" : Mn- J. G. OldsnbattJe , ha returned The Indies ; of CarQlia; Place -are , -from a visit to his motheV Mrs; Xily ihvitedr.0meet vrUfcVMm&f&tfc V Oldehbuttle, in Gdldsbord. v.- .wall '-. tei&ffi&kft&i&&TWj(b rl -. - ..: ; 'An additional unit for. tne Kea cross .. Lumhert6ti Rbbesoniah, e Monday: ? Societywiii Vbe formed at, tnis meet " 'Miss - Grace Redmond, spent; yester- & fyjt&ft:jfat&&Q. - day in WilmingtQS, .visiting, friends .- ; ; !avRliflg this TheirStanHiri GIpieTpmprroNig B. Lucas, of Swansboro. afternoon of the New Hanover Jtiquai siauumg 01 uie leaumg casaj- in the risirthrcrafffiwhiehi the coiin arrived in the city yesterday to spend .Suffrage Igue,.as:hasi b Mrs. J. cast since yestejcday Tin the .-iRed kp.TTjiTinritfiv obec v iho- 4v ' r-i 1 n CIPS? ?ufen sS.contest to determine it. .tnerhopa at X -olock dratted who shall be - crowned, as Queens of resofiitiona '-;nmTnowtn PrABMAfiti rsam weenows.Wxnage: some time With her sister, Mrs J. J ; Reously reported, the: " league having "Shten her; grip on ' first pjace while Were ' fprwarded i today ; read as fol -Comis. ... . - - , decided not to hold ny: ?iirther mee(t- me omers; are snowing a; aetermtha- 'Iowst ''v"-:-';i - t . f V ;. , -t:' fx r-S f r Sf v f ;v .;, ' ; i; IngsntH after the'War:: ,The te t11 WiBSfil j' Witnid trifelng tdis- "Hon; Woodrow Wilson Th regular meeting ;of the: tlydiabers of the-leagufiw devote W5; Tm, ' - f 1 'WBidentof! the 'tJnited States of . . : - ' . --- -- .w ... .wuAvr..w.T i . . .flnipnna 'iu.. Yates "Bible Class of Grace Methodist: selves entirely ; to patriotic .work of j various kinds. a5v.v ' 8 o'clock. - -: ' ; : i the highest number of votes to her trial preparedness - and commuhtty . tl! yeaVrol dSbo?! f STO"$!$ . :y Some, time with friends.- v-, V day. : There-will be music, and other cohte Ur :vH;&nr-.'rTv -. -.r: -w I attractive feafiims-arid ; refreshments Ytr t ; Miss Cora George, of Norfolk, Va., j will b6 served . returned, to her-home this morning, J - aiier spenumg iexi aays m ,ine ciiy t ' with ' friends and relatives. ' ;. ' ' ':- - ' :-' V . Miss Hettie' Banks, of Ros'eborp, re : turned to her home this morning,; rafter spending several weeks in theves;haVebeet ifltBe"cfty for sotti i-: ; v.itjr- iviui iiiciiut, xuu iuiimvi. the af terfioon - and tomorrow.' !' The next official couht, tomorrow at 'noon: A lodal -braneh'oT the -Child's Conser- i will giv.e one an idea of bow th& ean- va.tibri leaffue of America win be iirv J didates-wjH 6tand when the final cur ganged in WiltaBton tomorrow morn- taih is dpAvh,- Tpdayy official mg' at io:45 m zne gymnasium pi tnex oSi W. C". A. The; nationals represent I Mry iMust4?n witiMiNDHmctoRyvci CSigned)Wfei"v kr-"-KROGER . MOORE.? President. ; ?MEARE& AR:RfSS;;6etary.,; - the bti$in:esd trans- r I Members of the Wilmington Chap "r ten1 jtioiial Special Aid Society, will , , TpT-rK'V -t the High school f tomorrow . pfifrnHui at 3: 30 o'clock for a special fi acted iathe''eirs-toF.e cc -lattnc W campaJgnTtft lirgiill yoters uh4We,:to see all mothers. Any whol McEachsrn . , ... . .... 4 7.342 ; wilmirieton. ; vhiiiZnlw,- are interested in this movement are I Dorothy Meier . . wdlcomfe; : -r 4- - vri ..-n. t Elizabeth- Wcsthrook f Pf WT' H V N T TOMORROW. -- 5 f f Tfie I'eanut iiunt to nave. been given bj tBo .Jailor f Epwortlr Iieagrie of the ?T X: 'ilia " Ai-ai'v. npiTmV loft ' -4 rtivht Kt Avetin.eMethQdist chijr;h?on the :- S foiNcw York c!tv io ror.arjo hoi- Proiiage lawon on Monday afternoon v-; fetutlies t Miss . Mick'n ehooJ, aftor f r?m 3 io; 'clock,. was postponed ruft- Afvspendme: the Ea'ster holidays here Lil nmequy :af wnwwe.-same FOiililn hour. A small admis.sion will' be .charg- t - aj'eitevnie ODserver, - xionaayr 5:"frSv E. la. Pemberton and Mrs. W. J. McDiarmid reluritffd today from an f: extended visit to relatives in Wilming ton and Goldsboro." : . - w ivirs. ts. liovmn. wo. 5l4"FrinceSs I : :Miss Dorothy Solky left last niht ' streeiv yesterdaV afternoon; at f6 t for Baltimore. Md.. to re-enter Gou- 0 clock,- Miss Augusta Bowden . Boy i , v- I ed and prizes Will be awarded to those finding the gold and; silver peanuts V" , . , MISS BQYKIN WEDS ' At the home of the bride's mother HE ilTEfl km and Mr. Curtis S. Spencer. ? of i.nattanooga, Tenn., were married-in the presence of - a few intimate friends and relatives. The ceremony was pertormed; by Rev. M. T. Plyler. pastor of Grace . Methodist chutcch? The pretty1 rijpg ceremony. Was used: After spending a few days' m the city Mr. and Mrs-. Spencer twill go tc Chattanooga, where they will visit the groom's family, and where he is in business. WILL PRESENT "DEACON DUPPS." To raise additional funds for the im provement ; fund ' foir -Myrtle Grove Sciind school; thef pupils Jot thatischool , cher- College, after ' spending the Easter holidays here with her parents, j VMr- and Mrg. J. M. Solky. i'y There will be an' unusual meeting - of the Epworth League of Fifth Ave " nue Methodist ehureh -this evehiBg at j'clock. All members of the league and church are cordially invited to f " attend. j ' Miss ' Catherine Taylor, who has i fj: wwsii sijeuuiag me nonaays nere wun J her parents, Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Taylor, f-" left last -night for Bryn Mawr, to V resume her studies at the Baldwin . SCQOOl. .. : . .. . -Miss rfma Rnte HoVhtAV r Present beacon" Dwjps' a hieh v i cuiq irsr ar w,-j5rooKs; or,-.uaro- - r1--r v;.it-:-K?v- L 1 ?nau:'sinp of land t'" McCumber's ' lina Piacp. lefrinst nif -0x mg, at 7:30 alock. .Immediately '.after I fiK--.v-w-'. --i-.:??,? school toVMlal&r. Play.refroShm, win served. 5 cW'bbTtotti.SSeT f-n--w x i i.-j v I J ho nirnlm Ifi nn-rrtioWv invito I ... J fx wcsv I . "S lxi .master-iiotiuays nere. - . t, v--xxxxj online case will take conqidprnhlA timo 1 r tend. The cast of characters follows-1 sT....sia"? ,tIn? " ' i . : " ji a, u .su. jr t it zrrtr- r. ir.- i. - - - v Julge Bond Convenes Two of the club. Week!s Sjslon f or Trial of ;: v Civil Gases. i j Wllmirieton.M Chsilfmon t wnrit at tha vf'S'polfs on-May were named. f ; K'rrj" r; G. WiiPattersoni well Known den. itist of the city, made the Rotary Club .iinii0italli.ni.Axl- 1.11. . J t u uuuoua! ui,t-rt!ituuK lain upon ms profession. . He. told of the first history of dentistry; dating: hick before Christ. Many specimens ; of teeth, srood and i bad, were shown, ii Dr H. M. Wharton, . wno ;is conducting the series of I serv ices at the Jfirst Baptist church, was a guest of the jlub today and made a very witty snort talk. ?. Mr. H. Lacy Hunt was initiated" as a new member! . :' : in .hats for thelinks, tennis or $hnyyrk$ie4ies in the nov- fty&l-M "difference " ' :MM'PO this season fc frabrac smart.and chic ideas almost without Lnumberne effective new model r is shown at the left;- lats from author itative so wpes,an4fb the girl up to the athletic all out-doors never wanes. The price range is a decidedly modest one -3..Jx?.-i X- 57 if". 1 111 Oo ... . r'ur divorces were granted, at this morning's session of .Superior Courti Judge W. M; Bond of Edenton, presid ing. Today's . session was' the first of i two-week's term for" the? trial 6t civil cases1. Practically the entire morning was tKen -up- wim; Hearing tne evi- teneef in the dh'brc" cases. Shortly after noon the case of Daisy T. Stern berger again &f J6hh Di Bellamy, Esoj., was Deganr - f. .:- y- - ' Followtog aire the divorce 'cases that ers graated todays " Rosa rJ:"Mote from George W. Mote; George W. Har- '-eiisoh from Nora Harrellson: Thomas Campbell from Hattie Campbell: Win- hie Bowman from John Bowman. The I1 mentioned two are white and the ' J. - x .. .... - uM-fejt iwo are coiorea" - - - : In the ease of Daisy T: Stern bersrer gainst-"John"D. Bellamy, the plaintiff s seeding- to estawisb a title for i I ' - Mrs. A. O. Hamilton, of Raleigh, is 1 spending a few days in the citywith j " relatives. Mr. Hamilton has returned I to the Capital City, after spending the S V .. TX 1 1SJ CMtait:r uouaays nere Mrs. Edwin Parker left last' night for her home in Washington, DvC.i R after having been the guest of Mrs. Evander Mclver Greggr for several days. Mrs. Barker came to Wilming- ton to attend the funeral of Mrs. ; Jewett, her sister. I . J "Deacon Dupp1 Trom Sbtghum' Ceh ter, W. -Va.-Gedf ge' Biddle. Amos Coleman, his nephew, country lawyer. iiosea worne. Rowdan Crawlev. a -wolf i - llothing. Martin Willis. Major McNutt aactioheer justice of : neace. Waltr Hnmo " uBuieiuuumy jones, country product. Henry WiHiam&te., , Rose Raleigh, brave little school girl. -f-Miss Ahnie Newton. . .illss Phfrippino Popover, an old maid wHn eyes on thereon. Miss Annie Laurie Qutnn.;; -.:;The ; business m oeti hg f the Chfel . Emily Dalolthe rfciiest girl in town ; Presbyterian church will bp heldtMs r Trixie Coleanriuir of mischief-- Ycnsen. hired x Miss .Lillio Craig : ; 7 The ladies of : tha Cape Fc -rv:-buja . try Club will play in toarnanient tomorrow afternoon on th linlra of the Country . Club, hegjhning imme- axaxeiy atter tbe arrival r of ;rthe 3 o'clock car. -The winner wikl be " awarded, a loving cup and the rjunner- up, .will be givnn two golf halls. 'r; - - - ' . ' TT- -.:. Dr. and Mrs. Pnyton H. Hoge, who jjhive been atvendinir .h rAtitonniai -'anniversary of the First Presbyterian t , , - 'church lierc, left last night 'or: their1 Memorial building The social hour, Ychseh. hired, girpoiii' Sweden Villagers, quattetaad chifdren. ST. JOH N'3 LODG E, NO. 1, .,.3ff--:A. F.f AND A. M. " Stated communica: tion this (Tuesday) evening at o'clock, sharpy for the" . pur pose of "considering all business properly " -'' 'rta he nrponntnrl ' - vxxw. j ARE, NAMED wai Hold ini- tiat Prill EUfpnight4: : . " ADDITIONAI. SOCIETY. '- ' ''THE; AFFINITIES" Intense- intersst- centers around the U presentation here Thursday night of this week of "The Affinities, for the benefit of the Capo r Fear . Cainp 6f ' Confederate VeteansA" The rehearsal fast night of the entire production .was gratifying and went off with a snap that assiires the puhlic'that iuvy can .expect, to see the j best local talent "presentation ever staged ; here ' As a feature of advertising, in order mat iuc veterans m mq,y -g nave - a full house, and to bring" the. entertainment oefpre the public, giving, tham the chance to- attend ,: the . play," the ' Bdy scouts of this city have given their services to the Veterans, and vwill be in the downtown section Wednesday afternoon from S:to 6: 30. di'stributihe tags,,: thus bringing to the hbticeJof everyone tnat they can b.eheflt .the Veterans by attending the play Thurs day night; April'' 1.2th, and thus lend tneir cooperation, that will enable many an old soldier to attend the Re union- at Washinjctom 4n June, The mahagemeht wishes to assurelhe pub-, lie that no one is to be asked for a donation when given a tag. 'They are only "advertising mediums: - Training the - boys; .in principles Of loyalty and love foisthe VeterJis who, fifty years ago, when -ItheV -were Mr Jdsftnii :tf iVh11ri-rtv th"-wtj- nmnmi&hdliwrft of. taeir Southland, wfll bring be Boys' Brigade inf antryanif t a heeting of the company held last night ,.h the;: armory at Second and Chutch Streets-. !. A : recruiting statloii has been opened at-the ornex Yohv"ahd 1 rf5Pona, ana .m.atfil. IMnceSs sireetSoT? " &m?tWmG that they an now serve the old Vet erans by many acts ; of demotion" and so It is hopetf tHamaiayjgjwttts: WU1 respona, ana -tn&ti$jur3B)e?J&: G. -A, on at a lively rate; v; 1 Itipn home in T,o.,icviiiQ r Wu, 1 lucm.iro'-. ,lua Tl8UinS Master Masons &nr-a w ',uuc "ere are nereiw extended a cordial ihvita- nr' t,J WeTS guests -f "on to mTet with us. I :'?tlwi P 0B Frmt - fiy oer of the Masters , ,- . - - ,. Mm J III v.; ; - . til ri . ce yytains, Curtain Materials, ; Portieres, - Tapes- i'. y I iiRugsUpkjiras andJiomShajdes.. ";vv-aii;i.s A .'j-c' 13 j v.," ::-fll WOOPWORKEBS WANTED. Wednesday. . . .. .. ..5:46 -'.Tf '4e - arnAAi A - xiNrl.'- ...n i "- VCu:4fj:W9 umt win. oe , a-a a r--"' md assigned to a berth in the Secon,.:!, S esriment Tnat niir mi.M T v V.T -f -r--wv xxxaxx 0 XUUH.1XU1 .Wxl t . . Pi-esWea oyer by Mr. Charles C. Iibugh- g ,,. tx c, fniu cmBit:u as a mem per pi the j . ; : The newly formed Cavalrv unit win hold Its Initial drill tonight at S oTclock 'if OTM :.r J - II..1..1 --x-x. --x m tixiu, xvittuxei streets.---- une troop haa now . t(&achd its maximum ircrjth ' and 'no more reeruits will be Vikeh for the nreseht'-Just as soon -s tfee medical officer has passed on the personnel of the troops 'the men will be mustered into servj.ee and sent into camp for training. ' t- V -7 " It mm TTTT oer Hair as V9t some otfiritucaae-jgardtoDandruff.' lilliai Bertha i 4on, England.' ' l - II ;Stagiryorwateln WpFear river at Fayette ville, N. C. at 8 a. m. yester- aay;--3sz: ! few-and falling. - Over 4CX Waticelvedt6(day.!s Every we d Werhf jtfc yerystfd i n style. Make your selection now. Ren der's, atj4th Street BrioeAdvt. find that .year HAIR Mas sage 1 keps;: dut hair rom; falling ''out as ; well as pstheitcfaing.' L. BVP., Wert SpristgieldMass. bfriiteest 4 -years, and have the first thing to finjif to , equal rotnpeian HA1R . Massage.?-' : MrL' R. J. Mc& Hair Dressing .. Parlors, Allen town, Fa.. !7 - 14 era i 55l0-- my. 1 Ma STOP IT NOW! 1 Retnemberl r.:NotHpg Mri -.yaair,. attractiveness sn muchas a straggly dead-looking head of hair. ' A first impres sion of your character is often formed by the appearance of your nair. r - ; DandrulT Kills, Hair Roots ) x- Daadruff takes the life from the hair maW it looJk thin anJ straggly qr.pily, and heavy. A few minutes' care twice a week will soon make your hair healthy; vigorous and attractive.-'.'J . assage 0 :j A.xJeanjher ;. liquid -jnot q; cream). Not oUy. Not sieky.r Is atjtrQenBptmerely a tonic. The massaging info" the ',scalp if gtimulates , the roots. Thnsits name. After the first jippjieation yoirr scalp will feel refreshed a yjp.xhtened up 25c, 50c and $1 bottles, at the storcs. llfe HAIR Massage., .Used in. over 30,000 bf theOiest barber sxiops jrom.ivj.ajn ip UUilprma. - - Made by the' reliable makers of tlift fnmnml Pompeian MASSAGE Cream. : T HI 3E 3E 3E 3E AfJr. XP '- ' 1 '. . 1 ". UfcJ! . .Tsiac.-a.i 4"' .:P4x:-:iQl-MiN at Oharles, :? ton Ss. Pv 'Navy Varj. : ,Acc6r4ing;Ja -letter- received "ire-' ef-ibmAjWiis thfe city men eriacetf in : wodd Worir.' Jg, carpenters, ? etcir especially r.hoat varjtiwprs, axe ixe.eixea at the 'Charles ton. CCavy ;Y arjj to ngagx3 in the l.uJWiiii:i .wbmjiier-:4dliti;se:iifa .flraclftss Men 'a salary' of 4: per day , jjr eign,t owsvworic.-is '-offered, and as . Is expected that - ten hours will he; made eabh day the overtime ,W111 Thalte t the ? salary J about ? S5.S0. .v Mo. jhvj. fi tstiu,jieeaea, ana those in- tejrestedr are': ! requested to , commiini. f tfiate iwith. t;;Lahfe iroard ' ofv ?the laxljpf?mvyaTd.;'':r:-- -. . . - Jyyii'. trie -;:-.;t-l'' - ?,iatriotib ThJ f ;Th6' Tide Water Power ::nftmhi bf9ugh;tsrexecutive:epmmttte ,has?: decided :to -Offer to all plants in, the -eityjthat may hel used for the manu-' lai5ture supplfei for the'TJnitefd: Ptats vernment of any pf its allies machinery; " he cost rate will apply on .the, jexact. amount of eooda " '1" CQNDJ jrj QN M P RO VEP. 7;: ... ': M0 3 jCi::..r7.y CARTERS mm. EMM 1'i''?vi"ir -V -tf-M-MMr,';Ttfhwyiirrt'r II Eg :CoaV:prwUQhman In iui4rt ? v. wajrfohrftjred yiBstfStv,jv 4t.LC 1g meCa&t between" thiudraw- I heads of ' a; iswitc.h? ehgihe? and ar .hY5 ! carif Was , riifed improved from the': James v Walker - -MfirnnWai - ti,:H.i 7 where he .Was. hurried fot : treatment!' . w ea rly this -i- Attt-m nnn -a - 4 xS iwa A"'. ihing s j( plenty or j open- tne mortrnpdrjtant tiat f or a bowels that don't act more only irh&yHiuV u if nocciBary.":' y? , - ; y la ? a i5fc: -jt -itf Ml ftbencAol 1 Carter vriU bgIptM condition:, ' .As ii'r.x i trr. -. ! . NOTICE l 2? . N ON AND AFTER THE 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1917. We Will Furnish tp Manufacturers , pf War Supplies 'for the ,'. U ; United States Gpvejnrrjenr - " ' 1 r.lflfffif Mirrpiit red!tVithft Cnmnanv'! nJifiki-'viC. AtlL 2j li n . . to the to Fill mm mm J ' - ' li . --' . 5

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