turning midnight March 18th. - WSHI NGTON, D. C. . . ..$8.90 On sale June 2 to 7th; mclusive; limit ed returning midnight June 21st; limit extended to July 6th on payment 50c. , DALLAS,5 TEX.':.. ... v. . . ;$52J20 On sale May 12, 15. L.inited return ing midnight, June "8th. ". ' ; MACON, G A. . I : '. . V.$1 3.20 On sale March 17th to April7th, inc. Limited returning midnight, 4 April 1UW. . . I NEW ORLEANS, LA. ... ... .$28.75 KJIl BaiC Dial liU AA, 40, JT llfl"VtU turning midnight March gist; '. ;r For further information, apply 'Phone 178 ' R. W. WALLACE, C. T. A.. Wilmington, N. C H E PLEASANTS," T P. A., Wilmington,: N C.' . - .$52.20 Oil sale i May 12. 14, 15. limited return- iig Midnight June 8, ldl7. -PROPORTIONATE FARES FROM : " OTH Ert POINTS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, ' "The Standard Railroad of the Sbuthr - The Standard Railroad of The twuth. Arr4al and;;Eieparreo Wilmington, ;EfEective March. 1st, 1917. Time Not Guaranteed. DSFAJtTXTMt No. 90. S:J0 A. M. Dully -Ulxcept Ennda. TO AND FBOM Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Eastern North Carolina points. Connects at Golds boro with Southern Railway at Norfolk ' Southern Railroad. Na. KL, Daily. . 5:30 A. M WILMINGTON-RALEIGH SLEEPING CAR LINETRAINS 90 AND 91. Effective with car leaving Wilming ton Thursdays 3:40 a. m. March 8thA sleeping ar service - to Raleigh on train No. 30-will he discontinued. ' ' Sleeping car service in -the opposite rifrpption Ralelch to Wilmington, will No. 57 7:00 P M. Daily eieept Sunday. No. 64.' 5:45 A. M. Dally Except Sunday. ff . . Daily. 3:00 A. M. No. 58. Dally. 8:4ft A. M. Ghndbonrn, Conway, Florence, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville Tampa, St. Petersburg. Fcrt ' Myers, Columbia and Asheville, Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Columbia, open to re ceive outbound passengers at Wilming ton at and after 10:00 P. M. and may b occupied, Inbound until 7 AO -A. M. - - Chadbonrn; Conway a a n . . . . . pVlUbB. and : intermediate JprVsoBvllle, Station. New Bern , and Intermediate No. 62. Daily 3:05 P. M. No. Ob ' Isaily. 8:45 P, M, No. 09. 6:30 P. M, Dally Except Sunday i Goldsboro, .Rlchm ond; Norfolk jand Wash ington. Parlor Cars between Wilmington end Norfolk connecting at Rocky Mount with. New York train having Pullman Bervfo. " - ;' : ., Solid train between Wllm hi gton and ML' Airy via Fayettevtlle and Sanford. 1 4 ARRITAXJII No. L 1:15 A. JL Dally Except ' Monday " - No. 14 Daily. 11 if A. 1 i ... No. 5S, 9:35 A. M. Dally Except sunaay No. '66. S;15 P. M. Daily Except Sunday. rV-;r;4'i.'1''i Dally. -:0 P. m Jacksonville, New Bern and Intermediate Stations. i V, .-.- ':. .. - ; - No. 62., Daily ft:0d P. at No. 68. W. Daily, lt:89 P. M.J No.42. DaUf- 6:45 P. M. Chadbonrn, Florence, Columbia, Augusta, Atlanta and. the West., Charleston. Sa vannah and all Florida Points. All Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilming ton and ' Atlanta, via Aqguata. Sleeping ' Cars dally between Florence and Colom bia, which may be occupied at Colom bia until 7:00 A.. M. Fayettevtlle and Intermediate Buttons. . - .' i t - - Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washington - and New Jfork. Pullman Broiler. Buffet ' Sleeping Cars between Wilmington- and Washington, connecting, with New York - trains carrying dining cars ; also Pnllman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk? ' : u- . ' No. 64. v. Daily. 18 tM P. Ifi No. 60 r 10:15 A. M. . V Dally Except -Sunday.:" ' NO. 4L Dally, s.sa A. M For Folder ReserTifttioiia rates Of fares, 9tc, call Thone IfW, W. J. CRAtG,' ':'-" PaasenfleC Traffic Manager. , " Wllmiiiatort, N. C. General Passenger Agent. ST' 7,.- W,.J -'r-",":KA- wife 7- l I. 1 .1 VI -. be ' discontinued' the same date.-Auvt. n

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