.... - . 'rtfS Miiirr n i-- methods; U; ntfe5iV4r 4vwwiMS; fin mk. f linn II I II Li, u iir IN CONVENTION t 1 , ,. r . . rnnn nnnn n-mm sf?; : III K WWiSSW ALL ruyu;jmTO PaM-;' rapist-tray '. " .' '. 1 1 ) - seadii; yiafeitt5tionafv exteisioti est: xQ&tii MthSonfiaeiiCfe ?dt: 'the Washington .hpflo anu .l,iump as it 6um'wmr&. ?rican ivical rnvirfAs. hnnr i. a of dry coiu ve lut oc does a pound of Mding Tnst now a-pdurid.-rof one-third to QttSjitli notatoes. tmmeal costs L much- -, sMriinnr fftiin. WTien po makes an excellent nru luco uai u' ti.ntP for " potatoes because. i ; nreuaif" j 7 1 L ' , Center" Center" Winter art. WrlghterUT fvW itft irtft vatietieor Ff13 op. coi ma or tnls actitull p is made' rtof "Teias; Pjfesldent'K. : al!?-1 We ring-to Aasitt't! ,vitren for 113 umtcu 1 4w valuable foodstuff -which 1 cyoRa as-f thacae : iri ?:i i ft iVW.aK hbnlrahler fservlnei H J,ip as Com snr Foodstuffs; table Dishes Fromclt. V alTeaton xal-: April lafgQ rohpttt thejeountrr now r.lntlude nxanjr yamoery wau-:uaye masferea ::'-WLraft?i rtvrtnri'd 'work' IS -TO : hfi ntiiian -V1 uiiuraui. uu taken for ?-th&ir , benefit this yean V a hfipraft ' hie mil. . '..i . ' . -" . ,-L ' - fr :acre ofvucorn! are ennfeyheaubieetC! Ms $a-&;,ZT:t&. m. rOlA ed -captam ih3tbgallantry to:i5.3 Sfeli nrtmffil! rOuds,lw?torr yTonghteJtamse roundsafe Mihneanolis . t V - 1 .itineiiaheatf sfsh Xf!!1?! lPMi cre?t.but AAfi"nr 22. J2ki ;-x-rl -'21 f tneyyw.aroTatron oiesmes land ip16 AQfmsf w;w,. c ur w te ain as well , asorrx Of suburban saiiroii in :s&keig WINTER WRICSffll v P EASTBOUND. fl-SO A. . . . 3S - 1 8:30 ! t8:w ! J?:?" - 31 S a.-. 01 :os . 2:30 " 8:00 2:30 5:00 S:S9 o4:10 4:30 04:50 5:30 1:10 1:40 7:1S 8:15 915 10:15 11:15 M II M M "6:Sff 6:40- M 7:15 " - 8:15 " 9:15 M 10:15 11:15 "Blectrla fr&. - Bac. xt y xt8:30 v 10. -00 . 11:80 y ;-- ::ib:: r '. xif:40 """v .......... ....... . 70 T:B0 . . .10:45 I JOS55 ; - 12 :15 P, M. ,12 :25. FT, M. .03 .-00 ,-;ff-io- : 8t40 M -7:20, . 855 io:ioy- 10:00 . . . t . yy iitjlo. :48 , ' 11:45 7:31 , : ?Srtl i8:4i; I" :S -tiot . 11:06 120 P. - It. tm ?H)1 N 2 : ,63:11. 030 4:0 64 " : 6 21 . " 7:31 -8:06 Hjir;-f";' 10:56 11:06 " LTe rrcnt and Prlacea streets every halt honr froio it4l Plfc Leave Beach eyery half hour from 2:45 to 5:45 TP. Dally except Snnoay. fSundaye only, - , oSnperceded by half hoar schadaUf gunday Afternoons. xpoea cot - iron . bond 8Utfi Nos. .-. r,. ,. yy ;;.y ;, sLeaivs from qtattoa . . FB2IGHT glttAJJiLl (DAxXX X XCKFT SClfDAT.) Lrne Ninth and Orange Strtet 8 "WF.-M. -ss .f;:Sf T.t'i J oe.,ght Depot Op ttom 2tS t0.3rfr P A4. , . ' ; x . " ' , SSESK1, NOTICE This tabl shows the time at which trains may b SS25 L'Lli ?d tefiailiMfflSia stations. hat theamvali aU vtuivo BXC nuts K mrMuiy, niauiyuttfti y rmiiv y - . m m m m m m m m mM mM m m liferent crops, are. piaatea in dMelehi- latitudes, baty rthe: Seneral piiftcpIeB e3 sbt irBWoYehieht' ar the ssiue m JMe - a f ways oi dispWng'Gf area ;:M':fgfdingi it My mm, haby attendance .niajpfeeiajJLhe ?wjai??iiBe tnirrs,aiiaHvieonyen!. lAssplfttiOh. W.l;3rifflths- order and pre- jsesslohyf vEyP.! delegates and! rrSz? "-Ay wy pwahceTtO the lumbor industry- are ;iy I . cf '&,r:T?;?v'' '; t" y; .iivTi concern ererybiiG cub- ; jectja srcIU of yT j'i X: by tJtffilbBadiers. ; li'thifteldybne .the; inost ' important 1 featirres': is the development?-of f&ttar butter soaking,. as is well tlaiown; snch a poor article ! . tirashingtoii. April " lOeeretary of that lit brings Tory', little tnohey,: rd j State. Lansing holds ;. the world's Jong e js,; jxi coaseguence, riixite ncen' i uistunpe araQi.Q.exjeriiy. reqorgl. 1 nat tiv for ttte uhtnedyvBia: to d ihie" tlaiia Bvti Secretary Baker ttemtich'Unie rlarJt, With "proper! claims- IV too?' We" evidence is here instruction andyppr equiimieBt 1 r- -, i& nbt'diffictdt; lioweyer, for a fam-j; $ecretery tknsirig- gave an xhtbl-f-.vif3 to learn Isbw to mandfacture tT6n: of . handling ' "diplomatic ' corrtf- a ' product y which Kwll Hrihg T'6n r th hderice. Mth ortevSand and dashing marhet"doubtefcwhat she 'has haen ac- off; epticing" profile" jf 'charming Gib- : customed to getting. The effect of 1 son girls ''wit.nJ.th''iqt..smqkhig.a j y HEAIVTBURN : v ' 1 ' !rsif ir r? ipT'T r-i liV-' "' 'I.'.'- ::J'.5' OR MALARIA "cdn Kelp youfselt. very matenally -wth the. assistance of this, of cdufsei is : to stimulate the 1 pipe the ' while; keeping1 of cows "on the ordmary L l' ; Secretary yBakirsisried" army offf farmMa result .which' is desirable: frooij cers' commissions with" rQhe "hanf, every , point - of, view : Thls: phase of I hahded them to a mepsenr'with the work also creates a demand for screen- other; listened to lhifA secretary rid Wg doors" and windows and also ; for thy day's acctiinulatiort ' 'of maO ttnd theiitistallatioit bf simple waterworks systems. The 'agents jBnd many op- BeaUfilu! : PSbtt Satfsfactlon i brSibriey Back Dont Use I Similarly, eirls who hive ddne well. Ptuntities, also, .to make helpful sug- in - canninir tomatoes- are' fidw bbinst &e8tions "in -regard to sanitation and 4itaug bo' -tby?ha .i '. - ;.v V ' vy I wmen commancf -oeiter , prices ian xne r. success in . tnis Beta, mctuaes, now-market- because 'theyy do nsat Baf bt6eyer, proper "equipment. Butter -pad-. Compete withy the . outpfit of cbnimer- (diesv" molds, thermometers; "shot-gun' cfal' cahiierics;. Second ; year girls' di-' cans, barrel churns and workers haart vWa K5ir! Katna 'fn'tO'. twit-. nattrf'fAUhn. a w ;n -t'""- , ua i;iuw iwu vcsDiauico, wuuc; iuuu i quanutres unaer. uie.: guiuance .01 IP dictated replies,' all at ths same time. smnkmg a pip the while. The race is peck and! neck. . y. . HOSTETTER 'S STOMACH' 8IT1ERS kneenn ATUANf IQ COA3T LINE. V 7 MTh6 Standard Railroad of the South." ' , EXCURSION FARE8 v y ATI-ANT A," Q A. . ; ... U.1 .4. ..51S.93 Oh sale June 1S 16, 17; limited return ins Midnight lone 25th. Stop-orer any t":e?. They even have requests' for ad-1 t'.9p in regard to architecture of the WASHINGTON, D. C. ..V ..1.130 hbUsa itself. la1 fact. Iho hora demon ivration agent must be able to give lirectioiV and help in all things -per-tair.ing to- the home, just as the farm demonstration agent gives advice and work. ypar girls spexiiiaize' : dh lreer Par- twtfmen county : agents; a;nd. last year 4 ai,;' in alt phases of farm wc . ticular ."attention has been1 paid inihe I 2,062 "iceless riefrigerators rere ; inrl v..-. - - Smith :in . tYita 'rl : Ffnaiiiftlt ! tp.nnt' Vnr v toiioriila im sKnot (mnnvt o W-i - : -'V r."y: : r. this there is : a igaod dsntand,' 'particu-1 in se section where; ice fa scarce and ! 55s nbt even vise, to larty for salad and' as seasoning, and the temperature high. Thousands ; of t TRY A MFH R HF TH4T have gray hair nowacays . But Don't tho TiToflts from eanntne: it should-he Lirw wm ta - i 1 U I lll-lIUllfc; I ilHI traiii: club agents ' ih Its prepaartion, eo that- they' can pass' on the infer Cbnsiderablf ;Sttitlibh lis' also hVing us6? dahgerd'us, - dirty,; sticky dyes. urn Backrto Naturfi.- : ' . : t Restore ih& iuMfdnh. color ot 'your. hair yith the aid of Q-Bari Hair Color j Restorer! "" Thousands, "have , done sb juu pruuu, 01 iae r8uu , of enrs oi study by expert"1 chemlsfg resulted in Q-Ban, the one preparation that actual-; ly works hand in hand with Nature fa. 'bahishthi? gray hair in a healthful way. ; Yd.tf "Simply: apply Q-Ban like ia sham pbo and your hair will resume" a nat ural color, evenly, gradually, safely and , 1UU1 UCLXA , Will..- LTWWJUJ. - 0UJLU. I ' - UiJ? J 1 -ii- L-L 1 . - ' glossy abundant and eautiful H?ou HTh 111 iJv c vAMe.-m wm Kut- l it has been. Thf$ Vegetable, which d But beware of imitations as you r!rmos- m. a :certamay ine wnite profits from , canning; it should' he igirU and w&m&a have done work . in greater . than from, tdniatoes. ; The bread-making. In these demonstrat -product is, however, comparatively kiens, also, much attention is given tb. imfamuiar and me arst step ;was to the. hfist anA moat pffetivfi fninTnent t In addition to its own value, all. off this work: greatly facilitates the mate- j ing of converts to the doctrine of a self-sustaining farm. PROVES ITS VALUE During the entire period of time that Much attention! I have been handling Dr. Kilmer's givbh to' h cliay to be paid this - year to the produc-' Swahip-il66t I have hever heard a sm Attractive1 pickle. It is planned' to distribute throughput' the Southern whieh 'makes a particularly , lion of food at home, and? later in. the gle complaint. Hy customers are gen- season emphasis will bo laid upon the erany: pleased : winx Tesuits oDtamed of- thb. " The dashee$y too, will be I possible to have airwinter without the brhiltfW'id 'trv or" rrti1('' Aviirt ' 'trtai ! noo rtf aTtifir'i'Ql ' hunt nahhaira lpttnr f would of dyes. Ther is nothing like Q-Ban, y '": t.yy y;; .;yv , , .Q-Ban is all ready tb user-ts guaran teed $ b0 harmless, and is 'sold under, the , makers', inbney-back ' guarantee if not satisfied It is the only; prepara tion for the purpose so guaranteed. At try for k number of yedrs, ' but has nbt bbcoino' widely known; - r "In order t'b ,r secure , the proper su pervision of this work It is planned to add in the; Southern States . approxi mately-150 ' women county agents to Green's DrUz Stbre aa2 all eood druK the 450 of so ibw engaged in educa storesy 50c a Iarze bottle, or write dtf tional -work Tbr . that section. These rect to Messig-Ellis Drug Co., Memphis; ; women and, Ibadesidbynot limit their use of artificial heat, cabbage, lettuce, collards and: other greens which are desirability - of a winter earden. and speak words of praise -for the Statps ihbut 12;00b" packets of seed Throughout" most of the south it is . merits tf the preparation. k GILL COMPANY; Druggists.- : " Per Julian J. Gill, Starkville, Miss. diet both from a Tiveienir.'and an-er.o .. . -. , ndmic standpoint. ' During the winter i '2. 1, r months: the home : demonstration w iCr 4kintR hflVR rfvfiu mtirh advire arid aid Blnghamton, N. X. a most desirable addition to the family v Sept. 29, 1916. agents, have given much advice and aid m the curing Pf meats. The prepara- Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For tioa of sausage and the curing of hams ; ; You. . and paeon make good lines of home Send ten eents toDr. Kilmer & Co.. Oh sale ApriMO to 15th Inclusive; lim ited returning midnight April SOth. i v NEW ORLEANS, LA. .i. i .$28.75 ' On sale May 11 to 16th Inclusive: limited returning midnight May 31, limit t extended to June lFtb. on pay ment $1.06. T ' ( .' ,' WASHINGTON; D. C. ... ... ,..$8.90 On salt Junes to tth. Inclusive; limit ed ieturning midnight June 21st; lirait extended to July 6th on payment 60c. ' f Stop-overs at all stations within final limit. NEW ORLEANS, LA. ... .'....$28.75 March 11, 12, 12: limited re tttmihg" midnight March 21st. -MACON, GA. . . . . . . . ... v . . . .$13.20 Oh sale March 17th, April 4, inclusive, limited returning midnight April 10, 1M7. KANSAS CITY, MO. .$52.10 On sale February 24, 25, limited return ing midnight March 10, 1917. DALLAS, TEX $52.20 Oa.sale.May 12, 14, 15, limited return ing Midnight June U, 1917. PROPORTIONATE FARES FROM OTHER POINTS ON THE , ATLANTIC C0A8T LINE f HThe Standard Railroad of the South." demonstration work. Bin&hamton, N. Y for a sample ' size Yhen a county woman agent makes; bottle.- It will convince anyone. You I Of buuvcoif in ceiiaiu, cuiiiyic, wur aiso receive s Doosiex oi vaiuaDie s Tehn. iair Cultbrer ah i'liustrated, ' mstrtictTbh ';tb thembrhbers of the lines of work she is invariably called I information, teUiirgbOdt'tbe' Mdneys intAroRtinf hnnk nf inures sent free, girls" club3?hutf n-fdrm iS ' hoina upoh" for advice and information along and bladder. When; writing- be sure r-fwtaiWMriSi' .ttai'-' f bnie:- economics for thi women bf the cdun-' other lines. Thus it is happening that and mention the The Wilmington Dis i iSoap: Q-Ban Depilatory for removing masculine colleagues o , in agrlcultu-' best-methods of arranging, improving lar size bottles- for sule at all drug sufjfcrffuous hr-dyt' - v . ral. proper for the farmerss. Expert- and beauuiying nqmes. in tneir cqun-. stores.-AdW: : , . . :.. ., . , ... .. . 9 mm lb o 4gtg v r-; . an t:: 9 So si..:: ' Porclri and 7T ?-7 i-. i y 5rERCHIBANCy . - - m - m k ; vw-afc. vm v 'w w v w m i-ii - via . : m mwrm m sm w sr siar mm m .. v ak mm m-m . -m : GO Mfc IN ANU'JNSrtUl i-laiU--lM-uiii-i-rift v m--v. ,-yvrw f,'r . V -y-:;:ys:.'T . ;-y y .5-;y.ry . y y ; ; y ; 'y. '; V ;yl;y:-:-. . : y"?;- THEM AT YOUR OWN PRICE. 4 .-.zr--,-.& M ' V -.as- r.fif- m .1-. mmmmj X'- AND CONTISftJAlii ALL WHO ATljPU. JLJJL B-y MP- ;K ifylw -.-''.'; A.

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