linn i i i Himjfti. . , -r,i -t'i.j' J" . H " 'k-v i - ' .,-- .-k-i' t . , ''v .'-. WEATHER FUXELUlXi. Y. N.rth Carolina-Fair ;, tooiflht. suny. Partly cloudy; probably lnC,l rams. - . "r-'1 . South Carolina Fair I tonight. ,day, Part,y coua.-; WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 1 0, 1 917 V or: PRICE FIVE CENT3, V ! I , , rr-: wwt h j vi! r r r "T iMvi . . )- uz A : - i owAi.irniTiffim .. SU! : -T , .;v:: . full leased wire service ; , .". ", 'V - ':- -:- - - - iMfjiibii T7T7FTnI U m GERMAN PRISCWERS S EARCHING FOR THEIR W OUNDED COMRADES. SUESBIIiSii iiECDiliES SCENE OF V1QLEWT Government's Stand Makes German Undersea . Boats Hostile Upon Appearance GERMANY'S ACTION JUSTIFIED SUCH COURSE . i . r o AUA ."ill. Sight or renscupc ruuuc wj 177 J- Al-olr AtmOT. iVa Not to Issue a White! Book as Rumored Pos:, paris Claims New Freiich Suc tion Clear unougn, n-( Achieved in The tends Lansing. CLASH IN ill cesses cnievea m Champagne Region. (T.v Associated Press. Washington, March 10. The mere appearance or a uerman suomanuw ui it? periscope in the presence of an i,-!Ti nrmArl mprrhant vessel tvou'j entitle that ship, according to f Russians Still Cline to Ground State Dtpartmeni opiuiuu wudj, w take all measures of protection on the presumption that the U-boat's purpose was hostile . Under this ruling an American arm ed merchantman couia lire on a wr man submarine the moment it is .sight ed, without being considered as taK, to' asnnvssive' aCtfon. This vieiv As based on Germany's declared tion to sink on sight within certain GERMANS ATTEMPTED REGAIN LOST GROUND On Rumanian Front- German Airmen Drop Many Bombs. zone- ail vessels, neutral as wen as be!iiser.?nt, and whether passenger vest Is, freighters or contraband ' car riers. The United States was said to stand The Champagne region in France continues the scene oi? deaperatei f ight fng, whrch Paris reports -hafe resulted inten-,in new French successes. Last night the Germans made an at tempt to regain the ground lost in the rprent French attack on the salient near Maisons de Champagne, created by a successful German operation S,ast EIGHT OFFICERS OF GERMAN SHIPS it GO PRISON is MANY SHIPS HAVE . BEEIISENT DOWN: CLAIMS BERLIN Men Convicted of Sinking! German Admiral ty.Giyei Out XT 1 yl . T I T . : r ft r l vessel in Charleston Mar- Long List or victims or tor Sentenced Today. FQUND GUILTY IN FLORENCE YESTERDAY.4 Each Also Fined $500 For The Crime- Not Able to Give Appeal Bond At Once. Submarines. "X. GENERAL AND OTHER 1 OFFICERS LOST. Were On Italian Transport Sunk, Accdrjding.-t Re:' port -Activity iri,. The Mediterranean." ' Many German mines buried at a recent mine explosion near Douauin ont resulted in the death of a great The French mi meaiateiy aner lu caviubiuu soti j - The picture snows mem at wuik.. number of Germans search the ruins for their comrades a mong the debris. FAK flaily on its armed merchantmen warn-lmonth. The Germans made several desperate charges and the tide or. Dai tle flowed back and forth. Finally, howevej, the French arms prevailed, according to Paris, and not only was the ground originally gained held by General Nivelles forces, but fresh pro- mg of .iareli liitn last, m wnicu ii ue finitely recognized the "right to pre vent capture" as part of the "right of self protection" which could be exer cised either by flight or resistance. mere presence of a German sub marine is declared ground for assum-jgress was made. in? hostile intent because of the state ment by Germany that all vessels are to be sunk on sight. Denial by Ger many of the old rule of visit and search makes all its U Boats actually hostile. Whether the government will issue Operations in the Rumanians pro vince of Dobrudja are mentioned in the official reports for the first time in weeks 1 A statement from Berlin in dicates that Russians are still cling-ino- tn anmp ernnnd near the northern any general rules for the guidance of j oundarrv of the province . It reports American armed ship commanders is uncertain at present. Opposition to such aetjon has been expressed on ground that the situation is now en tirely clear, that in all events the ac tion of thp rnrnmjmr)vr must deDend on his judgment and the actual condi tions prevailing, and that the govern ment does not wish to take any steps shich miehf he construed as a de- NG GERMANS ME IS ARRESTED Native of Hamburg Nabbed in 'New York For Playing Swindling Game. (By Associated Press.) New York, March 12. Max Wex, a native Jf lambxirgiisunder arrest Wei cliaYsea.fth V swin&lMg ' it mans in different parts 'of the coun try by means of a machine said to be eapable of reproducing paper cur renhy. The say uiey have complaints from Germans in New York St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago and other places. Frank Sternberg, of this city, told- the police that Wex assured him that he had been sent out by the German government on a mission to entangle the currency in n.iTSnntitrv so that there would be more paper money in circulation than thcie was gold to secure. Sternberg oid he had put a thousand dollar bill into Wex's machine and received a scaled metal box which he was told contained ten bills of the same de nomination. When he opened the box he next -day he found nothing but tissue paper. . SENT BY ALA-J a German air raid on Russian estab lishments near the Suliana, an estuary of the Danue in nodthern Doorucua, numerous bonds "having been dropped successfully. ANOTHER BIG HOTEL FOR SHOPPING DISTRICT. I (By -Associated Press.) New York, March 10. Plans for the erection of an apartment, hotel in the hpart of New York's shopping district where unmarried working women may On the Eastern Front. Berlin, March 10 (Via,Sayville). "Tlere was no fighting of importance i-u n,.ffli.n fT-nnt vpsterdav." saVS UJ.1 tliC CODWii" -" " J - I ouuuu"- ' . . Air today's official announcement. i"be 12 stories mgn au wm lienor ts thni thp state Denartment f m taken by the as preparing a vhite book of Ger-1 storming of Magyaros Height (on the many's plots and intrigues in this coun-1 Moldavian frontier)' reached 13 offi' ny tor presentation shortly either to j cers an(j 291 men. We capturea i depress or to the Senate were denied - macnine guns and five mine throwers. lll-O, i t . IT. Z A -! otL-ieiary liansms: toaay. ne bhu that no such step was in contemplation and t h -i t - i . . i .i lrtw,; VENDERS C AN'T DISPLAY SIGNS OF CONTENTS. (By Associated Press.) , London, March 10. Beginning to- There was no change on the Ma cedonian front." , Russians Driven Out. (By Associated Press ) - f Rerlin March 10. (Via Sayville.) iRussian troops in the Champagne at tacked the German lines near frosneb ,0ot0rH Today's war office an- .Te.TiTTiftnt savs Russians penetrated nnOTnor, troTirhPs at. some points, but . " ' cd ijciiiiaii v v'w - bystreets news venders will no lon-rr Oiicormentlv driven out. oouui J- , . " .. .WCIO J - --i. of Rinont in the Champagne new nguu ing developed without important re sult. -The French failed in an attack on the Verdun front. rent room for 4 dollars a week, were announced to day. The structure wi;i wen lis-hted rooms. Food win De iui- nished in the restaurant at cost. Provision for the construction uvi maintanence of the hotel was made in the will of Chas. Bertram weDstei, for many years head of a department store in this city who set apart $1,325, 637 for that purpose. . All the directors of the Webster apartments believe that marriage is the ultimate goal of all single women Secretary Townsend announced, and it is their intention "to give all the young women who live in this hotel an opportunity to be courted.". It is expected the hotel will be m op eration next year. - FATHER AND SON BAM A TO SIT iN SAME CONGRESS. SHOULD KEEP (By Associated Press.) Florence, S. C, March 10. Eight officers of the German steamship Liebenfels, sunk in Charleston har bor the night of January 31, last, to day were sentenced to spend a year in the Atlanta Federal -penitentiary and pay a fine of $500 each. They were convicted yesterday- of sinking a ves sel in a navigable btream. Bond was fixed at $6,000 in each case, which the defendants were not immediately able to give. While ef- (By Associated 'Press.) '' Berlin, March 10, (Via, SayyJUe. The following account of submarine operations was given duftdday bythe admirality: , . ' . . In the Mediterranean ; there have been sunk nine steam ships and Stall ing vessels, with an aggregating ton nage of 32,000. Among the ships sunk were: ' ' ; "Morlno, afmed '' Italian- steamer. 4,159 tons, laden, with Cotton; stink fnrta txrovo H.oincr marlo tr nrratioo friT ' bonds the prisoners were kept in the February :14 - r. Federal Court House under guard., "Rosalie, Indian transport f steamer The defense gave notice of an ap-' 4,237 tons, with- ammunition and, oats peal. Nine officers of the vessel ' from New York to Salonica sunk Feb were indicted but Captain Klatefcn-truary 14i ' ' ;- hoff was ill, in Charleston, his case''. "Wathf ield, armed British steamer was postponed. Each was charged !3,012 tons; with 4,500 tons of; magnes with conspiracy to sink the Liebenfels ium for England; sunfc February 21. and also with sinking a vessel in a "French steamer of about 1000 tons, navigaDie stream, iney were acquit-: sunk; February 22 "Tcoiain. Prince. armed Britlsh steam er 3jW6 tohs-With a cargo of feted, aunk February 23:. . . . - . . . , i(Bhrnhy, armed: British 3,665. tons ;i3ta 5,200 tons ot coal fromr Cardiff SUCH SECRET Spies to be Prevented From Having Chance to Learn Important News. (By Associated Press.) New York, March 10 Shipping men here agree- with Secretary pan- tels- JOiarlHfo farming anxT sailing of American mer chantmen should be withheld from publication. Those who expressed an opinion today said they would do it..!- j- wn4- TVTt- Tq niolc' an- LUtJll pan, iu "V , ciDtot anrinaor- TWrk-riTT vnn TV. 11 Ten I . ' - Tl noal nnrJ that chmniTie bUSmeSS WOUlU '-"b" . " " ' ; auuuiuiub iu icpuiio Hum twu xnx- eSL CniZT - t third assistant engineer; August (Ian soidiers rescued from the Italian . " " . . . roi ! Neuse, fourth assistant engineer, ana troop transport Minus, sunk February - Phillip Daronde, of the Rental wilnelm schwarting, machinists. h5 in the Mediterranean by a German of the first to send an American 'ship i All are Germans except J ansen, into the submarine zone, said that i who maintains, he isa Dane. i : KAiiiQQt "-incrVlt tn . Tha- trnvornnlont 0hilT&tA thnt til P iTZ1 )ZL :riT n; x " r : 7; Th;;. regiments . On account of the rough ted of the conspiracy charge. Major G,. A. Youngberg, a United States en gineer stationed atCharleston, testi fied that there was possible danger to . vessels attemting to - reach; the navy yard in tne course , tney naa to $ f or Aleers xuk,Fmiai6i;Sv,V ktake, because Tj rxeis. Those convicted are; Johann Luhvfsunk February 26 . ken, first officer; George Sunkel, third He tralisport gteamer of ' ' . about 5,000 tons, with a cargo df coal, '"Victoria, Greek steamship 1,388 tons officer; J. E. Janeseh, chief engineer; sunk February 26 Heineych Wattenburg, first assistant; "Craigendoran, Armed British steam- engineer; Johahn W. Buse, second as- er 2,789 tons sunk March 3. Submarine, the vessel had on T)oard one general, 3 colonels 2 majors, and 1,000 Italian soldiers belonging to3 coonnoVs Panain? her to ETraduallV . Bct lucBO ucllauc" JCVv iVO uruu'.u.Q ar sink, but that they wrecked the ma chinery and opened :the wireless plant, officially sealed by United States-off icers, after the vessel was AJ30Y&!- SENATOR J.H AiKHEAt 'dlSDlav TinsterR in indicate the con tents of tho which thev imucu ail U1UC1 yiuuiuiui'8 CnntentR hillR" ns thev are I ecl which have been so familiar ic streets of London. - French Continue Raids. i it would make tne worK 01 garner ing and transmitting information more -difficult for them." "I believe," said Mr. Daronde, "tjiat j i. -.,,;il VimrA Vrt ffof1 exf SmiShTng the amouV of ed up. here; when the war began tion which is readily accessible to I men of sinister motives and force ' them to resort to measures in order! tn e-et and send information which will make their detection easier." Mownnmh Pari ton. Dreslirent o? the Western Union Telegraph CoinpanyJ Saia LI)C CctUlC juxyau.i.m ""- in communication recently with gov ernment officials relative to the sup pression of messages to go abroad concerning the armament and move ments, of American ships. "You may he sure." he said, "we will cooperate ifliniii n cuiiG-c i IMVUUlU uiiiuuull GOODS ABOARD with Secretary Daniels out his wishes." in carrying Alabama is so pleased with Senator TVi XT TlonMlQI A' a t Vl i ft V-t h V PA-VP3 T record in Congress she has decided to r mrn keep up' the line of succession. That GER. LOAN AMOUNED is why, for the first .time, it is said, a JO TEN MILLION MARKS. father and son will sit in the same .Congress. Representative William B. Bankhead is the sequel in this case. The State of Alabama 4s said to be "mighty proud" of its father and son combination. t . RUMORED THAT FRENCH SHIP HAS BEEN SUNK. (Bv Associated Press.) . New York, March 10. A report was K- -X- -.- tf- Paris, March 10 . un tn v , ir shinping circles today that e Germans ton freight steamship Ohio, trenches recaptured Dy tu . ' Vrfinch flag. had been tor- fronf the Germans attacKea north of Cauneres wooa. Aue".cc I'doed - The vessel left here Feb trated these positions at some, points Pdj9tn. was due in Havre to but were rejected by a counter-attack ruary ".anQ had The French continued tnei i-m. - nfirmtion The Ohio One of the penetrating the German P"'l'uua " i lareest freighters in 'the allied service Arinancvjui ioa es, and taking prisoners near Crouy, nbrtheas' of Soissons . , Russians Fighting Hard. -Petrograd, March, 10r-(Via London) The Russians still are trying to retain the heiehts. OH the nortneru xvua0irx was well armed'. 7 . MORE IMMIGRANTS ARE COMING ACROSS (By Associated PresfO Washington, March 10. Despite submarine dangers and other risks, nearly as many immigrants came to the United States during the last six months as in the ent)re year of 1916, when 298,826 entered, the federal bi reau of immigration reported today Alleged Plot to Get Stuff "On Interned German Liners At Philadelphia. The sinking of the Rosalie, Trojan Prince, and Wathfield has 4een an nounced previously by London Lloyds, The Burnby was last reported at Bar ry February 12. The recent movements of the Victoria and Craigendoran are not recorded. No Italian steamship Morino is listed in current maritime reference books. The sinking of the Minas was an nounced by the German admirality on February 23. 4 The .statement said said the vessel was on the way to Sa- lonivi and that 1,000 men, a large quan I tity of ammunition and gold to the l value of 3,009,000 marks has been lost. GASOLINE LIKELY TO CONTINUE HIGHER. (By Assorted Press ) Philadelphia, Pa., March 10. Al leged attempts to smuggle goods on and off the two German commerce raiders interned at the Philadelphia criber was the Continental Caoutch- to search wagons conveying food ! stucs to the Kron Pjinz Wilhelm and j (By United Press.) ' Washington, March 10.- Congres was too busy with other things to look into the price of gasoline as sug gested by Representative. Steerier son's resolution in the House; and in consequence automobile owners prob ably will pay a good stiff pride for their gas again this year. Thousands of cars were kept In garages last year because gas was too high; and unless a substitute is found or prices over. FAIR WEATHER NEXT WEEK AFTER MONDAY ouc and Guttapercha Company, of Han- "f., gge'rlch is sa to ' ' J"0 "U" . 1.- i l.. J All -CiaA- ao-ontai n..i"c mio jm. I I Ut ill V Ul V CU. All X'&iti u6vi. ' fha o11qo-d(1 amnHiTl C (. V CO tlgatlllft 1110 l.iv, vi era o scheme refuse to taiK. it was report ed several arrests will be made. Some of the articles reported to have been smuggled from the ships VICE PRESIDENT TO MAKE TRIP SOUTH. (By Associated Press V Washington, March 11. Vlce-Preal- 5-5- -K'tf- w :, ANOTHER PLOT UNCOVERED. ! Associated Press.) Aew York, March 10. Instead of being v. machine for making cunterfeit paper currency, a lh-dr. v.-as alleeerl to have & s en.:- 1, . . , mpri in viirinns nMiep.. tho nolice vf cland this afternoon that the vC- ' ('0IHviv..yw. 'i.- - 1-1- 4- i S JSSle of re- front northweqi OcnjecenUy taK; i : :lfl5 messages all the way :en Dy tne w:- hv o ervaionsT taken when the In .a Berlin. statement repor- Th" TTwi situation became . most mis conflnsinn xj.,cn reached - the Russian truoya. iii -" -"r"7L otrn have - - ' S - , I QPllTO . a , T - W W CCHO t-l ' - ter Monday is forecast for the south- oaatem states dUcins the week begin- , Of the 24,745, immigrants who came ning tomorrow. nMi7n8M ;;h in --Overcasts are said to be part of the merchan- and wteather with local rains and thun-! dise seized by the cruisers while raid-j dent-Marshall leaves tonight on a. tea der storms followed by generally rairung. mere, is uu wmumuuu i day trlp througn.tne ssouin. airs., ii. j a tomnoroture.iif. reoort that some of the boxes alleged. Mara),Qii will acnomnanr him. He weamer auu "utto' i": 7. 1 T 1 w,-uh oharH i ; . 'Z, . ' ij xo uavw uccu duiu56i a caned at me wnite nuusu wujr -v ships contained ammunition. in January with intention of remain ing, 3,397 were English or Scotch, the largest proportion, and 1,020 were from Germany. Three hundred Mexi cans, 151 English and 12a French were excluded. NOT GUARDING GOVT. , PROPERTY AS BEFORE. (By Associated Press.) , Waahine-ton. March 10 Precautions Today's of ficial ! for safeguarding government buildings YOU GET YOUR REGULARLY? UNFILLED STEEL ORDERS BREAK RECORD. BE SURE TO EAT AN ORANGE A DAY. (By United Press.) Tins Anseles. March 10. Through out the United States, today is being r 1 niiJciii. w 11 eicoo u u ijitii."- p . , . . 1 the J Western front: s ances and rifle; firii rmer Rumanian front: J ICKlUg.wici I ""rrr' -V xT-r Varrl are nt mi ni Tv."0 5 l wt nrrecanturmg the heights riost by White . W ' ! l -iA.- .,n' that f nracticallv. all Western front: Scouting recount- oeeu A, 're tho oniv n.,t f the emiin- iwe ire counter attacking .with the ob-: btate. 4 ... I.. "LK niniinu,: v. hacr examined tne j wesiem "r! .r the otrartlnns of the city are. again i Qnri rir IP r linns art? ujuw.uB. '-" . .wMr. - - . , mi. v - . . i 4-a faitnr'a ann inunsia. XiltJ the ana rme nims 1 .- - - -j ti. . "u,niu 1 . -.. xwwur .Af nrM'nnAtt tn visitors tmu tuuiioto U Kr and e transformer Rumanian-. h ob-li W building, njisKino- v, i4Q caM trt nf recaDturing tne uci&" v ; . aoi-vaions H -1. believT theTe could 'us on March 8. . SMrmtshe, by scouta; onen. All olhs t caried in the "box." . and Infantry, tiring are . j , " "- visitors anh tourists, fTtv AannMAfert Press.) $Z of t UnTed ate-CoT; observed as fr Ore Da noration on February 28 were ll.b.b,- m douii - rr"i;ri- . . p&prR 4rifi97 tons, breaking an a " ' w m y . 'orods. The figures showed an m- ! crease of 102,643 tons over, the report Any reader of The Wilmington jfor January 31, last. ' receive ? i , ; Wbl .ll,o., . . , J -x- V, ic 697 tons, breaking an previous rw To "Bust" Outlaw Horses. DO Disnatch who does not their copy of The Dispatch by .. r nr t. 1 I . ...Ill .AMfA a fairtP n-xii r'ciclk win .www. - - on the if thfti Will call US L" ciliici v, - .1 4-1 si ii i a 7c n irK s?i nnnn liic ---v. . .:,., aw T.rhf.h rmeneri a uispatcn is vi-i tsreeuers oiiu, .tiuvh -b- - week's session nere touay. i, buckers have been imported from ail pay his respects before leaving. After spending Sunday; at Fortress x Monroe the Vice President .will visit the following places, where be has speaking dates: - Washington, N. C, March 12; Amer icus, Ga March 14; Winston-Salem, : N. C, March 16; Atlanta, March 11 r Macon,- Ga., March 19; Montgomery, March "20. He will return then to Washington. . " x ing celebrated. 4 ' As a result of tne mouon pictures,! pMN RAncv ON VMEXI- postcards, newspaper maine:, ERMN CJ, ?-'5 advertising, personal ieuci, gm-o , , , citrus fruit and 'scores of other meth-, - ! - V . . .-i, the mav- ly iiwwmreu "w) . T Fort Worth, Texas, March jo.- oas uy - - Galveston. Texas, March 10. - .i-i i. -i ,ito lmrcoa i nrs or nearly ivu v-inco , - 11.. rxri. a Circulation Department Some oi tne . wugui "-".r i orlVmations calline attention to this Amewan P"k " 'T- either in tne country aie uu? wee r.7" t,ov , askine their vlniane steamsaip . ximiu, T ueiUB, v'b . 7 1, ' .'j. hero The Wilmington endeavoring to perfect its deliv National Feeders' and . 1 4-a wn4-n1yk townspeople tu vuu ""r.."' I' .L JaAiaM nworf nl rft 2.uAJe "'S.'f d,nte?esTan?aye hill near Mexico City.- undeTS today' r from Vera -v, rrv svstem so that every one buckers nave ueeu wivyiu ,may read their favorite newspa. parts of the west 4?. nged for practically aU Eotels to direction . f Cerman engineers.; 'peryoy supper time. 11! -A . r- c ueo caried in the "box." . and mtaniry. iiub - open to -visitors ana tourists,as the remainder of the front. i1 r . , - , 4.. -. - S , v . "V - -V - ' -