ft. to: Charleston ' J -w--rtwi.l!! , - l $&I&gvQlt tb-eeaeralmtxtrtoT-re- Sanah spot-0 I4J : Norfolk spot 20.o. , ( C. W Tjxmj,. jj,,, York. April 10. The cpttoti Jrket showed renewed; flrmsItlBf mu r this Tnorniner. first Dricfeal -r . rr, ith May selling at fan u-fl;roiatoei, Vipiti; .-o with nptober at 19.27 on the caU. Buying S stimulated by relaUvely;firm hips and prospects for a renewal Of Settled weather east pf the riverStflt Se" advance met a good deal of real ;;;r and prices soon tunsd easier under selling by Wall streetndyo May eased off to 20.24 before; Ke end nf the first hour, while October dctiij a m 1S.99 or 6 to 12 points v&'ffiwit. Private cables attributed the rmness3 Of Liverpool iu uuu imcuuu uujus yi. j both old and new crop muntns. : . Aftpr the early break to 20740 for May and 18.90 for October, or abbutj 10 to .insinc figures, the market becarnie quiet and was steadier later in W1 tively firm on renewed covering;4 sell ing up to 20.70, shortly after midday, or 20 points net higher, while deliyer- iP5 ruled some 4 to 5 points apove last night's closing. Spring Cmc&ensinec ; ; apfece ...Bob to fen .-.25cta40cfsuniediaf -Weloi::irHay:''fia losesTadlrig"i wasjTlargely of "pro fesslorofigin, 'biirt "pfgns "of -further pulWy ri(datipn bWef the standa t!veT issues, "'tfnited States Steel soon yielded a point with 1 to 2 points for 29 points under last night's jUdes, Greeij .. N.,UShoHldera and THia ik' 159.1.0. Prages. qalior;;:,...v, ?30 ges, brio ; . ;r;; r . .$3io Bftnas, ,7-8, bunch . ; . w$l.40 to $2,00 l?ns, fanciw -; 45 Apples, baftrer . . ; Y, . . $45 to $6jQ0 XOrnips, Canadlaa Rutabaga,' .... 3 1oj. per lb". .. ..-.14c Cabbage, Florida, pound . . . . . .U2C Onions, Spanish ... . ,.3JD0 Corn, per bushel .. .. . . ..$10 . ..;20c ' . mingtoiJb i t Une .-m t' ' ;'. . ' 13 'to 14c .9.0c m r, otv ; W Betmefcem Bteel, "iithe .prominent . .C?:rIams, ;pouttd . . . . . ...... 20;2imetals; nerican CahrCeiitral teaih er, jtnd; SearSEoebuck an ar five-- pbint loss " for "Texas Company. ' Ship pings ;drlis werVlifned to hold except fVr a" further 'break ;6f "almost four points 1 in' Deiaware Hudson, 7 -iJVVith the" eict i5elaware and ftutfson tholoss as'ihcreased to more than ix points. "Rails - made ' further gains ";ia ;;the afternfiqii under leads of ! Pacifies and; Coalers. Jndtistrials and active ' speciaities also hardened. ? Allis-Chalmers .. .. .. . . ., 25 5-8 Ameirican Beeit Sugar . . . . . . 92 1-2 American Can;. ' ..... . . 43 i-2 American ;Car; jind :oundry . . 3 3-4 American ijocbinotiv'e . . . . '. . . 65 3-4 tteed SdltoaWkvmE j EiisvSftal i.. '.- ijniftgipf .9fTsIii: bpenj to " 4 w ;wB-W -iie rnogwouid j rbw: and suryive; jthe" keh cbmneti- f ion f ib ni - ,lUg pttlyauJcpi, 9 f 1S...XO ap-1 xia toyauyi . . . . . , Peanuts, N. C., i. ...... $1.40 to $1jB0' American Cotton Oil . . peanuts, Virginia , . 60c to 80c A mei1Can ?me"ins ' " Teanuts, Spanish .. .. ..11.26 to $llo 1 BW " " Wnni ; J American Tel: & Tel. . . . Wool Beeswax . J?ry Hides 2c 2$c 28c ..19c May July October . December January. . nGreen Salt Hidea . The cotton market closed steady- l?",fw.: U':t-.:tj . ... .10c: High. - Low. Close. YOoi ireelvlur, vi I ; . . 22 to 25c 0.68 20.3l WILMINGTON NAVAL STORESJ: 19.06. SPsv-,..,...,,. ,.. .. .. 46 uosm-. . v.v $4:80 to , $5i0 lar ..r .. $2.90 and 13e.i . .UT 3.5&$3.50jand $2.50 .20.84 .20.60 .19.28 .19.35 .19.40 20.40 20.03 18.90 18.98 19.KT 19.08 19.14 NEW YORK $POTS, New York, April 10. Spot cotton, j quiet; middling, 21.05. Cotton Tar. Receipts: 29 22 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. ' New Orleans, April 10. The cotton market opened in an irregular way today, prices showing gains of from 12 to 24 points around the first call. The stimulating influence was" j cables. Temperatures over tne eH also were considered too low. Realiz ing by longs met the improvement, and at the end of the first half hour of business the trading months .were unchanged to three points down, com pared with yesterday's close. The reaction carried the market, 0 a level 9 to 22 points Under yester day's close. Some selling developed on expectations of rain in Texas. To ward noon the market had a "better tone, standing at a net advance of 4 to 7 points. . . NEW ORLEANS SPOT. ' New Orleans, April 10. Spot cotton, steady, 25 points off; sales, 1,151; to arrive, 200. ' " " Good ordinary, 18.62; strict ordinal 19.12; low middling, 19.62; strict low middling, 19.81; middling, 20.0.0; strict middling,. 20.19; good middling, 20:37; strict good middling, 20.55. Receipts, 4,144; stock, 370,565. , The cotton market closed steady at a net decline of 5 to 8 points. High. Low. Close. May 19.95 19.$ J 19J?5 July 19.83 19.40 19.56 October 18.90 18.49 18.61 December .. ..18.S-0 18.64 18.173 January 18.95 - "18.86 18.74 SAVANNAH NAVAL. STORES. Savannah, April 10. Turpentine, firm, il6 l-24?r sales, r; receipts, 85 ; shipments, 288 ;; stocks, 9,825. , Rosin, firm; sales, ; receipts, 24; Ishjpmenis," 940; stocks, 98,468. Quote: B; D and E, 5.55; F, G, H and I, 5.60; K and M, 5.65; N, 5.70; WG, 5,75; -5.80. TL MONEY. New York, April 10 Mercantile paper, 4f4 1-2; sterjing -60-day bills, 4.7214. : Commercial eoday? bills on bahks, 4.72. Commercial 60-day bills, 4.71 1-4; .demand, 4.76;" cables, 4.76 7-8. Francs, demand, 68? cables, 5.67. Ghilders; vjdenland; 40 3-4 ; " cables, 40 7-8. Lires, demand, 7.16; cables, 7.15. Rubles, demand," 28 3-4; cables, 28 7-8. Bar silver, 73 3-4. Mexican dollars, 56 7-8. ." Government bonds, weak." Railroad bonds, irregular. Time loans, firm;. 60,days,.31-24r 90 days, 3 3-44; 6 months, 4 1-4. Call money firm; high, 21-2; low, 2; ruling rate, 2 1-4 ; last loan, 2 1-2 ; closing bid, 21-4; offeed3&'-- EGGS AND POULTRY. Chicago, April 10. Butter, creamery 38 to 44 firm; f - r. - u CHICAGO GRAIN. Later lightness of offerings led to a decided rally in wheat, that in some cases more than overcame the pre vious decline. Renewed corn strength and thei: high price being palcf ' by mills for cash wheat weer .bullish fac tors. .. The" close was unsettled at 3 cents decline to i-4c net advance, with May at 2.061-4 to 2.071-4 and July United States Steel American Tobacco Acpnda Copper ,. Atibisbhi;. ;vt I ''7-. A c t: - Baldwin Loconiotive . . . . Baltimore & Ohio ........ Bethjeheni Siblf - -? . . . . . . Cajtnidian:! acific jCentral Leather ( Extra Diy.) Chesapeake Ohio . . . . . . Chico;.Mil& St. Paul Chicago,' R. I. and Pacific Ry. 'eblora,db "Fuel & Iron .. Consolidated Gas .. .. .. .. Corn Products . . .. Crucible Steel .... .... Cuba Cane Sugar . . . . . General Electric 1 . . Grea,$ "Northern pfd. Greats Northern" Ore Ctfs . . . . Illinois Cehtrar . .. .. . inspiration :Copper .... . . . . int. Merc. Majdne Pfd. International" Nickel International Paper . , .... Kansas City Southern Kennecott Copper.. .. .. .. Louisville & Nashville . . Liggett &, Myers (bid) Lorillard Co. .. .. .. Maxwell. Motbrs .... . . . . Mexican Peirom . . .. National libad v . . . Ne York Central .. .. .. N; Y.; N. H: & Hartford .. Norfolk & Western .... . . Northern Pacific . . Pennsylvania . . . . Ray Consolidated Copper Rtclni . Republic Iron ,&'v;S tee! . Seabpani Air Linie (bid) . . . . Seabart.Air. Lipe Pfd. (bid) SIossjBh .jLteel &7pn Southern Pacific ..... Southern "Railway . . . . Southern Railway Pfd. . . Studebaker Corporation . . Tennessee Copper Texas Co. . . . . . . .. Union Pacific .V. . United .Fruit-...! .. .. .... United iStat'es "Rubber .... U. S. Smelting & Refining orpine people i tto. pagonithem,and hbWy&& wbidim4if buyijig ..98 110 123 1-2J 200 .781-8 102 3-8 114 ' 52 3-8 . ! 76 136 -honie;-v The jjispatch launched ? thl6 f uy-in-l ,$v1imtpnti'Mj WhJcti;lLas ihqi loyal 'support of most. of our 'citizens. J and- wh ;'ttr show.lby irrefutable luwc s.ttwu4.iwiv vi senoias: our ' Isiioney- tb foreign markets-i;' ;V -. i This npaMi"iues I its V readers- to; jneoi ana to frgsm-Bysfy article pearmg on Mt;-i" It wilt Jba for he upbuilliini; Of lyilniingtbn anjiithis en'tirb eciibn. I : We ask your careful . consideration of this most important and "vital mas ter, and will appreciate any sugges tions that will tend tt aid this great movement , in' our community. Wil mington ban serve ou best. ,. COTTON SEED OIL. New York, ' April 10.-The cotton seed bfl market j closed easier. "Spot, 15.00 bid. : ; . : April . . . . . -ti . . ; . . .'. 157 5-8 " " g - j uhg 58 1-8 iu!y V -a o August . . i7 4 o) J.ClJl.tlUJCl Ut October "lis NovemberN i & November ;;.S2! Total sales . .. 43 3"8 i TL. DI..I. Dln.A. i f -l Axim . . .15jOO bid . ,15.3215,33 .. 15.34 15.36 .. 15.30 15..2 15.27l5.52i8 ..15.22(g) 15.23 . .14J?5(g14.80 J4.3314.35 f;14.33l435 46,300 barrels ao t o i -.ft - I KUUUCl, " it R X -i o i called here today that , Louis Forde- 11V X-i 307-8 104 . 56 83 7-8 41 5-8 naux, on February : 1, declared that) wnen a coai uicK. jiigwu yeraeu uui UTs barn it would be an omen of war.- . c He says it came and foretold the war in 1914 and again when Italy plunged ' in in 1915. He says the bird hasi 4 ' ; roxantlv 7 20 3-4 .. 42 5-8 ..228 ..250 ny-n n ::l4lEDlfef .. 94 3-4 ' ' .--r-, . . 130 1-8 -pr . ..;93i-8iP "W: mi sr . . 761-2 If J b ' j - 5 iff k'i n . 93 3-41 . 271-4 . 661-4 . 94 . 15 5-8 .209 .135 3-4 .138 . .56 . at 1.821-8 to 1.82 $-8. In later dealings corn rose to above yesterday's finish owing to continue Eggs-Higher. ' Receipts- 43,840V?treh of the hog market and the cases; firsts, 31 to 32; ordinary firsts, 30 to 31; at mark cases included 28 1-2 to .71 1-2. r Potatoes Ixiwer; receipts "38 ears. Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washing ton. 2.85 to 3.00; Wisconsin and Mich igan, 2.75 to 2.85. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, 22 1-2; springs, 22 1-2. Open. Close. 2.45f3-8 2.06 1-4 1.82 1-2 1.82 1-8 Kansas City, April 10 Butter, eeirs and poultry, unchanged. -- - - ; New York, April 10 Butter, strong r receipts, 9,241. Creamery, higher than extras, 451-246; creamery extras, 92 kggs-Strong; rrceipts; : 34,013. frfsii gathered extras, 34 1-2(9)35; gathored storage packed firsts; "-4(5341-4; fresh gathered firsts, 32 1-433 1-2. Cheese, irregular. Receipts, 6,422. ; ate' fresh specials, 25 25 1-2; do. avrage, 24 1-225. : ; - i ' r.L!V poult,'y' firm. No prices are 'luoted. Dressed, firm; chickens. 22 fowls, 20 1;226;. turks, 1834. SUGAR. Aew. York, April 10. Raw sugar, '"wmnal; centrifugal, 6.05; molasses, 7-nrfined' firm; fine granulated, t.Sl,g1' futures were firni" and ac "ve, due to the strength of the spot 'ket and reports fjorn Cuba that smallness of available supplies of corn. Advances, however, were not well maintained. The close was nervous at 1 3-4c off to 1 cent gain, as com pared with yesterday's finish Wheat May July . . Corn May . . j. July . . Oatsr1 May , July . . Pork M.ay'" . . July .. Lard May . July . . Ribs' May July . 2.05 3-8 . 1.22 .v .63 1-2 . " .611-2 .36.50 .36.75 .21.15 .21.37 2.06 3-4 1.26 1-4 .63 5-8 .61 3-4 .19.75 .19.80 57.25 36.85 20.82 21.12 19.55 19.77 United States Steel Pfd. Virginia-Caro. Chem. . . . Western Union .... .108 7-8 . 117 5-8 . 39 V 95 3-4 r WEATHER" REPORTS. ' 4f ; April"' 10, 1917. GrOVVS So! t & Silky by aseinr EXELENTO ?oa21 Vhich is a Hair Grower and stops f atl iog hair, removes dsndruf f,c!c&ns and feeds the scalp and znakesthe hair grow very fast. This is necessary before short n?Jpy Mnky heir csp be made straight and long. Try a bcx, Prlc 25c by mall on receipt of stamps or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE WrKa For Particulars W Write For Particulars .... ' ... jA V ;; Atlanta, Cat. J J fcOPTHlBimtPl rN - imtmt Mmir-'i yttfjkn nwmm ) i " Temperature. WEATHER t 8 a. m. -n 2 t. oi -I d c o a 4- y sugar cargobs t Were ' being; ; t ied up therei owing 10 ?the re'fusai"bf captains to bail nhteBs 5aadi.onal war; risk in surance ' was v placed bd hulls and' an increase made & wages of the crews. Prices atlnpbn were Vfjj!07 12 points net hiefier. S :. 7 ":.-r.:T - -V- ' I Closed steady, 2 to 8 points higher. Saies4o4nWMAy;84; Juiyr ,5.48; SetemerS December, p.ia . . clear; . . clear . . clear ."".eiear f. .clear .cloudy Asheville Atlanta . . Charleston Charlotte Chicago ;'. . Galveston Jacksonville .clear N. Orleans . . .cleaJ, N. York ... , .pt cldy Pittsburs -.. . .clear Raleigh .clean St. Lduis . . ... clear Washington ... clear Wilmington. . . .clear) 46 54 62 56 36 58 H 2 28 34 52 ,30 40 46 36 34 58 50 5.0 26 26 3 38 30 38 0 0 0 0, 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 4. 4 r. 4 PfeRSONAL MENTION. ..... ,' ' . . 4, f . 4 f 'Walter C. Sanders, . Esq., has re turned - from a brief ousiness trip tq Washihgton, D4 c. , ' apt' James' B' Lynch and Lieut. Edward : H. Holmes,? of the Second Company,1 Coast Artillery Corps, Io caUy "known as the W. L. I., left this morning for Greehsboro, . where - they will' be- examined, for promotion. Col. John' "Vang. Metts left this morning for Goldsboro to join his reg imeht ater spending a short while in the'eity attending' to business mati ters. ' 3 my r.'.r -u; Bw ami art" .Hit. ft; m Sis 5 iiui3iiirDli ftDi) ffBflBBBBWBBVBBBBBBBMaHniaMBBa " O" - . - - f-fii n -'- tun- -ki nt (LQa W- -'St - - ESTABLISHED 183 7 . jl-to-;- ;,.,..t,.i.v .;s. tr.y .: ' J j . ., " 1' v ( "' 'V, Thouflbis.. On Taking a Bath. Silver Jubilee of An Archblshojj. '" Milwaukee. Wis.. April ' lO.In the oneooesn t realize unui one geis. presence of one of the largest and most in a. bath tub how inconveniently the ... . , middle of one's back is arranged. You 'notable congregations ever assembled cant plimb up .oyer your shoulders in St. John's Cathedral,' the Episcopal with a wash rag and get' at it.. You'jUi,iiee of the Most Rev. Sebastian can dart under your armpits - find MttrfaniftK -cafho irchblshoA of Mil- I !. rj "Vl"'. - , i T1 4-,1 J any , satisfactof y -mjanner reach it. u iy. w j TV uvuvuivui uau SLuuww -ra. vuumm is inacc.ssjhjle. s gam rNlightsol Verdict Fmm MP nlgat througb with that intolera ltchun caused y Eczema and await the coming r 5? 4 ZZifZrTk RiiflEereirv It will cool ?lJt f T,rt itfhlmr Klito. you " Mr. Clarkson T. Hunt, who has been, ill be able to rest at night, awake In the J;. ,iu whJ wohMi-Anifn'nf6wi1Lbe worth de.rs, at 4th Street Bridgc.-Advt spending a. period here with his broth- morning S"ife, j er; Mr. Raymond Hunt, left Izst night! .SSS&SS' to re-enter Lehin . university, at, WaH9yoare4gWK. xry aumuB which college he is a student. .j eWCome bjoday. f or 19 aeons Smiieraeoy Over 400 Hats received today. Every one diff i one different, the very last word iri 'mvu---w(mkm vfMirMeaorirbwf "Reh-stvle. Make your selection now. Reni der'sat 4th Street eridge. -kdv. R. R. Bellamy; Prugist. " ; Ma8achuett b.! A; R. A' . Boston, Mass.," A$ril 10;T.oo old fof, : active parUcipatid.n in the present con flict, but filled with the same spirit of patriotism that prompted" them to flglit for the flag" intho 's, the f .Grand Army veterans of Maaaestta round. ,t' ed up In Boston tadajr tor. Jieir annual' : State encampnjjent. cpmnjanaer. rran- giving. . The occasion marked ie I U JS1 RoJctf Adam? , sailed the cath " twflfth erairy of the lS" x..' Jf i.ix.i ti'- t address. , Simultaneously the Woman a Son Corps and other-amllated organ- . rrrri' Kra Uons met in annual convention Messmer himself. Representatives of the clergy and laity from all parts "of the archdiocese were in attendance. ' Somebody invented a , brush once that you could lattach to a handle and send, out after the middle of your back with a ioftd jot soapsuds. But either, the . brush sljpjs offi.or the- han dle , is lost Or ;Uie h.andle, is . these and the brush is gone. " t. . Unquestionably, someone blundered in locating the middle pf . man's; back. Why couldn't it be aboUshed? We don't use it for anything but to lean' against, anyhow. v ! ; T -V ......If ' r,.... .rz II I II III 1 1111,1 .111 .1 II I II I I l'L"ll till Wrtff'.-fe.'Sf:'- 1 r--'.. 1, K.J-;; j . .t' . f-..; - " 'V j-fvf Cataiah' Ganjt Be Cured frith LOCAL APJ?IATlQNS. 'n thcr ' cannot ccb tb at (Uo lip.s Catvrrb U j loxl cr coustitntional 0iiase, and in order' to urs It roa mueit,Uke.lnt0rnal rfnUes.'.aU's Catarxi Cure is tateu. intercaily, apd act directly QiHUi. the bkKxi-jd triacow sarXaflei. :jaU' Caiarah Cure is not a quack medicine. It was .. pr- scribed by 'ue of tjie best physicians in tola mT i9t jms.' Kv$ .) -ji jrexs0ac ipteaerlpion. ' ' it . la composed or toe lert toaica. known, con , lae'iita -tte tfest 4UmJ coriflara. acting 1- rectly on. the,jaacaaa, aoriacea. The. prtct; Somblastlon of toe two Ipgrsdlent 1s what pro. uces each wdnleriaji Itaiit In CJirlnf catarrh.. -3ead for testimonials, free. 1 - - r. f. CP1J5. CO.. Prop., Toledo, O. , . A,Id by t?rvlsts; pricflf 7; . U i:": f 'STEAK THl i a r . - saw i.t . . ... v.-.s . - r;f -t r v 4,-7..: W-.i-l- ;"!'. : .--- fe-f-.'-';i . - I kv---. ff:-i.S--:.y:,::yy,ry ii i . y 1 -1 li.m hi , 1,. ,i- iii ,nn 1 li -. 11 i'y .- '- 11 - ;- 1 r i r-:' i. t 'f Tih'i n 1 1 1 1 1 it'll 1 "i .- 1 It f 1 ' ' - ir.'Ji. .--M- . f 3f A. V i ;;.?H''